65.51% Godfather System / Chapter 57: Meeting Michael Corleone

章 57: Meeting Michael Corleone

Lorenzo and Deborah stepped onto the bustling party floor, their shoes clicking on the marble tiles. Eyes from every corner of the place followed their entrance, curious, assessing. The orchestra's lively tune hushed for a brief moment before resuming their upbeat tempo. Don Corleone, a mountain of a man, emerged from the crowd, arms outstretched. He embraced Lorenzo like a long-lost son, then clasped his hand in both of his, "Lorenzo, young man! It's been too long!"

The Don's booming voice echoed through the grand hall, commanding attention.

"Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to my good friend, Lorenzo," Don Corleone boomed, his voice carrying across the area. "He's not only a dear friend to me, but to my entire family. Treat him with the same respect you'd show me." His words carried a subtle warning, aimed at the high-ranking members of the Corleone family nearby.

Michael, Don Corleone's son, observed the exchange with interest, sipping his drink as he stood beside his girlfriend, Kay. His brother, Fredo, leaned in close, whispering in his ear. "That's the guy I was telling you about..."

"The one who enlisted in the war?" Michael asked, eyebrow raised.

Fredo nodded, awe in his voice. "Not just enlisted, he quickly rose through the ranks, Michael. He's now a Lieutenant Colonel, leading a battalion in Europe." He lowered his voice further, as if sharing a juicy secret.

"He built quite a reputation over there, you know. They call him 'Iron Wolf'."

Michael's eyebrow arched even higher. "Iron Wolf, huh?"

Michael remained silent, but Kay couldn't help but express her awe. "Look at him," she whispered, "he doesn't even look that old, yet he achieved so much in the war."

Fredo nodded, a knowing glint in his eyes. "That's not all. He also helped our family in some ways..."

Kay's curiosity piqued, she leaned in closer. "How so?"

Fredo chuckled and sipped his drink. "Well, it's something I can't discuss openly. It's highly confidential."

"Confidential, huh?" Kay's interest only grew, but Michael interjected, "Don't dwell on it, Kay. It's not something we can easily talk about."

The truth was, Michael knew exactly what Fredo was referring to. Since returning from the war himself, he had been briefed by his brothers and other high-ranking members of the Corleone family. They had told him how Lorenzo used his rank and position in the army to acquire rations, weapons, and ammunition, which he then sold on the black market through the family.

Michael frowned inwardly. In his opinion, men like Lorenzo were the ones corrupting their great country, using their power for personal gain rather than serving their nation.

Watching Lorenzo being welcomed so warmly by his father, Michael couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. He knew that his father never quite understood his decision to fight for "strangers" in the war, instead of staying home and helping the family business. Compared to Lorenzo, who had actually aided the Corleone family in the black market, it was no surprise that his father held him in such high regard.

As Don Corleone finished introducing Lorenzo to the gathered crowd, the young man stepped forward and said, "It's an honor to see you again, Don Corleone. You haven't aged a day."

Don Corleone chuckled, patting Lorenzo on the back. "I see you still have a silver tongue on you, even after all these years at war." He couldn't help but remember their first meeting, when Lorenzo was just a poor, thin, and dirty-looking young man, but he still knew how to say the right words to impress.

Meanwhile, Lorenzo chuckled and continued to compliment the Don. "I'm only speaking the truth, Don Corleone. You look like you'll live for a hundred more years."

Sonny, Don Corleone's eldest son, couldn't help but laugh heartily. "Well said! I'll drink to that!" He cheered a glass of champagne at Lorenzo.

Deborah, who stood by Lorenzo's side, couldn't help but stare at him in amazement as he conversed so effortlessly with the notorious Corleone family.

Don Corleone finally noticed her and asked, "And who might this beauty be?"

Lorenzo beamed with pride as he introduced her. "This is my fiancée, Deborah Gelly. Soon to be Deborah Lupo."

"I see you have an eye for the finer things," Don Corleone said, admiringly.

Deborah curtsied elegantly, her acting lessons serving her well. "Thank you, Don Corleone."

Sonny whistled appreciatively, but a sharp glance from his father made him quickly avert his gaze back to his own drink.

Lorenzo smirked inwardly, unfazed by Sonny's lecherous behavior.

Deborah looked stunning tonight, even catching Michael's attention for a brief moment before he caught himself and returned his focus to Kay.

"Well, make yourselves at home," Don Corleone said, gesturing to an empty table near his younger son, Michael. "Feel free to help yourself to some food." He then addressed the men who had accompanied Lorenzo. "And please, don't be shy, gentlemen. Take a seat and enjoy the party."

