/ Sci-fi / The Magician of Sound

The Magician of Sound オリジナル

The Magician of Sound

Sci-fi 600 章 6.7M ビュー
作者: Fixten

4.38 (317 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


After the strange phenomenon in the 21st century where animals became Magical Beasts and overturned civilization, humanity was graced by another power called Magic.

Controlling Fire? Summoning lightning? Or even manipulating the air?—Children of the next generation started having the ability to control elements. Thus, people called them Magicians. However, how about the sound?

Enhancing Broadcast System? Hearing Aids Magic? Humanity has yet to find a good usage of Sound Magician until Kai Carter is born.

He, who was born with Extraordinary Hearing, only wants to have a peaceful life. However, the world does not let him so as troubles keep coming into his life. Follow Kai as he uses his extraordinary hearing to give birth to many unique Sound Magics to protect his family and have a peaceful life.

Other Works:
1. I Can Read People's Comments
2. Oil Tycoon: Let's Find Oil in a Martial World
3. God of Tricksters (Completed)
4. Gacha Sovereign (Completed)
5. Reincarnated to Bonk in Another World (Completed)


Discord: https://discord.gg/yFvfjxRQag

  1. darkprofecy
    darkprofecy 貢献した 9777
  2. Adam_Barr
    Adam_Barr 貢献した 9311
  3. valiro21
    valiro21 貢献した 9266


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景


    LV 14 Badge

    I will give you my own version of pros and cons. You could check it yourself whether you are okay with the story or not. Don’t throw a rant if it is not your cup of tea, and everyone has their own preferences (You might hate a particular scene and remember that others might not). I will start with the cons first and save for the best. Cons: 1.Harem (I know that some might prefer this, and some might not. I will warn you here first if you haven’t checked the tag.) 2.MC might be dragged away by others at first. But he will slowly change as the story progresses and revolves around him. 3.Fewer releases. I am focusing on my main novel, but I will try to do a daily update. 4. I do research the materials before writing it. But it might still not be right, so feel free to tell me If I make it wrong. 5. Just saying, there might be some change in the story as the story goes on. I tried to outline how the story will go. But as the story progresses, I will certainly find that some of my original plots are not usable anymore and need to make new plots. So, there might be some points in this review that might be unusable anymore. Pros: 1. In the modern world, it might give you a better image to imagine the scene. 2. I love writing universal names. If you read the early chapter, you will find many names from other countries. I love making those names instead of naming all the people with one country’s style or a neutral name. (Not insulting others here, so peace.) 3. Powerful MC (?) with some hidden powers that will be revealed from time to time. The same applies to the world itself. 4. Harem (As I said before, it might become pros or cons according to own preferences.) 5. Not going to be a long story, but yeah, considering the length, it is certainly not a short one either. From my prediction, it is around 400 chapters. Might be lower or higher. Additional Info: 1. Chapter length: 1600-1800 words, might be longer. 2. Not a Native English speaker, so my English might burn you. I am trying to improve too, and if you find any mistakes, do tell me so I could fix it. 3. I am open to discussion, so feel free to tell me if I make mistakes or something. You can reply to ‘my’ chapter comments or this review as it is easier to find and read it. 4. It is a fantasy. Some of your logic might not be working in this world. Anyway, I won’t make it longer than this and keep you busy reading this review. If you like the story, please SMASH that vote button and considers adding this story to your collection.

    87 の返信を表示する

    I like the main characters and powers, however the world itself just feels off to me. Like there is more to be desired. Feels like there are very few powerful people and most of them just happen to be on the "evil side." The worlds population is said to be very low so it's very strange that Humans would infight and kill powerful individuals with high ranking skills so easily. The main motivation of the "evil side" is to reclaim the United Asia as Japan once again. Not sure how that's good for humanity lol. I also feel like there's no structure for leveling up and cultivating besides reading from magic books or creating your own skills. Tldr; The world in this story doesn't make sense to me.

    20 の返信を表示する

    One of the most underrated books here. I love it. My only regret is that I found it too early, when there are only 70 chapters for me to read. Either way the characters are interesting, storyline is good, not too much plot holes and armour. So yeah, it's really good and I recommend.

    7 の返信を表示する

    Some parts seem off. The big one is the MC has sound magic and can hear people arguing over a kilometers away; can even hear someone's muscles moving or hear magic being used... Gets snuck up on consecutively fighting monsters that he did not hear. Other than that, how has a government (after what seems to be a couple of generations of magic users- hard to tell, seems like older adults in the story have had magic and adapted weapons for it, but not explicitly said) not learned how to weaponize sound. Weaponizing things is what the government is good at. They were able to figure out sound and space, but not sound. Other than that the characters seem a bit hollow. I know I am only at chapter 20, but they seem strait forward with no twists, just here is their personality they do not really hid their intentions until later, you know right away, they let it show to other characters as soon as the slightest inconvenience to their personal preferences are gone against.

    0 の返信を表示する

    if your actually willing to read this is heavily recommend just staying on the synopsis and imagining how the book will go instead for a few hours since you would get far far far more enjoyment out of that and less "this because of that" "that and that" "that happened because that" which is also known as machine translation and not edited whatsoever. honestly though this is a REALLY bad machine translation so please just don't waste your life trying to rewrite the whole story in your head as you go so it makes sense. but if you do PLEASE type it out as you go and send me a link so i can read it. also the only reason this is 1.4 is because it seems like the updates are stable enough.

