55.32% A True Beginning / Chapter 109: Ch.11

章 109: Ch.11

When baby Charlie, Linda's son, went missing, I joined Lucifer and the rest as I appeared out of the shadows in front of the Mayan, a club/church that caters to the rich and deprived. When they saw me, Lucifer asked. "What took you so long?"

I shook my head. "I'm having problems of my own I have to deal with but that doesn't matter now, let's sent them back to hell."

I pulled out my scythe and handed it to Amenadiel. "Don't let it knock you or you'll probably be sent back to heaven. It belongs to my half brother the Greek god of death. One cut should send anyone off to their maker or hell in this case. Don't hand it to mortals either as it's a god weapon and it'll drain the life out of them, that means no Chloe, Linda or Eve. None of you should touch it."

I tossed Lucifer an extra sword as I did the rest of them. "If they were in their own bodies, these would end them for good. As it is they'll send them back to hell."

I drew my own weapons and Maze asked where hers was but I ignored her as she had her own demon blades and she was just messing with me. When we arrived inside, Lucifer yelled, stopping them from feeding the baby poison. I shadow traveled and slaughtered most of the demons in the room in seconds. The rest were doing one on one fights with everyone else.

I helped Linda and Chloe while Lucifer dealt with Dromos and Squee, the two demons in charge. When Eve got baby Charlie, I finished off the two demons and told Chloe and Linda. "Go, make sure they don't follow her!"

I watched as Maze took on several more before being overwhelmed as they flooded in. I fought and sent another dozen back to hell before Chloe came in and Lucifer changed into his demonic form, ordering them to stop.

When they did, I closed my eyes and willed my own flesh to change with the angel essence. My form became as towering and demonic as his own. My wings became draconic and spiked as black fire burned on them.

When he told them to obey their king, I opened my eyes and told him coldly and emotionlessly as my voice boomed as loud as his own. "I will be their king from now on. I will take up the mantel of the devil and rule hell."

He looked at me both shocked and saddened. "Are you sure?"

I nodded. "You've spent enough time in those miserable places father. If hell has to have an angel ruler, I am sure I can fit the role."

I turned to the kneeling demons as Lucifer abdicated his throne to me publicly. When they heard him, they hailed me king and I told them. "Go back, I will join you in hell shortly. From now on any demon who comes to possess a mortal corpse will be destroyed. Spread word to the Liliam that I am coming to set hell back on track."

The demons exited the bodies in mass and I waved a hand as black fire consumed the corpses and only burned them to nothing leaving no smoke. I shifted back into my now shirtless human form and tucked away my wings as they too changed back.

Lucifer changed with me and looked at me sadly. I sighed and told him. "It was bound to happen sooner or later. You should know by now that I wouldn't allow you to torment yourself like that."

He still looked sad but a glimmer of pride could be seen on his face now. I formed a new shirt on myself and went to make my plans, leaving them to talk it out. By midnight my transfer to DC was complete.

I said my goodbyes and ended up drinking with Lucifer on his balcony. I'd taken all my weapons back and it was simply time. Frosthaven has gone international and was insisting on paying full taxes as an American owned and operated company.

The alternative energy was being hailed as an entrepreneur like invention as Frosthaven built and donated to orphanages all over the world. Sure several branches were being built in nearly every country and billions were being spent to make everything better for the little people, but in the end Frosthaven was making so much more with the technology i was introducing to the world.

My company screened for mist and had symbols representing the different pantheons as a sanctuary from all monsters. Demigods and those in the know were given jobs and safe places to stay while my security team used imperial gold and celestial bronze bullets to take out any and all monsters that try to make an attempt at them.

I'd even hired Hermes delivery as our major delivery service. When I arrived back at the penthouse, I gave Lucifer the sword I'd let him borrow before saying. "Keep it, it's made to hurt gods, angels and monsters. It should protect you from everything I can think of."

He smiled sadly. "I should be the one protecting you."

I shook my head slowly. "This is for the best. You've had it rough and it's my duty as your son to take up the mantel you places down. In a way it's only right, besides, it's not like I can't leave every now and then."

He sighed. "Take care and make me proud."

I chuckled. "And there you almost sound like a father. I think you've truly changed for the better since you met the detective. I can see why your other self likes you so much."

