/ Eastern Fantasy / Monster Paradise

Monster Paradise

Monster Paradise

Eastern Fantasy 完了 1,935 章 70.6M ビュー
作者: Nuclear Warhead Cooked in Wine

4.25 (2,838 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Lin Huang was a 15-year old boy from Earth, on a path to live his life in a world full of monsters. With his younger sister in his care, and given only 91 days to live, the odds were not in his favor at all... That is until, he killed a vicious vampire, purely by accident. With a twist in his tale, his life was changed completely. As he fought his way through this world with the help of his troops made of men and monsters, the boy sets his sights on a much larger ambition of becoming the greatest monster hunter in the world!

  1. DaoistkbALru
    DaoistkbALru 貢献した 24220
  2. Waffle_Waffle
    Waffle_Waffle 貢献した 24162
  3. Chained_Chompira
    Chained_Chompira 貢献した 24149


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    The novel starts off quite interesting. As is typical with the trend of transmigration stories, MC doesn't think twice about being teleported to another world- that's completely ok, actually. His transmigration and his immediate assimilation into the world can be excused, despite the fact that he came from a world of familiar smartphones and not a world with a jumbled mix of advanced "ring" systems, ancient relics, and wacky monsters. That one point. That is excusable. However, much like credit card debt, you cannot declare bankruptcy the second time. It would appear as though the author definitively planned out the first 20 or so chapters of the story- it feels pretty realistic, and the MC's wits show through in a manner that engages the reader, despite his crippling handicap. Ever present in the background was his impending death, as his lifespan was essentially crippled to around 3 months. Then, the warning signs begin to show. His cheat skill, a sort of system, activates and immediately catapults him to importance by granting him the ability to summon monsters he kills, which the translator terms "Imperial Censure". There is no explanation on how this role fits into society, simply that the role is "exclusive" and represents "high status". What else does it do? Allow him to copy skills, for one. Instantly, MC is a comprehension genius. The author's lazy writing starts to show through here, around the assessment arc. MC enters desert. Desert has sand monsters. Fight sand monster, summon sand monster. Mutated?! Joy! The above is literally how the world building in this novel works. Author throws out a random location, describes it with a line or two, and then focuses back on MC. This could be remedied if the MC was adequately fleshed out, but that doesn't occur, either. The whole reason the MC is joining the assessment is because his system would've deserted him otherwise, because apparently the transmigration, monster, and OP system tropes weren't enough- the author needs a quest aspect as well. What else happens? MC meets possibly the most overpowered character in the entire story (literally a surviving half god) and his blood somehow managed to revive her. Then, she instantly heals his crippled lifespan. He subsequently proceeds to learn an Epic skill from watching her brew tea. Afterwards, he returns to the assessment like nothing happened. Yeah. However, I digress. Overall, the author attempts to demonstrate the MC's prowess at the expense of world building and other characters. Bai Yan, the main antagonist, was initially portrayed as aloof- he stated he wouldn't kill the MC because the MC was week. Flash forward 2 days and Bai Yan now picks fights whenever MC says anything. In public. What? MC apparently is the only one with brains as well. With an impending monster horde, there's no way for everyone to escape. What should they do? MC suggests rather plainly that they could group up and fight- author throws in some random locations to make MC seem smarter, and everyone reacts as if MC is a genius. He's really not. Even his power is borrowed. And what he does have came from plot armor. He's essentially a vessel that is given "personality" by the secret seeds of wish fulfillment within our hearts- nothing more. If you value world building and character development, don't read this. If you're willing to turn off your brain and become one of the numerous other side characters that fawn over the MC, then I guess you could give it a shot. *Translation and editing are both really basic. I do not profess to be competely adept at grammar, but as a native, the choppy sentences are quite numerous. Additionally, the word choice is extremely bland and basic. On the flip side, I guess there's at least a semblance of uniformity across the mundane story, cardboard MC, and uninteresting descriptions. I hope the irony of this praise is not lost to you.

    352 の返信を表示する

    Rare that this King write a review but when i see a Pearl i shall write ! OK somehow this will be a bit confusing story In the start but it's extremely good if i remember correctly this story is just awesome it must have 67ch or soo but translators stopped and link broke soo,, this story is about a guy who can capture monster that he kill and this story is fun just for that damn SYSTEM ! 😂😂 ok vote for this please This KING Order you: Thou shall click that damn like button

    169 の返信を表示する

    Remarkably bad on almost all fronts. The translation is rapid, but incredibly poor in quality - sentences often mean the opposite of what they actually say. The plot armor is thicker than a nuclear shelter. MC gets transported to another world, but it's one of those transfer MCs where you question why they even bothered since none of his thoughts are ideas are from Earth except when he thinks to himself "this system is like the card game I used to play" except for that one time he thought to himself, "Oh, just like the webnovels I read on Qidian". MC gets a gacha card "system" with pretty absurdly strong powers, which is fine. MC proceeds to use it very poorly, which is less fine. World in general is what I call "low-intelligence worlds", where a moron from Earth is a genius in this world. MC hailed as a genius for having mediocre ideas. Note that this is despite the world being seemingly at least equal to Earth in technology along with a large variety of "system" magic and magic tools. And it gets worse. Characters are needlessly wasteful of resources and lives. Characters are randomly cruel or self-centered in ways that normally don't survive 8th grade, and this includes the MC. Character personalities are completely inconsistent, and so far his life and powerups are a series of random encounters that has essentially no input by the character or supporting characters having any persistent, reasonable motivation. The world and its people seemingly only exist for the MC to do his thing, but the MC doesn't have a thing to do. He sort of had an immediate motivation in that his life bar was set at ~60 days at the start, but that got solved partially without him trying because it turns out his system gives him like a year of life just for killing one bottom-tier monster and then it gets solved completely without him trying because of a random encounter was like "hey thanks for doing this thing that you did with no effort, btw, I am actually a god and I fixed your supposedly unsolvable problem without you asking me to" But worst of all is the nonsensical things that happen. I would call it a plot, but that's an insult to actual plots Example: MC's temporary boss/high ranker/harem candidate tells him not to let anyone leave town because it might be too dangerous. Random low-tier noob says she wants to leave anyway. MC pulls out a gun and point it at her head and tells her he'll kill her if she leaves. He could have just said, "hey, the gold-ranker says you can't leave because there are monsters roaming outside" but naw, straight to gun-in-face. Keep in mind this isn't some grimdark fantasy, this is a hyper-modern world where there's supposed to be rule of law. Our MC is a psychopath, but it gets worse. Random bozo tries to stick up for the girl and say the MC is being unreasonable, MC literally thinks random bozo is just doing this for a pretty face and is proud that he isn't swayed by pretty faces. Author makes it clear he's also proud his MC isn't, the chapter title is literally titled "What's Being Kind to Women?". Suddenly, for no reason at all, random mid-boss antagonist who has been harassing MC (and other people) jumps in to start a fight against MC, not because of the girl but because he wants to pick on MC. They look like they're going to get in a fight. Mid-boss is definitely stronger than him, he literally beat MC like yesterday and let him go because "you're so weak you're not worth killing even though I'm here to kill weak people because I'm weird." MC doesn't back down, because I don't know, being a dumbass threatening some random girl with shooting her in the face so she doesn't endanger herself is more important than his own life, which is all so stupid I can barely breathe. Fortunately, they're suddenly interrupted by random bullsh*t and everybody forgets what they were doing. In the ensuing few days MC exerts his dominance by beating up sh*t-tier background characters with no names and doesn't let anyone leave. Somehow, this makes people trusting and admiring of him, which is important because he's about to lead a squad into battle because his boss/harem candidate thought all that previous bullsh*t was genius work by him. A couple of chapters later he declares he's going to stay and defend the town from monsters despite being having a power rating of effectively zero when there are literally a thousand other super-powered high level humans running around. Literally tens of thousands of years of combat experience between all of them, and somehow MC is piping up with his sh*t-tier ideas and people are calling it genius. It also feels super weird because our MC has been relatively focused on himself and his sister so far, and this is the first hint that he gives a sh*t about anybody else, yet he's suddenly burning with self-sacrificial desire. Not long after, it turns out this was a tremendously stupid idea (which literally other more experienced people than him told him at least three times) and he's going to die, 100%, no take-backsies. Just then he gets a system notification: Would you like to get your get-out-of-jail-free card I didn't tell you about and you didn't know you had? He's like: "sure". And then the magic wish automatically determines how to get him out of the situation with no input from him, and kills millions of monsters with a nuke that only hits bad guys and instakills everyone but the boss, and saves the day. No, I'm not joking or exaggerating in the least. But wait, it didn't kill the boss. Boss appears and says, haha, you humans are so dumb, Superman-Goku Macguffin the 3rd isn't coming to save you, Superman is a dumbo and is fighting my sekret clone. By the way, I'm going to kill all of you, especially you MC. Suddenly, harem candidate goes, "Wait boss monster, can you please give me 3 minutes to confess my love for MC? Pleaaase? Pretty pleeaaase?" Boss monster goes: "Okay, sounds fine with me, but don't doublecross me or I'm gonna like, kill you. Uh, I guess I'm gonna kill you anyway but I'll like really super duper kill you or something", and he goes to sit in the corner and jacks off for awhile. Harem-candidates grabs MC, and then is like, "omgersh boss monster, you so dumb!" and then she pushes through MC through a portal while boss monster is distracted. Staring at the portal he goes, "How dare you lie to me!" "Curse you humans and your predictable yet inevitable betrayal!" "It's a good thing you were too dumb to take your own portal, now I'm going to kill you even harder!" But then she goes "Wait, let me give a dying speech. Okay, still giving a dying speech. man, why am I not dead yet? Guess I'll speech some more. Also, it's sort of weird that I pushed MC through the portal and stayed behind but he's still here but oh well, if the author's not paying attention why should I? MC even though I met you like last week and we've literally never had a conversation, you are the most amazing man ever and I love you." Boss monster: "That's great, I'm gonna kill you now." POW! Suddenly the goddess our delightful MC met last week in yet another random encounter roll after feeding a squirrel who turned out to be a immortal god-beast who was the pet of the goddess back in the day so he was like, how about I show you her corpse and then just because MC is MC the goddess came back to life from him getting a plot boner or something and was like "Oh hey MC, we're soulmates and I love you. Please ignore my irrelevant background story which makes it seem like I should vengefully kill all humans." Anyway. Goddess shows up and her pet squirrel smacks boss monster to death with a single slap. Literal Deus ex Machina. BTW MC, since we killed a immortal super boss monster, why don't you take its soul, you can raise it as a soul pet and get super powers you didn't work for, again. MC: "Oh yeah, goddess, can you help save this harem candidate who I met last week?" "long as you're here doing miracles, y'know?" Goddess: "No, that is impossible... unless I had a boss monster soul or something like that, but those are pretty rare and it's not like we just have those lying around." "Oh whoa, it turns out there's a boss monster soul I just gave you. But are you sure you want to give it up? You worked so hard for it. Oh wait, no you didn't I just showed up and gave it to you." MC: "uh, sure, yeah, whatever G-dog" Goddess: "haha, just playing, I don't need the monster soul after all. It'd be too much of a pain in the ass to write another monster in...I mean, I don't need one because I got others. Despite me being dead for the last thousand years or whatever" "Bippity-boppity-boo! This girl is alive! But hey we're still gonna get it on at some unspecified later date when you're a god through remarkable happenstance, right?" "also, the girl is super mega powerful now cuz I put a god-beast in her. The soul I gave her was like a super rare Phoenix soul I just had lying around." MC: "Yay!" And that's when I stopped reading.

    86 の返信を表示する

    FTW... Love this book. KILL THOSE MOOOOONNSSSSTTTEEEERRRRSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!! Hunt those vampires!!! Roast thr werewolves!!! Catch them like Ash!!! (LoL)

    135 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    I have no issue at all with the translator or update speed. The author however just doesn't write a good story. He completely forgets about the main character's thirteen year old sister, and the character development is all over the place. Random events like the retarded snow white and the yeti is retarded. The world building is just bad. 90% of the time, I have no idea what the area the main character is looks like, nor the cities, nor the countries or the world. It's all grey fog. It's just all around ****ty.

    61 の返信を表示する

    Website : qidian china Views : 1.22 million Rating : 8.4(428) Chapters : 733 Status : ongoing Word count : 1.76 million author rank : lv5

    15 の返信を表示する

    Really don’t understand how this could have become 3rd on weekly ranking - really poorly written, some of the most gaping plot holes I have witnessed not to mention the thick layers of plot armour. Many of the situations seem to have been made up on a whim of the author and going from 0 to 100 as he seems to get bored of sticking to one subject. They do say copying is the best form of flattery but some of this is just down right plagiarism from various stories - he randomly started throwing in hunter x hunter terms etc. for a couple of chapters then seems to totally forget about it. Overall, largely disappointing.

    14 の返信を表示する

    I have been waiting for a story like this for a long time. and its fucking finally here..translator u really took long enough to reach upto translated chapters😄😄 ....................................................................................................................

    10 の返信を表示する

    Translation quality up until now from chapters 10 to 40 could definitely be better. Story development is trash, too much plot armor and plot holes. Characters are all brain-dead. World background was interesting at first but it's complete randomness now.

    9 の返信を表示する

    I rarely want to write a review, but this time, I iust can't stand it. I really don't know how this novel get into second rank in weekly vote nor do I know why those people who gave 5 stars review only has "zero chaps read" in their stats. But the one thing I know is, this novel is really a compilation of FULL OF TRASH ! Very bad that even with my quite easy to satisfied reading preferences refuse this novel! I am not talking about preference kind of stories, nor did I do this for a black campaign, but this novel really does it in a most TRASHY ways.. The MC is a hypocrite, full of nonsense justice, but his actions latter contradicts his sense of justice, the world revolves arround him (many MC like this). Those things I can accept. The logic of the story is nonsense, e.g: the monster hit the MC with a giant hammer with the speed of sound in close quarter combat and mc got to dodge it by ducking down while his body is only in a normal citizen level, and there is no sonic boom accompanying that hammer who's moving at a speed of sound? This kind of stupid logic I can also live with that. When the world is in danger, and all the world's leaders gather in one place, all the world's most beautiful minds thinking of a way to survive but can't think of anything except to receive that fate and die, here comes the time the MC to shine, by proposing a stupid idea that any 10 years old kid should know and the whole world sing a song of genius praises to him! And this happens many times! This doesn't prove that the MC is a genius (like the author intend to do), this only proves that the whole world are just a bunch of idiots. And I wonder how they even manage to live this long before the MC transmigrate a month ago? This I can't accept. The MC only show you that 1+1 is 2 and einstein class genius would praise him for MC's genius. What a stupid novel. Read it at your discretion, I'm sure you will be disapointed, don't trust the vote and assume this is a good story, and last thing, you have been warned !

    9 の返信を表示する

    If you like stories WITHOUT logic, believable characters, and world development... You'll love this. For example : There are vampires who are nighthunters... But can't see in the dark. The same vamp can smell a girl through a locked door but can't find the MC when he's hiding. The very same vampire is so slow that when he's holding a girl's foot and about to kill her:1 the mc arrives. 2. The mc thinks what he should do, runs over to a lamp, grabs the lamp and smashes it on the vampire. 3. The mc grabs the girl and runs away from the vamp Makes me wonder how that stupid vampire race hasn't gone extinct already.

    3 の返信を表示する

    Updated fine but the novel was horrible. The author coddled the MC so much that I never seen him struggle even once so far. First time it made sense to be saved from a disaster with 0,0001% survival rate, cause he needed to be super lucky to be an MC. Then it started.. "I'm useless" - copied someone's sword technique. "My house is ruined" - a man build him a new one with 1 more floor. "Birds chased me" - made a distress call and can go back after sleeping in a hotel. "Ah I can die any moment now cause I'm born unlucky" - a girl out of nowhere healed his one true flaw (that made him unique btw). "Oh my god, some boss will attack us please hear me out" - upper level guy trusted him so much, he gave the no ranking MC a team to lead. "Wah I'm attacked!" - an explosion card came to his rescue killing everything within 10k radius (I already bored ny this point so I don't know if the radius is true or not, it's big. That's all it matters. I don't really care no more). "Hot examiner almost died because of me" - the girl who healed him came again and helped him. I stopped at that point. No more. He's not OP but he's a baby. He can't do anything. Always been fed by his mommy (the author). MC wanted to eat, author will chew and spat the food for him. MC wanted to poop, author will open MC's butthole for him. That's how bad this novel was.

    3 の返信を表示する

    I started reading it because of such high votes in daily voting system and then 3rd in power ranking. But man was I disappointed. This web novel has serious issues with plot armor and plot holes that it just ridiculous. I normally am an easy going reader and normally ignore such inconsistencies, but here its borderline insanity. Whatever MC wants he gets it by random event within next few pages. Also maybe this is specialty of this Monster World that MC was ported to but everyone there is so DUMB, don't want to get into details else it will involve spoilers. Also character depth is almost nil with everyone else except MC are simply one dimensional . Last but not the least translation quality is sub par with so many mistakes but that can be overlooked as translators are releasing at such a fast pace.My advise do yourself a favor and stay away from this one or you will also start doubting the ranking on Qidian(like me), thinking that maybe they are rigged as there is no way that such poor quality work can be ranked 3rd.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Love this novel. One of the best I have ever read. ,................ ..................................................................................................

