/ Sci-fi / Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Sci-fi 完了 3,523 章 31.5M ビュー
作者: The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow編集者: Daoist6fubtiW

4.5 (1,475 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


“Even if this universe is truly nothing more than a brutal, bloody, shadowy forest, we Cultivators will burn all that we have just to give off a single weak flickering spark in the darkness!
“No matter how weak each spark is, how short-lived, how small… As long as the sparks flow unabated, then one day one of those sparks will light some tinder, and that tinder shall light some fallen branches, and those branches shall set ablaze each and every last tree of the forest!
“In the end, even the smallest sparks will eventually set the shadowy forest ablaze and illuminate the whole world!”
** Qidian International and the former translator, Mr. Strivon, have reached an agreement to buy out the chapters and host them on our site. We will be continuing the translation from the last chapter translated by Mr. Strivon **

  1. Apollow
    Apollow 貢献した 74212
  2. TDissonance
    TDissonance 貢献した 62920
  3. jjscm
    jjscm 貢献した 48495


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Hi, I’m the new translator of FMC. I want to tell you we’ve been keeping a stable daily release for about a month and double release for a week, and we’ll continue on dedicating our work in a reliable pattern. Therefore, we invite you to give this book another shot. It’s a novel too amazing to be missed out. We’re sorry for the previous disruptions and we hope you’ll still be interested in the novel. Thanks!

    103 の返信を表示する

    Hey guys I just read this story for a while. I recomended you a lot. Why? Guys pls read this one I believe this is GOLD. Because similar to "I eat tomato" novel sci-fi, and hilarious as MH from ISSTH, great story line. Well I read to many novel and forgot all the tittle. Why this novel good? 1. Well background of sci-fi story 2. Have a good moral (because in this story there are no such useless kill every time) and not too much boasting thi or there ( He know how to slap or how to stop = not over do it) 3. The MC have stable character so his change or maturity is acceptable. 4. He is shameles but funny guy as well ....( I just remember Meng Hao from ISSTH) 5. His romantic life not over do it too (so we can still feel the thrill of fight) 6. Easy to follow for beginner reader 7. Every chapter have they own joy ( a bit spoiler my favorite is when the MC fight 2000 of his friend for champion alone) Why this novel not populer? 1. Some say because slow update (well if you hate it you can read another story or accumulate the chapter right?) 2. We dont have enough support for this novel.

    85 の返信を表示する

    Website : qidian china Views : 2.76 million Rating : 8.6(813) Chapters : 2883 Status : ongoing Word count : 9.00 million author rank : lv5

    45 の返信を表示する

    One of the best novels on this site. It retains its quality even after several hundred chapters, so definitely worth the read (unlike many other novels where the story quality drops sharply after starting out well). The world building is extremely well done, so much so that you can actually visualize the scenes in your mind. Foreshadowing is also done well, and the romance is slow but good. One of the few novels with mecha elements that I really like.

    9 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    One of the best series out there. What I like about it is that it used a different approach to cultivation, a more modern one. In most stories, it is extremely hard for a lower cultivation disciple to fight a higher one. Not here, the cultivation civilization is very advanced and even low-level cultivators can battle cultivators 1-2 stages higher. Now, most people will say that the story is slow, and it might indeed appear so. In my opinion, the story is more centered around world building most of the time, so the progress is quite slow. My recommendation is to let a couple (dozen) chapters pile up before binge reading them.

    13 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    This story starts out as most cultivation stories only with a different, more futuristic, world building than most. But it quickly turns into a totally different kind of cultivation story than what we're used to. The futuristic setting has a lot to do with it but what I like most is that the story does not follow the regular pattern of "arrive at stage, accidentally insult someone, face slap someone, revenge from someone and his backing, total whipeout of someone, move to next stage and repeat". The MC surprisingly rarely has to fight to kill other humans so far.

    13 の返信を表示する

    i have already told that every thing was good except the translator speed now thats also gooooooooooooooood !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (stable translation)

    1 の返信を表示する

    Overall a good story with a sci-fi and fantasy mix. The update stability is great now with the new translator, and chapters are released at least once every day.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Now that the story in being updated stably, I can finally give this story a 5-star review - and mean it. I love this story. I've read over 2000 chapters of the crude machine translations, and this is still my favorite webnovel, despite the bad grammar. It beats out anything else I've ever read. Not only is it the biggest game of Xanatos Gambit Speed Chess I've ever seen, it does it in a world that combines classic Chinese mysticism and modern technology in an absolutely astounding manner. This story is the epitome of magitech in xianxia. For heaven's sake, give this a read. Li Yao's crazy adventures will have you sweating through your shirt and dancing around your room shadowboxing, as he comes out of grave situation after grave situation on top every time thanks to sheer stubbornness, luck, and an awesome amount of guile. The story doesn't get old with age, either. Even when Li Yao becomes a "Nascent Soul Old Monster", there are still fresh challenges and heart's demons to be conquered. The author has done a fantastic job deconstructing and subverting all the classic wuxia tropes, and more to the point, it's a profound lesson in philosophy that will have you struggling to refute the logic of the enemies - that is, until Li Yao refutes them himself. I can only sing the praises of this story so much. Let me leave you with this. Once this story is fully translated, it will probably be my #1 favorite xianxia novel for ever. If you liked the novels "I Shall Seal The Heavens", "World Of Cultivation", "Avalon of Five Elements", and so on for their hilarious main characters, give this story a read - Li Yao is right up there with the best.

    1 の返信を表示する

    I think this is really good sci fi novel. The author really thought about the world building, explaining the cultivation world and the past events. The plot also isn't repetitive and the mc is pretty smart and wasn't shameless pervert assholes with overpowered power. The problem is the translation update kinda suck.

    2 の返信を表示する

    I've read up to chapter 84, approximately 1/5 of the chapters on offer at the current time of writing and I feel I can, therefore, give a reasonable review of this novel. If you cba to read the whole review, then I will simply say that this is your standard Chinese cultivation novel, with a new, albeit thin, coat of paint. One that you should give a try but that isn't a must read. This novel begins very interestingly. Giving a well-done description of the MCs living conditions, attitudes, world and all while making it interesting to read with its futuristic spin on cultivation society. This is short-lived, however. The story very quickly after the interesting first few chapters devolved into your standard novel with all the usual fare you've come to expect. The MC early on, after the interesting start to a potentially interesting world, is given generic Chinese novel MC plot contrivance number 006. In other words, the MC is given memories of an expert by AMAZING coincidence, which allows him to attain the talent to cultivate. This has been done in many other novels, where the MC is given either the memories or help of some expert to help them. Nothing new. From that point on this novel is just your very standard cultivation novel. Nothing of real note really. If you've been reading cultivation novels for as long as I have then you know what to expect. Honestly, this isn't that bad I suppose, because if you're on this site you probably like that style of story. The reason why this story in particular disappointed me is that from the opening I thought this story had to potential to break free from the norm and do something new and interesting. A slow-burning, world-building story, without a plot armor MC, who doesn't need insane luck and talent to be successful. I suppose my expectations were too high, but I was disappointed nonetheless. This is a trend I've found in most Chinese novels. It seems to be the idea that only through luck (destiny) or through having great inborn talent can you ever make something of yourself. I thought this might be different. With the MC climbing up from the bottom, with nothing but his hard work and determination, to prove all those talented young masters wrong! But... in the end, he just gets talent for cultivation thrown into his lap like most other novels. The story might trick you into thinking its unique but it isn't. All of these new and distinct roles for cultivators in modern cultivator civilization in the novel are, story-wise, functionally the same to cultivators in other novels, just with either a different name or different description. All of the characters and plot points are in no way unique to stuff done in other novels, maybe with a new paint job here and there, but nothing amazing. Another disappointing thing is the massive information dumps about the history and the world. A good world is built naturally, over time, through the everyday conversations, adventures, and observations of the characters. Not in very obvious plot contrivances which the author uses to dump information. This has been done twice so far, where it is quite obvious the writer just couldn't think of a better way to get across information, so he makes situations as an excuse to write paragraphs of background. He does do some gradual world development, such as when the MC was walking in the underground city, but the time spent on this is too little, with the author favoring dumps, although it's masked well in places. The translation itself is certainly sufficient to read but still has a fair few small errors here and there. Characters are extremely standard. Although the main characters mysterious dead teacher and his cute flying sword seem somewhat more interesting due to the questions surrounding them. In conclusion, this novel is ok. But that's it. If you were looking for something fresh and brand new to sink your teeth into then I would just keep looking. But if you're just looking for a decent novel to binge for a while then, by all means, go ahead and give this one a try. It is by no means bad, just for me, underwhelming so far.

    9 の返信を表示する

    An interesting and entertaining story ruined by an inconsistent translator. The update frequency says 7ch/week, but its more like 1ch/week if that. Hopefully someone more capable can take over and we'll see more consistent releases again.

    3 の返信を表示する

    Raw is already over 3000 chapter. Chapter release rate of translater is 10 chapter per week. It will take 6 years to catch-up with current raw. If you want my money than give us minimum 21 chapter a week.

    3 の返信を表示する

    Very good translation, the pacing is getting better. Overall very good read and it makes you want keep reading. Very good mix of cultivation with modern world. Please give it a try.

    0 の返信を表示する

    This is my favorite story here. I'm so happy it's getting such a steady updating schedule. The MC really makes you want to root for him as if his wins are your own

    11 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    L'histoire est très intéressante.on entre voie dans ce chapitre un future très prométeure. Bon courage au translator.je suis l'histoire depuis plusieurs à mois et je ne m'en lasse pas.

    3 の返信を表示する

    This is one of the best stories I've read on Qidian so far. It has a unique world and is built well. Also, vulture Li Yao is an excellent protagonist who doesn't fail to accomplish impossible feats. The bad guys are not 'dumb' and 'evil', not yet anyway. The backdrop of human-demon war is overused but the sci-fi parts more than make-up for it. The choice of the female lead (Tyrannosaur) is very interesting. Those who like cultivation novels will immediately feel at home and those who are searching for something new will also definitely like it. The release speed is also good so I highly recommend it.

    3 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    Could be fun to read, if i actually COULD read it. More than 600 locked chapters wich costs around 9 spirit stones a piece. It seems like this story was only released to make some spirit stones.

    3 の返信を表示する

    Its good stuff, sci-fi, humans vs aliens, military, its a mecha anime by a Chinese wuxia author.........................................................

    1 の返信を表示する

    Great Story with a great main character. the world building is vast and the story touches on all the different areas only problem was updates and the seems to be fixed

    0 の返信を表示する

    卷 1

    1. 1
      Artifact Graveyard 7 years ago
    2. 2
      Hologram Projector 7 years ago
    3. 3
      The Uncanny Dream 7 years ago
    4. 4
      Fiend Blade Peng Hai 7 years ago
    5. 5
      Exam Simulation 7 years ago
    6. 6
      The Great Dark Age 7 years ago
    7. 7
      Second's School Goddess 7 years ago
    8. 8
      Repairing a Crystal Processor 7 years ago
    9. 9
      Salted Fish and Shoes 7 years ago
    10. 10
      Possessed by a Ghost 7 years ago
    11. 11
      As if a Dream 7 years ago
    12. 12
      Ecstatic Enough to Fly 7 years ago
    13. 13
      Reincarnation of a Glutton 7 years ago
    14. 14
      Little Border of Hidden Lake 7 years ago
    15. 15
      Audacious 7 years ago
    16. 16
      One Strip of Sea Cucumber 7 years ago
    17. 17
      Aunty of the Ghost Market 7 years ago
    18. 18
      Strengthening Drug 7 years ago
    19. 19
      Militant Wolf Slayers 7 years ago
    20. 20
      A Man Doing Body Exercises 7 years ago
    21. 21
      Dividing Four By Zero 7 years ago
    22. 22
      Fed Until Satisfaction 7 years ago
    23. 23
      Eating Without Discrimination 7 years ago
    24. 24
      A Leap of Advancement 7 years ago
    25. 25
      The Iron Beast, A Storm Arrives 7 years ago
    26. 26
      Someone Fiercer Arrives 7 years ago
    27. 27
      Actually, He's the Fiercest 7 years ago
    28. 28
      Of Course He Needs to be Aggressive 7 years ago
    29. 29
      Fiend Blade Forger 7 years ago
    30. 30
      You Are So Arrogant~ 7 years ago
    31. 31
      I'm No Salted Fish! 7 years ago
    32. 32
      He's a Monster! 7 years ago
    33. 33
      A Night of Unbearable Pain 7 years ago
    34. 34
      A Savage Beast Emerges From its Cage 7 years ago
    35. 35
      The Hour of Intense Battle 7 years ago
    36. 36
      Li Yao Enters the Field! 7 years ago
    37. 37
      Treading Tiger Strike 7 Murdering-Hit Combo! 7 years ago
    38. 38
      Slaying the Way to Devil Dragon Island 7 years ago
    39. 39
      The World Of Cultivation, Is as Vast as the Skies and Seas! 7 years ago
    40. 40
      The Different Types of Cultivators 7 years ago
    41. 41
      The Flagship, The Distant Expanse! 7 years ago
    42. 42
      Rising Dragon of the Nine Stars! 7 years ago
    43. 43
      Sky Fantasia Academy 7 years ago
    44. 44
      A Collision of Essence Particles! 7 years ago
    45. 45
      Debating on the Grand Dao 7 years ago
    46. 46
      The Refiners’ Holy Land 7 years ago
    47. 47
      Ding Lingdang 7 years ago
    48. 48
      Invitation from Grand Desolate War Institution 7 years ago
    49. 49
      Small Ji, the Crystal Beast 7 years ago
    50. 50
      The Codes of an Refiners 7 years ago
    51. 51
      The Blades of Human Civilization! 7 years ago
    52. 52
      A Dense Fog and the Delusion Vine 7 years ago
    53. 53
      Instant Kill! 7 years ago
    54. 54
      Three Major Killing Weapons 7 years ago
    55. 55
      Trading Artifacts 7 years ago
    56. 56
      First in the Rankings! 7 years ago
    57. 57
      Three Options 7 years ago
    58. 58
      A Commander Appears 7 years ago
    59. 59
      Paralyzed! 7 years ago
    60. 60
      A Crazy Backdoor 7 years ago
    61. 61
      Where's Li Yao 7 years ago
    62. 62
      One Move Ahead 7 years ago
    63. 63
      Slaughtering Everything In Their Paths! 7 years ago
    64. 64
      A Torrential Storm Shower 7 years ago
    65. 65
      Ghost Dragon-7 7 years ago
    66. 66
      Demonic Blood Cannon 7 years ago
    67. 67
      The Armageddon Rebellion 7 years ago
    68. 68
      To Silence or Not 7 years ago
    69. 69
      The Tree of Memories 7 years ago
    70. 70
      Fiend Star Yao 7 years ago
    71. 71
      The Transformation of the Fiend Star Yao! 7 years ago
    72. 72
      A Lizard Transforming to a T-Rex 7 years ago
    73. 73
      Explosive Kill with One Shell 7 years ago
    74. 74
      Time and Tide Wait for No Man 7 years ago
    75. 75
      Abandoning All Civility 7 years ago
    76. 76
      A Hammer Decides 7 years ago
    77. 77
      The Scarlet Flame Queen 7 years ago
    78. 78
      The Wind Sweeps and Spreads the Clouds 7 years ago
    79. 79
      Sticking to His Dreams 7 years ago
    80. 80
      Idol! 7 years ago
    81. 81
      Fiend Blade’s Saber 7 years ago
    82. 82
      Small Grayfield 7 years ago
    83. 83
      Your’s is but a Cannon! 7 years ago
    84. 84
      Jumping to the Peak! 7 years ago
    85. 85
      Mining Clan High School 7 years ago
    86. 86
      School Bullying 7 years ago
    87. 87
      Eve of the College Entrance Examination 7 years ago
    88. 88
      I Have Decided! 7 years ago
    89. 89
      College Entrance Examination Champion! 7 years ago
    90. 90
      Breaking News 7 years ago
    91. 91
      Where is the Champion of the College Entrance Examination? 7 years ago
    92. 92
      From out the Boiler Room Came the Champion! 7 years ago
    93. 93
      Igniting the Whole City 7 years ago
    94. 94
      Worst Situation! 7 years ago
    95. 95
      The War over the Genius 7 years ago
    96. 96
      The Final Decision 7 years ago
    97. 97
      The Farce and the Miracle 7 years ago