He gave me one last hug before we broke apart to see a teary eyed Chloe watching us from the elevators. I smiled and sent her a telepathic message. (Take care of him. He's going to need your help in dealing with his emotions. And if it helps, he truly does love you more than words can express.)

I gave her a two finger salute before unfurling my wings and heading to hell. The trip was quite fast when you know the way there. The moment I arrived I felt the gazed of all the demons watching me. When I sat on my new throne, I felt a connection with this hell dimension fall into place.

It was feeding me in a way. The anguish of the souls that punished themselves and were being punished gave of energy that fed my own essence. I can imagine why Lucifer would hate it so much because with the strength came the emotions.

I sent my essence into a constant trance as I did something very few with the balls would ever attempt in hell. I separated my divinity, my immortality and essence into a single body that formed like a duplicate of myself and put it into a trance where it would subconsciously change hell to suit my needs and reform the demons as guards.

I was a warden of this place and that meant I had to be in charge of the guards and ensure no souls escaped hell that weren't completely remorseful. It'd never happened before and I don't expect it to but I put orders in place that would ensure no one escaped and had the demon population completely under my control.

On the bright side coming to hell seemed to have lifted whatever was weighing me down before but then, my body was now mortal and pretty much human after the separation. I still had magic and my skills and know how, not to mention my essence was growing stronger while it remained on the throne, so bonus, but now my mortal body was trapped in hell.

That is until I found the pentacostal coin, the one Lucifer used up with his father's help. It lay on the head of the throne. It would reform at some point. Either when the old one was used up or the new king of hell was crowned as I was.

I took it and put it in my inner world before taking out my last pearl of Persephone as I remembered it thanks to the coin. Before I could step on it though, I looked over and saw the entrance to the labyrinth. Smiling I put away the pearl and went into the labyrinth, using my inner map to navigate it until I arrived in a closet as the labyrinth closed up behind me.

When I felt for the door handle I heard a woman's voice. "It's all over but the crying. My conscience is clear, as Abbie if she can say the same."

I heard a male British voice next. "I'm sorry for taking up your time then."

When his footsteps faded the female spoke up. "You can come out now, he's gone."

I opened the closet door and walked out smiling. "So, you believe the apocalypse is here?"

I waved a hand as the closet door closed with a bit of a telekinetic push. Her eyes widened and I looked her over as she asked. "Are you a witch?"

I shrugged. "If knowing and doing magic are the qualifications for being a witch then yes, I am at that, amongst many other things. I'm Wraith Morningstar at your service, and whom might I ask are you?"

I gave her a light bow before she sighed. "Whatever, I'm Jenny Mills. Now why are you here?"

I chuckled. "I was in hell so I took a shortcut to the mortal world through a magical living Greek architecture called the labyrinth."

Her eyes went wide for a moment before cautiously asking. "Why were you in hell?"

I shrugged. "I had business there. Now that I'm done with my business in hell I've gotta make a few calls. So where are we? Town and state specifically."

She looked me over and decided against attacking at the moment so she told me. "Sleepy Hollow, New York."

I sighed and called the FBI headquarters to get transferred to Sleepy Hollow in New York on a case by case bases working for the FBI. With my compulsion spells in place they agreed almost immediately and made the calls.

There were plenty of recent deaths and weird situations that it wasn't even an issue to become the FBI liaison to their sheriff's department for a time at least. I was told to stop by the headquarters in upstate New York to pick up my official badge and gear before coming back to Sleepy Hollow but I had a week to do that so everything was cool.

When I hung up Jenny asked. "FBI? You're a fed?"

I nodded. "Indeed I am. I went to Quantico and everything."

She frowned. "Why are you doing witchcraft then?"

I shrugged. "It helps solve cases. A light truth spell and a compulsion spell and people tend to tell me all their worst crimes. I nab the bad ones and set the morally grey ones on the straight and narrow while the good ones aren't even effected. If you're worried about me being evil or some such nonsense, let me remind you I haven't even done any real spells with you. It was just some telekinesis to close a door and prove a point."

She frowned. "But hell-"

I waved her off. "I have flesh and blood therefore hell isn't an issue to come and go for me. Only souls are there, well, other than demons of which I am not and one angel who rules there, stopping the damned souls from getting out."

Jenny looked constipated for a moment before saying. "Do demons ever get out of hell?"

