/ Fantasy / Death... and me

Death... and me オリジナル

Death... and me

Fantasy 3,035 章 16.1M ビュー
作者: Suiyan

4.59 (536 レビュー結果)

Nomination Award for WSA 2020 Contest Nomination Award for WSA 2020 Contest

詳細 目次


Read the first chapter. Maybe you will like it. ;)

General Audiences
  1. thecrazypuppet
    thecrazypuppet 貢献した 88924
  2. Kevin_Khieu
    Kevin_Khieu 貢献した 86829
  3. Missy_Rain_0120
    Missy_Rain_0120 貢献した 86125


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Pretty much here because I have been following Krune for a long time. The two chapters left me laughing at the end, so I think it's worth a try. Another thing for those who follow Suiyan's work with the wisp for a long time is that you can see the difference between the time when he started wisp, and when he started this new book. Especially English related. Suiyan, don't think that I forgot about those 100+ chapters with run-out sentences. Hahaha! Just joking. I'm happy to see the improvement in your writing. I'll be following this one from now on too. After all, I love comedies. I hope that this new book goes well. Of course, above all, it has to be interesting, and the first two chapters were very good already.

    50 の返信を表示する

    From the first two chapters, we have a mystery, an awesome relationship between the MC and Death, a fun MC, and a hilarious setup. 100/10, excellent start to a novel. Can’t wait to see what the characters get up to in the future!

    16 の返信を表示する

    I like the story so far. It progresses at a nice pace. Neither too fast nor slow. Keep up the good work. I dont really know what else to write, so webnovel lets me post the review.

    7 の返信を表示する

    I'm so poor that I can't read the other chapters that are locked..... I asked my parents and then they gave me a scary gaze.. Help meeee!!!!!!

    20 の返信を表示する

    I have currently read up to chapter 565. This review will contain spoilers but I recommend people to keep reading because the entire story pretty much gets destroyed around chapter 500; and I wouldn't want someone to waste his time reading up to that point. Up until around chapter 500 this story was one of my favorite books on this site; the characters were interesting and the concept of having 2 main characters was extremely unique and entertaining. Unfortunately, for some reason the author decided to do the worst possible mistake he could have done, kill off 90% of the characters and story-lines. After introducing and developing many characters and storylines into the book, the author has decided to cut them all of all together by literally destroying the planet on which the story took place. To me it seemed like the author didn't like what he built up to that point and thus decided to completely restart the entire plot line, leaving behind many unfinished side plots, and characters who were introduced but not properly developed. To make things worse, after this "plot twist" took place, the main characters of the story who remained alive didn't show any signs of grief that should have taken place considering almost everyone they ever loved had died. Considering I had a truly loved this book before the major "plot twist" took place, I implore the author to please explain why he decided to make such a unreasonable change to the story. Thank you for reading this review, and sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes that might have been in it as English isn't my first language.

    19 の返信を表示する

    I read all the way up to 500 chapters, and i can only say that im disappointed. at first it was a funny novel with a new take on the cultivation worold, but then. THE WOMEN came **spoilers** One of the first interactions with malaka was that she tried to follow the twins, and she almost died. when they got to the sect she got taken in by a part of the sect that is only for women (pretty stupid) all of that blue orchArd divition girls were entitled brats who looked down on you because of your gender. all girls think they’re better but they scream when someone stream steals their plane panties. they were but i read through it. Then they go to the profound abyss where they meet another brat which forced to help because of the system. this girl falls In lOVe with ROan then they go to the capital and rean is forced to marry a princesS he doesn’t like because of a MISUNDERSTANDING. she tries to R*PE him, but he just laughs it off. now we have 3 braindead characters following the MCs (they’re also braindead) omg i can’t put into words how horrible the story gets.

