/ Fantasy Romance / My Servant System

My Servant System オリジナル

My Servant System

Fantasy Romance 1,114 章 2.8M ビュー
作者: Ketsueki_Hasu

4.22 (51 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Katherine Zara, a single middle aged office worker, went about her day as she always had; wake up, go to work, come home and read or play games. However, today would be different. Before she left for work, her ex broke into her apartment and killed her.
When she woke up, she was given many choices. She could pick her new world, pick her starting point, and pick her system among many other things. And so Katherine decided to become a servant to a villainess.
Follow Katherine as she serves her petty, demanding mistress in a world of swords and magic.

Additional: The Female Lead (Katherine) will be submissive to her mistress, but will be cold towards others. I plan on having some action, but mainly this will be a story about Katherine serving her mistress and leveling up her system.

No One 17 and Under Admitted
  1. Kaiju_TSlaymer
    Kaiju_TSlaymer 貢献した 31288
  2. Terry_Ross
    Terry_Ross 貢献した 18946
  3. deferr
    deferr 貢献した 18090


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    I see Yuri and I see potential yandere. Speak no more im in ;3................................................................................................................

    1 の返信を表示する

    very good story , l love yuri and this one is good , a little sad to see a harem but l love so it's not a problem , thank for this story . ...

    5 の返信を表示する

    just my opinion I really can't stand it sorry I tried at least bye

    0 の返信を表示する

    Already loving this book!! Interesting concept and excited to see where this story takes us in the future!!! Cannot wait for more chapters!!

    0 の返信を表示する

    Write Quality: basic with no flare or anything original in it - 3 stars Story development: slow where it shouldn't be and fast-paced where more could be included - 2 stars Character design: plain and basic with everyone cut from the same card - 2 stars World background: Basic fantasy - 3 stars Personal opinion: led around by the nose from the start by a child, the main character doesn't show the emotional intelligence of an adult who has had dozens of physical relationships and instead acts like pre pubescent boy who has seen a naked body for the first time.

    4 の返信を表示する

    Great book . ... Please ... PLEASE make Kat grow dig Bick . .I don't care where she gets it but I rlly want her to top Leone or Anput I beg of you author. .. .I CAN NOT REST WITHOUT IT. Any ways keep up the good work

    0 の返信を表示する

    why are all your characters submissive? I like to be submissive, but I don't like the protagonist to be. I know it sounds like I'm contradicting myself, but that's my taste anyway, I just wanted to ask if you're going to play a domineering character someday? Thanks ## translated from google translate##

    1 の返信を表示する

    First of all i would like too mention that mc will be submissive to the fmc. One of my favorite yuri novels not only for the plot but also for the update stability and the interactions between the kat(mc) and jahi .,., this is novel is harem but at same time it's not as the author mentioned in chapter 25 that the jahi will marry two other women due to political resonons and the author as also mentioned that the hareme will not be more than 3 including kat and the one who own the harem will be jahi(not kat) and about the world background the author is slowly telling about the world thats all i have to say as of now i am in chap 25

    1 の返信を表示する

    Its a good story but im not really comfortable with harem on both sides usually i only see harem on oneside......................................

    0 の返信を表示する

    Everything is top tier, author didnt rush the story nor the development of characters, the world is a fantasy type filled with monsters and cute slimes, as of chapter 66, I have saw no flaws in this story, though I wasnt looking for any in particular. This story is also yuri, which already gets it a thums up from me, author also likes all my random comments which dosent make me happy AT ALL. Short review but really jus read the it.

    0 の返信を表示する

    this story is just all around top quality and I'm in love with it. the character development is amazing and cute. can't wait too read more. 💖

    0 の返信を表示する

    Great story, with an interesting plot and world building. Only thing I would comment on is making sure Kat STAYS NUMBER 1. Please don’t let the other 2 just barge in and stand on equal footing with her.

    1 の返信を表示する

    (Vague spoilers from up to chapter 700) This is going to be super long, but it isn't really negative and should all be constructive, so buckle up lol. First and foremost, I love some of the fluff bits. I'd even go as far as to say it's one of this novel's strong points. But like you said, there are times where it just feels like nothing is moving forwards, and I think I know why. I think a part of the problem is the pacing. One of the reasons for that is that sometimes, this isn't really treated as only Kat's story. Rather this is Kat, Jahi, Anput and Leone's collective story. Switching to their perspective so often and needing to cover how they progress slows things down a bit because it's almost like you're writing 1 3/4's of a story. There are times when we have several chapters back to back that all take place in the same day just from everyone's pov. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think that's a problem. That's just an objective observation. In fact I'm glad you do it so it doesn't feel like they are just side characters instead of true romantic love interests. Their relationship wouldn't work as well as it does without the insight into them individually. That said, it does slow things down, especially when this story often goes at a pace of only a few days passing at a time. Sometimes even day to day. Basically, I just think there needs to be larger time skips every so often. These girls are supposed to live for hundreds if not thousands of years, so it's kind of wild that not a single one of them is even in the double digits yet. If I'm not mistaken it's only been like, what, three, maybe four months or so since Kat returned from her involuntary sight seeing trip? And yet that was almost 300 chapters ago soon. She left around 270 or so. Spent a few months, at most, away and returned 420. So about 150 chapters to cover a few months. Not too bad, until you consider several years passed before that event until they got to school. And that everything after that all takes place during the same year. I'm not sure an entire year has passed since they got to school and certainly not since they passed their tests. Going by logic at least, a year should have passed, but it doesn't really feel like it. It actually feels like more should have passed by, but the characters make it seem like less actually has. And that leads to my final point. I think you're both making them grow too fast while also trying to prevent them from doing that exact same thing. They're only 8 (at least Leone was confirmed to still be 8) and have only been training for, what, 3 to 4 years now? If I'm not completely remembering things wrong, Kat "woke up" when she was 5, right? So how come after only 3 years are they even remotely close to a knight's level? It just kind of undermines the power level of the entire world, ya know? I get they're all very special in their own ways. Once in a lifetime talents. But 3 years of training, even from the best teachers, really shouldn't have them where they are now. I just feel like that was from a combination of not wanting them to grow too quickly through huge passages of time, but also needing them to be that strong to even progress in the first place. So you're stuck in a place where they are making a lot of progress but no time is actually passing. A bit of a conundrum if you will. Now, I don't have too much in the way of solutions this far into the story but I would recommend just biting the bullet and giving the other characters levels or at least level approximations. Effective levels if you will. This is only because, as it is currently, it's really hard to judge how strong anyone is in this story. We know the peek with the empress, but we don't really know how far away that peek actually is. Kat is making progress but when you don't really have anything to visually compare that with, it feels like it might as well not even matter. When you have her effectively on a similar level to Jahi, then have Jahi constantly sparring with her mother, it just feels like they're already near the top. Even if logically we know how much her mother has to be holding back, without any actual indication, it's hard to place. In fact, due to Chodeva essentially being treated as a plaything by Lady Fenryas just like everyone else, it just makes it feel like they're around the same level. I would recommend giving her someone serious to fight that the girls can't help with to truly show the gap between them and more importantly, how far they all still have to grow. There's a reason most action novels have some kind of ranking system. Cultivation, adventurer ranks, knight ranks, mage tiers, levels, etc. In any case this ran a lot longer than I thought but I hope it helps.

    3 の返信を表示する

    I got up to around chapter 20 before the number of action sentences starting with "ing" verbs got too grating to keep reading. After that, I jumped ahead just to see if it stuck around since the author said they started to take the story more seriously at some point, and it's STILL an issue of most sentences that are used for describing someone taking an action. The story COULD be fine, but I will never know because... it's just really, REALLY annoying to read.

    2 の返信を表示する

    great story I love everything about it it's so unique 😍 😁😁😁😁

    0 の返信を表示する

    Well, at the start we are in the MCs POV. Yet the entire story feels like it isn’t based on the reincarnated MC. I mean who read this novel and wants to read about how her mother gets screwed a lot? I’m dissatisfied and disappointed since even after 30 chapters she’s young. The cherry on top has to be that it’s a harem, yet it isnt the MCs harem. This story has wasted potential in my opinion and feels like it isnt going anywhere. I also don’t the choices the author makes. So now after deciding to drop after 30 chapters ish, I’m annoyed, sad and a little angry.

    3 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    Just starting out and loving the character interactions and quickly adapting to her new family and life that she chose for herself. Even makes cleaning interesting! Like Happy Gilmore for golf

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    Words, love those. Simply put; I. Am. Speechless. For the most part! The story is well written, love the writing style, and the characters are very interesting! I love the dynamics and how the author slowly builds up to some plot points. In the beginning, the story is slow, but not filled with useless blabber. The author takes their time easing you into the world, which while it is described pretty vaguely (as of C105) I'll say it has a few interesting concepts. The magic system is just AMAZING! I saw a review stating it was boring, and honestly(not to throw shade), I completely disagree. It is well thought out, unique and has a very interesting premise to it. Overall, it is a breath of fresh air. Now I don't typically indulge in harem novels, and I still haven't because this is a semi-harem novel (or was it a lite-harem? Forgot what the author dubbed it lol) There are only four main lovers, and the mc isn't technically the leader of this pseudo harem, that is also a breath of fresh air. Then there is a small detail, well not so small detail mentioned in one of the earlier chapters, one that makes this novel a bit more unique on web-novel, I won't say what it is(for the author I'll admit it involves humans), and it doesn't really affect the story much, but it's still dope. Okay... so I wasn't speechless, right. Am I missing anything? Oh yeah! Did I mention just how much of a breath of fresh air this novel is. I urge you to read it. It isn't for everyone, and there are minor grammar errors once in a blue moon, but yeah!

