65.62% The Vengeful Lion of House Lannister / Chapter 20: 20. Mysterious Reward

章 20: 20. Mysterious Reward

We had gone at it for the better part of 2 hours, I had taken a page out of Robar's book for a reason, I was playing for time. Surprisingly Gerold was enjoying himself, I was using an arming sword and kite shield and using it with graceful efficiency, I had kept moving while parrying each blow that landed.

I had originally intended to wear him down before I finished the fight, but Gerold had insane stamina, which wasn't difficult to believe, his future epithet was 'The White Bull'. We had been trading blows for 10–15-minute sets with breaks in between, and we were on our 7th set.

I was on the 4th practice shield while Gerold had already destroyed 2 training swords. The master at arms looked furious, he had seemed interested at first but at the rate we were going, we would only wreck more gear if this kept up, I had already gained '+1' to 'Shield Proficiency'.

The crowd of onlookers had already grown, besides Robar, about a dozen of Prince Duncan's Guards, several knights and 2 King's Guards were spectating. It was only a matter of time before the main targets whose attention I was trying to attract showed up, and they didn't disappoint, King Aegon, Prince Duncan and Lord Command Ser Duncan appeared on a walkway overlooking the small training yard.

It had only been a matter of time, after I saw one of Prince Duncan's guards peel off and went running about 20 minutes ago. It was about time to finish this and see what my mystery reward will be. "Hey Gerold, the crowd is big enough now and I'm starting to get tired, why don't we make this our last bout, let's make it a proper duel? Do you accept my challenge"

For the first time since we started, I didn't pick up a shield and arming sword and instead I took a long sword. It was time to face him head on, I was ready to switch from defense to offence. Gerold grinned, this was what he had been waiting for too I realized, he too noticed the crowd gathering, he had probably been holding back as well.

"I agree, Tywin, a proper duel. First to fall or surrender loses, do you agree?"

"Careful not to hurt yourself on the ground, I don't see either of us surrendering." I responded and this made him laugh out loud. As he stood there with his long sword unsheathed, he simply beckoned me to meet him in the middle. I gladly approached and we crossed swords before we began. The master-of-arms hearing our words had come forward, we didn't even need to ask. 

 We could already hear the whispers going around, I could see guards make bets with coins, if I had to guess, the odds were against me. I had only been defending so far even if I had gotten a few hits in, Gerold had been the one landing the majority of the blows even if they weren't effective, it gave the expression that he was in control.

I was more than ready to prove them wrong, even if 'Sword Proficiency's growth had slowed to a crawl because of my style, I had increased other skills that worked in synergy with it. 'Observation', 'Spatial Awareness' and 'Memory Recall', another combination was 'Deception' and 'Fine Motor Control'.

"Both of you ready?" the master-at-arms asked looking between us. We both gave him nods. "BEGIN!"


King Aegon V Targaryen POV

After our discussion about the prophecy, and then the upcoming subjugation, I was more than content to just take a walk and spend time with my son. Even after all of the headache that he had caused me I still believed that he was the better choice to be heir. In my heart I know that Jaehaerys was my heir now but still, he isn't meant for the throne.

Duncan was twice the man he was, he wasn't a player in the game of nobles but he was well loved, by his men and the smallfolk. He had a charisma, it made it easy for anyone to like him. He had a strong will and the conviction to see his decisions through even if it had cost him the Iron Throne.

'My son Duncan, if only you had done what I asked of you, just this one time. Even if you had simply married a noble and kept Jenny as your paramour, I would have stood by you.'

As we exited my study, I saw Ser Donald whispered something to Dunk who cocked his eyebrow and gave us a look. "Looks like we might have some entertainment before the dinner feast tonight, your squire Gerold and Tywin are in the training yard outside the armory. Apparently, they've gathered a crowd."

"Let go see what they are up to. Tell me about your time with Gerold." I said to Duncan as we picked up some speed to see what the crowd was about.

Duncan laughed, "Gerold is different from most nobles to say the least. He lives for battle; I don't think that there isn't any of my men who have faced him in training. The boy has never shied away from a fight in the time I have known him.