    18 の返信を表示する
    LV 5 Badge

    There must be some sort of conspiracy going on with the power stones because this story does not deserve first place. I'll summarise it for everyone here. MC's temporary boss/high ranker/harem candidate tells him not to let anyone leave town because it might be too dangerous. Random low-tier noob says she wants to leave anyway. MC pulls out a gun and point it at her head and tells her he'll kill her if she leaves. He could have just said, "hey, the gold-ranker says you can't leave because there are monsters roaming outside" but naw, straight to gun-in-face. Keep in mind this isn't some grimdark fantasy, this is a hyper-modern world where there's supposed to be rule of law. Our MC is a psychopath, but it gets worse. Random bozo tries to stick up for the girl and say the MC is being unreasonable, MC literally thinks random bozo is just doing this for a pretty face and is proud that he isn't swayed by pretty faces. Author makes it clear he's also proud his MC isn't, the chapter title is literally titled "What's Being Kind to Women?". Suddenly, for no reason at all, random mid-boss antagonist who has been harassing MC (and other people) jumps in to start a fight against MC, not because of the girl but because he wants to pick on MC. They look like they're going to get in a fight. Mid-boss is definitely stronger than him, he literally beat MC like yesterday and let him go because "you're so weak you're not worth killing even though I'm here to kill weak people because I'm weird." MC doesn't back down, because I don't know, being a dumbass threatening some random girl with shooting her in the face so she doesn't endanger herself is more important than his own life, which is all so stupid I can barely breathe. Fortunately, they're suddenly interrupted by random bullsh*t and everybody forgets what they were doing. In the ensuing few days MC exerts his dominance by beating up sh*t-tier background characters with no names and doesn't let anyone leave. Somehow, this makes people trusting and admiring of him, which is important because he's about to lead a squad into battle because his boss/harem candidate thought all that previous bullsh*t was genius work by him. A couple of chapters later he declares he's going to stay and defend the town from monsters despite being having a power rating of effectively zero when there are literally a thousand other super-powered high level humans running around. Literally tens of thousands of years of combat experience between all of them, and somehow MC is piping up with his sh*t-tier ideas and people are calling it genius. It also feels super weird because our MC has been relatively focused on himself and his sister so far, and this is the first hint that he gives a sh*t about anybody else, yet he's suddenly burning with self-sacrificial desire. Not long after, it turns out this was a tremendously stupid idea (which literally other more experienced people than him told him at least three times) and he's going to die, 100%, no take-backsies. Just then he gets a system notification: Would you like to get your get-out-of-jail-free card I didn't tell you about and you didn't know you had? He's like: "sure". And then the magic wish automatically determines how to get him out of the situation with no input from him, and kills millions of monsters with a nuke that only hits bad guys and instakills everyone but the boss, and saves the day. No, I'm not joking or exaggerating in the least. But wait, it didn't kill the boss. Boss appears and says, haha, you humans are so dumb, Superman-Goku Macguffin the 3rd isn't coming to save you, Superman is a dumbo and is fighting my sekret clone. By the way, I'm going to kill all of you, especially you MC. Suddenly, harem candidate goes, "Wait boss monster, can you please give me 3 minutes to confess my love for MC? Pleaaase? Pretty pleeaaase?" Boss monster goes: "Okay, sounds fine with me, but don't doublecross me or I'm gonna like, kill you. Uh, I guess I'm gonna kill you anyway but I'll like really super duper kill you or something", and he goes to sit in the corner and jacks off for awhile. Harem-candidates grabs MC, and then is like, "omgersh boss monster, you so dumb!" and then she pushes through MC through a portal while boss monster is distracted. Staring at the portal he goes, "How dare you lie to me!" "Curse you humans and your predictable yet inevitable betrayal!" "It's a good thing you were too dumb to take your own portal, now I'm going to kill you even harder!" But then she goes "Wait, let me give a dying speech. Okay, still giving a dying speech. man, why am I not dead yet? Guess I'll speech some more. Also, it's sort of weird that I pushed MC through the portal and stayed behind but he's still here but oh well, if the author's not paying attention why should I? MC even though I met you like last week and we've literally never had a conversation, you are the most amazing man ever and I love you." Boss monster: "That's great, I'm gonna kill you now." POW! Suddenly the goddess our delightful MC met last week in yet another random encounter roll after feeding a squirrel who turned out to be a immortal god-beast who was the pet of the goddess back in the day so he was like, how about I show you her corpse and then just because MC is MC the goddess came back to life from him getting a plot boner or something and was like "Oh hey MC, we're soulmates and I love you. Please ignore my irrelevant background story which makes it seem like I should vengefully kill all humans." Anyway. Goddess shows up and her pet squirrel smacks boss monster to death with a single slap. Literal Deus ex Machina. BTW MC, since we killed a immortal super boss monster, why don't you take its soul, you can raise it as a soul pet and get super powers you didn't work for, again. MC: "Oh yeah, goddess, can you help save this harem candidate who I met last week?" "long as you're here doing miracles, y'know?" Goddess: "No, that is impossible... unless I had a boss monster soul or something like that, but those are pretty rare and it's not like we just have those lying around." "Oh whoa, it turns out there's a boss monster soul I just gave you. But are you sure you want to give it up? You worked so hard for it. Oh wait, no you didn't I just showed up and gave it to you." MC: "uh, sure, yeah, whatever G-dog" Goddess: "haha, just playing, I don't need the monster soul after all. It'd be too much of a pain in the ass to write another monster in...I mean, I don't need one because I got others. Despite me being dead for the last thousand years or whatever" "Bippity-boppity-boo! This girl is alive! But hey we're still gonna get it on at some unspecified later date when you're a god through remarkable happenstance, right?" "also, the girl is super mega powerful now cuz I put a god-beast in her. The soul I gave her was like a super rare Phoenix soul I just had lying around." MC: "Yay!"

    6 の返信を表示する

    If you read this when was hosted in catato, what are you whaiting to vote?. If not, all you have to now is that at less the first 60 chapts are incredible good, so.......... go an vote.

    7 の返信を表示する
    LV 4 Badge

    Ok first of all, the translator doesn't deserve 1 star. I would have given him 3 stars in quality (he tends to switch names from english to chinese without telling) and a 4 in stability. Unfortunately I just had to lower his stars so the total score would get lower. If you like a realistic world, realistic characters with realistic situations and fair powers this is NOT a story for you. I reached my limit of unrealistic **** after I got to the explination of the power system which is convoluted to say the least and our MC got such a unfair power I couldn't continue reading (see below). Explination of the power system: 1. Everyone has 360 columns. 2. Normal people has 200 grey columns at birth, leaving 164 white ones. 3. Every year one of the columns drains and becomes a grey one. 4. To unlock a grey column you need to put in 10 life crystals which apperantly is a rare drop and very expensive. 5. To get to the next power rank you need to unlock all your grey columns. 6. You can only unlock a grey column ONCE so if you don't fill all of your grey within a year you can never reach the next rank. This is the stupidest power system I've ever seen. First of all if its THAT hard to rank up goverments would restrict it to their top agents. Even if they didn't it would be impossible for a normal person to rank up, since they need to fill their wheel all in one go. This would mean that our MC would NEVER. EVER! have chosen this as a proffession since in this line of work, he needs to be strong first to get money so he can take care of his sister. To become strong he needs money to buy life crystals to power up, causing this to be a catch 22. Lets do some quick math. Our MC had 152 non grey colums at birth (apperantly he had a lower number then average). After 15 years this becomes 152-15=137. 364-137=227 grey colums to fill. Each grey one requires 10 life crystals (rare drop remember) causing him having to gather 2270 life crystals to break through to the next rank with 10 more for each year it takes. Now since this (apperantly) is a rare drop, costing the same ammount as a good weapon, lets say 10% of the monsters drop this. That means our MC needs to kill 22 700 monsters to rank up. And this is from the LOWEST RANK to the next one. That means that for hunanity to get an iron rank they need to kill on a average 25 000 monsters for Each. Damn. One.... THEY WOULD BE NATIONAL GOD DAMN TREASURES!!! *WARNING - Spoilers Bellow!* Around chapter 15 our MC is participating in an exam which would make their strength official and they would get a larger paycheck from the goverment. Somehow the goverment is fine with letting their examinees die in droves, the same guys we just figured out should've been national treasures. This is so stupid I actually had to stop reading for a while. When I finally gathered enough strength to continue this happens. Our MC' ONLY weakness so far was that his life force drained at an insane rate. Now this was a good weakness because it prevented him from taking it easy and created some urgency in this story. The author decides to throw this out the window by giving our MC the ability to absorb the life force of creatures he kills, ****** that rare drop we discussed before completly useless. He can litterally fill up all his columns with 10-15 monsters instead of the 25 000 everyone else has to kill. This ability is something everyone in this world chooses for themselves and our MC got the ability for graduating top of the class. If this ability (called goldfinger) was truly so powerful why doesn't EVERYONE and their grandmother have it? If they only have one or can only grant it to one why would the goverment give the most powerful tool at their disposal to a random poor guy just because he graduated top of his class? If the goverment has no clue about the capabilities of the abilities they grant why would they give this specific one to the top student? Why not just have a huge spinning wheel and let chance decide? ANYWAYS; The results of this is that our MC has zero weaknesses, is a genius who can learn things other poeple does in 103 days working 18 hours a day by half-assing it in 3 days. (Yes. He leared a swordstyle that took a talented person 1854 hours to learn in about 9-10 hours by WATCHING HIM. Sounds fair and realistic right?...) This will become yet another Gary Stue running around screaming "look at my amazing system" story... I'm litterally expecting a harem member to show up in 5 chapters and his little sister getting the hots for him which will somehow be acceptable in this new world which the author still hasn't defined if it's a new world, some form of time travel or some other dimension. My recommendation? DO NOT READ.

    4 の返信を表示する

    after reading rtw & tss then read this .... booring😴😴 i cant understand why people recommend this but if you have insomnia i recommend this because reading this novel make me sleep zzz..zzz...zzz...😴😴😴😴

    3 の返信を表示する

    i give 5 stars to Translation Quality (I think you should separate translation quantity from the review of the novel ), but the story development, character design and world building is not worth a single star. I see many people votes of their power stone On this novel every week, So I read it (113 chapter). Each time I tell myself the story is going to get better But in end Just a waste of time. (No offense)

    0 の返信を表示する

    The idea is great, but somehow the story is average, too bland for me. Because Qidian need 140 characters for review, here's some meaningles dot. ..............................................................................................................................................................................

    2 の返信を表示する

    卷 1

    1. 1
      What’s the Use of Looking Good! 6 years ago
    2. 2
      Vampire 6 years ago
    3. 3
      Goldfinger Has Been Activated 6 years ago
    4. 4
      It All Depends on The Look 6 years ago
    5. 5
      Gold-Rank Equipment 6 years ago
    6. 6
      New Card 6 years ago
    7. 7
      You Are Still So Weak! 6 years ago
    8. 8
      Stable Residence 6 years ago
    9. 9
      Luxurious Life 6 years ago
    10. 10
      Skill Card Pieces 6 years ago
    11. 11
      The Great Sword Scripture Part 1 6 years ago
    12. 12
      Boss Yu and Gu Yi 6 years ago
    13. 13
      I Have Not Registered Yet… 6 years ago
    14. 14
      The Beginning of the Assessment 6 years ago
    15. 15
      Sand Monster 6 years ago
    16. 16
      Changes In The Life Wheel 6 years ago
    17. 17
      Multiple Kills 6 years ago
    18. 18
      Kill Them All! 6 years ago
    19. 19
      Repeat Important Matters Three Times 6 years ago
    20. 20
      Encountering Obstructions 6 years ago
    21. 21
      Lin Huang Flipping Out 6 years ago
    22. 22
      A Kill To Warn 6 years ago
    23. 23
      Meeting Fatty Again 6 years ago
    24. 24
      I Want To Be A Food Hunter 6 years ago
    25. 25
      Danger Was Close 6 years ago
    26. 26
      The Terrifying Crows 6 years ago
    27. 27
      Escape From Danger 6 years ago
    28. 28
      Chemistry 6 years ago
    29. 29
      Monster from the Sandy Bottom 6 years ago
    30. 30
      The Undead Worm 6 years ago
    31. 31
      White Little Monster 6 years ago
    32. 32
      Snow Giant 6 years ago
    33. 33
      Protoss 6 years ago
    34. 34
      Xue Luo 6 years ago
    35. 35
      Blocked by a Flock of Geese 6 years ago
    36. 36
      Atop The Snowy Mountains 6 years ago
    37. 37
      First To Complete The Assessment 6 years ago
    38. 38
      Weird Old Zhang 6 years ago
    39. 39
      What’s Being Kind to Women? 6 years ago
    40. 40
      Meeting Bai Yan Again 6 years ago
    41. 41
      You Did Such A Great Job! 6 years ago
    42. 42
      The Transcendent Is Dead?! 6 years ago
    43. 43
      A Reason To Stay 6 years ago
    44. 44
      Cleaning Up 6 years ago
    45. 45
      Monster Outbreak! 6 years ago
    46. 46
      The Fourth Line of Defense 6 years ago
    47. 47
      Bloody Scarred Hyena 6 years ago
    48. 48
      New Skill 6 years ago
    49. 49
      A Piece of Bad News 6 years ago
    50. 50
      Monsters Coming at Full Force 6 years ago
    51. 51
      The Poor Sand Spiders 6 years ago
    52. 52
      The Last Three Hours… 6 years ago
    53. 53
      Small Destruction Card 6 years ago
    54. 54
      Black Python 6 years ago
    55. 55
      Xue Luo Appeared Again 6 years ago
    56. 56
      Bye, Xue Luo 6 years ago

    卷 2

    1. 57
      Return 6 years ago
    2. 58
      Choosing The Life Seed 6 years ago
    3. 59
      Everything Has Changed 6 years ago
    4. 60
      The Fatty Called 6 years ago
    5. 61
      It’s An Open Minded World 6 years ago
    6. 62
      Spaceship Attack 6 years ago
    7. 63
      Blast Sparrow : The Brain Eating Maniac 6 years ago
    8. 64
      Arriving At The Destination 6 years ago
    9. 65
      An Adventurer's Paradise 6 years ago
    10. 66
      Mission Card Has Been Activated 6 years ago
    11. 67
      A Man Should Have the Audacity to Be a Third Wheel 6 years ago
    12. 68
      Crimson Gold-Armored Dragon 6 years ago
    13. 69
      Dragonkin 6 years ago
    14. 70
      Arriving at the Destination 6 years ago
    15. 71
      Six Armed Demon In A Purple Dress 6 years ago
    16. 72
      Transforming Into A Vampire 6 years ago
    17. 73
      Leveling Up To Iron-Level 6 years ago
    18. 74
      Glorious Return 6 years ago
    19. 75
      Leng Yuexin is Missing! 6 years ago
    20. 76
      Running Away After A Tease 6 years ago
    21. 77
      Tracking Footsteps 6 years ago
    22. 78
      Encountering A Transcendent Monster Again! 6 years ago
    23. 79
      Li Yanxing’s True Colors 6 years ago
    24. 80
      Killing Li Yanxing 6 years ago
    25. 81
      Leaving Wangyou Forest 6 years ago
    26. 82
      Uncle’s Relationship Advice 6 years ago
    27. 83
      Can’t Afford A Thing… 6 years ago
    28. 84
      Over A Hundred Million In Savings 6 years ago
    29. 85
      Gun Master 6 years ago
    30. 86
      Keep One's Word 6 years ago
    31. 87
      Life Skill Choices 6 years ago
    32. 88
      A Great Reward 6 years ago
    33. 89
      Gun Master Assessment 6 years ago
    34. 90
      Encountering A Pro 6 years ago
    35. 91
      A Fateful Battle - Two Fish In A Moat 6 years ago
    36. 92
      Best Player Award 6 years ago
    37. 93
      Special Life Columns 6 years ago
    38. 94
      Attribute of Lin Huang's Life Power 6 years ago
    39. 95
      A Life Skill Card 6 years ago
    40. 96
      Lin Xin's Cooking Skill 6 years ago
    41. 97
      Leng Yuexin Leveled Up - Transcendent 6 years ago
    42. 98
      Lin Xin Had Insomnia 6 years ago
    43. 99
      Lin Xin Is Missing! 6 years ago
    44. 100
      Strange Missing Person Incident 6 years ago
    45. 101
      The Rubbish Bin that Disappeared 6 years ago
    46. 102
      Who is the Culprit?! 6 years ago
    47. 103
      Rescuing Lin Xin 6 years ago
    48. 104
      Killing Wei Shan 6 years ago
    49. 105
      Arriving at Xiagong City 6 years ago
    50. 106
      The Attack at Xia Street 6 years ago
    51. 107
      The True Identity 6 years ago
    52. 108
      Unknown Item 6 years ago
    53. 109
      The Ruins of the Ancients 6 years ago
    54. 110
      The Truth about the Murder 6 years ago
    55. 111
      Arriving In Xiaoxia City 6 years ago
    56. 112
      Xiao Hei’s Discovery 6 years ago
    57. 113
      Attack By The Parasites 6 years ago
    58. 114
      The Terrifying Parasite Species 6 years ago
    59. 115
      The Parasite Species Has Gone Insane 6 years ago

    卷 3

    1. 116
      Charcoal VS The Parasite 6 years ago
    2. 117
      Demonic Dandelion Vine 6 years ago
    3. 118
      Reward 6 years ago
    4. 119
      10 Card Draw 6 years ago
    5. 120
      Order Take-Out for Me 6 years ago
    6. 121
      Life Species Monster 6 years ago
    7. 122
      Reunion With Fatty 6 years ago
    8. 123
      Lin Huang’s Ambition 6 years ago
    9. 124
      Attack 6 years ago
    10. 125
      Fog Canyon 6 years ago
    11. 126
      Purple Crow 6 years ago
    12. 127
      Encountering Purple Crow 6 years ago
    13. 128
      Hong Zhuang 6 years ago
    14. 129
      Xiao Mo 6 years ago
    15. 130
      Public Execution 6 years ago
    16. 131
      Unspoken Rules Of The Training Camp 6 years ago
    17. 132
      I Want To Challenge You! 6 years ago
    18. 133
      Almighty Imperial Censor 6 years ago
    19. 134
      Modified Gun 6 years ago
    20. 135
      Wildfire Sword 6 years ago
    21. 136
      Fang Wen's Information 6 years ago
    22. 137
      Obtaining Cross-Ranking Rewards Again! 6 years ago
    23. 138
      Chain Mission 6 years ago
    24. 139
      Deception Card - Activated! 6 years ago
    25. 140
      Faking Death 6 years ago
    26. 141
      Handling The Corpse 6 years ago
    27. 142
      Accidental Encounter 6 years ago
    28. 143
      Daxi City 6 years ago
    29. 144
      Virtual Eye 6 years ago
    30. 145
      The Transcendent Monster Arrives 6 years ago
    31. 146
      Ghastly Clown 6 years ago
    32. 147
      The Scary Clown 6 years ago
    33. 148
      Zhu Nian Has Gone Insane 6 years ago
    34. 149
      Defeated by Just One Skill 6 years ago
    35. 150
      The New Monster Card 6 years ago
    36. 151
      Three Levels Of The Transcendents 6 years ago
    37. 152
      The Little "Beggar" 6 years ago
    38. 153
      327 6 years ago
    39. 154
      Sword Genius?! 6 years ago
    40. 155
      Back Home 6 years ago
    41. 156
      Yang Ling's Reminder 6 years ago
    42. 157
      New Emperor’s Heart Ring 6 years ago
    43. 158
      Did the Head Examiner Slip His Tongue? 6 years ago
    44. 159
      Tip: Weed 6 years ago
    45. 160
      Weed Technology? 6 years ago
    46. 161
      A Complimentary Piece of Information 6 years ago
    47. 162
      Ponytail 6 years ago
    48. 163
      Trouble is Here 6 years ago
    49. 164
      Lin Huang The Actor 6 years ago
    50. 165
      The Truth About The Second Assessment 6 years ago
    51. 166
      Mr. Fu 6 years ago
    52. 167
      Food Hunter 6 years ago
    53. 168
      The Third Assessment Has Started 6 years ago
    54. 169
      Monster Shed No.66 6 years ago
    55. 170
      Can't Keep A Low Profile Any Longer 6 years ago
    56. 171
      Right In The Assh*le 6 years ago
    57. 172
      I’m Not Interested In A Flat-Chested Girl 6 years ago
    58. 173
      One-Eyed Swordfiend 6 years ago
    59. 174
      Fourth Assessment 6 years ago
    60. 175
      Not A Peaceful Night 6 years ago
    61. 176
      Encountering The Heretics 6 years ago
    62. 177
      Reporting To The Management 6 years ago
    63. 178
      You've Got Beautiful Eyes 6 years ago
    64. 179
      Mu Lan vs Xia Yu 6 years ago
    65. 180
      Please Give Me Some Respect 6 years ago
    66. 181
      The Assessment Ends 6 years ago
    67. 182
      Going Through Another Review 6 years ago
    68. 183
      Peculiar Mentality 6 years ago
    69. 184
      Hunter Arena 6 years ago
    70. 185
      Killed in One Hit! 6 years ago
    71. 186
      Level-up to Gold Hunter 6 years ago
    72. 187
      He’s Even More Dangerous Than Who He Was 10 Days Ago 6 years ago
    73. 188
      The Keeper Of The 50th Battle 6 years ago
    74. 189
      The Appearance Of Sword Genius 6 years ago
    75. 190
      Two Packages 6 years ago
    76. 191
      Danger Is Coming 6 years ago
    77. 192
      Reason For The Purple Crow's Presence 6 years ago
    78. 193
      Leaving Wulin Town 6 years ago
    79. 194
      Arriving In Snow City 6 years ago
    80. 195
      Buying A House 6 years ago
    81. 196
      New Year’s Eve 6 years ago