"Thank you, Don Corleone," Lorenzo replied with a warm smile.

"Later today, I'd like to have a word with you in my office," Don Corleone added, patting him on the shoulder.

Lorenzo nodded, unsurprised. After all, it was written in the invitation letter, and he knew the Corleones wanted to discuss business with him regarding the illegal operations he ran with his own gang.

"Oh, and over there," Don Corleone continued, pointing to Michael, "is my younger son, Michael. You two can catch up on war stories."

Lorenzo nodded again and led Deborah to their table as Max, Adam, Patrick, Philip, and Mike, his young driver, mingled with the other guests. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he saw his men making connections for their criminal gang.

As they walked side by side, Deborah couldn't help but voice her astonishment. "I didn't expect the Don of the Corleone family to be so… so…" she trailed off, her words failing her.

Lorenzo grinned smugly. "Hehe, what can I say? I've got a way with people."

Deborah narrowed her eyes, not buying his cocky demeanor for a second. "What did you do to make him so… welcoming?"

"Well," Lorenzo drawled, "it's simple, really. I'm just awesome."

"Oh, please," Deborah scoffed, rolling her eyes. "You're hiding something, and I know it. But fine, you can keep your secrets for now." Her eyes glinted with intelligence and determination.

Lorenzo sighed dramatically, defeated by her perceptiveness. "Alright, alright. I'll tell you later, okay?"

Deborah smiled smugly, pleased with her victory. "That's more like it."

As they took a seat, Deborah's words echoed in his mind. 'Why is she getting smarter and more perceptive by the day?' he wondered. 'Is it because of her relationship with me? Is she starting to inherit my cunning ways?'

Lost in thought, he didn't notice Michael and his fiancée, Kay, until they were right in front of them.

Michael extended a hand towards Lorenzo, his grip firm but not overbearing. "Pleasure to meet you, I'm Michael Corleone. I've heard a lot about you from the family."

Lorenzo shook his hand, meeting his gaze. "The pleasure's mine, Michael Corleone. I'm Lorenzo Lupo." He couldn't help but smirk as he added, "I've also heard a few things about you. I hear you've done some... 'great miracles' in the army for some... 'strangers.'"

Michael's jaw clenched ever so slightly, but he didn't rise to the bait. Instead, it was his fiancée who spoke up. "I say you're being modest, Lorenzo." She turned to him with a playful smile. "From what I've heard, your achievements are even greater than Michael's."

Lorenzo's eyes turned to Kay. So, this was Michael's fiancée, Kay Adams.

Michael's cheeks flushed, and he cleared his throat uncomfortably. "Kay, that's not fair," he said, shooting her a sideways glance.

"I'm sorry, Michael," she said, squeezing his hand. "I didn't mean to embarrass you. It's just… from what I've heard from your brother, Lorenzo here has quite the reputation with the nickname 'Iron Wolf'."

Michael's eyes narrowed, but he didn't press further. He knew the truth about Lorenzo's rise to power, the corruption and backroom deals that had paved his way. But he also couldn't deny the man's ambition and cunning. If only Lorenzo could have achieved his position without resorting to such methods, maybe then he'd be as impressed as his fiancé.

"Well, I'll admit, you've seen more action than me in the war," Michael said, deciding to play along.

Lorenzo smiled. "I'm flattered." His eyes twinkled with mischief as he added, "I can see that we'll have… dealings in the future."

Michael frowned. "What kind of dealings?"

"You know," Lorenzo said, his voice low and knowing, "the kind of dealings your family… and mine… are known for."

Michael frowned. He knew exactly what Lorenzo was talking about: the illegal operations that had made the Corleone family infamous. "I don't think so."

Meanwhile, Deborah and Kay exchanged a confused glance before turning to each other for conversation.

As Lorenzo engaged in small talk with Michael, he couldn't help but notice the subtle cues that Michael wasn't fond of him.

The way his jaw clenched, the slight narrowing of his eyes, and the stiffness in his posture all gave it away. It was clear that Michael still held on to his outdated sense of patriotism and naive views of justice.

Lorenzo couldn't blame him, not really. But he knew that eventually, Michael would come around. The world they inhabited left little room for such idealism.

"Give it a year or two," he thought to himself, "and Michael will see things my way."

Lorenzo simply took Michael's disdain with a grain of salt, knowing that time would be the ultimate teacher. For now, he'd bide his time and let the chips fall where they may.

next chapter
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  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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