/ Sci-fi / Superstars of Tomorrow

Superstars of Tomorrow

Superstars of Tomorrow

Sci-fi 完了 507 章 20.1M ビュー
作者: Lazy Cliché

4.65 (1,671 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


"Every time background music plays in my head, I feel like there is nothing to be afraid of." —Fang Zhao
Toward the end of the apocalyptic period, Fang Zhao lost his life. However, instead of dying, he found himself 500 years later in the body of a young and aspiring composer who shared the same name. Having received a second chance at life, Fang Zhao sets out to achieve the previous owner's dreams.
Armed with the experience of living through an apocalyptic age and his profession as a composer before that period, Fang Zhao uses his talent, wits, and knowledge to make his mark in the entertainment industry of the future.

  1. taudwin
    taudwin 貢献した 16486
  2. Doom
    Doom 貢献した 10056
  3. SilentDreamer
    SilentDreamer 貢献した 9211


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Hi everyone! BeetleBarker here! Towards the end of the apocalyptic period, our MC Fang Zhao lost his life. However instead of dying, he found himself in the body of a young and aspiring composer who shared the same name 500 years later. Having received a second chance at life, Fang Zhao sets out to achieve the previous owner's dreams. Armed with the experience of living through an apocalyptic age and his profession as a composer before that period, Fang Zhao uses his talent, wits and knowledge to make his mark in the entertainment industry of the future. __________________________________________________________ This novel is probably really different from the wuxia novels that are so popular. There are no martial arts, slapstick humor nor game systems. Rather, in this world it is all about talent and capability. What I really like about this novel is the engaging world and well-developed characters. And if you are a fan of music, this is one novel you wouldn't want to miss! I hope this answers some of your queries and would sway more of you guys to keep voting! Cheers! :)

    142 の返信を表示する

    Hi everyone, its your friendly neighbourhood translator! Firstly, I would like to thank you guys for the interest and love you have shown for Superstars of Tomorrow even though it hasn't even been one week since we released it! I can assure that you would not be disappointed with this story and me and Min will work our hardest to continue pumping the chapters for you guys! Secondly for your info, 2 Chapters will be released on Wed-Sun at around 12 p.m +8GMT for a total of 10 per week. Of course there would be burst releases when we hit certain targets or on special occassions! Also, it would really help out with our livelihood if those of you who can afford it would support us on our patreon : https://***.patreon.com/superstarsoftomorrow It would help us greatly as a supplement to our busy schedules outside of translating. Lastly, Christmas is coming and SantaBarker knows who's been nice or naughty so all y'all nice kids better check your stockings on christmas for a surprise ;) Anyway continue supporting us and enjoy the novel and keep rocking. Hehe my dears!

    52 の返信を表示する
    LV 13 Badge

    There better be all sorts of face-smacking in this novel or else I'd be disappointed. To fill up some space, this novel sounds like a reincarnating I'm Really a Super Star, but rather than "borrowing" works from his world, the protagonist has experience and skills from his past.

    182 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    No kidding, the first five seconds after I realized that this was THAT novel, my head was filled with a nonstop string of 'OMG!' This is a great book about second chances and karma. The MC is a transmigrator who lands in the body of a betrayed music prodigy in a world where talent, not strength is everything. If he can't pass the first hurdle of the upcoming music contest, then he might not live to see next week. Love this book! Happy it got picked up because the last translators just walked away about 20 chapters or so in.

    44 の返信を表示する
    LV 5 Badge

    I think most of the reviews so far which were negative were mostly on the synopsis, which I agree could do some work on but does and should not bring down the opinion of this novel in any way. From the get go, the premise of the novel feels like it's a really fresh start compared to most other common ones and there's a lot of thought provoking ideas as I browsed briefly in the raws. It's really amazing. Cant wait for it!

    25 の返信を表示する

    Is it insane that I want this story to update faster?!?!? Can it be updated faster? Like let’s say 10 chapters a day, instead of in a week??? I know it’s outrageous to ask but it’s that GOOD!!!

    8 の返信を表示する

    Website : qidian china Views : 1.23 million Rating : 8.3(949) Chapters : 288 Status : ongoing Word count : 960thousand author rank : great

    6 の返信を表示する

    It's a novel about a guy from an apocalyptic age time traveling to the future. Although the MC is probably some combat monster, the novel is more focused on the MC's preapocalypse profession of being a composer. His experience helps in paving his path in the music industry, but I like how it's not a super cheat that blows away competition. He doesn't go "oh Imma use music style 500 years ago to be first in this newcomer competition thing!", and I'm happy that he doesn't really get close to first place but still has a placing that is befitting of an MC. It's not an MC can do everything (and by everything I mean plagiarizing works from others and act all mighty) and provoke countless people because he's too good novel, I'm talking about you IRAS. MC gets his placing because he has talent and experience, not because the works from his time was better or whatnot. People have saying IRAS this IRAS that, but no, it's not like that obnoxious novel. Or at least so far, we haven't yet seen stupid fan service, and although you can kinda see that horrendous cycle of "ppl underestimate MC, MC proceeds to face smack them," I like to think that the author is well aware of what he's doing and only skims through it, not spending 5 fucking chapters filled with people ridiculing MC while some people go "bla bla bla, MC is good, but I don't think he can make it out of this one." (I think I just spoiled the entirety of I Really Am a Superstar for you, sorry if you haven't read it yet). Author spends more time on other relevant things, which I appreciate a lot. A lot of the chapters are spent on the MC's work rather than others' reactions. But don't worry about the whole crowd reaction thing, it's not absent in this novel. Author has been innovative in showing the reactions so far, a far cry from just random people screaming with !!! at how good the MC is. I like how things are more believable in the industry part, you see a a lot of the insider stuff in play. I like to think that the author knows what he's doing, compared to just having a character with some sort of position but not really acting the part. I'm super glad we haven't yet seen the horror of a narrow minded upper management that plagued IRAS. In fact, the upper management so far in this novel have that kind of comical feel of what's it like to have a high position, but is actually plagued by all the work and responsibilities that they have. So far, we haven't yet had a hateable character. There's that guy who betrayed the MC's body's previous owner, but you can't really hate the guy since he's as good as dead meat, just waiting to die (even he himself knows that he's dead meat). I like the scifi part of it. I usually hate scifi since it's mostly filled with plotholes and inconsistencies, but I like how the author had the scifi in a manageable level. We haven't actually really seen much of the scifi part apart from flying cars and virtual idols yet, but nothing overboard so far has happened. I actually really like the whole virtual idol thing, which has a big part in the novel. I'm a Vocaloid pseudo-fan, and it's cool seeing the concept in a novel. But don't worry if you hate Vocaloid, since the idols are actually based more on actual idols, and there's this virtual idol vs human idol thing going on in the novel. I guess you can only really call it a subplot at this point since the focus isn't really on them because the virtual idol the MC is making is really unique in the novel's context. The chapters have either been short, or that it was really enjoyable I didn't notice I was already at ch 23. Not much has happened, but you can really see the progress. The translation speed is good, so I think it'll be all good on the pacing part. It has been really enjoyable so far, and I hope it stays this way. I have high hopes for this novel.

