/ Anime & Comics / Blades of Fate: A Ninja's Symphony
In the midst of the Third Shinobi War, a newborn named Roken awakens in the Naruto world, bearing the overpowered abilities and skills of Roronoa Zoro. With a template system guiding his progress, Roken embarks on a journey to surpass his limits and achieve greatness. Cold-blooded and cruel, he navigates the treacherous shinobi landscape, with only one exception—Kushina Uzumaki, who captures his heart. As their bond deepens, Roken's hidden past and encounters with a whimsical god shape their intertwined destinies. Blades clash, alliances form, and an extraordinary tale unfolds in "Blades of Fate: A Ninja's Symphony." Will Roken's ruthless prowess and unwavering determination be enough to carve his place in a world of chaos?
First time doing this. Thanks.