Meanwhile, in a different world, hidden deep within the void, three beings, an Aged woman, a middle-aged one and a toddler all suddenly frowned.
"We lost him!" One of them commented, "We lost control of the Morningstar's tool!"
The toddler shook her head, "and I was planning to use him get the others!"
The old woman giggled, "oh, I think he will. yes, he definitely will. After all, it is still a part of the Morningstar's will...Hehehe!!!"
All the others also joined her in laughter.
Lenny could not believe what he had just heard. Were there others with systems?
the idea itself sounded a bit Ludacris. However, he failed to remember that the Satan system had functions that were beyond the ordinary. Surely, if a being like the Morningstar could create one, then why not others?
Vandora could tell that lenny was surprised about this. She decided to explain further.