    卷 4

    1. 197
      Yu Moli 6 years ago
    2. 198
      The Second Keeper 6 years ago
    3. 199
      Feng Wu 6 years ago
    4. 200
      Sword Genius Versus Feng Wu 6 years ago
    5. 201
      The Consequences Would Be Dire If You Offend Me! 6 years ago
    6. 202
      Explosive Female Demon 6 years ago
    7. 203
      Sword Genius vs Explosive Female Demon 6 years ago
    8. 204
      70-Win Streak 6 years ago
    9. 205
      79-Win Streak 6 years ago
    10. 206
      Arrival of the Ultimate Keeper 6 years ago
    11. 207
      I Can't Accept A Draw! 6 years ago
    12. 208
      Wildfire Sword - Worldly Purification 6 years ago
    13. 209
      Can He Grow Swords From His Body? 6 years ago
    14. 210
      The Most Powerful Spear Versus The Toughest Shield 6 years ago
    15. 211
      80-Win Streak! 6 years ago
    16. 212
      Level-2 Sword Power Realm 6 years ago
    17. 213
      Unbelievable Fate Changer 6 years ago
    18. 214
      All The Best to You 6 years ago
    19. 215
      Besides Her Face and Body, Which Part of Her Looks Like A Lady? 6 years ago
    20. 216
      Ebonella 6 years ago
    21. 217
      Lin Huang Versus Yu Moli 6 years ago
    22. 218
      Destruction Pursues The Great 6 years ago
    23. 219
      Flame King 6 years ago
    24. 220
      90-Win Streak! 6 years ago
    25. 221
      A Man’s Secret 6 years ago
    26. 222
      Gun Fighting Technique 6 years ago
    27. 223
      Gold-Level Life Seed Monster 6 years ago
    28. 224
      Starlight Beast 6 years ago
    29. 225
      Thunder Steps 6 years ago
    30. 226
      School Transfer 6 years ago
    31. 227
      Brain Eater 6 years ago
    32. 228
      Mr. Fu's Visit 6 years ago
    33. 229
      Luoxi City 6 years ago
    34. 230
      Investigation 6 years ago
    35. 231
      Forensic Lady 6 years ago
    36. 232
      My Prince Charming Is The Hottest! 6 years ago
    37. 233
      Awkward Encounter 6 years ago
    38. 234
      Chilly Night 6 years ago
    39. 235
      Asexual Reproduction 6 years ago
    40. 236
      The Cautious Brain Eater 6 years ago
    41. 237
      A Fingerprint 6 years ago
    42. 238
      Wild Beauty 6 years ago
    43. 239
      The Disappearance of Zheng Yihan 6 years ago
    44. 240
      The Professional Got C*ckblocked! 6 years ago
    45. 241
      Fight! 6 years ago
    46. 242
      Killing The Brain Eater 6 years ago
    47. 243
      Extracting A New Skill 6 years ago
    48. 244
      Truth or Lie? 6 years ago
    49. 245
      Bloody Is Now A Genius 6 years ago
    50. 246
      The Saints 6 years ago
    51. 247
      Meteorite Desert 6 years ago
    52. 248
      Free Man 6 years ago
    53. 249
      A Small Incident In The Desert 6 years ago
    54. 250
      Arrival Of The Saints 6 years ago
    55. 251
      We Have to Fight 6 years ago
    56. 252
      GoldEagle11’s Third Form 6 years ago
    57. 253
      Killing Saint's Members 6 years ago
    58. 254
      Passing On A Legacy 6 years ago
    59. 255
      Suspicious Identity 6 years ago
    60. 256
      Bloody’s Discovery 6 years ago
    61. 257
      The Starlight Beast’s Lair 6 years ago
    62. 258
      A Powerful Silver-Armored Monster 6 years ago
    63. 259
      Silver-Armored Monster VS The Ghastly Clown 6 years ago
    64. 260
      The Terrifying Double Mutated Monster 6 years ago
    65. 261
      Lin Huang Leveled-Up To Gold-level 6 years ago
    66. 262
      The Ultimate Mutation 6 years ago
    67. 263
      The Supreme Overlord 6 years ago
    68. 264
      Terrifying Ultimate Mutated Monster 6 years ago
    69. 265
      Killing The Supreme Overlord 6 years ago
    70. 266
      The Divine Rock 6 years ago
    71. 267
      The Three Elite Divisions 6 years ago
    72. 268
      Sent Home 6 years ago
    73. 269
      Lin Xuan Running Away From Home 6 years ago
    74. 270
      Yi Donglai 6 years ago
    75. 271
      Training Rewards 6 years ago
    76. 272
      An Old Friend 6 years ago
    77. 273
      The Beginning - Training 6 years ago
    78. 274
      All Squinty Eyed People Are Monsters 6 years ago
    79. 275
      The High Heel Incident 6 years ago
    80. 276
      The Evil Squinty Eyed Guy 6 years ago
    81. 277
      Undying Bloodoak 6 years ago
    82. 278
      The Elimination Rate Is Too Low 6 years ago
    83. 279
      Lin Huang's Steady Steps 6 years ago
    84. 280
      The Lava River 6 years ago
    85. 281
      The First Round Of Training Is Over 6 years ago
    86. 282
      Second Round of Training Has Started! 6 years ago
    87. 283
      Lin Huang: The Tour Guide 6 years ago
    88. 284
      Drop a Bomb When There's Disagreement 6 years ago
    89. 285
      Forsaken Skeleton 6 years ago
    90. 286
      Sanguine Skeletal Spirit 6 years ago
    91. 287
      Lin Huang Versus The Sanguine Skeletal Spirit 6 years ago
    92. 288
      Terrifying Defensive Ability 6 years ago
    93. 289
      Forbidden Skill Revival 6 years ago
    94. 290
      The Ruthless Sword Master’s Ultimate Move 6 years ago
    95. 291
      Killing The Sanguine Skeletal Spirit 6 years ago
    96. 292
      Credits To Mr. Fu 6 years ago
    97. 293
      The Fiendish Terraflame Lizard 6 years ago
    98. 294
      Killed in One Hit?! 6 years ago
    99. 295
      I Hate Spiders! 6 years ago
    100. 296
      Unsealing The Nephilic Judge 6 years ago
    101. 297
      Bloody’s New Skill 6 years ago
    102. 298
      Greatsword Fiend 6 years ago
    103. 299
      The Fire Phoenix Has Been Discovered! 6 years ago
    104. 300
      Killing The Blazecrystal Scorpion 6 years ago
    105. 301
      The Relationship Between Monsters 6 years ago
    106. 302
      Lin Huang’s Plan to Kill 6 years ago
    107. 303
      Lin Huang Asking for Trouble 6 years ago
    108. 304
      Lin Huang Versus The Fire Phoenix 6 years ago
    109. 305
      Overdone... 6 years ago
    110. 306
      Bloody Robe’s Ambition 6 years ago
    111. 307
      Purplish-Gold Lightning 6 years ago
    112. 308
      Fire vs Lightning 6 years ago
    113. 309
      Completing A Capture! 6 years ago
    114. 310
      Hunting For The Tinder 6 years ago
    115. 311
      The Fire Phoenix's Carcass 6 years ago
    116. 312
      Submission Of The Mission 6 years ago
    117. 313
      Unsealing Bai 6 years ago
    118. 314
      The Vampire Monarch 6 years ago
    119. 315
      White Flame-Level Monsters Aren’t Scary 6 years ago
    120. 316
      Good News From Bloody 6 years ago
    121. 317
      Fiery Swordfiend 6 years ago
    122. 318
      Narrow-minded 6 years ago
    123. 319
      Broken Arm 6 years ago
    124. 320
      Killing Plan 6 years ago
    125. 321
      The Molten Dragon 6 years ago
    126. 322
      Sister Luo Li 6 years ago
    127. 323
      The Luo Sha 16 Years Ago 6 years ago
    128. 324
      8000 Sword Rain 6 years ago
    129. 325
      Molten Crystal 6 years ago
    130. 326
      Suspended Training? 6 years ago
    131. 327
      You'll Be An Auntie To Kids The Moment You Turn 20 6 years ago
    132. 328
      Gamblers and Shortcuts 6 years ago
    133. 329
      No Comment 6 years ago
    134. 330
      Nuclear Bombs Again 6 years ago
    135. 331
      Heist 6 years ago
    136. 332
      Killing the Dragon! 6 years ago
    137. 333
      As Yet Unwitnessed 6 years ago
    138. 334
      Demon Slayer Token 6 years ago
    139. 335
      One-trick Pony 6 years ago
    140. 336
      Lin Huang Versus The Hellish Spearfiend (I) 6 years ago
    141. 337
      Lin Huang Versus The Hellish Spearfiend (II) 6 years ago
    142. 338
      Li Lang Leveled Up 6 years ago
    143. 339
      Attack by the Monster Horde 6 years ago
    144. 340
      Incident Investigation 6 years ago
    145. 341
      The Golden Toad 6 years ago
    146. 342
      Another Attack By The Monster Horde 6 years ago
    147. 343
      Lin Huang Shows His True Power for the First Time 6 years ago
    148. 344
      Reactivating the Ruins? 6 years ago
    149. 345
      Big Wave From The Monster Horde 6 years ago
    150. 346
      Arrival of Will 6 years ago
    151. 347
      A Setup 6 years ago
    152. 348
      The Revenge of the Golden Toad 6 years ago
    153. 349
      An Ugly Rejection 6 years ago
    154. 350
      The Use of Assessment Points 6 years ago
    155. 351
      The 20 Card Draw 6 years ago
    156. 352
      Unsealing Tyrant 6 years ago
    157. 353
      The Training Has Ended 6 years ago
    158. 354
      The Truth, Revealed 6 years ago
    159. 355
      The Dracaena 6 years ago
    160. 356
      Fundraising 6 years ago
    161. 357
      Unlocking The Emperor’s Heart Ring 6 years ago
    162. 358
      Mystery 6 years ago
    163. 359
      Leng Yuexin Levels Up To Crimson Flame-level 6 years ago
    164. 360
      Grace 6 years ago
    165. 361
      Martial Hunter College 6 years ago
    166. 362
      The Monster Egg Has Hatched 6 years ago
    167. 363
      Crispy Texture 6 years ago
    168. 364
      The Rules of the Mystery Auction 6 years ago
    169. 365
      Kill All! Rob All! 6 years ago
    170. 366
      A Boyfriend? 6 years ago
    171. 367
      The Beginning - Auction 6 years ago
    172. 368
      The Demigod's Brain 6 years ago
    173. 369
      Bidding For The Dracaena 6 years ago
    174. 370
      What's Wrong With My Cooking? 6 years ago
    175. 371
      Fiends 6 years ago
    176. 372
      Do You Want It? Snatch It! 6 years ago
    177. 373
      The Fiends Have Not Died 6 years ago
    178. 374
      Abnormally Modified Creatures 6 years ago
    179. 375
      Provisional Summoning Card 6 years ago
    180. 376
      You Fooled Me Again! 6 years ago
    181. 377
      Wrong Judgement 6 years ago
    182. 378
      Imprisonment Chain 6 years ago
    183. 379
      The Enemy of My Enemy Is My Friend 6 years ago
    184. 380
      Trying To Advance Without First Looking Behind 6 years ago
    185. 381
      Imperial-Level Helping Out! 6 years ago
    186. 382
      Without the Demigod, the Imperials Would Be Throned! 6 years ago
    187. 383
      An Unexpected Acquaintance 6 years ago
    188. 384
      Qi Muxiong’s Secret 6 years ago
    189. 385
      Can I Have Some of Your Baby’s Blood? 6 years ago
    190. 386
      Are You Interested In Being A Teacher? 6 years ago
    191. 387
      The Supreme Relic 6 years ago
    192. 388
      Life Level 6 years ago
    193. 389
      Outlining The Sword Dao 6 years ago
    194. 390
      Librarian 07003 6 years ago
    195. 391
      Fatty 6 years ago
    196. 392
      A Disciplined Life 6 years ago
    197. 393
      Fatty Is Here 6 years ago
    198. 394
      Lovers Rock 6 years ago
    199. 395
      There’s No Such Person 6 years ago
    200. 396
      Attacked In The Middle of The Night 6 years ago
    201. 397
      Puzzling 6 years ago
    202. 398
      Pig 6 years ago
    203. 399
      I’ll Wait For You In The Eastern Suburbs 6 years ago
    204. 400
      The Identity Of The Black-Robed Person 6 years ago
    205. 401
      Witch 6 years ago
    206. 402
      Zhang Mengmeng’s Identity 6 years ago
    207. 403
      Let’s Break Up! 6 years ago
    208. 404
      In My Next Life, I Want to Be Your Wife 6 years ago
    209. 405
      I Have No Regrets in This Life 6 years ago
    210. 406
      The Yin Family’s Old Lady 6 years ago
    211. 407
      The Funeral 6 years ago
    212. 408
      Worth Having! 6 years ago
    213. 409
      Spiritsword Supreme 6 years ago
    214. 410
      Ruthless Title 6 years ago
    215. 411
      Summoning Helpers 6 years ago
    216. 412
      Impatient 6 years ago
    217. 413
      Men’s Summer 6 years ago
    218. 414
      Luminescent Angelwing 6 years ago
    219. 415
      Bell Canyon 6 years ago
    220. 416
      Encountering The Luminescent Angelwing 6 years ago
    221. 417
      A Troublesome Opponent 6 years ago
    222. 418
      Killing The Luminescent Angelwing 6 years ago
    223. 419
      Shadow Land 6 years ago
    224. 420
      The Underground City 6 years ago
    225. 421
      Priority 6 years ago
    226. 422
      Bloody’s Ambition 6 years ago
    227. 423
      It Is Somewhat Purified 6 years ago
    228. 424
      Escape! 6 years ago
    229. 425
      Arriving at Luoxi City Again 6 years ago
    230. 426
      Sword Dominator 6 years ago
    231. 427
      Lin Huang's Attack 6 years ago
    232. 428
      3000 Sword Rain 6 years ago
    233. 429
      Defeating The Sword Dominator 6 years ago
    234. 430
      Unsealing The Ruthless Sword Master 6 years ago
    235. 431
      Unlocking Charcoal 6 years ago
    236. 432
      The Undead Evil Child 6 years ago
    237. 433
      Visiting Again 6 years ago
    238. 434
      The Yin Family’s Current Condition 6 years ago
    239. 435
      Please Don’t Cry Okay 6 years ago
    240. 436
      I'll Be A Shameless Man 6 years ago
    241. 437
      Sword Skill Integration 6 years ago
    242. 438
      Our Friendship Isn’t Pure 6 years ago
    243. 439
      Shanhai City 6 years ago
    244. 440
      Sis Rou Rou 6 years ago
    245. 441
      Farewell 6 years ago
    246. 442
      A Unique Venom 6 years ago
    247. 443
      Meeting Yi Zheng Again 6 years ago
    248. 444
      Lin Huang Versus Yi Zheng 6 years ago
    249. 445
      It Doesn’t Make A Difference Since You’re Already in Debt 6 years ago
    250. 446
      Unsealing Bloody 6 years ago
    251. 447
      The Martial Hunter College Semester Begins 6 years ago
    252. 448
      He’s the Dean’s Man 6 years ago
    253. 449
      Conflict 6 years ago
    254. 450
      Defeated in One Hit 6 years ago
    255. 451
      Qin Tianxing 6 years ago
    256. 452
      All Grown Up 6 years ago
    257. 453
      Hi, My Name is Lin Huang 6 years ago
    258. 454
      As Expected, the Students Created a Scene 6 years ago
    259. 455
      Lin Huang’s First Class 6 years ago
    260. 456
      Another Conflict 6 years ago
    261. 457
      The Least Favorite Year 1 Teacher 6 years ago
    262. 458
      Unqualified, Next! 6 years ago
    263. 459
      Leveled Up to Complete Gold-Level 6 years ago
    264. 460
      Choosing Tinder 6 years ago
    265. 461
      The Field that was Rolled Over by Swine Beasts 6 years ago
    266. 462
      Elam Island 6 years ago
    267. 463
      Lin Huang’s Miscalculation 6 years ago
    268. 464
      Plan B 6 years ago
    269. 465
      Winning by Pretending to be Weak 6 years ago
    270. 466
      Bright Worldly Purification 6 years ago
    271. 467
      Mission Card: Activated Again… 6 years ago
    272. 468
      Killed With a Swing of the Sword 6 years ago
    273. 469
      Flawless Card 6 years ago
    274. 470
      Please Be My Whetstone 6 years ago
    275. 471
      I’ve Only Used 30% of What I Got 6 years ago
    276. 472
      Killed in Three Swings of the Sword! 6 years ago
    277. 473
      Leveled-up to White Flame-Level! 6 years ago
    278. 474
      One Page of Sword Scripture 6 years ago