    5 の返信を表示する

    I can smell something like YAOI sh*t in this novel . I dont know if its just me ? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    240 の返信を表示する

    Oh God Zhang Ye if Face Smacking!!! Bless this story to be face-smacking ok, filler time Oh God Zhang Ye if Face Smacking!!! Bless this story to be face-smacking. Oh God Zhang Ye if Face Smacking!!! Bless this story to be face-smacking. Oh God Zhang Ye if Face Smacking!!! Bless this story to be face-smacking. Oh God Zhang Ye if Face Smacking!!! Bless this story to be face-smacking. or you can face smack us with a heap of dissapointment.... please don't smack us

    15 の返信を表示する

    most confusing summary I have ever read -_- someone please rewrite the whole summary and add some more details :/............. . ...........................................................

    28 の返信を表示する

    Its just another face-smacking novel. It is different path of face smacking so lets support this guys. I walk the path of face-smacking. Lets go my dear comrades.

    3 の返信を表示する

    Reviewing a story never had been one of my strong suit. There were an old saying from my place that books are the window of the world, and I had admit the truth of that piece of wisdom numerous time before, and yet once again, today, as I reach the latest chapter of sixty-two, I reconfirm that adage once more. Human are an emotional being. It's the price we paid for our elevated consciousness. Our critical thinking, our theory of mind, and the whole civilization were built by the whisper of our gene who crave to ever prosper. However the reality is that the planet are a place of limited resources. So we make tactful deal and negotiation to let ourselves a wiggle room to survive. Even when we know that our surrender betrayed our principles. Our morality. Or even our humanity. We still done it and keep doing it to the time everlasting. How many times we had ever let our superiors bullied ourselves in the workplace? How many times we turn our face away witnessing a crime on the street, become bystander, because we know we lacks the mean. Most of us are not physically strong, in fact we slightly out of shape from those office job of constant sitting down. Not all of us have a higher connection in the right place. We have family, significant other, and most importantly we have ourselves to protect. Who want to waste away their safety for a complete stranger? Chinese literature of qidian-esque style were my guilty pleasure. Most decent literature of emotive storytelling never fell short from the common theme fact that the truth in it's barest essence were multifaceted. Xianxia market destroy those rigid status quo by elevating one of the most striking character of Aesop's fable from their humble mission in teaching the children of morality through compelling narrative to a genre which We, the ***** who scrambling throughout life by faking pleasantaries and acquiescing compromise to able to personify the main character in a cathartic release of the absolute moral high ground where the black and white was a clear as a day like those fairy tales we used to read as a child. Does it felt good to see a face-smacking, face-slapping protagonist triumph in their latest escapade of yet another quest of a straightforward arrogant villain? When the truth is so black and white, when our ability flabbergasted the crowd, when there is no question of our recourse, of our moral choice. The one who answer no, I shall shamelessly call you a liar. When I stumbled this piece of work, I piqued the name of 'superstars' as an rehashed version of I'm Really a Superstar by Cheng Yu. Chinese light novel work by 'rehashing' an established tropes until it become the genre of it's own right. Like what happened to the Cultivation Chat Group and Red Packet System, so I thought it was about time for another Zhang Ye. O boy how I was utterly wrong. One of the trend that I noticed in reading chinese light novel so far is that this genre, for lack of better word is a genre that written in a languange that lack of adjectives. Most of the not-so-great and not-well-written piece would bore me to death because the Author would use the same description, the same vocabularies, the same quotes over and over again (remember, as common as cabbage in the market?). That sucked big. One of the reason that languange were deemed rich, because they could explain the nuance and evoke emotion by presenting different word for a similar situation. I'm not a sinologist myself, but in my humble opinion this happened because the horrible way the Chinese Character is written. Japanese and Korean government (Sorry Zhang Ye...) realized that the tools of communication transcend the need of a beautiful artistry that the scholar-official of the chinese old so keen to keep creating anew. The artificial status that were glorified through generational, ever more difficult imperial examination. Of ever more obfuscating character deprive the better, the greater, and the more accurate part of languange from the masses. No wonder there's a chinese equivalent of "it look's all greek to me". All of the unlearned characters does look like a heavenly script to them. But this novel pass through that hurdle like a breeze, the piece never lack superfluousness, the hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian word were abundant, the chapter were large but it stitched so perfectly that it felt like a symphony. And when I came to the passage when the musical movement were described, word failed me. It vivid. I can see in the front of my eyes the despair, the struggle, and the acceptance. I see heroism embodied and selflessness crystallized. The movement break through the barrier of limitation that is writing. Not all of us is musically inclined. Not all of us could synthesize song in our head with a flair of grace. People used their eyes the most. So what we could and often do as an avid reader is imagining the potrayal of picture, of images, and of scenery to paint a picture of the forlorn fantasy that the author wish to convey. Music is one of the greatest limitation. Chance are, if you never heard the piece, you'd never felt the song through writing. But this. This Superstars of Tommorow succeed. Wholesomely. It managed to create an equivalent music substitute that I never been able to experience via a written or even drawn medium. And that is why I wrote this review. To tell the author, the translator, the editor, and the whole qidian community, that you had managed to score another fans.

