100% For the Fatherland / Chapter 9: Chapter 9 - Germanian Talks

章 9: Chapter 9 - Germanian Talks

[Colognia, Germany]

[Main Office of Fortuna Industries]

[3rd Person POV]

"Sir Seeckt, and gentlemen, Germania, our Fatherland is collapsing all around us. And it is up to us to shape its future. And that future is what I'm going to show you here today." Robert said grimly, showing the dire state that Germania is in.

some of the frikorps who were watching the said meeting pulled up multiple blackboards and place sensitive documents on the table and quickly returned to their position to safeguard the people and to witness history that was about to unfold in this room.

"as you may know, we are behind technology wise from other great powers such as Britannian Empire, Francia,and the Russian Federation." Robert continued on, exaggerating the technological gap that was present. He wanted to point out what was needed to be prioritized and show the people present In this meeting room that his designs, or his technological designs were possible and not some magical hail Mary that was cropped up by bulshitting.

"What you see in these documents are my initial designs and plans for us to overcome our enemy by the year 1935 at the latest. We have several problems to tackle and first of many is our ammunition stockpile." Said Robert, pointing out the very first problem that one of the many reasons Germany lost in his world.

"stockpiling ammunition? Aren't our stocks sufficient?" Krupp said, questioning on why we need to stockpile such crazy amounts of it from what he read from the document itself.

"My estimates that we need to stockpile at least 15 years worth of ammunition. That's Including every type of it." Robert said.

Once they heard the estimated amount, they were shocked as no country would never stockpile that many and without being noticed by the great powers of Europe.

"I suppose you have a plan for this?" Secckt said, knowing that stockpiling this many would bring unwarranted attention to the Germanian military.

Robert nodded "As I said before, we need this many to even stand a chance to win against our enemies. Since we are violating the Treaty, we might as well push it all the way without alerting the allies too much. Hence the first steps we can do is to build underground warehouse, and bunker systems throughout the Germanuan empire. It would be a monumental task and would cost resources and money.

The money part is solved, but for the resources, we can buyout tons of iron from Sweden and Norway as well as buying a lot of brass to make as many ammunition as possible. As for convincing the Germanian government, we need to keep it vague from them for now since we can't exactly trust the Reich stag to not spill everything to our enemies."

"that's gonna be a lot of man power that's gonna be way noticeable to our enemies, not to mention the monumental insane task you've sprung up on us. Our estimates that it will take at least 10 years at least." One of the major industrialist company owners muttered and many agreed on his words.

"it will be indeed a monumental task gentlemen. As for how we can hide such a big project, we will disguise the construction areas as building new infrastructure such as new hotels, apartments, etc etc to fool the allies. Once the construction is underway, we will also prioritize fully industrializing Germania and slowly arm, train and fully motorize our army by 1935."

"it may seem impossible... Insane even. Can we even do this?" Seeckt said.

"Yes. And it is perfect on masking our construction plans by building the autobahn highways. Giving more jobs to the Germania people. As for the economy, I can't help much on that really. We just have to hope that it doesn't devalue our currency that much. Or I'll be forced to use hard currency such as gold." Robert said, wincing at that last part a bit.

"You have that much gold?" Seeckt was surprised at the sudden information that was revealed to them by Robert.

"Not much, but enough to afloat our currency for awhile but it's too risky to inform the Germanian government as of now." Robert said.

"Why not make your own party and run for Chancellor?" Krupp proposed, to which to Robert's surprise, many people in the room agreed that he should form a party and run.

I fact, at this moment, the Germanian government isn't exactly popular right now and if in the next election, Robert chooses to run, and with all the changes that are gonna be implemented and added, there was a good chance that he would win the Chancellor seat.

"We will cross that bridge when we get to it. Our priority right now is arming Germania for the future." Robert said, dodging the subject for now, but Robert didn't solely ignore the idea of establishing a party and running against the other radical parties that are now present within Germania.