    16 の返信を表示する

    Everything is good but the MCs. Basically their interaction is meant to be funny but it isn't at all. It's was funny at the start but until when are we supposed to find their bratty dispute funny, One is god knows how old he is and the other is more than 30 years old, and they can't get over their first misunderstanding, They keep arguing and fighting with each other like some snotty toddlers.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Here I am, waiting for the next release, and writing this review in the meantime. I’ve decided to be succinct, so here it goes. In terms of writing quality, it is not bad. Mediocre or even slightly above average. Compared to other novels I read on this site, prior to the creation of my account, it fares quite well, but not so well that it stands out. There are sentence structuring errors here and there and incorrect spellings for certain words/terms which slightly draws away from the experience. Not by much, but for a neophyte grammar critique, such as myself, the effects are significant. In terms of consistency in updating, I can’t really comment much since I have been binge-reading up until this point, but over the past few days, I don’t think there have been any changes, although you are free to correct me if I am wrong. I have also not found any indication of the author’s update schedule or anything similar to estimate how many updates they are planning to make per week, which is fine, since some authors don’t operate on a strict schedule, but for me, I don’t find it particularly reassuring to not know how many chapters I should expect. The story development and characters are by far the key elements here. They outshine the majority of the decent novels I’ve read in the past few months, even encouraging me to create this account for the sole purpose of reading it. Both the plot and characters are unique and intriguing, the latter even more so. The experimentation of the dual-protagonist system is, in my eyes, a significant success on quite a few levels. The inter-personal dynamics were also highly well done. Especially in regards to the key characters and the main duo themselves. Their decisions throughout the story are logical and more or less realistic, or at least in relation to a majority of other novels (I won’t mention any names) that allow their characters to go on multiple nonsensical jumps in logic to arrive at a certain outcome. Some might argue that there are too many time-skips in the beginning chapters and I will have to say that I partially agree. While I find it reasonable to skip over their infancy, the segment regarding the separation from the protagonists’ home town, for example, was done way too abruptly and glossed over in a few sentences. The separation felt far too abrupt, even for me, considering the presence of Rean and his ‘filial’ sentiments. That connects to the topic of the narrative’s world building. I can’t say the world building is average, per se, but it certainly isn’t top-grade, in my opinion. Of course, it is still leaps and bounds ahead of most other cultivation-type novels, but I feel that even taking into account the ignorance of the twins and their non-existent information network, the world seems a pinch too shallow in my eyes. Also, I feel the need to applaud the author for not developing any form of romance. Thank you for that. Really, I mean it. Though, as soon as any semblance of romance shows it’s disgusting face, I will be forced to drop this series, unfortunately. I am sick and tired of romance. It’s like a drug. You get a fleeting high when you start to use it, but then with continued exposure to it, not only do you become immune to it, it starts to become a poison for your mind and body. At least, that’s what I have found out. Overall, it is a great novel, but for whatever reason, it seems to be overshadowed by the authors more prominent work ‘Is that a Wisp?’, which I have not yet read, unfortunately. The pacing is great, and the balance between high-tension scenes and more casual scenes are very well done. The author has managed to find success where many promising others have found naught but failure. In any case, I do hope for updates sooner rather than later. Those two are very interesting to observe.

    7 の返信を表示する

    The Writing Quality is 5 Stars based off the average webnovel, with the Stability of Updates being very good at time of review. Im mentioning this all before because what im going to say is me hating on the story a bit. I dont think the concept was as well executed as it could be, or maybe its just my own interpretation of what I read. The story starts off great, but there seems to be so much filler it dulls the mind, and one of the MC's being this litteral god of weaponry who can create new techniques within a week, makes you want to see the other MC's (Rean's) specialty. And by 64 hes a fuckin blacksmith, now dont get me wrong, I love blacksmithing novels, but to be fair Ive only ever found two. Blacksmithing can be made cool, but it seems that by the time of mid-story, the author just didnt care about making Rean anything special. I mean he has the light element, while Roan has the dark element. There twins, when I read these details I was thinking, " Oh thats so badass, theyre gonna have this connection of hate-portrayal (from what I could see by there personalities twoards another) where they actually enjoy eachothers company, but theyll never say that. Rean will be a master healer who benefits the tribe by supporting and giving ideas, while Roan is this master of combat who knows all weapons " Sure thats a bit dramaticized, but Roan does end up being like that, he is a badass kid who knows how to beat people above his realm of cultivation, he knows every weapon in the universe, he makes techniques when hes bored and cultivates hard. What does rean do? Makes fuckin low-quality steel and sells it off, then the next chapter we see Roan hinting to him to try and learn how to use the light element sense he collects it faster than Roan so he should master something of his own instead of relying on Roan, the **** does he do, he makes a god damn light saber. I dont think Rean is especially stupid, I just believe the author is making him retarded. Sorry for the bad grammar and the swear at the end, but this is just so sad to see such a great concept unexplored.

