0.51% Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard / Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Dead and Reborn
Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard original

Harry Potter: Red Weasley The Strange Red Wizard

作者: Emanuel_Alegre

© WebNovel

章 1: Chapter 1: Dead and Reborn

"So… I died…?"

I can't remember how. I think I was sleeping and then just… it's not the worst death, but not the best either, I suppose.

Now there's only darkness everywhere, and I'm just a spiritual body without arms or legs… or anything, really. I don't feel cold, hot, hungry, or sleepy; I feel nothing. I can think clearly, with a cool mind, metaphorically speaking. I suppose not having physical influences leads to this situation. I'm not a robot, but I'm not far off.

I always wondered what would come after death or if it would be different for everyone. Heaven, hell, reincarnation, nothing...? I don't think I did bad things, although I can't be sure. The line between good and evil is one of the most blurred, I think. But unless my hell is being in endless darkness for eternity, I can't say I'm there. Maybe it's like in fanfics, where I'll wander in the void until some higher being reincarnates me with wishes in a fantasy world. "Just have to wait…"

The wait wasn't long. In front of me appeared a kind of blue screen that said:

[Reincarnation assignment in a familiar universe in the memories of the host associated with the name: Harry Potter Universe. Please choose 3 characteristics/abilities/desires to then initiate reincarnation.]

[Warning: The choices will not grant the individual unlimited power and must follow certain rules. In certain cases, abilities or characteristics will automatically self-complete if a certain level of understanding to create such ability is not reached. If the requirements cannot be met, you must choose again.]

"Wow, infinite void and then reincarnation with wishes. Missing the higher being, but I got pretty close."

Harry Potter... I didn't read the books and don't remember much from the movies, mainly the first ones and a bit of the others. But that's okay, there's magic, and it's not one of the most dangerous worlds… maybe? And three damn wishes, with limitations, but still three damn wishes. This changes everything. Without them, it could be very dangerous; even with some knowledge of the world, it would be easy to make a mistake and end up back in this place.

Now, think carefully about what you can choose. There are limits, so nothing OP, but not too weak that it's not worth it, and without being greedy. I pondered for a moment and came up with different abilities, but some were discarded for the aforementioned reasons, until I had some ideas.

"First, I want blood magic, a complete one, from the most common to the most complex and mysterious." I'm the type who always chose this power in video games, even if it was sometimes not very useful. But I still chose it. I think it's fine and can have many more uses than shown in the limited conditions of the games. It may be frowned upon in this world, but I'll hide it and use it as a secret weapon.

[Autocompleting and structuring ability "Blood Magic"]

[Ability completed and confirmed.]

"Great. For my second wish, I want an ability to have different auras." Also from video games or novels, a passive ability that benefits you and your companions. "Although I think I wasn't very clear with what I asked for." I regret it a little; even with a clear mind, I didn't think it through well.

[Autocompleting and structuring ability "Auras"]

[Ability completed and confirmed.]

Well, I don't know what will come of my second wish, but it's confirmed, so I'll have to let it go. If there's an upper limit for wishes, there must be a lower one as well. It can't be that bad.

"Finally, I want a creation ability so I can create extreme objects or abilities from my imagination."

[Limitations not met. Please choose again.]

"I had to try it"

I want something that can help me in various situations but doesn't depend too much on me to work. Something that doesn't consume my stamina, magic, or anything of mine. It might be vague, but if I can gain benefits without giving anything in return, all the better.

"I want something like miscellaneous abilities, like accessories from video games that are part of reality itself without having to consume anything from myself. That doesn't need to follow the world's rules to serve me in different ways on different occasions, like auxiliary abilities."

[Autocompleting and structuring Ability "Miscellaneous Auxiliaries"]

[Ability completed and confirmed.]

"Well, I think I don't screw up so much"

I didn't have time to think much more; everything turned black in an instant. Yes, I know, it was already black, but now it's a different black. I wouldn't know how to explain it, but the moment everything changed, another screen appeared, only it was smaller.

[Blood Magic: "Blood Magic (Passive)" obtained]

-Blood Magic (Passive): through your body and spirit circulates blood magic that will continue to develop and enhance yourself in the process. -

A message that I received my skill, although it is a passive skill that seems to increase my growth I think, not bad, I don't know if it will increase my vitality or maybe my magic, but I had asked for magic from simple to complex and this is it only one that appeared and I don't think it's all, I guess they wouldn't give me everything at once.

Well let's move on, I hope it gives me my other skills next. I mentally selected the accept button, waiting for more indications of my other abilities to appear, but the moment the window disappeared I lost consciousness.


Molly Weasley, wife of Arthur Weasley, had given birth to two boys whom they named Ronald Bilius Weasley and Nicholas Leopold Weasley.

That's right, it seems that I was born into the family of red-haired Gryffindors. I was slowly recovering my mind over time as I developed inside my mother and at birth I could think again, but not as well as before I was reborn, disadvantages of being a newborn I guess. I didn't speak much English in my old life, but I was still able to understand something, enough to know where I was and who my new parents were, I can't remember much about my previous parents, but I still remember a lot. I'm grateful I didn't lose all my memories, It would have been a big problem.