    卷 5

    1. 475
      Ability Explosion 6 years ago
    2. 476
      The Rules of the Battle Drill 6 years ago
    3. 477
      Each Faculty's Ability 6 years ago
    4. 478
      Mist Forest 6 years ago
    5. 479
      Come and Chase Me 6 years ago
    6. 480
      Lin Xin's Performance 6 years ago
    7. 481
      An Urgent Message from the Registrar's Office 6 years ago
    8. 482
      An Unknown Attack 6 years ago
    9. 483
      Predator Fly 6 years ago
    10. 484
      The Saint’s Evil Plan 6 years ago
    11. 485
      Killed in One Hit 6 years ago
    12. 486
      To the Rescue 6 years ago
    13. 487
      The Insensitive Supreme Overlord 6 years ago
    14. 488
      Charcoal Versus Herculean Ape 6 years ago
    15. 489
      Bai, They’re Bullying Me! 6 years ago
    16. 490
      An Irritating Interruption 6 years ago
    17. 491
      Play with Him 6 years ago
    18. 492
      I Know Who the Imperial Censor That You Are Looking For Is! 6 years ago
    19. 493
      Fight 6 years ago
    20. 494
      The Darkscythe Apparition 6 years ago
    21. 495
      Lin Huang versus Yu Wenbin 6 years ago
    22. 496
      I'm Sorry, I Know a Little about Ocular Skills 6 years ago
    23. 497
      Lin Xin Has Been Discovered 6 years ago
    24. 498
      I Heard That You Are Looking for a Guardian? 6 years ago
    25. 499
      Lin Xin's Secret 6 years ago
    26. 500
      I Refuse to Comment on This 6 years ago
    27. 501
      Sacrifice 6 years ago
    28. 502
      Yellowbird 6 years ago
    29. 503
      Back to a Peaceful Life 6 years ago
    30. 504
      Lin Xin’s Odd Physique 6 years ago
    31. 505
      Flying Power Sigil Building 6 years ago
    32. 506
      Misery 6 years ago
    33. 507
      Please Stop Dreaming 6 years ago
    34. 508
      The Black Serpent 6 years ago
    35. 509
      I Love You, Therefore I'd Eat You 6 years ago
    36. 510
      The Arachnid Enchanter 6 years ago
    37. 511
      Xiao Hei’s Ability 6 years ago
    38. 512
      The Unknown Ape 6 years ago
    39. 513
      Professor Jin 6 years ago
    40. 514
      A Little Game 6 years ago
    41. 515
      The Weird Old Man 6 years ago
    42. 516
      I Don’t Want to Play with You Anymore 6 years ago
    43. 517
      Scarborough Workshop 6 years ago
    44. 518
      Special Cards 6 years ago
    45. 519
      200 Card Rewards! 6 years ago
    46. 520
      Group Upgrade 6 years ago
    47. 521
      The Black Rock’s Odd Activity 6 years ago
    48. 522
      Batch Transformation 6 years ago
    49. 523
      Part of Qi Muxiong’s Memory 6 years ago
    50. 524
      Army of Nephilic Judges 6 years ago
    51. 525
      Lin Huang’s Cousin Sister? 6 years ago
    52. 526
      A Tough Lady 6 years ago
    53. 527
      Hong Zhuang’s True Ability 6 years ago
    54. 528
      Kylie’s Mini World 6 years ago
    55. 529
      The Second Skill Extraction 6 years ago
    56. 530
      The Ugly Truth 6 years ago
    57. 531
      A Prophet? 6 years ago
    58. 532
      The Underworld of The White Capital 6 years ago
    59. 533
      Building 33 6 years ago
    60. 534
      Invasion! 6 years ago
    61. 535
      Plan B 6 years ago
    62. 536
      Destruction-Grade Monster Horde! 6 years ago
    63. 537
      Border Post 6 years ago
    64. 538
      Partners at the Bonfire 6 years ago
    65. 539
      Commander Ai De 6 years ago
    66. 540
      The Appearence of Strength 6 years ago
    67. 541
      Killed in a Split Second Again! 6 years ago
    68. 542
      You've Overestimated Yourself 6 years ago
    69. 543
      Blurred Blood 6 years ago
    70. 544
      A Fierce Fight! 6 years ago
    71. 545
      It’ll Be Fast. You Won't Feel The Pain 6 years ago
    72. 546
      Removal of Danger 6 years ago
    73. 547
      The Mission Card Has Been Activated Againnnn! 6 years ago
    74. 548
      My Winky is Gone?! 6 years ago
    75. 549
      Liu Ming is Back 6 years ago
    76. 550
      Giving You A Misfortune Card 6 years ago
    77. 551
      The Almighty Surgical Knife 6 years ago
    78. 552
      Activation of A New Function 6 years ago
    79. 553
      A Bountiful Plundering 6 years ago
    80. 554
      Peace That the Lie Brings 6 years ago
    81. 555
      Following Up On the Incident 6 years ago
    82. 556
      Hong Zhuang’s Request 6 years ago
    83. 557
      Hong Zhuang’s Story 6 years ago
    84. 558
      Hong Zhuang’s Final Letter 6 years ago
    85. 559
      Can’t Think of A Good Title... 6 years ago
    86. 560
      A Loyal Dog 6 years ago
    87. 561
      Pick Up the Body 6 years ago
    88. 562
      The Stunning Effect of The Misfortune Card 6 years ago
    89. 563
      Lancelot’s Triple Mutation 6 years ago
    90. 564
      Lin Huang’s Plan 6 years ago
    91. 565
      I Won’t Be Responsible for The Students’ Suffering 6 years ago
    92. 566
      The Last Class 6 years ago
    93. 567
      Lin Huang’s Invitation 6 years ago
    94. 568
      It’s New Year’s Eve Again 6 years ago
    95. 569
      The Five of Them Together 6 years ago
    96. 570
      Treasure Card 6 years ago
    97. 571
      I'm Envious of the Imperial Censors 6 years ago
    98. 572
      Lancelot's Ability 6 years ago
    99. 573
      The Cavernous Devils’ Memories 6 years ago
    100. 574
      A War Foothold That Existed Hundreds of Years Ago 6 years ago
    101. 575
      Eating The Meat Without Saving the Soup 6 years ago
    102. 576
      Yi Yeyu and Li Lang Show Their Abilities for the First Time 6 years ago
    103. 577
      Lancelot Likes to Eat Vegetables 6 years ago
    104. 578
      Yi Yeyu is Angry 6 years ago
    105. 579
      Rose Demigod 6 years ago
    106. 580
      Bladefoot Worm 6 years ago
    107. 581
      Third Underground Floor 6 years ago
    108. 582
      Powerful Elemental Enlightenment 6 years ago
    109. 583
      Kaiserpede 6 years ago
    110. 584
      Lin Huang Versus Kaiserpede 6 years ago
    111. 585
      Endless Threads 6 years ago
    112. 586
      Grade-5 Ruins! 6 years ago
    113. 587
      Coming To An Agreement 6 years ago
    114. 588
      God Crasher 6 years ago
    115. 589
      The Blood Sacrifice Begins 6 years ago
    116. 590
      Puppet Vine 6 years ago
    117. 591
      Fight! 6 years ago
    118. 592
      The Immortal-Level Monster Has Arrived 6 years ago
    119. 593
      Trouble Is Here 6 years ago
    120. 594
      Stay 6 years ago
    121. 595
      The Anus — An Opening at the End of the Abdomen 6 years ago
    122. 596
      Doomed 6 years ago
    123. 597
      Losing With Just One Hit? 6 years ago
    124. 598
      He Must Win! 6 years ago
    125. 599
      Killing the Eclipse Boa! 6 years ago
    126. 600
      Leveling to the Crimson Flame-Level 6 years ago
    127. 601
      Level-4 Sword Dao 6 years ago
    128. 602
      Underground Treasure 6 years ago
    129. 603
      The Peculiar Red Wooden Box 6 years ago
    130. 604
      The Reappearance of the Red Mist 6 years ago
    131. 605
      The Appearance of the Misty Shadow 6 years ago
    132. 606
      Escape 6 years ago
    133. 607
      Eh... Success? 6 years ago
    134. 608
      A Message from Liu Ming 6 years ago
    135. 609
      Mr. Fu's Identity 6 years ago
    136. 610
      Three Years to Live 6 years ago
    137. 611
      What Happened 800 Years Ago 6 years ago
    138. 612
      Ink 6 years ago
    139. 613
      Training Programme All Messed Up 6 years ago
    140. 614
      Come Out, Charcoal! 6 years ago
    141. 615
      Eye-Opening 6 years ago
    142. 616
      Lin Xuan’s Identity 6 years ago
    143. 617
      Returning to the White Capital 6 years ago
    144. 618
      White Capital at Night 6 years ago
    145. 619
      Goodbye, Division 7 6 years ago

    卷 6

    1. 620
      Stepping into Division3 6 years ago
    2. 621
      The Lady Driver Who Covers Her Eyes When She Pilots 6 years ago
    3. 622
      An Interruption that Came Out of Nowhere 6 years ago
    4. 623
      Killing 6 years ago
    5. 624
      Shopping at the Black Market 6 years ago
    6. 625
      A Kid from a Rich Family 6 years ago
    7. 626
      Scary Instinct 6 years ago
    8. 627
      Yao Family’s Reaction 6 years ago
    9. 628
      Third Life Fire Monster 6 years ago
    10. 629
      The Second Most Dangerous Forbidden Land 6 years ago
    11. 630
      Yao Lan’s Probe 6 years ago
    12. 631
      The Three of Them Are Here for Your Breakfast 6 years ago
    13. 632
      The Second Layer of the Abyss Brink 6 years ago
    14. 633
      Bai's Ability 6 years ago
    15. 634
      Ashenplume Falcon 6 years ago
    16. 635
      Rakshasa Mother 6 years ago
    17. 636
      The Devil’s Psykid’s Secret 6 years ago
    18. 637
      Attacked by an Imperial-Level 6 years ago
    19. 638
      Being Born into the Same Family 6 years ago
    20. 639
      Getting Chewing Gum Stuck to the Sole of His Shoe 6 years ago
    21. 640
      Returning to Sweep City 6 years ago
    22. 641
      Seamless 6 years ago
    23. 642
      A Massive Crisis 6 years ago
    24. 643
      The Genius Organization 6 years ago
    25. 644
      Joining the Sweep Alliance 6 years ago
    26. 645
      I Think I’ve Been Tricked 6 years ago
    27. 646
      Climbing the Stairway 6 years ago
    28. 647
      God Relic — Emperor’s Heart 6 years ago
    29. 648
      Difficulty Beyond His Expectations 6 years ago
    30. 649
      Increasing Difficulty 6 years ago
    31. 650
      The 21st Checkpoint 6 years ago
    32. 651
      Tens of Thousands of Points 6 years ago
    33. 652
      Zhao San’s Hunting Team 6 years ago
    34. 653
      The Tentacle Beetle 6 years ago
    35. 654
      The Second Monster Horde 6 years ago
    36. 655
      The Velocious Swordfiend 6 years ago
    37. 656
      Kill All the Bugs! 6 years ago
    38. 657
      Lin Xie Cheated? 6 years ago
    39. 658
      Leaving the 21st Checkpoint 6 years ago
    40. 659
      The Second Report 6 years ago
    41. 660
      The Heaven Alliance 6 years ago
    42. 661
      Huangfu Lin 6 years ago
    43. 662
      Never Insult the Heaven Alliance! 6 years ago
    44. 663
      A Conversation with Chan Dou 6 years ago
    45. 664
      Betting 6 years ago
    46. 665
      The Person Who Wears Earrings on His Nose 6 years ago
    47. 666
      Brother Lin Has No Mercy but Many Cannons! 6 years ago
    48. 667
      Buy Buy Buy! 6 years ago
    49. 668
      Which Checkpoint of the Stairway Tree Were You At When You Were a Blue Flame-Level? 6 years ago
    50. 669
      The Bizarre Seed 6 years ago
    51. 670
      The Fourth Life Fire Monster 6 years ago
    52. 671
      F*ck, I Forgot to Save My Draft! 6 years ago
    53. 672
      Lin Huang’s Roommate 6 years ago
    54. 673
      Thunder’s Upgrade 6 years ago
    55. 674
      All Human Should Die! 6 years ago
    56. 675
      I’ll Definitely Kill You Next Time 6 years ago
    57. 676
      The Supreme Whitesword 6 years ago
    58. 677
      Killing the Supreme Whitesword 6 years ago
    59. 678
      Leveling-Up to Purple Flame-Level! 6 years ago
    60. 679
      News from Chan Dou 6 years ago
    61. 680
      The Bizarre Seed Has Hatched 6 years ago
    62. 681
      Sword Soul's First Ability 6 years ago
    63. 682
      The Floating Land? 6 years ago
    64. 683
      The True Enemy 6 years ago
    65. 684
      Entering the Floating Land for the First Time 6 years ago
    66. 685
      Frost Helminth 6 years ago
    67. 686
      Lin Huang's Plan 6 years ago
    68. 687
      Splitting Up 6 years ago
    69. 688
      Loaded with Danger 6 years ago
    70. 689
      Frostyape Corpse 6 years ago
    71. 690
      Overnight at the Monster Lair 6 years ago
    72. 691
      Beneath the Snow 6 years ago
    73. 692
      Duo Er 6 years ago
    74. 693
      The Forgotten Tribe of the Middle Ages 6 years ago
    75. 694
      The Tribe’s Past 6 years ago
    76. 695
      Sorcerer Goddess Tower 6 years ago
    77. 696
      The Stone Tablet’s Test 6 years ago
    78. 697
      The Witchcraft Rune 6 years ago
    79. 698
      Asking for Bloody’s Help 6 years ago
    80. 699
      The Fourth Level of the Tower 6 years ago
    81. 700
      An Unfamiliar Rune 6 years ago
    82. 701
      The Book of Sorcerer Dao 6 years ago
    83. 702
      Sorcerer Lin Huang 6 years ago
    84. 703
      The Lady in a Red Robe 6 years ago
    85. 704
      Heart-Glimpsing Rune 6 years ago
    86. 705
      Lin Huang’s Past 6 years ago
    87. 706
      I’m Back (In first person point of view) 6 years ago
    88. 707
      Let’s Get Married (In first person point of view) 6 years ago
    89. 708
      My Life (In first person point of view) 6 years ago
    90. 709
      The Sorcerer Goddess Shrine Key 6 years ago
    91. 710
      The Opening of Sorcerer Goddess Shrine 6 years ago
    92. 711
      Sorcerer Goddess Blood 6 years ago
    93. 712
      The Conditions to Enter the Sorcerer Goddess Shrine 6 years ago
    94. 713
      The Challenge Has Begun! 6 years ago
    95. 714
      A Powerful Challenger 6 years ago
    96. 715
      Increasing Difficulty With Each Level 6 years ago
    97. 716
      The Rune Cliff 6 years ago
    98. 717
      Epiphany Card 6 years ago
    99. 718
      The Final Assessment 6 years ago
    100. 719
      Getting C*ckblocked at the Last Minute 6 years ago
    101. 720
      Zhu Xing's Ambition 6 years ago
    102. 721
      Creating Trouble for the Goblin 6 years ago
    103. 722
      The Closing of the Sorcerer Goddess’s Shrine 6 years ago
    104. 723
      He's Zhu Xing! 6 years ago
    105. 724
      Returning to the Sorcerer Goddess Tower 6 years ago
    106. 725
      Available Mythical-Level Card 6 years ago
    107. 726
      The Weather’s Great to Walk Your Dog 6 years ago
    108. 727
      Something Is Wrong with the Coordinates? 6 years ago
    109. 728
      There's No Charge for Setting Him Up 6 years ago
    110. 729
      Snow Giant VS Frostyape Corpse 6 years ago
    111. 730
      Killing the Frostyape Corpse 6 years ago
    112. 731
      Arctic Dragons 6 years ago
    113. 732
      The Fearsome Fading Petals 6 years ago
    114. 733
      Hunting for Zhu Xing! 6 years ago
    115. 734
      Lin Huang Versus Zhu Xing 6 years ago
    116. 735
      Are You Ready to Say Goodbye to This World? 6 years ago
    117. 736
      Cloning Card 6 years ago
    118. 737
      Killing Zhu Xing 6 years ago
    119. 738
      A Death-Seeking Spirit Transfer 6 years ago
    120. 739
      Encountering the Divine Alliance Again 6 years ago
    121. 740
      Choosing a Life Fire Monster 6 years ago
    122. 741
      A Free Piece of Information 6 years ago
    123. 742
      The 16 Dead Men 6 years ago
    124. 743
      Xia Hou 6 years ago
    125. 744
      Examining the Corpses 6 years ago
    126. 745
      The Tragic Crime Scene 6 years ago
    127. 746
      The 17th Victim 6 years ago
    128. 747
      The Murderer Has Appeared 6 years ago
    129. 748
      Planing to Sit Back and Wait 6 years ago
    130. 749
      The Murderer Showed Up 6 years ago
    131. 750
      Evil Spirit Type 6 years ago
    132. 751
      Lin Huang Versus Evil Spirit Type 6 years ago
    133. 752
      The Unwelcome Reinforcements 6 years ago
    134. 753
      Changing the Battleground 6 years ago
    135. 754
      Trump Card 6 years ago
    136. 755
      Murder 6 years ago
    137. 756
      Revived? 6 years ago
    138. 757
      I Definitely Want It! 6 years ago
    139. 758
      Second Kill 6 years ago
    140. 759
      Exhausting All Trump Cards! 6 years ago
    141. 760
      The Undead? 6 years ago
    142. 761
      Revealing Its True Body 6 years ago
    143. 762
      A Play of the Tentacles 6 years ago
    144. 763
      Ink Feather 6 years ago
    145. 764
      10,800 Daggers 6 years ago
    146. 765
      Die, Evil Spirit! 6 years ago
    147. 766
      Death Goddess 6 years ago
    148. 767
      Xiao Hei's Suggestion 6 years ago
    149. 768
      Leveled-up to Gold Flame-level 6 years ago
    150. 769
      True God-level Life Fire 6 years ago
    151. 770
      The Cursed Land 6 years ago
    152. 771
      Dark Knight 6 years ago
    153. 772
      The Burial Ground 6 years ago
    154. 773
      The God's Item in the Mountain 6 years ago
    155. 774
      A Stone Tablet 6 years ago
    156. 775
      A Conversation with the Stone Tablet 6 years ago
    157. 776
      The Deal Has Been Made 6 years ago
    158. 777
      Can't Afford Anything 6 years ago
    159. 778
      A Way to Make Money 6 years ago
    160. 779
      I'm Logging in to Collect Points 6 years ago
    161. 780
      Secret Forest 5 years ago
    162. 781
      Hornet's Nest 5 years ago
    163. 782
      A One-Sided Fight 5 years ago
    164. 783
      The 56th Checkpoint on the Stairway Tree 5 years ago
    165. 784
      A Sudden Rise in Points 5 years ago
    166. 785
      Guerrilla 5 years ago
    167. 786
      Outstanding Bait 5 years ago
    168. 787
      Bloody's Misjudgement 5 years ago
    169. 788
      Falling into the Trap 5 years ago
    170. 789
      The Uncatchable Prey 5 years ago
    171. 790
      The Insane Fiendish Osier 5 years ago
    172. 791
      It Is Here 5 years ago
    173. 792
      Three Demigod Relics 5 years ago
    174. 793
      A Unique Disguise 5 years ago
    175. 794
      Glorious Exit 5 years ago
    176. 795
      Yi Zheng Is Here 5 years ago
    177. 796
      A Healthy Sibling Relationship 5 years ago
    178. 797
      I'm Just Selling off a Few of the Demigod Relics 5 years ago
    179. 798
      The Auction Has Begun 5 years ago
    180. 799
      The Death Knight and the Fallen Knight 5 years ago
    181. 800
      The Fifth Day 5 years ago
    182. 801
      God's Figurine 5 years ago
    183. 802
      Items to Be Sold off at the End of the Auction 5 years ago
    184. 803
      The Last Auction Item 5 years ago
    185. 804
      Leveling-up to Immortal-level! 5 years ago
    186. 805
      Getting Kidnapped 5 years ago
    187. 806
      You've Been Thinking About Dating My Sister All the Time! 5 years ago
    188. 807
      Lin Huang Versus the Imperial-Level 5 years ago
    189. 808
      You Can't Imagine the Happiness of Spitting Dragon Flame 5 years ago
    190. 809
      Lin Huang Had a Headache 5 years ago
    191. 810
      To Catch Bandits, First Catch the Ringleader 5 years ago
    192. 811
      The Pale Man's Trump Card 5 years ago
    193. 812
      The Defensive System of Grade-A Foothold 5 years ago
    194. 813
      The Imperial-Level Versus the Imperial-Level 5 years ago
    195. 814
      The Imperial-Level Life Palace 5 years ago
    196. 815
      Altar 5 years ago
    197. 816
      Killing the Skinless Monster 5 years ago
    198. 817
      Memory Pieces 5 years ago
    199. 818
      The Images in His Head 5 years ago
    200. 819
      The Underground Auction Begins! 5 years ago
    201. 820
      Mutant 5 years ago
    202. 821
      Auctioning the God Crasher 5 years ago
    203. 822
      The Truth About the Crack 5 years ago
    204. 823
      One-Month Junk Food Reward 5 years ago
    205. 824
      We Fight, We Fight for A Head 5 years ago
    206. 825
      I’m Sorry, Boss 5 years ago
    207. 826
      I’ll Cheer On For You in My Heart! 5 years ago
    208. 827
      Army 5 years ago
    209. 828
      Pseudo Mythical-level Card 5 years ago
    210. 829
      Flat-Chested like a Boy 5 years ago
    211. 830
      It’s Never Too Late for Revenge 5 years ago
    212. 831
      Die, Rakshasa Mother! 5 years ago
    213. 832
      War Overlord 5 years ago
    214. 833
      Non-Elemental Life Palace 5 years ago
    215. 834
      Monster Paradise 5 years ago
    216. 835
      The Fallen God Land 5 years ago
    217. 836
      Pre-Battle Preparation 5 years ago
    218. 837
      Seventh Prince 5 years ago
    219. 838
      Two Familiar People 5 years ago
    220. 839
      Nephilic Judge Army 5 years ago
    221. 840
      Kylie’s Battle Formations 5 years ago
    222. 841
      Bloody’s Puppet Army 5 years ago
    223. 842
      Meeting the Saints Again 5 years ago
    224. 843
      The Third Pseudo Mythical-level Monster Card 5 years ago
    225. 844
      Golden Cicada Substitute 5 years ago
    226. 845
      We Didn’t Hit It Off 5 years ago
    227. 846
      A Sudden, Unusual Phenomenon 5 years ago
    228. 847
      Tan Lang 5 years ago
    229. 848
      Bug Master 5 years ago
    230. 849
      Little Town 5 years ago
    231. 850
      The Remnants of the Immortals 5 years ago
    232. 851
      City 5 years ago
    233. 852
      Hidden Sect 5 years ago
    234. 853
      The Immortal Path That Was Cut Off 5 years ago
    235. 854
      Invasion 5 years ago
    236. 855
      We’re from the Heaven Alliance! 5 years ago
    237. 856
      The Exterminated Charm 5 years ago
    238. 857
      Augur 5 years ago
    239. 858
      Do You Want to Sell Your Herculean King? 5 years ago
    240. 859
      You Won’t Go Through Whatever You’re Going Through Now If You Hadn’t Done What You Did 5 years ago
    241. 860
      Door Opening 5 years ago
    242. 861
      The Human Immortals Have Appeared 5 years ago
    243. 862
      Killing Seventh Prince 5 years ago
    244. 863
      Die, Seventh Prince! 5 years ago
    245. 864
      The Forming of a Phenomenon, a Chaotic Tribulation 5 years ago
    246. 865
      Two Governors 5 years ago
    247. 866
      I Think It’s A Steal 5 years ago
    248. 867
      Gullies 5 years ago
    249. 868
      Our Sect Isn’t To Be Underestimated 5 years ago
    250. 869
      The Sects Resurfaced 5 years ago
    251. 870
      The Hunt Begins 5 years ago
    252. 871
      A Great Place to Obtain Points 5 years ago
    253. 872
      The Sixth Day 5 years ago
    254. 873
      The Union Government’s Unusual Behavior 5 years ago
    255. 874
      The Source of the Monster Horde 5 years ago
    256. 875
      Remnant Of The Will 5 years ago
    257. 876
      Going All Out 5 years ago
    258. 877
      Dreamland 5 years ago
    259. 878
      Invincible Combat Souls 5 years ago
    260. 879
      18,000 God Crashers! 5 years ago
    261. 880
      The Fourth God Figurine! 5 years ago
    262. 881
      Returning to Enlightenment City 5 years ago
    263. 882
      What A Big, Handsome Hawk! 5 years ago
    264. 883
      Anchovies 5 years ago
    265. 884
      Beaten! 5 years ago
    266. 885
      Blamed Out of Nowhere 5 years ago
    267. 886
      I’m Very Materialistic 5 years ago
    268. 887
      70 Million Glory Points! 5 years ago
    269. 888
      Returning to the Fallen God Land 5 years ago
    270. 889
      Singing in the Victory 5 years ago
    271. 890
      The Third Solution 5 years ago
    272. 891
      I Have Assistants! 5 years ago
    273. 892
      I Killed All of Them 5 years ago
    274. 893
      Even the Imperial-level Purple Gold-rank Surrendered 5 years ago
    275. 894
      That Doesn’t Make Sense! 5 years ago
    276. 895
      Volleyball Game 5 years ago
    277. 896
      Killing Spree Mode 5 years ago
    278. 897
      The First Mythical-level Monster Card! 5 years ago
    279. 898
      The Closing of the Ruins 5 years ago
    280. 899
      Returning to Division 7 5 years ago