    11 の返信を表示する

    Having good time reading. I like the family aspect in the story. But then Fire Nation attack the planet and destroy everything. I feel i wasted my time reading all that. I was looking forward about the future. how about that purple guy will do ? What about mc sister? About all of that invention for the common people ?And many more things. Thats why i keep reading. But its gone , destroyed. I don’t know what are the rest of story about, is it interesting? Well what’s the point anyway? Maybe it will be destroyed again? Very meaningless read here. Well Thank you Author for the 550 chapter i read. GG

    0 の返信を表示する

    Seems like there is no Synopsis so I'll give a brief summary for those who want to know. (I'll try and give a good one but its probably gonna be kinda bad) My Synopsis: The story starts off with a man named Rean who is trunk-kuned. He dies and meets Death but is special in some way. This eventually leads to him and death reincarnating together as twins. Now this story will follow the adventures of Rean and Roan(Death) as they have to save the universe from the fate of being destroyed while they have lots of brotherly bonding :) along the way.

    8 の返信を表示する

    The author is trying to incorporate both fictionnal spiritual energy and normal scientific principles. GOOD points: The story/plot is good. Characters are also neatly fleshed out. Cultivation also seems realistic BAD points: 1.So much plot unrelated to cultivation(like throne mission ,kinda seems like author got bored of his own story and suddenly decided to blow up the whole planet,not that i am complaining ,twist was good but if author already decided to blow up the planet why waste so many chapters on roan and rean planning on how take the throne and also recruiting quira by franden(dont know that names properly) its kinda dragged out.).Some events dont need to explained/dialogued detailed, summary would be fine. 2.Story pace seems to kinda slow.700 CHAPTERS but still both protag only reached nascent soul. 3.And pleasentaries should be cut down.So many dialogues its like a theatre script. 4.Author week point might have been physics. example: in 702 chapter he implied that due to low spiritual energy planet was cooled.Does that even make sense, please i know its fiction but still i felt dumb reading that.spiritual energy is supposed to be neutral how the heck planet started to warm up after spiritual energy restored.I always thought may be planet is so far away that planet was cool. 5.And regarding yin and yang its very confusing.you have mixed several different cultivation systems and its hella confusing.Controlling yin energy to control different yin types of elements?but weren't they absorbing spiritual energy or elements? where the heck did the get only yin energy?.

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 1 Badge

    I would say.. it's a nice read though since I have read too many novels already, this one doesn't standout to ME that much. There's also that girl that made me drop this. I just hope we can all find a novel that suit us. This one still worth a try if you like adult characters in the body of kids but doesn't act like adults (really).

    2 の返信を表示する

    I'm just here to write a review because the author's sheer confidence. It's something I haven't seen in a long time. Fun Joke: Dad on his death bed: Son, I have to tell you something Son under his breath: I bet I’m adopted Dad: You were ado... Dad dies Son: Knew it Dad wakes up: You were adorable as a baby Dad dies Son: A***, thats so sweet Dad wakes up: That’s why we adopted you

    3 の返信を表示する
    LV 5 Badge

    its not the readers job to convince themselves on a hail mary, just do a synoposis ya egoist ****. There is literally no reason not to have one other than to fuel your narcissism

    3 の返信を表示する

    Well, it's a cultivation novel, so I recommend you keep your standards low. If you do, you'll be pleasantly surprised. However, keep your standards up to things like Solo Leveling or The Death Mage Who Doesn't Want a Fourth Time and you might be displeased. Since it's a cultivation novel, pacing is inconsistent, but that's nothing new. Characters are pretty typical, but not to the point of being full on "I'm just here to power level the MC!" stereotypes. Chapters are released often if you read the first 86 and find you want to continue reading. I stopped here as the novel is just not my cup of tea, being a godforsaken cultivation novel, but others might like it. That's it I suppose. Really, I just feel meh about this novel. There was a good, entertaining idea going with the characters, but it fell short. It feels like it's more about the strength and fighting and making money and cultivation than it is about the main characters themselves, but I could just be focusing on those parts more.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Book was great UNTIL the author went and trashed everything he worked on for the first few hundred chapters. He literally destroys the whole planet they live on and tosses them onto another planet where humans are just slaves. All the characters, world building, etc. gone in one chapter. What gets me is after there planet with all their family was destroyed there is no grieving. They are just kind of like well that sucks now let's continue. That being said if you can get over that the book is good. The writing quality is good, the release rate is good, the grammar is good. I dropped it about 50 chapters after they blew up the original planet.