Everyonr agreed to skip the Subject for now, but in their eyes, Robert had a likely chance that he would form a party and everyone consciously agree to join his party once he forms it.

"For the weapon section, this is my design proposals and I need your approval and criticism on what to change. Do forgive my drawing as it is still crude and I tried designing each part to the best of my ability." Robert said apologetically.

They turned the document and were shocked once again as Robert fully detailed each part of the gun, reliability, functionality, and even the estimated costs which impressed them.

The list were as follows as they read: (With design drawings and parts and listed specs)

[Sturmgewhr Assault Rifle {STGAR/SAR}] -

Estimated Cost - RM 1,500-3,000 Each

Estimated Completion - 1925-1928 (5-8 Years of testing and finding faults as well as production issues)

[This rifle will be used by most of the Germanian Military with select officers receiving the more up to date ones]

[Hecklor & Koch G26 {HK Gewehr 3} ] -

Estimated Cost - 1,200 - 2,000 RM Each

Estimated Completion - 1925 - 1927 (5-7 Years of testing and finding faults as well as production issues.)

[Fallschirmjägergewehr 38 {FG - 38}] -

Estimated Cost - 1,400 - 1,900 RM Each

Estimated Completion - 1926-1928 (6-8 Years of testing, finding faults, and production issues)

[This Battle Rifle will be used by paratroopers and heavy motorized infantry to punch through fortified defenses and make way for the main army.]

[Maschinenpistole 40 {MP - 40} ] -

Estimated Cost - 600 - 1,200 RM Each

Estimated Completion - Early of 1924 (4 years of testing, finding faults, and production issues)

[One of the cheapest, easiest to produce by my estimates. This SMG will be the replacement for bolt action rifles in a few years from now and will phase out bolt action rifles entirely by 1932.]

[Walther Polizeipistole {Walther PP} ] -

Estimated Cost - 700 - 1,000 RM Each

Estimated Completion - Early/Mid of 1924 (4 years of testing, finding faults, and production issues)

[This Pistol will be given to the police, officers, and pilots of Germania and will be trained in using secondary firearms and will be issued as early as possible.]

[Karabiner 98 kurz {Kar-98K} ] -

Estimated cost - 1,000-1300 RM Each

Estimated Completion - 1924 (4 years of testing, finding faults, and production issues.)

[This Bolt action rifle will be used as a sniper variant as well as being used as a support weapon for infantry and paratroopers.]

[Panzerfaust {Commonly known as Tank Fist} ] -

Estimated Cost - 1,000- 1,500 Each.

Estimated Completion - 1925 (5 years of testing, finding faults, production issues.)

[A one time disposable anti-tank and anti-personnel weapon, there will be 2 variants that focuses on tanks, and infantry.]

[Panzerschreck {Named Tanks Fright} ] -

Estimated Cost - 2,000 - 3,000 RM Each

Estimated Completion - 1926-1927 (6-7 years of testing, finding faults, and production issues.)

[Designed to be the very first Anti-Tank weapon, it can theoretically punch through almost any armor the thickness of 200mm. Additionally, the Anti-personnel version is also designed to inflict maximum collateral damage within 10-20 meters of the targeted area/enemy.]

[Maschinengewehr 30 {MG - 30} ] -

Estimated Cost - 2,500 RM Each

Estimated Completion - Mid 1926 (6 years of testing, finding faults, and production issues)

[Designed to be the machine gun of the Germania army, this MG will be the backbone of every offensive, defensive, and the most reliable way to hold a position until reinforcements arrive or not.]

[Stielhandgranate {Stick Grenade} ] -

Estimated Cost - 700 RM Each

Estimated Completion - Mid 1925 (5 years of testing, finding faults, and production issues)

[The version of this stick grenade will have 2 variants. The first variant being fragmentation. And the second, being splittering shrapnel to maximize the damage done to a target and both of these variants will have its fuse extended and properly designed for the soldiers to not blow their arms off accidently.]