    5 の返信を表示する

    It started okay, but it has became ridiculous. 1st. The power classification, is sloppy at best, instead of S,A,B or C class Magicians it should be talent or something like that, we dont have a clear distintion of power with the characters. 2nd. The "civil war" development is really bad, at least at my eyes. Goverment useless, ok, 3 main familys, where we have 1 which power is mainly about an S rank Magician that's almost dead, and it's alive only because of medicine, that has fought with the MC for something like 5 minutes and it's already puking blood. The second family, the kudo, almost got their heiress killed but are like, well ok, it has nothing to do with us or something, the family with the best weapons in the country it's the most useless, or atleast that's what the author is making me believe. and the third family has their heir, really away from them without apparent reason. And the 3rd. We have a Sound magician, that for what my limited understanding it's basically controlling vibrations, and we dont have a magic about a vibration sword or that he's unable to feel the monsters underground??? it's a bit weird for me, but ok, this one is more me complaining that another thing.

    3 の返信を表示する

    Ugh...its too painful. First of all, the girls are annoying. the author pushes the harem too much. The story is like a combination of all harem novels possible. Cliche pops here and there. I cant continue anymore. The author needs to learn to create less annoying female characters

    0 の返信を表示する

    Cliché upon cliché Cringe First you have the overpowered sister Then an underestimated but secretly strong brother Then there's the student council introduction after which they made the mc fight someone then tried to invite him into the council Familiar enough? Yeah, irregular at magic highschool. Had the author followed that plot then it would've been better but no. He went and added a cliché rich young master obsessed with the girls around the mc. There's a trip to the wilderness and the rich young master tries to get the mc killed Familiar? Yeah, cliché xianxia plot. I dropped it at that point because it's so cringey I don't know why people likes this. Another thing is the forced bullshit. MC have superstrong hearing for kilometers apparently. Strong enough to hear everything going on inside his opponents body while fighting like the movement of muscles. But the author just pulls bullshit to cover why he can't hear the cliché rich young master scheming over the phone on the tent near them. . I'll spam this if it gets deleted.

    1 の返信を表示する

    It started fine, had a lot of cliches and was okay as a read whenever there is nothing else to read. But then the autor started to have some problems in logically developing the world, such as: the goverment can’t judge sound magicians since they’re uncommon, but every other type is fine, and: homossexuality was banned since they needed to repopulate. If the autor focused on quality, this story might have been a 4 to 4.5/5

    8 の返信を表示する

    Its really a generic japanese manga as a novel. Bland and boring MC gets a harem of the best women in the world for being boring. Full of cliches.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Author sama said dont throw rants if its not our cup of tea but what are reviews for? Hate or not they need to know what other people think right. In the couple of chapters, i continue because it started real good and i remembered some guy here replied in one of my comments too that give chance until you cant take it anymore and yes i cant take it anymore as time went by and the story progress i got annoyed by the other characters that were all acting like having some bad attitude (which you will say that it's normal but you heard of over reacting right and the cringe i felt after is too much), mainstream but in this book it got worst that it turned out annoying. the MC that acts cool and cold but he cant even stand for himself when he didn't like it he just conceded. Author sama put a lot of emphasis of other things that it shadows the MC. The tinge of romance in the air is simply to early. I only know the mc's name power rank and attitude but there's a lot of wannabe mysterious ladies around. In my opinion its cringe when i dont even feel that he's that powerful as they say and there's something going on the back already. Even though author sama keep emphasizing that he is special but i cant feel it. There's something lacking which i also dont know. You're right author sama its not my kind of tea. I dont even like tea.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Fairly juvenile writing. I think this author has a good foundation/idea for a story, but the delivery and tone is lacking. I hope this member can review their work and possibly revise it.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Dude seriously, and this is to the author by the way, i thought i liked the main character at the beginning but the more i read the more annoyed i get. It started out with the subpar translation now i just blame the author. The MC's decisions and thoughts are just plain dumb, its so freakin frustrating for a so dubbed intelligent human being to be this stupid. You're being targeted, you cant retaliate, reason, your parents safety will be compromised. Teacher offers to help in your situation n she says she'll help in the investigation, whats the point not like you can do anything to the Katsuragis even if you can prove its them. Ask your teacher for money you dumbass or at least a faster way to get them out of the region to another base. Heck you could just ask the Kudos for help, screw owing them, with your parents out of the way you have more freedom. Thats your number 1 problem or are you gonna wait till after something happens to them. All in all the premise n storyline was good but your writing style just freaks me out, you potray him as calm n smart n strong but then throw in aspects of ruthlessness which comes out of nowhere, and his ruthless persona seems so forced it just doesnt match. I forgot the rest but at the very least make him a bit more decisive, if someone wrongs him either kill him or bide your time dont get overly frustrated over every lil thing.

    0 の返信を表示する

    not worth even for a little time[img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]

    0 の返信を表示する

    I like this better than gacha system.. thanks for writing please don’t stop. People should value original novels more some l8e this one is very good.