    卷 2

    1. 98
      Taking the First Step 7 years ago
    2. 99
      Remote Reaches 7 years ago
    3. 100
      The King of Metal Forging 7 years ago
    4. 101
      Virtuosic 7 years ago
    5. 102
      The Final Stretch 7 years ago
    6. 103
      Towers of Bones 7 years ago
    7. 104
      Meeting with an Old Senior 7 years ago
    8. 105
      Sworn Duty of a Cultivator 7 years ago
    9. 106
      Thunderstorm 7 years ago
    10. 107
      Scarlet Calamity 7 years ago
    11. 108
      Lightning-like Pair of Hands 7 years ago
    12. 109
      Taiyi Lightning Railgun! 7 years ago
    13. 110
      Thunderstorm! 7 years ago
    14. 111
      Who are the Cultivators? 7 years ago
    15. 112
      Cultivators Are Here! 7 years ago
    16. 113
      Drawing the Sword 7 years ago
    17. 114
      Volcanic Eruption 7 years ago
    18. 115
      New World 7 years ago
    19. 116
      The Bottom Line of Civilization 7 years ago
    20. 117
      Lingering Souls of Heroes 7 years ago
    21. 118
      Heaven Origin Cultivators' Nexus 7 years ago
    22. 119
      Sensational News 7 years ago
    23. 120
      Foundation of Cultivation 7 years ago
    24. 121
      Full Speed Ahead! 7 years ago
    25. 122
      The Flying Sword is Also Crazy! 7 years ago
    26. 123
      Little Bluebird 7 years ago
    27. 124
      Big Battle Formation 7 years ago
    28. 125
      An Overbearing Apology 7 years ago
    29. 126
      Heavenly Refining Tower 7 years ago
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      Wasteland's Wild Waves 7 years ago
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      Chaos Edge and Iron Fist 7 years ago
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      We are Unorthodox? 7 years ago
    33. 130
      Project Mystic Skeleton 7 years ago
    34. 131
      King of Magical Equipment 7 years ago
    35. 132
      Mass-Production Storm 7 years ago
    36. 133
      Skeleton of a War God 7 years ago
    37. 134
      Supernova 7 years ago
    38. 135
      Determine Your Fate on Your Own! 7 years ago
    39. 136
      Eldest Senior Brother and the President 7 years ago
    40. 137
      Legend… Start! 7 years ago
    41. 138
      I Will Steamroll You One by One 7 years ago
    42. 139
      The Ability to Play a Pig to Eat the Tiger 7 years ago
    43. 140
      10:1 7 years ago
    44. 141
      Sleeping Can Also Turn You Into God 7 years ago
    45. 142
      Fire and Ice 7 years ago
    46. 143
      Four Experts? Explode for me! 7 years ago
    47. 144
      Immortal Cultivators 7 years ago
    48. 145
      First Generation Tai'e Crafting Furnace 7 years ago
    49. 146
      Super Perceptive State! 7 years ago
    50. 147
      The Miraculous Moment 7 years ago
    51. 148
      Professors, Please Give Me Some Pointers! 7 years ago
    52. 149
      Young Man, I Have High Hopes For You! 7 years ago
    53. 150
      Armadominus 7 years ago
    54. 151
      Building Foundation Egg 7 years ago
    55. 152
      You Are a Glass Jaw 7 years ago
    56. 153
      Falcon King Soaring Into the Sky in One Leap 7 years ago
    57. 154
      As Though Two Completely Different People 7 years ago
    58. 155
      Thousand Tempering Hundred Refining 7 years ago
    59. 156
      I Am Going to Bully You as I Wish 7 years ago
    60. 157
      Arrival of a Group of High School Students 7 years ago
    61. 158
      The Three Treasures of the Grand Desolate War Institution 7 years ago
    62. 159
      The Monster within a Jungle of Steel 7 years ago
    63. 160
      Tit For Tat 7 years ago
    64. 161
      A Showdown Between Refiners 7 years ago
    65. 162
      Supersonic Collision! 7 years ago
    66. 163
      Seven Layered Heavens, Hidden Dragon Scales! 7 years ago
    67. 164
      The Fiend Star Appears! Nine Star Explosion! 7 years ago
    68. 165
      Armory 7 years ago
    69. 166
      The Fierce Battle of Verdant Tarn City 7 years ago
    70. 167
      Levels of Demon Beasts 7 years ago
    71. 168
      He’s Dead Weight! 7 years ago
    72. 169
      Death Squad 7 years ago
    73. 170
      The First Battle 7 years ago
    74. 171
      Super Shocking Firepower 7 years ago
    75. 172
      The Blood Lotus Slowly Blossoms 7 years ago
    76. 173
      Main Competitive Strength 7 years ago
    77. 174
      Li Yao's Transformation 7 years ago
    78. 175
      Heavy Artillery and Insane Saber! 7 years ago
    79. 176
      Let’s Do It Big! 7 years ago
    80. 177
      So You're That Monstrous Genius? 7 years ago
    81. 178
      Killing Their Way Into the Financial District 7 years ago
    82. 179
      Fearsome Gun Fighting Technique 7 years ago
    83. 180
      Thunder Palm 7 years ago
    84. 181
      Demon General! 7 years ago
    85. 182
      The Bravest One Wins! 7 years ago
    86. 183
      Want to Kill Me? Taste The Hellfire-Lightning! 7 years ago
    87. 184
      Total Victory 7 years ago
    88. 185
      Lawful Punishment 7 years ago
    89. 186
      The End of Hunters 6 years ago
    90. 187
      Lone Hunter 6 years ago
    91. 188
      Hunting Efficiency 6 years ago
    92. 189
      Self-Crafting a Magical Equipment! 6 years ago
    93. 190
      Just Out of the Furnace! 6 years ago
    94. 191
      This Magical Equipment is Somewhat Interesting 6 years ago
    95. 192
      30,000 Credits! 6 years ago
    96. 193
      One Against Two Thousand? 6 years ago
    97. 194
      Impossible Misson 6 years ago
    98. 195
      Escape 6 years ago
    99. 196
      Eliminate Li Yao First! 6 years ago
    100. 197
      Can He Fly to the High Heavens? 6 years ago
    101. 198
      If You Want to Kill Me, Let's Die Together! 6 years ago
    102. 199
      Daggers Drawn 6 years ago
    103. 200
      Ambush on All Sides 6 years ago
    104. 201
      Final Plan 6 years ago
    105. 202
      Three Jade Chips? 6 years ago
    106. 203
      Final Winner 6 years ago
    107. 204
      The Invitation of Long Wenhui 6 years ago
    108. 205
      The World Is So Big 6 years ago
    109. 206
      Doesn't Know What's Good For Himself 6 years ago
    110. 207
      The Best Partner 6 years ago
    111. 208
      The Most Special Examination Hall 6 years ago
    112. 209
      The Tenth Star, Jiang Shaoyang! 6 years ago
    113. 210
      I'm a Genius 6 years ago
    114. 211
      Toothpick War! 6 years ago
    115. 212
      Contest Between a Monster and Another Monster 6 years ago
    116. 213
      Soaring Will to Fight 6 years ago
    117. 214
      A Test Filled With Traps 6 years ago
    118. 215
      What in the Bloody Hell is That! 6 years ago
    119. 216
      It's a Tyrant 6 years ago
    120. 217
      Isn't This Too Brutal? 6 years ago
    121. 218
      The Tarantula vs the Wolf King 6 years ago
    122. 219
      Can't Touch Its Ass 6 years ago
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      The Gruesome Battle 6 years ago
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      Different Roads 6 years ago
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      The Birth of the Sun 6 years ago
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      Invisible Peak 6 years ago
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      The Future Road 6 years ago
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      Ding Lingdang's Secret 6 years ago
    129. 226
      I Will Protect You 6 years ago
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      Rebirth of the Mystic Skeleton 6 years ago
    131. 228
      You Will Wear the Suit! 6 years ago
    132. 229
      Death Training Camp 6 years ago
    133. 230
      Chief Instructor's Got His Eyes on You 6 years ago
    134. 231
      Crystal Suit First Experience 6 years ago
    135. 232
      Pushed It Too Hard 6 years ago
    136. 233
      Astonished Training Planner 6 years ago
    137. 234
      No. 100 6 years ago
    138. 235
      Training in the Crystal Suits Graveyard 6 years ago
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      Seven Ways to Hide Edge 6 years ago
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      Ecstasy 6 years ago
    141. 238
      The King of Crystal Suits 6 years ago
    142. 239
      Stars Falling on My Head 6 years ago
    143. 240
      Way Too Presumptuous 6 years ago
    144. 241
      Steel V.S. Steel 6 years ago
    145. 242
      Fatal Gap 6 years ago
    146. 243
      A Training Camp Named Universe 6 years ago
    147. 244
      Slashing My Way Forward 6 years ago
    148. 245
      Second Match, Begin! 6 years ago
    149. 246
      Double Hunting 6 years ago
    150. 247
      Perish Together? 6 years ago
    151. 248
      Dark Desolate Domain 6 years ago
    152. 249
      Vast Universe and Silver-blood Demons 6 years ago
    153. 250
      Crazy Digestion 6 years ago
    154. 251
      Arrival of Enemies 6 years ago
    155. 252
      Blood Hand and Night Owl 6 years ago
    156. 253
      Two Demon Generals? Die Now! 6 years ago
    157. 254
      Strong Desire to Survive 6 years ago
    158. 255
      The Soul Stealer and the Lion Dragon Demon 6 years ago
    159. 256
      Hidden Dragon Bombards the Sky 6 years ago
    160. 257
      Super Pressure, Brand New Self! 6 years ago
    161. 258
      Home with Windfalls 6 years ago
    162. 259
      Magnificent Era to Come 6 years ago
    163. 260
      Main Battlesuit Calls for Bids 6 years ago
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      Godlike Man 6 years ago
    165. 262
      Tale of Time 6 years ago
    166. 263
      Fiend Star Refining Workshop 6 years ago
    167. 264
      Three Magical Equipment Magazines 6 years ago
    168. 265
      Fight a Shark 6 years ago
    169. 266
      Laws of the Outlaws 6 years ago
    170. 267
      First Bucket of Gold 6 years ago
    171. 268
      The Unknown and the Defective 6 years ago
    172. 269
      Invisible Bug 6 years ago
    173. 270
      Black Worm 6 years ago
    174. 271
      Long Time No See, Old Friend 6 years ago
    175. 272
      A Track Worth Over a Hundred Million 6 years ago
    176. 273
      Sweeping Stones 6 years ago
    177. 274
      Solar Eclipse 6 years ago
    178. 275
      Brutal ALKAID 6 years ago
    179. 276
      Windchaser 6 years ago
    180. 277
      Unbreakable Record 6 years ago
    181. 278
      Secret Treasure and Marrow Crystal 6 years ago
    182. 279
      Mutation of Little Black 6 years ago
    183. 280
      Neltharion 6 years ago
    184. 281
      Shareholder 6 years ago
    185. 282
      Operations Director 6 years ago
    186. 283
      Mountain Sea Sect's Choice 6 years ago
    187. 284
      On Fire! 6 years ago
    188. 285
      Advertisement 6 years ago
    189. 286
      Demon Beast Detector, Young Pioneer Version 6 years ago
    190. 287
      Unstoppable 6 years ago
    191. 288
      Heavy Bomb 6 years ago
    192. 289
      Invincible Opponent 6 years ago
    193. 290
      Total Disregard 6 years ago
    194. 291
      Crucial Question 6 years ago
    195. 292
      Phantom Entities 6 years ago
    196. 293
      Let's Fight Side by Side! 6 years ago
    197. 294
      Amazing Idea 6 years ago
    198. 295
      Mournful Mist and Sword Torrent 6 years ago
    199. 296
      Birth of the Mystic Skeleton 6 years ago
    200. 297
      Extreme Tests 6 years ago
    201. 298
      Fight Lingdang 6 years ago
    202. 299
      I Love You 6 years ago
    203. 300
      Magical Equipment Exposition 6 years ago
    204. 301
      Twenty Years Later 6 years ago
    205. 302
      Better Life 6 years ago
    206. 303
      Sea of Stars 6 years ago
    207. 304
      Foggy Booth 6 years ago
    208. 305
      Grand Entrance 6 years ago
    209. 306
      Seafood Fried Rice and Egg Fried Rice 6 years ago
    210. 307
      Face Slapping! 6 years ago
    211. 308
      Magical Equipment Purchaser 6 years ago
    212. 309
      Shopping Around 6 years ago
    213. 310
      First Deal 6 years ago
    214. 311
      Deadly Flaw 6 years ago
    215. 312
      700°C Battleground 6 years ago
    216. 313
      Explosion-reacting Plate Armor 6 years ago
    217. 314
      Men of the Military 6 years ago
    218. 315
      One-on-one Clash 6 years ago
    219. 316
      Flying Crystal Racing 6 years ago
    220. 317
      Match in Lightning 6 years ago
    221. 318
      Rush Hour! 6 years ago
    222. 319
      Rise From Ashes! 6 years ago
    223. 320
      Your Opponent Is a Warship! 6 years ago
    224. 321
      Evening Glow Warship 6 years ago
    225. 322
      Railguns and Warships, Invincible Partners! 6 years ago
    226. 323
      Magnificent Warship Connoisseur 6 years ago
    227. 324
      Narrow Escape 6 years ago
    228. 325
      Imposing Demonstration 6 years ago
    229. 326
      Merciless Counterattack 6 years ago
    230. 327
      Unexpected Return 6 years ago
    231. 328
      Capture a Crystal Warship! 6 years ago
    232. 329
      Let's Burn, Phoenix! 6 years ago
    233. 330
      Close Combat 6 years ago
    234. 331
      Gotcha! 6 years ago
    235. 332
      Cicada Out of Ecdysis 6 years ago
    236. 333
      Jiang Sheng's Expectation 6 years ago
    237. 334
      Unrestricted Warfare 6 years ago
    238. 335
      Occult Orbs Fellowship 6 years ago
    239. 336
      Children of Occult Orbs 6 years ago
    240. 337
      Let's Do It! 6 years ago
    241. 338
      Peak of Refinement Stage 6 years ago
    242. 339
      First-degree State of War 6 years ago
    243. 340
      Against the Current 6 years ago
    244. 341
      Mission 6 years ago
    245. 342
      Assault 6 years ago
    246. 343
      Intensified Spiritual Blast! 6 years ago
    247. 344
      Expert Demon? Fire In Your Face! 6 years ago
    248. 345
      Blood Saber! 6 years ago
    249. 346
      Dangerous Blood Saber Stealing 6 years ago
    250. 347
      Nascent Soul and Black Ocean 6 years ago
    251. 348
      Building Foundation! 6 years ago
    252. 349
      Breakthrough and Harvest! 6 years ago
    253. 350
      Hope and Vigor! 6 years ago
    254. 351
      It Was You, Li Yao! 6 years ago
    255. 352
      Boiled Blood Wind Slashing Saber 6 years ago
    256. 353
      Live Short and Prosper 6 years ago
    257. 354
      My Experts from the Star 6 years ago
    258. 355
      Stellar Magical Equipment 6 years ago
    259. 356
      Incomparable Benefits 6 years ago
    260. 357
      Orb Patrollers, Empyreal Star City 6 years ago
    261. 358
      Inexplicable Hostility 6 years ago
    262. 359
      Really Not Your Fault 6 years ago
    263. 360
      Appetizer 6 years ago
    264. 361
      Duel of Dignity 6 years ago
    265. 362
      Return of the Witch 6 years ago
    266. 363
      Burning Tank 6 years ago
    267. 364
      Team Blue Bronze's Invitation 6 years ago
    268. 365
      Monsters 6 years ago
    269. 366
      Terrifying Couple 6 years ago
    270. 367
      Key to Victory 6 years ago
    271. 368
      Heaven's Artillery 6 years ago
    272. 369
      Seed Explosion State 6 years ago
    273. 370
      Obliterating 6 years ago
    274. 371
      End Of Practice, Ready For Battle! 6 years ago
    275. 372
      Target: Mystic Glacier 6 years ago
    276. 373
      Shattering the Void 6 years ago
    277. 374
      Ancient Battleground 6 years ago
    278. 375
      Lonely Flying Sword 6 years ago
    279. 376
      Devastating Icy Revenants 6 years ago
    280. 377
      Assault in Firn 6 years ago
    281. 378
      Deadly Fog 6 years ago
    282. 379
      Harvest 6 years ago
    283. 380
      Center of Attention 6 years ago
    284. 381
      Eggs and Fossils 6 years ago
    285. 382
      Top of the Rank of Stars! 6 years ago
    286. 383
      Flash Claw, New Treasure 6 years ago
    287. 384
      Stars to Destroy List 6 years ago
    288. 385
      Ghost Ocean, Fearsome Kraken 6 years ago
    289. 386
      Slaying a Deadly Demon 6 years ago
    290. 387
      Temple of Fallen Stars 6 years ago
    291. 388
      Best Warriors, Three Nascent Souls! 6 years ago
    292. 389
      My Cup of Tea 6 years ago
    293. 390
      Astonished Nascent Souls 6 years ago
    294. 391
      Primeval Force! 6 years ago
    295. 392
      A Month of Absorption! 6 years ago
    296. 393
      Final Competition 6 years ago
    297. 394
      Central Zone 6 years ago
    298. 395
      Who's the Best? 6 years ago
    299. 396
      Success! 6 years ago
    300. 397
      Last Defense Line 6 years ago
    301. 398
      Blazing Hydra, Immortal Phoenix 6 years ago
    302. 399
      Hometown 6 years ago
    303. 400
      New Generation 6 years ago
    304. 401
      Best Friend 6 years ago
    305. 402
      Heaven's Artillery, Launch! 6 years ago
    306. 403
      Interstellar 6 years ago
    307. 404
      Natural Paradise? 6 years ago
    308. 405
      Tide Rises Like Spears 6 years ago
    309. 406
      What a Formidable Being! 6 years ago
    310. 407
      6,600 Meters Underground 6 years ago
    311. 408
      Frightening Silver Lake 6 years ago
    312. 409
      All Looted! 6 years ago
    313. 410
      Skeleton Dragon! 6 years ago
    314. 411
      Underground Ocean, Undersea Town! 6 years ago
    315. 412
      Super Green Acid Cannon! 6 years ago
    316. 413
      Formidable Beasts! 6 years ago
    317. 414
      Left For Dead! 6 years ago
    318. 415
      Soaring Killing Intent! 6 years ago
    319. 416
      Spectral Cultivator from 7,000 Years Ago! 6 years ago
    320. 417
      This Is a Trap! 6 years ago
    321. 418
      Underground Stories! 6 years ago
    322. 419
      What Is Dead May Never Die! 6 years ago
    323. 420
      New Captain, Li Yao of the Heaven's Origin 6 years ago
    324. 421
      Sparkle, Awakened! 6 years ago
    325. 422
      You Can Even Sail a Starship? 6 years ago
    326. 423
      Vulture Unchained! 6 years ago
    327. 424
      Begin the Slaughter! 6 years ago
    328. 425
      Ares Reincarnated! 6 years ago
    329. 426
      Killing Spree! 6 years ago
    330. 427
      Ancient Demon 6 years ago
    331. 428
      Preternatural Horror! 6 years ago
    332. 429
      Desperate? Definitely Not! 6 years ago
    333. 430
      One Minute! 6 years ago
    334. 431
      Spiral Thrusting! 6 years ago
    335. 432
      Li Yao's Choice 6 years ago
    336. 433
      Resounding Hero 6 years ago
    337. 434
      Challenge the Storm 6 years ago
    338. 435
      No Longer Alone 6 years ago
    339. 436
      Star Spirits 6 years ago
    340. 437
      Stride Forward! 6 years ago
    341. 438
      Go Forth, Sparkle! (End of Volume I) 6 years ago
    342. 439
      Splendid Universe 6 years ago
    343. 440
      First Contact 6 years ago
    344. 441
      Flying Star Sector 6 years ago
    345. 442
      Chaotic Constellation 6 years ago
    346. 443
      Heavenly Saints City 6 years ago
    347. 444
      Skill Card 6 years ago
    348. 445
      Kermis Visiting 6 years ago
    349. 446
      News Store 6 years ago
    350. 447
      Incoming Space Pirates! 6 years ago
    351. 448
      Storm Prison 6 years ago
    352. 449
      Sneaking In 6 years ago
    353. 450
      Rabid Dogs 6 years ago
    354. 451
      Spare My Life, Senior! 6 years ago
    355. 452
      Ten Seconds To Go! 6 years ago
    356. 453
      Great Horn Exo Society! 6 years ago
    357. 454
      Noodle Man! 6 years ago
    358. 455
      Joining Great Horn 6 years ago
    359. 456
      Rudimental Work 6 years ago
    360. 457
      Dominator of Darkness 6 years ago
    361. 458
      Appalling Expert! 6 years ago
    362. 459
      Stormy Sword, Cut Your Throat! 6 years ago
    363. 460
      Game of Spear and Shield 6 years ago
    364. 461
      Simulated Test 6 years ago
    365. 462
      Spiritual Shield Generator 6 years ago
    366. 463
      Dim Flame Belt 6 years ago
    367. 464
      True Fusion, Space Swirl! 6 years ago
    368. 465
      Leopard Jumping at the Sun! 6 years ago
    369. 466
      Quenching Thirst with Poison, Breakthrough in the Space Swirl! 6 years ago
    370. 467
      Cultivator or Immortal Cultivator? 6 years ago
    371. 468
      Fengyu Zhong's Fury 6 years ago
    372. 469
      The Weakest 6 years ago
    373. 470
      Transfer System 6 years ago
    374. 471
      Different Ideologies 6 years ago
    375. 472
      World of Crystal Suits 6 years ago
    376. 473
      Glimmers 6 years ago
    377. 474
      Flying Sword Expert 6 years ago
    378. 475
      Just Who Might You Be? 6 years ago
    379. 476
      Matching Zone 6 years ago
    380. 477
      Fighting in Ice Ocean 6 years ago
    381. 478
      Is This Possible? 6 years ago
    382. 479
      Where Dreams Come True 6 years ago
    383. 480
      Skyhill Sword Seminar 6 years ago
    384. 481
      Noble Families of Refining 6 years ago
    385. 482
      Every Party Has an Ending 6 years ago
    386. 483
      Bai Kaixin's Secret 6 years ago
    387. 484
      Arriving in Skyhill 6 years ago
    388. 485
      Unfamiliar Guest 6 years ago
    389. 486
      Sword Tasting Get Together 6 years ago
    390. 487
      I Admit My Failure 6 years ago
    391. 488
      Such Training! Such Technique! 6 years ago
    392. 489
      Dumbfounded 6 years ago
    393. 490
      Starved 6 years ago
    394. 491
      Thumbs 6 years ago
    395. 492
      Butcher's Cleavers 6 years ago
    396. 493
      Hitting the Cow Past the Mountain! 6 years ago
    397. 494
      Sweet and Satisfying! 6 years ago
    398. 495
      Two Surpassing All! 6 years ago
    399. 496
      Which Li Family? 6 years ago
    400. 497
      Behind a Genius 6 years ago
    401. 498
      Vicious Rules 6 years ago
    402. 499
      Comeback 6 years ago
    403. 500
      Handmade Chip 6 years ago
    404. 501
      Edgeless Sword, Blood Dragon Tooth! 6 years ago
    405. 502
      Critical Strike! 6 years ago
    406. 503
      Best Explanation 6 years ago
    407. 504
      Spider's Thorn 6 years ago
    408. 505
      Eleven Fingers 6 years ago
    409. 506
      Inhuman 6 years ago
    410. 507
      The Temple of Immortals 6 years ago
    411. 508
      Secrets After Secrets 6 years ago
    412. 509
      Great Era of Chaos 6 years ago
    413. 510
      Ants and Monkey 6 years ago
    414. 511
      Super Explosion Expert 6 years ago
    415. 512
      Great Bargain 6 years ago
    416. 513
      Master Li Yao, We Are Here for You! 6 years ago
    417. 514
      Malicious Li Yao 6 years ago
    418. 515
      Natural-born Immortal Cultivator! 6 years ago
    419. 516
      Chopping Hands 6 years ago
    420. 517
      Sword Seminar in Space 6 years ago
    421. 518
      As Venomous as Viper 6 years ago
    422. 519
      Sparks in Darkness 6 years ago
    423. 520
      Let's Fight! 6 years ago
    424. 521
      Boom! 6 years ago
    425. 522
      Kill When He Must 6 years ago
    426. 523
      I Admit My Failure, Master 6 years ago
    427. 524
      Karma 6 years ago
    428. 525
      New Scheme 6 years ago
    429. 526
      Scaring Everyone 6 years ago
    430. 527
      Bleeding Space 6 years ago
    431. 528
      Fengyu Zhong's Senses 6 years ago
    432. 529
      Such a Fool 6 years ago
    433. 530
      Another Scheme 6 years ago
    434. 531
      Unbelievable Luck 6 years ago
    435. 532
      You Will Regret It 6 years ago
    436. 533
      Fury of Core Formation 6 years ago
    437. 534
      Great Horn's Decision 6 years ago
    438. 535
      Planetary Rings 6 years ago
    439. 536
      Space Steles 6 years ago
    440. 537
      Desperadoes 6 years ago
    441. 538
      Bloody Cloak! 6 years ago
    442. 539
      Slaughterhouse in Space 6 years ago
    443. 540
      Devil's Cry 6 years ago
    444. 541
      A Hundred Times Crazier! 6 years ago
    445. 542
      Homecoming 6 years ago
    446. 543
      White-Haired Gun King 6 years ago
    447. 544
      I Need You! 6 years ago
    448. 545
      He Is Asking to Be Killed 6 years ago
    449. 546
      Rough Iron Plateau 6 years ago
    450. 547
      Path to Core Formation 6 years ago
    451. 548
      Appearance of Qi-trainers! 6 years ago
    452. 549
      First Interaction! 6 years ago
    453. 550
      Invincible in the Refinement Stage 6 years ago
    454. 551
      Resonation! Resonation! 6 years ago
    455. 552
      Plan B, Initiated! 6 years ago
    456. 553
      Teenager of Furious Bear 6 years ago
    457. 554
      Defend the Savageness 6 years ago
    458. 555
      Test Passed? 6 years ago
    459. 556
      Unnegotiable 6 years ago
    460. 557
      Choices Five Thousand Years Ago 6 years ago
    461. 558
      God Slaying! 6 years ago
    462. 559
      Born in Iron Plateau, Die in Iron Plateau! 6 years ago
    463. 560
      Eggs of Apocalypse 6 years ago
    464. 561
      Superlative Height 6 years ago
    465. 562
      Wu Mayan 6 years ago
    466. 563
      True Qi Container 6 years ago
    467. 564
      Sonic Sword, Wolf Fang! 6 years ago
    468. 565
      Clash of Thunder and Lightning! 6 years ago
    469. 566
      Temple of Techniques 6 years ago
    470. 567
      A Thousand Bridge Veins! 6 years ago
    471. 568
      Does It Not Hurt? 6 years ago
    472. 569
      Titan Warriors 6 years ago
    473. 570
      Heritage of Fighting Will! 6 years ago
    474. 571
      Li Yao's New Technique 6 years ago
    475. 572
      Unbelievable Craziness! 6 years ago
    476. 573
      Sky Scorpion Armor 6 years ago
    477. 574
      Tail Turning! 6 years ago
    478. 575
      One Punch Is Enough! 6 years ago
    479. 576
      Charging at the Apocalypse! 6 years ago
    480. 577
      Six Tribes Gathered! 6 years ago
    481. 578