    7 の返信を表示する

    Ok, so I only read the already released 7 chapters on novelupdates, and it looks quite interesting so far (let's cross fingers to hope it stays that way. For those who want face slapping, it looks like there will be, at least indirectly, because unlike all them MCs crazy for revenge, this guy is like a chill pill in comparison, because he went through the apocalypse, so it's like nothing phases him. Also, unlike I'm Really a Superstar, there is so far no Nationalism, and the guy has genuine talent, and has a great memory to boot. And since he led troops during the apocalypse, his leadership skills, critical thinking, problem solving, planning, and strategy skills are probably on point. I'm now going to go read the raws because I want to know what happens :). Also wondering what's special about his dog, because it seems like there is, but not sure what yet. I might change this review once this actually comes out, but so far it looks great.

    6 の返信を表示する

    I LOVE THIS NOVEL SO MUCH. I regret reading all the chapters in one go. Now I have to suffer withdrawal symptoms. I tried to read other novels but my mind keeps coming back to Fang Zhao and his tech-savy world. While I was reading this, the adrenaline rush that I felt was so annoying it made me restless and jump like crazy. And it's not only caused by the actions scenes but by everything! The world building, the characters, Fang Zhao, the history of their world, the people's reactions when they witness the mc's genius capabilities, hell even the music makes me pumped up. Although I can't hear the music, see the 'Founding Era' drama, or be present in their world, everything just hooks me in. While reading, I felt like I was drugged because I was so excited and my mind kept coming back imaging the next event. This is a slice of life but I think it's the best one that I had read so far. The world is amazing as if you were actually there. It's not a half-baked plot because they even have history, how their world was founded etc. Their continents was also described properly and each has it's own unique culture. I love that. Next, the characters are not just there to make the mc look good. They have their own stories and quirky personalities which makes them unique and human because their world doesn't revolve around the mc. As for the mc, he actually acts his age! Which is like a hundred year old granpa. Because of that, he is more calm and collected. He's not easily provoked because he thinks that it's beneath him to argue with kids just like how a college guy wouldn't argue with a 4 year old lol. Also, I like that he's overpowered but not to the point that he's immediately sooo perfect he overshadows everyone. He grows as a character. What I love about Fang Zhao is that he's not overly arrogant who thinks he's already at the top of the world. No, he listens to those who have more experience than him and absobrs their knowledge just like how a proper student would do to study. He understands his limitations and tries to gain experience and knowledge to overcome these limitations. That's what make's him overpowered. On the other hand, I also love the fact that he doesn't stray from his main occupation: which is music. He has arcs of different fields like gaming, acting, and even in his military service, he doesn't forget to compose. He dabbles in different arts and action but it's not overboard. It instead becomes his source of inspiration. I also like the action bits in the novel. It showcases our mc's cool and brutal side in contrast to his usual 'gentle and cultured' appearance. That's gap moe right there. AND let's not forget the comedy! I love it sooo much there are moments when I chuckle and laugh out loud. Most especially Fang Zhao's interactions with his gaming-addict superdog Curly Hair. I love the dog and the poisonous slug. I wish they have illustrations though, they sound sooo cute 😍 Lastly, the rationality of the characters. There are no stupid characters, only those humans who have been driven by greed and envy ( like Fang Zhao's friend ) . Everyone acts human with brains thank god ( cuz there are characters in some novels that make you think ''how on earth is this guy still living when he's this stupid?'' ) The same goes for the fans. Just like every celebrity, mc has fans but he also has haters (because they're jealous as fudge they don't have mc's brains). Still, that doesn't matter because Fang Zhao's an old man who had already been through a lot, haters are gonna hate hate hate hate hate but Fang Zhao's just gonna shake shake shake shake shake. Because he doesn't give a sh!t what other people think, the grandpa just wants some peace and achieve his long forgotten dreams. Also, while there are braindead fans, there also loyal and logical ones. (there are some novels wherein the celebrity mc's are hated to the point that everyone's pointing fingers. Dude, that's not realistic)

    4 の返信を表示する

    The story is well written and interesting. While the MC is super OP, he gets pulled into different areas/topics to explore. He does improve in some areas but overall is very stable with no real problems except following his dreams/interests (mostly it's music and martial arts). I recommend reading it if you want a creative world and pulled into wonderful imagination of this author.

    0 の返信を表示する

    It was good until 30ish chapters but I don't know why I don't understand where this plot is actually moving.. My overall impression is just passable.

    0 の返信を表示する

    If you're looking for an entertainment or showbiz novel, then you're mistaken. This novel is about manliness! Watch how the Fang Zhao create epic music video to commemorate his fellow fallen comrades. Watch how Fang Zhao teach a fool crybaby rich boy into a real man. Watch his awesome dog doing awesome stuffs. Watch how he teach snobbish celebrity how to respect the fallen heroes. Watch how to raise a real troop inside the virtual game. This novel is all about how to be a real man!