    0 の返信を表示する

    very good story with well written and developed characters with a quite good plot.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Umm this novel ok I have so many complains in this novel first of all it's stupid it sucks and how can she find true love so sudden may the writer headed his or her head before writing this novel cause it makes no sense at all it's stupid but I will rate this novel just because am kind umm 2 out of 5 ok?😏👌am a girl and girls like me are really talented

    1 の返信を表示する
    Chapter 1114: Chapter 1113: Better And Better 17 hours ago

    卷 1

    1. 1
      First Time Readers: READ THIS PLEASE! 2 years ago
    2. 2
      Chapter 1: I'm... dead? 2 years ago
    3. 3
      Chapter 2: Reminiscence 2 years ago
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      Chapter 3: Choices, Choices 2 years ago
    5. 5
      Chapter 4: Reincarnated 2 years ago
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      Chapter 5: Next Quest 2 years ago
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      Chapter 6: Finishing my First Day in a New World 2 years ago
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      Chapter 7: Meeting My Master 2 years ago
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      Chapter 8: Jahi Asmodia 2 years ago
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      Chapter 9: Jahi Asmodia (2) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 10: Our Imminent Future 2 years ago
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      Chapter 11: A Day with Jahi 2 years ago
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      Chapter 12: The Marquess' Surprise 2 years ago
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      Chapter 13: Outing With the Countess 2 years ago
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      Chapter 14: Eventful Day 2 years ago
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      Chapter 15: The Marquess' Fury 2 years ago
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      Chapter 16: The Week before Classes 2 years ago
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      Chapter 17: First Day of Classes (1) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 18: First Day of Classes (2) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 19: Our Daily Lives 2 years ago
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      Chapter 20: Jahi's Core 2 years ago
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      Chapter 21: Light Magic 2 years ago
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      Chapter 22: Promise 2 years ago
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      Chapter 23: Another Day in the Life 2 years ago
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      Chapter 24: Something Exciting... 2 years ago
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      Chapter 25: Discussion 2 years ago
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      Chapter 26: New Classes with Baroness Estra 2 years ago
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      Chapter 27: Jahi's Actions; Kolia's Book 2 years ago
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      Chapter 28: Talk with the Marquess 2 years ago
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      Chapter 29: Studying for the Event 2 years ago
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      Chapter 30: Arrival 2 years ago
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      Chapter 31: COVER ART!! 2 years ago
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      Chapter 32: Meeting my Rivals 2 years ago
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      Chapter 33: Leone and Anput 2 years ago
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      Chapter 34: Ritual Circle; Quarel 2 years ago
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      Chapter 35: End of the Day 2 years ago
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      Chapter 36: Out in the City (1) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 37: Out in the City (2) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 38: Kidnapped 2 years ago
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      Chapter 39: Rescue(1) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 40: Rescue(2) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 41: @#*&%! 2 years ago
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      Chapter 42: Departure 2 years ago
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      Chapter 43: Training 2 years ago
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      Chapter 44: My Core (1) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 45: My Core (2) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 46: My Core (3) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 47: Gift 2 years ago
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      Chapter 48: Rematch 2 years ago
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      Chapter 49: Leone's Breakthrough 2 years ago
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      Chapter 50: Promises between Heirs 2 years ago
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      Chapter 51: Preparation for our First Hunt 2 years ago
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      Chapter 52: Hunt in Fovos Forest 2 years ago
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      Chapter 53: First Blood 2 years ago
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      Chapter 54: Thrill of the Hunt 2 years ago
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      Chapter 55: Invitation 2 years ago
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      Chapter 56: Reward 2 years ago
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      Chapter 57: Ball up North (1) 2 years ago
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      Chapter 58: Ball up North (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 59: Ball up North (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 60: Time Passes; Staying at Fovos 1 years ago
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      Chapter 61: Hobgoblins, Kobolds, Slimes, oh my! 1 years ago
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      Chapter 62: Salamander; Achievement 1 years ago
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      Chapter 63: Changes 1 years ago
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      Chapter 64: First Time (1) * 1 years ago
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      Chapter 65: First Time (2) * 1 years ago
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      Chapter 66: Anput and Leone Return 1 years ago
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      Chapter 67: Group Trip 1 years ago
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      Chapter 68: Fun in Fovos Forest 1 years ago
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      Chapter 69: Nice Times 1 years ago
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      Chapter 70: Hunting Event (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 71: Hunting Event (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 72: Hunting Event (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 73: Hunting Event (4) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 74: Helpless Maid* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 75: Another Ball (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 76: Another Ball (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 77: Another Ball (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 78: Reward* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 79: Dowry 1 years ago
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      Chapter 80: Leveling 1 years ago
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      Chapter 81: Practice; Preparations 1 years ago
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      Chapter 82: Our Last Days (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 83: Our Last Days (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 84: Past 1 years ago
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      Chapter 85: Departure 1 years ago
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      Chapter 86: Housewarming* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 87: My New 'Sisters' 1 years ago
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      Chapter 88: Anput and Leone Move in 1 years ago
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      Chapter 89: First Day of the Academy (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 90: First Day of the Academy (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 91: First Day at the Academy (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 92: First Day at the Academy (4) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 93: First Day at the Academy (5) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 94: End of the First Day 1 years ago
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      Chapter 95: A Quick Bite 1 years ago
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      Chapter 96: Family Dinner 1 years ago
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      Chapter 97: Breakfast; Magic Class 1 years ago
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      Chapter 98: History; Eyes 1 years ago
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      Chapter 99: Combat 1 years ago
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      Chapter 100: Date with Jahi (1)* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 101: Date with Jahi (2)* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 102: A New Day 1 years ago
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      Chapter 103: Breakthrough 1 years ago
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      Chapter 104: Zhu'Rong Caverns (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 105: Zhu'Rong Caverns (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 106: Zhu'Rong Caverns (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 107: Zhu'Rong Caverns (4) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 108: Zhu'Rong Caverns (5) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 109: Go Ahead; 'Troubles' Back Home 1 years ago
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      Chapter 110: Reactions 1 years ago
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      Chapter 111: A New Achievement 1 years ago
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      Chapter 112: Quenching a Thirst* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 113: Taking Anput Out* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 114: My Second Puppy* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 115: The Morning After 1 years ago
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      Chapter 116: Brief Conflict 1 years ago
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      Chapter 117: Heart-To-Heart 1 years ago
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      Chapter 118: Mediocre Finish; Hearty Meal 1 years ago
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      Chapter 119: Study Time 1 years ago
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      Chapter 120: Finally 1 years ago
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      Chapter 121: Back down to Zhu'Rong 1 years ago
