55.83% A True Beginning / Chapter 110: Ch.12

章 110: Ch.12

I only kept my mother's necklace on because it hid my scent from the monsters. Such a sad thing that even with the enochian sigils in my ribs, the monsters can still smell the scent of my blood. Luckily so long as I trickle power into the necklace, I remain hidden from most things with the exception of the Christian and catholic God.

I hung around for a day and helped him with a few healing spells and a major gathering spell for his essence to help him regain his full strength sooner. I did visit Charon who was in my throne room as it seems, watching the trees grow with fascination.

After that I got a telepathic invite to Persephone's bedroom but I declined as I expected it to be a trap from her to have me take out her husband or else help him set his authority over me in stone. I'd no interest in playing those games and since I wasn't a god when I was with her before, he couldn't really challenge me now over her mean spirited hearsay.

I told Thanatos to send me to Sleepy hollow and he waved a hand, whisking me away. I ended up in the underground tunnels outside the Freemason door where Ichabod and the sin eater were currently in session. The Freemasons looked spooked by my presence but Abby calmed them down explaining that I was the leader of their supernatural task force.

When I introduced myself, I received knowing looks from them all. Sighing I brushed it off as I'm very well aware that they know of demigods and my father. I knew of their spies in LA and even saw Lucifer sleeping with a few. After all, while all Freemasons were men, not all were straight and that's all Lucifer really cared about on that front.

Their leader looked at me cautiously and I sighed once more. "What is it you want to say?"

He frowned. "You're the current devil."

I nodded confirming his words even though they were a statement and not a question. "Yes, I'm the new warden of hell. If you're to accuse me of Moloch then-"

He cut me off shaking his head. "No, we already know you've no control over Moloch and his ilk. What I was getting to is thanking you for your sacrifice. We've been made aware of the situation in hell with Lucifer's absence. If you hadn't taken the throne, well, there'd be a lot more than a handful of demons running amuck here and there. It would be apocalyptic. What I really wanted to ask was why are you not in hell?"

I snorted. "What makes you think I'm not?"

He looked me over and I chuckled. "This is my mortal avatar. My human form if you will. It's no more a threat than a powerful witch would be. The rest of my focus and power is on cleaning up hell. I've already punished near five hundred demons and sealed off all but three access points. One of which is used exclusively by the angels and another-"

I held up my Pentecostal coin. "-I only have access to. The last I can do very little about and is known by no one but me. The only way out of hell for demons is to be forcefully summoned now and you know as well as I that I cannot do anything about that unless I handle it personally on earth."

He nodded slowly. "Of course, I did not mean to presume."

I waved it off. "Anyway, they should be done soon, go ahead Abby."

She was already one step ahead of me and already entering the room. I left the Freemasons there and headed to my hotel room. There I went into meditation while I took full control of my devil self. I took out the staff of Yama and began breaking the seals on it while I sealed off the entrance to the labyrinth as best I could.

I didn't want the headache of dealing with demons meeting the Greek or Roman pantheon and starting a war. It's not like they'd win, but it would certainly be interesting.

Two days passed before I came out of meditation not hungry and satisfied as my time in hell was rewarded greatly. I'd experienced nearly two hundred thousand years in hell and had long since broken the staff's seals. Now all I needed was a binding agent to fuse my death weapons and possibly my soul swords together and allow them to take in more essence from weapons to strengthen themselves.

I'd spent nearly a hundred years breaking the seals, then I meditated in hell on the laws of this reality to the point where I've a better grasp on them than most beings besides the Christian God who I suspect made them.

I'd even been able to mold and strengthen my essence from all the energy I'd gained from hell to the point where my other essence avatars were nearly fully corporeal. They hadn't had as long to grow in strength individually but as the focal point of my immortality, my devil self was able to transfer purified essence to each of them to strengthen them.

My grip over hell's denizens had become absolute as well. No one dared step out of line and all followed my laws to the letter. That didn't mean I was completely strict though. I'd allowed them free reign with their own pleasures, taking them out on the inmates.

My only rule was simple, they had to remind the humans it was their own guilt that kept them in there, each time they did so. As I woke up and grabbed a shower, I checked my messages and found a bunch of missed calls. When I found out why, I sighed and got to work.