    1 の返信を表示する

    [Currently read 580 ch] This thing here is good for beginners, but as a veteran reader i can say that my expectations are not fulfilled. The characters development is almost non-existent, jokes are forced and boring. Actually, I don't even know why this story has so many chapters, just because it is a cultivation one doesn't mean it must be this exaggerated. As i can see, author do not treat his creation seriously in the slightest, otherwise the overall development wouldn't be this stagnated. A few words about romance........it sucks. Once again, Death and me is a good story for begginers ONLY.

    5 の返信を表示する

    Alot of clichés to be frank. Story development is okay but character design needs to be better. Author should explore character motivations more in depth especially the side characters. Side characters tend to fall under cliche characterization. World building could be better. In short, the author needs to research more on topics, ideology and settings they introduce to flesh out the story more. ...Also author should find other ways of reinforcing a character's quirk for example, "Roan is not interested in having romantic relationships" does not have to be reiterated every 5 chapters. Saying it once is enough, his actions should tell the rest.

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    All these reviews and not a single synopsis or summary. The authors “just read the first ch” is arrogant and annoying I have literally no idea what the book is about and no way to find out so no I will not just “read the first chapter”

    2 の返信を表示する
    Chapter 3034: I'll Wait Here 14 hours ago

    卷 1

    1. 1
      Don't Wanna 4 years ago
    2. 2
      Such Friendship 4 years ago
    3. 3
      Together Once More! 4 years ago
    4. 4
      Thoughts 4 years ago
    5. 5
      Sleep 4 years ago
    6. 6
      Rean and Roan 4 years ago
    7. 7
      The Varen Tribe 4 years ago
    8. 8
      Black Orb 4 years ago
    9. 9
      Shouldn't Exist 4 years ago
    10. 10
      Brighter Colors 4 years ago
    11. 11
      Moving Out 4 years ago
    12. 12
      Avoiding Calamity! 4 years ago
    13. 13
      Juri's Investigation 4 years ago
    14. 14
      Dire Need for Talents 4 years ago
    15. 15
      The Tribe's Decision 4 years ago
    16. 16
      Arrival 4 years ago
    17. 17
      Another Plan 4 years ago
    18. 18
      Turning the Tables 4 years ago
    19. 19
      Spread the News 4 years ago
    20. 20
      Averting Attention Plan 4 years ago
    21. 21
      How's That Possible? 4 years ago
    22. 22
      Suspicion 4 years ago
    23. 23
      Kianme Tribe 4 years ago
    24. 24
      Time Flies 4 years ago
    25. 25
      A New Test 4 years ago
    26. 26
      Affinity Level 4 years ago
    27. 27
      Two can play this game 4 years ago
    28. 28
      Another Bet 4 years ago
    29. 29
      What are you looking at? 4 years ago
    30. 30
      Rewards 4 years ago
    31. 31
      Yin Yang Soul Gem 4 years ago
    32. 32
      Breakthrough 4 years ago
    33. 33
      The Truth... Partially 4 years ago
    34. 34
      New Job 4 years ago
    35. 35
      Two Halves 4 years ago
    36. 36
      Sister Orb 4 years ago
    37. 37
      Roan's Experience 4 years ago
    38. 38
      The Twin's Teamwork 4 years ago
    39. 39
      Demon Core 4 years ago
    40. 40
      Life Force 4 years ago
    41. 41
      Healing 4 years ago
    42. 42
      Out of Luck 4 years ago
    43. 43
      Exchange 4 years ago
    44. 44
      Back to the Tribe 4 years ago
    45. 45
      Destiny Points 4 years ago
    46. 46
      Preparations 4 years ago
    47. 47
      Success 4 years ago
    48. 48
      First Reward 4 years ago
    49. 49
      Death Style 4 years ago
    50. 50
      Juri Left 4 years ago
    51. 51
      Aptitude Difference 4 years ago
    52. 52
      First Test 4 years ago
    53. 53
      Profit 4 years ago
    54. 54
      Blacksmith Clans 4 years ago
    55. 55
      Acknowledgment 4 years ago
    56. 56
      I Guess it is a Profitable Business 4 years ago
    57. 57
      Conclusion 4 years ago
    58. 58
      Surprise 4 years ago
    59. 59
      Being Too Nice 4 years ago
    60. 60
      Like the Movies 4 years ago
    61. 61
      New Sword 4 years ago
    62. 62
      Jiran Forest 4 years ago
    63. 63
      Overpowered 4 years ago
    64. 64
      Kill Him 4 years ago
    65. 65
      Side Effect 4 years ago
    66. 66
      Crescent Moon 4 years ago
    67. 67
      Give Me a Hug! 4 years ago
    68. 68
      When You do Good 4 years ago
    69. 69
      Green Stone 4 years ago
    70. 70
      Jade Slip 4 years ago
    71. 71
      New List 4 years ago
    72. 72
      Entering Foundation Establishment 4 years ago
    73. 73
      Success 4 years ago
    74. 74
      Advantages 4 years ago
    75. 75
      Higher Rank Spirit Stones 4 years ago
    76. 76
      The Powers of Jialin 4 years ago
    77. 77
      The Medium-Sized Tribes Alliance 4 years ago
    78. 78
      Preparations 4 years ago
    79. 79
      About to Start 4 years ago
    80. 80
      Darkness 4 years ago
    81. 81
      West battle 4 years ago
    82. 82
      Fourth Form 4 years ago
    83. 83
      Juri and Alanda Appeared 4 years ago
    84. 84
      Negotiations 4 years ago
    85. 85
      Time to Leave 4 years ago
    86. 86
      Departing 4 years ago