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      Chapter 122: Spectacle 1 years ago
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      Chapter 123: Deserted City 1 years ago
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      Chapter 124: Not so Deserted City 1 years ago
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      Chapter 125: Lord Pele 1 years ago
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      Chapter 126: Fight Against an Evolved Monster (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 127: Fight Against an Evolved Monster (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 128: Lord Pele (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 129: Lord Pele (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 130: Contemplation 1 years ago
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      Chapter 131: Demon's Heart 1 years ago
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      Chapter 132: Off Day 1 years ago
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      Chapter 133: Two Puppies* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 134: Bloody Princess* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 135: Back to the Academy 1 years ago
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      Chapter 136: Kolia 1 years ago
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      Chapter 137: Refining New and Old Skills 1 years ago
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      Chapter 138: More Enchanting Practice 1 years ago
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      Chapter 139: Invitation 1 years ago
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      Chapter 140: Shopping (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 141: Shopping (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 142: Two Weeks (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 143: Two Weeks (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 144: Two Weeks (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 145: Two Weeks (4) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 146: Two Weeks (5) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 147: Two Weeks (6) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 148: Two Weeks (7) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 149: Two Weeks (8) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 150: Two Weeks (9) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 151: Comfort* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 152: Leaving for the Banquet 1 years ago
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      Chapter 153: Banquet (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 154: Banquet (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 155: Banquet (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 156: Banquet (4) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 157: Banquet (5) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 158: Learning about the Labyrinthian 1 years ago
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      Chapter 159: An Interesting Class 1 years ago
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      Chapter 160: Practice, Practice, Practice 1 years ago
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      Chapter 161: Control 1 years ago
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      Chapter 162: Dual Cultivation* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 163: Bound Offering* (Extra) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 164: Growth 1 years ago
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      Chapter 165: Back in the Caverns 1 years ago
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      Chapter 166: Murder Puppy Tries a Few Things 1 years ago
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      Chapter 167: Thanks Mister Goblin~! 1 years ago
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      Chapter 168: Coal Serpents 1 years ago
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      Chapter 169: A Few More Serpents... 1 years ago
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      Chapter 170: Exiting the Caverns 1 years ago
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      Chapter 171: Finances 1 years ago
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      Chapter 172: Bargaining 1 years ago
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      Chapter 173: Three-On-One* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 174: In Trouble* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 175: Test Prep 1 years ago
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      Chapter 176: Reminisce (Extra) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 177: Tests (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 178: Tests (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 179: Tests (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 180: Tests (4) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 181: Tests (5) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 182: Test (Leone) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 183: Test (Jahi) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 184: Test (Kat) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 185: Test (Anput) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 186: Letter 1 years ago
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      Chapter 187: Demoness (Extra) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 188: Leone 1 years ago
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      Chapter 189: Observers* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 190: Refinement 1 years ago
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      Chapter 191: Our First Requests 1 years ago
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      Chapter 192: How to Frighten a Demoness 1 years ago
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      Chapter 193: Important Question 1 years ago
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      Chapter 194: Completion (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 195: Completion (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 196: Confrontation 1 years ago
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      Chapter 197: Prey 1 years ago
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      Chapter 198: Interrogation 1 years ago
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      Chapter 199: A New Week 1 years ago
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      Chapter 200: Switching it up* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 201: Indulgence* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 202: Thoughts 1 years ago
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      Chapter 203: Visit 1 years ago
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      Chapter 204: Visit (Anput) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 205: Visit (Leone) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 206: Visit (Jahi) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 207: Departure 1 years ago
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      Chapter 208: That Last Little Mile 1 years ago
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      Chapter 209: System Update (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 210: System Update (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 211: First Morning With A New Class 1 years ago
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      Chapter 212: Training 1 years ago
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      Chapter 213: Talk for Tonight 1 years ago
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      Chapter 214: End of the Night 1 years ago
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      Chapter 215: Jillian Sariel 1 years ago
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      Chapter 216: Family Argument 1 years ago
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      Chapter 217: Night Escapade 1 years ago
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      Chapter 218: Apology 1 years ago
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      Chapter 219: Forgiven* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 220: Vampire's Mark* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 221: Happenings in the Kingdom 1 years ago
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      Chapter 222: From the Heart (Extra) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 223: Demoness' Observations 1 years ago
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      Chapter 224: News of the Kingdom 1 years ago
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      Chapter 225: Relaxing Date 1 years ago
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      Chapter 226: Meeting With Kolia 1 years ago
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      Chapter 227: More News from the Kingdoms 1 years ago
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      Chapter 228: First Fang 1 years ago
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      Chapter 229: Skeletal Drake 1 years ago
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      Chapter 230: Protective Fang 1 years ago
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      Chapter 231: Combat Finals 1 years ago
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      Chapter 232: One and Two 1 years ago
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      Chapter 233: Three and Four 1 years ago
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      Chapter 234: Eventful Week 1 years ago
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      Chapter 235: New Style of Hunting 1 years ago
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      Chapter 236: The Final Finals 1 years ago
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      Chapter 237: Celebration* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 238: Morning After; New Fang 1 years ago
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      Chapter 239: Going All Out 1 years ago
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      Chapter 240: First Tattoo 1 years ago
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      Chapter 241: Gate of Hades 1 years ago
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      Chapter 242: Going Shopping as a Family 1 years ago
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      Chapter 243: Efficient Solution (Extra) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 244: An Entire Day* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 245: Finishing the Week 1 years ago
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      Chapter 246: Nirinia Radhi 1 years ago
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      Chapter 247: New Regimen 1 years ago
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      Chapter 248: Hellish Training 1 years ago
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      Chapter 249: Journey West; Back Home 1 years ago
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      Chapter 250: Arriving at the Warfront 1 years ago
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      Chapter 251: Adelina Leonisa 1 years ago
