Melondra guided Alex to another part of the cave. There he found many human women inside. Just like the ones in the 'mating cave' the humans there were also filthy and skinny. Their arms and legs had cuts where their joints were. All of them without exception were naked. So the young Alex naturally felt his body heat up.
Among all these women, one seemed to stand out. She stood in the corner of the cave with her head lowered. Her hands and feet were cut just like the others, but unlike them, she seemed a little less bony. That is at least compared to the others.
She had short blond hair that could be mistaken for being golden. Sky blue eyes that seemed as though they were glowing even though it was dark. And unlike the others, her eyes did not seem to have died long ago. And even though her skin was soiled with dirt, its smooth beauty still flaunted under it. Her only true blemish was the scattered few scars on her body. But even those scars seems to have their own charm on Alex.
"She is over there," Melondra pointed. And as he had hoped, she pointed towards the one he was looking at.
"I will go call some of the hobgoblins over," she said. The girl had already lost her ability to walk. Of course the two of them could not lift her alone. Both of them were not as tall as her. Alex could only reach her waist, and Melondra did not want to do manual work. So they needed help.
Alex was soon left in the room alone with the women.
Looking at them all, he suddenly felt down.
He sighed. He was not human anymore, so he can't help any of these women. Although he is the new 'brother' of the horde, he can't do anything stupid. At least, not until he knew where his position lies.
In this new world, he had to think of himself first.
Soon, Melondra returned. With her, four hobgoblins were in tow. They lifted the human woman up and soon set to Alex's room.
They then sat her on the cold hard floor. Seeing this, Alex frowned. They could have put her on any one of the fur beds, but they still put her on the floor. But Alex didn't tell them otherwise. He only told himself in his head to make the woman her own bed. Although he cannot help the other women, he could at least make the one close to him more comfortable.
The hobgoblins soon left. Melondra got close to him and said, "I'll give you some room."
"Thank you," Alex said slightly blushing.
Melondra also soon left the room.
Only him and the girl were left. He looked at her closely, her curled up naked figure gave Alex's heart more energy. It started pumping blood up like crazy. And all this blood made their way to a certain part of his body.
The girl glanced at his bulging 'tent' and felt her eyes wet, but was able to steel her heart to not let the tears drop.
She watched as this green creature she despises get closer to her. It's mouth slowly spouting words she did not understand.
"It's okay, I don't want to hurt you."
The creature smiled at her. But she did not take it to kind. The smile only looked devilish to her. But she was helpless to this creature. She knew of her fate, and she knew his intentions. She had been With the other women. They had told her what they will do to her. Despite her unwillingness, she had no way to resist. Even her ability to walk was taken away from her. So what else can she do but to give in?
The creature then grabbed her body. It's right arm slid on her back and his left under her knees.
She hit its head with all her might. Although her hands and legs were made useless, her shoulders weren't. Normally, I hit like that from her would have taken down any normal man out, but alas, she has been starved for two days already. Although her shoulder hit the goblin, she barely made it flinch.
The goblin yelled.
At this point, she only hoped that it would kill her in its anger. To her, death was far better than being soiled by this filthy creature. At least, that's what she told herself.
But different from her expectations, the goblin did not even hit her back or even shout at her. It looked at her and spouted more nonsense.
"I'm trying to help you here." The goblin caressed it's bruised cheek. "Damn, what a tough girl. Was she a soldier or something?"
The goblin looked at her from a small distance away.
"Fine, do as you wish."
After being hit like that, Alex did not bother with the girl anymore. He had wanted to help her to the bed but she hit him
Now hat he had some safety, he can now do what most protagonists do with their new found power.
Study it!
"System, how much energy do i have?"
"As I thought." Alex smiled. "Even without any actual penetraction, i can still acumilate energy. It is as the system says, desire, pleasure and lust. All of these can be felt even without sex. Although sex would be the fastest way, there are milder methods."
It was as Alex had said, the system was able to recharge just from his seeing the girl naked. With just that, he was able to stir in him desire of pleasure. Or other wise known as...
After staring for another second, he couldn't take it and turned away. He was so embarrassed that his cheeks almost turned rosy. And this was no simple feat on his dark green skin.
He sighed softly, 'it seems im still a long way from achieving shamlessness.'
Although he had thought so, he still shamelessly did not give the poor girl the blanket of fur on the ground. Luckily, it was not all that cold, so the girl did not shiver from the cold.
Resisting his thoughts to pounce on the girl right away, he diverted his mind to other thoughts.
'How am i going to use the system?'
