12.76% A SHINOBI IN PARADISE / Chapter 3: Fiance's Childhood and Time skip

章 3: Fiance's Childhood and Time skip

It's been a few weeks since the birth of Sae jin.... In a luxurious manor inside a great Hall three people are sitting together..These people are Kim jun,Kim Dokja and Kim Yu-Rin In the middle of the three is a 6 weeks old child sleeping peacefully.The atmosphere is happily peaceful...

' I had a talk with dongsoo and he wanted a marriage between a marriage between sae jin and his grand daughter Yuhui and I agreed ' Kim jun spoke in a slow tone not seeing Yu-rin and the dangerous glint in her eyes....

'Father how could you do this I arranged Sae jin with one of my college friends Yoo Jinho's daughter Yoo Seonhwa'

Kim Dokja spoke without seeing the scary look on his wifes face.....

'Crack' The sound caused them to look towards Kim Yu-rin..... Seeing the scary look on the face of Yu-rin caused both of them to sweat profusely....

Kim Jun hurriedly went towards the telephone while Kim dokja took out his mobile phone and hurriedly dialed Yoo Jinhos number

'Aah jinho I called you to tell you that the talk about marriage is over do you really think I will think of marriage for my son who is not even 6 weeks old what drug did you put in the drink' yelled Dokja

' Dongsoo they are both kids what silly thing we did thinking about marriage of two newborn haahha' laughed Kim Jun awkwardly

Just then Yu-rin's loud voice boomed

'Stop acting you both fixed marriage of my son without thinking and now you are acting,Sae jin will have no marriage contracts and marry whoever he likes..... ' said Yu-rin and walked away in anger taking Sae jin

The two men hurriedly nodded and sighed in relief after Yu-rin walked away.....

The two men talked to their friends while a certain 22yr old newborn was sleeping peacefully while smilling....

TIMESKIP 12 months

(MC's pov)

'Damn these 12 months have been hard...I met two of the main cast Yoo seonhwa and Seo Yuhui... It's tough being a child it's been 12 months since I came to this world I haven't said a word..While it was fun and games at the start just eating and sleeping I am starting to miss anime manga and stuff.... I don't want to ramble but I couldn't even walk well back then....I could walk with the help of chakra if I tried but I couldn't since there are so many security cameras in the whole building and only place there aren't are the studies and the bedrooms which becomes inaccessible to me after Mom and Dad go to office since nanny isn't allowed into the room because it connects to the studies....'

' I am planing to start speaking since I got the basic Korean down. I can speak but not fluently, I got the words.... and simple sentence formation' damn I want to be older or I will have to atleast learn wood clone jutsu and transformation jutsu.... Well it's not that I don't like my life but I want a bit of change but first I need to learn to read and write and learn the two jutsu... '

'So here is plan

1. learn to read and write Korean

2 Learn genjutsu

3 learn wood clone jutsu

4 learn Transformation jutsu

5 Find a large secluded spot to train

with a plan ready all I had to do is work for it.... so the first step is to say mamma pappa grampa and then they will teach me how to talk. ...

(3rd POV)

It was 6 in the evening when Kim yu-rin came back home. Only to see her child walking slowly towards her all her fatigue vanished she went up and picked him up in her arms and asked

'How is my baby doing....? '

Only to to hear boy saying mama and hugging her....

This caused the lady to have an excitement outburst

she hugged him tightly and kissed deeply on his baby cheeks

'Say mama again... please.... '


The woman couldn't contain her excitement and called her husband while skipping like a mused rabbit....

'Dokja.... Dokja.... you won't even guess what happened' the woman said excitedly

'What happened....? ' asked Dokja hurriedly only to hear a cheerful squeal

'He called me mama you know I am so happy I feel like dancing already' said the woman happily

'Really...? ' question Dokja

'yep' said a happy Yu-rin

'listen to this '

'baby say mama' said yu-rin

'mama' said sae jin happily

seeing his mother happy made him happy too...

'Sae jin say papa' told an excited Dokja

'papa' said Sae jin and giggled childishly...

'Awawawaa he called me papa Yu-rin he called me papa I am coming home let's celebrate my child said his first words.... bye love you' Said sae jin and disconnected his call....

Dokja ran towards his car leaving all his work to his secretary who slumped down thinking the unpaid overtime she has to do....

Dokja took out his phone and called his father

' Hey dad guess what...? '

'What guess what.... I have work to do dammit not everybody is free as you either you cut the crap and tell me what happened or cut the call 'said Kim Jun grumpily

'Okay.... Sae jin said his first words.... '

Said Dokja excitedly

'It was grandpa right....?' asked Jun with hope that could make gods descent to lower realm but alas...

' No it was Mama followed by Papa I guess you lose dad' said Dokja smugly

'Whaaaat....! ' roared Jun

'You're lying you fraudster you are lying it must be grandpa I am coming home to confirm ' said Jun and ran towards the parking....

and this another Secertary embarked the path of unpaid overtime....

Jun ran up to the door and opened the door forcefully causing a loud bang only to see Sae jin saying papa mama and giggling when Jun was losing all hope Sae jin looked towards him and giggled 'grampa'

Invisible arrow struck everybodies heart and Jun laughed sheepishly

(What papa mama look how cutely he says grampa he loves me the most) thought jun....

and thus causing a happy ending for the day at the Kim household

Don't forget to read authors note....

_thunderer_ _thunderer_

Sorry if the chapter was boring up until now I guess I have to end the happy family... Hahahhaha(evil laughter) .... But seriously I feel like I should do it... So I can make mc super edgy and much like solo levelling through the universe most people won't like it.... So those who want to read please comment whether I should do it or not.... Then I will bring changes to next chapter.... Thank you

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

next chapter
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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C3
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


