/ Fantasy / Dwelf'd
I am Nobody... who are you?
You're nobody too?
Well, in front of TRUE power, everyone is a nobody...
Before TRUE power, no one can show their face...
But, that's where we're different, you and I...
You are A nobody.
I am THE Nobody.
Lord Nobody, if you will...
I am dead, yet I live.
I exist, yet am inexistent.
Oh, and I'm going to slay the gods and carve my will into the heavens.
A Dragon, A Deity and A Demon...
All three of us have a score to settle with the Xian.
Watch out, heavens, you'll soon learn to fear nobody.
レビューを書くWhat a great read! Not only was the flow of the story flawless, the grammar was "almost" spotless. I suggest passing it once through a grammar checker. It's nothing major, though, so it's fine as is. While reading this, I was reminded of a few anime I've watched long before... To be specific, "No Game No Life" and "Goblin Slayer". Thanks to that, I had a pretty solid image of the world you're building. All in all, a wonderful story that I would definitely recommend to others. Great work, Author! Keep up the chapters~!
This story and character design are on top. The only downside was the punctuation and sentence structure. Writing style was okay and emotions were fleshed out. I must say that the novel has a chance to get popular with few edits. Gambatte Author nim!
In love with Dwelfiee. She is a unique character that just pulls you. Its been a while since I have seen such forbidden romance. looking forward to seeing what crazy thing our halfling will bring😁🤗🤗
This is the first time I read a Dwarf/elf hybrid, an elf with a temperment of Dwarf is really something!hope you continue this!
I love the title and it’s content Remind me of my grandma and her stories, I love reading about them elfs, will surely give my friends and sibling who also loves fairy tales
For your first try, I'd say you did really great!😁😁 Reading this is just like watching a TV show, and honestly, that's what I think a slice of life should be like.
The story is coming soon
作者 GTHarris08
Interesting story and characters... It only has a few chapters available but it was enough to get into the story... Keep writing this because we need more strong Female Main Characters here at Webnovel... 😆