I sighed. "They're not supposed to but then some aren't in hell to begin with. When Lucifer fell from grace and rebelled, those that followed him were turned into the first demons. Lilith was the first of them and she created the Liliam, a place in hell for all demons from then on to call home. But there were a few who rejected it and hell all together. They were given their own place in the in between. A sort of shadow world between earth and hell. Those are the only demons I'm aware of that aren't in hell already. Well, other than Maze but she's not interested in harming humans and a topic for another time."

Jenny was so confused if her expression was anything to go by. Finally she asked. "What about the apocalypse?"

I shrugged. "Which one? There are so many depending on what religion you transcribe to. Anyway, If you're referring to the biblical apocalypse, then it's not truly begun but it has started or pre-started at least, if the presences I'm feeling are anything to go by. It's vague but someone seems to be trying to force the apocalypse to start ahead of schedule. It's not due for another two thousand years at least."

She was so confused and distraught now. "Who would do such a thing?"

Frowning I told her. "A dumb demon who wants to control it on their terms or maybe a rouge witch. Life's funny that way but it is a serious concern. Tell you what, when I get back from the FBI field office and set up a special task force, why don't you join me in stopping it and finding the demon or witch responsible for trying to start it? I'll even give you a temporary badge to help me with it?"

She seemed taken aback by my suggestion but nodded all the same. Smiling more chipper now I said. "Good. Give me a couple days and I'll get you out of here before wiping your background history. Can't have a crazy person working on a FBI sanctioned task force after all."

She nodded and I left out the door. Slipping out without being noticed was easy with my cloak of night. Not to mention I simply shadow traveled once I was out of her sight, all the way to the headquarters in New York City.

Once there I went through protocol and was given my service weapon and badge. After filing some paperwork and getting officially transferred, I drove back to Sleepy Hollow and arrived by nightfall.

I rented a room at the local motel and went to the sheriff's station to report in. Once I met the captain, Frank Irving, I informed him of the task force I was setting up to find out what the hell was going on in this town. Four unsolved murders three of which were linked and possibly the work of a serial killer.

One of which happened there in his station, was more than enough to convince him to hand over the case to me, albeit reluctantly. The fifth case was declared a suicide so it mattered little but I did get the chance to enter their hard copy records and remove Jenny Mills's files while deleting her mental illness background and building up one of special training and a history of undercover work on the internet and in their computers.

The next morning when one of the demonic presences was killed off, I was a bit relieved but chalked it up to Ichabod Crane and lieutenant Abigail Mills who, coincidentally were recommended to me by the captain in passing confidence.

I filed for Jenny's release and had her records scrubbed and burned from the institution she'd been forced into. She herself was surprised to see me there waiting for her as she was released.

Smiling I waved her over as they gave her the last of her things she'd been locked up with. I handed her the badge I'd promised and motioned for her to join me outside. There I told her. "Your records are scrubbed and those that remember you being locked up here have had their memories altered. Well, except your sister and her friend Mr.Crane. It took me most of last night and this morning but you're in the clear. Here.-"

I handed her a service weapon asking. "Have you been trained?"

She nodded and I smiled. "Good. The bullets are special and spelled to kill most things I've ever heard of. One shot to the head or heart will even kill most demons or seriously wound an angel. Another thing, you will be working side by side with me, no secrets or I'll send you back here and simply compel them to feed you through a doggy door and otherwise forget your room exists for the rest of your life."

She shivered at my glare and nodded. "Deal, I'm still going to have to check to make sure you're not a demon though."

I nodded. "Easy enough. Now where to? I've secured us a place near the police station that was once an old munitions armory but we'll need references along with any and all materials you know about that might help us find this demon and whatever it's trying to do."

She grabbed my keys saying. "I'm driving, get in. I know where we need to go."

I hopped in without complaint and she commented on the SUV. Sighing I told her. "It's armored. The glass is bullet proof and I've taken the liberty of spelling and enchanting most of it to be indestructible in case shit gets bad quickly. With this we could literally run down any dumb horsemen and seriously injure them for a time at least. I've no idea if the bullets would kill something like them but I've a good idea that'll at least hurt them for a while."

She seemed satisfied with that as she drove us to a bar where she stopped to pick up a duffle bag before driving us both to a cabin out by a lake in the middle of the woods. There she found whatever it was that the good sheriff had stowed away in a hidden compartment.