On my way out I ate an apple for breakfast. It settled my stomach for now while I headed to the crime scene. The Freemason's were all killed, beheaded by the horseman of death. Their heads were found by Abby and Crane who both were planning with Captain Irving and Jenny when I got to the armory after visiting the crime scenes.

When I arrived Irving gave me a serious look which I ignored. He'd been dragged into this war without even getting a chance. Sighing I told him. "It's all real."

I waved a hand and a ball of fire appeared in my hand before turning into a skull before changing colors and settling on blue. It fizzled out a bit later as I released the magic back into nature.

He gulped before agreeing to Crane's plan. When I saw it though, I made a few adjustments of my own. I provided generators that fed off the lay-lines as it powered the UV lights. On the plus side I spelled them to be silent as well.

I then set about laying down powerful wards while having Jenny go to Hawley for ingredients. I reinforced the spells and hexes with my own to the point where the stones became as if made of titanium and the chains of the demon, Greek and Roman metals mixed.

I made them especially for this with my devil body and transferred them via my inner world. I then sanctified the entire chamber and purified the very walls and dirt for miles around just to be safe. No lower class demon could get near the tunnels or the prison cell.

They'd been effectively banned. The horsemen are a different matter and so is Moloch for that matter. While they went through with their scheme, I waited and watched. I didn't act until the horseman of death was officially captured. Then I took his axe, his totem of death, much like my staff and scythe.

Grinning I left him a replica I made extra for when I decided to act. It still wasn't enough, but then he could always make a new one with Moloch's help.

When he was sealed away Crane asked why I didn't help and I told him simply. "I've hidden my presence from the enemy. They cannot find me unless I wish to be found or I show myself to them directly. They've no idea I exist as it is now. And I know what you're thinking but I won't kill death with the sword of Methuselah."

"Moloch would just appoint another rider of death then and I doubt they'd be missing a head. Death is bound and weakened by the sun and I've locked his head up far away where no one can find it. He's contained now and so long as he's within that cell. There's very little they can do to release him even with Moloch's help, I saw to that with all the extra spells and security to it."

Ichabod frowned. "Should we not be questioning him then?"

I shrugged. "Do as you wish but I'm not giving back his head, and I might take an arm off of him for another project. I can't have him returning to full power either. Just be careful whom you tell about that cell and let in."

Abby looked to Crane and said. "We can use Andy to speak for him. Didn't you say he was the horseman's necromancer?"

I stilled before telling them. "You may want to be careful with the undead. They tend to be under someone else's complete control. If he sneaks something into the chamber inside his body then uses it to bring down the hexes, like this-"

I held up the Thracian Phiale. "-then he could in theory break the horseman out. This is called a Thracian Phiale. A Druid spell breaker. If Andy sneaks one in or something else hidden inside his body, then we'd never know until it was too late."

Captain Irving frowned. "How would he sneak something in inside his body? I mean, it's not like he could just swallow it without it being noticeable."

I gave him a droll stair. "He's undead. It's not like he'd choke. Besides, his body is just a puppet now. He could simply make an incision and put it in before sowing himself back up until he needs it. Or worse if the item is smaller than the Thracian Phiale, he could swallow it and pull it out or activate it when we're not looking. That's not including the Hessian sleeper agents that could potentially storm the place if they do a tracking spell on him."

I headed to the place I sensed the kindred's body and deactivated the traps before opening the chamber. With the kindred in my possession, I pulled off the old head and attached the horseman's skull to it. I took the body into my realm and left the area, heading to the library.

While I was searching through codex Tchacos, one of the lost gospels. Jenny had retrieved it for the late sheriff and now I'd retrieved it for my own uses. With it, I raised the kindred in my realm and armored him with the best armor I could forge from a mixture of demonic and the two god metals, imperial gold and celestial bronze.

I made it in hell to look like the ebony armor from Skyrim. It was sleek and powerful which made it all the more impressive that I'd enchanted the shit out of it and even went so far as to reforge the Halberd and enchant it with many powerful spells like making it able to cut through almost anything and making it unbreakable for the most part.