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      Chapter 252: Putting on a Show 1 years ago
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      Chapter 253: First Skirmish 1 years ago
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      Chapter 254: Results 1 years ago
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      Chapter 255: Downtime 1 years ago
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      Chapter 256: Talk With Leone 1 years ago
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      Chapter 257: Western Kingdoms Movements 1 years ago
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      Chapter 258: Politics 1 years ago
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      Chapter 259: Caution 1 years ago
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      Chapter 260: Western Army Arrives 1 years ago
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      Chapter 261: First Charge 1 years ago
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      Chapter 262: Night of the Undead 1 years ago
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      Chapter 263: Invasion Begins 1 years ago
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      Chapter 264: After Action Report 1 years ago
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      Chapter 265: Attack After Attack 1 years ago
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      Chapter 266: The Real Assault Begins 1 years ago
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      Chapter 267: Under Siege 1 years ago
    269. 269
      Chapter 268: Matilda of Duurghaven 1 years ago
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      Chapter 269: Broken Down Gate 1 years ago
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      Chapter 270: Race Against Time 1 years ago
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      Chapter 271: Dire Straits 1 years ago
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      Chapter 272: Ayla's Trick 1 years ago
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      Chapter 273: Gone 1 years ago
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      Chapter 274: Hollow Victory 1 years ago
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      Chapter 275: Awake 1 years ago
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      Chapter 276: Bloody Memory (Extra) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 277: Convictions 1 years ago
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      Chapter 278: A Look Outside 1 years ago
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      Chapter 279: Somber Questions 1 years ago
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      Chapter 280: Healing 1 years ago
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      Chapter 281: Survival 1 years ago
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      Chapter 282: Counsel 1 years ago
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      Chapter 283: Distractions of the Flesh* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 284: Venturing Forth 1 years ago
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      Chapter 285: Shared Relief 1 years ago
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      Chapter 286: Raid (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 287: Perilous Path 1 years ago
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      Chapter 288: Raid (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 289: Hawn Sariel 1 years ago
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      Chapter 290: Progress 1 years ago
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      Chapter 291: Pieces 1 years ago
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      Chapter 292: Speak Softly 1 years ago
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      Chapter 293: Nomads 1 years ago
    295. 295
      Chapter 294: Learning More 1 years ago
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      Chapter 295: Knowledge of the Tribe 1 years ago
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      Chapter 296: Palace 1 years ago
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      Chapter 297: Meetings 1 years ago
    299. 299
      Chapter 298: Permission 1 years ago
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      Chapter 299: Warmth 1 years ago
    301. 301
      Chapter 300: Setting Off 1 years ago
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      Chapter 301: New Maid* (Extra) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 302: Scythiara 1 years ago
    304. 304
      Chapter 303: Amongst the Arese 1 years ago
    305. 305
      Chapter 304: Determination 1 years ago
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      Chapter 305: Crusade Begins 1 years ago
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      Chapter 306: Girl Talk 1 years ago
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      Chapter 307: Perfect Distraction 1 years ago
    309. 309
      Chapter 308: Planning a Siege 1 years ago
    310. 310
      Chapter 309: Assembling my Squad (1) 1 years ago
    311. 311
      Chapter 310: Assembling my Squad (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 311: Assembling my Squad (3) 1 years ago
    313. 313
      Chapter 312: Morning After 1 years ago
    314. 314
      Chapter 313: New Tattoo 1 years ago
    315. 315
      Chapter 314: Squad Asmodia 1 years ago
    316. 316
      Chapter 315: Start of the Siege 1 years ago
    317. 317
      Chapter 316: Questions Unanswered 1 years ago
    318. 318
      Chapter 317: Finished Tattoo 1 years ago
    319. 319
      Chapter 318: Casual Spar 1 years ago
    320. 320
      Chapter 319: A Day to Remember 1 years ago
    321. 321
      Chapter 320: Surrounded, Yet Alone* 1 years ago
    322. 322
      Chapter 321: Check In 1 years ago
    323. 323
      Chapter 322: Mage Tower 1 years ago
    324. 324
      Chapter 323: Tower Fun 1 years ago
    325. 325
      Chapter 324: Mammoth Hunt (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 325: Mammoth Hunt (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 326: Sorcerer 1 years ago
    328. 328
      Chapter 327: Armory 1 years ago
    329. 329
      Chapter 328: Some More Hunts 1 years ago
    330. 330
      Chapter 329: Petty (Extra) 1 years ago
    331. 331
      Chapter 330: Polaris City 1 years ago
    332. 332
      Chapter 331: Breach and Clear (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 332: Breach and Clear (2) 1 years ago
    334. 334
      Chapter 333: Farewell 1 years ago
    335. 335
      Chapter 334: War Never Changes 1 years ago
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      Chapter 335: Location 1 years ago
    337. 337
      Chapter 336: Taking the Armory (1) 1 years ago
    338. 338
      Chapter 337: Supplies For a Long Journey 1 years ago
    339. 339
      Chapter 338: Taking the Armory (2) 1 years ago
    340. 340
      Chapter 339: The Road Ahead 1 years ago
    341. 341
      Chapter 340: Taking the Armory (3) 1 years ago
    342. 342
      Chapter 341: Progress 1 years ago
    343. 343
      Chapter 342: Light Sparring 1 years ago
    344. 344
      Chapter 343: Forwards 1 years ago
    345. 345
      Chapter 344: Purchase 1 years ago
    346. 346
      Chapter 345: Occupying Goron (1) 1 years ago
    347. 347
      Chapter 346: Occupying Goron (2) 1 years ago
    348. 348
      Chapter 347: Head Full Of Thoughts 1 years ago
    349. 349
      Chapter 348: Arriving At Nevrokopi 1 years ago
    350. 350
      Chapter 349: Occupying Goron (3) 1 years ago
    351. 351
      Chapter 350: Nevrokopi 1 years ago
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      Chapter 351: Occupying Goron (4) 1 years ago
    353. 353
      Chapter 352: Indulging 1 years ago
    354. 354
      Chapter 353: Occupying Goron (5) 1 years ago
    355. 355
      Chapter 354: Into the Mine 1 years ago
    356. 356
      Chapter 355: Time For A Talk 1 years ago
    357. 357
      Chapter 356: Beginner Level Dungeon? 1 years ago
    358. 358
      Chapter 357: Beginner to Intermediate 1 years ago
    359. 359
      Chapter 358: Attempts at Satiating Lust (1)* 1 years ago
    360. 360
      Chapter 359: Attempts at Satiating Lust (2)* 1 years ago
    361. 361
      Chapter 360: Boss Time? 1 years ago
    362. 362
      Chapter 361: Goron Conquered 1 years ago
    363. 363
      Chapter 362: Potions 1 years ago
    364. 364
      Chapter 363: Confessions 1 years ago
    365. 365
      Chapter 364: New Orders 1 years ago
    366. 366
      Chapter 365: Complete Restock 1 years ago
    367. 367
      Chapter 366: Day in Nevrokopi 1 years ago
    368. 368
      Chapter 367: Conversing As We Travel 1 years ago
    369. 369
      Chapter 368: Traveling to the Forest 1 years ago
    370. 370
      Chapter 369: Huran City Investigation 1 years ago
    371. 371
      Chapter 370: The Silence of a Forest 1 years ago
    372. 372
      Chapter 371: Mansion on the Hill 1 years ago
    373. 373
      Chapter 372: Contact 1 years ago
    374. 374
      Chapter 373: Necrotic Lord 1 years ago
    375. 375
      Chapter 374: Tribes of the Forest 1 years ago
    376. 376
      Chapter 375: Might of the Necrotic Lord 1 years ago
    377. 377
      Chapter 376: Hiding 1 years ago
    378. 378
      Chapter 377: Worthy Summon (1) 1 years ago
    379. 379
      Chapter 378: Overlap 1 years ago
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      Chapter 379: Worthy Summon (2) 1 years ago
    381. 381
      Chapter 380: Choices, Choices 1 years ago
    382. 382
      Chapter 381: Worthy Summon (3) 1 years ago
    383. 383
      Chapter 382: Bait 1 years ago
    384. 384
      Chapter 383: Reconvening 1 years ago
    385. 385
      Chapter 384: Monster Horde 1 years ago
    386. 386
      Chapter 385: Serious Talk 1 years ago
    387. 387
      Chapter 386: Time to Leave 1 years ago
    388. 388
      Chapter 387: Going Forwards 1 years ago
    389. 389
      Chapter 388: Escaping the Forest? 1 years ago
    390. 390
      Chapter 389: A 'Tug' Here...* 1 years ago
    391. 391
      Chapter 390: A Tug There* 1 years ago
    392. 392
      Chapter 391: Continuing Onwards - Jahi Edition 1 years ago
    393. 393
      Chapter 392: Continuing Onwards - Kat Edition 1 years ago
    394. 394
      Chapter 393: Some More Evidence 1 years ago
    395. 395
      Chapter 394: Journey Resumes 1 years ago
    396. 396
      Chapter 395: A Whole Lotta... 1 years ago
    397. 397
      Chapter 396: Monotony 1 years ago
    398. 398
      Chapter 397: Reaching Nogart 1 years ago
    399. 399
      Chapter 398: Gobo Desert 1 years ago
    400. 400
      Chapter 399: Discoveries 1 years ago
    401. 401
      Chapter 400: Desert Heat 1 years ago
    402. 402
      Chapter 401: In Depth Investigation 1 years ago
    403. 403
      Chapter 402: Wekalian Steppes 1 years ago
    404. 404
      Chapter 403: Emergence 1 years ago
    405. 405
      Chapter 404: Burial City Khanla 1 years ago
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      Chapter 405: Problems? 1 years ago
    407. 407
      Chapter 406: Khanla's Mysteries* 1 years ago
    408. 408
      Chapter 407: Yeah... Problems 1 years ago
    409. 409
      Chapter 408: Meeting* 1 years ago
    410. 410
      Chapter 409: Concern and Resolve 1 years ago
    411. 411
      Chapter 410: Deal? 1 years ago
    412. 412
      Chapter 411: Departing Tragon 1 years ago
    413. 413