    卷 2 : Outside world

    1. 87
      Majorias City 4 years ago
    2. 88
      Roan Goes Shopping 4 years ago
    3. 89
      Skill Manuals 4 years ago
    4. 90
      Rean Wants to Compare 4 years ago
    5. 91
      Future Connections 4 years ago
    6. 92
      South Gate 4 years ago
    7. 93
      The Exam Starts 4 years ago
    8. 94
      The Marathon Exam 4 years ago
    9. 95
      The First Day 4 years ago
    10. 96
      End of the First Test 4 years ago
    11. 97
      The Second Test Starts 4 years ago
    12. 98
      Never Seen Before 4 years ago
    13. 99
      Aptitudes and Elemental Affinities 4 years ago
    14. 100
      Have a Roan Wish 4 years ago
    15. 101
      Team Name 4 years ago
    16. 102
      Roan's Test 4 years ago
    17. 103
      The Last Exam Starts 4 years ago
    18. 104
      Death Style Training 4 years ago
    19. 105
      Roan is Feeling Bored 4 years ago
    20. 106
      Roan's Compliment 4 years ago
    21. 107
      New or Old 4 years ago
    22. 108
      Dead? 4 years ago
    23. 109
      Gentle 4 years ago
    24. 110
      New Mission 4 years ago
    25. 111
      Puppy 4 years ago
    26. 112
      Okay! 4 years ago
    27. 113
      Last Days Training 4 years ago
    28. 114
      One More Test For the Twins 4 years ago
    29. 115
      Sudden Attack 4 years ago
    30. 116
      Teamwork vs. Teamwork 4 years ago
    31. 117
      Learning About the Benefits 4 years ago
    32. 118
      Talk Business 4 years ago
    33. 119
      Maybe Another Day 4 years ago
    34. 120
      Time to go back 4 years ago
    35. 121
      Challenges 4 years ago
    36. 122
      Snow Crane 4 years ago
    37. 123
      Assault with Dark Element 4 years ago
    38. 124
      Direct Contact 4 years ago
    39. 125
      I Want to Pass Out 4 years ago
    40. 126
      Sister Orb, Help Me! 4 years ago
    41. 127
      I Survived! 4 years ago
    42. 128
      It's a Lie 4 years ago
    43. 129
      Bending More Than Light 4 years ago
    44. 130
      Spiritual Rebirth 4 years ago
    45. 131
      Sect Gathering 4 years ago
    46. 132
      Blue Orchid District 4 years ago
    47. 133
      There is no This or That 4 years ago
    48. 134
      Can You Hear Me? 4 years ago
    49. 135
      The Truth... 4 years ago
    50. 136
      Did I do Something Wrong? 4 years ago
    51. 137
      Helping Out 4 years ago
    52. 138
      Trying the new changes 4 years ago
    53. 139
      Follow 4 years ago
    54. 140
      Why Change? 4 years ago
    55. 141
      Agreement 4 years ago
    56. 142
      Blacksmith Hall 4 years ago
    57. 143
      Blacksmith Test 4 years ago
    58. 144
      Categorizations 3 years ago
    59. 145
      Not Enough Materials 3 years ago
    60. 146
      Test 3 years ago
    61. 147
      What Was That Shit? 3 years ago
    62. 148
      Sects Pride 3 years ago
    63. 149
      Wake up, girl! 3 years ago
    64. 150
      At Least She Likes It... 3 years ago
    65. 151
      Sixth Bandit Group 3 years ago
    66. 152
      Finishing the Rest 3 years ago
    67. 153
      The Fort 3 years ago
    68. 154
      It's time 3 years ago
    69. 155
      Driving a Car 3 years ago
    70. 156
      Fifth Form! 3 years ago
    71. 157
      Lovak's Decision 3 years ago
    72. 158
      Shadow Reapers 3 years ago
    73. 159
      Conclusion 3 years ago
    74. 160
      Back to Dalamu 3 years ago
    75. 161
      Universal Restraint 3 years ago
    76. 162
      Alchemy Repository 3 years ago
    77. 163
      Not in the Same League 3 years ago
    78. 164
      Names 3 years ago