In order to use the system, he needs a 'platform' to make his items. In other words he needs a place to draw. Back in the queens room, the ground was crystal clear and the queen must have done some sort of magic to make him be able to draw on the ground. But the place he is now was far from crystal clear, and the ground surely won't light up if he draw on it. The ground was made of hard rock that will surely not move unless he was interested in using a chisel to draw. As of such, he needs a new drawing platform.
Then, an idea came to mind.
He then waited a few minutes to unpack his 'tent.'
Although 'unpacking' was a lot harder than he expected due to the naked girl in in his room, he still barely managed.
So he arrived at the entrance of the cave. Just a few meters away from the cave entrance was a patch of soil.
"Norina said i should stay in the cave, but it should be fine as long as i don't get too far away right? Plus it'll only be for a quick second."
He ran quickly to the patch. He immediately drew a rectangle shape and asked the system.
"Can you make this?"
The usual purple haze clouded his hands and the object was soon at hand. But he did not stop there, he drew another object. This time it was slender and pointed at one end.
"Can you make this?"
[Insufficient energy.]
He then quickly rubbed off the top and made the item shorter. He then asked again. This time, the system confirmed.
He then took the two items and went back in the cave. All of this was done in a few seconds.
"Hopefully, no one saw me..."
"What is that."
He looked in front of him. There was Melondra, the girl who was a head taller than him. Wearing her wooden mask and her green ears sticking out, she looked at the two items curiously.
"J-just a pencil and a blank piece of paper."
"Pencil, what is that?"
Melondra looked at the two objects with squinted eyes. She knew of what paper was. There was once a time in the forest when the horde caught a few humans with such paper. With Norina's help, she was able to grasp the use of this item. But it was completely useless for her. After all, with her memory, she didn't need to write down anything as method to keep knowledge.
But what made her wonder was the the stick shaped thing called a 'pencil.' This was the first time that she had ever seen it.
'Is this one of his creations?'
She had seen what Alex could do in the queen's room. And this is what fascinated her goblin mind most.
"What are they for?"
"Like how you did for the queen?"
"Can you make something for me?"
"Uh... yeah. What do you want me to make for you?"
"A mask."
Alex's eyes twitched. 'That was exactly what the queen said. Do masks have a special meaning in this horde?'
"Can you make it like the queen's?"
"You maean exactly like her mask or just metal?"
"Exactly like hers."
"Okay I'll go and do it."
Then he went for his room, but then he stopped.
Melondra was following him.
"Why are you stopping?"
'Because you are following me.' He said in his head. "Well you see, my ability needs some time to recharge. So i can't make the mask right away."
Alex did not lie to her though, the system really was empty at this point. So he has to take a little while longer to recharge.
"I see. So how long does it need?"
"Few hours, so you caould come get it later."
Melondra then nodded and left.
Alex trotted to the room and closed the door. The girl was still on the ground in the corner. She looked at him and turned away.
"System, how much energy do i have?"
"I have to recharge again."
He then turned his eyes to the girl in the corner. He instantly felt his spirits rise up and he then asked the system again.
"System, how much energy do i have."
A smile crept up on his face. He then went to his bed. Holding the pencil that was as small as his finger, he pondered, 'What do i make?'
Before he could come up with anything else, a thought came to him.
'What do i want in life?'
Alex was a simple kid. Although his past was not your everyday past, he was still a normal boy living in a normal world. In class he was always second place. He always felt like he could do better, but never had the will to go foward. He was just like any other teenager living in a normal world.
And just like any other teenager, he has desires. He has things that he he wants but could never attain. It was not that he was simply too lazy to work for them, he just literally can't do it.
When Alex died, he was 17. He wasn't too old nor too young. He wasn't mature or immature. He can't say he has seen all there is to life.
He has never seen the storms of life and it's hardships. For a long time in his life, he has been protected by his parents. And for as long as he could remember, he had always had his sister with him.
So most of whatever he wants or need were always at hand. Maybe that is why he had started to get lazy. Feeling like there is no reason at all to push too hard.
He always had everything. No, he did not have everything, but he had everything that he needed.
That is until that one year. That fateful night when a call came in.
In just one night his world was broken to pieces. From that day on things suddenly went on a wrong turn. He slowly started losing everything he has.
His sister did her best to make everything right, but it all seemed to fall deeper to a despairing end.
It only took a few months for his already broken was to turn into dust. And it only took a day for it seize to exist.
In his despair, he distracted himself with other thoughts. But in the end, he still ended up dying. Now that he thought about It, he really wanted to fall to his death. It was the way he used to free himself. But even in the last moment, his still hoped.
With the system, a lot of possibilities that Alex had never thought possible were now opened. There was no dream too big as long as he can draw it!
He put the pages down and wrote on top of the page.