    卷 7

    1. 900
      Reunion 5 years ago
    2. 901
      Before the New Year 5 years ago
    3. 902
      It's Your Era! 5 years ago
    4. 903
      It’s Fine to Not Change My Appearance 5 years ago
    5. 904
      Flimsy 5 years ago
    6. 905
      The True Meaning of Martial Dao 5 years ago
    7. 906
      The Third New Year 5 years ago
    8. 907
      Such Big Nostrils 5 years ago
    9. 908
      The Royal Trial 5 years ago
    10. 909
      I'd Like to Try 5 years ago
    11. 910
      Why Don’t You Stay at the Martial Hunter College to be Their Teacher 5 years ago
    12. 911
      Lin Xin — Elevating to Transcendence 5 years ago
    13. 912
      Ancient-level Soul Crystal 5 years ago
    14. 913
      Settling In 5 years ago
    15. 914
      Yes, Senior 5 years ago
    16. 915
      Returning to Division 3 5 years ago
    17. 916
      Handling the Loot 5 years ago
    18. 917
      Slightly More Handsome Than Your Brother 5 years ago
    19. 918
      The Auction Began 5 years ago
    20. 919
      The Happy-Go-Lucky Sir Song 5 years ago
    21. 920
      The Opening Item on the Fifth Day 5 years ago
    22. 921
      Extremely Strict Bidding Conditions 5 years ago
    23. 922
      Tang Xu’s Gift 5 years ago
    24. 923
      There Are Plenty of Tycoons in Division 3 5 years ago
    25. 924
      Black Jade 5 years ago
    26. 925
      The First God Relic 5 years ago
    27. 926
      Bought-in?! 5 years ago
    28. 927
      The Last Auction Item 5 years ago
    29. 928
      Obtaining Two God Figurines 5 years ago
    30. 929
      Elevating to Immortal-level Rank-7! 5 years ago
    31. 930
      A List of Powerhouses Who Could Become A Virtual God Within Three Years 5 years ago
    32. 931
      Chan Dou’s Call 5 years ago
    33. 932
      The Big Boss Has Returned! 5 years ago
    34. 933
      The Hornet Queen 5 years ago
    35. 934
      Fight! 5 years ago
    36. 935
      The Hornet Queen’s New Order 5 years ago
    37. 936
      Congratulations, You've Passed Through the 56th Checkpoint! 5 years ago
    38. 937
      I Feel Like Kicking Him Out! 5 years ago
    39. 938
      The Stairway Tree's New Rules 5 years ago
    40. 939
      Arriving at the 63rd Checkpoint 5 years ago
    41. 940
      Meeting Chan Dou Again 5 years ago
    42. 941
      Bug Tribe 5 years ago
    43. 942
      May I Know What Kind of Service Do You Need? 5 years ago
    44. 943
      Congratulations, You’ve Obtained Bug Tribe Queen Mother Card Pieces x2 5 years ago
    45. 944
      It’s My Fault but I’m Not Owning Up! 5 years ago
    46. 945
      I Didn’t Know Everyone Love Fighting Monster Hordes 5 years ago
    47. 946
      16 Queen Mothers 5 years ago
    48. 947
      16 Consecutive Kills 5 years ago
    49. 948
      A Thread That’s Straying Off Topic 5 years ago
    50. 949
      Obtaining the Bug Tribe Queen Mother Card! 5 years ago
    51. 950
      Another New Rule is Added 5 years ago
    52. 951
      I Killed Another Queen Mother Since I Was Bored 5 years ago
    53. 952
      Deadly Ruins 5 years ago
    54. 953
      Master Chan is the Best! 5 years ago
    55. 954
      The Royal Trial Has Begun! 5 years ago
    56. 955
      The Skinny Man and the Big Guy 5 years ago
    57. 956
      The Prison’s Food Source 5 years ago
    58. 957
      A Plot to Bait 5 years ago
    59. 958
      Ge Nan and Li Li 5 years ago
    60. 959
      Acting Skills That're Off The Charts! 5 years ago
    61. 960
      I’m Behind You Guys 5 years ago
    62. 961
      Hat Mountain 5 years ago
    63. 962
      He’s A Manstress 5 years ago
    64. 963
      A Successful Invasion 5 years ago
    65. 964
      The Disclosure of Royal 5 years ago
    66. 965
      The Clearing Plan Takes Off 5 years ago
    67. 966
      The Gravel World’s Dangerous Situation 5 years ago
    68. 967
      Number of Remaining Trialists: 1 5 years ago
    69. 968
      The Hongmen Feast 5 years ago
    70. 969
      We Should Be Humble Instead of Being High on Pride 5 years ago
    71. 970
      He Took All the Corpses With Him 5 years ago
    72. 971
      Was Chan Dou Attacked?! 5 years ago
    73. 972
      Love Makes Us Blind 5 years ago
    74. 973
      Done Deal 5 years ago
    75. 974
      Overthrowing All You Ever Knew 5 years ago
    76. 975
      Heaven Alliance’s Meeting 5 years ago
    77. 976
      She Really is A Powerful Lady 5 years ago
    78. 977
      Elevating to Immortal-level Rank-10! 5 years ago
    79. 978
      Returning to Sweep City Again 5 years ago
    80. 979
      Three Golden Eggs 5 years ago
    81. 980
      Python-belly Poison Frog 5 years ago
    82. 981
      A Demigod Has Fallen! 5 years ago
    83. 982
      The Cultivation System’s Fatal Flaw 5 years ago
    84. 983
      Hunting Demigods 5 years ago
    85. 984
      Die, Titan Boa! 5 years ago
    86. 985
      Secret Skill - Stealthy Snake 5 years ago
    87. 986
      She Becomes Bald but No More Powerful 5 years ago
    88. 987
      Bai Agrees to Elevate 5 years ago
    89. 988
      God Bless 5 years ago
    90. 989
      Herculean King, Quadruple Mutated 5 years ago
    91. 990
      The Imperial Monsters that Hatched 5 years ago
    92. 991
      Bai Who Has Elevated 5 years ago
    93. 992
      Bronze Crow City 5 years ago
    94. 993
      Meeting Hong Zhuang Again 5 years ago
    95. 994
      A Chance Encounter 5 years ago
    96. 995
      Infected 5 years ago
    97. 996
      The Crow God’s Eye 5 years ago
    98. 997
      I Bet You’ve Never Seen An Immortal-level Who Managed to Kill Demigods 5 years ago
    99. 998
      Exposed Ability 5 years ago
    100. 999
      There’s More Than One God in This World! 5 years ago
    101. 1000
      Ten Candidates 5 years ago
    102. 1001
      Lurker 5 years ago
    103. 1002
      Young Man, Tell Me Your Name 5 years ago
    104. 1003
      A War Has Begun! 5 years ago
    105. 1004
      I Just Want to Watch 5 years ago
    106. 1005
      Yang Ling’s Trump Card 5 years ago
    107. 1006
      Rich is the Word 5 years ago
    108. 1007
      Lin Huang's Inteference 5 years ago
    109. 1008
      Raider 5 years ago
    110. 1009
      The Little Elephant Swings Its Trunk 5 years ago
    111. 1010
      The Projection Collapsing 5 years ago
    112. 1011
      The End 5 years ago
    113. 1012
      Counting the Loot 5 years ago
    114. 1013
      Xiao Mo Awakens 5 years ago
    115. 1014
      Pillow Talk 5 years ago
    116. 1015
      Two Missions 5 years ago
    117. 1016
      Perfect-Stage Immortal-Level Rank-10! 5 years ago
    118. 1017
      Xiao Mo’s Challenge 5 years ago
    119. 1018
      Exposed Identity 5 years ago
    120. 1019
      Dynasty’s Visit 5 years ago
    121. 1020
      Emperor 5 years ago
    122. 1021
      Arriving at Division 1 5 years ago
    123. 1022
      Black Swamp Frog 5 years ago
    124. 1023
      The Emperor is Born 5 years ago
    125. 1024
      Where’s the Underground Boss They Promised?! 5 years ago
    126. 1025
      Coronation of the Emperor! 5 years ago
    127. 1026
      Who’s Lin Huang?! 5 years ago
    128. 1027
      A Story of the Past 5 years ago
    129. 1028
      Congratulations, You’ve Obtained An Affiliate — Dynasty 5 years ago
    130. 1029
      Lin Huang, I’ve Finally Found You! 5 years ago
    131. 1030
      Killing and Fighting Doesn't Suit My Elegance 5 years ago
    132. 1031
      Implementing New Rules 5 years ago
    133. 1032
      Dynasty’s Treasure 5 years ago
    134. 1033
      An Unexpected Gain 5 years ago
    135. 1034
      The Sorcerer Goddess Awakens 5 years ago
    136. 1035
      The Dynasty Court 5 years ago
    137. 1036
      Why Don't You Get Out First 5 years ago
    138. 1037
      Did You Mistake Me for Someone Else? 5 years ago
    139. 1038
      Travel A Thousand Miles to Bestow A Head, A Small Gift May Be A Token of Profound Friendship 5 years ago
    140. 1039
      The Grandmistress’ Identity 5 years ago
    141. 1040
      There is No Time Like the Present 5 years ago
    142. 1041
      A Girl Should Be Reserved But Not Too Conservative 5 years ago
    143. 1042
      The Wei Clan’s Grandmistress 5 years ago
    144. 1043
      Lin Huang Must Die! 5 years ago
    145. 1044
      Fighting Demigods 5 years ago
    146. 1045
      Lady in the White Dress 5 years ago
    147. 1046
      Enchanted Fairy 5 years ago
    148. 1047
      A Death Butterfly That's Terrible In Combat 5 years ago
    149. 1048
      Agency EA 5 years ago
    150. 1049
      Master God Has Come 5 years ago
    151. 1050
      Wu Mo Fights 5 years ago
    152. 1051
      Beaten Up So Hard that Even His Mother Doesn't Recognize Him 5 years ago
    153. 1052
      Allow Me to Let It All Out on You 5 years ago
    154. 1053
      Killing the Master God 5 years ago
    155. 1054
      The Power of A Finger 5 years ago
    156. 1055
      I Think I’m Invincible Now! 5 years ago
    157. 1056
      Hehehe… 5 years ago
    158. 1057
      The Real Ultimate Move 5 years ago
    159. 1058
      A Gory Repression 5 years ago
    160. 1059
      Actually, I’m A Sword Cultivator 5 years ago
    161. 1060
      Killing A God! 5 years ago
    162. 1061
      Dirty Business 5 years ago
    163. 1062
      Blessing Trading Group 5 years ago
    164. 1063
      Sneaking In 5 years ago
    165. 1064
      Your Master God is Doing Great Down There 5 years ago
    166. 1065
      Fighting Virtual Gods Again 5 years ago
    167. 1066
      God Bless Has Fallen 5 years ago
    168. 1067
      Saved A Sum of Processing Fee 5 years ago
    169. 1068
      The Fourth God’s Messenger 5 years ago
    170. 1069
      God-slaying Power and Origin God's Heart 5 years ago
    171. 1070
      Loot Inventory 5 years ago
    172. 1071
      We’re Going to the Union Government? Aren't We Walking Right Into the Trap? 5 years ago
    173. 1072
      The Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon 5 years ago
    174. 1073
      Oh My God, That Smell! 5 years ago
    175. 1074
      Image Playback 5 years ago
    176. 1075
      I Must Eat A Pancake to Get Over the Shock! 5 years ago
    177. 1076
      He Has Properties Everywhere 5 years ago
    178. 1077
      Sister Jing 5 years ago
    179. 1078
      It’s Getting Cold, Put on Some Clothes 5 years ago
    180. 1079
      Emperor’s Heart 5 years ago
    181. 1080
      Traceless 5 years ago
    182. 1081
      Monitoring 5 years ago
    183. 1082
      The Kidnapper Beyond Expectations 5 years ago
    184. 1083
      Please Stay, My Friend 5 years ago
    185. 1084
      Please Be Happy 5 years ago
    186. 1085
      Hunt 5 years ago
    187. 1086
      Anyone Capable Will Be the Grand Duke 5 years ago
    188. 1087
      Alibi 5 years ago
    189. 1088
      The Trial Zone Opens 5 years ago
    190. 1089
      Leaving Closed-door Cultivation 5 years ago
    191. 1090
      Grimace’s Elevation 5 years ago
    192. 1091
      Chan Dou Wakes Up 5 years ago
    193. 1092
      The Amnesia of Chan Dou 5 years ago
    194. 1093
      Tan Lang's Visit 5 years ago
    195. 1094
      I’m Sorry, I Don’t Remember You Guys 5 years ago
    196. 1095
      He Hardly Logged into the Genius Union Anyway 5 years ago
    197. 1096
      A Man Should Be Able to Bear Failures 5 years ago
    198. 1097
      I Bet Lin Xie Breaks Through This Checkpoint 5 years ago
    199. 1098
      The 72nd Checkpoint 5 years ago
    200. 1099
      Salted Fish 5 years ago
    201. 1100
      The No.1 Young-Generation Powerhouse 5 years ago
    202. 1101
      Record-breaking Reward 5 years ago
    203. 1102
      The Five Princes Are An Era 5 years ago
    204. 1103
      Ten Billion Points Are Still Points 5 years ago
    205. 1104
      This Girl is So Tough 5 years ago
    206. 1105
      The 80th Checkpoint 5 years ago
    207. 1106
      Waiting for It to Come Out 5 years ago
    208. 1107
      Do You Agree to Go to the Last Checkpoint? 5 years ago
    209. 1108
      The Last Checkpoint 5 years ago
    210. 1109
      Jaw-Dropping 5 years ago
    211. 1110
      The Arrival of the Bug Tribe 5 years ago
    212. 1111
      Suppressed By Great Power 5 years ago
    213. 1112
      Tough Battle 5 years ago
    214. 1113
      One More Trial, Please! 5 years ago
    215. 1114
      A Massive Galactic Hive 5 years ago
    216. 1115
      Fight! 5 years ago
    217. 1116
      This Must Be Gotten Rid Of! 5 years ago
    218. 1117
      Oh Wow, You’ll Be Killed Soon! 5 years ago
    219. 1118
      Top-notch Deployment 5 years ago
    220. 1119
      It’s Too Early to Get Excited 5 years ago
    221. 1120
      The Puzzling God Rule Power 5 years ago
    222. 1121
      7-vs-3 5 years ago
    223. 1122
      The Trial Ends 5 years ago
    224. 1123
      Club 5 years ago
    225. 1124
      Rewards for Breaking Through 5 years ago
    226. 1125
      Lin Xie is Famous Again! 5 years ago
    227. 1126
      Abundant Card Rewards 5 years ago
    228. 1127
      Army-type Imperial Censor 5 years ago
    229. 1128
      Has His Identity Been Exposed? 5 years ago
    230. 1129
      Live Interview 5 years ago
    231. 1130
      My Name is Lin Huang, I’m Also Lin Xie 5 years ago
    232. 1131
      Debate x Attitude 5 years ago
    233. 1132
      He’ll Pay to Fix the Door 5 years ago
    234. 1133
      Alien 5 years ago
    235. 1134
      The Bug Tribe Invasion that Man Has Yet Discover 5 years ago
    236. 1135
      A Woman’s Instinct 5 years ago
    237. 1136
      Bug Tribe Invasion 5 years ago
    238. 1137
      Doing It Himself 5 years ago
    239. 1138
      Your Attack is Very Disappointing 5 years ago
    240. 1139
      The Battle in A Dreamland 5 years ago
    241. 1140
      Moulted Busby 5 years ago
    242. 1141
      The Forces that Put One in Awe 5 years ago
    243. 1142
      Putting It Aside 5 years ago
    244. 1143
      Elevating to Imperial-level! 5 years ago
    245. 1144
      Summoning Authority: Pseudo-supreme God-level! 5 years ago
    246. 1145
      “You’re So Smart!” 5 years ago
    247. 1146
      A Different Imperial-level 5 years ago
    248. 1147
      Two Specific Cards 5 years ago
    249. 1148
      So You’re That Kind of A Guy, Mr. Fu 5 years ago
    250. 1149
      Goodbye, Sir! 5 years ago
    251. 1150
      Fatty's Resurrection 5 years ago
    252. 1151
      Going Back to the Yin Residence 5 years ago
    253. 1152
      When Was the Last Time You Wet Your Bed? 5 years ago
    254. 1153
      One Day, We’ll Definitely Meet 5 years ago
    255. 1154
      Picking A Good Date 5 years ago
    256. 1155
      You'll Only Be Powerful If You Go Bald! 5 years ago
    257. 1156
      Visiting First City Again 5 years ago
    258. 1157
      How’s Mr. Fu Doing? 5 years ago
    259. 1158
      The Union Government’s Weakness 5 years ago
    260. 1159
      It’s None of Your Business! 5 years ago
    261. 1160
      Lin Huang is Trending Again! 5 years ago
    262. 1161
      He’s Trending Again! 5 years ago
    263. 1162
      Give Me Your Report Within Three Days! 5 years ago
    264. 1163
      Misery 5 years ago
    265. 1164
      A Thoughtful Lamb 5 years ago
    266. 1165
      Misery’s Visit 5 years ago
    267. 1166
      Sparing Nobody! 5 years ago
    268. 1167
      Lin Huang’s Trump Card 5 years ago
    269. 1168
      Mythical-level - Regal Sword Killer! 5 years ago
    270. 1169
      A Losing Battle 5 years ago
    271. 1170
      Death is The Starting Point to The Other Side 5 years ago
    272. 1171
      Misery’s Secret 5 years ago
    273. 1172
      I’ll Give You Two Options 5 years ago
    274. 1173
      Come At Me, All of You 5 years ago
    275. 1174
      The Cat-and-Mouse Game 5 years ago
    276. 1175
      I’ll Be A Little More Serious 5 years ago
    277. 1176
      From Today Onwards, You Guys Will Have Support! 5 years ago
    278. 1177
      Misery’s Announcement 5 years ago
    279. 1178
      Eight Sedans, Is That Grandeur Enough? 5 years ago
    280. 1179
      Heretics’ Visit 5 years ago
    281. 1180
      You’re Such A Nice Person 5 years ago
    282. 1181
      We’re Always The Realest and Liberated 5 years ago
    283. 1182
      Bloody’s Discovery 5 years ago
    284. 1183
      Circles 5 years ago
    285. 1184
      Lin Huang Comes Out of Closed-door Cultivation 5 years ago
    286. 1185
      Chan Dou Bids Farewell 5 years ago
    287. 1186
      I’ll Tear All of The Floors, Walls, and Ceiling Down! 5 years ago
    288. 1187
      Mr. Fu Makes A Comeback 5 years ago
    289. 1188
      Mr. Fu’s Thoughts 5 years ago
    290. 1189
      A Grand Reunion of Dynasty’s Finest 5 years ago
    291. 1190
      The First One to Be Elevated 5 years ago
    292. 1191
      100% Success Rate 5 years ago
    293. 1192
      Huang Haoyang’s Unique Godhead 5 years ago
    294. 1193
      Conversion Completed 5 years ago
    295. 1194
      Sticky Rice Cake 5 years ago
    296. 1195
      Three Days of Torture 5 years ago
    297. 1196
      The Meeting After the New Year 5 years ago
    298. 1197
      Memory Card 5 years ago
    299. 1198
      Hunter Association’s Appointment 5 years ago
    300. 1199
      This Inheritance of Yours is Fake 5 years ago
    301. 1200
      Killing All of The Virtual God-level Monsters in Your Ruins! 5 years ago
    302. 1201
      Blasphemy Dragonpede 5 years ago
    303. 1202
      Thunder Vs Blasphemy Dragonpede 5 years ago
    304. 1203
      Rotten Heart 5 years ago
    305. 1204
      Body Severed By Tide of Boa 5 years ago
    306. 1205
      The Galactic Hive’s First Show 5 years ago
    307. 1206
      A Great Sweep 5 years ago
    308. 1207
      Hunting Garden 5 years ago
    309. 1208
      Shadow Killer’s Visit 5 years ago
    310. 1209
      A Salted Fish Should Have A Salted Fish’s Realization 5 years ago
    311. 1210
      Fatty’s Troubles 5 years ago
    312. 1211
      His Old Friends Are Here 5 years ago
    313. 1212
      Brother, You Must Come Back! 5 years ago

