/ Movies / Godfather System

Godfather System オリジナル

Godfather System

Movies 77 章 1.2M ビュー
作者: NewComer714

4.74 (33 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Lorenzo found himself betrayed by a once-trusted ally in the dark underbelly of the criminal world, murdered, and surprisingly woke up not just in a new body, but in an entirely unfamiliar one. To his astonishment, he quickly realized he was no longer in the world he knew. The existence of the Corleone Family and four other mafia dynasties from "The Godfather" became his startling reality.

Author's Note: Dive into this enthralling Criminal Underworld Fanfic!

Each chapter spans between 1,600 and 1,800 words average.

For those eager to delve deeper, the advanced 10 chapters await at Patreon.com/NewComer714

  1. MrCool_14
    MrCool_14 貢献した 219
  2. NewComer714
    NewComer714 貢献した 167
  3. Dylan_theman
    Dylan_theman 貢献した 144


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Since the author just threatened that if the book is not in the top 30 they will stop posting I am obligated to tell people to stay away from this fic

20 の返信を表示する

I was delighted to see a Godfather fanfic from my favorite author. I'm looking forward to it. I see the work he has done before as proof that this job will be good.

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LV 4 Badge

Love how perfect the author is with his research, for each of his fan-fictions. Only a few chapters are released but I liked it. The author captures all the correct elements for a Godfather fiction. The story has a good pace and the character development is praiseworthy. Keep it up, author. >-<

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Only a handful of chapters so far but what's here is pretty solid. There are a couple issues but nothing that's really too bad. It's titled like a system novel but we haven't really seen the system yet but I'm sure that's coming in the future as the story develops. The setting/background for the novel is an interesting mix, not often I see someone using Once Upon a Time in America as a backdrop for their story.

1 の返信を表示する
LV 11 Badge

Pretty unique setting, glad the author has left his comfort zone. I’ve never seen a godfather fanfic on here,I’m really exited to see more and where this is headed.

2 の返信を表示する

I just read this, it looks promising but I didn't watch the Godfather. quick question, is this a system novel cause i didn't see one.

6 の返信を表示する

I can’t stand these ai generated garbage fics. Every line just seems so fake and soulless. While ai makes it so you don’t have to worry about grammar mistakes, I feel like half of the word count just gets filled flowery bull.

2 の返信を表示する

Great start so far. Being a big fan of the godfather I hope you continue with this. Do not mess this up.

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a very good story I've never seen a Godfather Fanfic before So this is my first experience with this type of fanfic and also it will only be one girl or will he have other girls since he will be the crime lord

1 の返信を表示する
LV 2 Badge

More chapters please, first I see a ff of the godfather. 🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🙀🥵🥵🙀🥵🙀🙀🥵🙀🥵🥵🙀🥵🙀🥵🙀🥵🙀🥵🙀🥵🙀🥵

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This story has great potential! I have never seen a Godfather fic on here so this story is pretty much niche. I look forward the mc building his own family and becoming a Godfather in his own right

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Goog working😃[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=recommend][img=fp][img=fp][img=faceslap]

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Not really a expert on reviewing things but this is one of the best novel I’ve ever read on this app

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didn't give me a chance to complain until now

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5 out of 5 , I would say thats all you need before you start reading this fic but allow me to elaborate on this beautiful Godfather fanfic. Set near the end of WW2 our MC, originally from Earth, acquires the oh so wanted system. He can add to his attributes like strength and agility, he can see his realtionships with all people he's acquainted with and he gets tasks to complete, all for the goal of establishing the strongest Mafia family. The grammar is solid, thr background leaves no room for argument, the main and supporting characters are good enough and its updated daily. One thing that i must object is the release rate, as with only one chapter a day you're always left unsatisfied and looking for more. It's simply unbearable TT

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awesome be ok please keep posting, i have been looking for a mafia type fanfic book exactly like this so thank you

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Muy buena novela, me gusta mucho, sigue con el buen trabajo ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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"I'm starting this fic now. Lately, I've been interested in fanfics set in the 1940s, but I have to say I expected something different. I haven't read it all, just the beginning, but the author was unfortunate in the first part. The MC was a gangster leader and has a personality like that??? I expected a tough MC from the start, and I think everyone who read it did too; it was the obvious thing to do. But instead, we see an MC who's somewhat childish and aimless. If you had made the MC a regular citizen in his previous life, it would have been much easier to explain his personality. But we're talking about a gangster, for God's sake. The guy should have seen his share of deaths and had an objective to follow as soon as he reincarnated. But in the first chapters, he and his supposed friend are watching a young girl secretly dance ballet. That's teenage movie stuff. And another thing I found really bad was the supposed help he received from the policeman. Seriously, the MC asked the policeman to light a cigarette and the policeman introduces him to the Don???? What is this, author? You could have done better. You could have had the policeman see Adam's wounds and feel sorry for him, but what you did was very forced. First of all, anyone who has contact with the Don could never introduce someone they don't know because if the MC caused any problem for the family, the policeman who introduced him would be blamed. So no one in their right mind would do that. We're talking about a mafia family here; is it that easy to get in touch with them??? And why would the Don help the MC??? From his perspective, a 16-year-old teenager wouldn't add anything to the family. What favor could he do for the Don? I'm not trying to discourage you, author. I know it's difficult to write fics, but as a reader, I have to point out the obvious so you can see where you're going wrong and improve. The fic isn't bad; the grammar is good, the pacing is nice… I'll keep reading, and I'll give my final opinion in this review later."

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I have been looking for godfather fanfic so long and this is the best fic i read i hope u keep updating u sre a great author thank u for this novel

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LV 2 Badge

---------.--------------Goooooooooooooooooood .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

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作者 NewComer714