"Aren't you worried that he might be offended by way you told him off, in front of so many people? That his pride is wounded enough for him to consider doing something drastic?"
I had no actual worry about Batu at all - he had some decent experience and certainly knew his way around in a fight, but it wasn't impressive enough for me to actually give that much of a damn about, not with all four of us here - so I was really just making small talk in hopes of distracting Anput and forcing her to stop her current actions...
Which I also knew better than to do, the Jackalkin running her hand up and down my thigh and occasionally squeezing it as she drank her coffee and enjoyed the shade of the cafe terrace, this second break of ours yielding even more food as we had a freshly baked loaf of bread drizzled with a wonderful honey and chocolate sauce delivered to the table to compliment the coffee, which also had some hints of chocolate in it.