      Showing Off! 6 years ago
    482. 579
      Challenging the Apocalypse! 6 years ago
    483. 580
      Manic Warriors! 6 years ago
    484. 581
      Unstoppable! 6 years ago
    485. 582
      One Fist and One Sword! 6 years ago
    486. 583
      Calamity Level! 6 years ago
    487. 584
      Slaying the Calamity 6 years ago
    488. 585
      Best Warrior of Iron Plateau! 6 years ago
    489. 586
      Victory Ceremony! 6 years ago
    490. 587
      Banished! 6 years ago
    491. 588
      Reincarnation! 6 years ago
    492. 589
      Swallow or Be Swallowed 6 years ago
    493. 590
      If Not Me, Who? 6 years ago
    494. 591
      Oasis Plan! 6 years ago
    495. 592
      Weird Chief 6 years ago
    496. 593
      Everybody's Got a Secret 6 years ago
    497. 594
      Shocking News! 6 years ago
    498. 595
      Beside the Black Tooth River 6 years ago
    499. 596
      Truth Cabinet 6 years ago
    500. 597
      Too Exaggerated 6 years ago
    501. 598
      Monstrous Deduction 6 years ago
    502. 599
      Point of No Return! 6 years ago
    503. 600
      Warrior's Wrath! 6 years ago
    504. 601
      Start a War! 6 years ago
    505. 602
      Beginning of the War! 6 years ago
    506. 603
      Apocalyptic Extension! 6 years ago
    507. 604
      Eerie Temple 6 years ago
    508. 605
      The Other Side of the Scheme 6 years ago
    509. 606
      Tank of the Burning Sun Tribe 6 years ago
    510. 607
      Rush Hour 6 years ago
    511. 608
      You Are a Space Resident! 6 years ago
    512. 609
      Joining Hands! 6 years ago
    513. 610
      Great Horn Again! 6 years ago
    514. 611
      Imminent Peril 6 years ago
    515. 612
      Let's Talk Nicely! 6 years ago
    516. 613
      Truth… Is Out? 6 years ago
    517. 614
      Tell You… Honestly? 6 years ago
    518. 615
      Mysterious Origin 6 years ago
    519. 616
      One Question! 6 years ago
    520. 617
      Yan Chifeng's Ambition! 6 years ago
    521. 618
      Thunderous Roar Roars! 6 years ago
    522. 619
      Breaking the Death Curse! 6 years ago
    523. 620
      The Real Player! 6 years ago
    524. 621
      Mountain King! 6 years ago
    525. 622
      Best Versus Best! 6 years ago
    526. 623
      Mysteries Behind the Blood Stripes 6 years ago
    527. 624
      Bloody Evolution! 6 years ago
    528. 625
      Yan Xibei's Counterattack! 5 years ago
    529. 626
      Melding Completed! 5 years ago
    530. 627
      Great Path of Immortality! 5 years ago
    531. 628
      Make a Road, Set a Fire! 5 years ago
    532. 629
      Strongest Strike! 5 years ago
    533. 630
      Make a Legend! 5 years ago
    534. 631
      Simmer! Superlative! 5 years ago
    535. 632
      Underground Changes! 5 years ago
    536. 633
      Doom of the Foreign Blood 5 years ago
    537. 634
      Ultimate Core! 5 years ago
    538. 635
      Father Xiong's Father 5 years ago
    539. 636
      Will You Practice the Technique? 5 years ago
    540. 637
      Invincible in Iron Plateau! 5 years ago
    541. 638
      Perfect Solution! 5 years ago
    542. 639
      Ridiculous Appointment! 5 years ago
    543. 640
      Magnate of the Magnates 5 years ago
    544. 641
      He Will Not Be Easy to Deal With 5 years ago
    545. 642
      Glorious Sunlight Group 5 years ago
    546. 643
      Welcome Gift! 5 years ago
    547. 644
      Your Fists Are Too Strong 5 years ago
    548. 645
      A Real Master 5 years ago
    549. 646
      Chain Gun? 5 years ago
    550. 647
      Ares Laboratory 5 years ago
    551. 648
      Tortoise and Snake Locking the Mountain 5 years ago
    552. 649
      Edge Sharpeners' Meeting 5 years ago
    553. 650
      Little Dummy 5 years ago
    554. 651
      Something Weird 5 years ago
    555. 652
      Half a Year Later 5 years ago
    556. 653
      Principle of Eating 5 years ago
    557. 654
      Master Is Back 5 years ago
    558. 655
      Hard and Soft, the Unparalleled Extension 5 years ago
    559. 656
      Unparalleled Desperation! 5 years ago
    560. 657
      Core Technology Holder 5 years ago
    561. 658
      I Need a Sandbag 5 years ago
    562. 659
      Air Change! 5 years ago
    563. 660
      Invincible Man! 5 years ago
    564. 661
      Arriving in Cross Wind 5 years ago
    565. 662
      I Like to Keep a Low Profile 5 years ago
    566. 663
      Almost Mentally Deranged 5 years ago
    567. 664
      Strengthened Mystic Skeleton 5 years ago
    568. 665
      Cultivation Bond 5 years ago
    569. 666
      High Risks, High Returns! 5 years ago
    570. 667
      Edge Sharpeners' Meeting Begins! 5 years ago
    571. 668
      I Want a Master! 5 years ago
    572. 669
      A Great Joke 5 years ago
    573. 670
      Super Advanced Core Component 5 years ago
    574. 671
      Why Are You Crying? 5 years ago
    575. 672
      The Spirits of Ancient Refiners 5 years ago
    576. 673
      Dividing Gold Splitting Jade, Nine Dragons On Body! 5 years ago
    577. 674
      Star Basher, Divine Anvil! 5 years ago
    578. 675
      The Best Master! 5 years ago
    579. 676
      Planet V.S. Planet! 5 years ago
    580. 677
      Ice God Clash! 5 years ago
    581. 678
      Xiao Xuance's Proposal! 5 years ago
    582. 679
      Grand Illusionary Legion! 5 years ago
    583. 680
      Next Millennium 5 years ago
    584. 681
      How Did You Know? 5 years ago
    585. 682
      The Mist Plan 5 years ago
    586. 683
      Genius and Mentally Retarded 5 years ago
    587. 684
      Unresolvable Conundrum 5 years ago
    588. 685
      Better Be a Thief 5 years ago
    589. 686
      Brain Concussion Plan 5 years ago
    590. 687
      The Real Game! 5 years ago
    591. 688
      War of the Nascent Soul Stage 5 years ago
    592. 689
      Minor Test 5 years ago
    593. 690
      Death of Apollo 5 years ago
    594. 691
      Arrival 5 years ago
    595. 692
      Enough Is Enough! 5 years ago
    596. 693
      Heroes After Death 5 years ago
    597. 694
      Battlefield of Extraterrestrial Devils 5 years ago
    598. 695
      Devilized People 5 years ago
    599. 696
      Devils' Altar 5 years ago
    600. 697
      Slaying a Nascent Soul 5 years ago
    601. 698
      Worth a Try! 5 years ago
    602. 699
      Let the Vulture's Game Begin! 5 years ago
    603. 700
      Assassination and Assassination 5 years ago
    604. 701
      Trump Card and Trump Card 5 years ago
    605. 702
      Feathered Dragon Saber 5 years ago
    606. 703
      You May Die Now 5 years ago
    607. 704
      End of the First War 5 years ago
    608. 705
      Death of Sand Scorpion 5 years ago
    609. 706
      New Era 5 years ago
    610. 707
      Undercurrents Everywhere 5 years ago
    611. 708
      Reborn in a Labyrinth 5 years ago
    612. 709
      Rules of Darkness 5 years ago
    613. 710
      Man of the Time 5 years ago
    614. 711
      Two Tigers on One Mountain 5 years ago
    615. 712
      Bai Xinghe's Charisma! 5 years ago
    616. 713
      Buy Me, Sell Me 5 years ago
    617. 714
      Carrot and Stick 5 years ago
    618. 715
      Spider Den 5 years ago
    619. 716
      Black Market of Silver Wing 5 years ago
    620. 717
      Fake It Until You Make It! 5 years ago
    621. 718
      You Know Too Much 5 years ago
    622. 719
      Bite the Bait 5 years ago
    623. 720
      Progressive Concession 5 years ago
    624. 721
      No Innocent Souls Under My Saber! 5 years ago
    625. 722
      Li Yao's Methods 5 years ago
    626. 723
      Terror Bomb 5 years ago
    627. 724
      Four Brutal Bandits 5 years ago
    628. 725
      Fengyu Zhong's Promises 5 years ago
    629. 726
      Bai Wulei 5 years ago
    630. 727
      Full-Blown War! 5 years ago
    631. 728
      Hunt Bai Xinghe! 5 years ago
    632. 729
      Ambushes on All Sides 5 years ago
    633. 730
      Broken Hand 5 years ago
    634. 731
      Three Purposes 5 years ago
    635. 732
      Mutual Deterrence 5 years ago
    636. 733
      Great Array of Gold Threads! 5 years ago
    637. 734
      Surging Nether River 5 years ago
    638. 735
      Palace of Stars 5 years ago
    639. 736
      Mutual Deterrence Is Broken! 5 years ago
    640. 737
      Questions Before Death 5 years ago
    641. 738
      Show You Some Respect 5 years ago
    642. 739
      Thank You, Li Yao 5 years ago
    643. 740
      Pry into the Secrets of the Stars! 5 years ago
    644. 741
      Hopes to Go Home 5 years ago
    645. 742
      Two and a Half Rules 5 years ago
    646. 743
      Children of Destiny 5 years ago
    647. 744
      The Last Flying Star Citizens 5 years ago
    648. 745
      Out of Two, One Will Live 5 years ago
    649. 746
      Bai Xinghe's Purpose 5 years ago
    650. 747
      Dragon King Is Mine! 5 years ago
    651. 748
      A Second Time! 5 years ago
    652. 749
      Never To Bend 5 years ago
    653. 750
      I Beg You! 5 years ago
    654. 751
      Never to Regret 5 years ago
    655. 752
      Secret Training Room! 5 years ago
    656. 753
      A Five-Hundred-Year Battle! 5 years ago
    657. 754
      Return of the King! 5 years ago
    658. 755
      Fierce Flood! 5 years ago
    659. 756
      To Kill, to Save! 5 years ago
    660. 757
      A Truth That Nobody Believes 5 years ago
    661. 758
      Boss Bai! 5 years ago
    662. 759
      Bandit and Dog 5 years ago
    663. 760
      No Way Out 5 years ago
    664. 761
      Out of Expectation 5 years ago
    665. 762
      Mice 5 years ago
    666. 763
      Essence of the Star Ocean Imperium! 5 years ago
    667. 764
      Dead End 5 years ago
    668. 765
      Yan Xinjian's Training Log 5 years ago
    669. 766
      Ironic Truth 5 years ago
    670. 767
      Five Hundred Remaining Souls 5 years ago
    671. 768
      Strive for Core Formation! 5 years ago
    672. 769
      A Thousand Days of Training 5 years ago
    673. 770
      Breaking Out of Seclusion 5 years ago
    674. 771
      New Version of the Grand Illusionary Soldiers 5 years ago
    675. 772
      This Is the Last War! 5 years ago
    676. 773
      Space Gate 5 years ago
    677. 774
      Li Yao's Scheme, Begin! 5 years ago
    678. 775
      Reappearance! 5 years ago
    679. 776
      The Gone Starship 5 years ago
    680. 777
      Our Cause Will Succeed! 5 years ago
    681. 778
      The Real Immortal Cultivators 5 years ago
    682. 779
      He's Coming! 5 years ago
    683. 780
      Dawn of the Imperium 5 years ago
    684. 781
      Who's the Lotus King? Who's the Sea King? 5 years ago
    685. 782
      Got Eyes on Me 5 years ago
    686. 783
      Crucify Xiao Xuance! 5 years ago
    687. 784
      I Am Not Bai Xinghe 5 years ago
    688. 785
      Make or Break 5 years ago
    689. 786
      Four Experts 5 years ago
    690. 787
      Imperium of True Human Beings 5 years ago
    691. 788
      Demeanor of the Immortal Cultivators 5 years ago
    692. 789
      Super Decapitation Operation 5 years ago
    693. 790
      You Want to Play Chess? I Knock Over the Board! 5 years ago
    694. 791
      The Flying Star Sector Is Peaceful Tonight! 5 years ago
    695. 792
      Face for Face! 5 years ago
    696. 793
      The Brave Will Win! 5 years ago
    697. 794
      "Mirror" 5 years ago
    698. 795
      Cover the Retreat 5 years ago
    699. 796
      Transformation 5 years ago
    700. 797
      Brilliant Sparkle! 5 years ago
    701. 798
      Instant Movement, Breaking In! 5 years ago
    702. 799
      Life and Cell 5 years ago
    703. 800
      Shameless and Domineering 5 years ago
    704. 801
      Suppressing the Nascent Souls! 5 years ago
    705. 802
      Why Is There Music? 5 years ago
    706. 803
      Superlative Height of the Core Formation Stage! 5 years ago
    707. 804
      Dare to Duel Me? 5 years ago
    708. 805
      Doom of the Villain 5 years ago
    709. 806
      World of Star Brain 5 years ago
    710. 807
      A Ten-Thousand-Year Bloody Battle 5 years ago
    711. 808
      Secrets of Star Children 5 years ago
    712. 809
      Men of Different Beliefs Go Separate Ways! 5 years ago
    713. 810
      The Last Cultivators 5 years ago
    714. 811
      You Got Me! 5 years ago
    715. 812
      This Is the Future! 5 years ago
    716. 813
      Collision of Souls! 5 years ago
    717. 814
      Vulture Plan! 5 years ago
    718. 815
      One Year's Progress 5 years ago
    719. 816
      Portent of the Imperium 5 years ago
    720. 817
      Doomed 5 years ago
    721. 818
      Save the Heaven's Origin Sector 5 years ago
    722. 819
      Fight for the Future! 5 years ago
    723. 820
      Cosmic Slingshot 5 years ago
    724. 821
      New Strength 5 years ago
    725. 822
      Li Yao's Changes 5 years ago
    726. 823
      Return to the Heaven's Origin Sector! 5 years ago
    727. 824
      Mouse Bai 5 years ago
    728. 825
      Breaking the Cocoon 5 years ago
    729. 826
      Dark Reflection 5 years ago
    730. 827
      Roaring Bloody Tide 5 years ago
    731. 828
      Battlefield of the Heaven's Origin Sector! 5 years ago
    732. 829
      The Most Difficult Scheme 5 years ago
    733. 830
      Doom of the Blood Stripe Virus (End of Volume II) 5 years ago
    734. 831
      Twelve Ancient Demon Clans 5 years ago
    735. 832
      Uncanny Incidents 5 years ago
    736. 833
      Master of the Demon Planet 5 years ago
    737. 834
      Chaotic-Blood Demons 5 years ago
    738. 835
      Obliteration! Rebirth! Immortality! 5 years ago
    739. 836
      Blade of Chaos 5 years ago
    740. 837
      Lei Qi 5 years ago
    741. 838
      Seventy-two Changes 5 years ago
    742. 839
      First Princess of the Gold Crow Kingdom 5 years ago
    743. 840
      High-Level Demons with Halos 5 years ago
    744. 841
      Twist and Turn 5 years ago
    745. 842
      Deep Inside Hundred Desolation Mountain 5 years ago
    746. 843
      Incoming Nether Springs 5 years ago
    747. 844
      Sharpness of the Foreign Blood 5 years ago
    748. 845
      Li Yao's New Ability 5 years ago
    749. 846
      Humanization 5 years ago
    750. 847
      Bone Fire and Elegant Accent 5 years ago
    751. 848
      Hereditary Information 5 years ago
    752. 849
      Cell Infiltration 5 years ago
    753. 850
      Transformation of Cultivation 5 years ago
    754. 851
      Greetings, Elder 5 years ago
    755. 852
      Adventure in the Primeval Era 5 years ago
    756. 853
      Atavism 5 years ago
    757. 854
      Another Clash 5 years ago
    758. 855
      Who's Wiping Out Whom? 5 years ago
    759. 856
      Blood Moon Wolf Raiders 5 years ago
    760. 857
      Just Roar, the Primeval Force! 5 years ago
    761. 858
      Terrifying Primeval Appearance 5 years ago
    762. 859
      Cell Obliterating Cannon! 5 years ago
    763. 860
      Red Tide Plan 5 years ago
    764. 861
      So-Called Saintess 5 years ago
    765. 862
      Understandable 5 years ago
    766. 863
      Void Turmoil City, Fire Ant King! 5 years ago
    767. 864
      Trip to Void Turmoil City 5 years ago
    768. 865
      Séance and Ghost Flowers 5 years ago
    769. 866
      Skeleton Island 5 years ago
    770. 867
      Defiant 5 years ago
    771. 868
      Gladiators 5 years ago
    772. 869
      New Blood 5 years ago
    773. 870
      Information Bugs 5 years ago
    774. 871
      Lightning Dungeon 5 years ago
    775. 872
      Precise Control 5 years ago
    776. 873
      Laughter of the Scumbags 5 years ago
    777. 874
      First Appearance of Chaos 5 years ago
    778. 875
      Sacred Mausoleum 5 years ago
    779. 876
      Shooting Star Fiery Salamanders 5 years ago
    780. 877
      Foam Like Butterflies 5 years ago
    781. 878
      Thousand Corpse Abyss 5 years ago
    782. 879
      Throne of Genes 5 years ago
    783. 880
      True Meaning of Chaos 5 years ago
    784. 881
      Explore the Mausoleum, Wake Up Chaos! 5 years ago
    785. 882
      Necessary Sacrifices 5 years ago
    786. 883
      Trap in the Training Beasts 5 years ago
    787. 884
      Classified Files of Bloody Claw 5 years ago
    788. 885
      Perfect Weapon 5 years ago
    789. 886
      Are You Ready, World? 5 years ago
    790. 887
      To the Mausoleum of Chaos! 5 years ago
    791. 888
      White Silver Death Desert, the Sea That Swallows Stars! 5 years ago
    792. 889
      The Mausoleum Is Open! 5 years ago
    793. 890
      'God' Has Appeared 5 years ago
    794. 891
      The Massacre Forty Thousand Years Ago! 5 years ago
    795. 892
      War. War Never Changes 5 years ago
    796. 893
      Insane Experiments 5 years ago
    797. 894
      Mass-Produced Perfect Warriors 5 years ago
    798. 895
      The Sword That Sucks Blood 5 years ago
    799. 896
      The Real Head 5 years ago
    800. 897
      New Intruders! 5 years ago
    801. 898
      Hidden Blood and Hidden Stories! 5 years ago
    802. 899
      Fire Ant vs. Nether Spring 5 years ago
    803. 900
      Mantis That Hunts Cicada 5 years ago
    804. 901
      The Lurking Bird 5 years ago
    805. 902
      Invisible Strokes 5 years ago
    806. 903
      Divine Blood of Chaos 5 years ago
    807. 904
      War of Words 5 years ago
    808. 905
      Unwavering Pessimist! 5 years ago
    809. 906
      A Way Out! 5 years ago
    810. 907
      A Third Life Form! 5 years ago
    811. 908
      Unmentioned Issues 5 years ago
    812. 909
      Weird Bronze Gate! 5 years ago
    813. 910
      Mutation Black Gas! 5 years ago
    814. 911
      Inside the Darkness 5 years ago
    815. 912
      Don't Believe Him! 5 years ago
    816. 913
      The Secret Treasure Is Now Mine! 5 years ago
    817. 914
      Turbulences Above the Death Desert 5 years ago
    818. 915
      Origins of Demons! 5 years ago
    819. 916
      Ultimate One Sect, Ba Yanzhi! 5 years ago
    820. 917
      New Home! 5 years ago
    821. 918
      Divine Water of Kunlun 5 years ago
    822. 919
      Total War! 5 years ago
    823. 920
      Blood in Empyrean Terminus! 5 years ago
    824. 921
      Scheme of the Ultimate One Demons! 5 years ago
    825. 922
      Look for Kunlun! 5 years ago
    826. 923
      Original Point of Evolution! 5 years ago
    827. 924
      The Only Hope! 5 years ago
    828. 925
      No Hole to Sneak In 5 years ago
    829. 926
      Li Yao in Darkness 5 years ago
    830. 927
      Gloomy Wind in the North Pole! 5 years ago
    831. 928
      Mad Medic! 5 years ago
    832. 929
      Venomous Scorpion Bone Biting Shackle! 5 years ago
    833. 930
      New Plan? 5 years ago
    834. 931
      Terrifying Nether World! 5 years ago
    835. 932
      Experiment Subjects! 5 years ago
    836. 933
      Camp of Special Captives! 5 years ago
    837. 934
      Are You Even a Human Being? 5 years ago
    838. 935
      Fisticuffs! 5 years ago
    839. 936
      Bombs, More Bombs! 5 years ago
    840. 937
      Do It! 5 years ago
    841. 938
      Rats in the Cage 5 years ago
    842. 939
      Miracle 5 years ago
    843. 940
      Prison Break! 5 years ago
    844. 941
      Remote Confrontation! 5 years ago
    845. 942
      Uncrackable 5 years ago
    846. 943
      Fire Ant King's Amazement! 5 years ago
    847. 944
      Grand Cannon! Grand Cannon! 5 years ago
    848. 945
      What About Another Miracle? 5 years ago
    849. 946
      All Looted! 5 years ago
    850. 947
      Frost Storm Flowers, Spurt! 5 years ago
    851. 948
      Mystic Skeleton Again! 5 years ago
    852. 949
      Let Out the Unparalleled! 5 years ago
    853. 950
      Get Up and Leave! 5 years ago
    854. 951
      Ultra-Level Federal Hero! 5 years ago
    855. 952
      The Hardest First Step 5 years ago
    856. 953
      Your Words Against Mine 5 years ago
    857. 954
      Han Tuhu's Questions 5 years ago
    858. 955
      Giant Crab Operation! 5 years ago
    859. 956
      Meat or Mincer! 5 years ago
    860. 957
      Nascent Soul? Demon Emperor? 5 years ago
    861. 958
      Overwhelming Demonic Energy! 5 years ago
    862. 959
      Red Tide, Break Out! 5 years ago
    863. 960
      The Courage to Set Fire! 5 years ago
    864. 961
      New Strength! 5 years ago
    865. 962
      Li Yao's Formidability! 5 years ago
    866. 963
      Uncontrollable Evolution! 5 years ago
    867. 964
      Spore Stratagem! 5 years ago
    868. 965
      Most Wanted! 5 years ago
    869. 966
      Immaculate Trap! 5 years ago
    870. 967
      Double Strategical Deception! 5 years ago
    871. 968
      No Choice But War! 5 years ago
    872. 969
      Sneak into the Pantheon of Demons! 5 years ago
    873. 970
      Rebirth of Mystic Skeleton 5 years ago
    874. 971
      Paving a Brilliant Path! 5 years ago
    875. 972
      Problem of the Cosmos Ring 5 years ago
    876. 973
      Catastrophe in Void Turmoil City! 5 years ago
    877. 974
      Perfect Infiltration… 5 years ago
    878. 975
      Blow Up a Devilish Warship! 5 years ago
    879. 976
      Teleportation House 5 years ago
    880. 977
      The Third Disciple 5 years ago
    881. 978
      Secret Channel! 5 years ago
    882. 979
      Spores in the Red Tide! 5 years ago
    883. 980
      For Peace! 5 years ago
    884. 981
      Jin Tuyi's Suspicion 5 years ago
    885. 982
      Impasse 5 years ago
    886. 983
      Point of Breakthrough 5 years ago
    887. 984
      Five Oysters 5 years ago
    888. 985
      First Interaction 5 years ago
    889. 986
      Secret Dialogue! 5 years ago
    890. 987
      Three Sectors in One, Invincible in the Universe! 5 years ago
    891. 988
      The Federation in the Enemy's Eyes 5 years ago
    892. 989
      Another Choice! 5 years ago
    893. 990
      Li Yao's Desperation? 5 years ago
    894. 991
      Black Fire Stone and the Sentinel (Part I) 5 years ago
    895. 992
      Black Fire Stone and the Sentinel (Part II) 5 years ago
    896. 993
      Air Fight! 5 years ago
    897. 994
      The Most Crucial Information 5 years ago
    898. 995
      Truth of the Red Tide Plan! 5 years ago
    899. 996
      Fatal Teleportation! 5 years ago
    900. 997
      One Shot in the Head, One Stab in the Heart! 5 years ago
    901. 998
      The Dragon-Butchering Cleaver! 5 years ago
    902. 999
      Why Don't You Just Ask Him? 5 years ago
    903. 1000
      Five Purposes! 5 years ago
    904. 1001
      The Third Skill! 5 years ago
    905. 1002
      Jin Xinyue's Determination! 5 years ago
    906. 1003
      Nothing to Regret 5 years ago
    907. 1004
      Debate of the Living and the Deceased! 5 years ago
    908. 1005
      Affirmative Action for Ghosts 5 years ago
    909. 1006
      Everything Is Under Control! 5 years ago
    910. 1007
      Skyfire Is on the Move! 5 years ago
    911. 1008
      Blink Operation! 5 years ago
    912. 1009
      Impossible Infiltration! 5 years ago
    913. 1010
      Release the Tidal Force! 5 years ago
    914. 1011
      The Arts of Infiltration 5 years ago
    915. 1012
      Infiltration in Public! 5 years ago
    916. 1013
      Three Bugs! 5 years ago
    917. 1014
      Swap 5 years ago
    918. 1015
      Endless Examinations! 5 years ago
    919. 1016
      Stabbing into the Heart! 5 years ago
    920. 1017
      Sabotage Plan 5 years ago
    921. 1018
      Unresolvable Paradox? 5 years ago
    922. 1019
      It's Acting Time! 5 years ago
    923. 1020
      Blood Demon's Smile 5 years ago
    924. 1021
      Cerebral Sclerosis 5 years ago
    925. 1022
      A Moron 5 years ago
    926. 1023
      A Storm Is Coming 5 years ago
    927. 1024
      First Wave of Teleportation, Begin! 5 years ago
    928. 1025
      Angry Bullets! 5 years ago
    929. 1026
      Hidden Dragon Bombarding the Sky! 5 years ago
    930. 1027
      Out of Control! 5 years ago
    931. 1028
      The Way to Escape! 5 years ago
    932. 1029
      You Have Failed! 5 years ago
    933. 1030
      Appearance of the Spore! 5 years ago
    934. 1031
      Yes, Commander! 5 years ago
    935. 1032
      Something's Wrong! 5 years ago
    936. 1033
      Red Tide Rises Again! 5 years ago
    937. 1034
      Reborn in Fire! 5 years ago
    938. 1035
      Great Reshuffle! 5 years ago
    939. 1036
      Dry Bones in the Grave! 5 years ago
    940. 1037
      The Second Confrontation! 5 years ago
    941. 1038
      Discussion of Dao! 5 years ago
    942. 1039
      Trend of the Universe! 5 years ago
    943. 1040
      The Original Plan! 5 years ago
    944. 1041
      Jin Tuyi's Threat 5 years ago
    945. 1042
      Iron Triangle! 5 years ago
    946. 1043
      Here Comes the Saintess! 5 years ago
    947. 1044
      A Hundred-Year Plan! 5 years ago
    948. 1045
      Belief of a Country! 5 years ago
    949. 1046
      History Dust 5 years ago
    950. 1047
      The Real Trial! 5 years ago
    951. 1048
      It's Decided! 5 years ago
    952. 1049
      Adventure of the Cat-Eared Girl 5 years ago
    953. 1050
      Birth of a Saintess 5 years ago
    954. 1051
      New Crystal Suit! 5 years ago
    955. 1052
      Mystic Skeleton Battlesuit, Blood Demon Form! 5 years ago
    956. 1053
      The Way of Persuasion 5 years ago
    957. 1054
      Attacking Elder Nether Spring’s Nest! 5 years ago
    958. 1055
      Hellish River Cannon! 5 years ago
    959. 1056
      Children of the Nether World! 5 years ago
    960. 1057
      Fatal Infiltration! 5 years ago
    961. 1058
      Abyss! 5 years ago
    962. 1059
      Fabricating a Federal Hero 5 years ago
    963. 1060
      How to Train Your Dinosaur 5 years ago
    964. 1061
      Rekindled Ashes! 5 years ago
    965. 1062
      Time To Go Home! 5 years ago
    966. 1063
      Three Key Persons! 5 years ago
    967. 1064