    卷 8

    1. 1213
      Virtual Zone 5 years ago
    2. 1214
      Shelter 5 years ago
    3. 1215
      The Early Bird Catches the Worm 4 years ago
    4. 1216
      The Central Shelter 4 years ago
    5. 1217
      The Secret Loft 4 years ago
    6. 1218
      You Got The Wrong Dog 4 years ago
    7. 1219
      Good Luck 4 years ago
    8. 1220
      The Same Comment 4 years ago
    9. 1221
      Butterfly Sovereign Shelter 4 years ago
    10. 1222
      Fairy-type Monster 4 years ago
    11. 1223
      Clone and Disguise 4 years ago
    12. 1224
      Spider Queen 4 years ago
    13. 1225
      The Ruin Opens 4 years ago
    14. 1226
      The Ruin Miracle 4 years ago
    15. 1227
      Are There True Gods Here?! 4 years ago
    16. 1228
      True God's Rule Power 4 years ago
    17. 1229
      The Shackle Serpent Fights! 4 years ago
    18. 1230
      The Conversation with Qi Muxiong 4 years ago
    19. 1231
      Eternity Fire 4 years ago
    20. 1232
      There Should Be Many Good Stuff in This Ruin, Am I Right? 4 years ago
    21. 1233
      You Bastard! 4 years ago
    22. 1234
      Molten Lotus 4 years ago
    23. 1235
      Ding Dong, Ding Dong… 4 years ago
    24. 1236
      Crimson-Eyed Skeleton Dragon 4 years ago
    25. 1237
      Surrender Or Die! 4 years ago
    26. 1238
      I Chose to Surrender 4 years ago
    27. 1239
      Nightmare Tapir VS Ice Dragon 4 years ago
    28. 1240
      The Power of Slaps 4 years ago
    29. 1241
      Leaving the Ruin 4 years ago
    30. 1242
      Don’t You Dare Leave Me Behind Again! 4 years ago
    31. 1243
      The Second Option 4 years ago
    32. 1244
      100 Years Passed By in The Dream 4 years ago
    33. 1245
      Shelter No.1245 4 years ago
    34. 1246
      Could There be Precious Treasures Nearby?! 4 years ago
    35. 1247
      Giving Your Dog Head A Pat! 4 years ago
    36. 1248
      Dust Shelter 4 years ago
    37. 1249
      The Best Solution 4 years ago
    38. 1250
      You Wish 4 years ago
    39. 1251
      Night and Shadow 4 years ago
    40. 1252
      Money Boss 4 years ago
    41. 1253
      Death Sickle 4 years ago
    42. 1254
      Start Shelter 4 years ago
    43. 1255
      0618 4 years ago
    44. 1256
      The Guardian’s Visit 4 years ago
    45. 1257
      Death Sickle 4 years ago
    46. 1258
      The Torturous Reserve 4 years ago
    47. 1259
      The Simple Reserve Missions 4 years ago
    48. 1260
      The Top 10 Most Deceiving Mission (Black Sickle Version) 4 years ago
    49. 1261
      Newborn Calves are Not Afraid of Tigers 4 years ago
    50. 1262
      Completed Like A Piece of Cake 4 years ago
    51. 1263
      Mission Complete 4 years ago
    52. 1264
      Where Did The Bug King And The Bug Queens Go? 4 years ago
    53. 1265
      Imperial-level Rank-9 4 years ago
    54. 1266
      My Name is Ji Bai 4 years ago
    55. 1267
      Young Man with Gray Hair 4 years ago
    56. 1268
      Heavy is The Head That Wears The Crown! 4 years ago
    57. 1269
      I’m at Your Door 4 years ago
    58. 1270
      Great Heaven Territory 4 years ago
    59. 1271
      A Call from the Club 4 years ago
    60. 1272
      Generous 4 years ago
    61. 1273
      Four Quotas 4 years ago
    62. 1274
      The Opening of the Great Heaven Territory 4 years ago
    63. 1275
      Unknown Planet 4 years ago
    64. 1276
      An Awkward Situation 4 years ago
    65. 1277
      Devil Sword Bug 4 years ago
    66. 1278
      The Bug Tribe’s Group Chat 4 years ago
    67. 1279
      The War Begins 4 years ago
    68. 1280
      Ridiculous Operation that Came Out of Nowhere 4 years ago
    69. 1281
      You Are Too Weak 4 years ago
    70. 1282
      Battle of the True Gods! 4 years ago
    71. 1283
      Sword11 4 years ago
    72. 1284
      Blending into the Battlefield 4 years ago
    73. 1285
      Dead End 4 years ago
    74. 1286
      Sun Slash 4 years ago
    75. 1287
      An Unknown Heavenly God? 4 years ago
    76. 1288
      The Heavenly God Arrives! 4 years ago
    77. 1289
      Retreat! 4 years ago
    78. 1290
      Golden City 4 years ago
    79. 1291
      Torch and Frontier 4 years ago
    80. 1292
      Eating Kidney To Help 4 years ago
    81. 1293
      Swordfiend Abyss 4 years ago
    82. 1294
      The Dangerous Swordfiend Abyss 4 years ago
    83. 1295
      Eat It While It’s Hot 4 years ago
    84. 1296
      The Trial Begins 4 years ago
    85. 1297
      The First Stage, Nuance 4 years ago
    86. 1298
      Level-6 Sword Dao 4 years ago
    87. 1299
      Level-6 Opponent 4 years ago
    88. 1300
      Level-6, Complete! 4 years ago
    89. 1301
      The Slain Lin Huang 4 years ago
    90. 1302
      Celestial Guest 4 years ago
    91. 1303
      The End Of The Trial 4 years ago
    92. 1304
      Demon Sword Tomb 4 years ago
    93. 1305
      Battle Of The Demon Swords 4 years ago
    94. 1306
      Competitive Trial! 4 years ago
    95. 1307
      Ten Thousand Level Tower 4 years ago
    96. 1308
      Unable To Last More Than 30 Seconds 4 years ago
    97. 1309
      Lin Huang Enters The Trial 4 years ago
    98. 1310
      Unrivaled Combat God 4 years ago
    99. 1311
      Cannonball 4 years ago
    100. 1312
      Soaring Through the Ranks 4 years ago
    101. 1313
      The First Sword Servant 4 years ago
    102. 1314
      Let Me Give You Another Piece Of Advice 4 years ago
    103. 1315
      I’ll Run Away If I Can’t Beat Them 4 years ago
    104. 1316
      Sword126 4 years ago
    105. 1317
      Feeling Challenged 4 years ago
    106. 1318
      Identity Revealed 4 years ago
    107. 1319
      Breakthrough To Sword Dao True Meaning! 4 years ago
    108. 1320
      A Major Change In Rules! 4 years ago
    109. 1321
      Xie Lin Is Gonna Be in Big Trouble! 4 years ago
    110. 1322
      Lin Huang Who Was Treated Differently 4 years ago
    111. 1323
      Three Against One, We Have The Upper Hand! 4 years ago
    112. 1324
      Powerful Enemies Approaching 4 years ago
    113. 1325
      Let’s Fight For Real! 4 years ago
    114. 1326
      How Can They Swing Their Swords So Fast?! 4 years ago
    115. 1327
      God’s Form 4 years ago
    116. 1328
      You’re Treating Me as A Sparring Partner?! 4 years ago
    117. 1329
      Unrivaled God Has Arrived! 4 years ago
    118. 1330
      Come Fight Me Together 4 years ago
    119. 1331
      1V4 4 years ago
    120. 1332
      Bloody Lightning Genesis 4 years ago
    121. 1333
      Dominating All Virtual Gods 4 years ago
    122. 1334
      Supreme God-Level – Fiendish Corpse! 4 years ago
    123. 1335
      Xie Lin Has Broken Through His Sword Dao? 4 years ago
    124. 1336
      Ten Sword Dao Inheritances in Exchange for One Life 4 years ago
    125. 1337
      Messy Battle Situation 4 years ago
    126. 1338
      Sword12 4 years ago
    127. 1339
      Bad News 4 years ago
    128. 1340
      The Three Of You Have Been Sold To Me 4 years ago
    129. 1341
      Ranking No.1! 4 years ago
    130. 1342
      The Ten Palaces 4 years ago
    131. 1343
      Lin Huang VS God’s Servants 4 years ago
    132. 1344
      Sword10 4 years ago
    133. 1345
      Rapid Speed Versus Rapid Speed 4 years ago
    134. 1346
      Sword10’s Approach 4 years ago
    135. 1347
      Force-type Attack 4 years ago
    136. 1348
      Lin Huang’s Ridiculous Request 4 years ago
    137. 1349
      300 Days of Diligent Cultivation 4 years ago
    138. 1350
      Making It Past the Tenth Palace 4 years ago
    139. 1351
      To Me, You’re Just A Sparring Partner 4 years ago
    140. 1352
      I Do Not Consent To The Pass that You Have Announced! 4 years ago
    141. 1353
      You Are Such a Nice Person 4 years ago
    142. 1354
      Terrifying Ability Unrelated to Appearance 4 years ago
    143. 1355
      I Like The Number Eight 4 years ago
    144. 1356
      Sword3 4 years ago
    145. 1357
      Making It Past the Third Palace 4 years ago
    146. 1358
      Bunny 4 years ago
    147. 1359
      Making It Past The Second Palace 4 years ago
    148. 1360
      You and The Swordmaster Are Of The Same Kind 4 years ago
    149. 1361
      Sword1’s Questioning 4 years ago
    150. 1362
      We Must Find the Murderer 4 years ago
    151. 1363
      Obtaining the Inheritance 4 years ago
    152. 1364
      Great Heaven Palace 4 years ago
    153. 1365
      The Swordmaster's Authority 4 years ago
    154. 1366
      Lin Huang’s Plan 4 years ago
    155. 1367
      Sword1’s Request 4 years ago
    156. 1368
      Meeting Sword11 Again 4 years ago
    157. 1369
      The Shabby Swordmaster 4 years ago
    158. 1370
      You Are Not The Person I Am Looking For 4 years ago
    159. 1371
      Carved Heart Pavilion 4 years ago
    160. 1372
      Meteor Street 4 years ago
    161. 1373
      Would You Like To Be My Apprentice? 4 years ago
    162. 1374
      The Trial is Over 4 years ago
    163. 1375
      Returning To The Great World 4 years ago
    164. 1376
      The Mysterious Club 4 years ago
    165. 1377
      Transaction 4 years ago
    166. 1378
      God Weapon 4 years ago
    167. 1379
      Senior, You Are Such A Nice Person 4 years ago
    168. 1380
      Come, Let’s Go For Supper! 4 years ago
    169. 1381
      Spending Money That You Made 4 years ago
    170. 1382
      The Frost Territory 4 years ago
    171. 1383
      What’s The Condition For Advancement? 4 years ago
    172. 1384
      Lin Huang’s Guess 4 years ago
    173. 1385
      Grade-10 Imperial Level! 4 years ago
    174. 1386
      Hunting True Gods! 4 years ago
    175. 1387
      Ten Divine Fires 4 years ago
    176. 1388
      Elevation to Virtual God-Level! 4 years ago
    177. 1389
      Consecutive Advancement 4 years ago
    178. 1390
      The Young Princess of the Nephilic Judge Tribe 4 years ago
    179. 1391
      Something’s About To Happen! 4 years ago
    180. 1392
      The Last Day 4 years ago
    181. 1393
      Demonic Buddhist Holy Son 4 years ago
    182. 1394
      Encountering A Strong Enemy 4 years ago
    183. 1395
      What Did You Do To Me?! 4 years ago
    184. 1396
      Kylie’s Bad News 4 years ago
    185. 1397
      The Final Three Days 4 years ago
    186. 1398
      The Return 4 years ago
    187. 1399
      Someone Come And Get Me 4 years ago
    188. 1400
      His Majesty’s Return 4 years ago
    189. 1401
      Lin Xin’s Bottleneck 4 years ago
    190. 1402
      Two Hundred And Sixty-Eight Sword Servants 4 years ago
    191. 1403
      Old Friends 4 years ago
    192. 1404
      A Gathering Over A Meal 4 years ago
    193. 1405
      Concealed Information 4 years ago
    194. 1406
      Closed-Door Cultivation 4 years ago
    195. 1407
      Advancing to Virtual God rank-6! 4 years ago
    196. 1408
      Do You Still Think So Now? 4 years ago
    197. 1409
      A Game 4 years ago
    198. 1410
      Fight Me One-on-one If You Can! 4 years ago
    199. 1411
      Resolving the Crisis 4 years ago
    200. 1412
      Destroying Root and Branch 4 years ago
    201. 1413
      Item Card—Time Cabin 4 years ago
    202. 1414
      Continuing Closed-Door Cultivation 4 years ago
    203. 1415
      Lin Huang Comes Out Of Closed-Door Cultivation 4 years ago
    204. 1416
      Conversation In The Tent 4 years ago
    205. 1417
      90% Certain 4 years ago
    206. 1418
      Weighty News 4 years ago
    207. 1419
      Don’t Forget, I Am A Imperial Censor 4 years ago
    208. 1420
      The Second Round of Summoning 4 years ago
    209. 1421
      The Eighth Wave 4 years ago
    210. 1422
      The God's Figurine's Combat Souls Have Appeared! 4 years ago
    211. 1423
      A Blind Spot in Mr. Fu’s Knowledge 4 years ago
    212. 1424
      I Want to Go to an Even More Vast Universe! 4 years ago
    213. 1425
      Cannon Fodder 4 years ago
    214. 1426
      Sword Alliance 4 years ago
    215. 1427
      The Thousand Snake Sect 4 years ago
    216. 1428
      Wu Mo’s Awakening 4 years ago
    217. 1429
      Rather Too Brief A Time 4 years ago
    218. 1430
      Lin Xuan’s Return 4 years ago
    219. 1431
      Borrowing Troops 4 years ago
    220. 1432
      The Invasion Begins 4 years ago
    221. 1433
      The True God Crasher 4 years ago
    222. 1434
      The True Gods Have Arrived! 3 years ago
    223. 1435
      The Hive has Descended! 3 years ago
    224. 1436
      Lin Xin Emerges From Closed-Door Cultivation 3 years ago
    225. 1437
      Brother, I Want To Join The Battle Too! 3 years ago
    226. 1438
      Combat Goddess 3 years ago
    227. 1439
      Welcome On Your Arrival In Our World 3 years ago
    228. 1440
      I Just Want To Ask You Something 3 years ago
    229. 1441
      Heart-glimpsing 3 years ago
    230. 1442
      Lin Huang VS Teng Ran 3 years ago
    231. 1443
      I’ve Found You! 3 years ago
    232. 1444
      Rank-6 3 years ago
    233. 1445
      New Monster Card 3 years ago
    234. 1446
      The War Is Over! 3 years ago
    235. 1447
      Lin Xuan’s Secret 3 years ago
    236. 1448
      Return To First City 3 years ago
    237. 1449
      Conversation With Emperor’s Heart 3 years ago
    238. 1450
      The One Who Came From The Abyss 3 years ago
    239. 1451
      Don’t All Games Have an Opening CG? 3 years ago
    240. 1452
      No, You Don’t Want to Know 3 years ago
    241. 1453
      Like The Rear Bumper Of An Old Car 3 years ago
    242. 1454
      Advanced Monster Paradise 3 years ago
    243. 1455
      The Third Layer of The Abyss Brink Is Gone 3 years ago
    244. 1456
      Return To Respawn Point No.7D101 3 years ago
    245. 1457
      The Emperor’s Heart’s Host 3 years ago
    246. 1458
      Sky-high 3 years ago
    247. 1459
      Return To White Capital 3 years ago
    248. 1460
      Doomsday Sect 3 years ago
    249. 1461
      Anomaly in the Peaceful Ocean 3 years ago
    250. 1462
      The Union Government’s Request For Help 3 years ago
    251. 1463
      The Mysterious One-eyed Monster 3 years ago
    252. 1464
      The One-eyed Monster’s Secret 3 years ago
    253. 1465
      Imperial Sword Killer 3 years ago
    254. 1466
      Lin Xuan Comes Out Of Closed-Door Cultivation 3 years ago
    255. 1467
      New Year’s Day 3 years ago
    256. 1468
      I Want To Resign From My Position As Emperor 3 years ago
    257. 1469
      Meet at Nine o’Clock Tomorrow Morning 3 years ago
    258. 1470
      Departure from the Gravel World 3 years ago
    259. 1471
      Devil Hunter Star Zone 3 years ago