    79. 165
      Need Destiny Points 3 years ago
    80. 166
      Working Out 3 years ago
    81. 167
      The Project Continues 3 years ago
    82. 168
      Reporting Back to the Sect 3 years ago
    83. 169
      A Favor 3 years ago
    84. 170
      Questions 3 years ago
    85. 171
      More Doubts Than Answers 3 years ago
    86. 172
      Old Worm's Help 3 years ago
    87. 173
      Real Experience 3 years ago
    88. 174
      First Time 3 years ago
    89. 175
      Old Worm's Concoction 3 years ago
    90. 176
      Rean Doesn't Want to Fall Behind 3 years ago
    91. 177
      New Ability 3 years ago
    92. 178
      Announcement 3 years ago
    93. 179
      Reasons 3 years ago
    94. 180
      Yin Yang Essence 3 years ago
    95. 181
      New Reward List 3 years ago
    96. 182
      Cultivation and Necessary Items 3 years ago
    97. 183
      Expansion 3 years ago
    98. 184
      The Negotiation 3 years ago
    99. 185
      Surprise On The Other Side 3 years ago
    100. 186
      Don't be afraid! 3 years ago
    101. 187
      Rean's First Skill 3 years ago
    102. 188
      Big Brother Roan 3 years ago
    103. 189
      New Plan 3 years ago
    104. 190
      Leaving Enemies Alive 3 years ago
    105. 191
      Solo Battle 3 years ago
    106. 192
      Threads 3 years ago
    107. 193
      Heaven's Might Water 3 years ago
    108. 194
      Dual Elements 3 years ago
    109. 195
      Don't Forget Me 3 years ago
    110. 196
      Super Effective 3 years ago
    111. 197
      Consequences 3 years ago
    112. 198
      Another Time 3 years ago
    113. 199
      Back to the Sect 3 years ago
    114. 200
      A Network Problem 3 years ago
    115. 201
      Droman's Change 3 years ago
    116. 202
      It Was Not On Purpose! 3 years ago
    117. 203
      Sealed Arrays 3 years ago
    118. 204
      Was it Important? 3 years ago
    119. 205
      Empire's Poison 3 years ago
    120. 206
      Same Thoughts 3 years ago
    121. 207
      The Egg 3 years ago
    122. 208
      Not Dead... 3 years ago
    123. 209
      The Bird 3 years ago
    124. 210
      Sister Orb's Final Strike 3 years ago
    125. 211
      Late Stage 3 years ago
    126. 212
      I told you, didn't I? 3 years ago
    127. 213
      You are still my little sister 3 years ago
    128. 214
      Elder Fauk 3 years ago
    129. 215
      Decaying Roots 3 years ago
    130. 216
      Partnership 3 years ago
    131. 217
      Profit! 3 years ago
    132. 218
      Electrical Formations Repository 3 years ago
    133. 219
      Back To The Forest 3 years ago
    134. 220
      Super Chick 3 years ago
    135. 221
      Give the chick a name 3 years ago
    136. 222
      I want them 3 years ago
    137. 223
      Reliance is out of luck 3 years ago
    138. 224
      Kentucky's Race 3 years ago
    139. 225
      Minokawa 3 years ago
    140. 226
      Heaven-Level Metal Detector 3 years ago
    141. 227
      Maril Region 3 years ago
    142. 228
      More News 3 years ago
    143. 229
      Invitation 3 years ago
    144. 230
      Inner Sect Rules 3 years ago
    145. 231
      Fighting their way through 3 years ago
    146. 232
      Finally a Breakthrough 3 years ago
    147. 233
      Universal Restraint and the Profound Abyss 3 years ago
    148. 234
      Good Enough for Tests 3 years ago
    149. 235
      Leaving the Sect 3 years ago
    150. 236
      Arriving at the Profound Abyss Settlement 3 years ago
    151. 237
      Yin Energy 3 years ago
    152. 238
      Not Interested In Problem 3 years ago
    153. 239
      Do you wanna die? 3 years ago