After that we waited for Ichabod and Abigale to catch up. I'd had the captain tell them to meet us here when I called to check in on their current case. It didn't take long for them to arrive and for me to introduce myself. "I'm Wraith Morningstar, an FBI agent and more importantly a witch dedicated to averting the apocalypse whatever dark force is intending to instigate."

Ichabod Crane introduces them both before Abigale asked. "How did you get my sister out?"

I chuckled. "I'm an FBI agent and a witch that can influence people's minds when necessary. It keeps the innocent from seeing or remembering things that'll put them in danger. In your sister's case, I erased the memories of everyone who thought she was supposed to be there before erasing all traces of her psychiatric care from the internet and hard copy. Officially she's never been in a sanitarium."

Ichabod looked me over before asking. "How can you be sure you're on our side? Especially with a last name that indicates you're related to the devil himself."

I raised an eyebrow while Abigale told him. "People change their names all the time, I'm sure it's something like-"

I held up a hand. "Actually, he's right. The angel Lucifer, what you refer to as the devil is my father."

Abigale grabbed her gun and I chuckled. "Really, that's unnecessary. If I meant you all harm you wouldn't have the chance to pull a weapon."

I turned to Jenny who had her gun out now. "Really? I've not done anything to merit such hostility."

Abigale snorted. "You're the son of the devil."

I sighed. "So? Would you really harm someone for just being born? I've no control over who my father is any more than anyone else!"

That had them lowering their guns and i stilled. "Keep your weapons out, we have company. Three armed assailants, they're surrounding the house, get down!"

Just as I said that the Germans outside opened fire on the cabin. I hit the deck, pulling my own gun and shadow traveling to the tree line outside and firing, kneecapping two of them and winging the third as I moved through the shadows.

I hit the third finally, as he turned to fire at my previous spot, with a stasis spell. I called them out as I kicked the guns away from the two downed Germans. After they came out I slapped the last two with paralyzing spells and told Jenny. "Check their mouths for poison capsule. Left top molar in the back."

When she followed my order I sighed and called the police for backup and an ambulance while telling Jenny to cuff them. I read their minds before telling Crane and Abby as she liked to be called. "Wait here and tell the captain I'll fill out the reports when I get back. Jenny, with me."

We left there and headed to an abandoned Dutch reformed church. There I busted up the fire place and retrieved the lesser key of Solomon before heading to the cabin. There I met with Captain Irving again and told him my account of the story.

He identified the three as the ones who tortured and killed the poor barkeep on their way here. After a shit ton of paperwork, I was thanked for my assistance in apprehending them. Then when I was free, Jenny, Crane and Abby all met with in the Armory.

There I told them more about myself and more specifically what the devil actually was. When I finished Ichabod asked. "So you're the new devil? The ruler of hell?"

I nodded slowly. "I'm the current ruler yes, but any angel willing to keep the demons in line and ensure no one summons the dead can be the devil. I'm more a warden of the the prison that is hell. I don't judge nor do I take part in the torturing, well mostly. Hitler and a few others are an exception I might make to that case eventually."

He nodded slowly and Abby asked. "So the demon we saw-"

I shook my head. "Not all demons are in hell nor are they all from hell. When my father rebelled, a lot of the angels that followed him became the first demons, that much is true, but not all of them went to hell and joined Lilith, his right hand. Some chose a different path so God created the in between. Not earth but not heaven or hell either. You humans would call it-"

Jenny beat me to it. "Purgatory."

I nodded. "Exactly."

Crane sighed. "So Katrina is in Purgatory?"

I shrugged. "Beats me. I've nothing to do with that place. It's harder to get into than hell and far harder to get out as well. There are only a hand full of ways and one of them is a trade. Your life for whomever you want to release from Purgatory. There are other rarer ways but I don't have access to any of them right now."

Jenny frowned. "You're the king of hell, can't you just command whoever has her to let her go? I mean, if it's a demon then they'll have to listen to you right?"

I shook my head. "That's where it gets complicated. They may have once willingly followed my father in his rebellion, but they've become horrid twisted demons now with only their interest at heart. If I didn't have my essence, my soul and power as it were, split into so many pieces, I could in theory force their compliance. But I've just taken over hell and it's been in a state of disrepair for a long time now. Remember, every second up here is a year down there."

I rubbed my eyes as Abby asked. "Then what can you do?"