    0 の返信を表示する


    0 の返信を表示する

    I’m here again after reread this LN few times. Sad that there’s no other LN with the same MC like fang zhao. I miss the light plot and how the mc act like an old man(yeah..i like old man)

    0 の返信を表示する

    卷 1

    1. 1
      The New World after the End of the Old 6 years ago
    2. 2
      Black Street 6 years ago
    3. 3
      Your Friend Has Made It 6 years ago
    4. 4
      Virtual Idols 6 years ago
    5. 5
      New Talent Competition 6 years ago
    6. 6
      Brainstorming 6 years ago
    7. 7
      Qualification 6 years ago
    8. 8
      Awoken by Coolness 6 years ago
    9. 9
      So That’s the Kind of Little Secretary You Are 6 years ago
    10. 10
      Crowded Out 6 years ago
    11. 11
      Overtaken 6 years ago
    12. 12
      The Shelved Virtual Project 6 years ago
    13. 13
      I'll Leave This Mission to You 6 years ago
    14. 14
      Don’t Set the Bar Too High, Young Man 6 years ago
    15. 15
      Do You Follow Pop Stars? 6 years ago
    16. 16
      Graduation 6 years ago
    17. 17
      Creativity 6 years ago
    18. 18
      Longxiang Tianluo 6 years ago
    19. 19
      Professional Extra 6 years ago
    20. 20
      One Freak Dubbing for Another 6 years ago
    21. 21
      Step Aside 6 years ago
    22. 22
      What Do You Think About When You're Acting? 6 years ago
    23. 23
      My Version, My Rules 6 years ago
    24. 24
      You're F*cking Messing with Me 6 years ago
    25. 25
      Yanzhou Derby 6 years ago
    26. 26
      First in History 6 years ago
    27. 27
      Gold Brick Road 6 years ago
    28. 28
      Upstairs for a Meeting 6 years ago
    29. 29
      The Label Prizes Its Best Talent 6 years ago
    30. 30
      We're Rich Now 6 years ago
    31. 31
      It Can't Be Him 6 years ago
    32. 32
      Killing by Flattery 6 years ago
    33. 33
      Expansion 6 years ago
    34. 34
      He's Panicking 6 years ago
    35. 35
      Comeback? 6 years ago
    36. 36
      Bringing Out the Big Guns 6 years ago
    37. 37
      Fiery Bird 6 years ago
    38. 38
      Second Movement: "Cocoon Breach" 6 years ago
    39. 39
      Haven't Heard of a Single One 6 years ago
    40. 40
      Pushing Back 6 years ago
    41. 41
      The Assigned Topic Is Over Our Heads 6 years ago
    42. 42
      It's Actually a Real Photo 6 years ago
    43. 43
      Serendipitous Indeed 6 years ago
    44. 44
      Such a Bully 6 years ago
    45. 45
      Don't Be Afraid 6 years ago
    46. 46
      Coffee 6 years ago
    47. 47
      Home Purchase 6 years ago
    48. 48
      An Order from Another Continent 6 years ago
    49. 49
      From Whence the Gumption 6 years ago
    50. 50
      This Mofo Ain't Backing Down 6 years ago
    51. 51
      Exam Time for Secondary Students Again 6 years ago
    52. 52
      Third Movement: "Mission" 6 years ago
    53. 53
      Great Grandfather 6 years ago
    54. 54
      Anguished Tears 6 years ago
    55. 55
      What Is the Title? 6 years ago
    56. 56
      Battle for the Composition 6 years ago
    57. 57
      Battle Date 6 years ago
    58. 58
      Ten Military Postings 6 years ago
    59. 59
      Arrested 6 years ago
    60. 60
      Sideshow 6 years ago
    61. 61
      His Own Grave 6 years ago
    62. 62
      Where Have They Seen This Name Before 6 years ago
    63. 63
      Immortality 6 years ago
    64. 64
      Custom-Made Invitation 6 years ago
    65. 65
      Going Back 6 years ago
    66. 66
      Candy 6 years ago
    67. 67
      You Are Also Children 6 years ago
    68. 68
      Winging It 6 years ago
    69. 69
      The Odd Great-Grandson 6 years ago
    70. 70
      Wait till You Are Well-Known 6 years ago
    71. 71
      Is That You? 6 years ago