    154. 240
      Calina Sasamil 3 years ago
    155. 241
      Birds of a feather flock together 3 years ago
    156. 242
      Opening of the Profound Abyss 3 years ago
    157. 243
      Decaying Energy 3 years ago
    158. 244
      Life Style Fourth Form 3 years ago
    159. 245
      Decaying Golems 3 years ago
    160. 246
      Surprises 3 years ago
    161. 247
      Life and Death Situation 3 years ago
    162. 248
      Premeditated 3 years ago
    163. 249
      True Reasons 3 years ago
    164. 250
      Like a Shadow 3 years ago
    165. 251
      Ambush 3 years ago
    166. 252
      Distress Signal 3 years ago
    167. 253
      Breake Out! 3 years ago
    168. 254
      Death Style, First Energy Form 3 years ago
    169. 255
      Timely Help 3 years ago
    170. 256
      Learning the Truth 3 years ago
    171. 257
      The Empire's Succession 3 years ago
    172. 258
      Roan's Analysis 3 years ago
    173. 259
      First Things First 3 years ago
    174. 260
      Coming Into Terms 3 years ago
    175. 261
      Universal Restraint Preparations 3 years ago
    176. 262
      Request 3 years ago
    177. 263
      Resisting the Universal Restraint 3 years ago
    178. 264
      I Did 3 years ago
    179. 265
      Going Separated Ways 3 years ago
    180. 266
      Vermilion Pool 3 years ago
    181. 267
      Leaving the Vermilion Pool 3 years ago
    182. 268
      Roan's Charm 3 years ago
    183. 269
      Hiding Calina 3 years ago
    184. 270
      Profound Abyss Closes 3 years ago
    185. 271
      Following the Plan 3 years ago
    186. 272
      Back to the Sect 3 years ago
    187. 273
      Consequences of the Communication System 3 years ago
    188. 274
      Majorias City Once Again 3 years ago
    189. 275
      Calina Needs a New Identity 3 years ago
    190. 276
      Joining the Sect 3 years ago
    191. 277
      Time for Upgrades 3 years ago
    192. 278
      New Dimensional Realm Ability 3 years ago
    193. 279
      Savage Roan 3 years ago
    194. 280
      First Time Lessons 3 years ago
    195. 281
      Router Formation Version 1.2 3 years ago
    196. 282
      Captured 3 years ago
    197. 283
      That's Enough 3 years ago
    198. 284
      Close 3 years ago
    199. 285
      Friends from Afar 3 years ago
    200. 286
      Speed Up? 3 years ago
    201. 287
      Check That Thing 3 years ago
    202. 288
      Most Expensive Purchase 3 years ago
    203. 289
      Core Formation Realm and an Extra... 3 years ago
    204. 290
      The Link Between Them 3 years ago
    205. 291
      On the Way 3 years ago
    206. 292
      Taking the Mission 3 years ago
    207. 293
      Back to the Tribe 3 years ago
    208. 294
      Home Sweet Home 3 years ago
    209. 295
      Death Style, Sixth Form 3 years ago
    210. 296
      Several Fronts 3 years ago
    211. 297
      Training Continues 3 years ago
    212. 298
      Contact 3 years ago
    213. 299
      Umbral Sect Attack 3 years ago
    214. 300
      Bait Plan 3 years ago
    215. 301
      More Information and Some Help 3 years ago
    216. 302
      Information Share 3 years ago
    217. 303
      Pulled Inside 3 years ago
    218. 304
      Transformation 3 years ago
    219. 305
      More Groups 3 years ago
    220. 306
      There You Are 3 years ago
    221. 307
      Meeting Latalia 3 years ago
    222. 308
      Latalia Does or Doesn't Care? 3 years ago
    223. 309
      Meeting Point 3 years ago
    224. 310
      Counter Attack 3 years ago
    225. 311
      Finish Them! 3 years ago
    226. 312
      Conversation 3 years ago