      Secret Sword Bureau! 5 years ago
    968. 1065
      The Real Abyss! 5 years ago
    969. 1066
      From Here to All Eternity! 5 years ago
    970. 1067
      Li Yao’s Death! 5 years ago
    971. 1068
      It’s Him? 5 years ago
    972. 1069
      Defection! 5 years ago
    973. 1070
      No More Disguise 5 years ago
    974. 1071
      Be Alarmed and Confess! 5 years ago
    975. 1072
      Thunderstorm, My Paradise! 5 years ago
    976. 1073
      Sneaking Into the Inland! 5 years ago
    977. 1074
      Heavenly Phantom and Grand Illusionary! 5 years ago
    978. 1075
      Big News! 5 years ago
    979. 1076
      The Competition Begins! 5 years ago
    980. 1077
      Guo Chunfeng! 5 years ago
    981. 1078
      Loopholes of the Storm! 5 years ago
    982. 1079
      Guo Chunfeng's Methods! 5 years ago
    983. 1080
      Sneaking in with the Wind! 5 years ago
    984. 1081
      Green Mist 5 years ago
    985. 1082
      The Only Solution! 5 years ago
    986. 1083
      Locked in Advance! 5 years ago
    987. 1084
      Quick-Frozen Man! 5 years ago
    988. 1085
      Human or Ghost? 5 years ago
    989. 1086
      A Mourning Army Is a Winning Army! 5 years ago
    990. 1087
      Sniper! 5 years ago
    991. 1088
      Top Secret Meeting! 5 years ago
    992. 1089
      Flawless! 5 years ago
    993. 1090
      Anomaly of the Military! 5 years ago
    994. 1091
      Trust 5 years ago
    995. 1092
      Patriots! 5 years ago
    996. 1093
      Evilness Rises Again! 5 years ago
    997. 1094
      Don't Cower. Just Fight! 5 years ago
    998. 1095
      Dark Motives! 5 years ago
    999. 1096
      Gift 5 years ago
    1000. 1097
      The Patriots Partnership! 5 years ago
    1001. 1098
      Tempest! 5 years ago
    1002. 1099
      What Evil Are You Slaying? 5 years ago
    1003. 1100
      Death Ray! 5 years ago
    1004. 1101
      Death Ray's Trap! 5 years ago
    1005. 1102
      A Battle of the Nascent Soul Stage! 5 years ago
    1006. 1103
      Serial Wars in Darkness! 5 years ago
    1007. 1104
      Medicine! 5 years ago
    1008. 1105
      Confrontation of Beliefs! 5 years ago
    1009. 1106
      Nine-Headed Ocean Monster! 5 years ago
    1010. 1107
      Into the Dirty Water! 5 years ago
    1011. 1108
      The Soul Searching Technique! 5 years ago
    1012. 1109
      The Real Competitors! 5 years ago
    1013. 1110
      Nonexistent Abyss! 5 years ago
    1014. 1111
      Tough Drugs for Tough Men! 5 years ago
    1015. 1112
      Lu Zui's Belief! 5 years ago
    1016. 1113
      Virus and Cell! 5 years ago
    1017. 1114
      Unstoppable Blade Aura! 5 years ago
    1018. 1115
      Come On, the Final Battle! 5 years ago
    1019. 1116
      The Wind Rises! 5 years ago
    1020. 1117
      More Troublesome Trouble! 5 years ago
    1021. 1118
      The Good Always Triumphs! 5 years ago
    1022. 1119
      Vulture's... Death! 5 years ago
    1023. 1120
      Capture Guo Chunfeng! 5 years ago
    1024. 1121
      Sincere Talk! 5 years ago
    1025. 1122
      As Vicious as a Viper! 5 years ago
    1026. 1123
      Twist and Turn! 5 years ago
    1027. 1124
      The Last Kilometer! 5 years ago
    1028. 1125
      Idiotic Choice! 5 years ago
    1029. 1126
      Old Artillerist! 5 years ago
    1030. 1127
      Flapping Red Flags! 5 years ago
    1031. 1128
      Crumbled! 5 years ago
    1032. 1129
      The Truth Is Out! 5 years ago
    1033. 1130
      Be a Blood Devil! 5 years ago
    1034. 1131
      Good or Evil! 5 years ago
    1035. 1132
      The Key to the Nascent Soul Stage! 5 years ago
    1036. 1133
      Mutual Appreciation! 5 years ago
    1037. 1134
      There's Only One Truth! 5 years ago
    1038. 1135
      Simpleminded! 5 years ago
    1039. 1136
      Dual Cores! 5 years ago
    1040. 1137
      Pouring Rain in Dark! 5 years ago
    1041. 1138
      Accidental Fall! 5 years ago
    1042. 1139
      Ten Square Victory! 5 years ago
    1043. 1140
      The Things About Mouse Bai 5 years ago
    1044. 1141
      It's Allies That I Fear! 5 years ago
    1045. 1142
      When the General Is at War! 5 years ago
    1046. 1143
      The Federal Army! 5 years ago
    1047. 1144
      A Mouse! 5 years ago
    1048. 1145
      I Can Only Help You So Much! 5 years ago
    1049. 1146
      Evil Never Laughs to the End 5 years ago
    1050. 1147
      Iron Commander's Determination! 5 years ago
    1051. 1148
      Duel of Dignity! 5 years ago
    1052. 1149
      You Are on the Wrong Path! 5 years ago
    1053. 1150
      Collision of Creeds! 5 years ago
    1054. 1151
      The Real Spirit of the Federation! 5 years ago
    1055. 1152
      One Attack to Settle Everything! 5 years ago
    1056. 1153
      Butterflies in the Storm! 5 years ago
    1057. 1154
      Repatriation! 5 years ago
    1058. 1155
      Fan Meeting! 5 years ago
    1059. 1156
      My Father Is a Hero! 5 years ago
    1060. 1157
      That's Me! 5 years ago
    1061. 1158
      Not Nonexistent? 5 years ago
    1062. 1159
      Abyss in the Cave! 5 years ago
    1063. 1160
      That Explains Everything! 5 years ago
    1064. 1161
      Young Ye Yuya! 5 years ago
    1065. 1162
      Born in Hatred, Die in Hatred! 5 years ago
    1066. 1163
      Fishing Crayfish! 5 years ago
    1067. 1164
      I Am the Blood Devil, and I'm Scared of Nobody! 5 years ago
    1068. 1165
      Stride Forward! 5 years ago
    1069. 1166
      Lu Zui's Anomaly 5 years ago
    1070. 1167
      The Last Hope for the Patriots! 5 years ago
    1071. 1168
      New Leader! 5 years ago
    1072. 1169
      First-Hand Pain 5 years ago
    1073. 1170
      The Sword Grabber 5 years ago
    1074. 1171
      A Hundred-Year Rivalry! 5 years ago
    1075. 1172
      I Am Ding Lingdang! 5 years ago
    1076. 1173
      Lu Zui's Successor 5 years ago
    1077. 1174
      Do It Once! 5 years ago
    1078. 1175
      Latest News 5 years ago
    1079. 1176
      Era of the Great Universal Development! 5 years ago
    1080. 1177
      Double Swirl 5 years ago
    1081. 1178
      If You Want a Fight, Let's Have One! 5 years ago
    1082. 1179
      Li Yao's Wedding! 5 years ago
    1083. 1180
      Welcome to Earth! 5 years ago
    1084. 1181
      Something Is Terribly Wrong! 5 years ago
    1085. 1182
      Of the Same Origin? 5 years ago
    1086. 1183
      Problem Solved! 5 years ago
    1087. 1184
      Mutations of Black Wing! 5 years ago
    1088. 1185
      Pop's Last Words! (End of Volume III) 5 years ago
    1089. 1186
      Dancing Butterfly 5 years ago
    1090. 1187
      Meeting of the Nascent Soul Stage! 5 years ago
    1091. 1188
      Destruction of the Imperium 5 years ago
    1092. 1189
      Too Much Debt Is No Debt! 5 years ago
    1093. 1190
      Longevity 5 years ago
    1094. 1191
      A Billion-Year War! 5 years ago
    1095. 1192
      Grandpa Plan! 5 years ago
    1096. 1193
      Female Teacher in the Future 5 years ago
    1097. 1194
      Black Hole and Cockroach 5 years ago
    1098. 1195
      Critical Question! 5 years ago
    1099. 1196
      Deterioration of the Imperium 5 years ago
    1100. 1197
      Balance of Life and Death! 5 years ago
    1101. 1198
      History as a Mirror 5 years ago
    1102. 1199
      Covenant Alliance in the Mist 5 years ago
    1103. 1200
      Pangu's Covenant! 5 years ago
    1104. 1201
      War of Successors! 5 years ago
    1105. 1202
      When a Father Wants a Son Dead 5 years ago
    1106. 1203
      Advantages of the Federation 5 years ago
    1107. 1204
      Golden Century! 5 years ago
    1108. 1205
      Developing Pangu's Relic! 5 years ago
    1109. 1206
      Army of Star Spirits 5 years ago
    1110. 1207
      Solar Soldiers! 5 years ago
    1111. 1208
      Li Yao's Grand Strategy! 5 years ago
    1112. 1209
      Black Hole Bomb! 5 years ago
    1113. 1210
      A World Without Spiritual Energy! 5 years ago
    1114. 1211
      Brand New Patterns of War! 5 years ago
    1115. 1212
      Ocean of People 5 years ago
    1116. 1213
      The Hands That Hold the Saber! 5 years ago
    1117. 1214
      It's Finally Here! 5 years ago
    1118. 1215
      Confrontation in Kunlun! 5 years ago
    1119. 1216
      Dark Flame Gold! 5 years ago
    1120. 1217
      The World Is Ours! 5 years ago
    1121. 1218
      Arriving in the Crab Nebula! 5 years ago
    1122. 1219
      Kunlun, the Primeval Battlefield! 5 years ago
    1123. 1220
      Pangu's Roar! 5 years ago
    1124. 1221
      Primeval War! 5 years ago
    1125. 1222
      Broken! 5 years ago
    1126. 1223
      Miner in Space! 5 years ago
    1127. 1224
      Giant! 5 years ago
    1128. 1225
      God-slaying! 5 years ago
    1129. 1226
      Special Force of the Primeval Era! 5 years ago
    1130. 1227
      The Immortal Cultivators Are Here! 5 years ago
    1131. 1228
      The Underestimated Imperium! 5 years ago
    1132. 1229
      Factory of Apocalypses! 5 years ago
    1133. 1230
      Debut of the Immortal Cultivators! 5 years ago
    1134. 1231
      First Contact! 5 years ago
    1135. 1232
      Mutual Cheating! 5 years ago
    1136. 1233
      We Are Here for Peace! 5 years ago
    1137. 1234
      Who's Being Hypnotized? 5 years ago
    1138. 1235
      Ill Intentions! 5 years ago
    1139. 1236
      Such Ugliness! 5 years ago
    1140. 1237
      Spare My Life, Deities! 5 years ago
    1141. 1238
      The Apotheosis of Lists! 5 years ago
    1142. 1239
      Book of Revelation! 5 years ago
    1143. 1240
      Parasitic Wasps and Incubators! 5 years ago
    1144. 1241
      Animal Rights Extremists! 5 years ago
    1145. 1242
      Wolves and Rabbits 5 years ago
    1146. 1243
      Law of the Imperium! 5 years ago
    1147. 1244
      Demagogism! 5 years ago
    1148. 1245
      Self-Destructing Worlds! 5 years ago
    1149. 1246
      Land of Drought 5 years ago
    1150. 1247
      Planet of Plague! 5 years ago
    1151. 1248
      Calamitous Pestilence! 5 years ago
    1152. 1249
      Destruction of the Martial Meritocrats! 5 years ago
    1153. 1250
      The Chiyou Cult 5 years ago
    1154. 1251
      Frogs in Warm Water! 5 years ago
    1155. 1252
      Natural-Born Original Sin! 5 years ago
    1156. 1253
      Civil War! 5 years ago
    1157. 1254
      Blackstar's Revenge (1) 5 years ago
    1158. 1255
      Blackstar's Revenge (2) 5 years ago
    1159. 1256
      Blackstar's Revenge (3) 5 years ago
    1160. 1257
      Hero or Fiend? 5 years ago
    1161. 1258
      Will You Press It or Not? 5 years ago
    1162. 1259
      The Sick Beauty 5 years ago
    1163. 1260
      Eagle Flies! 5 years ago
    1164. 1261
      The First Clue 5 years ago
    1165. 1262
      Blackstar the Great! 5 years ago
    1166. 1263
      Motivation and Tutelage 5 years ago
    1167. 1264
      Raising a Ravenous Tiger! 5 years ago
    1168. 1265
      Straight Answer! 5 years ago
    1169. 1266
      Ideal and Reality! 5 years ago
    1170. 1267
      Triple Star-Lightning Flag! 5 years ago
    1171. 1268
      The Contribution Point and the Citizenship System 5 years ago
    1172. 1269
      Superstring Armor! 5 years ago
    1173. 1270
      Breaking into Kunlun! 5 years ago
    1174. 1271
      The Blood Tide and the Hellish Light Butterflies 5 years ago
    1175. 1272
      Colossus! 5 years ago
    1176. 1273
      Three Fundamental Laws! 5 years ago
    1177. 1274
      Manufacture Human Beings 5 years ago
    1178. 1275
      Kill You One More Time! 5 years ago
    1179. 1276
      Somebody's Inside! 5 years ago
    1180. 1277
      A Living God! 5 years ago
    1181. 1278
      Draconic Phoenix! 5 years ago
    1182. 1279
      Fatal Pulse Signals! 5 years ago
    1183. 1280
      She Is a Demi-Human! 5 years ago
    1184. 1281
      Infection and Wildness 5 years ago
    1185. 1282
      Virus Killing! 5 years ago
    1186. 1283
      You Must Not Be Swayed! 5 years ago
    1187. 1284
      The God Has Arrived! 5 years ago
    1188. 1285
      Regards from an Immortal Cultivator! 5 years ago
    1189. 1286
      On Fire! 5 years ago
    1190. 1287
      Draconic Phoenix, Activated! 5 years ago
    1191. 1288
      Fists Against Flesh! 5 years ago
    1192. 1289
      Terrible Metamorphosis! 5 years ago
    1193. 1290
      Pestering! 5 years ago
    1194. 1291
      The God Is Frightened! 5 years ago
    1195. 1292
      Kill the God in My Way! 5 years ago
    1196. 1293
      Beginning of the Great Development! 5 years ago
    1197. 1294
      Old but Never Die 5 years ago
    1198. 1295
      Thorn on the Belief 5 years ago
    1199. 1296
      Master of Debate 5 years ago
    1200. 1297
      Vaccines for Immortal Cultivators 5 years ago
    1201. 1298
      Monkey and Gun 5 years ago
    1202. 1299
      Who Is Li Linghai? 5 years ago
    1203. 1300
      Shine Brilliantly! 5 years ago
    1204. 1301
      Great Leap! 5 years ago
    1205. 1302
      Dazzled 5 years ago
    1206. 1303
      New Colossus! 5 years ago
    1207. 1304
      The Most Dangerous Woman in the Federation! 5 years ago
    1208. 1305
      Ace of Aces! 5 years ago
    1209. 1306
      Civilization 5 years ago
    1210. 1307
      Unavoidable Doom 5 years ago
    1211. 1308
      DLC 5 years ago
    1212. 1309
      Real and Illusionary 5 years ago
    1213. 1310
      Father of 'Civilization' 5 years ago
    1214. 1311
      Deconstructivism 5 years ago
    1215. 1312
      Draw Your Sword! 5 years ago
    1216. 1313
      The Young Immortal Cultivator 5 years ago
    1217. 1314
      March into the Universe! 5 years ago
    1218. 1315
      Everything from Nothing 5 years ago
    1219. 1316
      Let's Go to the Universe! 5 years ago
    1220. 1317
      A Greeting 5 years ago
    1221. 1318
      Invisible World 5 years ago
    1222. 1319
      Problems of the Sub-light Speed 5 years ago
    1223. 1320
      You Are the One 5 years ago
    1224. 1321
      When You Learn the Truth in the Morning 5 years ago
    1225. 1322
      Ding Lingdang's Choice 5 years ago
    1226. 1323
      105% Alive! 5 years ago
    1227. 1324
      A Deal of a Hundred Years! 5 years ago
    1228. 1325
      Special Training! Special Training! 5 years ago
    1229. 1326
      The Arts of Colonization 5 years ago
    1230. 1327
      Everything Is Set 5 years ago
    1231. 1328
      Life Legacy 5 years ago
    1232. 1329
      Future of the Disciples 5 years ago
    1233. 1330
      See You in a Hundred Years! 5 years ago
    1234. 1331
      Destination: End of the Universe! 5 years ago
    1235. 1332
      Firefly in the Darkness 5 years ago
    1236. 1333
      A Lone Star's Journey 5 years ago
    1237. 1334
      Black Box 5 years ago
    1238. 1335
      Breaking into the Unknown World! 5 years ago
    1239. 1336
      This Doesn't Look Right! 5 years ago
    1240. 1337
      Bloodstained Paradise 5 years ago
    1241. 1338
      Combat Ability of the Ancient People! 5 years ago
    1242. 1339
      Orchid Sword 5 years ago
    1243. 1340
      The First Observation Report of the Foreign World 5 years ago
    1244. 1341
      Ancient Nascent Soul Stage Cultivator 5 years ago
    1245. 1342
      Hundred Ghosts Edict 5 years ago
    1246. 1343
      A Test! 5 years ago
    1247. 1344
      The Local Nascent Soul Stage Is Angry! 5 years ago
    1248. 1345
      Collision of Civilizations! 5 years ago
    1249. 1346
      As Vile as Such! 5 years ago
    1250. 1347
      Too Weak! 5 years ago
    1251. 1348
      Differences Between Traditional Arts and Modern Ones 5 years ago
    1252. 1349
      Whereabouts of the Appeasing Army 5 years ago
    1253. 1350
      Li Yao Is Out! 5 years ago
    1254. 1351
      Mayhem in the Ancient Sages Sector 5 years ago
    1255. 1352
      Optional Strategic Partners 5 years ago
    1256. 1353
      Twelve Gold Statues! 5 years ago
    1257. 1354
      Total Mess! 5 years ago
    1258. 1355
      Master Spiritual Vulture's Infame 5 years ago
    1259. 1356
      Unimaginably Brutal! 5 years ago
    1260. 1357
      Legends of the Divinity Transformation Stage! 5 years ago
    1261. 1358
      Master Black Moon 5 years ago
    1262. 1359
      Hundred Victories Great Arena 5 years ago
    1263. 1360
      That Explains a Lot! 5 years ago
    1264. 1361
      Night Assault! 5 years ago
    1265. 1362
      Lord of Behemothic Eagle! 5 years ago
    1266. 1363
      Fire in the Pit! 5 years ago
    1267. 1364
      Elder Has Returned! 5 years ago
    1268. 1365
      Unfreeable Nightmare 5 years ago
    1269. 1366
      Man from the North! 5 years ago
    1270. 1367
      Ancient Cultivator's Vision 5 years ago
    1271. 1368
      Disasters of the Cultivators! 5 years ago
    1272. 1369
      Causes of the White Lotus Cult! 5 years ago
    1273. 1370
      Heaven Battering Fiendish King 5 years ago
    1274. 1371
      Eunuch's Conspirators! 5 years ago
    1275. 1372
      Bloodless and Tearless Years! 5 years ago
    1276. 1373
      Wolf, Sheep, and Grass 5 years ago
    1277. 1374
      The Birth of a Country! 5 years ago
    1278. 1375
      Classic Militarism! 5 years ago
    1279. 1376
      You Go, Your Daughter Stays! 5 years ago
    1280. 1377
      The Purple Pole Sword Sect 5 years ago
    1281. 1378
      Three Saints, Four Rapscallions, One Monk, and One Emperor! 5 years ago
    1282. 1379
      First Stop, the Purple Pole Sword Sect! 5 years ago
    1283. 1380
      Who's Right, and Who's Wrong? 5 years ago
    1284. 1381
      Our Past 5 years ago
    1285. 1382
      Deterrence 5 years ago
    1286. 1383
      Two Saints in Competition, the Dragon Spring Meeting! 5 years ago
    1287. 1384
      Tension Below the Hundred Blade Mountain! 5 years ago
    1288. 1385
      Greetings, Elder! 5 years ago
    1289. 1386
      The Elder Likes a Low Profile! 5 years ago
    1290. 1387
      Competitions in the Classical Age 5 years ago
    1291. 1388
      Bronze Censer Peak, Best Versus Best! 5 years ago
    1292. 1389
      The Consequence of Infuriating the Master! 5 years ago
    1293. 1390
      The Purple Pole Sword Sect's Decision! 5 years ago
    1294. 1391
      Qi Zhongdao, Yan Liren! 5 years ago
    1295. 1392
      Life Is a Present... 5 years ago
    1296. 1393
      Observing Is Dangerous! 5 years ago
    1297. 1394
      This Is Too Unbelievable! 5 years ago
    1298. 1395
      Glory of the Dead End! 5 years ago
    1299. 1396
      He Has... Perished! 5 years ago
    1300. 1397
      Sophisticated Dialogue! 5 years ago
    1301. 1398
      The Fourth Sword! 5 years ago
    1302. 1399
      Attack of the Sword Maniac! 5 years ago
    1303. 1400
      Just a Swordsman! 5 years ago
    1304. 1401
      Steal the Thunder! 5 years ago
    1305. 1402
      Heir of Great Zhou! 5 years ago
    1306. 1403
      Is This a Ruse? 5 years ago
    1307. 1404
      Master Spiritual Vulture, Please Wait! 5 years ago
    1308. 1405
      Nice Sword! 5 years ago
    1309. 1406
      Astounding Performance! 5 years ago
    1310. 1407
      You're in for a Treat! 5 years ago
    1311. 1408
      This Is What I'm Talking About! 5 years ago
    1312. 1409
      Rising to Fame! 5 years ago
    1313. 1410
      Incoming Febrile Typhoon! 5 years ago
    1314. 1411
      Commitment! 5 years ago
    1315. 1412
      Long Quest for Divinity! 5 years ago
    1316. 1413
      The Things About Wang Xi 5 years ago
    1317. 1414
      A Mannered Man! 5 years ago
    1318. 1415
      Ghost Shadows 5 years ago
    1319. 1416
      Tall Trees Are Hit First! 5 years ago
    1320. 1417
      Emperor Phoenix! 5 years ago
    1321. 1418
      Surging Flood! 5 years ago
    1322. 1419
      Fighting the Sky and the Earth! 5 years ago
    1323. 1420
      A Monk's Mercy 5 years ago
    1324. 1421
      Such a Monk! 5 years ago
    1325. 1422
      What Mercy? 5 years ago
    1326. 1423
      Food Crisis! 5 years ago
    1327. 1424
      Uneasy Ghosts Below Roaring Tiger City! 5 years ago
    1328. 1425
      Magnificent Tigers! 5 years ago
    1329. 1426
      Heartless! 5 years ago
    1330. 1427
      Respect That Must Not Be Given! 5 years ago
    1331. 1428
      Kill Me If You Want, But There's No Food! 5 years ago
    1332. 1429
      Who Will Break the Array? 5 years ago
    1333. 1430
      Array Breaker! 5 years ago
    1334. 1431
      Reprehensible 5 years ago
    1335. 1432
      Fall of Roaring Tiger Hall! 5 years ago
    1336. 1433
      Complete Suppression! 5 years ago
    1337. 1434
      Slay the Evils When There Are Evils and When There Aren't! 5 years ago
    1338. 1435
      Defy the Heaven's Will! 5 years ago
    1339. 1436
      All Looted? 5 years ago
    1340. 1437
      The Wine Cup Is Never Empty! 5 years ago
    1341. 1438
      Friend from the Sky 5 years ago
    1342. 1439
      Chat Over Wine! 5 years ago
    1343. 1440
      The Wine Tank Named World! 5 years ago
    1344. 1441
      A Road Up Ahead! 5 years ago
    1345. 1442
      Hideousness of the Ghouls! 5 years ago
    1346. 1443
      Incoming Ghost Army! 5 years ago
    1347. 1444
      Compassion! 5 years ago
    1348. 1445
      Appearance of White Lotus! 5 years ago
    1349. 1446
      Something's Wrong! 5 years ago
    1350. 1447
      Who's the Idiot? 5 years ago
    1351. 1448
      Joining Hands? 5 years ago
    1352. 1449
      Who Are You? 5 years ago
    1353. 1450
      On the Shipwreck! 5 years ago
    1354. 1451
      Special Agent Long 5 years ago
    1355. 1452
      Home of the Dead 5 years ago
    1356. 1453
      Divine Palace! 5 years ago
    1357. 1454
      Path to the Deities' Realm! 5 years ago
    1358. 1455
      Intangible! 5 years ago
    1359. 1456
      Escape! 5 years ago
    1360. 1457
      Possibility of Cooperation 5 years ago
    1361. 1458
      Everything Is Under Whose Control? 5 years ago
    1362. 1459
      It Is You! 5 years ago
    1363. 1460
      One Step Close! 5 years ago
    1364. 1461
      Why Do We Have to Hurt Each Other? 5 years ago
    1365. 1462
      Purge the World! 5 years ago
    1366. 1463
      Union of the Five Super Nascent Soul Stage Cultivators! 5 years ago
    1367. 1464
      The Way to the North! 5 years ago
    1368. 1465
      Rise of the Phoenix! 5 years ago
    1369. 1466
      Freezing Tempests! 5 years ago
    1370. 1467
      Horror of the Eternal Night! 5 years ago
    1371. 1468
      Above the Divine Palace! 5 years ago
    1372. 1469
      Tide of Ice Devils! 5 years ago
    1373. 1470
      Battle in Chaos! 5 years ago
    1374. 1471
      Snow Field Falls, Divine Palace Rises! 5 years ago
    1375. 1472
      The Truth About the Divine Palace! 5 years ago
    1376. 1473
      Body Explosion! 5 years ago
    1377. 1474
      Weird Illusion 5 years ago
    1378. 1475
      The Awakened 5 years ago
    1379. 1476
      Trump Card vs. Trump Card! 5 years ago
    1380. 1477
      The Way to Break the Impasse 5 years ago
    1381. 1478
      Mysteries About Long Yangjun's Birth! 5 years ago
    1382. 1479
      This Isn't a Coincidence! 5 years ago
    1383. 1480
      Long Yangjun and Emperor Phoenix! 5 years ago
    1384. 1481
      Li Yao's Shocking Speculation! 5 years ago
    1385. 1482
      Truth About the Mysterious Signal! 5 years ago
    1386. 1483
      How Losers Play the Game 5 years ago
    1387. 1484
      Terms of Cooperation 5 years ago
    1388. 1485
      Crystal Cameras, Activated! 5 years ago
    1389. 1486
      Small Dark Forest 5 years ago
    1390. 1487
      Warehouse of the Colossi! 5 years ago
    1391. 1488
      Quarrel! 5 years ago
    1392. 1489
      Where Is the Sparrow? 5 years ago
    1393. 1490
      They're Here! 5 years ago
    1394. 1491
      End of Negotiation! 5 years ago
    1395. 1492
      Will Your Family Flourish or Vanish? 5 years ago
    1396. 1493
      The Black Skeleton Awakens! 5 years ago
    1397. 1494
      Deity Raincloud! 5 years ago
    1398. 1495
      Cloud Qin, Han Baling! 5 years ago
    1399. 1496
      Prisoner's Dilemma 5 years ago
    1400. 1497
      Li Yao Is Here! 5 years ago
    1401. 1498
      Refusing Generosity Means Punishment! 5 years ago
    1402. 1499
      Fight! Fight! Fight! 5 years ago
    1403. 1500
      The Last Choice! 5 years ago
    1404. 1501
      Crazy Spiritual Vulture! 5 years ago
    1405. 1502
      Voices in the Black Skeleton 5 years ago
    1406. 1503
      The Unexpected Factors Are All Here! 5 years ago
    1407. 1504
      Meng Chixin and Wu Suiyun 5 years ago
    1408. 1505
      The Real Deities' Realm! 5 years ago
    1409. 1506
      The Divine Palace Below the Divine Palace! 5 years ago
    1410. 1507
      Bloating! 5 years ago
    1411. 1508
      Devil-Sealing War! 5 years ago
    1412. 1509
      Mutation of the Junk Genes 4 years ago
    1413. 1510
      Doorkeeper 4 years ago
    1414. 1511
      World-Blighting Crisis 4 years ago
    1415. 1512
      More Concerns 4 years ago
    1416. 1513
      Twelve Angry Men 4 years ago
    1417. 1514
      The Altruistic Traitors! 4 years ago
    1418. 1515
      Backgrounds of Deity Raincloud 4 years ago
    1419. 1516
      One World, Two Buyers 4 years ago
    1420. 1517
      Heiye Lan 4 years ago
    1421. 1518
      Remnants of the Previous Dynasty 4 years ago
    1422. 1519
      Blazing Tyrannosaur! 4 years ago
    1423. 1520
      Hooray for My Wife! 4 years ago
    1424. 1521
      Join the Imperium! 4 years ago
    1425. 1522
      The Rise of An Imperial World 4 years ago
    1426. 1523
      A Country Born for Wars! 4 years ago
    1427. 1524
      Carve Up the Federation! 4 years ago
    1428. 1525
      Not a Threat but a Fact! 4 years ago
    1429. 1526
      Is It Worth Gambling? 4 years ago
    1430. 1527
