Amidst the chaos and ongoing battle, Lenny's abrupt disappearance left a temporary void on the battlefield. However, the conflict continued unabated, with Gar, recognizing the need for assistance, urgently calling upon Vine for support. "Help me, sister!"
Responding to Gar's plea, Vine, within the same body as Gar unleashed a torrent of darkline energy, a formidable cascade that surged towards Cuban.
The sheer power and intensity of Vinegar's magical prowess became evident, catching Cuban off guard. The demonic energies, resembling a relentless waterfall of shadows, descended upon Cuban with a force that hinted at Lady Vinegar's exceptional talents.
Cuban, faced with this unexpected onslaught, marveled at Vinegar's latent power. The young demoness, often regarded as the "pearl of her father's eyes," showcased her formidable abilities, surpassing Cuban's initial expectations. Her command over Darkline energy was nothing short of impressive.