    1 の返信を表示する

    The mc completely lacks any sort of personality ( other than being indifferent) and lacks any sort of initiative it's like reading about the life of a brick. The author seems to not have any idea of how social interactions works. The way they shout the name of the magic is extremely cringe and unnecessary and all female characters are extremely easy to hate. There are still many things that i haven't said but i feel is a waste of my time to speak about this novel even for another second

    0 の返信を表示する

    Gave it a chance 3 times and still no luck it seems. The story is too cringy every time I read and the romance lacks spice so I wont recommend it to those romance lovers and how MC thinks is way to....lacking? well if this is your cup of tea I hope you have a great time as it isn't mine. (I like milk better)

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 14 Badge

    Well, I did't have any expectations when I started reading this. Sure synopsis were interesting and first few chapters quickly got me hooked up but as I read through chapter after chapter I was totally confused characters were becoming dumber and dumber making ilogicall decisions plot holes were piling up to the enormous heights and then I realized it. This story was never what I thought it to be. Author had propabbly inspired himself by few popular novels and tried to recreat them at the beginning it worked quite well but when he tried to add his own thoughts he couldn't think of good way to proceed with his plot because of that it seems that characters are getting dumber, plot is forced everythings just falling apart. I apologize if I am mistaken for this but its just my opinion, also concept was quite interesting if author had some more experience or thinked it more throughtfully from the start, it wouldn't have to come to this disaster of story.

    0 の返信を表示する

    I hate how many trash cliches are in this book. Disgustang. Widgetsmith soysotsotsotsotssotsotxotsozktzlgzlydktxlystsptzotsotsptsltsptdpyzotsots

    0 の返信を表示する

    Well well. This novel is very similar to Irregular at magic high school. The difference is monsters and has a own author style. But this is pretty good novel if you are a fan of the magic genre. I really recommend you guys. Even though the genre has Slice-of-life don't be enticed by genre. Because there is no Slice-of-life or romance. If possible, please remove those tags.The main reason I can't stand is MC.

    1 の返信を表示する
    Chapter 600: 5 Years (END) 2 years ago

    卷 1

    1. 1
      Prologue 4 years ago
    2. 2
      Opening Ceremony 4 years ago
    3. 3
      A Fight? 4 years ago
    4. 4
      Class 4 years ago
    5. 5
      Match 4 years ago
    6. 6
      Conclusion 4 years ago
    7. 7
      Test 4 years ago
    8. 8
      Going 4 years ago
    9. 9
      Weapon 4 years ago
    10. 10
      Discussion 4 years ago
    11. 11
      A Hidden Scheme? 4 years ago
    12. 12
      Magical Beast 4 years ago
    13. 13
      Team 4 years ago
    14. 14
      Practical Class 4 years ago
    15. 15
      Magic 4 years ago
    16. 16
      Another Problem? 4 years ago
    17. 17
      Another Surprise? 4 years ago
    18. 18
      End 4 years ago
    19. 19
      Score 4 years ago
    20. 20
      Explanation 4 years ago
    21. 21
      Magic 4 years ago
    22. 22
      Training 4 years ago
    23. 23
      Another Problem? 4 years ago
    24. 24
      Request 4 years ago
    25. 25
      Frustrated 4 years ago
    26. 26
      Retreat 4 years ago
    27. 27
      Third Round 4 years ago
    28. 28
      Another Troublesome Situation 4 years ago
    29. 29
      Last Fight 4 years ago
    30. 30
      Conspiracy? 4 years ago
    31. 31
      Love? 4 years ago
    32. 32
      Ikeda Kenzo 4 years ago
    33. 33
      Back 4 years ago
    34. 34
      Group 4 years ago
    35. 35
      Idle Talk 4 years ago
    36. 36
      First Meeting 4 years ago
    37. 37
      Another Hidden Scheme? 4 years ago
    38. 38
      New Magic, New Terrorist? 4 years ago
    39. 39
      Bat 4 years ago
    40. 40
      Fighting The Bat 4 years ago
    41. 41
      The Silent Night Before The Storm 4 years ago
    42. 42
      A Mole? 4 years ago
    43. 43
      Trying to Explain 4 years ago
    44. 44
      Reasoning 4 years ago
    45. 45
      George 4 years ago
    46. 46
      Two cases 4 years ago
    47. 47
      Plot Armor? Get It or Not? 4 years ago
    48. 48
      Assassins? 4 years ago
    49. 49
      Assassins Part II 4 years ago
    50. 50
      Tasha Carter 4 years ago
    51. 51
      Realization 4 years ago
    52. 52
      Childhood 4 years ago
    53. 53
      Wait, What? 4 years ago
    54. 54
      Katsuragi Family 4 years ago
    55. 55
      Katsuragi Family and Assassins 4 years ago
    56. 56
      Assassins 4 years ago
    57. 57
      Another Group? 4 years ago
    58. 58
      Killing the Assassins 4 years ago
    59. 59
      Hospital 4 years ago
    60. 60
      Mother 4 years ago
    61. 61
      Yajima Family 4 years ago
    62. 62
      Leave! 4 years ago
    63. 63
      Money 4 years ago
    64. 64
      Kudos 4 years ago
    65. 65
      In a Pinch 4 years ago
    66. 66
      That? 4 years ago
    67. 67
      Escape 4 years ago
    68. 68
      Escape Part II 4 years ago
    69. 69
      Escape Part III 4 years ago
    70. 70
      Plan 4 years ago
    71. 71
      S Rank Snake 4 years ago
    72. 72
      A Series of Unfortunate Events and Hope 4 years ago
    73. 73
      Graham Family 4 years ago
    74. 74
      Hope 4 years ago