      What Are They Up To? 4 years ago
    1431. 1528
      We Will Count on You! 4 years ago
    1432. 1529
      Who's the Mantis? Who's the Sparrow? 4 years ago
    1433. 1530
      Tartarean General! 4 years ago
    1434. 1531
      Roars from Inside the Tartarean General! 4 years ago
    1435. 1532
      Dangerous Ally 4 years ago
    1436. 1533
      Time of Peril! 4 years ago
    1437. 1534
      Decide the Future! 4 years ago
    1438. 1535
      Master Bitter Cicada's Tough Choice 4 years ago
    1439. 1536
      A Stab in the Back? 4 years ago
    1440. 1537
      New Choice! 4 years ago
    1441. 1538
      Long Yangjun's Bad Idea 4 years ago
    1442. 1539
      Deterrence in the Enemy's Back! 4 years ago
    1443. 1540
      Sleazy and Cruel Long Yangjun! 4 years ago
    1444. 1541
      Don't Push Too Far! 4 years ago
    1445. 1542
      Star Picking Plan! 4 years ago
    1446. 1543
      Tricked 4 years ago
    1447. 1544
      Let's Make Friends! 4 years ago
    1448. 1545
      The Final Preparations! 4 years ago
    1449. 1546
      Path of Ascension! 4 years ago
    1450. 1547
      Triple Identities! 4 years ago
    1451. 1548
      Infuriate the Sun! (End of Volume IV) 4 years ago
    1452. 1549
      Universe, I'm Back! 4 years ago
    1453. 1550
      Welcome from the New World 4 years ago
    1454. 1551
      Ferocious Beasts... on a Chopping Block? 4 years ago
    1455. 1552
      This Way, Please! 4 years ago
    1456. 1553
      Heavenly Light and Earthly Brute 4 years ago
    1457. 1554
      The She-Devil Has Arrived! 4 years ago
    1458. 1555
      War of the Federation and the Uranian Ring Sector 4 years ago
    1459. 1556
      Jin Xinyue, the Venomous Witch! 4 years ago
    1460. 1557
      Master of Seven Sectors! 4 years ago
    1461. 1558
      Headhunter 4 years ago
    1462. 1559
      Rise of the Tyrannosaur 4 years ago
    1463. 1560
      Wait, Who Is Li Yao? 4 years ago
    1464. 1561
      Fish and Dragons, Fish Dragon City! 4 years ago
    1465. 1562
      Terrifying Monster! 4 years ago
    1466. 1563
      This Is the Imperium! 4 years ago
    1467. 1564
      Bumpkins to the City 4 years ago
    1468. 1565
      Bosses, Do You Need Smuggling? 4 years ago
    1469. 1566
      Competition of Two Heroines! 4 years ago
    1470. 1567
      Grand Entrance of Ding Lingdang! 4 years ago
    1471. 1568
      The New Worlds and the Old Worlds 4 years ago
    1472. 1569
      Two Women's Competition of Beliefs! 4 years ago
    1473. 1570
      Ocean of Jade Chips! 4 years ago
    1474. 1571
      History of the Nether World 4 years ago
    1475. 1572
      If We Burn, the Universe Will Never Be Dark! 4 years ago
    1476. 1573
      The Real Self 4 years ago
    1477. 1574
      In Short, Let's Rob! 4 years ago
    1478. 1575
      Enjoy Life! 4 years ago
    1479. 1576
      Masterpiece 4 years ago
    1480. 1577
      Something's Wrong with the Crystal Suit! 4 years ago
    1481. 1578
      Observe and Play 4 years ago
    1482. 1579
      Leave the Chance to Young People! 4 years ago
    1483. 1580
      Who Is Wu Yaxuan? 4 years ago
    1484. 1581
      Marvelous Refiner! 4 years ago
    1485. 1582
      I'll Simply Keep Quiet and Watch Your Show... 4 years ago
    1486. 1583
      Professor Tang's Aim 4 years ago
    1487. 1584
      Competition of Routes on Firefly 4 years ago
    1488. 1585
      King of Adjustment! 4 years ago
    1489. 1586
      Truly Marvelous! 4 years ago
    1490. 1587
      The Mysterious Buyer 4 years ago
    1491. 1588
      Priceless Enlightenment 4 years ago
    1492. 1589
      Enlightening! 4 years ago
    1493. 1590
      Senior Lin 4 years ago
    1494. 1591
      Big Show! 4 years ago
    1495. 1592
      This Is an Expert! 4 years ago
    1496. 1593
      Chilly Wind... 4 years ago
    1497. 1594
      Cicada, Mantis, Sparrow and Hunter 4 years ago
    1498. 1595
      Another Hunter 4 years ago
    1499. 1596
      The Dim Moon Squad 4 years ago
    1500. 1597
      Dark Side of the Moon 4 years ago
    1501. 1598
      Hold Back Your Techniques One Sec! 4 years ago
    1502. 1599
      Where Red Tide Ends, Dim Moon Rises 4 years ago
    1503. 1600
      My Turf, My Game! 4 years ago
    1504. 1601
      Space Jump Matrix 4 years ago
    1505. 1602
      Long-Gone Smile 4 years ago
    1506. 1603
      Cheng Xuansu's Judgement 4 years ago
    1507. 1604
      A Minor Accident 4 years ago
    1508. 1605
      The Familiar but Strange Infiltration 4 years ago
    1509. 1606
      I'm Not a Man of Violence 4 years ago
    1510. 1607
      New Situation! 4 years ago
    1511. 1608
      'Stick' 4 years ago
    1512. 1609
      Professional Enough... 4 years ago
    1513. 1610
      Speaker Cui! 4 years ago
    1514. 1611
      Unexpected Appointment 4 years ago
    1515. 1612
      Black Wind Is Coming! 4 years ago
    1516. 1613
      Speaker Versus Captain! 4 years ago
    1517. 1614
      Uncanny Riot 4 years ago
    1518. 1615
      This Name Is More Low-Key 4 years ago
    1519. 1616
      Miracles Happen Occasionally 4 years ago
    1520. 1617
      No More Running! 4 years ago
    1521. 1618
      Li Yao Started Again... 4 years ago
    1522. 1619
      Immortal Cultivator 2.0 4 years ago
    1523. 1620
      Team Red Lotus! 4 years ago
    1524. 1621
      Good Cultivators, Bad Cultivators 4 years ago
    1525. 1622
      We Agreed to Keep a Low Profile Together... 4 years ago
    1526. 1623
      Trolling! 4 years ago
    1527. 1624
      Please Stay Back 4 years ago
    1528. 1625
      Raging Red Lotus! 4 years ago
    1529. 1626
      Master Lu 4 years ago
    1530. 1627
      The Face Behind Red Lotus 4 years ago
    1531. 1628
      Befuddled Captain Tang 4 years ago
    1532. 1629
      A New Superhero... Is Here! 4 years ago
    1533. 1630
      The Dark Star That Has Been Destroyed Dozens of Times 4 years ago
    1534. 1631
      The Birth of a Traitor 4 years ago
    1535. 1632
      Lu Qingchen's Belief 4 years ago
    1536. 1633
      Rebirth Plan 4 years ago
    1537. 1634
      Big Bai Fleet 4 years ago
    1538. 1635
      Bai Xingjian and Bai Kaixin 4 years ago
    1539. 1636
      Rise of a Garbage Fleet! 4 years ago
    1540. 1637
      Tales of Big Bai 4 years ago
    1541. 1638
      Should Be... Unattractive? 4 years ago
    1542. 1639
      Dominating Lin Jiu! 4 years ago
    1543. 1640
      The First Collision After a Hundred Years 4 years ago
    1544. 1641
      The Pig That Eats the Tiger... 4 years ago
    1545. 1642
      Beach Landing! 4 years ago
    1546. 1643
      Dinosaur in Space! 4 years ago
    1547. 1644
      Porcupines in Winter! 4 years ago
    1548. 1645
      Fighting Nature Is the Greatest Pleasure! 4 years ago
    1549. 1646
      Return to the Federation! 4 years ago
    1550. 1647
      Start from the Uranian Ring Sector 4 years ago
    1551. 1648
      Half-Demon Girl 4 years ago
    1552. 1649
      New 'Civilization', New Federation! 4 years ago
    1553. 1650
      The Eighth Sector 4 years ago
    1554. 1651
      Grand Unification 4 years ago
    1555. 1652
      Father of the New Federation! 4 years ago
    1556. 1653
      Mystical Question 4 years ago
    1557. 1654
      Legend of the Mortal Immortals 4 years ago
    1558. 1655
      An Episode from the Imperium 4 years ago
    1559. 1656
      From Ghosts to Humans 4 years ago
    1560. 1657
      A World in a Grain of Sand 4 years ago
    1561. 1658
      Flowers to Brothers and Sisters of the Past 4 years ago
    1562. 1659
      Life-and-death Decisions! 4 years ago
    1563. 1660
      Xiao Ming and Wen Wen 4 years ago
    1564. 1661
      Praise the Father Civilization 4 years ago
    1565. 1662
      Independence of the Spiritual Nexus 4 years ago
    1566. 1663
      Child of Mankind 4 years ago
    1567. 1664
      Mischievous Child 4 years ago
    1568. 1665
      Collapse of the Virtual Spirits Sector 4 years ago
    1569. 1666
      Two Little Surprises 4 years ago
    1570. 1667
      Help Me Consolidate It, Please! 4 years ago
    1571. 1668
      Let Me Help You Sort It Through 4 years ago
    1572. 1669
      Heartfelt Conversation 4 years ago
    1573. 1670
      I've Decided, It's Going to Be You! 4 years ago
    1574. 1671
      Crime of Illegal Possession! 4 years ago
    1575. 1672
      Law Is Supreme! 4 years ago
    1576. 1673
      Two Apples 4 years ago
    1577. 1674
      Sibling Civilization? 4 years ago
    1578. 1675
      Nefarious Scandal! 4 years ago
    1579. 1676
      What Do You Want Exactly? 4 years ago
    1580. 1677
      Li Yao's Snake Beauty 4 years ago
    1581. 1678
      The War Between Two Women 4 years ago
    1582. 1679
      I Am Going to Win! 4 years ago
    1583. 1680
      Great Avalanche 4 years ago
    1584. 1681
      Revolution! 4 years ago
    1585. 1682
      Monster Li, Bravo! 4 years ago
    1586. 1683
      Whet a Sword for a Hundred Years, Cut the Throat in One Attack! 4 years ago
    1587. 1684
      A Thick, Strong, and Dependable Thigh! 4 years ago
    1588. 1685
      Better to Fight the Imperium Than to Piss Off Monster Li 4 years ago
    1589. 1686
      Jin Xinyue's Real Ambitions! 4 years ago
    1590. 1687
      Queen of Darkness! 4 years ago
    1591. 1688
      Flaws and Boundaries 4 years ago
    1592. 1689
      Rejection Reaction 4 years ago
    1593. 1690
      Jin Xinyue's Solution 4 years ago
    1594. 1691
      Bottoms Up! 4 years ago
    1595. 1692
      Complete Suppression! 4 years ago
    1596. 1693
      One Life for One Life! 4 years ago
    1597. 1694
      After a Century, Obliteration, Rebirth, Immortality! 4 years ago
    1598. 1695
      The Fleet Behind the Brown Dwarf 4 years ago
    1599. 1696
      Heiye Ming's Decision! 4 years ago
    1600. 1697
      Summon, Arrive! 4 years ago
    1601. 1698
      The Hanging Man 4 years ago
    1602. 1699
      The Real Rise! 4 years ago
    1603. 1700
      The Old Immortal Cultivator and the New One! 4 years ago
    1604. 1701
      Clean the Mess 4 years ago
    1605. 1702
      Okay... That Explains a Lot! 4 years ago
    1606. 1703
      Tinder Lives, Civilization Lives! 4 years ago
    1607. 1704
      Source of the Tinder 4 years ago
    1608. 1705
      Sister Qingqing Again 4 years ago
    1609. 1706
      Prosperous Circulation! 4 years ago
    1610. 1707
      Village Teacher 4 years ago
    1611. 1708
      The Spiriters and Their Realm! 4 years ago
    1612. 1709
      The Open and Frank Tinder Plan 4 years ago
    1613. 1710
      Between Reality and Illusion 4 years ago
    1614. 1711
      Just Admit It. We Are Just Like That! 4 years ago
    1615. 1712
      A Leap in Evolution! 4 years ago
    1616. 1713
      Beyond the Divinity Transformation Stage! 4 years ago
    1617. 1714
      Report to the Government! 4 years ago
    1618. 1715
      Mo Xuan's Belief 4 years ago
    1619. 1716
      The Hope of Absolute Peace 4 years ago
    1620. 1717
      The Way to Break the Illusion 4 years ago
    1621. 1718
      Silver World 4 years ago
    1622. 1719
      Absolute Peace! 4 years ago
    1623. 1720
      Greatest Man Alive 4 years ago
    1624. 1721
      Fatal Trap! 4 years ago
    1625. 1722
      My Most Familiar Pace Is Back! 4 years ago
    1626. 1723
      The Professor's Whole Scheme! 4 years ago
    1627. 1724
      Confrontation! 4 years ago
    1628. 1725
      It Can't Be You Again, Monster Li! 4 years ago
    1629. 1726
      The Last Solution! 4 years ago
    1630. 1727
      Disguises in Disguises! 4 years ago
    1631. 1728
      Lord of Ventilation Tubes! 4 years ago
    1632. 1729
      Lock onto the Target! 4 years ago
    1633. 1730
      Specialist of Super Brains! 4 years ago
    1634. 1731
      Spiritual Nexus Sudden Death 4 years ago
    1635. 1732
      Tens of Thousands of Vegetative Patients! 4 years ago
    1636. 1733
      Total War! 4 years ago
    1637. 1734
      Neither Dead nor Alive! 4 years ago
    1638. 1735
      Shells 4 years ago
    1639. 1736
      Cerebral Laboratory 4 years ago
    1640. 1737
      Abyss in Space! 4 years ago
    1641. 1738
      Mental Recoil! 4 years ago
    1642. 1739
      Truth of the Spiriters' Realm! 4 years ago
    1643. 1740
      Deviant Spirits 4 years ago
    1644. 1741
      Save Mankind 4 years ago
    1645. 1742
      My Friend, You've Come for Possession? 4 years ago
    1646. 1743
      Extraterrestrial devils! Extraterrestrial devils! 4 years ago
    1647. 1744
      The Last Competition, Begin! 4 years ago
    1648. 1745
      Even Though I'm Alone! 4 years ago
    1649. 1746
      We Don't Have Much Time Left! 4 years ago
    1650. 1747
      Gathering! 4 years ago
    1651. 1748
      414 Is on the Move! 4 years ago
    1652. 1749
      The First Time in a Hundred Years! 4 years ago
    1653. 1750
      The Supreme Emperor's Excalibur, Photon Phantom! 4 years ago
    1654. 1751
      I Can Fight 100,000 of Them! 4 years ago
    1655. 1752
      Horn of Charge 4 years ago
    1656. 1753
      The Primeval God-Sealing Cannon! 4 years ago
    1657. 1754
      A Shot After a Hundred Years! 4 years ago
    1658. 1755
      The Situation Looks Good! 4 years ago
    1659. 1756
      Abyss Jellyfish, Iron Troll! 4 years ago
    1660. 1757
      Unstoppable! 4 years ago
    1661. 1758
      Silver Tomb 4 years ago
    1662. 1759
      Mo Xuan, the Extraterrestrial Devil! 4 years ago
    1663. 1760
      Silver Slaughterhouse! 4 years ago
    1664. 1761
      Lost in the Spiriters' Realm! 4 years ago
    1665. 1762
      Black Wind Arrives! 4 years ago
    1666. 1763
      Space Battle! 4 years ago
    1667. 1764
      Unkillable Rabid Dog! 4 years ago
    1668. 1765
      Misfortune Bringer! 4 years ago
    1669. 1766
      All Cannons Roar, Line Up and Shoot! 4 years ago
    1670. 1767
      Bai Xingjian's Anomaly! 4 years ago
    1671. 1768
      An Accidental Journey in Paradise 4 years ago
    1672. 1769
      Eternal, Wonderful New World 4 years ago
    1673. 1770
      You Are Under Arrest! 4 years ago
    1674. 1771
      Fish Them All! 4 years ago
    1675. 1772
      Crush the Big Bai Fleet First! 4 years ago
    1676. 1773
      Sordid and Shameless! 4 years ago
    1677. 1774
      Truth of the Extraterrestrial Devils! 4 years ago
    1678. 1775
      Soul Transplantation, Generation Update! 4 years ago
    1679. 1776
      Parasite Attack, Begin! 4 years ago
    1680. 1777
      Internet of Brains! 4 years ago
    1681. 1778
      Perfect Symbiosis 4 years ago
    1682. 1779
      Two Extraterrestrial Devils Joining Hands! 4 years ago
    1683. 1780
      Fellow Cultivator Mo Xuan, Come and Give Me a Hand! 4 years ago
    1684. 1781
      I Am a Human, Too! 4 years ago
    1685. 1782
      Brothers Together! 4 years ago
    1686. 1783
      All Illusions, Break Apart Now! 4 years ago
    1687. 1784
      Twelve Experts of the Ancient Sages Sector, Arrive! 4 years ago
    1688. 1785
      The Last Strength! 4 years ago
    1689. 1786
      Green Bird in Fire! 4 years ago
    1690. 1787
      Sing, Roar, and Burn! 4 years ago
    1691. 1788
      In the Song! 4 years ago
    1692. 1789
      Another Extraterrestrial Devil! 4 years ago
    1693. 1790
      Loved 4 years ago
    1694. 1791
      Blossom of Hundred Flowers! 4 years ago
    1695. 1792
      Fierce Fight of Caged Beasts! 4 years ago
    1696. 1793
      The Joker Has Come! 4 years ago
    1697. 1794
      Wargame and the Chess Pieces Large and Small 4 years ago
    1698. 1795
      Remember My Name! 4 years ago
    1699. 1796
      Big Bai Is Coming! 4 years ago
    1700. 1797
      Five Hundred Years of Preparation! 4 years ago
    1701. 1798
      Didn't See This Coming! 4 years ago
    1702. 1799
      Monster Li's Explanation 4 years ago
    1703. 1800
      Have a Gratifying Fight! 4 years ago
    1704. 1801
      Colossi, Prepare to Attack! 4 years ago
    1705. 1802
      Masteress... 4 years ago
    1706. 1803
      Wormhole Bomb 4 years ago
    1707. 1804
      Fury of the Tyrannosaur 4 years ago
    1708. 1805
      Sweeping the Enemy! 4 years ago
    1709. 1806
      Enmeshed 4 years ago
    1710. 1807
      An Immortal Cultivator Who Loves the Federation 4 years ago
    1711. 1808
      Two Worlds, Two Classes 4 years ago
    1712. 1809
      Do You Want to Be... Truly Alive? 4 years ago
    1713. 1810
      Perfect Country 4 years ago
    1714. 1811
      Origins of Humans and Devils 4 years ago
    1715. 1812
      A Devil Rises! 4 years ago
    1716. 1813
      It Has to Be Blown Up! 4 years ago
    1717. 1814
      Moth Darting at Fire 4 years ago
    1718. 1815
      An Eye for an Eye, a Tooth for a Tooth! 4 years ago
    1719. 1816
      Unbelievable Miracle! 4 years ago
    1720. 1817
      Suicide Squad! 4 years ago
    1721. 1818
      Another Two Hours! 4 years ago
    1722. 1819
      A Carrier Has Come! 4 years ago
    1723. 1820
      Those Who Are Ignorant Are Fearless! 4 years ago
    1724. 1821
      A Journey of Sparks and Lightning! 4 years ago
    1725. 1822
      Collision of Infinite Fire! 4 years ago
    1726. 1823
      Uncanny Tenebrum Energy! 4 years ago
    1727. 1824
      Black Satan! 4 years ago
    1728. 1825
      A Sword of Ten Thousand Kilometers! 4 years ago
    1729. 1826
      Collection of Extraterrestrial Devils! 4 years ago
    1730. 1827
      I am the Winner! 4 years ago
    1731. 1828
      What Are You Exactly? 4 years ago
    1732. 1829
      Escape from Earth! 4 years ago
    1733. 1830
      Collapse of Black Wind 4 years ago
    1734. 1831
      Escaping Star 4 years ago
    1735. 1832
      I'll Be Waiting for You at the Center of the Universe! 4 years ago
    1736. 1833
      To Where the Stars Are Brightest! 4 years ago
    1737. 1834
      Juniors 4 years ago
    1738. 1835
      Pomp and Circumstance 4 years ago
    1739. 1836
      It's Good to Be Home 4 years ago
    1740. 1837
      In the River of Time 4 years ago
    1741. 1838
      Let's Do It Together, Crawl or Leap! 4 years ago
    1742. 1839
      Secrets of Bai Xingjian 4 years ago
    1743. 1840
      The Ultimate Evolved Space Pirate! 4 years ago
    1744. 1841
      Close to the Truth 4 years ago
    1745. 1842
      Counterattack of a Great Man! 4 years ago
    1746. 1843
      Such a Trap, Such a Father! 4 years ago
    1747. 1844
      Child... 4 years ago
    1748. 1845
      Who's Protecting Whom? 4 years ago
    1749. 1846
      Battlefield Uprising? 4 years ago
    1750. 1847
      National Ceremony! 4 years ago
    1751. 1848
      Under the Monument 4 years ago
    1752. 1849
      When Our Fates Entwined 4 years ago
    1753. 1850
      Home Is Ahead! (End of Volume V) 4 years ago
    1754. 1851
      New Techniques 4 years ago
    1755. 1852
      The Last Hyper Spirit 4 years ago
    1756. 1853
      Moonlight Bringer 4 years ago
    1757. 1854
      The Dying Spirits Sector 4 years ago
    1758. 1855
      Sand Painting 4 years ago
    1759. 1856
      The Gone Statue 4 years ago
    1760. 1857
      Enlighten the Child Civilization 4 years ago
    1761. 1858
      On Sirius 4 years ago
    1762. 1859
      Di Feiwen 4 years ago
    1763. 1860
      Choice of the Fleet of Brown Dwarf 4 years ago
    1764. 1861
      Surrender Only to You 4 years ago
    1765. 1862
      The Gate of the Divinity Transformation Stage! 4 years ago
    1766. 1863
      Fiery Eye, Heavy Cannon, Death Shadow! 4 years ago
    1767. 1864
      I'm in a Hurry. Come Together! 4 years ago
    1768. 1865
      Absolutely Dominating and Brutal! 4 years ago
    1769. 1866
      You Are Too Cruel 4 years ago
    1770. 1867
      The Most Troublesome Negotiator 4 years ago
    1771. 1868
      Di Feiwen's Scheme! 4 years ago
    1772. 1869
      Level-Twelve Citizen of the Imperium! 4 years ago
    1773. 1870
      Overthrow the Imperium! 4 years ago
    1774. 1871
      Master of Five Sectors! 4 years ago
    1775. 1872
      Business Lord 4 years ago
    1776. 1873
      Bound Interests 4 years ago
    1777. 1874
      Heartfelt Conversation 4 years ago
    1778. 1875
      Feats Are Feats; Faults Are Faults 4 years ago
    1779. 1876
      Xu Yulan's Confusion 4 years ago
    1780. 1877
      New Life on Ultimacy 4 years ago
    1781. 1878
      Everything from Nothing 4 years ago
    1782. 1879
      All Are Winners 4 years ago
    1783. 1880
      After the Choice 4 years ago
    1784. 1881
      When Faced with a Tiger 4 years ago
    1785. 1882
      The Arsonists 4 years ago
    1786. 1883
      Let's Wait and See! 4 years ago
    1787. 1884
      The Last Mission at the Edge of the Cosmos 4 years ago
    1788. 1885
      Changes in the Ancient Sages Sector 4 years ago
    1789. 1886
      Son of Destiny! 4 years ago
    1790. 1887
      Arrival of the Elder! 4 years ago
    1791. 1888
      Unparalleled Fiery Fiend! 4 years ago
    1792. 1889
      I Will Just Watch You Quietly... 4 years ago
    1793. 1890
      Let's Talk Nicely 4 years ago
    1794. 1891
      You Really Are Doomed 4 years ago
    1795. 1892
      Okay, I'm Coming 4 years ago
    1796. 1893
      Let Me Teach You a Lesson! 4 years ago
    1797. 1894
      This Is Destiny's Son! 4 years ago
    1798. 1895
      A New Chapter of the Ancient Sages Sector 4 years ago
    1799. 1896
      Is There Law? 4 years ago
    1800. 1897
      Monster of Monsters! 4 years ago
    1801. 1898
      One Thousandth 4 years ago
    1802. 1899
      Hundred-Year Glory 4 years ago
    1803. 1900
      Our Quest! 4 years ago
    1804. 1901
      New Epiphany 4 years ago
    1805. 1902
      One Inch from the Divinity Transformation Stage! 4 years ago
    1806. 1903
      Operation Archaeology 4 years ago
    1807. 1904
      The 'Fossil' Has Come Back to Life! 4 years ago
    1808. 1905
      Terror Sower 4 years ago
    1809. 1906
      Green-Haired Fiend 4 years ago
    1810. 1907
      Who's Strong, and Who's Weak? 4 years ago
    1811. 1908
      The Strongest Evolved Being 4 years ago
    1812. 1909
      Survivorship Bias 4 years ago
    1813. 1910
      Two Commanders 4 years ago
    1814. 1911
      Astonishing Last Words! 4 years ago
    1815. 1912
      Not This Again! 4 years ago
    1816. 1913
      Don't Touch That! 4 years ago
    1817. 1914
      Are You Actually— 4 years ago
    1818. 1915
      Two in One! 4 years ago
    1819. 1916
      The Real Destiny 4 years ago
    1820. 1917
      The Question Before Departure 4 years ago
    1821. 1918
      Create a Destiny 4 years ago
    1822. 1919
      Truth of the Vulture Plan! 4 years ago
    1823. 1920
      It's Perfectly Reasonable! 4 years ago
    1824. 1921
      Brainstorm 4 years ago
    1825. 1922
      The Motives to Destroy the Earth 4 years ago
    1826. 1923
      Six Billion Virtual People 4 years ago
    1827. 1924
      Ceaseless 4 years ago
    1828. 1925
      The Most Romantic Thing I Can Imagine 4 years ago
    1829. 1926
      Strategic Deception, Heavenly Eye Plan 4 years ago
    1830. 1927
      Treacherous Situation 4 years ago
    1831. 1928
      Unrestricted Warfare, Incoming Experts of Heavenly Slayer! 4 years ago
    1832. 1929
      Out of Reach! 4 years ago
    1833. 1930
      Training for Everybody 4 years ago
    1834. 1931
      Destination: Devilish Scorpion Galaxy! 4 years ago
    1835. 1932
      Disintegration of Fear 4 years ago
    1836. 1933
      Emissary, Diplomat, and Destroyer! 4 years ago
    1837. 1934
      A New Journey Begins! 4 years ago
    1838. 1935
      At the Leo Dock, Civilization Arrives! 4 years ago
    1839. 1936
      Me, My Dad, and My Grandpa 4 years ago
    1840. 1937
      Black Triangle 4 years ago
    1841. 1938
      Order, Please! 4 years ago
    1842. 1939
      A War of Two 4 years ago
    1843. 1940
      Universe, I'm Here! 4 years ago
    1844. 1941
      Alien Species! 4 years ago
    1845. 1942
      Into the Divinity Transformation Stage Again! 4 years ago
    1846. 1943
      Five Attacks, Divinity Transformation! 4 years ago
    1847. 1944
      Very Perfect? 4 years ago
    1848. 1945
      The Minor Price for Divinity Transformation 4 years ago
    1849. 1946
      Adventure of the Soul! 4 years ago
    1850. 1947
      Infiltrating the Origin of Blackstar the Great! 4 years ago
    1851. 1948
      Universal Janitor 4 years ago
    1852. 1949
      Han Te and Liu Li 4 years ago
    1853. 1950
      Sinners in the Land of Sins 4 years ago
    1854. 1951
      Old Grandpas from the Sky 4 years ago
    1855. 1952
      Terrible Red Flashes! 4 years ago
    1856. 1953
      Fatal Shortcomings of the Unparalleled Arts 4 years ago
    1857. 1954
      Help Me, Senior! 4 years ago
    1858. 1955
      Manjusaka, the City in the Sky 4 years ago
    1859. 1956
      The Myriad of Old Grandpas! 4 years ago
    1860. 1957
      Train Even If It Means Death! 4 years ago
    1861. 1958
      Flower of the Other Shore 4 years ago
    1862. 1959
      Bliss 4 years ago
    1863. 1960
      Garbage and Junk 4 years ago
    1864. 1961
      Tough Bandit Zhao Lie 4 years ago
    1865. 1962
      Its Name Is 'Fiend Star'! 4 years ago
    1866. 1963
      Naïve Ideals 4 years ago
    1867. 1964
      Crazy Modification: Five Pairs of Bogie Wheels! 4 years ago
    1868. 1965
      Dog Eat Dog! 4 years ago
    1869. 1966
      When Flowers of the Other Shore Blossom 4 years ago
    1870. 1967
      Everybody's Target 4 years ago
    1871. 1968
      Behind the Curtain 4 years ago
    1872. 1969
      Black Water Gang 4 years ago
    1873. 1970
      Couldn't Be More Wrong! 4 years ago
    1874. 1971
      Fight Blood Eagle! 4 years ago
    1875. 1972
      Hypocrite! 4 years ago
    1876. 1973