He also had expressed to me that he wishes to join the King's Guard. I would have knighted him if it wasn't for his age; I've just been giving him some time to gain some more achievements to his name, the men have taken to calling him 'The Bull'. 

Gerold has talent for taking hits and keep coming forward, I'm honestly surprised the Lannister boy accepted to exchange with him, but I'm sure he'll regret it, most of my men usually do. In a couple of years, Gerold will be even better than me."

Now it was Dunk's turn to laugh as he smirked and gave a knowing look at Ser Donald. "You clearly don't know Tywin, the boy is relentless, even with his lack of emotion, the few times I've heard about him from the Master-at-arms, he enjoys battle, his foundation is good, Tywin only lacks experience and time. The boy needs to grow up some more, he's too small was the assessment."

"I know he's your squire but we'll just have to see the results for ourselves. Thats the other reason why he will be going with Dunk, I want him to pay attention to Tywin." With that Ducan conceded as we approached a balcony where we will be able to see down into the training yard.

Both boys were in a mess but they still had fire in their eyes as they looked at each other. They were taking a break, but Tywin quickly got back up and grabbing a longsword called Gerold forward, apparently, they were getting serious because the master-of-arms came forward.

"BEGIN!" As soon as the words were said, it was as if Tywin had been possessed, he had swung out, but Gerold had blocked, 3 consecutive swings horizontally to his helm in quick succession. Tywin began circling, closing the distance, he followed up with a thrust to the chest but it was shallow, Gerold quickly half sword and pushed him back but was against met with another diagonal swing that landed and this time caught him in the helm.

I could hear wincing all around from the spectators. Tywin, contrary to what I expected, took a step back and gave Gerold room to recover. The master-of-arms had stepped forward but didn't intervein.

Gerold quickly recovered and came charging forward but was again met with a swing form the same angle, he was ready this time and instead tried to parry. What happened next left everyone stunned as Gerold went toppling over while Tywin circled him and swung his sword at his throat and stopped, showing that he could go for the kill if he wanted to.

I was left confused as Duncan whistled and Dunk was nodding in approval. "Care to share what just happened?" I asked as I had been left completely unaware of what had just transpired. Dunk just looked at me and signaled me to follow.

As we made it down the stairs, Dunk bellowed "Make way for the King" and the spectators cleared a path for us to approach. Both boys were back on their feet, Gerold leaning more to one side as Tywin held his hand to balance him.

Both boys had slightly bowed at the sight of me as Tywin had let go of Gerold and he tried to straighten up. Gerold took off his slightly dented helm, his face was red and he didn't make eye contact instead preferring the sight of my feet.

The boy was embarrassed and I could see why, everyone of Duncan's men including Duncan had mocking smiles including Duncan himself. I decided to give him a hand and save him from the awkwardness, I began giving him a slow clap.

"Well done both of you, what an excellent display of skill and honorable conduct. It happened so fast that I didn't even see what had happened", I complimented both of them. "Tywin, you recognized Gerold as a worthy foe and extended a hand to him after you knocked him down.

Gerold a lesser man would have been angry with an opponent and refused his hand, but you were graceful enough to accept it and quickly recover, let it be known that I have great expectations of both of you. I will look forward to the great deeds that you both will perform in the future for the good of the realm." 

Dunk also added, "Indeed, both of you handled yourselves well."

Duncan still chuckling looked at his squire, "How is that leg, can you walk?"

"Yes, My Prince." Gerold answered, as we walked to the benches, this was to allow Gerold to sit and begin to strip his gear. All of the spectators who had been talking amongst themselves, realizing that there would be no further exchanges slowly left.

Duncan continued, "So tell me Gerold, how did he beat you, from above we barely got a good angle to see, what exactly happened?"

I realized both Dunk and Duncan wasn't certain as well as it had happened too fast.

"He used a feint on the last swing, I though he had committed so I stepped in and tried to parry his sword down, I was expecting him to step in and I would strike him with my pommel. I'm not sure either, but he somehow kicked my leg and I fell." Everyone was now looking at Tywin, who was standing to my left.

