/ Book&Literature / Harry Potter and the Girl in Red

Harry Potter and the Girl in Red オリジナル

Harry Potter and the Girl in Red

Book&Literature 191 章 1.3M ビュー
作者: Leylin_Farlier

4.61 (27 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


An innocent, delicate flower is ripped from her home and dropped into a world where nothing makes sense. Armed with her intelligence and imaginary friend, and owning nothing but the magical clothes on her back (and anything that will fit in her picnic basket), Rose Peta-Lorrum must now survive the trials of the Rowling Plane.

Warning: Starts out light and cracky, but gets darker the farther in you get.


Written by Id (idX)

Read on it’s original website:

General Audiences
  1. Weeabean
    Weeabean 貢献した 36
  2. Dalton_Angevine
    Dalton_Angevine 貢献した 10
  3. Leylin_Farlier
    Leylin_Farlier 貢献した 10


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景


LV 7 Badge

A wonderful mix of the HP world with an insert of hard roleplaying and a MC with a pretty unique personality. I blame the author for depriving me of sleep, yeah, couldn't stop reading until the last chapter, gotta be illegal how amazing it is .

2 の返信を表示する
LV 12 Badge

Hi there ^^ First review ever that I wrote ! So I'm writing there as I reached chapter 43 and I gotta say the story is really good because : - even if I'm not an English native speaker, I can say that the grammar is definitely good. And if you compare it to the average fanfic, then it is a no brainer this one is a pearl of grammar by comparison ! The sole point that I regret is the lack of separation when there is a time skip. - The characters are super detailed and most importantly the MC and the secondary characters are well fleshed out. The MC can be a bit too strange or overwhelming when you begin reading but she will grow on you real quick as she is badass, sassy and so much more. - The story has got a good rhythm and get you hooked even me as I'm not a Harry Potter fan (and yes that exist :p ). And you will often wonder yourself what will the MC do next or simply enjoy the bashing physical or psychological that she does. ( Poor Severus ! ) So read it and don't be discouraged if you don't understand all that is relevant to the magic of the MC or her background as that will be revealed along the chapters !

1 の返信を表示する

I don't understand. Why so few people read this gold? The mc was awesome. The story waa great. I already recommended this book to my friends and the response was good. Hope the author doesn't drop this book.

6 の返信を表示する
LV 10 Badge

Honestly most of my issues with the book are in two categories: bad characterization and unrealistic worldbuilding. Pretty much every character in the novel has at least one or two mental breakdowns each year. Characters get immensely angry at each other for practically no reason basically every chapter. But by far the largest issue is how the book deals with murder. Almost all main characters treat murdering literally anyone as if it's literally the end of the world even if the victim is completely and utterly irredeemable. The worldbuilding is mainly a problem because this is fanfiction and there are some established facts. Wizarding England is not the sole wizarding community and it gets treated like it is even in scenarios where it ABSOLUTELY would not. Similarly the political structure within the British community is unbelievably mischaracterized. How things shake out in certain scenarios within the novel are so incredibly far-fetched as to be ridiculous. For last, there is one plot hole within the novel that it quite literally may be the size of the moon. For the first several years at Hogwarts, the threat to students and Rose's friends lives are what prevents Rose from taking action. Sylvia can just mess with people's memories to render it unnoticeable when people are at Hogwarts. So during the third year when quite literally everyone left the castle save Dumbledore why didn't Rose take action? Or during summers when students must leave and most professors do as well?

0 の返信を表示する

Extremely bad and cringe. MC self insert is such a worthless and stupid character. Annoying personality, totally overpowered. Add to that bland and boring writing and you got yourself a real cringefest.

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LV 14 Badge

There is so much I want to say about this book, and I feel the need to mention that i dont have the time or memory to remember and write all of it, but this book is one of thr genuinely best fan fictions Ive ever read.

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It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good It’s good

0 の返信を表示する

Best harry potter fanfiction I read. this simply pure gold. I love most of the changes made to the hp charakter(except for harry he is to op in the first year. and I Love Rose charakter

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0 の返信を表示する

What an excellent book with a character that was not very easy to understand but left such a big effect on the original characters of the series and just how the story progressed from the beginning to the end is just beautiful. The beginning might make you feel a bit lost but that just clears up as soon as you dive deeper. Probably one of my favourite fanfics and a series that almost makes me cry everytime I think about it

0 の返信を表示する
LV 12 Badge

Ok, 5 stars hands down. only 13 chapters and I have found myself adoring the MC and take on Hermione. This is perfect for anybody who likes a system but thinks it’s too much. The system is there, just implied by the genius MC. I’ve read plenty of these Harry Potter fanfics but this is so far my favorite. SerIously underrated.

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Omg the book is back!!! I absolutely love this story! I am a bit sad I have to restart from the beginning but oh well. I will read it as soon as this stupid storm passes and my final is done.

3 の返信を表示する

I don't know what to say. Writing quality is good. I just keep reading it. So here's your 5 🌟 and hope you don't drop it at a cliff. I hate those kind of writers at least give us some closure anyway love the book is this much words enough to rate it meh😕

1 の返信を表示する

first novel here I've seen that includes dnd. Nice-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

0 の返信を表示する

this is amazing. must read. top recommendation if you wanna read HP fanfics. everything is just amazing 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰👍👍👍👍👍👍💕💕💕💕💕😍😍😍😍😍 ༼ つ ◕‿◕ ༽つ

0 の返信を表示する

When you just realized that you already read this fanfic so many times over and over again until you remember the plot story some of it because of boredom and doesn't find anything interesting fanfic/novel.

0 の返信を表示する

I really loved this story! it was an amazing read!! but most of all I loved the changes in the characters and the development of them 🙂 so thank you for the amazing work!!

0 の返信を表示する

I dropped chapter 1 due to way dumvledore reacted to a child within castle 1 he has legitimacy 2 he may be old but he should know names of the continents 3 he should be more suspicious

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great 👍 i has been the day for ya to be a man cya in a new way to make it work so ya know what ya ya got to go to ya tomorrow night i’ll let

0 の返信を表示する

This is hands off the best fanfiction i have ever seen. For me the plot and characterdevelopment is a lot better then the original harry potter. And a lot of the plotholes of the original are filled nicely. Also it is nice to see how childish the characters act in the original and how little sense it makes from an outside point of view. All around 10/10 100% recommendation for reading.

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