      Little Cultivators 4 years ago
    1877. 1974
      Hopeless Idiots 4 years ago
    1878. 1975
      Fiend Star 59 4 years ago
    1879. 1976
      Incoming Bandits! 4 years ago
    1880. 1977
      My Will Begins Here! 4 years ago
    1881. 1978
      Fury of the Divinity Transformation Stage! 4 years ago
    1882. 1979
      No Other Choice 4 years ago
    1883. 1980
      You're Right, But... 4 years ago
    1884. 1981
      Father and Son 4 years ago
    1885. 1982
      Right or Wrong 4 years ago
    1886. 1983
      Double Dragons City 4 years ago
    1887. 1984
      Infiltration and Control 4 years ago
    1888. 1985
      The Fist King! 4 years ago
    1889. 1986
      Elysian War! 4 years ago
    1890. 1987
      Unexpected Explosion 4 years ago
    1891. 1988
      Gang Fight in Double Dragons City 4 years ago
    1892. 1989
      Go Now Without Worries! 4 years ago
    1893. 1990
      Arriving at Bloody Plateau 4 years ago
    1894. 1991
      The Catty Girl 4 years ago
    1895. 1992
      Visitors from the Sky 4 years ago
    1896. 1993
      Arrival of the Players 4 years ago
    1897. 1994
      Randomly Distributed Teammates 4 years ago
    1898. 1995
      The Fist King's Camp! 4 years ago
    1899. 1996
      A Game of Life or Death! 4 years ago
    1900. 1997
      Rising to Fame Through Secondary Quests 4 years ago
    1901. 1998
      The Truth Behind the Truth? 4 years ago
    1902. 1999
      Meeting the Fist King at Great Iron City! 4 years ago
    1903. 2000
      The Fist King's Ambition! 4 years ago
    1904. 2001
      Star Plasma Cannon! 4 years ago
    1905. 2002
      Nether Realm 4 years ago
    1906. 2003
      Slaughter Moment 4 years ago
    1907. 2004
      Paradise of Sins 4 years ago
    1908. 2005
      Recall Points 4 years ago
    1909. 2006
      The Weird Fist King 4 years ago
    1910. 2007
      Crystal Clear 4 years ago
    1911. 2008
      Shocking Ambition! 4 years ago
    1912. 2009
      City Against City! 4 years ago
    1913. 2010
      Invincible Iron Fists! 4 years ago
    1914. 2011
      The Fist King's Metamorphosis! 4 years ago
    1915. 2012
      The Fist King's Ultimate Form! 4 years ago
    1916. 2013
      Li Jialing 4 years ago
    1917. 2014
      The Future of the Li Family! 4 years ago
    1918. 2015
      Wuying Lan's Rise! 4 years ago
    1919. 2016
      The Uncontrollable Iron Fists! 4 years ago
    1920. 2017
      Eyeballs Are Everything! 4 years ago
    1921. 2018
      Into the Sky! 4 years ago
    1922. 2019
      My Own Kind! 4 years ago
    1923. 2020
      The Fist King's Story 4 years ago
    1924. 2021
      The Real Strength 4 years ago
    1925. 2022
      Lei Zonglie's Death 4 years ago
    1926. 2023
      Let's Go and Blow Up the City in the Sky! 4 years ago
    1927. 2024
      Mission of the Highest Difficulty 4 years ago
    1928. 2025
      Beginning of the Complete Loss of Control 4 years ago
    1929. 2026
      Chaotic Battle in the Dangerous City! 4 years ago
    1930. 2027
      Xin Xiaoqi and the Leader of Liberty City's Secrets 4 years ago
    1931. 2028
      Complicated, Confusing, Heartbreaking 4 years ago
    1932. 2029
      A Fly That Does Not Have a Choice 4 years ago
    1933. 2030
      Be a Real Man! 4 years ago
    1934. 2031
      Desperate Escape! 4 years ago
    1935. 2032
      The Last Deal 4 years ago
    1936. 2033
      The Great Secret in the Land of Sins 4 years ago
    1937. 2034
      Weakness of Humanity 4 years ago
    1938. 2035
      Triple Changes! 4 years ago
    1939. 2036
      If We Go, Let's Go Together! 4 years ago
    1940. 2037
      Drive Tigers to Attack Wolves 4 years ago
    1941. 2038
      Parasitic Killing Intent 4 years ago
    1942. 2039
      Establishment of the Anti-Sky Guerilla Team! 4 years ago
    1943. 2040
      Unsatisfactory Work 4 years ago
    1944. 2041
      Starlight Surfaces 4 years ago
    1945. 2042
      Break Out of Liberty City! 4 years ago
    1946. 2043
      Skeleton Lizard 4 years ago
    1947. 2044
      Violent Delights 4 years ago
    1948. 2045
      City of Skeletons! 4 years ago
    1949. 2046
      Earthly Dragon! 4 years ago
    1950. 2047
      Starlight Underground 4 years ago
    1951. 2048
      Tough Man Wei Longtao! 4 years ago
    1952. 2049
      Temple of Cultivators! 4 years ago
    1953. 2050
      Fall of the Firmament! 4 years ago
    1954. 2051
      Yesterday Starlight! 4 years ago
    1955. 2052
      Gentle Zuo Jingyun 4 years ago
    1956. 2053
      Underground Past 4 years ago
    1957. 2054
      What Are You Suspicious Of? 4 years ago
    1958. 2055
      The Reason to Become Stronger 4 years ago
    1959. 2056
      Battle of Drilling 4 years ago
    1960. 2057
      Going Easy! 4 years ago
    1961. 2058
      Beginning of the Epic Quest! 4 years ago
    1962. 2059
      We're Back! 4 years ago
    1963. 2060
      Extreme Evolution! 4 years ago
    1964. 2061
      Space Prison 4 years ago
    1965. 2062
      Bloody Interrogation 4 years ago
    1966. 2063
      The Truth Is Out! 4 years ago
    1967. 2064
      Frozen Beehive! 4 years ago
    1968. 2065
      Terrible Prisoners! 4 years ago
    1969. 2066
      Who's the Acquaintance? 4 years ago
    1970. 2067
      Secret Weapon for the Only Target! 4 years ago
    1971. 2068
      Clever Young Man 4 years ago
    1972. 2069
      The Old Monster and the Little One 4 years ago
    1973. 2070
      Shadow of Darkness 4 years ago
    1974. 2071
      Li Jialing's Action! 4 years ago
    1975. 2072
      Face Changing! 4 years ago
    1976. 2073
      I Am Just a Machine 4 years ago
    1977. 2074
      The Most Perfect Immortal Cultivator! 4 years ago
    1978. 2075
      The Origin Plan! 4 years ago
    1979. 2076
      Schemer Behind the Curtain! 4 years ago
    1980. 2077
      Call Me Brother Yao! 4 years ago
    1981. 2078
      Analyze and Approach the Truth! 4 years ago
    1982. 2079
      The Soul Is Delicious! 4 years ago
    1983. 2080
      Logic of the World! 4 years ago
    1984. 2081
      Tragic Heroes and Clowns 4 years ago
    1985. 2082
      Pitiful Wretches in the Empty Jar 4 years ago
    1986. 2083
      A New Hero! 4 years ago
    1987. 2084
      The Last Preparations! 4 years ago
    1988. 2085
      Dying Together with the World! 4 years ago
    1989. 2086
      Tomorrow Will Be Better! 4 years ago
    1990. 2087
      Make It Big! 4 years ago
    1991. 2088
      Loyalty Education 4 years ago
    1992. 2089
      Empathy 4 years ago
    1993. 2090
      A Cycle 4 years ago
    1994. 2091
      Defend the Temple With Life! 4 years ago
    1995. 2092
      Dream of the Temple! 4 years ago
    1996. 2093
      Fight to the End! 4 years ago
    1997. 2094
      The Cruel Truth 4 years ago
    1998. 2095
      A World Without Miracles 4 years ago
    1999. 2096
      The Miracle Begins! 4 years ago
    2000. 2097
      The Sound of Hell! 4 years ago
    2001. 2098
      Arrival of the Mystic Skeleton Blood Wing! 4 years ago
    2002. 2099
      Invincible! 4 years ago
    2003. 2100
      Save Yourselves! 4 years ago
    2004. 2101
      Wuying’s Broken Dream 4 years ago
    2005. 2102
      Total Sabotage! 4 years ago
    2006. 2103
      Tempest God! 4 years ago
    2007. 2104
      Wuying Lan’s Metamorphosis! 4 years ago
    2008. 2105
      I Won’t Hear It 4 years ago
    2009. 2106
      Obliterated! 4 years ago
    2010. 2107
      Beginning of the Stream! 4 years ago
    2011. 2108
      THIS IS WHAT CULTIVATORS DO! 4 years ago
    2012. 2109
      Shocking the Universe! 4 years ago
    2013. 2110
      Focus of the Entire Imperium! 4 years ago
    2014. 2111
      Pretend to Be Dead, or Burst Out Again? 4 years ago
    2015. 2112
      Our Colossus! 4 years ago
    2016. 2113
      Bluffing the Truth! 4 years ago
    2017. 2114
      Thunderous Tornado Saber, the Luxury and Upgraded Version! 4 years ago
    2018. 2115
      Vomiting Blood In Anger! 4 years ago
    2019. 2116
      Rapid Fall! 4 years ago
    2020. 2117
      Li Yao’s Ambush! 4 years ago
    2021. 2118
      Absolute Advantage! 4 years ago
    2022. 2119
      Grandpa Yao’s Reappearance! 4 years ago
    2023. 2120
      Escape From the Land of Sins! 4 years ago
    2024. 2121
      Mountain Moving! 4 years ago
    2025. 2122
      Hearts of Machine 4 years ago
    2026. 2123
      New Way Out! 4 years ago
    2027. 2124
      Create Your Own Future! 4 years ago
    2028. 2125
      Who Can Stop Me? 4 years ago
    2029. 2126
      Blind Jump! 4 years ago
    2030. 2127
      Desperate Escape 4 years ago
    2031. 2128
      Sand Primitive Sector! 4 years ago
    2032. 2129
      Haunting! 4 years ago
    2033. 2130
      Arrival of More Dreadful Enemies! 4 years ago
    2034. 2131
      In the Thunderstorm! 4 years ago
    2035. 2132
      Shocking News! 4 years ago
    2036. 2133
      The Young Man’s Armor and... Tusks! 4 years ago
    2037. 2134
      Business Is Business 4 years ago
    2038. 2135
      Turn a Foe... Into a Friend? 4 years ago
    2039. 2136
      Wisdom Back Online! 4 years ago
    2040. 2137
      The Weird Queen! 4 years ago
    2041. 2138
      The Rapidly Growing Young Man! 4 years ago
    2042. 2139
      Queen In White! 4 years ago
    2043. 2140
      The Past One Century Ago 4 years ago
    2044. 2141
      Clearing the Mists! 4 years ago
    2045. 2142
      Rashness and Rationality 4 years ago
    2046. 2143
      Imperium at Dusk 4 years ago
    2047. 2144
      A Pig Is a Pig! 4 years ago
    2048. 2145
      Suffocating Heritages! 4 years ago
    2049. 2146
      Playing the Ultimate Move Again! 4 years ago
    2050. 2147
      It All Depends on the Attempt! 4 years ago
    2051. 2148
      Everything I Say Is True! 4 years ago
    2052. 2149
      The Roses 4 years ago
    2053. 2150
      The Only Reasonable Outcome 4 years ago
    2054. 2151
      To Save and to Be Saved 4 years ago
    2055. 2152
      The Queen’s Personal Bodyguard 4 years ago
    2056. 2153
      Gold Lion 4 years ago
    2057. 2154
      Just a Deal 4 years ago
    2058. 2155
      Deep Sea Fleet 4 years ago
    2059. 2156
      Skinny Monkeys 4 years ago
    2060. 2157
      The Immortal Cultivators of Different Classes 4 years ago
    2061. 2158
      The Strong Remain Strong! 4 years ago
    2062. 2159
      Blackstar the Great’s Utopia! 4 years ago
    2063. 2160
      Those Who Are Old Should Die! 4 years ago
    2064. 2161
      For His Majesty! 4 years ago
    2065. 2162
      Unsatiety Leads to Stupidity 4 years ago
    2066. 2163
      Honor the Majesty, Settle the Rebellions! 4 years ago
    2067. 2164
      Five Strategies That Guarantee a Victory! 4 years ago
    2068. 2165
      A Path of Obstinacy! 4 years ago
    2069. 2166
      Lesson of History 4 years ago
    2070. 2167
      Eye of the Federation 4 years ago
    2071. 2168
      Groundbreaking Hybrid Engine! 4 years ago
    2072. 2169
      Jin Tianzong Who Was Too Distinguished! 4 years ago
    2073. 2170
      A Miracle Is Needed! 4 years ago
    2074. 2171
      Who Is He Exactly? 4 years ago
    2075. 2172
      A Lesson For Kindergartners 4 years ago
    2076. 2173
      Reasons for Furnaces 4 years ago
    2077. 2174
      The Furnace Is... Singing! 4 years ago
    2078. 2175
      Not a Showoff 4 years ago
    2079. 2176
      Getting Serious! 4 years ago
    2080. 2177
      It’s the Highest Difficulty That I Am After! 4 years ago
    2081. 2178
      Sky Is the Limit! 4 years ago
    2082. 2179
      Thank You, Fellow Cultivator Li! 4 years ago
    2083. 2180
      Pleasant Cooperation! 4 years ago
    2084. 2181
      Deep Sea Palace 4 years ago
    2085. 2182
      Power of the Reformists! 4 years ago
    2086. 2183
      You Are a Good Sign 4 years ago
    2087. 2184
      A Bunch of Idiots! 4 years ago
    2088. 2185
      Blood Oath Alliance of the Imperium’s Army! 4 years ago
    2089. 2186
      Shocking Tide! 4 years ago
    2090. 2187
      Elder Li! 4 years ago
    2091. 2188
      Elements of the Reformists 4 years ago
    2092. 2189
      Rise In Hopelessness! 4 years ago
    2093. 2190
      You Are Dead 4 years ago
    2094. 2191
      Return to the Capital Openly! 4 years ago
    2095. 2192
      A Real Soldier of the Imperium! 4 years ago
    2096. 2193
      Origins of the God of War! 4 years ago
    2097. 2194
      Silly General 4 years ago
    2098. 2195
      Useless Bow 4 years ago
    2099. 2196
      Rescue General Lei! 4 years ago
    2100. 2197
      Trapped Tiger 4 years ago
    2101. 2198
      When You Want To Beat Your Dog 4 years ago
    2102. 2199
      Alluring Conditions 4 years ago
    2103. 2200
      War Means Death! 4 years ago
    2104. 2201
      National Gamble! 4 years ago
    2105. 2202
      The Last Decency 4 years ago
    2106. 2203
      Firewall 4 years ago
    2107. 2204
      Majestic Wings 4 years ago
    2108. 2205
      The Toughest of the Toughest of the Toughest! 4 years ago
    2109. 2206
      Terrifying Old Monster! 4 years ago
    2110. 2207
      The Impenetrable Godly Might Prison! 4 years ago
    2111. 2208
      Horse-Running Ventilation Tubes! 4 years ago
    2112. 2209
      Rounded to 100% 4 years ago
    2113. 2210
      Everybody Has a Plan 4 years ago
    2114. 2211
      The Arrow Is on the Bow 4 years ago
    2115. 2212
      Laureated or Cursed 4 years ago
    2116. 2213
      Something Ends, Something Begins 4 years ago
    2117. 2214
      New Players Are Finally Here! 4 years ago
    2118. 2215
      Prison Turmoil 4 years ago
    2119. 2216
      Bloody Abattoir! 4 years ago
    2120. 2217
      Fully-Wound Machines 4 years ago
    2121. 2218
      The Terrifying Computational Ability of the Divinity Transformation Stage! 4 years ago
    2122. 2219
      Brand-New Technique! 4 years ago
    2123. 2220
      God of War! 4 years ago
    2124. 2221
      Conquer the Godly Might Prison! 4 years ago
    2125. 2222
      You Have Lost. Surrender Now! 4 years ago
    2126. 2223
      Pace of the God of War 4 years ago
    2127. 2224
      No Blood Shed! 4 years ago
    2128. 2225
      Make the Best Use of Things 4 years ago
    2129. 2226
      Kill For Freedom! 4 years ago
    2130. 2227
      War Tolerates No Mercy! 4 years ago
    2131. 2228
      The Situation Is Settled! 4 years ago
    2132. 2229
      I’ve Done So Much! 4 years ago
    2133. 2230
      The Enemies in the Council of Elders! 4 years ago
    2134. 2231
      Armed Intervention! 4 years ago
    2135. 2232
      The Imperial Fire Pearl! 4 years ago
    2136. 2233
      The Weird Queen 4 years ago
    2137. 2234
      Set Off to Take Everything Back! 4 years ago
    2138. 2235
      I Am a Patriot, Too! 4 years ago
    2139. 2236
      Lore of Red Nimbus! 4 years ago
    2140. 2237
      Can’t Take It Anymore! 4 years ago
    2141. 2238
      Let’s Fight Them! 4 years ago
    2142. 2239
      War of Capitals! 4 years ago
    2143. 2240
      Terrifying Gold Colossus! 4 years ago
    2144. 2241
      Expert From the Palace! 4 years ago
    2145. 2242
      Everyone’s War Against Everyone! 4 years ago
    2146. 2243
      You Are What I Say You Are! 4 years ago
    2147. 2244
      The Men of Justice Shall Slay Them Together! 4 years ago
    2148. 2245
      Sacrificial Offering to the Flag! 4 years ago
    2149. 2246
      More Dangerous Than Extraterrestrial Devils 4 years ago
    2150. 2247
      Reactions of the Capital 3 years ago
    2151. 2248
      Attack the Unprepared Enemy! 3 years ago
    2152. 2249
      Lightning Storm! 3 years ago
    2153. 2250
      The Fleet Blessed by Darkness 3 years ago
    2154. 2251
      Too Fancy an Entrance! 3 years ago
    2155. 2252
      Set Up the Brand of Vulture! 3 years ago
    2156. 2253
      Gold Death! 3 years ago
    2157. 2254
      Li Linghai’s Next Step 3 years ago
    2158. 2255
      Old Patriarch! 3 years ago
    2159. 2256
      Ultimatum! 3 years ago
    2160. 2257
      Vicious and Unforgivable! 3 years ago
    2161. 2258
      Treacherous Deal 3 years ago
    2162. 2259
      Crossing the Line! 3 years ago
    2163. 2260
      A “Gift” Before the Final Battle! 3 years ago
    2164. 2261
      Surplus Generals! 3 years ago
    2165. 2262
      Seminar of Generals 3 years ago
    2166. 2263
      I Am a Vice Admiral! 3 years ago
    2167. 2264
      You Can Only Forgive Her... 3 years ago
    2168. 2265
      Things Are Getting Huge! 3 years ago
    2169. 2266
      Cry in the Emperor’s Mausoleum! 3 years ago
    2170. 2267
      Cry For the Imperium! 3 years ago
    2171. 2268
      Loss of Control and Escalation 3 years ago
    2172. 2269
      Unstoppable Storm! 3 years ago
    2173. 2270
      He Is Crawling Out of His Coffin... 3 years ago
    2174. 2271
      Fuel on Fire! 3 years ago
    2175. 2272
      Who’s Responsible? 3 years ago
    2176. 2273
      All the Crows Are Black! 3 years ago
    2177. 2274
      Dilemma of the Immortal Cultivators 3 years ago
    2178. 2275
      From Evil to Righteous, and From Righteous to Evil! 3 years ago
    2179. 2276
      Detonate the Lethal Bomb! 3 years ago
    2180. 2277
      Cannibal Training! 3 years ago
    2181. 2278
      Insatiable Ravenousness! 3 years ago
    2182. 2279
      Li Yao’s Role 3 years ago
    2183. 2280
      Mysterious and Unpredictable Dongfang Mingyue! 3 years ago
    2184. 2281
      Self-Contradictory Queen 3 years ago
    2185. 2282
      Try Whatever Might Work! 3 years ago
    2186. 2283
      Dark War! 3 years ago
    2187. 2284
      Let’s Get Some Excitement! 3 years ago
    2188. 2285
      Charm of the Sword! 3 years ago
    2189. 2286
      Secret Battle! 3 years ago
    2190. 2287
      Not My Own Kind! 3 years ago
    2191. 2288
      Long Yangjun’s Feelings! 3 years ago
    2192. 2289
      New Enigmas! 3 years ago
    2193. 2290
      Sky Changing Operation! 3 years ago
    2194. 2291
      Ambitionless Queen! 3 years ago
    2195. 2292
      Unannounced Guests to the Man-Eating Place! 3 years ago
    2196. 2293
      The Sky Changing Operation Begins! 3 years ago
    2197. 2294
      Bomb Expert! 3 years ago
    2198. 2295
      Living Bloody Hell! 3 years ago
    2199. 2296
      Karma Has Come! 3 years ago
    2200. 2297
      Let’s See If You Can Cure Yourself! 3 years ago
    2201. 2298
      National Indignity! 3 years ago
    2202. 2299
      Cursed by Everybody! 3 years ago
    2203. 2300
      Rescue His Majesty! 3 years ago
    2204. 2301
      The Experience of Showing Off 3 years ago
    2205. 2302
      Battle in the Deep Ocean! 3 years ago
    2206. 2303
      When One Is Dying 3 years ago
    2207. 2304
      Truth of the Tenebrum Energy! 3 years ago
    2208. 2305
      Gift From the Ancestral Civilizations! 3 years ago
    2209. 2306
      Personal Question 3 years ago
    2210. 2307
      Dongfang Wang’s Ending 3 years ago
    2211. 2308
      The Real Enemy! 3 years ago
    2212. 2309
      Unexpected Evidence! 3 years ago
    2213. 2310
      Emperor Shenwu Shows Up! 3 years ago
    2214. 2311
      Underground Palace! 3 years ago
    2215. 2312
      Possessed By Whom? 3 years ago
    2216. 2313
      Great Catastrophe! 3 years ago
    2217. 2314
      Bloody Palace! 3 years ago
    2218. 2315
      Kicking Me Away Already? 3 years ago
    2219. 2316
      Black and White Queen! 3 years ago
    2220. 2317
      An Emperor Does Not Joke! 3 years ago
    2221. 2318
      United and Devoted! 3 years ago
    2222. 2319
      Hellstar! 3 years ago
    2223. 2320
      Divide and Conquer! 3 years ago
    2224. 2321
      The Most Correct Survival Policy 3 years ago
    2225. 2322
      Token of Trust! 3 years ago
    2226. 2323
      Kneel Before Me! 3 years ago
    2227. 2324
      A Thousand Years Cannot Soothe the Pain! 3 years ago
    2228. 2325
      Throne of Gods! 3 years ago
    2229. 2326
      Fight For the Imperium For Another 100,000 Years! 3 years ago
    2230. 2327
      What the— 3 years ago
    2231. 2328
      Good Brother, Let’s Challenge Blackstar the Great! 3 years ago
    2232. 2329
      At the End of the Trench! 3 years ago
    2233. 2330
      Li Yao Versus Blackstar! 3 years ago
    2234. 2331
      Put Out the Fire that You Started! 3 years ago
    2235. 2332
      A Valiant Cultivator! 3 years ago
    2236. 2333
      The Price of the Divinity Transformation Stage! 3 years ago
    2237. 2334
      The Policy to Win! 3 years ago
    2238. 2335
      Critical Moment! 3 years ago
    2239. 2336
      All the Reasons to Stay Back 3 years ago
    2240. 2337
      Ultra-Galactic Cannon! 3 years ago
    2241. 2338
      Collision of Souls! 3 years ago
    2242. 2339
      Foreigners and Friends 3 years ago
    2243. 2340
      A Public Competition of Beliefs! 3 years ago
    2244. 2341
      Forgotten Land 3 years ago
    2245. 2342
      Serenity Seraph 3 years ago
    2246. 2343
      Refugees Below the Ground 3 years ago
    2247. 2344
      Forgotten World 3 years ago
    2248. 2345
      The Little Lion Is Deceived! 3 years ago
    2249. 2346
      My Little Brother Has Grown Up! 3 years ago
    2250. 2347
      Lifeline of the Underground World! 3 years ago
    2251. 2348
      Coup de Grâce 3 years ago
    2252. 2349
      Hatred in Darkness 3 years ago
    2253. 2350
      Li Yao’s Approaches 3 years ago
    2254. 2351
      How to Pursue the Cheerleader 3 years ago
    2255. 2352
      The Deepest Dungeon 3 years ago
    2256. 2353
      Battle of Wildlings! 3 years ago
    2257. 2354
      Superstition! 3 years ago
    2258. 2355
      A Friendly and Frank Conversation 3 years ago
    2259. 2356
      Join the Noble Cause! 3 years ago
    2260. 2357
      Father Li’s Tutelage 3 years ago
    2261. 2358
      Experiment of Origins 3 years ago
    2262. 2359
      Every Mortal Suffers! 3 years ago
    2263. 2360
      Ugliness Below the Ground! 3 years ago
    2264. 2361
      Devil of Desire! 3 years ago
    2265. 2362
      Accidental Achievement 3 years ago
    2266. 2363
      Ideas of Nepenthe 3 years ago
    2267. 2364
      The Innocent Long Yangjun 3 years ago
    2268. 2365
      The Supervillain This Time! 3 years ago
    2269. 2366
      Attack the Great Iron Plants! 3 years ago
    2270. 2367
      Super Brainwave Magnifier! 3 years ago
    2271. 2368
      The Grand Guardian 3 years ago
    2272. 2369
      Bing Bing’s Questions 3 years ago
    2273. 2370
      Flowery Bugs, Sweet Stones, and Ocarinas 3 years ago
    2274. 2371
      Fight for the Melody! 3 years ago
    2275. 2372
      Clean the Cultivators’ Gold Brand! 3 years ago
    2276. 2373
      Thing in the Great Iron Plants! 3 years ago
    2277. 2374
      Rise in the Chaos! 3 years ago
    2278. 2375
      Succeed, or Sacrifice! 3 years ago
    2279. 2376
      The Father of Two Boys 3 years ago
    2280. 2377
      Everybody Dies Twice! 3 years ago
    2281. 2378
      Unexpected! 3 years ago
    2282. 2379
      Evil Double-Headed Snake! 3 years ago
    2283. 2380
      Origins of the Covenant Alliance! 3 years ago
    2284. 2381
      Meaningless Death 3 years ago
    2285. 2382
      The Trivial Unchangeability! 3 years ago
    2286. 2383
      Modify the Brainwave Magnifier! 3 years ago
    2287. 2384
      Such Old-Fashioned Trickery! 3 years ago
    2288. 2385
      Moth or Butterfly? 3 years ago
    2289. 2386
      Battle of Fury! 3 years ago
    2290. 2387
      Li Yao’s Preach! 3 years ago
    2291. 2388
      Caught in a Hard Battle! 3 years ago
    2292. 2389
      The Gold Lion’s Decision! 3 years ago
    2293. 2390
      Li Yao, You Monster! 3 years ago
    2294. 2391
      Causality of Civilizations! 3 years ago
    2295. 2392
      Magma Predation! 3 years ago
    2296. 2393
      Dad’s Here! 3 years ago
    2297. 2394
      The Most Touching Family Reunion! 3 years ago
    2298. 2395
      Backstories of the Children 3 years ago
    2299. 2396
      We Are... the Information Civilization! 3 years ago
    2300. 2397
      Grandma Long! 3 years ago
    2301. 2398
      The Naughty Kids Are Angry! 3 years ago
    2302. 2399
      The Life and Death of Information Lives! 3 years ago
    2303. 2400
      The Situation in the Great Iron Plants 3 years ago
    2304. 2401
      Upcoming Civil War of the Imperium! 3 years ago
    2305. 2402
      The Strongest Fleet in History! 3 years ago
    2306. 2403
      This Is Training! 3 years ago
    2307. 2404
      Key to the Future! 3 years ago
    2308. 2405
      The Reborn Colossus! 3 years ago
    2309. 2406
      A Colossus as Good as “Blackhole’s Heart”! 3 years ago
    2310. 2407
      Li Yao, the Arsonist! 3 years ago
    2311. 2408
      The Huntress in the Great Iron Plants! 3 years ago
    2312. 2409
      Old Song 3 years ago
    2313. 2410
      Arriving Attackers! 3 years ago
    2314. 2411
      Cut the Head of the Snake! 3 years ago
    2315. 2412
      Long Yangjun against Yue Wushuang! 3 years ago
    2316. 2413
      Heavenly Crystal Against Moon Devil! 3 years ago
    2317. 2414
      The Last Hope! 3 years ago
    2318. 2415
      The Song of Infinite Fire! 3 years ago
    2319. 2416
      Terrifying Arsonist! 3 years ago
    2320. 2417
      Explain Yourself! 3 years ago
    2321. 2418
      Compassionate Alien Species 3 years ago
    2322. 2419
      The Greatest Enigma of the Primeval Age! 3 years ago
    2323. 2420
      Great Minds Think Alike! 3 years ago
    2324. 2421
      The Lovable and Detestable Puppets 3 years ago
    2325. 2422
      Your Destruction Is Not My Concern 3 years ago
    2326. 2423
      Real Humans in the New World! 3 years ago
    2327. 2424
      The Future Heroes 3 years ago
    2328. 2425
      Safety Valve 3 years ago
