Chapter 149
"You can use the backyard for practical implementation."
"Thank you, elder!" Evelyn beamed and nodded.
Her enthusiasm was infectious, spreading a smile across Sigfor's face.
The fog hung thick in the air, muting the world in shades of gray.
He nodded, and they left through the back exit, which led to a wide-open ground. It was foggy and dark, with moss covering the walls, evidence that it had not been maintained much over time.
The ground squelched under their feet, leaving imprints that quickly filled with water.
The damp air was thick with the scent of earth and decay. Evelyn shivered, not from the cold, but from a strange mix of excitement and anticipation.
"Let's get right into it!" Evelyn exclaimed excitedly.
Oliver smiled at that. He had to explain many things to her for her to understand his idea.
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