[Flammenwerfer 30 {Flamethrower} ] -

Estimated Cost - 3,000 RM Each

Estimated Completion - 1930 (10 years of finding faults, issues with the propellant, production issues, and containment.)

[This weapon will only be used in heavily fortified positions such as bunker positions or trenches to flush out enemy combatants. The Flammenwerfer is a special weapon that can only be authorized to be used against the enemy if the need arises.]

[Tank Section]

[Panzer Tanks are gonna be divided into a couple of categories and prioritizing on what needs to be built and designed as soon as possible. This list will highlight which tanks are gonna be produced as early as 1925.]

[Panzerkampfwagen I {Armored fighting vehicle mark I} ] -

Estimated Completion time - 1925

Total Unit Cost - 39,000 RM ($16, 200)

Production Number Estimate - [2,500]

[Panzer I will be the first tank to be used and train for the Germanian army on tank tactics and training vital tanks crews to be used in more future tank designs. This tank will prioritize armament, speed, and reliability as well as safety of its crew.]

[Panzerkampfwagen II {Armored fighting vehicle mark II} ] -

Estimated Completion Time - 1925

Total Unit Cost - 40,000 RM ($17,500)

Production Number Estimate - [2,600]

[Panzer II will have 3 versions that will be designed, tested, performance check as well to ensure that it will not suffer any problems. The 3 named versions of this variant will be listed below]

[Luchs] - [Light Reconnaissance Tank] - that will be used as a fast recon and light support tank on the front lines. It's job is to gather Intel on enemy position, support the infantry, and scout potential enemies on the targeted area.

[Marder II] - [Tank Destroyer] - will be the first Germanian tank destroyer that will field 75mm weapon to punch through any enemy armor that caught in its sights. It's job is to support ally infantry and armor when enemy armor appears on the battlefield. It prioritizes speed and it's weapon in exchange for armor.

[Wespe] - [Germanian Self Propelled Howitzer] - Wespe or Wasp will be used as one of the first Germanian self propelled moving artillery to support the advancing allied forces on the front lines by raining down 105mm shells on the enemy. It's deadly weapon along with upgraded accuracy will be used with efficiency and can used in any situation. The downside however is that it's very vulnerable without any support.

[Panzerkampfwagen III {Armored fighting vehicle mark III or medium tank} ] -

Estimated Completion time - 1927

Total Unit Cost - 45,000 RM ($24,500)

Production Number Estimate - [6,000]

[This version will be the first ever 'Medium Tank' to ultimately be able to outmatched in quality of any power in the world. The tank can also convert 2 types of barrel from 500mm 59 75mm if need be. The armor will also be thick at the front and sides while the back will be the least Armored. There will also be 2 version of this tank that will also be produced in early of 1930.

[Sturmgeschütz III {Armored fighting vehicle Stug III} ] - is a tank that theoretically can be used to ambush and destroy any tank that it comes across in the front lines. The design of course will be delayed until 1928 since as by my estimates, the parts will be somewhat hard to design hence the delay.]

[Panzerkampfwagen IV {Armored fighting vehicle mark IV} ] -

Estimated Completion time - 1928

Total Unit Cost - 50,000 RM ($31,300)

Production Number Estimate - [10,000]

[This will be the next tank to surpass the Panzer III by the year 1935 along with its variant of the Stug series, along with two new tank variant called the 'Flakpanzer I {Wirbelwind} and the 'Ostwind'. This two variants will act as a mobile AA platform along with adding Flak 30 on a Opel Truck for further use in the battlefield.]

[Sd.Kfz. 251 (Sonderkraftfahrzeug 251) {Half-track Armored personnel carrier} -

Estimated Completion time - 1926

Total Unit Cost - 35,000 RM ($18,400)

Production Number Estimate - [20,000]

[This newly designed halftrack will support not only infantry, but patrols, convoy, and even mobile MG platform. This design will be prioritized and be focused along with the trucks to fully mechanize the Germania army.]

[Aircraft Section]

[This will show the list of approved designed as the one shown previously. The target aircraft that will be prioritized will be the back one of the Germania Airforce.]