    2329. 2426
      Mysterious Orders 3 years ago
    2330. 2427
      Secrets Behind the Myths 3 years ago
    2331. 2428
      Feature of the Waves 3 years ago
    2332. 2429
      A Tunnel Ten Thousand Years Ago 3 years ago
    2333. 2430
      Insane Wuying Qi! 3 years ago
    2334. 2431
      Two Imperiums 3 years ago
    2335. 2432
      In the Name of the Imperium! 3 years ago
    2336. 2433
      The City of Fire! 3 years ago
    2337. 2434
      Psychological Attack 3 years ago
    2338. 2435
      Total Collapse 3 years ago
    2339. 2436
      Loss of Unity! 3 years ago
    2340. 2437
      We’ll Go First! 3 years ago
    2341. 2438
      The Birth of a New Imperium! 3 years ago
    2342. 2439
      Bribe Boss Bai 3 years ago
    2343. 2440
      Heroes Are Also Valued! 3 years ago
    2344. 2441
      Boss Bai, How Dare You! 3 years ago
    2345. 2442
      Commander Bai, of the National Protection Army! 3 years ago
    2346. 2443
      My Loyalty for My Lord Is Unquestionable! 3 years ago
    2347. 2444
      Arrogance of the Scoundrel! 3 years ago
    2348. 2445
      He Can’t Be That Insane, Right? 3 years ago
    2349. 2446
      Safe Journey, My Lord! 3 years ago
    2350. 2447
      The Damn Cultivators! 3 years ago
    2351. 2448
      He Can Only Be a Dutiful Dog for My Lord! 3 years ago
    2352. 2449
      The Silence Assassin 3 years ago
    2353. 2450
      Arrival of the Iron Fist! 3 years ago
    2354. 2451
      A Minor Flaw... 3 years ago
    2355. 2452
      Revealed! 3 years ago
    2356. 2453
      The Unparalleled Freedom 3 years ago
    2357. 2454
      A Donkey in a Tiger’s Skin 3 years ago
    2358. 2455
      The Kleptomaniac 3 years ago
    2359. 2456
      All Is Settled 3 years ago
    2360. 2457
      Boss Bai’s Play 3 years ago
    2361. 2458
      Big Sisters and Little Sister 3 years ago
    2362. 2459
      Boss’ Kindness 3 years ago
    2363. 2460
      Someone Who’s Willing to Be a Dog 3 years ago
    2364. 2461
      The Gaoists, Alien Humans! 3 years ago
    2365. 2462
      New Civilization, a Loyal Dog of the Four-Dimensional Lives! 3 years ago
    2366. 2463
      Men in Shell 3 years ago
    2367. 2464
      The Fist King’s Origins 3 years ago
    2368. 2465
      A Lose-Lose Battle! 3 years ago
    2369. 2466
      I Want to Be Your Bro 3 years ago
    2370. 2467
      What’s Space Pirate? What’s Craziness? 3 years ago
    2371. 2468
      It Sounds Flawless... 3 years ago
    2372. 2469
      He’s Coming Straight at Us! 3 years ago
    2373. 2470
      The Disgraced Lord 3 years ago
    2374. 2471
      The Star of the Show Has Finally Come! 3 years ago
    2375. 2472
      Li Yao’s Plan 3 years ago
    2376. 2473
      No Way In Hell! 3 years ago
    2377. 2474
      A Welcome Barrage! 3 years ago
    2378. 2475
      Countless Stars, Countless Heroes! 3 years ago
    2379. 2476
      Are You Prepared to Die? 3 years ago
    2380. 2477
      One Attack Is Enough! 3 years ago
    2381. 2478
      Unstoppable and Invincible! 3 years ago
    2382. 2479
      Successful Reunion 3 years ago
    2383. 2480
      Have You Ever Heard of “Witchcraft”? 3 years ago
    2384. 2481
      The Blast of Alien Civilizations! 3 years ago
    2385. 2482
      The Center of Every Universe! 3 years ago
    2386. 2483
      The Reason to Erase Feelings 3 years ago
    2387. 2484
      Self-Locking! 3 years ago
    2388. 2485
      Turmoil Before Doomsday 3 years ago
    2389. 2486
      The Coldhearted Old Hunter 3 years ago
    2390. 2487
      Be More Open! 3 years ago
    2391. 2488
      Forum of the Eccentrics 3 years ago
    2392. 2489
      Who’s the Master of the Universe? 3 years ago
    2393. 2490
      Let’s Complete a Minor Goal First... 3 years ago
    2394. 2491
      Us, and Us Only! 3 years ago
    2395. 2492
      The Birth of a Super Alliance! 3 years ago
    2396. 2493
      Super Cyberwar Cruiser! 3 years ago
    2397. 2494
      New World, New Dominator! 3 years ago
    2398. 2495
      A Letter to Hometown 3 years ago
    2399. 2496
      The Fist King’s Prescription 3 years ago
    2400. 2497
      Hot Machines 3 years ago
    2401. 2498
      The Competition of Two Young Men 3 years ago
    2402. 2499
      Exactly So Biased 3 years ago
    2403. 2500
      A Total Mess 3 years ago
    2404. 2501
      The War in the Gray Swamp 3 years ago
    2405. 2502
      Black Iron 3 years ago
    2406. 2503
      That’s Too Biased! 3 years ago
    2407. 2504
      I’ll Certainly Be Responsible For Him! 3 years ago
    2408. 2505
      The Strange Space 3 years ago
    2409. 2506
      The Hyenas 3 years ago
    2410. 2507
      A Girl’s Shock! 3 years ago
    2411. 2508
      Dilemma of the South Spirit Planet 3 years ago
    2412. 2509
      The Less of Two Evils! 3 years ago
    2413. 2510
      Shamelessness! 3 years ago
    2414. 2511
      Hold On Tightly and Don’t Let Go! 3 years ago
    2415. 2512
      The Kindhearted God of Death 3 years ago
    2416. 2513
      Money Never Sleeps! 3 years ago
    2417. 2514
      The Economic Crisis of the Imperium 3 years ago
    2418. 2515
      The Birth of Free Coins! 3 years ago
    2419. 2516
      Internet of Planets 3 years ago
    2420. 2517
      The Utterly Incompatible Belief! 3 years ago
    2421. 2518
      The General Picture of the Seven Seas Grand Market! 3 years ago
    2422. 2519
      When a Country Is About to Die! 3 years ago
    2423. 2520
      Jin Yuyan’s Strategy! 3 years ago
    2424. 2521
      I Have Special Skills 3 years ago
    2425. 2522
      A Game of Assassins! 3 years ago
    2426. 2523
      The Four Bands of Assassins! 3 years ago
    2427. 2524
      The Rogue Assassins 3 years ago
    2428. 2525
      There Are Almost Ten Thousand Assassins! 3 years ago
    2429. 2526
      Shrimps, Small Fish, Big Fish, Shark, and Eel! 3 years ago
    2430. 2527
      Vulture Li Yao, the Ace Bodyguard! 3 years ago
    2431. 2528
      All Exposed! 3 years ago
    2432. 2529
      Rush! 3 years ago
    2433. 2530
      The Imprisoned Soul! 3 years ago
    2434. 2531
      Can We Be More Candid? 3 years ago
    2435. 2532
      I Have to Confess Everything Now 3 years ago
    2436. 2533
      I’m Only Short of the Initial Funding! 3 years ago
    2437. 2534
      The Soul Transfer Technique! 3 years ago
    2438. 2535
      Unfortunate Royal Descendants 3 years ago
    2439. 2536
      On Their Own! 3 years ago
    2440. 2537
      Another Sneak-In? 3 years ago
    2441. 2538
      Truths and Lies 3 years ago
    2442. 2539
      Qi Yuanbao’s Ambitions! 3 years ago
    2443. 2540
      A Good Show! 3 years ago
    2444. 2541
      Battle Hymn Rises Again! 3 years ago
    2445. 2542
      The Unspeakable Identity! 3 years ago
    2446. 2543
      Black Storm Born! 3 years ago
    2447. 2544
      The Black Wind King’s Story 3 years ago
    2448. 2545
      Brave but Brainless 3 years ago
    2449. 2546
      Nonexistent Agreement 3 years ago
    2450. 2547
      Inescapable Soul! 3 years ago
    2451. 2548
      Be Loyal to Me! 3 years ago
    2452. 2549
      The Universe Is Great but Not as Great as Me! 3 years ago
    2453. 2550
      The Black King’s Palace! 3 years ago
    2454. 2551
      Final Battle in 48 Hours! 3 years ago
    2455. 2552
      Adamantine-Level Super Arsenal Warships! 3 years ago
    2456. 2553
      Dissatisfaction of the Young Lion 3 years ago
    2457. 2554
      A Honest Gentleman! 3 years ago
    2458. 2555
      This War of Mine! 3 years ago
    2459. 2556
      Experts of Civil Wars 3 years ago
    2460. 2557
      Boss Bai’s Scheme! 3 years ago
    2461. 2558
      Ten Hours Until the Battle! 3 years ago
    2462. 2559
      Yun Xuefeng and Li Wuji 3 years ago
    2463. 2560
      A Sacrifice of 99%! 3 years ago
    2464. 2561
      Fierce Battle Among Stars! 3 years ago
    2465. 2562
      Boss Bai’s Rise! 3 years ago
    2466. 2563
      Coercion 3 years ago
    2467. 2564
      Tiger at Dawn! 3 years ago
    2468. 2565
      Iron Ball I! 3 years ago
    2469. 2566
      It’s All Commander Yun’s Order! 3 years ago
    2470. 2567
      Infuriated Song Yushi 3 years ago
    2471. 2568
      Your Words Against Mine 3 years ago
    2472. 2569
      Victory Is Justice! 3 years ago
    2473. 2570
      Unexpected Accident! 3 years ago
    2474. 2571
      Sudden Aggression! 3 years ago
    2475. 2572
      The Most Furious Burning! 3 years ago
    2476. 2573
      Black Emperor and Black King! 3 years ago
    2477. 2574
      We Are the Same Kind of People! 3 years ago
    2478. 2575
      Brain Seal 3 years ago
    2479. 2576
      Collapse of Confidence 3 years ago
    2480. 2577
      Drinking Poison to Quench Thirst! 3 years ago
    2481. 2578
      Fatal Loophole! 3 years ago
    2482. 2579
      Unstoppable Thunder! 3 years ago
    2483. 2580
      God of War’s Awesomeness! 3 years ago
    2484. 2581
      Doing the Same? 3 years ago
    2485. 2582
      Differences Between Propaganda and Reality 3 years ago
    2486. 2583
      The Greatest Loophole and Opportunity! 3 years ago
    2487. 2584
      I’ll Have to Ask You to Give me a Hand 3 years ago
    2488. 2585
      Aim at Where the Barrages Are Most Intense! 3 years ago
    2489. 2586
      No Holes to Crawl Through? 3 years ago
    2490. 2587
      Momentary Flaw! 3 years ago
    2491. 2588
      His Lordship’s Assistance 3 years ago
    2492. 2589
      If You’re Not Coming, I Will! 3 years ago
    2493. 2590
      It’s You! 3 years ago
    2494. 2591
      Unpredictable Mind! 3 years ago
    2495. 2592
      Hybrid of Saint and Fiend! 3 years ago
    2496. 2593
      All Arrows Are Shot! 3 years ago
    2497. 2594
      The Critical Information! 3 years ago
    2498. 2595
      The Secret Command Center Inside the Royal Palace 3 years ago
    2499. 2596
      The Sun Shooting Plan! 3 years ago
    2500. 2597
      Houyi Shooting the Sun! 3 years ago
    2501. 2598
      The Gold Crystal Pyramid! 3 years ago
    2502. 2599
      Your Majesty, You Must Be Wary of Li Yao! 3 years ago
    2503. 2600
      Torn Planet! 3 years ago
    2504. 2601
      News Below the Ground 3 years ago
    2505. 2602
      Brain Dissection 3 years ago
    2506. 2603
      A Full Purge 3 years ago
    2507. 2604
      The Impossible Truth! 3 years ago
    2508. 2605
      Two Indispensable Prerequisites! 3 years ago
    2509. 2606
      Absolute Mental Defense! 3 years ago
    2510. 2607
      For the People and Peace of the Universe! 3 years ago
    2511. 2608
      The Real Power of the Gold Crystal Pyramid! 3 years ago
    2512. 2609
      Politics in the Primeval Age 3 years ago
    2513. 2610
      Approaching the Truth! 3 years ago
    2514. 2611
      Die to Live! 3 years ago
    2515. 2612
      Inside the Gold Crystal Tower! 3 years ago
    2516. 2613
      The Next Sun Plan! 3 years ago
    2517. 2614
      A Second Competition and a Final Battle! 3 years ago
    2518. 2615
      Treatment and Purge 3 years ago
    2519. 2616
      The Only Way to Prevent Decadence 3 years ago
    2520. 2617
      Enlightenment! 3 years ago
    2521. 2618
      Climb to the Peak of the Universe! 3 years ago
    2522. 2619
      Soar From the Shoulders of Giants! 3 years ago
    2523. 2620
      True Love Is Boundless! 3 years ago
    2524. 2621
      Wuying Qi’s Greatest Secret! 3 years ago
    2525. 2622
      One Stone That Kills Four Birds 3 years ago
    2526. 2623
      Complete Submission! 3 years ago
    2527. 2624
      As Vile As Such! 3 years ago
    2528. 2625
      Dog Bites Dog! 3 years ago
    2529. 2626
      More and More Critical! 3 years ago
    2530. 2627
      It’s You Who Crossed the Line! 3 years ago
    2531. 2628
      The Art of Lies 3 years ago
    2532. 2629
      White and Black 3 years ago
    2533. 2630
      The Only True God! 3 years ago
    2534. 2631
      Dark Delirium! 3 years ago
    2535. 2632
      Mental Plague! 3 years ago
    2536. 2633
      Unharmonious Noises 3 years ago
    2537. 2634
      I Have Never Heard Such a Request Before! 3 years ago
    2538. 2635
      Despicable Consequences! 3 years ago
    2539. 2636
      A Jacka*s Like You! 3 years ago
    2540. 2637
      True Meaning of Civilization! 3 years ago
    2541. 2638
      Justified! 3 years ago
    2542. 2639
      All of Li Yao's Trump Cards Are Revealed! 3 years ago
    2543. 2640
      Two Swords Into One! 3 years ago
    2544. 2641
      The Gate to the Capital Is Opened! 3 years ago
    2545. 2642
      Collapse of the Mental Battlefield 3 years ago
    2546. 2643
      Why Don't We Talk More? 3 years ago
    2547. 2644
      Wuying Qi's Fatal Weakness! 3 years ago
    2548. 2645
      Unstoppable Jump! 3 years ago
    2549. 2646
      A Competition of Willpower! 3 years ago
    2550. 2647
      Flower on the Cliff 3 years ago
    2551. 2648
      Cut the Darkness of the Whole Universe! 3 years ago
    2552. 2649
      Drunk Deity! 3 years ago
    2553. 2650
      Touching Song! 3 years ago
    2554. 2651
      The Punch of the Most Powerful Soundwaves! 3 years ago
    2555. 2652
      The Palace of Memories Near Death 3 years ago
    2556. 2653
      Wuying Qi 3.0 3 years ago
    2557. 2654
      The War Between 2.0 and 3.0! 3 years ago
    2558. 2655
      Ultimate Benevolence Is Not Right! 3 years ago
    2559. 2656
      The Demon Within the Gold Crystal Pyramid 3 years ago
    2560. 2657
      The Dragon Slayer 3 years ago
    2561. 2658
      The Blood God's Mission! 3 years ago
    2562. 2659
      The Blood God's Mutation! 3 years ago
    2563. 2660
      Born for Conquest! 3 years ago
    2564. 2661
      The Channeling Temple 3 years ago
    2565. 2662
      Default Setting 3 years ago
    2566. 2663
      The Sunspot Plan! 3 years ago
    2567. 2664
      Opportunity to the Divinity Branching Stage! 3 years ago
    2568. 2665
      All The Same... 3 years ago
    2569. 2666
      Battle of Brothers! 3 years ago
    2570. 2667
      True Dragon! 3 years ago
    2571. 2668
      Life Is a Continuous Battle! 3 years ago
    2572. 2669
      All Settled! 3 years ago
    2573. 2670
      Deterrent 3 years ago
    2574. 2671
      The Greatest Winner 3 years ago
    2575. 2672
      The Means of Destruction 3 years ago
    2576. 2673
      New Balance! 3 years ago
    2577. 2674
      Who's the Deterrent? 3 years ago
    2578. 2675
      There Can't Be Two Suns in the Sky 3 years ago
    2579. 2676
      Changes in the Hometown 3 years ago
    2580. 2677
      Good News 3 years ago
    2581. 2678
      The First Step Into the Future! 3 years ago
    2582. 2679
      Gods' Mausoleum! 3 years ago
    2583. 2680
      Neither Alive Nor Dead! 3 years ago
    2584. 2681
      After the Divinity Branching Stage! 3 years ago
    2585. 2682
      Transformation of the Little Lion! 3 years ago
    2586. 2683
      Brother Yao's Support! 3 years ago
    2587. 2684
      Great Emperor! 3 years ago
    2588. 2685
      Change the Universe! 3 years ago
    2589. 2686
      Wuying Ling! 3 years ago
    2590. 2687
      Spring of the Imperium 3 years ago
    2591. 2688
      Coronation! 3 years ago
    2592. 2689
      The Emperor's Order 3 years ago
    2593. 2690
      The Least Bad Ending (End of Volume VI: Imperium) 3 years ago
    2594. 2691
      Gao Huan and Song Jingang (Beginning of Volume VII: Covenant Alliance) 3 years ago
    2595. 2692
      Unchaotic Valley In the Mist 3 years ago
    2596. 2693
      Sacrifice 3 years ago
    2597. 2694
      The Devoted Lover 3 years ago
    2598. 2695
      Take You Home! 3 years ago
    2599. 2696
      Heavy Burden 3 years ago
    2600. 2697
      The Covenant Alliance's Cutthroat Attack! 3 years ago
    2601. 2698
      Super Jump Point! 3 years ago
    2602. 2699
      Research Institute of Severe Mental Diseases 3 years ago
    2603. 2700
      The Ring-Tu Test 3 years ago
    2604. 2701
      Humane Reaction 3 years ago
    2605. 2702
      Natural-Born Murderer 3 years ago
    2606. 2703
      Director of the Asylum 3 years ago
    2607. 2704
      Five Groups in the Covenant Alliance! 3 years ago
    2608. 2705
      Mud Men and Wise Men 3 years ago
    2609. 2706
      Ultimate Benevolence 3 years ago
    2610. 2707
      Connate Bodies 3 years ago
    2611. 2708
      The Brainwashed Colonel 3 years ago
    2612. 2709
      A Real Zealot! 3 years ago
    2613. 2710
      Conquer the Gods! 3 years ago
    2614. 2711
      Training for the Divinity Branching Stage! 3 years ago
    2615. 2712
      A Lifetime in the Houyi Clan 3 years ago
    2616. 2713
      The War Before the Primeval Age 3 years ago
    2617. 2714
      Ancestors and Descendants 3 years ago
    2618. 2715
      Butterfly 3 years ago
    2619. 2716
      Dancing Butterflies 3 years ago
    2620. 2717
      Finish the Training! 3 years ago
    2621. 2718
      Mysteries of the Divinity Branching Stage! 3 years ago
    2622. 2719
      Paradox of Supermen 3 years ago
    2623. 2720
      Shared Brain! 3 years ago
    2624. 2721
      The Anti-Rebel Army Takes Off! 3 years ago
    2625. 2722
      Tomorrow Will Come 3 years ago
    2626. 2723
      May I Come In? 3 years ago
    2627. 2724
      In the Name of God! 3 years ago
    2628. 2725
      Tough Drugs For Tough Men! 3 years ago
    2629. 2726
      The Brand-New Sunspot Plan! 3 years ago
    2630. 2727
      The Rules of Swinging 3 years ago
    2631. 2728
      So-called Friend 3 years ago
    2632. 2729
      Take Care of Mankind 3 years ago
    2633. 2730
      Disagreement Between Xiaoming and Wenwen 3 years ago
    2634. 2731
      The Purger 3 years ago
    2635. 2732
      The First Purge 3 years ago
    2636. 2733
      Tang Ka's Commander 3 years ago
    2637. 2734
      Chu Zhiyun's Ambitions 3 years ago
    2638. 2735
      If the Ultimate Benevolence Masters Were Wrong 3 years ago
    2639. 2736
      Extraterrestrial Devils Are Here! 3 years ago
    2640. 2737
      Deal with Devils 3 years ago
    2641. 2738
      Exorcism for the Monitor 3 years ago
    2642. 2739
      So-called Awakening! 3 years ago
    2643. 2740
      Something Is Wrong! 3 years ago
    2644. 2741
      Training at Night! 3 years ago
    2645. 2742
      Shadows of the Ultimate Benevolence Masters 3 years ago
    2646. 2743
      The Lair of Extraterritorial Devils! 3 years ago
    2647. 2744
      Destiny and Truth 3 years ago
    2648. 2745
      Shouldn't You Give Us Some Privacy? 3 years ago
    2649. 2746
      The Second Swing 3 years ago
    2650. 2747
      Defectors 3 years ago
    2651. 2748
      Escape at Night 3 years ago
    2652. 2749
      Substrate 3 years ago
    2653. 2750
      Sinking Into the Abyss 3 years ago
    2654. 2751
      The Woman In the Corner 3 years ago
    2655. 2752
      Zhou Xiuyun 3 years ago
    2656. 2753
      Li Yao's Fury! 3 years ago
    2657. 2754
      Codename Fuxi 3 years ago
    2658. 2755
      A Real Man 3 years ago
    2659. 2756
      Uncontrollable Folly 3 years ago
    2660. 2757
      The Path of Your Own! 3 years ago
    2661. 2758
      Manliness! 3 years ago
    2662. 2759
      Domineering Young Man! 3 years ago
    2663. 2760
      Game Over! 3 years ago
    2664. 2761
      Break a Fortress From Within! 3 years ago
    2665. 2762
      Brain Experiment 2 years ago
    2666. 2763
      "Devil's Child" Project 2 years ago
    2667. 2764
      Heresy Child! 2 years ago
    2668. 2765
      Venomous Like a Scorpion! 2 years ago
    2669. 2766
      Unforgiveable! 2 years ago
    2670. 2767
      I Will Decide Your Destiny! 2 years ago
    2671. 2768
      Absolutely Strong! 2 years ago
    2672. 2769
      Pray to Your God! 2 years ago
    2673. 2770
      Splitting the Road with One Slash! 2 years ago
    2674. 2771
      You Are Long Dead! 2 years ago
    2675. 2772
      Exhausted Li Yao 2 years ago
    2676. 2773
      Walk Forward Boldly! 2 years ago
    2677. 2774
      Reasons to Not Retreat 2 years ago
    2678. 2775
      Soul Resonance, Burning Everything! 2 years ago
    2679. 2776
      Army Obliteration 2 years ago
    2680. 2777
      Higher than Genes 2 years ago
    2681. 2778
      I'm Here 2 years ago
    2682. 2779
      omnipresent! 2 years ago
    2683. 2780
      True compatriots! 2 years ago
    2684. 2781
      The True Colors of the Earthlings! 2 years ago
    2685. 2782
      The Collapse of Heavenly Dao 2 years ago
    2686. 2783
      Heresy Interrogation Bureau 2 years ago
    2687. 2784
      The Rise of Heresy! 2 years ago
    2688. 2785
      God's Heart, Holy Enlightenment! 2 years ago
    2689. 2786
      Slaughter Goddess, Chu Zhixiao! 2 years ago
    2690. 2787
      Yaksha Squad 2 years ago
    2691. 2788
      Invasion, Spider Tank! 2 years ago
    2692. 2789
      City of Taotie 2 years ago
    2693. 2790
      Ghoul 2 years ago
    2694. 2791
      Bloody Labyrinth 2 years ago
    2695. 2792
      Motive in the Mist 2 years ago
    2696. 2793
      So Close 2 years ago
    2697. 2794
      A unique personality pattern 2 years ago
    2698. 2795
      Unbearable Disguise! 2 years ago
    2699. 2796
      A lifetime of fame… 2 years ago
    2700. 2797
      Various Viruses 2 years ago
    2701. 2798
      Half of His Merits 2 years ago
    2702. 2799
      Hijacking the 'Fuxi System'! 2 years ago
    2703. 2800
      The Weaknesses of the Yakshas 2 years ago
    2704. 2801
      Human Nature Laboratory 2 years ago
    2705. 2802
      Eternal Brightness 2 years ago
    2706. 2803
      The Fourth Virus! 2 years ago
    2707. 2804
      Supreme Love Virus 2 years ago
    2708. 2805
      Chain Explosion 2 years ago
    2709. 2806
      Slaughterhouse of Humanity 2 years ago
    2710. 2807
      Deep in the Data Ocean 2 years ago
    2711. 2808
      The Strength of Emotion! 2 years ago
    2712. 2809
      Past 2 years ago
    2713. 2810
      The Power Behind Lu Qingchen! 2 years ago
    2714. 2811
      Love Out of Control 2 years ago
    2715. 2812
      Quick Track 2 years ago
    2716. 2813
      The Puppet King's Low-Level Mistake 2 years ago
    2717. 2814
      The Ghost Catching Operation Begins! 2 years ago
    2718. 2815
      A Bright Future 2 years ago
    2719. 2816
      Erosion of Eternal Peace 2 years ago
    2720. 2817
      Game Over, Comrades 2 years ago
    2721. 2818
      Public Enemy of the Universe 2 years ago
    2722. 2819
      Battle for Survival 2 years ago
    2723. 2820
      City of Wrath 2 years ago
    2724. 2821
      Learning Dao in the Morning and Dying at Night 2 years ago
    2725. 2822
      One Second Human! 2 years ago
    2726. 2823
      A Plan to Mutate 2 years ago
    2727. 2824
      The Appearance of the Ultimate Blueprint Again! 2 years ago
    2728. 2825
      Yun Haixin's Difficulty 2 years ago
    2729. 2826
      Destiny Twenty Years Ago 2 years ago
    2730. 2827
      Time to Wake Up 2 years ago
    2731. 2828
      Self-deceiving Battle! 2 years ago
    2732. 2829
      Obvious Choices 2 years ago
    2733. 2830
      Never Compromise! 2 years ago
    2734. 2831
      The King Puppet's Breakout! 2 years ago
    2735. 2832
      Expansion 2 years ago
    2736. 2833
      Soul Explosion 2 years ago
    2737. 2834
      One-Time Antidote 2 years ago
    2738. 2835
      The Body of the Puppet King! 2 years ago
    2739. 2836
      Fuxi Fleet 2 years ago
    2740. 2837
      Four-Dimensional Thought 2 years ago
    2741. 2838
      Attack from the Darkness! 2 years ago
    2742. 2839
      The Mysteries of the Fuxi System 2 years ago
    2743. 2840
      Crazy Warfare 2 years ago
    2744. 2841
      Dark Gold Giant Divine Soldier 2 years ago
    2745. 2842
      The brain of the Fuxis! 2 years ago
    2746. 2843
      The Same Way 2 years ago
    2747. 2844
      The Assault of the Fuxi Fleet Begins! 2 years ago
    2748. 2845
      Erosion of the Four-Dimensional Space 2 years ago
    2749. 2846
      Knowing Everything! 2 years ago
    2750. 2847
      Light Spot 2 years ago
    2751. 2848
      Defense Test 2 years ago
    2752. 2849
      Same Ending 2 years ago
    2753. 2850
      Fuxi's Mission 2 years ago
    2754. 2851
      Flood Tide Legion! 2 years ago
    2755. 2852
      Builder of the Black Screen 2 years ago
    2756. 2853
      Lu Qingchen's Brilliance! 2 years ago
    2757. 2854
      No Right to Fear! 2 years ago
    2758. 2855
      A Million Years of Temporary Strategies 2 years ago
    2759. 2856
      Civilization Restarts, Nuwa Creates a Human Being! 2 years ago
    2760. 2857
      Armageddon 2 years ago
    2761. 2858
      Poem of Civilization 2 years ago
    2762. 2859
      The Sum of Civilization! 2 years ago
    2763. 2860
      Creating a Human Being 2 years ago
    2764. 2861
      Chanter of the Multiverse 2 years ago
    2765. 2862
      Fuxi's Conditions 2 years ago
    2766. 2863
      Eternal Hell 2 years ago
    2767. 2864
      Unpredictable Dust 2 years ago
    2768. 2865
      The Cunning Old Devil Li 2 years ago
    2769. 2866
      You Are Surrounded! 2 years ago
    2770. 2867
      Fighting Together 2 years ago
    2771. 2868
      The Only Counterattack 2 years ago
    2772. 2869
      Lu Qingchen's Life 2 years ago
    2773. 2870
      Federation, My Federation… 2 years ago
    2774. 2871
      Symbiotic 2 years ago
    2775. 2872
      Setting Sun Like Blood 2 years ago
    2776. 2873
      Contradictory Strategy 2 years ago
    2777. 2874
      The Federation's Choice 2 years ago
    2778. 2875
      Kunlun Fleet 2 years ago
    2779. 2876
      Selling Umbrella on a Sunny Day 2 years ago
    2780. 2877
      Building the "Federalists" within the Empire 2 years ago
    2781. 2878
      Raising War With War 2 years ago