    卷 2 : New Place

    1. 75
      Wake Up 4 years ago
    2. 76
      Test 4 years ago
    3. 77
      ID Card 4 years ago
    4. 78
      Hospital 4 years ago
    5. 79
      Ayaka Vs Michelle 4 years ago
    6. 80
      Michelle's Former Group 4 years ago
    7. 81
      Zodiacs 4 years ago
    8. 82
      Mission 4 years ago
    9. 83
      Mission (Part 1) 4 years ago
    10. 84
      Mission (Part 2) 4 years ago
    11. 85
      Emergency Mission (Part 1) 4 years ago
    12. 86
      Emergency Mission (Part 2) 4 years ago
    13. 87
      Emergency Mission (Part 3) 4 years ago
    14. 88
      Emergency Mission (Part 4) 4 years ago
    15. 89
      Emergency Mission (Last Part) 4 years ago
    16. 90
      Two Suitcases 4 years ago
    17. 91
      Points 4 years ago
    18. 92
      Second Mission 4 years ago
    19. 93
      Second Mission (Part 1) 4 years ago
    20. 94
      Second Mission (Part 2) 4 years ago
    21. 95
      Second Mission (Part 3) 4 years ago
    22. 96
      Second Mission (Part 4) 4 years ago
    23. 97
      Michelle Showed Her Might 4 years ago
    24. 98
      Lion Group 4 years ago
    25. 99
      Visit 4 years ago
    26. 100
      Talk 4 years ago
    27. 101
      Nathan and Ayaka 4 years ago
    28. 102
      Battle Plan 4 years ago
    29. 103
      Group Battle (Part 1) 4 years ago
    30. 104
      Group Battle (Part 2) 4 years ago
    31. 105
      Group Battle (Part 3) 4 years ago
    32. 106
      Group Battle (Part 4) 4 years ago
    33. 107
      Group Battle (Part 5) 4 years ago
    34. 108
      Group Battle (Part 6) 4 years ago
    35. 109
      Group Battle (Part 7) 4 years ago
    36. 110
      Group Battle (Last Part) 4 years ago
    37. 111
      Nathan's Mission 4 years ago
    38. 112
      Sanders 4 years ago
    39. 113
      Tabletop Strategist 4 years ago
    40. 114
      A Voice from the Sea 4 years ago
    41. 115
      Emergency 4 years ago
    42. 116
      Eve of Chaos 4 years ago
    43. 117
      War 4 years ago
    44. 118
      Ayaka's Battle 4 years ago
    45. 119
      First Phase of the War 4 years ago
    46. 120
      The Enemy Start to Move 4 years ago
    47. 121
      Kai Joins the Battle 4 years ago
    48. 122
      Emergency Situation 4 years ago
    49. 123
      Reinforcement 4 years ago
    50. 124
      Bad Situation 4 years ago
    51. 125
      Lion and Eagle 4 years ago
    52. 126
      Tasha and the Snail 4 years ago
    53. 127
      Turning the Situation Around 4 years ago
    54. 128
      Mermaid 4 years ago
    55. 129
      Turning Around the Situation 4 years ago
    56. 130
      End of the Battle 4 years ago
    57. 131
      Protector 4 years ago
    58. 132
      End of the Day 4 years ago
    59. 133
      Ayaka's Battle 4 years ago
    60. 134
      A Raid? 4 years ago
    61. 135
      Ayaka's Condition 4 years ago
    62. 136
      Sound Levitation 4 years ago
    63. 137
      Ria Ross 4 years ago
    64. 138
      Ayaka's Power 4 years ago
    65. 139
      Preparation 4 years ago
    66. 140
      Battle Plan 4 years ago
    67. 141
      Ayaka's Power 4 years ago
    68. 142
      Raid Mission 4 years ago
    69. 143
      Nathan's Appearance 4 years ago
    70. 144
      Talk About Raid Mission 4 years ago
    71. 145
      On The Way 4 years ago
    72. 146
      Vibration Sword 4 years ago
    73. 147
      Birthday Present 4 years ago
    74. 148
      SS Rank Magical Beast 4 years ago
    75. 149
      Kai vs Ria (Part 1) 4 years ago
    76. 150
      Kai vs Ria Last Part 4 years ago
    77. 151
      Ria House's Last Part 4 years ago