With the armor, I made it as light as a feather and as hard as diamond while adding magical and divine protections and blessings. When all was said and done, with the kindred fully equipped and in stasis, he was ready to face off against even a low level god of necessary and was all but immune to magic except my own.

I had him in a trance like sleep so that time didn't pass for him. He was my ultimate warrior now and ready to take on even celestials like angels in combat. I'd gone so far as to fuse a pair of my father's wings to it's back using my own blood as a medium.

They became more demonic and wicked but they were definitely worth it as I made them go into his back, bypassing the armor he wore as it was made to do. I'd made an abomination of sorts and damned if it didn't look badass at least.

I headed to the Ridotto theatre now called the Franklin opera house after plucking a memory from Crane's subconscious. There I found the kindress, the kindred's female counterpart. After suiting her in a female light armor reminiscent of the nightingale armor from Skyrim, I reforged her flail to look more like the witch king's version and added powerful enchantments to it.

With her current enchanted armor and weapon, she was now a match for my kindred in more ways than one. Both their armors concealed them from most mortals eyes except those in the know on the supernatural.

A handy enchantment I picked up from the witches minds around town. One of which is the witch at the historical archives. I'd spent a decent amount of time reading everyone's minds to filter out who was Hessian and just plain evil. I'd found most of them in my search including several witches and the location of another group of witches called the four speak as one.

As I predicted the Hessians attacked and retrieved their horseman with the help of the undead necromancer Andy Brooks. Crane did get his answers though before they left him wounded but alive. Moloch has insisted he be left alone so even though the horseman wanted him dead, he had no real choice but to leave him be for now.

Jenny and Irving were injured as well with gun shot wounds and three Hessian were dead when I arrived to heal them. When I finished, I told them coldly. "You're all idiots but then I guess you knew that already."

Captain Irving asked. "How were you able to heal us? I thought for sure I was a dead man."

I smirked. "Magic. I can heal almost any wound and repair the human body to full strength so long as it's not dead. Even then if I'm willing to pay the cost I can even revive the dead, albeit temporarily."

That got his full attention before he asked. "Can you fix spinal injuries as well?"

I nodded. "In my sleep with both hands tied behind my back. My magic comes from myself and nature. There's very few limits to it so long as one knows what it is they're doing. I've studied the human body beyond anything current science has caught up with and can even cure most forms of cancer. Brain tumors being the exception. The human brain is a tricky subject when it comes to magic uses on it."

He looked almost happy considering all they'd gone through. Jenny spoke up now. "The horseman was pretty pissed when he found his axe, do you know why?"

I nodded. "I took his original axe and replaced it with a replica. It even heats up with technology inside it like his original one does."

Abby asked. "Why would you take his axe?"

I snorted. "You really need to do your homework. The horseman are made through special means. Weapons imbued with the aspect of their natures are given to those chosen to become them. For death, it's his axe, for war, it's a gun and for pestilence it's a bow. As for famine, I can only assume it's some form of scales or a spear with scales on it."

That got them thinking while Crane asked. "Without the axe then Moloch could not raise another horseman of death?"

I shook my head. "Unfortunately that's not how it works. Death can be summoned into a new axe as demons consecrate it. I'm sure the horseman is busy making another as we speak with his master's aid. Like I said before, death can't be destroyed permanently unless all life is wiped out as well."

They each looked uncomfortable with that outcome. I put the dead Hessian's in stasis in my realm. There they'd stay until it was time to fake their deaths for the big takedown. After cleaning up, Irving called me to meet with him in private about healing his daughter.

I agreed and he called his ex-wife to have them in town for a few days. While he was busy with that my worker bots notified me of the arrival of the Grand Grimoire and it's missing half in storage.

I didn't hesitate to put them together and tuck it away in my realm for later study by my devil side. It was almost instantaneous as my other half learned it in the years there that were seconds to my outside perspective. It was all quite disorienting and I decided to limit doing so again.

The spells were mostly of the more dangerous variety like time travel and an awakening ritual for witch's descendants. There were darker spells that required more payment and some sacrifices like making revenants and turning oneself into a lich or pure blood demon in some cases.