    卷 2

    1. 72
      Fourth Movement: "Eternal" 6 years ago
    2. 73
      Unexpected Foreign Aid 6 years ago
    3. 74
      The Real Composer 6 years ago
    4. 75
      How Scary 6 years ago
    5. 76
      Evidence 6 years ago
    6. 77
      The Decision 6 years ago
    7. 78
      Heading Out to Gather Materials 6 years ago
    8. 79
      Landowners Are Very Much Like Dogs 6 years ago
    9. 80
      Play a Little? 6 years ago
    10. 81
      Winning 6 years ago
    11. 82
      Really Don't Have One 6 years ago
    12. 83
      It's from Kowtowing 6 years ago
    13. 84
      My Boss Is a Crazy Fellow 6 years ago
    14. 85
      This Is It 6 years ago
    15. 86
      Cash or Console? 6 years ago
    16. 87
      On Account of Your Forehead 6 years ago
    17. 88
      Master Zhao 6 years ago
    18. 89
      The Styles of Most Dogs 6 years ago
    19. 90
      Collecting Materials 6 years ago
    20. 91
      Dongshan 6 years ago
    21. 92
      Little Pet Dog 6 years ago
    22. 93
      New Voices in Symphonic Composition 6 years ago
    23. 94
      See Fang Zhao 6 years ago
    24. 95
      Live Broadcast Lesson 6 years ago
    25. 96
      Global Lecture Tour 6 years ago
    26. 97
      Complete 6 years ago
    27. 98
      Publicity Film "Chasing Wind" 6 years ago
    28. 99
      Takeoff 6 years ago
    29. 100
      The Dog with a Value of 50 Million 6 years ago
    30. 101
      Ambassador, an Even More Natural Image 6 years ago
    31. 102
      The Person Behind 6 years ago
    32. 103
      The Only Non-Human 6 years ago
    33. 104
      You Have Too Few Expressions 6 years ago
    34. 105
      Strictest Lockdown Day 6 years ago
    35. 106
      Possession of Dangerous Materials 6 years ago
    36. 107
      Star-Studded Gathering 6 years ago
    37. 108
      Really, What Sort of Dog Is This? 6 years ago
    38. 109
      Not for Sale 6 years ago
    39. 110
      What Happened That Day 6 years ago
    40. 111
      Coincidence? 6 years ago
    41. 112
      We Are in the Same Boat 6 years ago
    42. 113
      Tools from the Old Era 6 years ago
    43. 114
      Your Express Delivery Is Arriving 6 years ago
    44. 115
      Astonishing Adaptability 6 years ago
    45. 116
      Your Boss... Is Still Your Boss 6 years ago
    46. 117
      Black T-Rex 6 years ago
    47. 118
      Who Is That Lunatic 6 years ago
    48. 119
      What's His Background? 6 years ago
    49. 120
      Overtaking 6 years ago
    50. 121
      Bullying Kids 6 years ago
    51. 122
      Who Do You Think You Are 6 years ago
    52. 123
      Bring It On 6 years ago
    53. 124
      Boss, Don't Be Scared; We'll Cover You 6 years ago
    54. 125
      Immortal! Let's Drink, Old Friends 6 years ago
    55. 126
      If You Don't Listen to Your Elders, Log Off and Wait 6 years ago
    56. 127
      Sorry, Too Immersed in Character 6 years ago
    57. 128
      God Knows What We Just Experienced 6 years ago
    58. 129
      SilverWing50PolarLight 6 years ago
    59. 130
      You Guys Are Up To Something Again 6 years ago
    60. 131
      Crazy Killstealing Demon 6 years ago
    61. 132
      Please Let Us Off 6 years ago
    62. 133
      Morning, Boss 6 years ago
    63. 134
      Pry Away the Foundations 6 years ago
    64. 135
      Downright Masterful! 6 years ago
    65. 136
      What Is He Playing At 6 years ago
    66. 137
      The King Summons 6 years ago
    67. 138
      Just Fight Again 6 years ago
    68. 139
      Report at Silver Wing Tower 50th Floor Tomorrow 6 years ago
    69. 140
      That's Me 6 years ago
    70. 141
      Eight Successive Bombshells 6 years ago
    71. 142
      The Distance Between Virtual and Reality 6 years ago
    72. 143
      A Reporter That Separated Himself from the Inferior Ones 6 years ago
    73. 144
      I Know Who You Are 6 years ago
    74. 145
      It's Really the Same Person 6 years ago
    75. 146
      Young Man, Stop Being So Solemn 6 years ago
    76. 147
      Such a Great Generation Gap 6 years ago
    77. 148
      Sketchy at First Glance 6 years ago
    78. 149
      Reference Book Taking Human Form 6 years ago
    79. 150
      Follow the Rhythm, Move About! 6 years ago
    80. 151
      Yanzhou's Shadowless Hands 6 years ago
    81. 152
      Improvised Quarrel 6 years ago
    82. 153
      Boss, You Made The Headlines 6 years ago
    83. 154
      God's Domain 6 years ago
    84. 155
      Show Me Your Fastest Strumming Speed 6 years ago
    85. 156
      Most Valuable Grave 6 years ago
    86. 157
      Letting Go 6 years ago
    87. 158
      Nostalgic Trend 6 years ago
    88. 159
      Fiery Bird Annual Gala Invite 6 years ago
    89. 160
      "Kings of the Battlefield" 6 years ago
    90. 161
      Arriving at Imperial City 6 years ago
    91. 162
      You Are AliveAfter500Years? 6 years ago
    92. 163
      Resplendent Night of Stars 6 years ago
    93. 164
      How Can This Be?! 6 years ago
    94. 165
      Give Everyone a Chance 6 years ago
    95. 166
      Please Do Not Show Mercy 6 years ago
    96. 167
      Evaluation Without Question 6 years ago
    97. 168
      Pure Slander 6 years ago
    98. 169
      Temporary Withdrawal 6 years ago
    99. 170
      Diehard Fan 6 years ago
    100. 171
      Not Worth It 6 years ago
    101. 172
      No Way of Explaining 6 years ago
    102. 173
      Live Broadcast 6 years ago
    103. 174
      It Still Has This Sort of Function? 6 years ago
    104. 175
      Rise in Value 6 years ago
    105. 176
      Sir, Could I Trouble You for an Autograph? 6 years ago
    106. 177