    卷 4

    1. 185
      Ceremony 3 years ago
    2. 186
      The World's View 3 years ago
    3. 187
      A Trouble is Coming? 3 years ago
    4. 188
      Reward 3 years ago
    5. 189
      Mission 3 years ago
    6. 190
      General Brad Matthew 3 years ago
    7. 191
      Group Discussion 3 years ago
    8. 192
      Moving toward the Destination 3 years ago
    9. 193
      The Doubt 3 years ago
    10. 194
      Meeting Their Targets 3 years ago
    11. 195
      The Fight 3 years ago
    12. 196
      Fight Part II 3 years ago
    13. 197
      End of the Mission 3 years ago
    14. 198
      Finishing the Business 3 years ago
    15. 199
      News about Gemini 3 years ago
    16. 200
      Going to Miami 3 years ago
    17. 201
      Enjoying Their Time 3 years ago
    18. 202
      All Parties Have Assembled 3 years ago
    19. 203
      Meets Sofia Campbell 3 years ago
    20. 204
      Sofia Campbell 3 years ago
    21. 205
      Emergency Situation 3 years ago
    22. 206
      The Battle Begins 3 years ago
    23. 207
      A Warfare Prodigy 3 years ago
    24. 208
      A Sneak Attack 3 years ago
    25. 209
      The One and Only Reinforcement 3 years ago
    26. 210
      The Group Fight 3 years ago
    27. 211
      Evan and Isabelle 3 years ago
    28. 212
      Isabelle's Rage 3 years ago
    29. 213
      A Pinch 3 years ago
    30. 214
      Turn Around the Situation? 3 years ago
    31. 215
      Reinforcement 3 years ago
    32. 216
      New Magic 3 years ago
    33. 217
      Overturns the Situation 3 years ago
    34. 218
      Killing Eru 3 years ago
    35. 219
      Hospital 3 years ago
    36. 220
      Magic Concept 3 years ago
    37. 221
      Tasha's Real Power 3 years ago
    38. 222
      The Negotiation 3 years ago
    39. 223
      Kai's Condition 3 years ago
    40. 224
      Anthony Graham 3 years ago
    41. 225
      The Student Council 3 years ago
    42. 226
      Another Raid Mission 3 years ago
    43. 227
      Another Problem 3 years ago
    44. 228
      Ria's Mission 3 years ago
    45. 229
      Kai Vs Sofia 3 years ago
    46. 230
      Kai Vs Sofia Part II 3 years ago
    47. 231
      Kai Vs Sofia Part III 3 years ago
    48. 232
      The Mission 3 years ago
    49. 233
      Fighting the Failed Zodiac 3 years ago
    50. 234
      A Hidden Scenario? 3 years ago
    51. 235
      Discussion with Ria 3 years ago
    52. 236
      A Conspiracy Theory 3 years ago
    53. 237
      Talking about Mysterious Monuments 3 years ago
    54. 238
      Raid Mission Planning 3 years ago
    55. 239
      The Talk before the Departure 3 years ago