There was even a death spell that could potentially wipe out a town. Not a lot of useful things but I digress. A few days later I was busy helping Irving's daughter while he explained to his wife that I was a witch and the supernatural was real.

While I was busy with that, my two witnesses were busy fighting an evil ent creature in the Lachlan's estate manor called Fredrick's manor. Lachlan, one of the town founding families and a witch, had made it a sanctuary until Moloch created the ent creature to corrupt the estates grounds and kill off anyone who entered.

They managed to save one of Lachlan's descendants and learn about Jeremy, Crane's son that Katrina had after he was frozen in time already. By the time I finished healing Macey, Irving's daughter, they'd destroyed the monster.

I appeared next to them before they could get in the car to drive off and shocked them for a second. Crane asked. "Where have you been? We could've used your help in dealing with the foul creature inside."

I sighed. "I was healing Irving's daughter. She was paralyzed from the waist down. It was a delicate procedure that could've ended the poor girl's life if I'd been interrupted."

He calmed down after that. "I suppose that's a decent reason for not being here."

I shrugged and turned to Lachlan's descendant. "Would you care to sell this property to me? I know it's cursed but-"

She shook her head and tossed me the deed. "You can have it. I'm getting out of this town and never looking back."

I smiled lightly and thanked her. "I'll have my lawyers contact you for the transfer in a few days."

I turned to Abby next while the woman had driven off in her own car in a hurry. "I've spoken to Irving and he's agreed that you'll be under my command indefinitely as a loan from the sheriffs department until the task force has completed it's objective."

She nodded and we talked while she drove us back to the armory about what that meant. I did in fact give Crane his official fake documents that would even allow him to vote once he applies for citizenship.

I gave him the same background as his real one only much more updated and even filed it with Europe's own citizens. It wasn't hard to hack into their own network and plant his files and even his history as an Oxford graduate. I had a few bits sneak in and plant his updated photos in their own archives was as well. He was officially a Scottish born British citizen.

He even had his drivers license and everything. I'd transferred his family's estate into his name along with all their land and titles. He was officially a minor duke of the British isles. As the last descendant of his family's line as the others had died out a decade ago, he was entitled to their money and his own bank accounts.

His family fortune was in escrow but would be transferred in a month's time once he sends in DNA proof of his connection to the family. It was a rather strong direct line so there would be no problems. I even had his green card and proof of his move to the US filed away as well.

It was all very official and with his now real background he was even receiving checks from the FBI for his services as a consultant. It wasn't much but it would pay the bills as it were.

I gave him all the information directly into his mind like before along with his packet of proof and my book on the mind scape and how to build one with a suggestion to read it and practice. When I left the duo at the armory, I went home for the night.

I spent the next few days fixing up Fredrick's manor and clean out the evil while purifying the grounds. The wards on it before were some of the weakest I'd ever learned from my own experience with them.

After repairing the house to it's former glory, I furnished it and got rid of the old broken furniture. It now resembled the house Ichabod had remembered in it's grandeur.

After repairing and upgrading the ward scheme to a far stronger degree, I'd like to see Moloch try to summon another creature inside it's boundaries. I even repaired the grounds as well and cleaned up the basement as well. The entire estate was now in perfect condition.

When I heard about the golem, I went to the circus that was on the outskirts of town to read the minds of the witch coven there. The four who speak as one were very unique in that they actually had mind defenses and could work together as one mind to hold me off before I slipped through their defenses and learned all they knew.

They weren't happy but then I left them with the news that they'd be dead soon anyway so their resistance crumbled by the time I left their mind. I watched from afar as the golem showed up and killed the coven before Ichabod killed it.

I'd even gotten my first official look at Henry, the sin eater and hidden horseman of war who also happened to be Jeremy Crane, Ichabod's son with Katrina. I stayed away and made sure they didn't mention me with a simple but powerful mental block on their minds not to mention me or anything I'd shown them.

The next few days were awkward when I explained to them why I blocked them from mentioning me to anyone. They weren't happy but understood the need for secrecy. Even Macey hadn't seen me when I healed her.