      Chapter 412: Contemplation 1 years ago
    414. 414
      Chapter 413: Grievances 1 years ago
    415. 415
      Chapter 414: Discussing the Deal 1 years ago
    416. 416
      Chapter 415: Back Home 1 years ago
    417. 417
      Chapter 416: Deal With an Arch Fiend 1 years ago
    418. 418
      Chapter 417: Report 1 years ago
    419. 419
      Chapter 418: Back Home - Kat Edition 1 years ago
    420. 420
      Chapter 419: A Creature of Night and Blood 1 years ago
    421. 421
      Chapter 420: Touching Reunion 1 years ago
    422. 422
      Chapter 421: Dinner 1 years ago
    423. 423
      Chapter 422: Fiendish Reunion 1 years ago
    424. 424
      Chapter 423: Surprise 1 years ago
    425. 425
      Chapter 424: Heartfelt Reunion 1 years ago
    426. 426
      Chapter 425: Unrestrained Passion (1)* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 426: Unrestrained Passion (2)* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 427: Unrestrained Passion (3)* 1 years ago
    429. 429
      Chapter 428: Unrestrained Passion (4)* 1 years ago
    430. 430
      Chapter 429: Show and Tell 1 years ago
    431. 431
      Chapter 430: Meet and Greet 1 years ago
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      Chapter 431: Making Decisions (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 432: Making Decisions (2) 1 years ago
    434. 434
      Chapter 433: Dining All Together 1 years ago
    435. 435
      Chapter 434: A New Morning 1 years ago
    436. 436
      Chapter 435: Morning Spar 1 years ago
    437. 437
      Chapter 436: Return to the Capital 1 years ago
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      Chapter 437: Back at the Palace 1 years ago
    439. 439
      Chapter 438: Lady Fenryas 1 years ago
    440. 440
      Chapter 439: Training Begins (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 440: Training Begins (2) 1 years ago
    442. 442
      Chapter 441: One... 1 years ago
    443. 443
      Chapter 442: By One 1 years ago
    444. 444
      Chapter 443: Scion of Asmodia 1 years ago
    445. 445
      Chapter 444: Training in Earnest 1 years ago
    446. 446
      Chapter 445: A Different Type of Training 1 years ago
    447. 447
      Chapter 446: Research 1 years ago
    448. 448
      Chapter 447: Changes 1 years ago
    449. 449
      Chapter 448: Control 1 years ago
    450. 450
      Chapter 449: Family Training 1 years ago
    451. 451
      Chapter 450: Large Feast for Voracious Appetites 1 years ago
    452. 452
      Chapter 451: End the Day Off Right* 1 years ago
    453. 453
      Chapter 452: A New Day 1 years ago
    454. 454
      Chapter 453: At It Again 1 years ago
    455. 455
      Chapter 454: Belian 1 years ago
    456. 456
      Chapter 455: Drive 1 years ago
    457. 457
      Chapter 456: Noticeable Changes 1 years ago
    458. 458
      Chapter 457: Importance of Fundamentals 1 years ago
    459. 459
      Chapter 458: Renewed Appreciation 1 years ago
    460. 460
      Chapter 459: Another Day Done 1 years ago
    461. 461
      Chapter 460: Mates* 1 years ago
    462. 462
      Chapter 461: The In-Laws 1 years ago
    463. 463
      Chapter 462: Siblings 1 years ago
    464. 464
      Chapter 463: Getting to Know One Another 1 years ago
    465. 465
      Chapter 464: Improvements 1 years ago
    466. 466
      Chapter 465: Perspective 1 years ago
    467. 467
      Chapter 466: Monster Mash 1 years ago
    468. 468
      Chapter 467: Mashing the Monster 1 years ago
    469. 469
      Chapter 468: Equal Mash 1 years ago
    470. 470
      Chapter 469: The Monster Mashed 1 years ago
    471. 471
      Chapter 470: Vampiric Prowess 1 years ago
    472. 472
      Chapter 471: Puppy One 1 years ago
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      Chapter 472: Puppy Two 1 years ago
    474. 474
      Chapter 473: Mashing Over 1 years ago
    475. 475
      Chapter 474: Heat of a Demoness (1)* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 475: Heat of a Demoness (2)* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 476: Heat of a Demoness (3)* 1 years ago
    478. 478
      Chapter 477: Relaxing Bath 1 years ago
    479. 479
      Chapter 478: Getting Back To It 1 years ago
    480. 480
      Chapter 479: Pushing the Limits 1 years ago
    481. 481
      Chapter 480: Demon Clans (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 481: Demon Clans (2) 1 years ago
    483. 483
      Chapter 482: Training Ends 1 years ago
    484. 484
      Chapter 483: Moving In 1 years ago
    485. 485
      Chapter 484: Breakfast 1 years ago
    486. 486
      Chapter 485: Talk 1 years ago
    487. 487
      Chapter 486: Field Test (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 487: Field Test (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 488: Field Test (3) 1 years ago
    490. 490
      Chapter 489: New Home, New Roommates..? 1 years ago
    491. 491
      Chapter 490: Empress' Plans 1 years ago
    492. 492
      Chapter 491: Family Time 1 years ago
    493. 493
      Chapter 492: Reassurance 1 years ago
    494. 494
      Chapter 493: Delivery Day 1 years ago
    495. 495
      Chapter 494: What We're Fighting For 1 years ago
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      Chapter 495: Little Ones 1 years ago
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      Chapter 496: Work and Play 1 years ago
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      Chapter 497: Ba'Ruk (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 498: Ba'Ruk (2) 1 years ago
    500. 500
      Chapter 499: Family Time Once More 1 years ago
    501. 501
      Chapter 500: Concoctions 1 years ago
    502. 502
      Chapter 501: Selfish Demoness* 1 years ago
    503. 503
      Chapter 502: Needy Puppy* 1 years ago
    504. 504
      Chapter 503: Empress' Loyal Hound (1, Extra)* 1 years ago
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      Chapter 504: Empress' Loyal Hound (2, Extra)* 1 years ago
    506. 506
      Chapter 505: Feast For Many* 1 years ago
    507. 507
      Chapter 506: Time With The Babies 1 years ago
    508. 508
      Chapter 507: Fruits Of Our Labor (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 508: Fruits Of Our Labor (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 509: Fruits Of Our Labor (3) 1 years ago
    511. 511
      Chapter 510: Testing the New Weapons 1 years ago
    512. 512
      Chapter 511: Lady Fenryas (Extra) 1 years ago
    513. 513
      Chapter 512: Preparing For the Excursion (1) 1 years ago
    514. 514
      Chapter 513: Preparing For the Excursion (2) 1 years ago
    515. 515
      Chapter 514: Preparing For the Excursion (3) 1 years ago
    516. 516
      Chapter 515: Preparing For the Excursion (4) 1 years ago
    517. 517
      Chapter 516: Preparing For the Excursion (5) 1 years ago
    518. 518
      Chapter 517: Preparing For the Excursion (6) 1 years ago
    519. 519
      Chapter 518: Preparing For the Excursion (7) 1 years ago
    520. 520
      Chapter 519: Preparing For the Excursion (8) 1 years ago
    521. 521
      Chapter 520: Preparing For the Excursion (9) 1 years ago
    522. 522
      Chapter 521: Pack Your Bags, We're Heading Out 1 years ago
    523. 523
      Chapter 522: Secret 1 years ago
    524. 524
      Chapter 523: Is This... A Trope? 1 years ago
    525. 525
      Chapter 524: Reconnaissance 1 years ago
    526. 526
      Chapter 525: Dipping Our Toes (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 526: Dipping Our Toes (2) 1 years ago
    528. 528
      Chapter 527: The Plan... Is Simple 1 years ago
    529. 529
      Chapter 528: Executing the Plan 1 years ago
    530. 530
      Chapter 529: Battlefield (1) 1 years ago
    531. 531
      Chapter 530: Battlefield (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 531: Battlefield (3) 1 years ago
    533. 533
      Chapter 532: Rewards 1 years ago
    534. 534
      Chapter 533: Break 1 years ago
    535. 535
      Chapter 534: Battlefield... Again 1 years ago
    536. 536
      Chapter 535: Farming 1 years ago
    537. 537
      Chapter 536: Scouting 1 years ago
    538. 538
      Chapter 537: New Plan 1 years ago
    539. 539
      Chapter 538: Back to Farming 1 years ago
    540. 540
      Chapter 539: Reaping the Benefits 1 years ago
    541. 541
      Chapter 540: In Depth Scouting (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 541: In Depth Scouting (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 542: In Depth Scouting (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 543: In Depth Scouting (4) 1 years ago
    545. 545
      Chapter 544: In Depth Scouting (5) 1 years ago
    546. 546
      Chapter 545: Leveling Up... Again 1 years ago
    547. 547
      Chapter 546: Planning... Again 1 years ago
    548. 548
      Chapter 547: Another Day, Another Dollar 1 years ago
    549. 549
      Chapter 548: Calm Before the Storm 1 years ago
    550. 550
      Chapter 549: Preparations For A Siege 1 years ago
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      Chapter 550: Monster Den (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 551: Monster Den (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 552: Bone Fortress (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 553: Bone Fortress (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 554: Bone Fortress (3) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 555: Undead Queen 1 years ago
    557. 557
      Chapter 556: Clean Up 1 years ago
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      Chapter 557: Entering the Mountain 1 years ago
    559. 559
      Chapter 558: Ascent 1 years ago
    560. 560
      Chapter 559: Boss Fight (1) 1 years ago
    561. 561
      Chapter 560: Boss Fight (2) 1 years ago
    562. 562
      Chapter 561: Boss Fight (3) 1 years ago
    563. 563
      Chapter 562: Tearing Out the Heart 1 years ago
    564. 564
      Chapter 563: End of an Arc 1 years ago
    565. 565
      Chapter 564: Back in the 'Saddle' (1)* 1 years ago
    566. 566
      Chapter 565: Back in the 'Saddle' (2)* 1 years ago
    567. 567
      Chapter 566: Family Time* (Extra) 1 years ago
    568. 568
      Chapter 567: A Bite Here, A Bite There...* 1 years ago
    569. 569
      Chapter 568: Claiming What's Due* 1 years ago
    570. 570
      Chapter 569: Regularly Scheduled Program (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 570: Regularly Scheduled Program (2) 1 years ago
    572. 572
      Chapter 571: Relaxation 1 years ago
    573. 573
      Chapter 572: Family Spar (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 573: Family Spar (2) 1 years ago
    575. 575
      Chapter 574: Still Got It 1 years ago
    576. 576
      Chapter 575: Planning the Next Excursion 1 years ago
    577. 577
      Chapter 576: Mirror 1 years ago
    578. 578
      Chapter 577: Resource Haul 1 years ago
    579. 579
      Chapter 578: Nothing Ever Goes Right... 1 years ago
    580. 580
      Chapter 579: Indulging a Little (1) 1 years ago
    581. 581
      Chapter 580: Indulging a Little (2) 1 years ago
    582. 582
      Chapter 581: Indulging a Little (3) 1 years ago
    583. 583
      Chapter 582: Information 1 years ago
    584. 584
      Chapter 583: What to do... 1 years ago
    585. 585
      Chapter 584: Mao Ling Teahouse 1 years ago
    586. 586
      Chapter 585: Sprouting of Love (Extra) 1 years ago
    587. 587
      Chapter 586: Dastardly Plot (1) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 587: Dastardly Plot (2) 1 years ago