[Messerschmitt ME/BF 109 {Fighter Aircraft} -

Estimated completion time - 1928-1929

Total Unit Cost - 65,000-70,000 RM

Production Number Estimate - [40,000] by 1940

[The Focke-Wulf Fw 190, {nicknamed Würger[b] ("Shrike") is a German single-seat, single-engine fighter aircraft} -

Estimated Completion time - 1928-1930

Total Unit Cost - 70,000 - 75,000 RM

Production Number Estimate - [30,000] by 1940

[The Focke-Wulf Ta 154 {Moskito was a fast twin-engined German night fighter aircraft} ] -

Estimated completion time - 1930-1932

Total Unit Cost - 67,000 RM

Production numbers estimate - [4,500] by 1932

[The Focke-Wulf Ta 152 {German high-altitude fighter-interceptor} ] -

Estimated Completion time - 1929

Total Unit Cost - 64,000 RM

Production numbers estimate [2,500] by 1936

[The Junkers Ju 87, { as the "Stuka", is a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft.} ] -

Estimated Completion time - 1926-1927

Total Unit cost - 65,000 RM

Production numbers estimate - [10,000] by 1935

[The Junkers Ju 88 { Luftwaffe twin-engined multirole combat aircraft.} ] -

Estimated Completion time - 1926

Total Unit Cost - 60,000 RM

Production numbers estimate [20,000] by 1936

[The Junkers Ju 87, {the "Stuka", a German dive bomber and ground-attack aircraft.} ] -

Estimated Completion time - 1929

Total Unit Cost - 50,000 RM

Production Number Estimate - [10,000] by 1935

[Sheperd S-30 Skytrain {Germanian Military Transport Aircraft]

Estimated Completion time - 1925

Total Unit Cost - 55,000 RM

Production numbers estimate - [15,000] by 1935

[The Dornier Do 217 {Medium Bomber/Heavy Bomber/Night Fighter/Reconnaissance Aircraft} -

Estimated Completion time - 1930

Total Unit Cost - 56,000 RM

Production numbers estimate - [4,000 - 5,000] by 1935

[The Rhineheart R-10 {Flying Fortress is an Germanian heavy designed four-engined heavy bomber aircraft} ] -

Estimated Completion time - 1935

Total Unit Cost - 110,000RM

Production numbers estimate - [13,000] by 1941

[Back to 3rd Person POV]

After what seems like forever, Seeckt spoke.

"this is... Quite a list. This is all of it?" gesturing his hand to the folder he was holding.

"No there's still more. But with our current situation, we can't make it, let alone design it. The list that I've given you is the possible designs that we can make and produce given our time frame." Robert pointed out.

"But the amount your suggesting is... Insane, borderline ludicrous. Well go bankrupt!" Krupp exclaimed.

"I suppose you have a solution for that Mr. Robert?" Seeckt said, curious on what Robert's plans are in gathering such a huge amount of money to fund the re armament plan.

"In fact, do I have a plan. I just need your approval and trust and leave the money to me." Robert said with confidence.

"I'll inform most of the Germanian military about this huge project that we are currently undertaking in secrecy." Seeckt promised.

"I'm glad to hear it Sir Seeckt. Let's take a small break shall we gentlemen? I have more projects to show you." Robert smiled, as he gestured to the assistant beside him the whole time to lead the guests to the prepared room where food was ready.

After the men left the meeting room after saying their brief thoughts on the matter, Robert proceeded to grab another project folder to present to the people once they're done with eating.

For Robert however, he needs to plan everything accordingly and without any problems occurring through the process. Or everything would be for nought. Hence he is gambling his future and legacy that he will leave in this world that he Reincarnated to.

VallerieTempest VallerieTempest

Hi it's me again. Sorry for almost a month or a month hiatus. Been busy is all I can say but I'm back (hopefully) to continue updating this daily. And sysying motivated.

Much love from me your friendly author

next chapter
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