When the demon who hopped from body to body started threatening Captain Irving, I was not happy as it was one of mine. I gave Ichabod the lantern and explained how to use it on the demon before helping them find and trap the demon. When they sent it to hell by expelling it from a random police officer, my devil self was there to punish it in a most extreme way.

Irving even commented on it when it was gone. "I hope that thing tots in hell."

I chuckled. "I don't know about rotting, but it's torture and punishment is being carried out as we speak. It's receiving my personal attention and it's being made an example of for those that dare go against my laws."

He gulped before nodding. "Good, I hope the bastard suffers."

I smiled. "Oh, he is. Now, let's make sure no more under your command get end up possessed. Here, these are amulets that'll prevent demons from entering your bodies. They're also spelled to be forgotten about and unnoticed once put on and impossible to remove. It'll work for your officers but I recommend you get the symbol tattooed into your skin."

I turned to Abby and the rest. "You all should do the same as a precaution. It will offer a basic protection from ghost possession as well. It's not much but it'll keep out most ghosts and all mid and low level demons."

Jenny asked. "What about high level demons?"

I shook my head. "High level demons are former angels like Moloch. It won't work against a celestial no matter their current form I'm afraid. It's the best I got though."

Irving took the amulets saying. "It'll do. At least it's something."

I handed them each an ink well. "Use those for the tattoos. It's specially prepared and enchanted already so I don't have to give you the tattoos myself. Just mimic the amulet's form and you'll be fine."

Jenny asked. "What about you?"

I snorted. "I'd welcome a demon to try possessing me. It'd be a form of entertainment before I send it to hell where it would not enjoy the experience. They would write tales of it's torture to scare little demons long after my reign in hell is over."

Crane raised an eyebrow. "Overconfidence is a bad thing."

I smiled and released my killing intent on him solely to the point where he was terrified and nearly had a heart attack before I reigned it in. "Never assume I'm like you mortals, no matter how human I appear. I'm actually older than humanity so do try and remember I'm not as young as I appear to be."

He nodded while sweat poured off him and he regained his motor functions. I turned to Irving saying. "Have your wife and daughter tattooed as well. It's necessary, believe me. They could be used to get to you. Best to be cautious."

He wasn't happy about that but he agreed and tried to think of an explanation of why his daughter should get a tattoo. Her mother was in the know now but she wasn't. I tossed them hex bags next. "Keep these on you all as well. It'll prevent minor spells and curses from affecting you and may save your life. It's anti magic in a pouch so keep it on you accept when you're getting the tattoo."

They each looked at the bags with curiosity but thanked me for them. I then gave Ichabod the map and key to purgatory saying. "Be very careful when you use this and remember, don't eat or drink anything that's offered to you while you're in purgatory. If you do you'll be damned and stuck there for eternity. Not even the key will work then. The map has more warnings of a similar nature so read it carefully before you decide to act."

He and Abby looked it over and agreed to go together. I slipped away while they were planning and dealt with the necromancer hiding in the tunnels. It was simply time for him to pass on before he could become a problem.

Moloch would be pissed but then he wouldn't know it was me who killed him anyway. I distributed the body with a Greek Fire arrow I'd gotten from Hawley and Andy was gone before he knew it. I picked up a few artifacts he'd left in his nest including an Egyptian spell to speak to the dead.

It wasn't that impressive but I definitely like new things so yay me. I cloaked myself and watched as they decided on calling in the sin eater for his help in case anything went wrong. I blocked their memories of me once more only this time it was completely overpowered as they temporarily forgot about me all together as I didn't want Moloch finding out about me at all.

As the eclipse came with the winter solstice, they went into purgatory and retrieved Katrina. When they came back out, I saw Moloch trying to escape as well. Smiling as the doorway closed in his face, I read Katrina's mind for any and all spells or information she might have that I might want.

I found a bit including the spell to see into purgatory through a mirror. I watched as Henry led them to the four white trees as the eclipse started. When death showed up and the third tree finished burning, I appeared with my now both revived kindred and kindress warriors.

I gave the command as the kindred held off the horseman of death and the kindress knocked out Henry. I then froze the horseman of war in a stasis spell and released Ichabod, Katrina and Abby.

