100% Reincarnated as Kylo Ren / Chapter 4: Sunrise

章 4: Sunrise

"So, what do you think?" I asked, breaking the empty silence that had settled between us as we continued our search pattern over the endless dunes of Jakku.

Finn's emotions roiled through the Force - a turbulent mix of uneasiness, puzzlement, and a spark of anticipation. "I... I'll do my best for the First Order," He replied, his voice strained with uncertainty.

I paused, realizing I had skipped a crucial detail. "Oh... I didn't tell you? We aren't going to be a part of the First Order."

"W-what?!" Finn's shock reverberated through the cockpit, his hands tightening on the controls.

"The Empire is strong and brings order to the galaxy," I explained, choosing my words carefully. "But it is also cruel. And the leader behind it all is an evil man. Greedy and insatiable"

"The Supreme Leader?" Finn asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Worse," I said, my mind conjuring images of Palpatine - the puppet master behind it all. The true evil that had to be stopped.

Finn's confusion was palpable. "But didn't the Empire come from the dark side?"

"The dark side corrupted the old republic." I corrected sternly, I could sense his turmoil, his uncertainty about everything he'd ever known. "Your lack of commitment is your greatest weakness, Finn."

It was true. Finn could have been a greater hero in the original timeline if he hadn't spent so much time running from his destiny.

Finn remained silent, the weight of my words hanging heavy between us.

"You know they were going to recondition you, right?" I added, my voice softer now.

"What..." The single word was filled with disbelief and dawning horror.

"Like I said, the First Order is beyond cruel," I continued. "But you have a choice now, Finn. A chance to be part of something greater, something that could truly bring balance to the galaxy."

I turned to face Finn fully, my mask concealing the intensity of my gaze but not the weight of the moment. "I need you to choose now, Finn. Are you with me?"

The silence that followed seemed to stretch for an eternity. I could feel Finn's internal struggle through the Force - his fear of the unknown warring with his desire for something more, something meaningful.

Finally, his voice came, quiet but firm. "...Yes."

I nodded, sensing the shift in his resolve. "Then no more hesitation," I said, my voice carrying a mix of command and encouragement. "If ever you're unsure, trust in the Force. It will guide you."

As the words left my mouth, I felt a ripple in the Force, as if the very fabric of reality was acknowledging this pivotal moment. I placed a hand on his shoulder, a gesture of solidarity that seemed to surprise us both. "Together, we'll forge a new destiny - not just for ourselves, but for everyone who's suffered under the tyranny of the First Order and the Sith."

"... Definitely," Finn said, a smile slowly spreading across his face. The word carried more than just agreement; it was filled with a newfound sense of purpose and belonging.

I could feel the shift in him through the Force - the uncertainty and fear giving way to determination and hope. His smile, though hidden, seemed to light up the cockpit more than any of the instrument panels surrounding us.

In that moment, I saw a glimpse of the hero Finn could become - not the reluctant soldier running from his past, but a man embracing a future of his own choosing. The Force hummed with potential around him, around us both, as if acknowledging the significance of this simple word.

"Definitely," he repeated, his voice stronger this time, more assured. His hands gripped the controls with renewed confidence, and I could sense him reaching out, perhaps unconsciously, to the Force that flowed around us.

"It's picking up something," Finn said, his voice tinged with excitement as he studied the monitor. A sharp ping echoed through the cockpit. "It's a droid. What do I do?"

"I'll handle it," I replied, my modulated voice betraying none of the anticipation I felt. Without warning, I hit the hatch release, ignoring Finn's startled yelp as the night air rushed in.

Standing atop the hovering TIE Silencer, I reached out with the Force. The droid's presence blazed like a beacon in the desert night. With a gesture, I pulled it towards me, the Force responding to my will.

A small orange and white sphere hurtled through the air, emitting a high-pitched, almost comically cute scream that pierced the night. For a moment, as it landed in my hands, I marveled at finally meeting the infamous BB-8 in person.