    2782. 2879
      Glorious Epitaph 2 years ago
    2783. 2880
      Sincerity from the Empire 2 years ago
    2784. 2881
      The Unlucky Netherworld 2 years ago
    2785. 2882
      Angry Meng Jiang 2 years ago
    2786. 2883
      The Way of Friends 2 years ago
    2787. 2884
      100% of life! 2 years ago
    2788. 2885
      Super Player! 2 years ago
    2789. 2886
      General Participation in Strategies 2 years ago
    2790. 2887
      Intentional Murder 2 years ago
    2791. 2888
      Unable to Return… to Heaven? 2 years ago
    2792. 2889
      Sisters: Invasion of Darkness 2 years ago
    2793. 2890
      Reverse Psychology 2 years ago
    2794. 2891
      Silent Loyalty 2 years ago
    2795. 2892
      Our History, Your Future! 2 years ago
    2796. 2893
      The Ultimate Voting 2 years ago
    2797. 2894
      The Sea of Thought 2 years ago
    2798. 2895
      Revival 2 years ago
    2799. 2896
      Transforming into a Human! 2 years ago
    2800. 2897
      The Complete Version of God Fuxi! 2 years ago
    2801. 2898
      Invasion of the Evil God 2 years ago
    2802. 2899
      The Real Earth 2 years ago
    2803. 2900
      Reincarnation and Devouring 2 years ago
    2804. 2901
      Beyond Reincarnation 2 years ago
    2805. 2902
      A Thousand-Year Ending 2 years ago
    2806. 2903
      Three Good News! 2 years ago
    2807. 2904
      Glory and Redemption! 2 years ago
    2808. 2905
      Return Fleet 2 years ago
    2809. 2906
      Military and Political 2 years ago
    2810. 2907
      Weird Internal Conflict 2 years ago
    2811. 2908
      The Deputy General's Decision 2 years ago
    2812. 2909
      The Honest Person Got Angry Too! 2 years ago
    2813. 2910
      A Tiger in the Mountain! 2 years ago
    2814. 2911
      Moving Towards Tiger Ridge! 2 years ago
    2815. 2912
      Capturing Lei Chenghu Alive! 2 years ago
    2816. 2913
      Fatal Pearl Necklace 2 years ago
    2817. 2914
      Deciding Our Destiny! 2 years ago
    2818. 2915
      I Will Lead the Charge! 2 years ago
    2819. 2916
      The Speaker's Fury 2 years ago
    2820. 2917
      Speaker of the Federation Is Here! 2 years ago
    2821. 2918
      Three Monks Without Water 2 years ago
    2822. 2919
      God of War and Fist King 2 years ago
    2823. 2920
      Defeated 2 years ago
    2824. 2921
      Old Jiang 2 years ago
    2825. 2922
      You Are the God of War? 2 years ago
    2826. 2923
      Billions of turrets, Billions of stars! 2 years ago
    2827. 2924
      The Dying Imperial Capital 2 years ago
    2828. 2925
      I've Decided! 2 years ago
    2829. 2926
      Battlefield Between Reality and Reality 2 years ago
    2830. 2927
      Upgrade Completed? 2 years ago
    2831. 2928
      Battle of the Thought Universe 2 years ago
    2832. 2929
      Last Moment 2 years ago
    2833. 2930
      Forbidden Scale 2 years ago
    2834. 2931
      Glory of the Empire! 2 years ago
    2835. 2932
      The One Who Creates Miracles 2 years ago
    2836. 2933
      Real Coronation! 2 years ago
    2837. 2934
      Uncountable Shock Wave! 2 years ago
    2838. 2935
      A Miraculous Storm! 2 years ago
    2839. 2936
      Rebirth! 2 years ago
    2840. 2937
      The Earthworm's Last Strike! 2 years ago
    2841. 2938
      The Real Fuxi! 2 years ago
    2842. 2939
      Living Towards Death! 2 years ago
    2843. 2940
      A Rare Opportunity! 2 years ago
    2844. 2941
      The Final Victor 2 years ago
    2845. 2942
      You've Changed 2 years ago
    2846. 2943
      Farmer and Snake 2 years ago
    2847. 2944
      Retaliation 2 years ago
    2848. 2945
      Breaking Through the Southern Wall 2 years ago
    2849. 2946
      As You Wish 2 years ago
    2850. 2947
      Another Extreme 2 years ago
    2851. 2948
      Shameless and Shameless… 2 years ago
    2852. 2949
      Last Punch 2 years ago
    2853. 2950
      Cross-Border Strike 2 years ago
    2854. 2951
      Had to Run! 2 years ago
    2855. 2952
      Leave Me alone, just go! 2 years ago
    2856. 2953
      Collapse and Reconstruction 2 years ago
    2857. 2954
      Master of Fuxi 2 years ago
    2858. 2955
      Three Forces Standing Together 2 years ago
    2859. 2956
      Travelling Home 2 years ago
    2860. 2957
      Post-War Situation 2 years ago
    2861. 2958
      The Real 'Holy Accord'! 2 years ago
    2862. 2959
      Unexpected Disaster 2 years ago
    2863. 2960
      Wake Up, Li Yao! 2 years ago
    2864. 2961
      Backfeeding in the Virtual World 2 years ago
    2865. 2962
      Uncontrollable 2 years ago
    2866. 2963
      Giant Creatures 2 years ago
    2867. 2964
      The Future of the Sanctuary Alliance 2 years ago
    2868. 2965
      The Second Doomsday 2 years ago
    2869. 2966
      Returning Home in Glory 2 years ago
    2870. 2967
      Divine Soldiers Descending From Heaven 2 years ago
    2871. 2968
      Great Magician 2 years ago
    2872. 2969
      I Am Your Destiny! 2 years ago
    2873. 2970
      The Right Question, The Right Answer 2 years ago
    2874. 2971
      Holy War 2 years ago
    2875. 2972
      Monk Kan 2 years ago
    2876. 2973
      A Rainbow 2 years ago
    2877. 2974
      Prehistoric Cultivation! 2 years ago
    2878. 2975
      Inner World, Outer Body! 2 years ago
    2879. 2976
      There's the Mountain! 2 years ago
    2880. 2977
      Ruthless Heaven and Earth 2 years ago
    2881. 2978
      Small Problem 2 years ago
    2882. 2979
      Seclusion 2 years ago
    2883. 2980
      Ten Thousand Battles of the Great Dao 2 years ago
    2884. 2981
      Reincarnation, the Taste of Life 2 years ago
    2885. 2982
      The Final Battle Has Not Begun Yet 2 years ago
    2886. 2983
      Venomous Like a Scorpion 2 years ago
    2887. 2984
      Giant of the Universe 2 years ago
    2888. 2985
      Fuxi's Goal 2 years ago
    2889. 2986
      The Other Half of the Fuxi 2 years ago
    2890. 2987
      Triple Ruin 2 years ago
    2891. 2988
      Ten Thousand Times More Living Space! 2 years ago
    2892. 2989
      Remnant Nebula 2 years ago
    2893. 2990
      Battle of Monsters 2 years ago
    2894. 2991
      Personal Breakthroughs! 2 years ago
    2895. 2992
      Sword unsheathed! 2 years ago
    2896. 2993
      Targeted! 2 years ago
    2897. 2994
      I Am The Best! 2 years ago
    2898. 2995
      A Hundred Battles Concurrently! 2 years ago
    2899. 2996
      Secrets of the Illusion 2 years ago
    2900. 2997
      The Path of Illusion Breaking! 2 years ago
    2901. 2998
      Terrifying Ancient Superstar 2 years ago
    2902. 2999
      Deep into the Butterfly 2 years ago
    2903. 3000
      I Come, I See, I Conquer! 2 years ago
    2904. 3001
      Falling Into An Ancient Superstar! 2 years ago
    2905. 3002
      This Is My Enemy! 2 years ago
    2906. 3003
      Fighting to the Moment of Hope! 2 years ago
    2907. 3004
      The Strong Swing Their Swords To The Stronger! 2 years ago
    2908. 3005
      Emperor of the Universe! 2 years ago
    2909. 3006
      Splitting Waves 2 years ago
    2910. 3007
      Live A Happy Life! 2 years ago
    2911. 3008
      Can You Have Some Pursuit? 2 years ago
    2912. 3009
      Ancient Thirteen 2 years ago
    2913. 3010
      The Supreme Battle Fortress is Discovered! 2 years ago
    2914. 3011
      The Entrance of Mithril 2 years ago
    2915. 3012
      "Stupid" Trap 2 years ago
    2916. 3013
      The Last Supreme Battle Fortress 2 years ago
    2917. 3014
      Super Electric Torrent 2 years ago
    2918. 3015
      Plasma Lifeform 2 years ago
    2919. 3016
      Race with Lightning! 2 years ago
    2920. 3017
      Luring the Thunder! 2 years ago
    2921. 3018
      Speed of Life and Death 2 years ago
    2922. 3019
      Lightning Life! 2 years ago
    2923. 3020
      Poem of Life 2 years ago
    2924. 3021
      Last Struggle 2 years ago
    2925. 3022
      The Great Expedition of a Thousand Generations! 2 years ago
    2926. 3023
      Rescue or Destruction 2 years ago
    2927. 3024
      Entrance to a Super Civilization 2 years ago
    2928. 3025
      Ancient Tomb 2 years ago
    2929. 3026
      Twisting, Cutting, and Condensing Space 2 years ago
    2930. 3027
      The Starting Point of Chaos 2 years ago
    2931. 3028
      Long Yangjun's Message 2 years ago
    2932. 3029
      The Living Pangu Clan! 2 years ago
    2933. 3030
      Self-destruction 2 years ago
    2934. 3031
      The Structure of the Pangu Clan 2 years ago
    2935. 3032
      Summoning of the Ancients 2 years ago
    2936. 3033
      Black Crevice 2 years ago
    2937. 3034
      The Fall of the City of Silver 2 years ago
    2938. 3035
      The Person in the Crevice 2 years ago
    2939. 3036
      It's All Your Wife's Fault 2 years ago
    2940. 3037
      God's Domain! 2 years ago
    2941. 3038
      Creating a God 2 years ago
    2942. 3039
      God in Spore State! 2 years ago
    2943. 3040
      The Beginning of Resurrection 2 years ago
    2944. 3041
      The Only Option 2 years ago
    2945. 3042
      Lu Qingchen's New Body 2 years ago
    2946. 3043
      Losers for Billions of Years 2 years ago
    2947. 3044
      Destruction and Restart 2 years ago
    2948. 3045
      Interconnecting Zone 2 years ago
    2949. 3046
      Skysplit Tower 2 years ago
    2950. 3047
      Little Black Guides the Way! 2 years ago
    2951. 3048
      Mysterious Underground Man 2 years ago
    2952. 3049
      Museum of Prehistoric Civilization 2 years ago
    2953. 3050
      Little Black's Complete Form 2 years ago
    2954. 3051
      Tomb Guardian 2 years ago
    2955. 3052
      Legends of the Supreme Emperor 2 years ago
    2956. 3053
      Dragon God's Clone 2 years ago
    2957. 3054
      The Truth of the Battle of the Ruins 2 years ago
    2958. 3055
      Spacetime Arc 2 years ago
    2959. 3056
      The Beginning of Legends 2 years ago
    2960. 3057
      Path of Rising 2 years ago
    2961. 3058
      Crimson Emperor 2 years ago
    2962. 3059
      Primordial Test 2 years ago
    2963. 3060
      Creating Ancestors 2 years ago
    2964. 3061
      The Only Different Option 2 years ago
    2965. 3062
      Ancient Bloodline Unlocked! 2 years ago
    2966. 3063
      Leader of the Ferocious Beasts 2 years ago
    2967. 3064
      Accepting the Challenge 2 years ago
    2968. 3065
      Calamity of the Sun 2 years ago
    2969. 3066
      Sudden Appearance 2 years ago
    2970. 3067
      Gold Message 2 years ago
    2971. 3068
      Thunder Valley 2 years ago
    2972. 3069
      Super Heavy Sea 2 years ago
    2973. 3070
      Freezing Hell! 2 years ago
    2974. 3071
      Great Avalanche 2 years ago
    2975. 3072
      Working Together 2 years ago
    2976. 3073
      Observer 2 years ago
    2977. 3074
      102 Fallen 2 years ago
    2978. 3075
      The End of Childhood 2 years ago
    2979. 3076
      Immortal Palace 2 years ago
    2980. 3077
      Farther and Farther 2 years ago
    2981. 3078
      The Heavenly Palace in the Storm's Eye 2 years ago
    2982. 3079
      The Beginning of a Civil War 2 years ago
    2983. 3080
      Breaking Through by Force 2 years ago
    2984. 3081
      The World of Appearance 2 years ago
    2985. 3082
      Inheritance or Trap? 2 years ago
    2986. 3083
      Spy in the Heavenly Palace 2 years ago
    2987. 3084
      Real Technology! 2 years ago
    2988. 3085
      Ultimate Battle, Super Tyrannical Extension 2 years ago
    2989. 3086
      Decisive Battle in the Sea of Magma 2 years ago
    2990. 3087
      Sea of Fire Stargate 2 years ago
    2991. 3088
      Peak Showdown 2 years ago
    2992. 3089
      Taking the Lead 2 years ago
    2993. 3090
      The Choice of Evolution 2 years ago
    2994. 3091
      The Birth of All Creatures! 2 years ago
    2995. 3092
      Yuanshi Clan 2 years ago
    2996. 3093
      Earth Again! 2 years ago
    2997. 3094
      Six Ancient Civilization 2 years ago
    2998. 3095
      A World Without Spiritual Energy 2 years ago
    2999. 3096
      World War 2 years ago
    3000. 3097
      The Supernatural Era 2 years ago
    3001. 3098
      Marching Towards the Stars! 2 years ago
    3002. 3099
      New Test 2 years ago
    3003. 3100
      Women and Children First 2 years ago
    3004. 3101
      The Only Option 2 years ago
    3005. 3102
      Myriad Treasures Sea 2 years ago
    3006. 3103
      Retribution 2 years ago
    3007. 3104
      A Little Revenge 2 years ago
    3008. 3105
      Ghost Fleet 2 years ago
    3009. 3106
      Void Hunter 2 years ago
    3010. 3107
      Fatal Parasite 2 years ago
    3011. 3108
      Mad Dog Released 2 years ago
    3012. 3109
      Great Destruction Order 2 years ago
    3013. 3110
      Leading 2 years ago
    3014. 3111
      Too ashamed to show his face 2 years ago
    3015. 3112
      Fighting Back! 2 years ago
    3016. 3113
      Super Bee Swarm! 2 years ago
    3017. 3114
      Real and Fake Testing? 2 years ago
    3018. 3115
      A Battle to the Death 2 years ago
    3019. 3116
      Still Testing? 2 years ago
    3020. 3117
      The Answer Is So Simple? 2 years ago
    3021. 3118
      The Real Answer 2 years ago
    3022. 3119
      A Bitter Lesson! 2 years ago
    3023. 3120
      The Road Is Beneath Our Feet! 2 years ago
    3024. 3121
      Guess? 2 years ago
    3025. 3122
      Ding Lingdang's Way 2 years ago
    3026. 3123
      Gold Axe, Silver Axe, Iron Axe 2 years ago
    3027. 3124
      Crazy Devouring 2 years ago
    3028. 3125
      Life Is Endless! 2 years ago
    3029. 3126
      Brother Yao, Explain 2 years ago
    3030. 3127
      Sea of Bubbles 2 years ago
    3031. 3128
      Too Smooth a Mission 2 years ago
    3032. 3129
      Rainbow Bridge 2 years ago
    3033. 3130
      So It Was You! 2 years ago
    3034. 3131
      Super Body 2 years ago
    3035. 3132
      Super Information Society 2 years ago
    3036. 3133
      Supernatural Era 2 years ago
    3037. 3134
      Perfect Universe 2 years ago
    3038. 3135
      When the Super Body Met the Primeval Lord 2 years ago
    3039. 3136
      The Immune System of the Universe 2 years ago
    3040. 3137
      The Doubts of the Experts! 2 years ago
    3041. 3138
      Unstoppable Brightness! 2 years ago
    3042. 3139
      Revealing Viciousness 2 years ago
    3043. 3140
      The True Meaning of "Human Beings"! 2 years ago
    3044. 3141
      The purest of violence! 2 years ago
    3045. 3142
      Terrifying! 2 years ago
    3046. 3143
      Weakness Found! 2 years ago
    3047. 3144
      Forced Link 2 years ago
    3048. 3145
      Resonance of the Soul! 2 years ago
    3049. 3146
      Last resort 2 years ago
    3050. 3147
      Time to Update the Data 2 years ago
    3051. 3148
      See You Later 2 years ago
    3052. 3149
      Li Yao's Death 2 years ago
    3053. 3150
      Future Meeting 2 years ago
    3054. 3151
      Things Are Different Now 2 years ago
    3055. 3152
      Ding Lingdang vs Long Yangjun 2 years ago
    3056. 3153
      Different Capabilities 2 years ago
    3057. 3154
      Intruder? 2 years ago
    3058. 3155
      Messenger 2 years ago
    3059. 3156
      More Residents! 2 years ago
    3060. 3157
      The Aftermath of the Vulture Plan 2 years ago
    3061. 3158
      Black Hole Rampart 2 years ago
    3062. 3159
      Reincarnation Prison 2 years ago
    3063. 3160
      Prison Rebellion Frenzy 2 years ago
    3064. 3161
      Gone 2 years ago
    3065. 3162
      Transmigrator Base 2 years ago
    3066. 3163
      Balance of Evil 2 years ago
    3067. 3164
      New Strange Dream 2 years ago
    3068. 3165
      Something Big Happened! 2 years ago
    3069. 3166
      Argument of a Book 2 years ago
    3070. 3167
      Don't Continue! 2 years ago
    3071. 3168
      Bizarre Book 2 years ago
    3072. 3169
      Yesterday Reappears 2 years ago
    3073. 3170
      Li Yao's Qilin Arm 2 years ago
    3074. 3171
      Falling deeper and deeper 2 years ago
    3075. 3172
      Childhood Dream 2 years ago
    3076. 3173
      This Is Growth 2 years ago
    3077. 3174
      Vicious Beast in the Heart 2 years ago
    3078. 3175
      Uncontrollable Power 2 years ago
    3079. 3176
      Death of the Observer 2 years ago
    3080. 3177
      Broken? 2 years ago
    3081. 3178
      Looking for Master Snail 2 years ago
    3082. 3179
      Bait! 2 years ago
    3083. 3180
      7 PM, wait for me! 2 years ago
    3084. 3181
      Meeting the Author 2 years ago
    3085. 3182
      Dream Book 2 years ago
    3086. 3183
      Sneaking into the Night with the Wind 2 years ago
    3087. 3184
      Writing Heroes 2 years ago
    3088. 3185
      Dream Traveler 2 years ago
    3089. 3186
      Past Life or Parallel World? 2 years ago
    3090. 3187
      Earth's Bug 2 years ago
    3091. 3188
      Unexplicable 2 years ago
    3092. 3189
      Honest 2 years ago
    3093. 3190
      Transmigrating 2 years ago
    3094. 3191
      Reasons 2 years ago
    3095. 3192
      The Mystery of the Ark 2 years ago
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      The Only Clue 2 years ago
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      Not a Dream 2 years ago
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      Sea Genius Concentration Camp 2 years ago
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      Prepare for Action! 2 years ago
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      Unbelievable Strength! 2 years ago
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      Mutation 2 years ago
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      Remote Control Assassin 2 years ago
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      Secret War Begins 2 years ago
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      Master Niu, I'm Here! 2 years ago
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      True Superpowers! 2 years ago
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      Magic! 2 years ago
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      "Ark" and "Apocalypse". 2 years ago
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      Critical Day 2 years ago
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      Master Niu 2 years ago
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      The So-Called Observer 2 years ago
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      A Hundred Year Prisoner 2 years ago
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      Jailers and Prison Breakers 2 years ago
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      Fierce Battle in the Rain! 2 years ago
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      Elevator Battle 2 years ago
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      Escape 2 years ago
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      Abandoning Brightness for Darkness? 2 years ago
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      Racing Violently 2 years ago
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      Bullet Time 2 years ago
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      Legend of the Seven Gods 2 years ago
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      1999, Battle of Vulture 2 years ago
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      Forced Restart 2 years ago
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      Last War of the Universe! 2 years ago
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      Teacher Zhang's Unexpected Calamity 2 years ago
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      We Are All Adults 2 years ago
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      First Fusion 2 years ago
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      The True Meaning of Water 2 years ago
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      Global Natural Disaster 2 years ago
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      Heading South 2 years ago
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      Fighting a Hunter Again 2 years ago
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      Self-judgment! 2 years ago
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      Immortal Body 2 years ago
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      Burning Tank 2 years ago
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      Wild Waves 2 years ago
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      All Failed? 2 years ago
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      Plan B 2 years ago
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      His Own Command 2 years ago
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      Who Is It? 2 years ago
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      Glass Ball 2 years ago
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      Déjà Vu 2 years ago
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      New World 2 years ago
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      Ark Island 2 years ago
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      50% of Li Yao 2 years ago
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      From Soul Division to Fusion! 2 years ago
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      One and Only Candidate 2 years ago
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      Super Strategic Deception 2 years ago
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      The Way of Fusion 2 years ago
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      Human Farm 2 years ago
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      Golden Age 2 years ago
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      You and Me 2 years ago
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      Wasteland Dream 2 years ago
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      Earth Shattering 2 years ago
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      Silver-white Eyes 2 years ago
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      The Lord's Projection 2 years ago
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      Fatal Truth 2 years ago
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      Out of Control Clones 2 years ago
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      Sand Is the World 2 years ago
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      Playing Along 2 years ago
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      Crippling the sharpest weapon! 2 years ago
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      An Actress 2 years ago
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      Escaping the Reverse Flow of Time! 2 years ago
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      Gold Horn, Blow! 2 years ago
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      Legend, Return! 2 years ago
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      Vulture's Roar 2 years ago
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      Giant God Soldier 2 years ago
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      True Desperation! 2 years ago
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      Parallel Universe 2 years ago
    3167. 3264
      Returning to Youth 2 years ago
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      Immortality in the Circulation of Time! 2 years ago
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      Family and Friends 2 years ago
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      Goading 2 years ago
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      Yesterday, Today, and Future! 2 years ago
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      Last Slash! 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Father and Son Reappearing Yesterday 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Exposed Yesterday 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Awakening Again 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Revenge 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      A Giant Beast 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Space Quakes 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      The Fist King's painstaking efforts 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      The Sealed Palace 2 years ago
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      The Real Test 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Surrender! 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      The Escape 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      The Final Redemption 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Untitled 2 years ago
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      Two Plans 2 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (I) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅱ) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅲ) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅳ) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: City of Trapped Beasts (Ⅴ) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅵ) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅶ) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅸ) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅹ) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅺ) 1 years ago
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      Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅻ) 1 years ago

    作者 The Enlightened Master Crouching Cow

    Editor Daoist6fubtiW