44.44% A Wild Multiverse Adventure / Chapter 3: New Life (Part 2)

章 3: New Life (Part 2)

(3rd POV)

After Aku vanished, the black cocoon started to lightly float, before shooting off in the air in a random direction, landing in a forest. The impact cause a decent sized crater, scaring any nearby animals away. Right after, it turned into a black mist, before entering ???'s body. Leaving ???'s body laying down on the ground.

Eventually, ??? started opening his eyes, before jumping up and looking around in caution.

(??? Pov)

"Where..." I took a look at my surroundings, and realized I'm in a forest.

But how? I thought I died. Was it a dream? No. I wouldn't dare venture out of town, with how weak I am.

All of a sudden, a black screen appears in front of me, causing me to take a step back, due to surprise.

[Greetings Gamer]

I stare at the screen, concentrating on it. It may be what I think it is, but it could also be my mind playing tricks on me. After staring at the screen for a little while, it disappeared.

I sighed in disappointment, "Seems like it is fak- WOAH!" I take another step back in surprise, as another screen pops up.

[Through continuous observation, a new skill has been made to observe. People, objects, and weapons, to gather information on them.]

My mind seems to go blank for a moment, as I look over the message. I have a system. How'd I even get it.

[I was created for personal reasons by #*@*$. However, I was transferred over to you.]

Ignoring the glitched out words, I nod my head. Who ever gave me this, thanks. Anyways, these things usually have stats so.

"Status?" I call out.

[Name: ??? - Level: 1]

[Titles: The Gamer, Chosen By The First]

[HP: 100] [MP: 100]

[STR: 7] [VIT: 8] [AGI: 6]

[INT: 5] [WIS: 5] [LUK: 2]

[CHR: 20]

(The average human on Remnant has around 10)

[Skills: Memory Sync]

[Usable Points: 100]

"I'm... pretty weak," I said with clear disappointment in my voice. However, two things catch my eye. One, was the Skill, and the other with the Usable Points.

"Can you show me my skill?" I asked the system, as it showed another screen.

[Memory Sync LVL. 1 EXP: 0.0%]

[Description: The user/Host will get a random characters memory from the multiverse. while also changing their appearance to match. Along with their abilities, and fighting experience. The more it levels up. The more chances you get for stronger characters]

[Limitations: The more stronger the character is, the less time you will have to use it. You can not gain levels.]

[Cooldown: 24HR]

I raise an eyebrow over the description. That's pretty good, but the limitations are pretty bad. Though, I guess some things do need limitations, or else I could get OP pretty fast. Speaking of OP. How strong am I.

[Your about as strong as a middle schooler]

"What a rude way to put it," I say with a small sigh. But then I looked at my unused points. I think I can take a guess at this so...

[STR: 30] [VIT: 35] [AGI: 26]

[INT: 20] [WIS: 20] [LUK: 17]

I start to feel the changes occur, as my body starts heating up a little. Then, the pain follows.

"AHHH!" I scream out in pain, as what feels like thousands of hammers, hitting every part of my body. After 5 minutes, it was still happening. My eyes started feeling heavy, like I was about to pass out, but I held on. After another 5 minutes, it stopped.

[Due to toughening out your body's evolution. You have gained +10 to all stats. Congrats!]

I fall to my knees, almost falling to the ground, but support my body up with my hands. I do feel stronger, but what was that? I hear a small ding, as I look up a little to see the system screen.

[A lot of things have consequence, and this was one of them. Allocating more than 10 points to your stats. That's to much for your body to handle. Sure, you've trained your body. But it's still weak]

"I think that makes sense?" I say with uncertainty in my voice. I don't really know much about the body... I should see if I can absorb knowledge from books, it would be pretty helpful.

"It's a pretty nice skill to have, thought the cooldown, not so much," I said to myself, before remembering I'm in a forest. That probably has Grimm in it. And some might be really strong. I should probably leave this forest.

"Do I have a map?" I see a large map appear. Looking at it for awhile, I head towards the exit of the forest.

While walking, I asked the system some questions I really needed to know. One of them, was how long do I have before plot. It said a year, which was good since I have time to get strong. Another question was how strong a pro huntsmen was. I was surprised with the answer.

So, it turns out, that I would probably need more than a year, to get to 300 in stats. After some more questions, I had a pretty good grasp at everything. You know, this has almost been a good day.


"I spoke way to soon."

I quickly turn around, to find myself face to face with a Grimm. A Beowolf, to be precise. While we stared at each other, I used [Observe] on it.

[Beowolf - Level: 10]

"I was kinda expecting more information..." I say to myself. My words seemed to trigger the Grimm, as it rushed at me, swiping his claws at me. Caught off guard, I barely dodged it, my arm receiving a 3 large cuts across my arm.

[-40 HP]

I take a sharp breathe from my teeth, as I jump back, trying to gain some distance. But the Grimm just continued to rush at me. I throw my body backwards, avoiding the claw swipe. Yet it only continued to swipe at me.

I realize I can't keep dodging forever, I'm bound to run out of stamina soon. I avoid another claw, as I clench my fist and punch the Grimm in the face.

[20 HP Dealt]

"I'm gonna assume that he most likely has alot more than 20 health, and I would have to hit him alot more... Should I use my skill? I mean, what if after this, I run into some more bandits. I'll probably die... How long does it last?"

[5 hours usually, but it varies for some characters]

"Alright... Do it."

[Skill: Memory Sync is being used!]




[Character Chosen!]

(END Of Chapter 3)

Yeahhhhh. Sorry this came out so late, I was distracted with other stuff. And sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger. I'm tired, and I can't decide what character he should take. Cause any I think of could annihilate the Grimm with relative ease. I want to give him a challenge.

So, I'm going to let you decide... again.


Piiiiza Piiiiza

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