    卷 9

    1. 1472
      Kylie’s Situation 3 years ago
    2. 1473
      Kids Who Are Digging Their Own Graves 3 years ago
    3. 1474
      Earth Skeleton 3 years ago
    4. 1475
      The Battle Is Not Over Yet 3 years ago
    5. 1476
      Lin Huang Leaves The Team 3 years ago
    6. 1477
      Border Area 3 years ago
    7. 1478
      Arriving at the Core Layer 3 years ago
    8. 1479
      Encounter with an Aberrant Species 3 years ago
    9. 1480
      Any Last Words? 3 years ago
    10. 1481
      The Symbiotic Creature of the Abyssal Fountain 3 years ago
    11. 1482
      Saturated? 3 years ago
    12. 1483
      If One Slash Doesn't Do The Job, The Second One Will! 3 years ago
    13. 1484
      Completion 3 years ago
    14. 1485
      Virtual God-level Rank-10 3 years ago
    15. 1486
      He Wanted Even More Than That… 3 years ago
    16. 1487
      Advancement to True God-level! 3 years ago
    17. 1488
      Lin Huang, the G.O.A.T. 3 years ago
    18. 1489
      Update on Kylie 3 years ago
    19. 1490
      New Identity—Huang Mu 3 years ago
    20. 1491
      Sword Dao Heavenly Rule-level! 3 years ago
    21. 1492
      Whenever He Had An Idle Moment, He Would Snack On Something 3 years ago
    22. 1493
      Are You Sure You Want Me to Remove My Mask? 3 years ago
    23. 1494
      Rules That Are as Childish as Little Kids Playing House 3 years ago
    24. 1495
      Gamble 3 years ago
    25. 1496
      The First Person to Earn Hunting Points 3 years ago
    26. 1497
      So Impressive Even When Not Using A Sword?! 3 years ago
    27. 1498
      Aberrant Species—Bright Cosmos 3 years ago
    28. 1499
      Uglier Than Expected… 3 years ago
    29. 1500
      Xiu Mu, or Xie Lin? 3 years ago
    30. 1501
      Hunt and Plunder 3 years ago
    31. 1502
      Advancement to Second-Rank 3 years ago
    32. 1503
      Hunting Down Second-Rank Heavenly Gods 3 years ago
    33. 1504
      Advancement To Third-rank! 3 years ago
    34. 1505
      Stitch 3 years ago
    35. 1506
      Seven Heads 3 years ago
    36. 1507
      Stitch's Weakness 3 years ago
    37. 1508
      Eclipsing Everyone Else 3 years ago
    38. 1509
      Death Sickle's Secret 3 years ago
    39. 1510
      Play A Game With Me 3 years ago
    40. 1511
      Obscured Sequence 3 years ago
    41. 1512
      Obsidian Dragon-being 3 years ago
    42. 1513
      No Fatality Notification 3 years ago
    43. 1514
      A Reincarnated Being of the Club 3 years ago
    44. 1515
      Sword Seal Fragment 3 years ago
    45. 1516
      Lords Are Just Slightly Stronger Cultivators 3 years ago
    46. 1517
      What A Savage! 3 years ago
    47. 1518
      That Purple-haired Girl Is Pretty Good 3 years ago
    48. 1519
      Touch Ball 3 years ago
    49. 1520
      The Meeting Of The Three 3 years ago
    50. 1521
      The Outstanding Imperial Monsters Should Learn to Obtain Elevation Materials Themselves 3 years ago
    51. 1522
      Poaching 3 years ago
    52. 1523
      Daughters Should Be Raised In Abundance 3 years ago
    53. 1524
      Elevating The Pseudo-Supreme God Rank-4.5s 3 years ago
    54. 1525
      Workers 3 years ago
    55. 1526
      Almighty Queen 3 years ago
    56. 1527
      Lin Huang, Immersed In Closed-Door Cultivation 3 years ago
    57. 1528
      Unknown Number 3 years ago
    58. 1529
      Yang Ling In Trouble 3 years ago
    59. 1530
      Gold Sickle-Level Missions 3 years ago
    60. 1531
      Elevating To Seventh-Rank 3 years ago
    61. 1532
      The Team Gathers 3 years ago
    62. 1533
      Going Into The Abyss 3 years ago
    63. 1534
      Demonic Bug Maze 3 years ago
    64. 1535
      Scarlet Centipede 3 years ago
    65. 1536
      Discovered! 3 years ago
    66. 1537
      That’s A Secret 3 years ago
    67. 1538
      Mixed Team 3 years ago
    68. 1539
      Wasted Effort 3 years ago
    69. 1540
      Escaping FromThe Maze 3 years ago
    70. 1541
      The Furies 3 years ago
    71. 1542
      The Jealousies 3 years ago
    72. 1543
      The Anomalies Among The Disasters 3 years ago
    73. 1544
      Ascetic Buddhist Tribe 3 years ago
    74. 1545
      The Opportunity To Attack 3 years ago
    75. 1546
      Elevating To Eighth-Rank 3 years ago
    76. 1547
      Heading In The One O’Clock Direction 3 years ago
    77. 1548
      Poison Arrow Frogs 3 years ago
    78. 1549
      Fiendish Swamp Monster 3 years ago
    79. 1550
      All The EXP! 3 years ago
    80. 1551
      Triple Happiness! 3 years ago
    81. 1552
      Two Young Ones 3 years ago
    82. 1553
      We’re Here Anyway 3 years ago
    83. 1554
      A Massive EXP Pack 3 years ago
    84. 1555
      Phantom City Gatekeeper 3 years ago
    85. 1556
      Little Inkblot and Bald Monster 3 years ago
    86. 1557
      Phantom City 3 years ago
    87. 1558
      Holder With A Split Personality? 3 years ago
    88. 1559
      I’m Lost 3 years ago
    89. 1560
      The Tallest Building 3 years ago
    90. 1561
      Target Locked 3 years ago
    91. 1562
      The Gilded Fiend 3 years ago
    92. 1563
      We Can Talk About It At Leisure 3 years ago
    93. 1564
      The Cautious Four-Faced Individual 3 years ago
    94. 1565
      Virtuoso’s Special Technique 3 years ago
    95. 1566
      Pure Blind Luck 3 years ago
    96. 1567
      An Inside Man 3 years ago
    97. 1568
      On The Brink Of Change 3 years ago
    98. 1569
      Let’s Fight Then! 3 years ago
    99. 1570
      Chaotic Battle Among Overlords 3 years ago
    100. 1571
      Still Waters Run Deep 3 years ago
    101. 1572
      The Fourth Face 3 years ago
    102. 1573
      Fae 3 years ago
    103. 1574
      The Second Battle 3 years ago
    104. 1575
      Stalling Tactic 3 years ago
    105. 1576
      To Show My Gratitude, I Shall Eat You! 3 years ago
    106. 1577
      You Tricked Me! 3 years ago
    107. 1578
      The Title Nine Gloom 3 years ago
    108. 1579
      Nine Gloom Versus Silver Armor 3 years ago
    109. 1580
      Showing All Trump Cards 3 years ago
    110. 1581
      The Price Silver Armor Had to Pay 3 years ago
    111. 1582
      The Outsider 3 years ago
    112. 1583
      A Win That Was Too Easy 3 years ago
    113. 1584
      The Nirvana Tree 3 years ago
    114. 1585
      Living Body Reincarnation 3 years ago
    115. 1586
      Battling Nine Gloom Again 3 years ago
    116. 1587
      A Useless Divine Power 3 years ago
    117. 1588
      Just Fight, Regardless! 3 years ago
    118. 1589
      Rats In A Trap? 3 years ago
    119. 1590
      Saber9’s Trump Card 3 years ago
    120. 1591
      Virtuoso’s Trump Card 3 years ago
    121. 1592
      Lin Huang’s Tiny Trump Card 3 years ago
    122. 1593
      Nine Gloom Surrenders 3 years ago
    123. 1594
      Nine Gloom’s Demise 3 years ago
    124. 1595
      Elevating to Tenth-Rank! 3 years ago
    125. 1596
      Going Back The Way They Came 3 years ago
    126. 1597
      The Bug Queen Has Awakened?! 3 years ago
    127. 1598
      The Immeasurable Calamity Fire 3 years ago
    128. 1599
      Lin Huang Versus Sword1 3 years ago
    129. 1600
      We'll Rent The Devil Hunter Star Zone To You 3 years ago
    130. 1601
      The Moment He Made A Move, His Opponent Would Lose 3 years ago
    131. 1602
      How Many Can I Trade Them For? 3 years ago
    132. 1603
      Yang Ling is Dead?! 3 years ago
    133. 1604
      The Name That Cannot Be Mentioned Again 3 years ago
    134. 1605
      Death Sickle’s Missions 3 years ago
    135. 1606
      Mixue Ice-Cream And Tea’s Sweetness Tea 3 years ago
    136. 1607
      Gemini 3 years ago
    137. 1608
      The Joys Of The Rich 3 years ago
    138. 1609
      Here’s My Chance 3 years ago
    139. 1610
      An Unexpected Fight That Benefits A Third Party 3 years ago
    140. 1611
      Maligned Even After Death 3 years ago
    141. 1612
      Buried Heaven’s Return 3 years ago
    142. 1613
      Elevating to Heavenly God-Level! 3 years ago
    143. 1614
      The Secret of the Great Heaven Palace 3 years ago
    144. 1615
      Returning To The Great World 3 years ago
    145. 1616
      I Would Be Able To Elevate All The Way to Ninth-Rank! 3 years ago
    146. 1617
      The Royal Market 3 years ago
    147. 1618
      Elevated Sword Dao—Complete-Stage Heavenly Dao! 3 years ago
    148. 1619
      Elevated to Eighth-Rank! 3 years ago
    149. 1620
      Meeting Blood Sickle Members For The First Time 3 years ago
    150. 1621
      Buried Heaven’s Unification 3 years ago
    151. 1622
      Raptors 3 years ago
    152. 1623
      Buried Heaven Versus The Raptor 3 years ago
    153. 1624
      Leave It Here 3 years ago
    154. 1625
      Buried Heaven Elevates 3 years ago
    155. 1626
      Headquarters Was Attacked 3 years ago
    156. 1627
      A Suspected Killer 3 years ago
    157. 1628
      The Combat God Temple’s Temple Master 3 years ago
    158. 1629
      Meeting A Raider For The First Time 3 years ago
    159. 1630
      The Raiders’ Creed 3 years ago
    160. 1631
      The Voids 3 years ago
    161. 1632
      Dark Sword 3 years ago
    162. 1633
      Have You Seen Enough Yet?! 3 years ago
    163. 1634
      Holding Zhan Zhuo Captive 3 years ago
    164. 1635
      Killing Zhan Zhuo 3 years ago
    165. 1636
      My Suggestion: Just Run Away! 3 years ago
    166. 1637
      The Gate of All Realms 3 years ago
    167. 1638
      Entering the Virtual Realm for the First Time 3 years ago
    168. 1639
      The Apocalypse Dragon Python 3 years ago
    169. 1640
      Lin Huang's Killing Move 3 years ago
    170. 1641
      Xiao Hei’s Secret 3 years ago
    171. 1642
      The Virtual Realm Cabin 3 years ago
    172. 1643
      Tenth-Rank Heavenly God-Level 3 years ago
    173. 1644
      I’ll Kill You!!! 3 years ago
    174. 1645
      The First Round 3 years ago
    175. 1646
      Pure Spirit “Imperial Monsters”?! 3 years ago
    176. 1647
      Yang Ling? 3 years ago
    177. 1648
      Yang Ling’s Revival 3 years ago
    178. 1649
      Killing Another Middle-rank Lord! 3 years ago
    179. 1650
      Die, Babble! 2 years ago
    180. 1651
      Bigger Trouble 2 years ago
    181. 1652
      Six Goldfingers 2 years ago
    182. 1653
      I'll Follow You 2 years ago
    183. 1654
      The Threat That The Soul-controlling Tablet Sensed 2 years ago
    184. 1655
      The Imperial Monsters Return 2 years ago
    185. 1656
      The Mysterious Gift 2 years ago
    186. 1657
      Lord-level Imperial Monsters 2 years ago
    187. 1658
      Lin Huang’s Conjecture 2 years ago
    188. 1659
      I Don't Understand Your Sense of Aesthetics 2 years ago
    189. 1660
      Bai and Teng Ran, Now Elevated to Become Lords 2 years ago
    190. 1661
      Ten Percent Ability 2 years ago
    191. 1662
      Black Mountain’s Background 2 years ago
    192. 1663
      A Little Trick 2 years ago
    193. 1664
      The Death Spring 2 years ago
    194. 1665
      Consolidating A Sword Seal! 2 years ago
    195. 1666
      Going Into Closed-Door Cultivation Again 2 years ago
    196. 1667
      That’s More Like It! 2 years ago
    197. 1668
      Unification 2 years ago
    198. 1669
      A Being Above Lord-Level 2 years ago
    199. 1670
      Lin Huang, Now Elevated To Lord-Level 2 years ago
    200. 1671
      Coming Out Of Closed-Door Cultivation 2 years ago
    201. 1672
      Wanted by the Whole World? 2 years ago
    202. 1673
      The Arrival Of Unwelcome Guests 2 years ago
    203. 1674
      Where Are You? 2 years ago
    204. 1675
      I Can’t Leave A Single One Of You Out 2 years ago
    205. 1676
      I Don’t Like Meeting Tardy Dates 2 years ago
    206. 1677
      Dog Eat Dog 2 years ago
    207. 1678
      This Ought To Be Fairly Worth Seeing 2 years ago
    208. 1679
      What's the Bug Tribe Best At? 2 years ago
    209. 1680
      This Guy is Really Lucky! 2 years ago
    210. 1681
      First Display Of Ferocity 2 years ago
    211. 1682
      This Bug Formation Is Quite Powerful 2 years ago
    212. 1683
      The Formidable Nine Snake 2 years ago
    213. 1684
      Ding, The Fighters Have Been Credited To Your Account! 2 years ago
    214. 1685
      Lin Huang Versus Nine Snake 2 years ago
    215. 1686
      Annihilated En Masse 2 years ago
    216. 1687
      Royal Supervisor 2 years ago
    217. 1688
      Die Once 2 years ago
    218. 1689
      Returning to the Human World 2 years ago
    219. 1690
      Three Goldfingers 2 years ago
    220. 1691
      Dao-Level 2 years ago
    221. 1692
      It’s Time 2 years ago
    222. 1693
      The Return Of The Imperial Monsters 2 years ago
    223. 1694
      Entering The Virtual Realm For The First Time 2 years ago
    224. 1695
      Xia Ke Breaks Out Of Its Cocoon 2 years ago
    225. 1696
      Bug Horde's Will 2 years ago
    226. 1697
      The Imperial Monsters’ Competition 2 years ago
    227. 1698
      The Application of the Pure Golden Blood 2 years ago
    228. 1699
      Upgraded to Rank-S 2 years ago
    229. 1700
      Kylie’s Decision 2 years ago
    230. 1701
      It's Not Too Late for A Gentleman to Take Revenge in Two Years 2 years ago
    231. 1702
      Love-Hate Relationship 2 years ago
    232. 1703
      Distorted Memory 2 years ago
    233. 1704
      The Seventh Grade-7 Organization in the God Territory 2 years ago
    234. 1705
      Rise to Fame 2 years ago
    235. 1706
      The Illusion of Becoming More Powerful 2 years ago
    236. 1707
      Soaring Combat Strength 2 years ago
    237. 1708
      Even I’ve No Idea How Powerful I Am 2 years ago
    238. 1709
      All Parties’ Reaction 2 years ago
    239. 1710
      You Might Die 2 years ago
    240. 1711
      You’re Not Worthy 2 years ago
    241. 1712
      Beaten Again 2 years ago
    242. 1713
      Banquet 2 years ago
    243. 1714
      Kylie’s Plan 2 years ago
    244. 1715
      Little Story of the Past 2 years ago
    245. 1716
      In Full Swing 2 years ago
    246. 1717
      Buried Heaven Snapped 2 years ago
    247. 1718
      Great Expansion 2 years ago
    248. 1719
      Sword 1’s Unification 2 years ago
    249. 1720
      A Strange Feeling 2 years ago
    250. 1721
      The Restriction Has Been Lifted? 2 years ago
    251. 1722
      Elevating to Dao-level 2 years ago
    252. 1723
      Sword2 Got Out of Closed-door Cultivation 2 years ago
    253. 1724
      Verifying His Speculation 2 years ago
    254. 1725
      New Discovery 2 years ago
    255. 1726
      Extraordinarily Glamorous on the Outside 2 years ago
    256. 1727
      Huang League 2 years ago
    257. 1728
      The Branch in the Human World 2 years ago
    258. 1729
      Mr. Fu Returns 2 years ago
    259. 1730
      Liu Fu’s Invitation 2 years ago
    260. 1731
      Cannot Afford to Take Him in 2 years ago
    261. 1732
      Exposed Cultivation Base 2 years ago
    262. 1733
      Private Meeting 2 years ago
    263. 1734
      The Vastness of the Universe 2 years ago
    264. 1735
      Three Years 2 years ago
    265. 1736
      Sword 1’s Presumptuous Request 2 years ago
    266. 1737
      An External Strength Boost 2 years ago
    267. 1738
      I’ve Avenged You 2 years ago
    268. 1739
      The Arrangement Before Departure 2 years ago
    269. 1740
      Frantic Last-minute Closed-door Cultivation 2 years ago
    270. 1741
      For A Better Reunion When We Meet Again 2 years ago