Well, more than anything, the shocking thing was, not only knowing that I was a Weasley, but the fact that I was born as Ron's twin. That means that we are the same age and I will enter Hogwarts right with the beginning of the whole story, that would be one of the best times to use my knowledge of the plot. I didn't have time to reflect further, my consciousness fades once again, I'm weak, but I feel like I'm slowly regaining strength, now I'll just sleep a little.

So I spend time sleeping, eating, defecating... the life of a normal baby, although not so much in reality. I don't know if it's because it's my second life or because of the time I spend inside the void, but my mind couldn't expect completely normal, my emotions were... so to speak "weak". Not that I didn't have them, but they seemed to be numb and felt that it was difficult to be able to express them correctly. He was still a baby, but he didn't cry from any discomfort or express any other emotion besides indifference, or so the others expected.

This situation alarmed the Weasley family, I was so silent that they could forget about me if they didn't pay attention, unlike my brother Ron. He acted like a normal baby crying and screaming, something that I can't stop complaining about inside because of how annoying I was sharing a cot with him, but couldn't do anything yet.

That was not the only thing that worried them, it seems that I like the rest of my brothers, had red hair, but not a hair color like theirs. No, my hair it was literally a dull red with a very faint shine that, wet, could be mistaken for blood, also my eyes were also a blood color although not as strong. I guess it was due to my blood magic, I don't know.

I was taken to be examined by a mediwizard, but he could only see a healthy baby with an unusual color. He said that it could be inherited from some ancestor, he could not be sure, but that there was no particular problem associated with my appearance. As for my calm personality, they didn't find anything either, and although more relaxed, my parents still worried about my "situation".

Time passed, and I continued without expressing much. They fed me, carried me and changed at the same time as Ron, it seems that it was a way of trying to coordinate my needs, I guess it was the only way they had to take care of me.

Another wake-up call was when Ron started with his first words, but I still didn't make the slightest sound other than a witty moan. I had the ability to talk even before Ron but I didn't want to do it. The blood magic skill I got at the beginning helped me to develop my body, not like those cases where a child seems a few years older than the real age, nothing like that, I still see myself as a child of my age, however, I was much healthier, also my skin became more white over time and my hair started to grow faster.

The following year our sister Ginevra Molly Weasley was born and some time later while our father carried Ron and me, my mother carried little Ginny in front of the family presenting her as the most beautiful girl in the world, I suppose that happens when after having 7 children are born the first girl.

Molly: "Everyone, look at little Ginny. Isn't she the most beautiful baby in the world?" She said, delighted with her first daughter sleeping in her arms.

Arthur: "yes, my love, she is the most beautiful thing in the world."

Bill: "We finally have a sister, it's about time"

Charlie: "I'm glad she doesn't look like our vampire brother."

Arthur: "Charles, don't say that about your brother" - Dad said angrily.

Charlie: "But he has pale skin and red eyes, plus he never moves or makes a sound or speaks."

Molly: "Charlie you can't go around talking about little Nick like that, he's different, but he's still your brother, and you should take care of, and love him like the others"-She said lovingly and worried looking at me and shutting up young Charles

Mom pulled Ginny closer to Ron and me. "Isn't she the cutest girl in the world?" And it was at that moment that while I was looking at our sister without realizing it, I blurted out "cute." There was a temporary silence until both Bill, Charlie and Papa said in unison "HE CAN SPEAK!" Yes, everyone was taken aback by my first words, even mom's jaw almost dropped when she heard the first sign of life of her son.

They caused such a ruckus that they woke up the baby and made her cry along with Ron. I was also annoyed by the noise, but I just glared at them with my angry baby face. They tried to make me say more, but I just pretended to sleep so they wouldn't bother me. Not that I hated them, but their enthusiasm was too much for me.

From that moment, dad and mom were happy, and it seemed like it had been a great day. They cooked a great dinner to celebrate their girl and the first words and sign of life of the strangest of their children.

Next up were some appearances by family and friends of the family to congratulate Ginny's birth, but I didn't pay any attention to them, I just slept or so it seemed, actually trying to see what would happen with the rest of my abilities.

Concentrating in my mind I could see as it were, as I had my eyes closed, three points in the void of my mind one of which was shining and when I focused, a window appeared

[Blood Magic]

-Blood Magic (Passive)-

[Auras and Essences]


Blood magic was lit while the others weren't, so it seems like they're temporarily blocked, maybe because I'm a baby, or they have trigger conditions. Also, the ability "Auras" became "Auras and Essences" I guess that's fine, the more the better. Now I just have to find ways to activate them but I'll leave it for tomorrow, it's time to sleep.