As I revealed myself, I told the horseman of death coldly. "Piss off or you'll be destroyed here and now. The only reason you're not gone now is because I haven't given them the order to finish you off."

He stilled before getting on his horse and fleeing. I turned to the kindred and put them in my realm where they could live happily as my warriors whenever I have need and as a couple in the meantime.

They obeyed happily and I turned to the trio next. "Sorry about that but I had to let certain events play out before I could be sure. I suspected the sin eater of being a horseman when you said Katrina told you about him. After all, how would a woman whose been in purgatory for the last two hundred years know there was a sin eater in the states when he was clearly human?"

They caught on and Katrina asked. "Who are you?"

I chuckled. "Wraith Morningstar, at your service. And no, I won't be releasing your son until you've figured out a way to unbind him from the horseman of war. For that I suspect you'll need his totem and as soon as I dig through his mind, I'll have it's location for you."

She was a bit shocked by my massive info dump but nodded all the same before I waved a hand and sent Henry, aka Jeremy Crane to the far corners of my realm where I once kept the giant robot I'd gotten from the junkyard of the gods.

He could stay there indefinitely until she's found a way to unbind him. My devil self entered his mind and dig through it until I discovered the location of the Turricula Ignis, or totem of war.

It was in a rune master and revolutionary's burnt down barn basement. Benjamin Banneker has hidden it there on a mission during the revolution to prevent both sides from getting ahold of it. Unfortunately as the master of purgatory Moloch hadn't needed the totems to empower someone willing with the aspects of the horseman.

I shadow traveled there and retrieved it before tossing it to Katrina saying. "Be careful with it. Anyone shot with it will become the next horseman of war and while I don't mind tossing whomever you shoot with it in stasis, it won't actually remove the horseman from your son. Instead it'll probably kill him."

She paled and handled it carefully and I took them to the new Fredrick's manor and signed over the deed right then and there. It was all legal of course. After that I took the map to purgatory and left them there to talk while I went hunting.

When I stepped through into the wasteland of the dead and lost, I saw Moloch waiting and angry he hadn't been set free. His army was destroyed by my Kindred and all that was left was to finish him which I actually did.

I took his head with the sword of Methuselah. He exploded, and with his death, many creatures were set free from Purgatory through the temporary rift created from the dead celestial.

I left after settling down the energies of the rift and repairing it. When I arrived in the land of the living, I let the angel that had escaped hunt the demons that had went with him down for now.

I did however tell Crane and the rest of what happened as they needed to be on alert. Abby considered it a win since Moloch was dead and only a few dozen creatures from Purgatory were let loose. I spent the next several weeks hunting down mystical objects that Henry knew about or had hidden.

I killed the pied piper in the woods and retrieved his mystical bone instruments made from little girls bones. It was a bit creepy but worth it. Next came the heart of Lilith that she'd dumbly left on earth. When my devil self returned it to her she tried seducing me.

I left her wanting as I brushed her off and went back to my throne. After that I spent some time finding the coins of Judas. The first one Henry knew about while the rest were buried with Thomas Jefferson under many spelled hexes and wards.

Next came meeting up with Abby and Joe Corbin who'd returned from Afghanistan. He received his inheritance of the Jincan venom his father had hidden. I had to show him magic and prove it was all real to get him to chill out and get off Abby's case.

I was busy stealing all the magical artifacts out of the Knox family vault at the edge of town when Abby and the rest were dealing with an evil spirit in the insane asylum. The only decent thing in the vault was the statue of the goddess Kali that seemed effected by the golden blood of my immortality growing in my veins.

It was only a little but I could sense Kali's gaze shift to me as her presence tried to understand the immortal that was holding her statue yet appeared to not be there to her senses. I stored the rest of the items but kept the statue out of my realm as I didn't want the goddess who was actively looking through it to have access to my realm inside me.

I shadow traveled to the armory and hid the statue there while I put up barriers and wards around it. The goddess seemed annoyed by them but didn't pay much attention after that. Sighing in relief, I turned my attention to Jenny as she arrived to find her mother's journal to use the spell on the evil spirit.