      Selecting the Most Difficult Applications 6 years ago
    107. 178
      Choice 6 years ago
    108. 179
      Chapter 6 years ago
    109. 180
      Service with Funding 6 years ago
    110. 181
      Worst Luck 6 years ago
    111. 182
      The Middle-Aged/Senior Demographic 6 years ago
    112. 183
      Flying to the Heavens 6 years ago
    113. 184
      Unique Treasure 6 years ago
    114. 185
      Healthy Appetite 6 years ago
    115. 186
      Adapting Well 6 years ago
    116. 187
      Only He Can Eat It 6 years ago
    117. 188
      The More You Eat, the Less Scary They Become 6 years ago
    118. 189
      S5 Is Real Special 6 years ago
    119. 190
      Ratings System 6 years ago
    120. 191
      Mining Is a Technical Job 6 years ago
    121. 192
      It's Really Not Deliberate! 6 years ago
    122. 193
      Grade A Power 6 years ago
    123. 194
      I Have Good Hearing 6 years ago
    124. 195
      Entire Planet's Most Precious Ears 6 years ago
    125. 196
      Fang "Diting" Zhao 6 years ago
    126. 197
      Naming 6 years ago
    127. 198
      Why Don't You Come Farming with Me 6 years ago
    128. 199
      Purely Natural Energy-Saving Lamp 6 years ago
    129. 200
      Unpresentable 6 years ago
    130. 201
      Our Muzhou Blood 6 years ago
    131. 202
      Breaking through the Soil 6 years ago
    132. 203
      Transfer Over 6 years ago
    133. 204
      Showing Off Gunplay? 6 years ago
    134. 205
      Attack 6 years ago
    135. 206
      Raging Fury 6 years ago
    136. 207
      How Can It Be Him 6 years ago
    137. 208
      I Disagree 6 years ago
    138. 209
      Blind 6 years ago
    139. 210
      No Interest 6 years ago
    140. 211
      Virtual vs. Reality 6 years ago
    141. 212
      Meritorious Deeds? 6 years ago
    142. 213
      New Bodyguard 6 years ago
    143. 214
      Promotion 6 years ago
    144. 215
      Power of an Idol 6 years ago
    145. 216
      Fang Zhao Style 6 years ago
    146. 217
      Military District Established 6 years ago
    147. 218
      Broken Teeth 6 years ago
    148. 219
      Auction Item 6 years ago
    149. 220
      High Valuation 6 years ago
    150. 221
      I Want That Tooth 6 years ago
    151. 222
      First Lot 6 years ago
    152. 223
      Crazy 6 years ago
    153. 224
      Hundred-Billion-Dollar Auction 6 years ago
    154. 225
      Auction Outcome 6 years ago
    155. 226
      Zaro Is Coming 6 years ago
    156. 227
      Please Call Me Smiling Angel 6 years ago
    157. 228
      Life Ark 6 years ago
    158. 229
      Investment 6 years ago
    159. 230
      Collaborating to Purchase Land 6 years ago
    160. 231
      Riding Coattails 6 years ago
    161. 232
      Why Not Raise the Stakes 6 years ago
    162. 233
      Cultural Film Base 6 years ago
    163. 234
      Grabbing Land 6 years ago
    164. 235
      Hurry Up and Return 6 years ago
    165. 236
      Friggin' Spicy 6 years ago
    166. 237
      The Most Expensive Pet 6 years ago
    167. 238
      Imperial Palace 6 years ago
    168. 239
      Why Is He Everywhere 6 years ago
    169. 240
      Flash Mob 6 years ago
    170. 241
      Appreciate 6 years ago
    171. 242
      Dual Function Base 6 years ago
    172. 243
      Revolutionary Project 6 years ago
    173. 244
      Bookworm 6 years ago
    174. 245
      Fang-Style Cursive 6 years ago
    175. 246
      Protection-Fee Collectors 6 years ago
    176. 247
      Those Things About Great Persons 6 years ago
    177. 248
      My Idol Is a Man of Many Talents 6 years ago
    178. 249
      Idiot 6 years ago
    179. 250
      Swatting a Fly with a Baseball Bat 6 years ago
    180. 251
      Spotted a Suspicious Person 6 years ago
    181. 252
      Ear Value Rising Again 6 years ago
    182. 253
      Who to Play the Role of "Fang Zhao" 6 years ago
    183. 254
      Transferring Duty 6 years ago
    184. 255
      Blackmail 6 years ago
    185. 256
      Brother Zhao 6 years ago
    186. 257
      Stealing the Show 6 years ago
    187. 258
      Golden Paws 6 years ago
    188. 259
      Unspeakable Secret 6 years ago
    189. 260
      Concert Ticket Advance Sales (1) 6 years ago
    190. 261
      Concert Tickets Advance Sales (2) 6 years ago
    191. 262
      "Diting" Series 6 years ago
    192. 263
      He Is My Older Bro 6 years ago
    193. 264
      "Intrusion" 6 years ago
    194. 265
      Advice 6 years ago
    195. 266
      Paving the Way 6 years ago
    196. 267
      Gathering Together 6 years ago
    197. 268
      Concert (1) 6 years ago
    198. 269
      Concert (2) 6 years ago
    199. 270
      Concert (End) 6 years ago
    200. 271
      "Idiot" Companies 6 years ago
    201. 272
      Pet Archives 6 years ago
    202. 273
      Extremely Fierce 6 years ago
    203. 274
      Ferocious Beasts Inside 6 years ago
    204. 275
      Global Pet Value Chart 6 years ago
    205. 276
      We Meet Again 6 years ago
    206. 277
      Esteemed Guest Award Presentation 6 years ago
    207. 278
      A Hazard Has Arrived 6 years ago
    208. 279
      This Matter, Should We Do It 6 years ago
    209. 280
      What Is He up to Again 6 years ago
    210. 281
      Poisoned 6 years ago
    211. 282
      Exactly the Same 6 years ago
    212. 283
      Making a Casual Police Report 6 years ago
    213. 284
      Plea for Help 6 years ago
    214. 285
      Expert 6 years ago
    215. 286
      Director Sighted 6 years ago
    216. 287
      You Are... 6 years ago
    217. 288
      Given an Opportunity 6 years ago
    218. 289
      Who Is This? 6 years ago
    219. 290
      Committee of 100 6 years ago
