/ Book&Literature / I'm Hollow Ichigo
The prologue has 4,000 words. Have fun.
This story tells us the fate of Ichigo's brother. More specifically, the "brother" who lives in it. Until some time ... Meet the stories of Ichigo's strangest Siamese brother.
作者 Kriuswer
I dont like it. Half the chp, its mentioned how MC more or less lived alone whilst watching his bro live his life, envious of him. And here Ichigo more or less is responsible for the moms death, since he didnt listen to MC's warning. And throughout his life ichigo ignored him, and then MC still loves him..how? they barely spoke in 17 yrs cause ichigo ignored him, no mention of it and they are cool? I mean in the second half of the chp MC comes out and the dialogue he has is calling dibs on a chick. just that...no reconciliation, no hatred nothing. How are they cool? they barely spoke. [ its specifically mentioned ---unless its changed] out of all the people he should be a messed up or atleast not someone happy. I mean, its fked up. to watch ur family interact with ur bro, and u ur self see it but they barely meet u. a life time, more or less alone. watching ur family but not exist with em and above all the ur brother never even interacts with u , ignoring u Honestly author, kudos to u for ur long chp, that is always appreciated but if u give a ' fked ' up past,,,,use it. dont gloss over it. this is like a naruto story for ff.net where a naruto has neglected life [ not abused] and he immediately forgives family and is cool with it