I waved her off and took her back to the insane asylum where I promptly sent the spirit to hell with a wave of my hand and a blast of energy from my devil side. When it was over they talked to their mother's spirit before it passed on to heaven.

Smiling I told them as much and they were happy as I'd know. I ruled hell and as such I knew every soul that entered it and why. It was a sourly sweet feeling to be able to tell them honestly that their mother wasn't in hell but heaven.

As Moloch was dead, there was no real threat at the moment except the horseman of death and the angel Orion who was busy hunting down the demons that escaped purgatory. When Abby ran across the Angel, and brought him to the armory, I summoned the Kindred and they held the angel down while I took his weapon.

I swung my blade true and sent him back to purgatory as he was no longer welcome in heaven or hell. Abby and the rest were shocked by my actions until I put away the kindred and explained.

Sighing I sat in front of them and told them. "Orion was a fallen angel that unlike those that joined Lucifer, didn't become a demon. He intended to wipe out all of humanity that didn't serve his purpose. He's been at it since the great flood and was only stopped when the horseman of death killed him last time."

Abby had tears in her eyes. "But he's an angel!"

I snorted. "Where do you think he went after he died? He rebelled from heaven and he most certainly doesn't have the balls to enter hell, that's why he went to purgatory when the horseman killed him last time and that's where he returned now. Silly girl, angels are just as prone to turning bad as mortals under the right circumstances."

When Irving asked. "How do we know you're not just picking off those that could help us?"

I gave him a droll stare before sighing. "Look him up. You'll find that he's been there at the start of many great massacres since the beginning of time. You humans documented him several times for a reason. As for helping you, I've killed Moloch, permanently. You may not have realized it yet but all angels are siblings, and both Moloch and Orion were my uncles. So bite me if you think I'd kill family just to mess with your silly little heads."

I walked out and slammed the door behind me as I headed to the hotel before doing what I should've done a while ago. I prayed to Amenadiel and when he arrived he asked. "How are you out of hell?"

I chuckled. "It's good to see you too uncle, I'm doing great."

He gave me an irked expression and I explained how I separated myself from my essence and immortality to create a sort of angelic clone body. He was shocked that it was even possible and stunned that my mortal mind could process being in hell and on earth at the same time.

I brushed passed that and asked for a ride into hell and for him to stick around for the ride back once I finished what I needed doing. It took only a minute on earth once we entered hell, but sixty years there was all I needed for the apple's effects to finish making my human body immortal once more.

I was just an immortal witch now but it was enough insurance as I'd heal fast from all but a hand full of things. When he dropped me off he asked why I didn't return to LA and I told him. "A child must grow up when it's their time. I need to step out from my father's shadow and I think he'd be proud of me if he knew. By all means tell him what I've done, but don't tell him where I am. I'll see him when I'm ready."

He agreed and told me about how little Charlie was doing. Smiling I told him a little of what I'd been up to. I mentioned what Moloch had tried doing and had started and he wasn't happy but I convinced him I had it handled.

I also told him about Orion and sending him back to purgatory as he'd have wiped out the humans in his quest to cleanse them. He agreed that I did the right thing and asked that I actually keep in touch, even if it meant summoning him on occasion for help. When he left, I meditated as each of my now solid bodies of god essence ate an apple apiece from my inner world tree.

Each of them were already divine in nature so it was only a few moments before they were all immortal bodies I could control or rejoin with. Hell, death, fertility, nature, reincarnation, each one holding sway over a domain. Hell being the largest as it was as large as my inner realm.

As they solidified, so did my power over the domains. Individually each one was as strong as a big three member and growing stronger. Lucifer couldn't tap into the energy of hell but as a god, I could and I was the only one with with access to so much pure soul energy and constantly feeding on it.

It was making me so much stronger and even now I felt I'd have to take another domain soon to offset the overflow of energy. No wonder gods fought for control of realities and why the Christian God seemed so all powerful. If this was how he got so damn strong then I had to wonder if I was a match for him at my full strength and this was only one small sliver of clearly god king whole.

It made one wonder whether how sting my mother Gaia and Lucifer were in their primordial forms.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C110
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