    220. 291
      Number Seven 6 years ago
    221. 292
      Vote Results 6 years ago
    222. 293
      He Is Just a Kid 6 years ago
    223. 294
      Violent Battering 6 years ago
    224. 295
      Belief 6 years ago
    225. 296
      Bad Luck! 6 years ago
    226. 297
      Inferior to a Dog 6 years ago
    227. 298
      Thigh Hugging 6 years ago
    228. 299
      Takeout Delivery Man 6 years ago
    229. 300
      I Won't Seek Him Out Even If It Kills Me! 6 years ago
    230. 301
      Premiere 6 years ago
    231. 302
      Starting at the Apex 6 years ago
    232. 303
      Immense Pressure Too 6 years ago
    233. 304
      Innate Talent That Isn't too Mainstream 6 years ago
    234. 305
      Stage Name 6 years ago
    235. 306
      When in Doubt, Call Fang Zhao 6 years ago
    236. 307
      Train? 6 years ago
    237. 308
      A Pot Falls from the Sky While One Sits at Home. 6 years ago
    238. 309
      Magical Object Diting Z Series 6 years ago
    239. 310
      Fan Base 6 years ago
    240. 311
      Zaro + Garlic 6 years ago
    241. 312
      Standing on the Shoulders of a Giant 6 years ago
    242. 313
      Troublemaking Hands 6 years ago
    243. 314
      That Is My Wife 6 years ago
    244. 315
      You Are? 6 years ago
    245. 316
      He Really Composed This Himself? 6 years ago
    246. 317
      How Do You Wish to Die? 6 years ago
    247. 318
      Super-Huge Bento Box 6 years ago
    248. 319
      I'm Not Talking about You 6 years ago
    249. 320
      You Can't Bring the Dog Away 6 years ago
    250. 321
      Wrap Banquet 6 years ago
    251. 322
      The Disappearing Bullet 6 years ago
    252. 323
      The Dog That Eats Anything 6 years ago
    253. 324
      Really Divine Ears 6 years ago
    254. 325
      Death Penalty! 6 years ago
    255. 326
      It's Over! 6 years ago
    256. 327
      This Life of Mine 6 years ago
    257. 328
      Where Did You Get This Self-Confidence 6 years ago
    258. 329
      God-Level Advanced Course 6 years ago
    259. 330
      Doubting One's Own Existence 6 years ago
    260. 331
      Balance between Work and Rest 6 years ago
    261. 332
      Preliminary Exam 6 years ago
    262. 333
      Good-Luck Charm 6 years ago
    263. 334
      Finishing Early 6 years ago
    264. 335
      You Absolutely Musn't Misunderstand 6 years ago
    265. 336
      All the Rage 6 years ago
    266. 337
      You Are Going to Keep a Dog? 6 years ago
    267. 338
      Can't Even Afford a Dog 6 years ago
    268. 339
      New Assistant 6 years ago
    269. 340
      Boss, Rest Easy and Allow Me! 6 years ago
    270. 341
      Can I Touch? 6 years ago
    271. 342
      High-Pressure Assistantship 6 years ago
    272. 343
      Compulsory Exam Question 6 years ago
    273. 344
      Prize Notification 6 years ago
    274. 345
      It's Watching Me 6 years ago
    275. 346
      Gift from a Kid 6 years ago
    276. 347
      A Kindly Smile 6 years ago
    277. 348
      Realizing a Short-Term Goal 6 years ago
    278. 349
      "My Neighbor" 6 years ago
    279. 350
      Alien 6 years ago
    280. 351
      Borrowing a Dog 6 years ago
    281. 352
      Film Festival 6 years ago
    282. 353
      Arrival 6 years ago
    283. 354
      Preferences 6 years ago
    284. 355
      Can Eat 6 years ago
    285. 356
      This Story Is Purely Fiction 6 years ago
    286. 357
      Life on the Rebound 6 years ago
    287. 358
      Don't Ask Me 6 years ago
    288. 359
      Model Student 6 years ago
    289. 360
      Junior Disciple 6 years ago
    290. 361
      It Is Fang Zhao 6 years ago
    291. 362
      Gala Kickoff 6 years ago
    292. 363
      Red Carpet Partner 6 years ago
    293. 364
      Boiling 6 years ago
    294. 365
      Defection! 6 years ago
    295. 366
      Bragging Rights 6 years ago
    296. 367
      Award Winning 6 years ago
    297. 368
      Him Again 6 years ago
    298. 369
      "High-Class Face" 6 years ago
    299. 370
      Dog Gamer 6 years ago
    300. 371
      Are You Asking For a Beating? 6 years ago
    301. 372
      Doubting One's Existence 6 years ago
    302. 373
      This Kid 6 years ago
    303. 374
      Brother, Run? 5 years ago
    304. 375
      Little Puppy 5 years ago
    305. 376
      So Small and So Obedient 5 years ago
    306. 377
      Finally Comprehended 5 years ago
    307. 378
      What Exactly Am I Rearing 5 years ago
    308. 379
      Team of Fools 5 years ago
    309. 380
      The Only Appointed Guest 5 years ago
    310. 381
      Heading Out to Gather Materials 5 years ago
    311. 382
      Cherishing The Young 5 years ago
    312. 383
      Program Team Scammed Me! 5 years ago
    313. 384
      Pest 5 years ago
    314. 385
      Enjoying In Spite Of Suffering 5 years ago
    315. 386
      Causing Trouble 5 years ago
    316. 387
      Discovery 5 years ago
    317. 388
      Unearthing a Treasure 5 years ago
    318. 389
      Planet Bu's Opportunity 5 years ago
    319. 390
      Program Broadcast Begins 5 years ago
    320. 391
      Superintelligence 5 years ago
    321. 392
      Little Riches 5 years ago
    322. 393
      Superfanboy 5 years ago
    323. 394
      Crazy Test-Loving Monster 5 years ago
    324. 395
      Celebrity Popularity Chart 5 years ago
    325. 396
      Bomber 5 years ago
    326. 397
      The Most Dangerous Person 5 years ago
    327. 398
      Don't Worry Elder Nephew 5 years ago
    328. 399
      Lapse And Let It Rip 5 years ago
    329. 400
      Too Frightening 5 years ago
    330. 401
      Song In The Night 5 years ago
    331. 402