My amazement was short-lived. With no warning, the droid unleashed a shock that rivaled a lightning strike, causing me to drop it onto the ship's hull with a surprised grunt. BB-8 rolled back, its dome swiveling defiantly, ready for a fight.

"Oh no you don't," I muttered, quickly reaching out with the Force to deactivate its internal systems before it could become the rolling nightmare I knew it could be. The droid's lights flickered and went dark, its form now still against the ship's dark metal.

As I scooped up the deactivated BB-8, I couldn't help but chuckle at the absurdity of the situation. This tiny droid, with its endearing scream and fierce loyalty, had just given me a taste of the adventure to come.

"What happened?" Finn called from below, his voice a mix of concern and curiosity.

"We've got our droid," I replied, climbing back into the cockpit with my prize.

"So... what now?" Finn asked, his eyes fixed on the deactivated droid in my arms. His voice was a mix of curiosity and apprehension.

"Head towards the nearest junkyard," I instructed, setting aside the powered-down droid. "There's someone else I want to find." My gaze drifted to the horizon, sensing a familiar presence. The strongest Force-sensitive according to Disney, yet untrained and unaware. Would Rey join us?


The twin suns of Jakku climbed into the sky, bringing with them a searing heat that had the locals eyeing me as if I'd lost my mind. My all-black attire stood out starkly against the sun-bleached landscape, but the Force kept me comfortably cool as I strode through the bustling marketplace.

A cacophony of alien languages and the clink of salvaged parts filled the air as I made my way to the center, where the main junk dealer held court. Unkar Plutt was even more repulsive in person, his bloated form a testament to his greed.

"I'm looking for someone," I stated, my modulated voice cutting through the market's din.

Plutt's eyes widened as he connected the dots, spotting Finn with the TIE fighter in the distance. "And how can I help the First Order?" he asked, his tone oozing false gratitude.

"I'm looking for a girl named Rey. Do you know where I can find her?" I asked, my gaze sweeping over his stall, noting every detail.

"Oh yes, I knew someone of that name," Plutt replied, his greed palpable. "Although, a little fee wouldn't go amiss."

Suppressing my annoyance, I slowly pulled out my datapad and transferred a sum that would be considered sizeable on this backwater planet. "She lives in an AT-AT to the north," Plutt said, his eyes gleaming. "Pleasure doing business."

"I'm also interested in the Corellian light freighter I've heard is in your possession," I added, my tone casual but intently.

Plutt's demeanor changed instantly. "Not for sale," he growled, all pretense of servility gone.

"I see," I replied, fighting the urge to Force-choke the life out of him. But I knew I had to play this carefully. Finn was watching, and I needed to present the right image. Besides, a conflict now would only complicate our departure from this dustball.

At least... until I steal the ship back. The thought came unbidden with a smile.

Pushing the thought aside, I refocused on our immediate mission, heading back to the ship. "We're heading north," I instructed Finn. "Keep an eye out for a fallen AT-AT unit."

"Got it," Finn replied, his voice muffled by his helmet as he began to adjust our course.

My gaze lingered on that stark white helmet, a symbol of the anonymity and conformity the First Order demanded. It didn't suit the man I knew Finn could become.

"And take off your helmet," I added, my tone softening slightly. "You're no ordinary stormtrooper."

I could sense Finn's surprise and hesitation through the Force. After a moment's pause, he reached up and removed the helmet, revealing his face - no longer just another nameless trooper, but an individual.

A smile broke across Finn's face, tentative at first, then blooming into a full, radiant grin. It was as if a dam had burst, releasing years of pent-up emotion. His eyes lit up with warmth and enthusiasm reminiscent of a puppy experiencing its first taste of freedom. I could sense through the Force the sheer joy and relief washing over him in waves. This wasn't just a smile; it was a declaration of independence, a shedding of the emotional armor he'd been forced to wear for so long. In that moment, I saw not the hardened soldier the First Order had tried to create, but the making of the man Finn was always meant to be.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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