    卷 5

    1. 240
      Carissa Mel 3 years ago
    2. 241
      Day One 3 years ago
    3. 242
      Day Two 3 years ago
    4. 243
      Day Two Part 2 3 years ago
    5. 244
      Day Two Part 3 3 years ago
    6. 245
      Day Three 3 years ago
    7. 246
      A Talking Statue 3 years ago
    8. 247
      Rapakha's Gifts 3 years ago
    9. 248
      Conditions 3 years ago
    10. 249
      The Truth behind Magic Power 3 years ago
    11. 250
      The Truth behind the Protectors 3 years ago
    12. 251
      Kai's Mind 3 years ago
    13. 252
      Fight 3 years ago
    14. 253
      Plan for the Battle 3 years ago
    15. 254
      Fighting Rapakha 3 years ago
    16. 255
      Fighting Rapakha Part 2 3 years ago
    17. 256
      Fighting Rapakha Part 3 3 years ago
    18. 257
      Fighting Rapakha Part 4 3 years ago
    19. 258
      Fighting Rapakha Part 5 3 years ago
    20. 259
      Fighting Rapakha Part 6 3 years ago
    21. 260
      Post-fighting 3 years ago
    22. 261
      Talking about Flaws 3 years ago
    23. 262
      Ria Ross 3 years ago
    24. 263
      Last Meeting 3 years ago
    25. 264
      Arrival 3 years ago
    26. 265
      Battle Start 3 years ago
    27. 266
      Shadow Possession - Union 3 years ago
    28. 267
      The Battlefield 3 years ago
    29. 268
      God's Arrow 3 years ago
    30. 269
      Fighting the Spider 3 years ago
    31. 270
      Tasha 3 years ago
    32. 271
      The Situation 3 years ago
    33. 272
      A Tool 3 years ago
    34. 273
      Killing the Spider 3 years ago
    35. 274
      Not Going According to the Plan? 3 years ago
    36. 275
      A Trap? 3 years ago
    37. 276
      Strategy 3 years ago
    38. 277
      An Assassin? 3 years ago
    39. 278
      A Pincer 3 years ago
    40. 279
      The Answer 3 years ago
    41. 280
      Fighting the Mermaid 3 years ago
    42. 281
      Ilareca 3 years ago
    43. 282
      Kai's True Plan 3 years ago
    44. 283
      Kai's Contribution 3 years ago
    45. 284
      Suspicion 3 years ago
    46. 285
      The Next Plan 3 years ago
    47. 286
      The Team's Desires 3 years ago
    48. 287
      The Separation of Evan 3 years ago
    49. 288
      The Next Mission 3 years ago
    50. 289
      Good News 3 years ago
    51. 290
      Strategy Meeting 3 years ago
    52. 291
      Meeting Brad Again 3 years ago
    53. 292
      Hunting 3 years ago
    54. 293
      Lunchtime 3 years ago
    55. 294
      Killing the Wolf Pack 3 years ago
    56. 295
      Planning their Next Course 3 years ago
    57. 296
      Hunting the Bear 3 years ago
    58. 297
      Killing the Bear 3 years ago
    59. 298
      A Small Test 3 years ago
    60. 299
      A Mole 3 years ago
    61. 300
      End of the First Day 3 years ago
    62. 301
      A Serious Situation 3 years ago
    63. 302
      Emerging Danger 3 years ago
    64. 303
      Struggle 3 years ago
    65. 304
      Becoming the Hunter Again 3 years ago
    66. 305
      Evan and Isabelle 3 years ago
    67. 306
      Sacrifice 3 years ago
    68. 307
      A Big Idiot 3 years ago
    69. 308
      The Backstory 3 years ago
    70. 309
      Surrounded 3 years ago
    71. 310
      A Dire Situation 3 years ago
    72. 311
      Compressed Air Bomb 3 years ago
    73. 312
      End of the Mission 3 years ago
    74. 313
      Information 3 years ago
    75. 314
      United Asia's Situation 3 years ago
    76. 315
      Evan's Request 3 years ago
    77. 316
      Laura 3 years ago
    78. 317
      A Bet 3 years ago
    79. 318
      Talk 3 years ago
    80. 319
      Mission 3 years ago
    81. 320
      Men's Talk 3 years ago
    82. 321
      Evan's New Strength 3 years ago
    83. 322
      Throw 3 years ago
    84. 323
      Fighting Alone 3 years ago
    85. 324
      Finishing 3 years ago
    86. 325
      Alpaca 3 years ago
    87. 326
      Confirmed 3 years ago
    88. 327
      Fighting Three Suicide Beasts 3 years ago
    89. 328
      Scheme 3 years ago
    90. 329
      Report 3 years ago
    91. 330
      Shirotsuka Sanae 3 years ago
    92. 331
      Before the Fight 3 years ago
    93. 332
      Plan 3 years ago
    94. 333
      No 3 years ago
    95. 334
      Cut 3 years ago
    96. 335
      Plan E 3 years ago
    97. 336
      A New Equipment? 3 years ago
    98. 337
      Payback 3 years ago
    99. 338
      End 3 years ago
    100. 339
      Explanation 3 years ago
    101. 340
      An Operator 3 years ago
    102. 341
      Resolves 3 years ago
    103. 342
      Supersonic Sword 3 years ago
    104. 343
      Teacher and Student 3 years ago
    105. 344
      Training 3 years ago
    106. 345
      Doubt 3 years ago
    107. 346
      Subconsciouness 3 years ago
    108. 347
      The Bridge 3 years ago
    109. 348
      The Real Identity of a Protector 3 years ago
    110. 349
      Zugg 3 years ago
    111. 350
      Talk 3 years ago
    112. 351
      Challenging the Blood 3 years ago
    113. 352
      Plan for the Future 3 years ago
    114. 353
      Tricking the Trickster 3 years ago
    115. 354
      Full Power 3 years ago
    116. 355
      Deception and Never Give Up 3 years ago
    117. 356
      Reflecting 3 years ago
    118. 357
      Playing 3 years ago
    119. 358
      Goodbye 3 years ago
    120. 359
      When Prank Goes Wrong 3 years ago

    卷 6

    1. 360
      Presents 3 years ago
    2. 361
      Missions 3 years ago
    3. 362
      Story 3 years ago
    4. 363
      Advices 3 years ago
    5. 364
      Not Protectors? 3 years ago
    6. 365
      Meeting the Pink Dolphin 3 years ago
    7. 366
      Discussion with the Dolphin 3 years ago
    8. 367
      Joking Around 3 years ago
    9. 368
      Advices 3 years ago
    10. 369
      Their Progress 3 years ago
    11. 370
      Progress Part 2 3 years ago
    12. 371
      Ah, Troubles... 3 years ago
    13. 372
      Night Fight 3 years ago
    14. 373
      Dark Michelle 3 years ago
    15. 374
      Killing Two Intelligent Beasts 3 years ago
    16. 375
      Reaching Their Destination 3 years ago
    17. 376
      Inca Empire and Nazca Lines 3 years ago
    18. 377
      Weird Feeling 3 years ago
    19. 378
      Ghost? 3 years ago
    20. 379
      A Helper 3 years ago
    21. 380
      Teacher Wants to Bring You Trouble 3 years ago
    22. 381
      Ria Ross 3 years ago
    23. 382
      You Are Truly My Student 3 years ago
    24. 383
      Program 3 years ago
    25. 384
      Brad Matthew 3 years ago
    26. 385
      Natural Fortress 3 years ago
    27. 386
      Emergency 3 years ago
    28. 387
      Starting 3 years ago
    29. 388
      First Clash 3 years ago
    30. 389
      Fight Commence 3 years ago
    31. 390
      Magic? 3 years ago
    32. 391
      Reinforcement 3 years ago
    33. 392
      Michelles' Might 3 years ago
    34. 393
      Dun 3 years ago
    35. 394
      Rain 3 years ago
    36. 395
      Protectors 3 years ago
    37. 396
      Fighting the Protectors 3 years ago
    38. 397
      Teamwork 3 years ago
    39. 398
      Tasha's Real Power 3 years ago
    40. 399
      End of War 3 years ago
    41. 400
      King of the Sea 3 years ago
    42. 401
      Different Point of View 3 years ago
    43. 402
      Ugh 3 years ago
    44. 403
      News 3 years ago
    45. 404
      Situation 3 years ago
    46. 405
      Reaching United Asia 3 years ago
    47. 406
      Kai's Past 3 years ago
    48. 407
      Oni 3 years ago
    49. 408
      The Truth 3 years ago
    50. 409
      Explanation 3 years ago
    51. 410
      Meeting 3 years ago
    52. 411
      Plan 3 years ago
    53. 412
      Akkadian? 3 years ago
    54. 413
      Enjoy 3 years ago
    55. 414
      Tasha's Past 3 years ago
    56. 415
      Come 3 years ago
    57. 416
      Fight 3 years ago
    58. 417
      Fight Part 2 3 years ago
    59. 418
      Good News 3 years ago
    60. 419
      Construction 3 years ago
    61. 420
      Earthquake 3 years ago
    62. 421
      Mole 3 years ago
    63. 422
      Counter Attack 3 years ago
    64. 423
      Great Battle 3 years ago
    65. 424
      Die 3 years ago
    66. 425
      Promotion 3 years ago
    67. 426
      Ceremony 3 years ago