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      Chapter 588: Dastardly Plot (3) 1 years ago
    590. 590
      Chapter 589: Confession 1 years ago
    591. 591
      Chapter 590: Off the Hook..? 1 years ago
    592. 592
      Chapter 591: Baroness Zara 12 months ago
    593. 593
      Chapter 592: Deciding Her Fate 12 months ago
    594. 594
      Chapter 593: Familial Chat 12 months ago
    595. 595
      Chapter 594: Receiving a Gift* 12 months ago
    596. 596
      Chapter 595: Another 'Gift'* 12 months ago
    597. 597
      Chapter 596: 'Gift' That Keeps On Giving* 12 months ago
    598. 598
      Chapter 597: Breakfast and Some News 12 months ago
    599. 599
      Chapter 598: No Rest For Us 12 months ago
    600. 600
      Chapter 599: Conversation 12 months ago
    601. 601
      Chapter 600: Shopping Spree 12 months ago
    602. 602
      Chapter 601: Making Some Rounds 11 months ago
    603. 603
      Chapter 602: Another Round of Gifts (1) 11 months ago
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      Chapter 603: Another Round of Gifts (2) 11 months ago
    605. 605
      Chapter 604: New Weapons 11 months ago
    606. 606
      Chapter 605: Renacla County 11 months ago
    607. 607
      Chapter 606: Barking Sun 11 months ago
    608. 608
      Chapter 607: Slinking Around 11 months ago
    609. 609
      Chapter 608: 'Shopping' 11 months ago
    610. 610
      Chapter 609: Outfits 11 months ago
    611. 611
      Chapter 610: Information 11 months ago
    612. 612
      Chapter 611: Report 11 months ago
    613. 613
      Chapter 612: Night Out In the City 11 months ago
    614. 614
      Chapter 613: Unmasked 11 months ago
    615. 615
      Chapter 614: Confrontation 11 months ago
    616. 616
      Chapter 615: Layers 11 months ago
    617. 617
      Chapter 616: Upon Layers 11 months ago
    618. 618
      Chapter 617: Practice Run 11 months ago
    619. 619
      Chapter 618: Infiltration (1) 11 months ago
    620. 620
      Chapter 619: Infiltration (2) 11 months ago
    621. 621
      Chapter 620: Infiltration (3) 11 months ago
    622. 622
      Chapter 621: Lady Vitra Renacla 11 months ago
    623. 623
      Chapter 622: Fighting Vitra 11 months ago
    624. 624
      Chapter 623: Tza'Delira 11 months ago
    625. 625
      Chapter 624: Battle With a Fiend 11 months ago
    626. 626
      Chapter 625: Reinforcements Arrive 11 months ago
    627. 627
      Chapter 626: Tza'Delira's Ambition 11 months ago
    628. 628
      Chapter 627: The Renacla's 11 months ago
    629. 629
      Chapter 628: Vitra's Experience 11 months ago
    630. 630
      Chapter 629: Unraveling the Layers..? 11 months ago
    631. 631
      Chapter 630: New Leg of the Journey 11 months ago
    632. 632
      Chapter 631: Cult of Ambition (1) 11 months ago
    633. 633
      Chapter 632: Cult of Ambition (2) 11 months ago
    634. 634
      Chapter 633: Cult of Ambition (3) 11 months ago
    635. 635
      Chapter 634: Cult of Ambition (4) 11 months ago
    636. 636
      Chapter 635: Mission Report 11 months ago
    637. 637
      Chapter 636: Fulfillment of Needs (1)* 11 months ago
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      Chapter 637: Fulfillment of Needs (2)* 11 months ago
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      Chapter 638: Fulfillment of Needs (3)* 11 months ago
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      Chapter 639: Fulfillment of Needs (4)* 11 months ago
    641. 641
      Chapter 640: Fulfillment of Needs (5)* 11 months ago
    642. 642
      Chapter 641: Slow Start 11 months ago
    643. 643
      Chapter 642: A New Class (1) 11 months ago
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      Chapter 643: A New Class (2) 11 months ago
    645. 645
      Chapter 644: Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept It... 11 months ago
    646. 646
      Chapter 645: A New Class (3) 11 months ago
    647. 647
      Chapter 646: Fleeting Touch 11 months ago
    648. 648
      Chapter 647: Grasping at the Fleeting 11 months ago
    649. 649
      Chapter 648: Arbo City 11 months ago
    650. 650
      Chapter 649: Casual 'Girl Talk' (1) 11 months ago
    651. 651
      Chapter 650: Casual 'Girl Talk' (2) 11 months ago
    652. 652
      Chapter 651: Casual 'Girl Talk' (3) 11 months ago
    653. 653
      Chapter 652: Running Some Tests 11 months ago
    654. 654
      Chapter 653: Summoning... 11 months ago
    655. 655
      Chapter 654: ...A Fiend 11 months ago
    656. 656
      Chapter 655: Creating a Benchmark 11 months ago
    657. 657
      Chapter 656: 'Warm' Gratitude 11 months ago
    658. 658
      Chapter 657: Raking It In 11 months ago
    659. 659
      Chapter 658: Ungrida Canyon (1) 11 months ago
    660. 660
      Chapter 659: Ungrida Canyon (2) 10 months ago
    661. 661
      Chapter 660: Ungrida Canyon (3) 10 months ago
    662. 662
      Chapter 661: Ungrida Canyon (4) 10 months ago
    663. 663
      Chapter 662: Ungrida Canyon (5) 10 months ago
    664. 664
      Chapter 663: Wealth 10 months ago
    665. 665
      Chapter 664: Plots 10 months ago
    666. 666
      Chapter 665: Asking For Training 10 months ago
    667. 667
      Chapter 666: Dealing With A Problem (1) 10 months ago
    668. 668
      Chapter 667: Dealing With a Problem (2) 10 months ago
    669. 669
      Chapter 668: Deal With a Problem (3) 10 months ago
    670. 670
      Chapter 669: Living Hell (1) 10 months ago
    671. 671
      Chapter 670: Living Hell (2) 10 months ago
    672. 672
      Chapter 671: Battered 10 months ago
    673. 673
      Chapter 672: Coping Mechanism (1)* 10 months ago
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      Chapter 673: Coping Mechanism (2)* 10 months ago
    675. 675
      Chapter 674: Rejuvenated 10 months ago
    676. 676
      Chapter 675: Family Ties (1) 10 months ago
    677. 677
      Chapter 676: Family Ties (2) 10 months ago
    678. 678
      Chapter 677: Family Ties (3) 10 months ago
    679. 679
      Chapter 678: Musings of a Jackal 10 months ago
    680. 680
      Chapter 679: Vampire's Tired Mind 10 months ago
    681. 681
      Chapter 680: Taking Advantage of the Quiet* 10 months ago
    682. 682
      Chapter 681: Late Start 10 months ago
    683. 683
      Chapter 682: Picking One Another's Mind 10 months ago
    684. 684
      Chapter 683: Good Stretch 10 months ago
    685. 685
      Chapter 684: Anput the Blacksmith 10 months ago
    686. 686
      Chapter 685: Kat the Enchantress 10 months ago
    687. 687
      Chapter 686: Enchanting Idea 10 months ago
    688. 688
      Chapter 687: Tattoo 10 months ago
    689. 689
      Chapter 688: Tutor 10 months ago
    690. 690
      Chapter 689: Picking Her Mind 10 months ago
    691. 691
      Chapter 690: Enchanting Practice 10 months ago
    692. 692
      Chapter 691: Fiendish Experiments (1) 10 months ago
    693. 693
      Chapter 692: Fiendish Experiments (2) 10 months ago
    694. 694
      Chapter 693: Fiendish Experiments (3) 10 months ago
    695. 695
      Chapter 694: Testing The Alloys (1) 10 months ago
    696. 696
      Chapter 695: Testing The Alloys (2) 10 months ago
    697. 697
      Chapter 696: Testing The Alloys (3) 10 months ago
    698. 698
      Chapter 697: Results 10 months ago
    699. 699
      Chapter 698: Slow Transition 10 months ago
    700. 700
      Chapter 699: Self Reflection 10 months ago
    701. 701
      Chapter 700: Hitting the Books 10 months ago
    702. 702
      Chapter 701: Useful Shop? 10 months ago
    703. 703
      Chapter 702: Market Time (1) 10 months ago
    704. 704
      Chapter 703: Market Time (2) 10 months ago
    705. 705
      Chapter 704: Market Time (3) 10 months ago
    706. 706
      Chapter 705: Market Time (4) 10 months ago
    707. 707
      Chapter 706: Market Time (5) 10 months ago
    708. 708
      Chapter 707: Making Plans 10 months ago
    709. 709
      Chapter 708: Interesting News 10 months ago
    710. 710
      Chapter 709: Deciding 10 months ago
    711. 711
      Chapter 710: Obligatory Pleasure* 10 months ago
    712. 712
      Chapter 711: Greedy Demoness* 10 months ago
    713. 713
      Chapter 712: Release* 10 months ago
    714. 714
      Chapter 713: Heavy Handed* 10 months ago
    715. 715
      Chapter 714: Lazy Morning Progress 10 months ago
    716. 716
      Chapter 715: Relaxed Breakfast 10 months ago
    717. 717
      Chapter 716: Magic Pens 10 months ago
    718. 718
      Chapter 717: Extra Practice 10 months ago
    719. 719
      Chapter 718: Family Chat 9 months ago
    720. 720
      Chapter 719: Week's Progress (1) 9 months ago
    721. 721
      Chapter 720: Weeks Progress (2) 9 months ago
    722. 722
      Chapter 721: Weeks Progress (3) 9 months ago
    723. 723
      Chapter 722: Weeks Progress (4) 9 months ago
    724. 724
      Chapter 723: Weeks Progress (5) 9 months ago
    725. 725
      Chapter 724: Excellent Payment (1)* 9 months ago
    726. 726
      Chapter 725: Excellent Payment (2)* 9 months ago
    727. 727
      Chapter 726: Excellent Payment (3)* 9 months ago
    728. 728
      Chapter 727: Rounding Out the Week (1) 9 months ago
    729. 729
      Chapter 728: Rounding Out the Week (2) 9 months ago
    730. 730
      Chapter 729: Departing From the Palace Again 9 months ago
    731. 731
      Chapter 730: Meeting of Demons (1) 9 months ago
    732. 732
      Chapter 731: Meeting of Demons (2) 9 months ago
    733. 733
      Chapter 732: Meeting of Demons (3) 9 months ago
    734. 734
      Chapter 733: Meeting of Demons (4) 9 months ago
    735. 735
      Chapter 734: Tabitha 9 months ago
    736. 736
      Chapter 735: Arx Impius (1) 9 months ago
    737. 737
      Chapter 736: Arx Impius (2) 9 months ago
    738. 738
      Chapter 737: Arx Impius (3) 9 months ago
    739. 739
      Chapter 738: Arx Impius (4) 9 months ago
    740. 740
      Chapter 739: Arx Impius (5) 9 months ago
    741. 741
      Chapter 740: Satanya 9 months ago
    742. 742
      Chapter 741: Result 9 months ago
    743. 743
      Chapter 742: Extended Family 9 months ago
    744. 744
      Chapter 743: Setting Things Straight 9 months ago
    745. 745
      Chapter 744: Letting Loose 9 months ago
    746. 746
      Chapter 745: Crucible 9 months ago
    747. 747
      Chapter 746: Library 9 months ago
    748. 748
      Chapter 747: Introspective 9 months ago
    749. 749
      Chapter 748: Back At Huran 9 months ago
    750. 750
      Chapter 749: Huran 9 months ago
    751. 751
      Chapter 750: Emor 9 months ago
    752. 752
      Chapter 751: Clearing Out Emor (1) 9 months ago
    753. 753
      Chapter 752: Clearing Out Emor (2) 9 months ago
    754. 754
      Chapter 753: Clearing Out Emor (3) 9 months ago
    755. 755
      Chapter 754: Clearing Out Emor (4) 9 months ago
    756. 756
      Chapter 755: Field Play* 9 months ago
    757. 757
      Chapter 756: Playing In The Field* 9 months ago
    758. 758
      Chapter 757: Nogart (1) 9 months ago
    759. 759
      Chapter 758: Nogart (2) 9 months ago
    760. 760
      Chapter 759: Nogart (3) 9 months ago
    761. 761
      Chapter 760: Nogart (4) 9 months ago
    762. 762
      Chapter 761: Nogart (5) 9 months ago
    763. 763
      Chapter 762: Battle Begins 9 months ago
    764. 764
      Chapter 763: Battle of Nogart (1) 9 months ago
    765. 765
      Chapter 764: Battle of Nogart (2) 9 months ago
    766. 766
      Chapter 765: Sweep 9 months ago
    767. 767
      Chapter 766: Letters 9 months ago
    768. 768