"As he stepped in and tried to push my blade downwards, I used the fact that all his weight was on the forward leg and swept his foot from under him and he fell." Tywin answer was so simple that I could see that everyone had been stunned.

"You had been baiting him with the repeated strikes to his head!?" Dunk asked.

"Yes, after the number of exchanges we've had for the evening, I was more than familiar with the way Gerold fights. I'm not strong enough to overpower him and he also has more stamina and skill. I know that my speed is greater and was confident enough that I lay a trap for him, if this had been a battlefield and it was the first time facing him, I'm not sure who would be the winner."

 Even I who wasn't amongst the top swordsmen in the Seven Kingdoms, had seen enough duels and enough battles to know, that what Tywin had done was nothing short of brilliant. He had not only identified Gerold's strengths, but had worked out the simplest way to counter him. In short Tywin had used his mind to defeat a stronger opponent.

This only reinforced my belief; Tywin had the qualities of a great leader. Now I just had to wait for Dunk and his return from the subjugation. I almost didn't want him to go, but I needed to test him, know his true colours, if his performance was satisfactory, I would have to make some serious decisions about how I will be treating with him in the future. 



Tywin's POV

I was now back in my apartment; everything had gone perfect. After we left the training yard, I had returned to the apartments together with Robar and Gerold. Gerold had been placed in an apartment just down the corridor from me. 

We both had been excited on the way back but for different reasons, Gerold had been impressed by me and after Ser Duncan told us we would be leaving in 5 days to finally hunt down the bandit group. Gerold was excited to travel with me and possibly fight side by side. I had other things on my mind, vengeance for Garrand and the attack on House Lannister.

Robar had just left to get Brayan, I had a job for him, I would have to attend the dinner feast and it couldn't wait, I had received my quest reward.


*Defeat the Young Bull- (Defeat Gerold Hightower in combat.) (Completed) (reward- *Recipe for Draft of Cleansing*; used for awakening the bloodline potential of the user.)

*Notice- You have received *Recipe for Draft of Cleansing*, after having completed *Defeat the Young Bull*. Not only did you create a bond of friendship with Gerold Hightower through your actions, you have also left a favorable impression on all of those who witness your duel.

 Recipe for the Draft of Cleansing


**Ingredients: **

**Dragonsbane** - A pale green herb known for its detoxifying properties. **Shadowroot** - A dark, twisted root that enhances the potion's potency. **Moonbloom** - A delicate flower that soothes and balances the body's humors. **Sunfire Seeds** - Small seeds that add a touch of warmth and vitality. **Winter's Breath** - A frosty herb that cools and refreshes the spirit. **Bloodvine** - A crimson vine said to fortify the blood and cleanse impurities. **Starlotus** - A rare bloom that enhances clarity of mind and soul. **Dragon's Tongue** - A fiery red root that stimulates courage and inner strength. **Serpentgrass** - Thin, sinuous leaves that aid in digestion and toxin removal. **Earthroot** - Deep-rooted herb that grounds and stabilizes the body's energies. **Silverfern** - A silvery fern that promotes harmony between body and nature. **Dreamblossom** - A fragrant flower that induces restful sleep and dreams.


**Preparation: **

**Gathering**: Harvest each ingredient under the light of a full moon, when their powers are said to be strongest.



And so, it continued for several more steps, a few of the herbs I had recognized as both native to Westeros and Essos. Also, the preparation required specialized equipment such as a silver cauldron and vials made from dragon bone.

The subjugation would last anywhere between a few weeks to a few months, either way we would return well before the King's Tourney, so I would set Brayan to the task of gathering the necessary ingrediency and equipment. When I returned, I wanted everything to be in place, finally I could smell it, magic.

 If my bloodline awakened, from all accounts in the various texts I had read in the King's study, blood was crucial in each and every aspect of magic, from the rituals to the so-called spells. Blood was the key and now I had a way to finally utilize my own. If my suspicions were correct, I will be receiving similar rewards in the future, once I had awakened my bloodline.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C20
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  • ストーリー展開
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  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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