I smiled. "Magic. I may be limited physically but I've forged plenty of weapons that can kill demons and even angels. If they're possessing someone they'll be ejected and sent back to hell or purgatory where they belong. If they come in the flesh though, it'll wipe them from existence as demons don't have souls themselves."

I gestured to Jenny who showed them the bullets. Ichabod asked. "Will these weapons work against the horseman of death?"

I shook my head. "They'll injure him I'm sure and force him to flee to heal if he takes to my to the chest, but he's not a demon, he's an indestructible aspect of the personification of death. So long as there is life to reap, they cannot kill him as all life dies eventually and as such he is technically immortal."

That answer didn't please him any but Jenny asked. "What about trapping him? Can't we Incase his ass in solid concrete and drop him to the bottom of the ocean?"

I raised an eyebrow. "In theory we could easily do that. I don't know how he fairs against magic but I'm sure I can find something. For now though the lesser key of Solomon will be returned to hell where my other body is and those demons bound to it will be punished for attempting to enter the mortal world. My father banned possessions years ago and I've only reinforced the rule during my reign. I don't allow any demons to come to earth regardless of how they come to do so."

Abby and the other two looked relieved and finally we were on to lighter topics as I put the key in my inner world where my other body took it out in hell. While apart of my consciousness punished the demons, I answered their questions until Jenny asked. "Do you have wings?"

I nodded. "Well, not on me anymore but my angel half does. They're a forest green with purple trim and green fire while in my angelic form. But I can take a more demonic appearance that while unpleasant to look at makes my wings become more draconic with spikes and black flames that can burn even the soul someone to nothingness."

Ichabod finally asked. "Where is your father now if you're ruling hell?"

I sighed. "He's retired for earth and no he's not behind this. All he cares about is getting laid and doing an ungodly amount of drugs."

Abby raised an eyebrow and I shrugged. "He's a man whore what can I say? He likes anything that makes him feel good. Men, women, drugs, alcohol. Pretty much anything that screams party and orgy will ensure he's there to partake of it."

That's more than they'll need to know I'm sure but hopefully it'd prevent any more questions about his current whereabouts. They asked a few more pointed questions before I officially made Ichabod a FBI consultant and brought Abigale onto the small task force.

After filling out some paperwork and downloading all Ichabod would ever need to know about the twenty first century, directly into his brain, I called it a day. Abby took Ichabod to the cabin where they cleaned up and I gave Jenny the cash to get herself a hotel room while I cleaned up and reorganized the armory into a proper war room/occult library.

I had my devil self read all the demons minds in hell and filter out their thoughts for information on purgatory and all other types of creatures that may come after us. After that was done, not a lot of demons were willing to try anything anymore as those I found that were conspiring to cause trouble were punished severely.

The seventy two demons who signed in the book of Solomon were made an example of and their screams would echo throughout hell for eternity. Even Lilith was afraid of me when she saw what I'd done.

The seventy two demons were pierced by razor wire with hooks and would be pulled apart and healed throughout the rest of eternity. When I finished cleaning up and organizing the armory, I went down into the tunnels and cleaned up a bit.

I returned to my hotel room after that for a shower and a long nap. The next morning Jenny woke me up as she'd managed to get a room three doors down. We spent the morning going to an antique shop where I bought the Thracian Phiale from the shop owner, Jesse Adams.

She then brought me to meet the black market magical items dealer. There I bought several high priced magical artifacts from him including Blackbeard's flintlocks, a Jokoto Katana and some greek fire arrows with basilisk venom inside.

When we left her contact who insisted on being called Hawley, I left her the SUV and told her to back up Crane and Abby on whatever projects they're pursuing. I then shadow traveled to the clock tower in town and retrieved the Gehenna Key.

I was on a roll so I shadow traveled to Bannerman Island. There I felt out with my shadows and found Washington's tomb and shadow traveled inside. I retrieved the map of purgatory and like all the supernatural items before it, I stored it in my realm inside me.

With a few shadow hops, I grabbed both Crane and Abby before taking them with me to an old abandoned stone temple with no roof. It'd obviously been a place of worship but definitely not of Christian design. I told them seriously as I drew my blades. "Stay here and don't enter until I've come back for you. There's a Gorgon below and I don't particularly fancy you both as statues."

Abby asked. "How are you planning to fight something like that?"

I smirked. "Easily, with my eyes closed. Don't worry, it's not even my first Gorgon."