-Time Skip-

Time passed Ron and I are 3 years old, and although I talked it wasn't much, just words to indicate what he wanted. I'm not like someone who doesn't know how to speak well, but like someone who doesn't want to talk to you, which along with my indifferent look caused some fights with my brothers. I never continued them, I just went elsewhere, which did not lead to long discussions, over time, although they tried to educate me, I remained the same, so they did not fight for long against the current.

Unlike my brother who always wants to play, I just start admiring the things that can only be seen in the magical world, I was amazed by magic like all ex-muggles. Every time mom cooked or cleaned with magic I followed her from afar to admire her, although maybe because of my peculiar color of hair and eyes along with my indifferent face (of which I have no control) I ended up making her uncomfortable sometimes.

Ron used to pester me to play along with Fred and George, but I generally ignored them most of the time. This made them angry, but mom always defended me saying that she couldn't make me, but I know she was also worried about how lonely I was.

Mom and dad often try to tempt or bribe me to play with others, but they got nothing, since they always offered things that children would like but not me. Those things don't matter to me, so they didn't make it.

Still, sometimes I went to see Bill because since he was going to Hogwarts, I would ask him what it was like; which was joined by Fred, George and Ron.

The closest person to me was Ginny. Maybe my hair must have seemed funny to her, since she liked to pull it and play with it, which I had allowed. In my previous life I had younger sisters if I'm not mistaken, and although I wasn't the worst brother maybe I wasn't the best either. Is the reason I let her play with it, I only scolded her when she pulled too hard, and even though my eyes also caught her attention, I didn't let her play with them. I'll be weird, but I won't let her stick her fingers in my eyes either.

Part of that year went well, the dark lord had already been defeated by the Potter boy and both the magical and non-magical worlds were in relative peace, but in the Weasley house a not so peaceful event occurred.

"Mom" I said as I pulled on my mother's clothes, which she was showing my brothers.

"What's up, my son?" Mom is somewhat intrigued, paying attention to me, since unlike my brothers, I never call her unless it's something very important.

"I want another name" I said seriously as I looked at her with my serious face.

"But my boy, you have such a beautiful name that I would want to have another" she said somewhat confused by the request while Fred and George looked on and left their pens on the table.

"I don't care, I want to have another name"

"But we can't just change your name, it's something important that your father and I gave you with all our love, what would you like to call yourself if it wasn't like that?"

"Red" I blurted out. Yes, the artists cry with envy for my creativity. I can consider myself ungrateful for rejecting the name my parents gave me, but it was something I really wanted. I couldn't feel good about Nicholas or Leopold so I decided to change him at all costs.

"Hahaha then I want to be blue" Fred said as he laughed.

"Then I would be green" supplement George

"Fred, George, shut up and keep writing the words I left you" she turned to scold them "My son we can't just change your name like that but if you want we can call you Red if you want" She said with a smile thinking that was what he wanted without knowing how seriously I meant it.

"No, mom, I don't want you to call me that, I want my name to be like that"

"We can't do that, we can call you Red if you want, but your name will remain the same as always"

"I'm not going to accept that, I'm going to call myself Red"

Our argument escalated, one of the longest conversations I've ever had with anyone. It went on while there were comments from the twins in the background about who would win the argument, until it got to the point where mom lost her temper and grounded me for the first time, it was also the first argument I ever had with either of my parents.

Then Dad came home from work and tried to mediate, tried to convince me that I couldn't change my name like Mom said, but I refused. This lasted, I stopped responding when they called me by the names that I did not accept and even when they called me by "Red" I did not answer, arguing that although I liked them it was not my real name yet.

I never had fights with my parents until then, but after that, punishing me became habitual, even more so than Fred and George during that period. When they called me to eat with those names I did not respond, and they told me that if I did not come with those names then I should not go to eat, thinking that hunger would make me reconsider, but unlike a child I had more will to continue, and I scared them. They stopped doing it for fear of what would happen if they continued.

The relationship got complicated, my brothers tried to convince me and even Bill hit me a bit for being an ungrateful son, and although he was right, I didn't give up. Little Ginny also tried to keep me from fighting with our parents, which did hurt a bit, but having my emotions down helps avoid as much anger or guilt, so it wasn't that hard to bear.

It lasted until when I was four years old my father secretly took me to the ministry with him, and to my surprise he changed my name to Red Wesley. When we got back my mother scolded him for doing it, but it didn't last long, as I entered into their discussion and called them saying "Thank you" with a small smile that amazed them, for being the first expression I showed in this new life.

Everything started to improve since then, I answered every time they called me, although sometimes they got confused and kept telling me my old names. The family was mostly back to normal and not only that, I also made some profit from it.

[Auras and Essences: "Dominant Presence(Passive)" obtained]

-You emanate a dominant presence that will make people around you understand you that you will get what you want and no one can stop you (It will be activated when you want to be dominant or coercive, also naturally at certain times)-

[Auras and Essences: "Essence of Will(Passive)" obtained]

-Increase your willpower to resist hunger, fatigue, pain, etc...-

next chapter
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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C1
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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