/ Video Games / Genshin Impact: Towards Godhood

Genshin Impact: Towards Godhood オリジナル

Genshin Impact: Towards Godhood

Video Games 32 章 103.1K ビュー
作者: BlackVail


詳細 目次


Rama, who met the god of time travel, the truck from another dimension, happily arrived in the world of Genshin Impact and became a child adopted by a desert tribe.

Among many starts, he encountered the tragic start second only to that of Inazuma during the Vision Hunt Degree, the desert people.

"There is no place for desert people to survive in this era, but there will be a place in the future, and there will be someone who will bring hope in the future."

Looking back at Caravan Ribat Post, Rama, who was returning to the desert with the caravan, shook his head.

Yes, hope lies in the future, but I can't put hope on anyone except myself.

What to expect:
1. This book is a Genshin Impact fan fiction.

2. The main story line involving about Rama's obtaining power in to become a ___ and may have slower start, so please be patient.

3. If you like a MC who is acting behind the scene, this might be for you ( or not, depends on your standards).

4. The Female Lead will not appear within 50+ ish chapters.

5. Prior to reading, it is recommended to review the introductory sections for relevant information.

6. Very SMART MC, scheming, strategist, ambitious, and you might encounter some words of wisdom in this book.

  1. Amon91
    Amon91 貢献した 24
  2. DaoistcUq69D
    DaoistcUq69D 貢献した 12
  3. coco_jelly
    coco_jelly 貢献した 12


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット



  • 翻訳品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景



Another day, another shameless author review, all I want to say is I'm new here, and I want to share this to story with everyone and to enjoy it, so as I do. If there are any some errors in some chapters, I'd like to apologise in advance, and also, you can ask me about this novel under this review. Thank you for reading and enjoy.

5 の返信を表示する

Genshin fanfic so 5 star. But Im pretty sure being a god in Tevyat is a pretty miserable. But let's see how Author cooks...............................

0 の返信を表示する

Sinceramente comenzó interesante, pero mientras más leía , más sueño me daba , osea es puro mologo y pensamientos y casi nada de acción y cada rato menciona al rey , y como quiere mejorar sus vidas, que te termina aburriendo ( para los que les guste un MC con el 90% de monólogos , es tu fanfic, para mí no me convence, si hubiera un equilibrio entre mologo y acción, feliz lo seguiria xd).

3 の返信を表示する

作者 BlackVail