I closed my eyes and did a move I'd always wanted to try on a monster. I hoped in the air just inside a shadow and traveled above where I felt the Gorgon. As I came out on top of it, I swung both my blades, decapitating it.

Still smiling I dodged it's death struggles before storing it's body and wrapping it's head before storing that to. I then opened my eyes as I found the unexpected, Gorgon eggs. A full nest of two dozen of them.

Chuckling I took them and traveled back out, grabbing Crane and Abby. I instructed them as I brought them into the inner chamber and handed them burning torches. "These swords aren't fakes. Both of you need to stand on each side of the bowl of holy oil and light it at the same time while contemplating what it means to be your true self."

Inside the chamber though something odd began to happen to me. My face began to change into my original visage. They didn't comment as they were too busy doing as I instructed. When they succeeded and the sword of Methuselah was revealed, I grabbed it and pulled it out of the oil.

Smiling, I stored it away and grabbed them both before shadow traveling all the way back to the armory where I picked them up. Chuckling to myself now, I headed to the graveyard and uncovered the recently dead priest's tomb. There I spent an hour undoing all the hexes on the grave and around the prayer beads.

A pain in the ass to be sure, but worth it. Storing them I covered the grave once more and summoned the Grand Grimoire. It would take a few days but it would make it's way to Sleepy hollow where my company just bought the auction house.

Sighing contently for a good day's work, I stopped by a local contingent of militia idiots and stole a Spanish silver lantern that banishes demons that possess people. When I myself returned to the armory with a smile on my face, they were arguably very disturbed.

Abby finally asked. "Alright, what's with the sword and why are you smiling?"

I shrugged. "The sword is unique in that it can kill anything on this earth, except me and a few other exceptions. Unfortunately you can't use it if you have a soul as it would kill you and drain your lifeforce in exchange. Only immortals and soulless beings can use such a weapon with impunity. As my mother is a goddess, I'm half immortal and seeing as my father is an angel, albeit a bit of a dick at times, it means I don't actually have a soul. Like immortals, instead of a soul, I have essence. That means it's free for me to use."

Crane stilled then asked. "Can it kill the rider of death?"

I nodded. "Indeed, quite easily as well. Even his axe would be destroyed in a single swing if I were to get serious. Now for the best part. If your wife is indeed trapped in purgatory as we suspect, then I've a way to get her out without leaving someone behind."

Jenny asked. "How? I thought it was extremely difficult."

I smirked and held out a key and the map. "This is the map to locate the dimensional bridge to purgatory and the key to open the gates and for a limited time bring anyone you wish to out with you."

Abby asked. "How did you get that?"

Before I could answer, Crane spoke up. "I recognize them both. Washington transcribed the map didn't he? It's clearly in his style. As for the key, the last time I saw it, it was with Benjamin Franklin."

Chuckling I nodded. "Yes to both. As probably the most magically powerful human you'll ever meet, I can tell you that it's not an issue for me to sense magic and it's concentrated areas where objects of power most likely lay. I've collected quite the haul so far and not at all the end of what is hidden in sleepy hollow by a long shot. The rest though is guarded by tougher things than a simple Gorgon."

Abby frowned and crossed her arms. "How do we even know you killed the Gorgon?"

I waved a hand and the Gorgon's body appeared on the floor. They all jumped in fright at the massive creature. It had strangely not burst into gold powder but instead bled a bit on the floor before I put it back.

I told Jenny. "Tell Hawley I'm willing to trade the body but not the head as it could be useful down the road. Make sure he knows it won't be cheap crap or knock offs I'll want either."

I left them their to discuss the plans for the future while I headed to the sheriff's station across the street. There I received the evidence for the cases I'd taken up, including the horseman's head. I began working on my side project next while my company, Frosthaven, bought a small warehouse and a few empty stores here in town.

There my mechanical workers made false evidence about all the bad shit that's happening and going to happen that simply can't be explained. It's also there that I began making a fake axe of death's that could cauterize the wound as it cut.

It wasn't too awful hard as the technology easily existed already. I worked overnight and when I heard the next day that Crane had been taken, I waited and told Jenny to help when Abby spoke about the sin eater.

They went to make contact with the man while I was a bit busy searching out and keeping tabs on the Grand Grimoire along with making books on the occult for the armory and copying everything we did have onto hard drives.

