/ Anime e Quadrinhos / One Piece: The Deadly
It was a normal day in the new world or.. as normal as it can be on the sunny, Luffy stealing meat, Zoro napping, Nami navigating and telling Franky where to steer the sunny, Usopp tinkering with his slingshot, Sanji cooking for Robin and Nami whilst yelling at Luffy about stealing food, chopper is making rumble balls, robin reading, Franky is listening to Nami on where to steer the ship, Brook is being a pervert and one new crewmate named Kikidori is training. so yeah the sunny is chaos and it's insane it that's as normal as a day on the sunny I guess.
レビューを書く作者 Raiko_kutima
You might as well make him retarded unobtrusive