      Chapter 767: Fortification (1) 9 months ago
    769. 769
      Chapter 768: Fortification (2) 9 months ago
    770. 770
      Chapter 769: Payment* 9 months ago
    771. 771
      Chapter 770: Princess' Knight* 9 months ago
    772. 772
      Chapter 771: Reinforcements 9 months ago
    773. 773
      Chapter 772: Midnight 9 months ago
    774. 774
      Chapter 773: Arrival 9 months ago
    775. 775
      Chapter 774: Deacon Renama (1) 9 months ago
    776. 776
      Chapter 775: Deacon Renama (2) 9 months ago
    777. 777
      Chapter 776: Deacon Renama (3) 9 months ago
    778. 778
      Chapter 777: Shifting Tides 8 months ago
    779. 779
      Chapter 778: Battle Against The Cult 8 months ago
    780. 780
      Chapter 779: Tricky Cult (1) 8 months ago
    781. 781
      Chapter 780: Tricky Cult (2) 8 months ago
    782. 782
      Chapter 781: Tricky Cult (3) 8 months ago
    783. 783
      Chapter 782: Tricky Cult (4) 8 months ago
    784. 784
      Chapter 783: Round Two 8 months ago
    785. 785
      Chapter 784: Tza'Orbias (1) 8 months ago
    786. 786
      Chapter 785: Tza'Orbias (2) 8 months ago
    787. 787
      Chapter 786: Tza'Orbias (3) 8 months ago
    788. 788
      Chapter 787: Tza'Orbias (4) 8 months ago
    789. 789
      Chapter 788: Tza'Orbias (5) 8 months ago
    790. 790
      Chapter 789: Tza'Orbias (6) 8 months ago
    791. 791
      Chapter 790: Sla'Caligo 8 months ago
    792. 792
      Chapter 791: Power Up 8 months ago
    793. 793
      Chapter 792: Tza'Orbias (7) 8 months ago
    794. 794
      Chapter 793: Tza'Orbias (8) 8 months ago
    795. 795
      Chapter 794: Power Down..? 8 months ago
    796. 796
      Chapter 795: Quick Chat 8 months ago
    797. 797
      Chapter 796: Bountiful Rewards 8 months ago
    798. 798
      Chapter 797: 'New' Leone (1)* 8 months ago
    799. 799
      Chapter 798: 'New' Leone* (2) 8 months ago
    800. 800
      Chapter 799: Turning in for the Night (1)* 8 months ago
    801. 801
      Chapter 800: Turning in for the Night* (2) 8 months ago
    802. 802
      Chapter 801: After Action Report 8 months ago
    803. 803
      Chapter 802: Host of Demons 8 months ago
    804. 804
      Chapter 803: Preparing to Set Off (1) 8 months ago
    805. 805
      Chapter 804: Preparing to Set Off (2) 8 months ago
    806. 806
      Chapter 805: Custodia 8 months ago
    807. 807
      Chapter 806: Citizens of Custodia (1) 8 months ago
    808. 808
      Chapter 807: Citizens of Custodia (2) 8 months ago
    809. 809
      Chapter 808: Midnight Hunt 8 months ago
    810. 810
      Chapter 809: Shy 8 months ago
    811. 811
      Chapter 810: Passion* 8 months ago
    812. 812
      Chapter 811: Making Our Way Back 8 months ago
    813. 813
      Chapter 812: Helping Custodia 8 months ago
    814. 814
      Chapter 813: Breakfast 8 months ago
    815. 815
      Chapter 814: Differences 8 months ago
    816. 816
      Chapter 815: Table Talk 8 months ago
    817. 817
      Chapter 816: Downtime (1) 8 months ago
    818. 818
      Chapter 817: Downtime (2) 8 months ago
    819. 819
      Chapter 818: Downtime (3) 8 months ago
    820. 820
      Chapter 819: Downtime (4) 8 months ago
    821. 821
      Chapter 820: Downtime (5) 8 months ago
    822. 822
      Chapter 821: Power Unlocked..? 8 months ago
    823. 823
      Chapter 822: Progress 8 months ago
    824. 824
      Chapter 823: Assignments 8 months ago
    825. 825
      Chapter 824: Patrol 8 months ago
    826. 826
      Chapter 825: Aiding Custodia (1) 8 months ago
    827. 827
      Chapter 826: Aiding Custodia (2) 8 months ago
    828. 828
      Chapter 827: Aiding Custodia (3) 8 months ago
    829. 829
      Chapter 828: Off To The Grottos 8 months ago
    830. 830
      Chapter 829: Journey To The Grottos 8 months ago
    831. 831
      Chapter 830: Outpost Epsilon 8 months ago
    832. 832
      Chapter 831: Base Of Operations 8 months ago
    833. 833
      Chapter 832: Discussing The Split 8 months ago
    834. 834
      Chapter 833: Terracotta Grottos (1) 8 months ago
    835. 835
      Chapter 834: Terracotta Grottos (2) 8 months ago
    836. 836
      Chapter 835: Terracotta Grottos (3) 8 months ago
    837. 837
      Chapter 836: Terracotta Grottos (4) 8 months ago
    838. 838
      Chapter 837: Terracotta Grottos (5) 7 months ago
    839. 839
      Chapter 838: Terracotta Grottos (6) 7 months ago
    840. 840
      Chapter 839: Terracotta Grottos (7) 7 months ago
    841. 841
      Chapter 840: Terracotta Grottos (8) 7 months ago
    842. 842
      Chapter 841: Terracotta Grottos (9) 7 months ago
    843. 843
      Chapter 842: Terracotta Grottos (10) 7 months ago
    844. 844
      Chapter 843: Appreciation (1)* 7 months ago
    845. 845
      Chapter 844: Appreciation (2)* 7 months ago
    846. 846
      Chapter 845: Terracotta Grottos (11) 7 months ago
    847. 847
      Chapter 846: Terracotta Grottos (12) 7 months ago
    848. 848
      Chapter 847: Terracotta Grottos (13) 7 months ago
    849. 849
      Chapter 848: Grades 7 months ago
    850. 850
      Chapter 849: Upgrades People, Upgrades (1) 7 months ago
    851. 851
      Chapter 850: Upgrades People, Upgrades (2) 7 months ago
    852. 852
      Chapter 851: Upgrades People, Upgrades (3) 7 months ago
    853. 853
      Chapter 852: Terracotta Grottos (14) 7 months ago
    854. 854
      Chapter 853: Terracotta Grottos (15) 7 months ago
    855. 855
      Chapter 854: Terracotta Grottos (16) 7 months ago
    856. 856
      Chapter 855: Terracotta Grottos (17) 7 months ago
    857. 857
      Chapter 856: Terracotta Grottos (18) 7 months ago
    858. 858
      Chapter 857: Experiment To Learn 7 months ago
    859. 859
      Chapter 858: 'Healer'; Chat 7 months ago
    860. 860
      Chapter 859: Sufficient Release* 7 months ago
    861. 861
      Chapter 860: Promise 7 months ago
    862. 862
      Chapter 861: Kat The Snack (1)* 7 months ago
    863. 863
      Chapter 862: Kat The Snack (2)* 7 months ago
    864. 864
      Chapter 863: Another Harvest 7 months ago
    865. 865
      Chapter 864: Scouting 7 months ago
    866. 866
      Chapter 865: Terracotta Grottos (19) 7 months ago
    867. 867
      Chapter 866: Terracotta Grottos (20) 7 months ago
    868. 868
      Chapter 867: Terracotta Grottos (21) 7 months ago
    869. 869
      Chapter 868: Terracotta Grottos (22) 7 months ago
    870. 870
      Chapter 869: Terracotta Grottos (23) 7 months ago
    871. 871
      Chapter 870: Terracotta Grottos (24) 7 months ago
    872. 872
      Chapter 871: Terracotta Grottos (25) 7 months ago
    873. 873
      Chapter 872: Terracotta Grottos (26) 7 months ago
    874. 874
      Chapter 873: Terracotta Grottos (27) 7 months ago
    875. 875
      Chapter 874: Terracotta Grottos (28) 7 months ago
    876. 876
      Chapter 875: Terracotta Grottos (29) 7 months ago
    877. 877
      Chapter 876: Terracotta Grottos (30) 7 months ago
    878. 878
      Chapter 877: Terracotta Grottos (31) 7 months ago
    879. 879
      Chapter 878: Terracotta Grottos (32) 7 months ago
    880. 880
      Chapter 879: Terracotta Grottos (33) 7 months ago
    881. 881
      Chapter 880: Terracotta Grottos (34) 7 months ago
    882. 882
      Chapter 881: Terracotta Grottos (35) 7 months ago
    883. 883
      Chapter 882: Terracotta Grottos (36) 7 months ago
    884. 884
      Chapter 883: Rest 7 months ago
    885. 885
      Chapter 884: Discovery 7 months ago
    886. 886
      Chapter 885: Piece Of History 7 months ago
    887. 887
      Chapter 886: Revelation 7 months ago
    888. 888
      Chapter 887: Making Some Decisions 7 months ago
    889. 889
      Chapter 888: Rest Day (1) 7 months ago
    890. 890
      Chapter 889: Rest Day (2)* 7 months ago
    891. 891
      Chapter 890: Rest Day (3)* 7 months ago
    892. 892
      Chapter 891: Rest Day (4)* 7 months ago
    893. 893
      Chapter 892: Rest Day (5) 7 months ago
    894. 894
      Chapter 893: Rest Day (6) 7 months ago
    895. 895
      Chapter 894: Rest Day (7) 7 months ago
    896. 896
      Chapter 895: Back To Custodia (1) 7 months ago
    897. 897
      Chapter 896: Back to Custodia (2) 7 months ago
    898. 898
      Chapter 897: Armor, Weapons, Magic, Oh My~! 6 months ago
    899. 899
      Chapter 898: Reinforcements 6 months ago
    900. 900
      Chapter 899: News 6 months ago
    901. 901
      Chapter 900: Chaperone Belian 6 months ago
    902. 902
      Chapter 901: Spectator 6 months ago
    903. 903
      Chapter 902: 'Advice' 6 months ago
    904. 904
      Chapter 903: Deepening Understanding 6 months ago
    905. 905
      Chapter 904: Learning Experience 6 months ago
    906. 906
      Chapter 905: Advice, Advice (1) 6 months ago
    907. 907
      Chapter 906: Advice, Advice (2) 6 months ago
    908. 908
      Chapter 907: Kat the 'Commander'? 6 months ago
    909. 909
      Chapter 908: Kat the Commander (1) 6 months ago
    910. 910
      Chapter 909: Kat the Commander (2) 6 months ago
    911. 911
      Chapter 910: Kat the Commander (3) 6 months ago
    912. 912
      Chapter 911: Review 6 months ago
    913. 913
      Chapter 912: 'Business Transaction' 6 months ago
    914. 914
      Chapter 913: Lust Puppy* 6 months ago
    915. 915
      Chapter 914: Satisfaction* 6 months ago
    916. 916
      Chapter 915: Wand 6 months ago
    917. 917
      Chapter 916: Getting Used To It... 6 months ago
    918. 918
      Chapter 917: Dinner Time 6 months ago
    919. 919
      Chapter 918: Surprise 'Dessert' 6 months ago
    920. 920
      Chapter 919: Ka'Minvis 6 months ago
    921. 921
      Chapter 920: 4 versus 1 6 months ago
    922. 922
      Chapter 921: Challenge 6 months ago
    923. 923
      Chapter 922: 4 versus 2 6 months ago
    924. 924
      Chapter 923: Stage Exit (1) 6 months ago
    925. 925
      Chapter 924: Stage Exit (2) 6 months ago
    926. 926
      Chapter 925: Relaxing After A Battle 6 months ago
    927. 927
      Chapter 926: Slow Night 6 months ago
    928. 928
      Chapter 927: On The Prowl 6 months ago
    929. 929
      Chapter 928: Nua'Fel 6 months ago
    930. 930
      Chapter 929: Cleanse the Unclean 6 months ago
    931. 931
      Chapter 930: Journey Home 6 months ago
    932. 932
      Chapter 931: Therapy..? 6 months ago
    933. 933
      Chapter 932: Home Sweet Home 6 months ago
    934. 934
      Chapter 933: Dinner Talk 6 months ago
    935. 935
      Chapter 934: 'Important News' 6 months ago
    936. 936
      Chapter 935: Traces; New Faces 5 months ago
    937. 937
      Chapter 936: What Better Way To Rest?* 5 months ago
    938. 938
      Chapter 937: Trying To Cheer Her Up* 5 months ago
    939. 939
      Chapter 938: What A Mate Is For* 5 months ago
    940. 940
      Chapter 939: Familial Bliss 5 months ago
    941. 941
      Chapter 940: Take, Give, Take 5 months ago
    942. 942
      Chapter 941: Shopping Spree 5 months ago
    943. 943
      Chapter 942: Preparations 5 months ago
    944. 944
      Chapter 943: Whispers 5 months ago
    945. 945
      Chapter 944: Dress 5 months ago
    946. 946
      Chapter 945: Preparations For The Future 5 months ago
    947. 947
      Chapter 946: Teasing 5 months ago
    948. 948
      Chapter 947: Just What We Needed (1)* 5 months ago
    949. 949
      Chapter 948: Just What We Needed (2)* 5 months ago
    950. 950
      Chapter 949: Just What We Needed (3)* 5 months ago
    951. 951
      Chapter 950: Midnight Prayer 5 months ago
    952. 952
      Chapter 951: Matching Set 5 months ago
    953. 953
      Chapter 952: Family Gifts 5 months ago
    954. 954