Captain Irving kept me updated on the hessian spy's as they were sent to jail. I slipped them a truth spell and they confessed to a shit ton of crimes including murder, torture and theft to name a few. When they all three started talking about why, they were killed before they could say more than the name Moloch.

I didn't even get the chance to do it myself either. One moment they were fine and the next, the mirrors in their cells broke as they died from broken necks. A pity as well but not really my problem. When I finished the books I knew they'd need or want to know about on the occult, I texted Jenny and Abby that I'd be out of town for a bit and to deal with Crane being missing themselves.

I headed to Hawley at the pier and sat down for some trade as he'd agreed to my terms. When he brought out more random weapons with only vague possible historical value and no magic, I was about to leave until I saw a staff with ornate spikes at the top. When I looked at it I felt my brother Thanatos's presence a bit but very different in the way that Azrael felt different from him.

It was definitely the item of a death god and from my memories only one comes close, Kaladanda. It was reported to be owned by the Hindu god of death, Yama or god of Naraka, hell. It was so weakened though as I felt the many seals on it, tying it's power down to the point that a human would barely register it if at all.

I told him plainly. "That staff and your Maelstrom crystal for the fresh body of the Gorgon."

He looked at me strangely. "I'll accept the staff but the crystal is one of a kind, I can't part with it."

I gave him a droll stair. "I'm well aware you have two more hidden in that chest there."

I indicated the chest next to his chair as I continued. "I'm a proficient magic user so don't try pawning lies to me to get more out of me. Even if I were willing to give more, I wouldn't part with the Gorgon's head."

He licked his lips before saying. "Fine, we have a deal. Where's the Gorgon?"

I waved a hand and summoned the body of the Gorgon inside a giant crate saying. "The stasis spell that keeps it fresh will last only a week. If you can't sell it by then then you'll have to lose out."

I took the staff first and shrunk it, putting it on my necklace next to my scythe. I held out a hand which distracted him for a second as he was gobsmacked by the sheer size of the creature and the fact that it was real.

He handed me the Maelstrom crystal he had on his person and I smiled. "Pleasure doing business with you Hawley. I'll let you know if and when I have a need. Of your services again."

My words broke him out of his daze and asked. "Just out of curiosity, what's up with the staff? I haven't been able to find a buyer or even a reference to it in the year since I obtained it."

I smirked. "You wouldn't, at least not the way it is now. The staff is an extremely powerful magical artifact called Kaladanda. It's reported to have been the personal staff of the Hindu god Yama, their king of hell and lord of death. Unfortunately, and the only reason I don't feel bad about the deal, the damn thing is sealed so tightly it'll take me at least a decade to break the first seal. Even then it'll only be about as effective as the Greek Fire you sold me. It'll take me at least half a century to break the rest of the deals after that."

He gulped and nodded. "I guess that's a fair enough trade. But if you have something like that why'd you want the crystal?"

I shrugged. "I gotta keep some secrets my friend. I'll see you next time. Text me if you leave town, I've people all over the world that would be willing to do trades and even sell things for decent prices to you that you can trade or sell for better stuff to idiots."

He nodded and I tossed him a bag of drachma. "Keep it, it's greek and old as shit, you might make a pretty big mint off it elsewhere to the right buyers."

I turned and as stepped into a shadow, I disappeared. That's when I felt it, my brother Thanatos was finally released from his prison. I smiled and took out his medallion. With a thought, I appeared in his throne room.

He looked tired and haggard from my perspective but to the outside eye he was radiating power as to not appear weak. I snorted. "Lay off the power brother, you're waisting what you do have."

His output turned into a drizzle as he told me. "I've just been released and had to catch up on my work."

I nodded. "Take it easy around me brother. I won't let anyone harm you."

He raised an eyebrow. "You're mortal again."

I chuckled. "Sure am. I split my angel and immortal self from my mortal body and formed a solid body to rule the Christian Hell. It needed a ruler and I wasn't about to subject Lucifer to it again. The demons there were getting restless so I had to act."

He nodded in understanding then turned his gaze to my necklace. "You've obtained another god of death's personal weapon."

I scowled. "Don't say that too loud. I've no interest in fighting an entire pantheon for it. I only wore it outside because it looks nice complimenting the scythe."

With a thought, I sent both items of death into my inner world to stay with my soul swords.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C109
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