    卷 7

    1. 427
      Discussion 3 years ago
    2. 428
      Next Semester 3 years ago
    3. 429
      Group Battle Part 1 3 years ago
    4. 430
      Group Battle Part 2 3 years ago
    5. 431
      Group Battle Overwhelming Victory 3 years ago
    6. 432
      Departure 3 years ago
    7. 433
      EU Base 3 years ago
    8. 434
      Campbell Family 3 years ago
    9. 435
      Marriage Talk 3 years ago
    10. 436
      Roselyn 3 years ago
    11. 437
      Three Courses 3 years ago
    12. 438
      Negotiation 3 years ago
    13. 439
      Reporting 3 years ago
    14. 440
      Interest 3 years ago
    15. 441
      Kai Vs Arnaud 3 years ago
    16. 442
      Before the Expedition 3 years ago
    17. 443
      Journey 3 years ago
    18. 444
      Journey Part 2 3 years ago
    19. 445
      Encounter 3 years ago
    20. 446
      Shinkai 3 years ago
    21. 447
      Toying 3 years ago
    22. 448
      Doubt 3 years ago
    23. 449
      Arrival 3 years ago
    24. 450
      Priests and Priestesses 3 years ago
    25. 451
      Roles 3 years ago
    26. 452
      Talks 3 years ago
    27. 453
      Condition 3 years ago
    28. 454
      Training Schedule 3 years ago
    29. 455
      Atlantis and Epic of Gilgamesh 3 years ago
    30. 456
      Manipulation 3 years ago
    31. 457
      Give Up 3 years ago
    32. 458
      Reactions 3 years ago
    33. 459
      Progress 3 years ago
    34. 460
      Altar 3 years ago
    35. 461
      Teacher and Student 3 years ago
    36. 462
      Discussion 3 years ago
    37. 463
      Erentia 3 years ago
    38. 464
      Playing with the Kids 3 years ago
    39. 465
      Felice 3 years ago
    40. 466
      Favor 3 years ago
    41. 467
      Mission 3 years ago
    42. 468
      Highest Discussion 3 years ago
    43. 469
      Rena 3 years ago
    44. 470
      Kai's Strategy 3 years ago
    45. 471
      Their New Power 3 years ago
    46. 472
      Appearance 3 years ago
    47. 473
      New Fighting Style 3 years ago
    48. 474
      Switch 3 years ago
    49. 475
      Kill 3 years ago
    50. 476
      Clear 3 years ago
    51. 477
      Warning 3 years ago
    52. 478
      A Mysterious Woman 3 years ago
    53. 479
      Trust 3 years ago
    54. 480
      Felice's Perspective 3 years ago
    55. 481
      Inexperience 3 years ago
    56. 482
      Pissed Off 3 years ago
    57. 483
      Massacre 3 years ago
    58. 484
      Handling the Situation 3 years ago
    59. 485
      Story 3 years ago
    60. 486
      Leisa Alberona 3 years ago
    61. 487
      Felice's Request 3 years ago
    62. 488
      Insanity 3 years ago
    63. 489
      Heading to the Shore 3 years ago
    64. 490
      Fighting the Wolf 3 years ago
    65. 491
      Reaching an Understanding 3 years ago
    66. 492
      Friendship 3 years ago
    67. 493
      Sweden 3 years ago
    68. 494
      Research 3 years ago
    69. 495
      Teacher and Student 3 years ago
    70. 496
      Sealing the Deal 3 years ago
    71. 497
      Bond 3 years ago
    72. 498
      Eve of Chaos 3 years ago
    73. 499
      Kerza 3 years ago
    74. 500
      Debate 3 years ago
    75. 501
      Terrifying 3 years ago
    76. 502
      Convincing 3 years ago
    77. 503
      New Enemy 3 years ago
    78. 504
      Kai's Entry 3 years ago
    79. 505
      Great Battle 3 years ago
    80. 506
      Hopeless 3 years ago
    81. 507
      Kai's Message 3 years ago
    82. 508
      Strongest Magician 3 years ago
    83. 509
      Aston's Observation 3 years ago
    84. 510
      Settling the Matter 3 years ago
    85. 511
      Aftermath 3 years ago
    86. 512
      New Ranking System 3 years ago
    87. 513
      Reunion 3 years ago
    88. 514
      Meeting Felice 3 years ago
    89. 515
      Jump 3 years ago
    90. 516
      Going 3 years ago
    91. 517
      Meeting Ikeda Kenzo 3 years ago
    92. 518
      Switching Sides 3 years ago
    93. 519
      Talk 3 years ago
    94. 520
      Preparation 3 years ago
    95. 521
      Cruel Reality 3 years ago
    96. 522
      Identity 3 years ago
    97. 523
      Ishii 3 years ago
    98. 524
      Ending the Matter 3 years ago
    99. 525
      Result 3 years ago
    100. 526
      Solution 3 years ago
    101. 527
      Settling the Rest 3 years ago
    102. 528
      Departure 3 years ago
    103. 529
      Arrival 3 years ago

