The monstrous snake spit what seemed like a dirty green poisonous substance onto them, like a spray. It spread all over Cassandra's shield, protecting her companions.
A pungent smell erupted as her protective boundary sizzled and smoke rose from where that gigantic snake had sprayed them with his poison.
Aiko and Lotus shrieked and ducked while Razial pulled out his sword and Faris extracted his axe.
Siroos shifted to his wolf and jumped. The skin of his mouth stretched back as he let out a growl and sunk his canines into the snake's huge head. The snake thrashed, and his whole body came crashing down on the ground with a loud thud. It curled and writhed, trying to crush Siroos but the shield around him prevented the creature from wrapping its elongated body around the Alpha.
"Move back!" Faris instructed Aiko and Lotus and they instantly obeyed, giving them space. Cassandra focused her shield so Siroos and others would be safe.