      Chapter 953: Familial Love 5 months ago
    955. 955
      Chapter 954: More Family 5 months ago
    956. 956
      Chapter 955: The Haniel's 5 months ago
    957. 957
      Chapter 956: Grandparents 5 months ago
    958. 958
      Chapter 957: Like Usual 5 months ago
    959. 959
      Chapter 958: Make The Most Of Your Time 5 months ago
    960. 960
      Chapter 959: Propositions 5 months ago
    961. 961
      Chapter 960: Forced RnR 5 months ago
    962. 962
      Chapter 961: Making Something Special 5 months ago
    963. 963
      Chapter 962: Lunch With The Family 5 months ago
    964. 964
      Chapter 963: 'Aged' Dessert* 5 months ago
    965. 965
      Chapter 964: Delicious Cakes* 5 months ago
    966. 966
      Chapter 965: Making a Gift 4 months ago
    967. 967
      Chapter 966: We Just Got A Letter 4 months ago
    968. 968
      Chapter 967: Week Goes By (1) 4 months ago
    969. 969
      Chapter 968: Week Goes By (2) 4 months ago
    970. 970
      Chapter 969: Week Goes By (3) 4 months ago
    971. 971
      Chapter 970: Week Goes By (4) 4 months ago
    972. 972
      Chapter 971: Week Goes By (5) 4 months ago
    973. 973
      Chapter 972: Week Goes By (6) 4 months ago
    974. 974
      Chapter 973: Week Goes By (7) 4 months ago
    975. 975
      Chapter 974: Week Goes By (8) 4 months ago
    976. 976
      Chapter 975: New Ink 4 months ago
    977. 977
      Chapter 976: Relaxation* 4 months ago
    978. 978
      Chapter 977: 'Royal Treatment'* 4 months ago
    979. 979
      Chapter 978: Time With Family 4 months ago
    980. 980
      Chapter 979: From Grass To Sand 4 months ago
    981. 981
      Chapter 980: From Peace to Violence 4 months ago
    982. 982
      Chapter 981: Welcome To The Sultanate 4 months ago
    983. 983
      Chapter 982: Differences 4 months ago
    984. 984
      Chapter 983: Similarities (1) 4 months ago
    985. 985
      Chapter 984: Similarities (2) 4 months ago
    986. 986
      Chapter 985: Puppies Aplenty 4 months ago
    987. 987
      Chapter 986: Feast 4 months ago
    988. 988
      Chapter 987: Chatting With The In-Laws 4 months ago
    989. 989
      Chapter 988: The 'Servant' 4 months ago
    990. 990
      Chapter 989: Musings 4 months ago
    991. 991
      Chapter 990: Instincts* 4 months ago
    992. 992
      Chapter 991: Impulse* 4 months ago
    993. 993
      Chapter 992: Questions 4 months ago
    994. 994
      Chapter 993: Game Night 4 months ago
    995. 995
      Chapter 994: Night In A New Place 3 months ago
    996. 996
      Chapter 995: Night 'Chats'* 3 months ago
    997. 997
      Chapter 996: Dawn In The Desert 3 months ago
    998. 998
      Chapter 997: Some Bets 3 months ago
    999. 999
      Chapter 998: Payouts (1) 3 months ago
    1000. 1000
      Chapter 999: Payouts (2) 3 months ago
    1001. 1001
      Chapter 1000: Payouts (3) 3 months ago
    1002. 1002
      Chapter 1001: Lady Kio 3 months ago
    1003. 1003
      Chapter 1002: Further Exchange 3 months ago
    1004. 1004
      Chapter 1003: Warrior Culture 3 months ago
    1005. 1005
      Chapter 1004: Similarities Throughout Generations 3 months ago
    1006. 1006
      Chapter 1005: Happenings Of The Desert 3 months ago
    1007. 1007
      Chapter 1006: Vastness Of The Desert 3 months ago
    1008. 1008
      Chapter 1007: Khisba Oasis 3 months ago
    1009. 1009
      Chapter 1008: Ka'Volan (1) 3 months ago
    1010. 1010
      Chapter 1009: Ka'Volan (2) 3 months ago
    1011. 1011
      Chapter 1010: Ka'Volan (3) 3 months ago
    1012. 1012
      Chapter 1011: Brief Second Wind 3 months ago
    1013. 1013
      Chapter 1012: Khisba (1) 3 months ago
    1014. 1014
      Chapter 1013: Khisba (2) 3 months ago
    1015. 1015
      Chapter 1014: Khisba (3) 3 months ago
    1016. 1016
      Chapter 1015: Bared Fangs (1)* 3 months ago
    1017. 1017
      Chapter 1016: Bared Fangs (2)* 3 months ago
    1018. 1018
      Chapter 1017: Bared Fangs (3)* 3 months ago
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      Chapter 1018: Morning In Khisba* 3 months ago
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      Chapter 1019: Morning Revelations* 3 months ago
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      Chapter 1020: Another Revelation* 3 months ago
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      Chapter 1021: Sla Hunt (1) 3 months ago
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      Chapter 1022: Sla Hunt (2) 3 months ago
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      Chapter 1023: Sla Hunt (3) 3 months ago
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      Chapter 1024: Fiend Of Intemperance 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1025: Sla'Salaxi (1) 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1026: Sla'Salaxi (2) 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1027: Sla'Salaxi (3) 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1028: Different Perspective 2 months ago
    1030. 1030
      Chapter 1029: What Happens In Khisba...* 2 months ago
    1031. 1031
      Chapter 1030: Stays In Khisba* 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1031: Simmering 2 months ago
    1033. 1033
      Chapter 1032: New Plans? 2 months ago
    1034. 1034
      Chapter 1033: Walk On In 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1034: Sultanate Full Of Fiends 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1035: Abundance Of Rewards 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1036: Headstart 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1037: Eventful Dinner 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1038: Another Step Up The Mountain 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1039: Road Forwards 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1040: Theoretical Funds 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1041: Another Day In The Desert 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1042: Suggestions 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1043: Variety Of Wealth 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1044: Wonders Of Scents 2 months ago
    1046. 1046
      Chapter 1045: Reasons 2 months ago
    1047. 1047
      Chapter 1046: Glimpse Into Her Past 2 months ago
    1048. 1048
      Chapter 1047: How To Comfort..?* 2 months ago
    1049. 1049
      Chapter 1048: This Is Comfort* 2 months ago
    1050. 1050
      Chapter 1049: Way To Start A Morning* 2 months ago
    1051. 1051
      Chapter 1050: Messy Morning 2 months ago
    1052. 1052
      Chapter 1051: Let's Go Gambling! 2 months ago
    1053. 1053
      Chapter 1052: Puppy Problems* 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1053: Yanzif Arena (1) 2 months ago
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      Chapter 1054: Yanzif Arena (2) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1055: Yanzif Arena (3) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1056: Yanzif Arena (4) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1057: Big Winnings (1) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1058: Big Winnings (2) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1059: Big Winnings (3) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1060: Double Or Nothing (1) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1061: Double Or Nothing (2) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1062: Double Or Nothing (3) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1063: Promises, Promises 1 months ago
    1065. 1065
      Chapter 1064: Leaving the Arena 1 months ago
    1066. 1066
      Chapter 1065: Coffee Talk 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1066: Auction Fun 1 months ago
    1068. 1068
      Chapter 1067: Making A Bid 1 months ago
    1069. 1069
      Chapter 1068: Making The Right Bids 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1069: Incredible Performance (1)* 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1070: Incredible Performance (2)* 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1071: Incredible Performance (3)* 1 months ago
    1073. 1073
      Chapter 1072: Morning After Pains 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1073: More News 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1074: Bascra (1) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1075: Bascra (2) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1076: Bascra (3) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1077: Bascra (4) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1078: Bascra (5) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1079: Bascra (6) 1 months ago
    1081. 1081
      Chapter 1080: The Fingers (1) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1081: The Fingers (2) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1082: The Fingers (3) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1083: The Fingers (4) 1 months ago
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      Chapter 1084: The Fingers (5) 29 days ago
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      Chapter 1085: Caliph (1) 28 days ago
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      Chapter 1086: Caliph (2) 27 days ago
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      Chapter 1087: Caliph (3) 26 days ago
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      Chapter 1088: Relieving Frustrations (1) 25 days ago
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      Chapter 1089: Relieving Frustrations (2) 24 days ago
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      Chapter 1090: Relieving Frustrations (3)* 23 days ago
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      Chapter 1091: Relieving Frustrations (4)* 22 days ago
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      Chapter 1092: Relieving Frustrations (5) 21 days ago
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      Chapter 1093: Relieving Frustrations (6)* 20 days ago
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      Chapter 1094: Relieving Frustrations (7)* 19 days ago
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      Chapter 1095: Lustful Discussions* 18 days ago
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      Chapter 1096: Contemplating Fiends (1) 17 days ago
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      Chapter 1097: Contemplating Fiends (2) 16 days ago
    1099. 1099
      Chapter 1098: Intriguing Idea 15 days ago
    1100. 1100
      Chapter 1099: Making a 'Financial' Decision 14 days ago
    1101. 1101
      Chapter 1100: Another Intriguing Idea 13 days ago
    1102. 1102
      Chapter 1101: Swapping Information 12 days ago
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      Chapter 1102: Making Predictions 11 days ago
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      Chapter 1103: Fiendish Gear (1) 10 days ago
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      Chapter 1104: Fiendish Gear (2) 9 days ago
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      Chapter 1105: Fiendish Gear (3) 8 days ago
    1107. 1107
      Chapter 1106: Experimenting With Will 7 days ago
    1108. 1108
      Chapter 1107: Another Step Forwards 6 days ago
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      Chapter 1108: Putting It To The Test 5 days ago
    1110. 1110
      Chapter 1109: A New Benchmark 4 days ago
    1111. 1111
      Chapter 1110: Attempting To Tame Lust 3 days ago



    作者 Ketsueki_Hasu