/ Movies / Reincarnated as Kylo Ren

Reincarnated as Kylo Ren オリジナル

Reincarnated as Kylo Ren

Movies 4 章 12.5K ビュー


詳細 目次


"Sir, we've arrived at Jakku. Our troops are deploying as we speak. Your shuttle stands ready." The Lieutenant's voice was crisp, his posture ramrod straight as he delivered his report.

Silence stretched between them, heavy and expectant. The Lieutenant shifted, unease creeping into his voice. "My lord?"

"Prepare my personal fighter," Kylo Ren commanded, his words cold yet thrumming with an undercurrent of anticipation. "I'll be descending alone."

"At once, my Lord." The Lieutenant saluted sharply before turning on his heel, already reaching for his comlink as he exited.

Left alone, Kylo Ren surveyed the room, his gaze settling on a nearby mirror. He approached it slowly, taking in the intimidating figure he carved in his black attire. With a sudden, decisive movement, he removed his helmet.

The face that stared back at him was not one of his own. A face that was young, intense, marked by a prominent nose and eyes that held a storm of emotions. For a moment, he studied his reflection, feeling the weight of his identity and the path that lay before him.

'Shit... I became Adam Driver.' I mused.

General Audiences
  1. Boots_ups_your_ass
    Boots_ups_your_ass 貢献した 10
  2. Brezer
    Brezer 貢献した 6
  3. AlexAlpha
    AlexAlpha 貢献した 2


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット


