It was obvious to Leonor that the room they were permitted to use was supposed to be someone of the count's family, but it was closer to the heart of his expansive home and likely much easier to heat since winter was so quickly approaching. Normally nobles liked to give their guests more privacy.
It was nonetheless nice with an attached bathroom and gorgeous windows. It even had light cream-colored bedding that felt like clouds once she and Desmond settled in for the night.
She cuddled up at her husband's side, heavily using him as a pillow, and pleased with the day they had and the discussions that ensued. Despite Desmond's warnings that Christopher was a womanizer, she found his loud and boastful nature amusing.
However, Christopher was only the surface of what Leonor wanted to do while she was in Villaluc. The meeting with Alma was already planned and the moment they arrived, a note had been sent to the old woman's country home.