    卷 8

    1. 530
      Current Situation 3 years ago
    2. 531
      Eve of Chaos 3 years ago
    3. 532
      Invasion 3 years ago
    4. 533
      Incoming War 3 years ago
    5. 534
      Beating to Submission 3 years ago
    6. 535
      Starting 3 years ago
    7. 536
      Clash 3 years ago
    8. 537
      Sword Saint 3 years ago
    9. 538
      Seei 3 years ago
    10. 539
      God Killing Arrow 3 years ago
    11. 540
      Ria Shocked the Sea Race 3 years ago
    12. 541
      Intervention 3 years ago
    13. 542
      Questions 3 years ago
    14. 543
      Misunderstanding 3 years ago
    15. 544
      Later Discussion 3 years ago
    16. 545
      Report 3 years ago
    17. 546
      Whale Queen 3 years ago
    18. 547
      Shekmesh 3 years ago
    19. 548
      Rapa Nui People 3 years ago
    20. 549
      Return 3 years ago
    21. 550
      Preparation 3 years ago
    22. 551
      Father 2 years ago
    23. 552
      Crown Jewel 2 years ago
    24. 553
      Reasons 2 years ago
    25. 554
      Running 2 years ago
    26. 555
      Improvement 2 years ago
    27. 556
      Testing His New Power 2 years ago
    28. 557
      Arrive 2 years ago
    29. 558
      Ultrasonic Assassin 2 years ago
    30. 559
      Progress 2 years ago
    31. 560
      Six Months 2 years ago
    32. 561
      Ritual 2 years ago
    33. 562
      King's Mark 2 years ago
    34. 563
      Last Preparation 2 years ago
    35. 564
      World War 2 years ago
    36. 565
      The Start 2 years ago
    37. 566
      EU Base 2 years ago
    38. 567
      Reinforcement 2 years ago
    39. 568
      All Parties Assembled Part 1 2 years ago
    40. 569
      All Parties Assembled Part 2 2 years ago
    41. 570
      All Parties Assembled Part 3 2 years ago
    42. 571
      All Parties Assembled Part 4 2 years ago
    43. 572
      All Parties Assembled Part 5 2 years ago
    44. 573
      Fight Between Kings 2 years ago
    45. 574
      President 2 years ago
    46. 575
      Kai vs Neptune 2 years ago
    47. 576
      Michelle vs Octopus Part 1 2 years ago
    48. 577
      Michelle vs Octopus Part 2 2 years ago
    49. 578
      Rapakha vs Jellyfish Part 1 2 years ago
    50. 579
      Rapakha vs Jellyfish Part 2 2 years ago
    51. 580
      Tasha vs Electric Eel Part 1 2 years ago
    52. 581
      Tasha vs Electric Eel Part 2 2 years ago
    53. 582
      Felice vs Sea Lion Part 1 2 years ago
    54. 583
      Felice vs Sea Lion Part 2 2 years ago
    55. 584
      Felice vs Sea Lion Part 3 2 years ago
    56. 585
      Sofia vs Stingray Part 1 2 years ago
    57. 586
      Sofia vs Stingray Part 2 2 years ago
    58. 587
      Ayaka vs Shrimp Part 1 2 years ago
    59. 588
      Ayaka vs Shrimp Part 2 2 years ago
    60. 589
      Ria vs Shark Part 1 2 years ago
    61. 590
      Ria vs Shark Part 2 2 years ago
    62. 591
      Devain vs Turtle Part 1 2 years ago
    63. 592
      Devain vs Turtle Part 2 2 years ago
    64. 593
      Arba vs Mermaid Princess Part 1 2 years ago
    65. 594
      Arba vs Mermaid Princess Part 2 2 years ago
    66. 595
      Kai vs Neptune Part 1 2 years ago
    67. 596
      Kai vs Neptune Part 2 2 years ago
    68. 597
      Kai vs Neptune Part 3 2 years ago
    69. 598
      War 2 years ago
    70. 599
      Post War 2 years ago
    71. 600
      5 Years (END) 2 years ago

    作者 Fixten