      Thesis or Performing: Which is More Important? 5 years ago
    332. 403
      Draft Notice 5 years ago
    333. 404
      Fight! Started! 5 years ago
    334. 405
      Done It For Real 5 years ago
    335. 406
      Why Don't You Try Touching? 5 years ago
    336. 407
      Changing Tune 5 years ago
    337. 408
      This Can't Be Eaten 5 years ago
    338. 409
      Graceful Scaling 5 years ago
    339. 410
      Those Ears Of His 5 years ago
    340. 411
      Mild? 5 years ago
    341. 412
      It Knows 5 years ago
    342. 413
      Where Is The Person? 5 years ago
    343. 414
      He Only Eats Dog Food 5 years ago
    344. 415
      My Little Zhao Ah 5 years ago
    345. 416
      Afraid of Dogs 5 years ago
    346. 417
      Are You Even Human! 5 years ago
    347. 418
      A New Year, A Change In Fortunes 5 years ago
    348. 419
      Ferocious Beasts Inside 5 years ago
    349. 420
      He. Finally. Talked! 5 years ago
    350. 421
      Paramour In A Golden Mansion 5 years ago
    351. 422
      Stupid News 5 years ago
    352. 423
      Guard Dog 5 years ago
    353. 424
      Antique 5 years ago
    354. 425
      Dream 5 years ago
    355. 426
      Why Are You Playing The Guitar In The Middle Of The Night?!! 5 years ago
    356. 427
      Poisonous! 5 years ago
    357. 428
      Purpose Of A Dog's Life 5 years ago
    358. 429
      When A Dog Can Talk 5 years ago
    359. 430
      Online Classes 5 years ago
    360. 431
      I'm Not Afraid! 4 years ago
    361. 432
      My Father Is Fang Zhao 4 years ago
    362. 433
      Irresponsible Parent 4 years ago
    363. 434
      Invitation Accepted 4 years ago
    364. 435
      Insane Luck 4 years ago
    365. 436
      This Tempo Isn't Right 4 years ago
    366. 437
      It's Fang Zhao 4 years ago
    367. 438
      Biased! 4 years ago
    368. 439
      Intense Acting Skills Curls 4 years ago
    369. 440
      Value Rise Yet Again 4 years ago
    370. 441
      Old Friend 4 years ago
    371. 442
      Graduation Concert 4 years ago
    372. 443
      "Ocean Of Stars" 4 years ago
    373. 444
      A Monster Is Hidden Within 4 years ago
    374. 445
      Limitless Future 4 years ago
    375. 446
      Graduation 4 years ago
    376. 447
      Is It So Difficult To Just Purchase Rights? 4 years ago
    377. 448
      New Residence 4 years ago
    378. 449
      "My Neighbor's Dog" 4 years ago
    379. 450
      Moving House 4 years ago
    380. 451
      Disappeared! 4 years ago
    381. 452
      Appetite Really Isn't That Huge 4 years ago
    382. 453
      "Enemy Attack Awoo!!" 4 years ago
    383. 454
      Can't Fit 4 years ago
    384. 455
      One Wouldn't Know How Weird He Is Unless He Looks In The Mirror 4 years ago
    385. 456
      Tiny Remote Islands Have Lousy Signal 4 years ago
    386. 457
      Dogs Also Need Goals 4 years ago
    387. 458
      A Dog That Knows How To Bring Its Owner A Bone Is A Good Dog 4 years ago
    388. 459
      Ability To Dominate Headlines Is Really Beyond Exceptional 4 years ago
    389. 460
      Bustling Island 4 years ago
    390. 461
      Watchdog 4 years ago
    391. 462
      Apex Predator 4 years ago
    392. 463
      No Way I Am Worse Than A Dog 4 years ago
    393. 464
      Setting Off 4 years ago
    394. 465
      Don't Even Think Of Stealing The Dog 4 years ago
    395. 466
      Chase Stars Rationally 4 years ago
    396. 467
      2nd Gen Warps 4 years ago
    397. 468
      I Am Still A Baby 4 years ago
    398. 469
      Well-behaved 4 years ago
    399. 470
      Watch Your Mouth 4 years ago
    400. 471
      No Longer Wanting To Be Salted Fish 4 years ago
    401. 472
      Last Time Walking The Dog 4 years ago
    402. 473
      The Future Has Come 4 years ago
    403. 474
      Don't Be So Reckless! 4 years ago
    404. 475
      It Transformed! 4 years ago
    405. 476
      Delicate Little Curly Hair 4 years ago
    406. 477
      It Talked! 4 years ago
    407. 478
      A Trivial Matter Like Walking The Dog 4 years ago
    408. 479
      Handheld 4 years ago
    409. 480
      Weakness Of The Universe’s Beloved Child 4 years ago
    410. 481
      Snack Supplier 4 years ago
    411. 482
      Infuriating! 4 years ago
    412. 483
      A Single Model Leads To... 4 years ago
    413. 484
      New Endorsement 4 years ago
    414. 485
      Safe And Peaceful Yanzhou 4 years ago
    415. 486
      Out Of Nowhere 4 years ago
    416. 487
      It's Finally Here 3 years ago
    417. 488
      There Always Has To Be Some Hope In Life 3 years ago
    418. 489
      Super Powerful Formation 3 years ago
    419. 490
      Fang Zhao Being Unable To Join Is Great News 3 years ago
    420. 491
      Crazy Point-sweeping Demon 2.0 3 years ago
    421. 492
      Ao! 3 years ago
    422. 493
      Closing The Door And Beating The Dog 3 years ago
    423. 494
      Double Standards 3 years ago
    424. 495
      Make Amends By Doing Good 3 years ago
    425. 496
      Getting Rich Overnight 3 years ago
    426. 497
      Something Even More Insane 3 years ago
    427. 498
      Mission To Safeguard Snacks 3 years ago
    428. 499
      Youngsters Nowadays! 3 years ago
    429. 500
      King Nanfeng 3 years ago
    430. 501
      Don't Be Shocked Regardless Of What You See 3 years ago
    431. 502
      Our Secret Weapon 3 years ago
    432. 503
      Nanfeng—— 3 years ago
    433. 504
      You Aren't Fang Zhao! 3 years ago
    434. 505
      Manager 3 years ago
    435. 506
      Alive After 500 Years 3 years ago
    436. 507
      I Came From The Past, And I Belong To The Past (END) 3 years ago

    作者 Lazy Cliché