    卷 10

    1. 1742
      Dongxuan City 2 years ago
    2. 1743
      Gather 2 years ago
    3. 1744
      Grade-SSS Organizations in the Eastern Eight Zone 2 years ago
    4. 1745
      The Assembly of Major-dao Cultivators 2 years ago
    5. 1746
      Entering the Mystic Territory for the First Time 2 years ago
    6. 1747
      I Don’t Want to Explore Anymore, I Want to Go Home 2 years ago
    7. 1748
      The Unusualness of the Black and White Zone 2 years ago
    8. 1749
      I’m So Hungry 2 years ago
    9. 1750
      Let’s Explore Somewhere Else? 2 years ago
    10. 1751
      Hunter? 2 years ago
    11. 1752
      I’ll Demonstrate Again 2 years ago
    12. 1753
      Encountering A Raider Again 2 years ago
    13. 1754
      Leaving the Foggy Area 2 years ago
    14. 1755
      Black Sea 2 years ago
    15. 1756
      Good Friends Whose Fate Clashed 2 years ago
    16. 1757
      An Unexpected Raider 2 years ago
    17. 1758
      Killing Ao Yu 2 years ago
    18. 1759
      Red-haired Lady 2 years ago
    19. 1760
      Strange 2 years ago
    20. 1761
      Abyssal Zone 2 years ago
    21. 1762
      Wang Xuanan’s Last Chance 2 years ago
    22. 1763
      He Died Just Like That? 2 years ago
    23. 1764
      Strange Black Energy 2 years ago
    24. 1765
      What is Black Abyss? 2 years ago
    25. 1766
      Something Happened 2 years ago
    26. 1767
      Which Fool is That? 2 years ago
    27. 1768
      All of You Should Stay 2 years ago
    28. 1769
      Hidden Space 2 years ago
    29. 1770
      Xia Bing’s Trump Card 2 years ago
    30. 1771
      Lin Huang Attacks 2 years ago
    31. 1772
      Let’s Work Together to Kill Him 2 years ago
    32. 1773
      White Brow’s Trump Card 2 years ago
    33. 1774
      Worship Me 2 years ago
    34. 1775
      White Brow Dies 2 years ago
    35. 1776
      The Strange Altar 2 years ago
    36. 1777
      The Mystic Territory Collapses 2 years ago
    37. 1778
      Feister Star Zone 2 years ago
    38. 1779
      Bountiful Gain 2 years ago
    39. 1780
      Major Dao-level?! 2 years ago
    40. 1781
      Above Dao-level 2 years ago
    41. 1782
      Speaking to Xia Bing 2 years ago
    42. 1783
      Fantasy Island 2 years ago
    43. 1784
      Hush 2 years ago
    44. 1785
      Dominator-level! 2 years ago
    45. 1786
      Infinite Universe 2 years ago
    46. 1787
      Imperial Monsters Elevating to Major Dao-level 2 years ago
    47. 1788
      Two Possibilities 2 years ago
    48. 1789
      Great Void Mirror 2 years ago
    49. 1790
      The Star Cluster Under Attack 2 years ago
    50. 1791
      The Second Star Master Dies! 2 years ago
    51. 1792
      Kill Me If You Dare 2 years ago
    52. 1793
      Star Cluster Being Removed From the List 2 years ago
    53. 1794
      Half-step Dominator 2 years ago
    54. 1795
      Move 2 years ago
    55. 1796
      Frequently Appearing Mystic Territories 2 years ago
    56. 1797
      Entering A Mystic Territory Again 2 years ago
    57. 1798
      The Hunt Begins 2 years ago
    58. 1799
      The Official Hunt Begins 2 years ago
    59. 1800
      Infinite Eliminated 2 years ago
    60. 1801
      Sovereign Xuan Attacked 2 years ago
    61. 1802
      These Two Are My Loot 2 years ago
    62. 1803
      I’m Too Late as I Thought 2 years ago
    63. 1804
      He Might Die 2 years ago
    64. 1805
      Rank-7—Omniscience 2 years ago
    65. 1806
      Are You Going to Speak? 2 years ago
    66. 1807
      Take Care of My Loot 2 years ago
    67. 1808
      Not Even One Minute 2 years ago
    68. 1809
      I Can Get You Anything You Want 2 years ago
    69. 1810
      I’ll Give You Three Seconds 2 years ago
    70. 1811
      This Guy Is Too Scary! 2 years ago
    71. 1812
      Betray the Black Abyss 2 years ago
    72. 1813
      War is Coming 2 years ago
    73. 1814
      Paid Off 2 years ago
    74. 1815
      Eradicate 2 years ago
    75. 1816
      New Imperial Monsters 2 years ago
    76. 1817
      Curiosity Killed the Cat 2 years ago
    77. 1818
      Changing Situations 2 years ago
    78. 1819
      Breakthrough Coming from the Boost of Ability! 2 years ago
    79. 1820
      Becoming A Dominator! 2 years ago
    80. 1821
      Skyrocketing Abilities 2 years ago
    81. 1822
      The Joy Only Lasted for a Short Time 2 years ago
    82. 1823
      The Public Enemies of the Universe 2 years ago
    83. 1824
      The Palace Spirit Awakens 2 years ago
    84. 1825
      A Copy of the Star Map 2 years ago
    85. 1826
      Golden Universe 2 years ago
    86. 1827
      Heavenly Dao Has a Temper Too 2 years ago
    87. 1828
      The Communication Considered to Be a Success? 2 years ago
    88. 1829
      Successful Persuasion 2 years ago
    89. 1830
      Ultimate Heavenly Dao?! 2 years ago
    90. 1831
      Elevated to Dominator-Level Rank-4! 2 years ago
    91. 1832
      Was I Too Harsh?! 2 years ago
    92. 1833
      Dominator-Level Rank-5! 2 years ago
    93. 1834
      The Unprecedented Powerful Enemy! 2 years ago
    94. 1835
      Give Me Them, Or Die! 2 years ago
    95. 1836
      You Almost Killed Me 2 years ago
    96. 1837
      Pursuit and Flee 2 years ago
    97. 1838
      Absolute Confidence 2 years ago
    98. 1839
      Butterfly Dance 2 years ago
    99. 1840
      Trump Card Versus Trump Card 2 years ago
    100. 1841
      Almost Killed 2 years ago
    101. 1842
      Meeting Death Spring Again 2 years ago
    102. 1843
      Virtual Sovereign 2 years ago
    103. 1844
      Death Spring’s Plan 2 years ago
    104. 1845
      Elevating to Rank-6! 2 years ago
    105. 1846
      Elevating at Lightning Speed! 2 years ago
    106. 1847
      The Plan Before the War 2 years ago
    107. 1848
      The Bug Horde’s Will Comes 2 years ago
    108. 1849
      Conversation With the Bug Horde’s Will 2 years ago
    109. 1850
      Peerless Rank-10 2 years ago
    110. 1851
      Lin Xin at Dominator-Level Rank-6 2 years ago
    111. 1852
      Aza Has Woken Up?! 2 years ago
    112. 1853
      The Gathering of Powerhouses 2 years ago
    113. 1854
      Heaven’s Secret 2 years ago
    114. 1855
      Cthulhu’s Malice 2 years ago
    115. 1856
      Dagon 2 years ago
    116. 1857
      Kingdom’s Creation 2 years ago
    117. 1858
      Cthulhu’s Descendants 2 years ago
    118. 1859
      Assemble 2 years ago
    119. 1860
      Interesting Ability 2 years ago
    120. 1861
      Teasing You 2 years ago
    121. 1862
      Hide Your Head and Show Your Tail 2 years ago
    122. 1863
      Cthulhu’s Trump Card 2 years ago
    123. 1864
      Killing Cthulhu 2 years ago
    124. 1865
      Dominator-Level Rank-9 Mystic Territory Has Arrived! 2 years ago
    125. 1866
      K’thun 2 years ago
    126. 1867
      An Aura That Suspected to Be Xue Luo’s 2 years ago
    127. 1868
      Lin Huang Has Arrived 2 years ago
    128. 1869
      Dragon and Snake 2 years ago
    129. 1870
      Amazing! 2 years ago
    130. 1871
      Grimace with Terrible Temperament 2 years ago
    131. 1872
      Veiled Lady 2 years ago
    132. 1873
      One for One 2 years ago
    133. 1874
      Tricky Battle 2 years ago
    134. 1875
      Hi, My Name is Lin Huang 2 years ago
    135. 1876
      My Name’s Xue Luo 2 years ago
    136. 1877
      Heaven's Secret 2 years ago
    137. 1878
      I Forgot to Tell Them to Watch the Battle 2 years ago
    138. 1879
      Gold Token 2 years ago
    139. 1880
      Heaven’s Secret Chief Liege 2 years ago
    140. 1881
      You’re My Second Choice 2 years ago
    141. 1882
      The Worst Outcome 2 years ago
    142. 1883
      The War Has Begun! 2 years ago
    143. 1884
      Nobody Is a Winner in a War 2 years ago
    144. 1885
      A Strategy to Stall! 2 years ago
    145. 1886
      Nyarlathotep 2 years ago
    146. 1887
      Nyarlathotep’s Overt Plot 2 years ago
    147. 1888
      Testing and Watching 2 years ago
    148. 1889
      The Ootheca Hatches 2 years ago
    149. 1890
      All of Them from the Sword Alliance Are Monsters  2 years ago
    150. 1891
      The Cruel Sword 3 2 years ago
    151. 1892
      The Naive Sword 8 2 years ago
    152. 1893
      The Siblings Joined the Battle 2 years ago
    153. 1894
      Lin Xuan’s Counterattack 2 years ago
    154. 1895
      The Tenth Day 2 years ago
    155. 1896
      You’re Right 2 years ago
    156. 1897
      The Most Powerful Firearms Master in the Infinite Universe 2 years ago
    157. 1898
      Grimace Attacks 2 years ago
    158. 1899
      The Ootheca’s Counterattack 2 years ago
    159. 1900
      The Fifth Round 2 years ago
    160. 1901
      Charcoal, Thunder and Little Witch 2 years ago
    161. 1902
      Because We’re at Rank-10 2 years ago
    162. 1903
      I’m Going Back into Closed-Door Cultivation 2 years ago
    163. 1904
      Best Actress Kylie 2 years ago
    164. 1905
      You Guys Are Lucky This Round! 2 years ago
    165. 1906
      Stop Acting 2 years ago
    166. 1907
      The Sword Alliance Was Too Poor 2 years ago
    167. 1908
      Looting One by One 2 years ago
    168. 1909
      Old Friend Xue Luo 2 years ago
    169. 1910
      First Liege Visits 2 years ago
    170. 1911
      First Liege’s Obsession 2 years ago
    171. 1912
      Challenge Coming from First Liege 2 years ago
    172. 1913
      You Know What I Mean, Aunty 2 years ago
    173. 1914
      Shub’s Trump Card 2 years ago
    174. 1915
      Grimace’s Kingdom 2 years ago
    175. 1916
      One, Two, Three, Statue 2 years ago
    176. 1917
      All the Best 2 years ago
    177. 1918
      An Army of One?! 2 years ago
    178. 1919
      I’m Not Powerful Enough Yet! 2 years ago
    179. 1920
      New Crisis 2 years ago
    180. 1921
      Showing All Trump Cards 2 years ago
    181. 1922
      The Second Challenge 2 years ago
    182. 1923
      Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao’s Interference 2 years ago
    183. 1924
      Talking to Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao Again 2 years ago
    184. 1925
      Lin Huang Takes Action 2 years ago
    185. 1926
      Aza’s Counterattack 2 years ago
    186. 1927
      Unexpected Calamity 2 years ago
    187. 1928
      You’re Too Weak 2 years ago
    188. 1929
      Immeasurable Power 2 years ago
    189. 1930
      Traitor 2 years ago
    190. 1931
      Duovigintillion! 2 years ago
    191. 1932
      I Want to Tell You a Secret 2 years ago
    192. 1933
      Save Your Effort 2 years ago
    193. 1934
      Living Death 2 years ago
    194. 1935
      A Grade-S Foothold with 1010 Streets 2 years ago

    作者 Nuclear Warhead Cooked in Wine