    227. 313
      How the Maze Works 3 years ago
    228. 314
      Amakal Family 3 years ago
    229. 315
      Teleport Formation 3 years ago
    230. 316
      Outside Situation 3 years ago
    231. 317
      You Forgot 3 years ago
    232. 318
      Arrival 3 years ago
    233. 319
      Entering the City 3 years ago
    234. 320
      Vruve Question 3 years ago
    235. 321
      Soul Gem 3 years ago
    236. 322
      Famous Character 3 years ago
    237. 323
      Not Enough Time 3 years ago
    238. 324
      Decisions 3 years ago
    239. 325
      Roan Approves 3 years ago
    240. 326
      The Reason 3 years ago
    241. 327
      Settling Things 3 years ago
    242. 328
      Leading 3 years ago
    243. 329
      New Versions 3 years ago
    244. 330
      Should Start Soon 3 years ago
    245. 331
      Bring It On! 3 years ago
    246. 332
      Taking Up the Position 3 years ago
    247. 333
      Time Skip 3 years ago
    248. 334
      Past Events 3 years ago
    249. 335
      Not Fighting Alone 3 years ago
    250. 336
      Finishing the Battle 3 years ago
    251. 337
      Cassen's Deal 3 years ago
    252. 338
      New Discovery 3 years ago
    253. 339
      Continue 3 years ago
    254. 340
      Last Defense Army 3 years ago
    255. 341
      As Long as I have Full Control 3 years ago
    256. 342
      War Agreement 3 years ago
    257. 343
      Taking Control 3 years ago
    258. 344
      Challenge 3 years ago
    259. 345
      How to decide 3 years ago
    260. 346
      Organizing 3 years ago
    261. 347
      Last Day and Night 3 years ago
    262. 348
      Forward! 3 years ago
    263. 349
      More Enemies 3 years ago
    264. 350
      Reliance's Help 3 years ago
    265. 351
      It's Here 3 years ago
    266. 352
      The Turn Point 3 years ago
    267. 353
      Elite Unit Arrives 3 years ago
    268. 354
      Escalation 3 years ago
    269. 355
      Acknowledgment 3 years ago
    270. 356
      After Battle 3 years ago
    271. 357
      Something Else to Offer 3 years ago
    272. 358
      Outcome 3 years ago
    273. 359
      Harsh! 3 years ago
    274. 360
      Parting Ways 3 years ago
    275. 361
      Old Friends 3 years ago
    276. 362
      Which One Do You Like Most? 3 years ago
    277. 363
      It's Up To You Now 3 years ago
    278. 364
      Convincing! 3 years ago
    279. 365
      Washing Together 3 years ago
    280. 366
      Back to the Sect 3 years ago
    281. 367
      Time to Upgrade! 3 years ago
    282. 368
      Last Upgrades 3 years ago
    283. 369
      The Uses 3 years ago
    284. 370
      Good News 3 years ago
    285. 371
      The New Projects 3 years ago
    286. 372
      Guilds 3 years ago
    287. 373
      Sasamil's Capital 3 years ago
    288. 374
      New Finding 3 years ago
    289. 375
      Plans of Action 3 years ago
    290. 376
      Finishing the Deal 3 years ago
    291. 377
      Finding the Black Market 3 years ago
    292. 378
      Sacrifice 3 years ago
    293. 379
      The Formations Master Guild Welcome 3 years ago
    294. 380
      Task 3 years ago
    295. 381
      Tissan Sasamil 3 years ago
    296. 382
      Really Trash? 3 years ago
    297. 383
      Underground 3 years ago
    298. 384
      Tissan's Problem 3 years ago
    299. 385
      What Did You Say?! 3 years ago
    300. 386
      Capturing Tissan 3 years ago
    301. 387
      Interrogation 3 years ago
    302. 388
      Golden Hands 3 years ago
    303. 389
      Lovey-Dovey 3 years ago
    304. 390
      Getting the Token 3 years ago
    305. 391
      How the Hell? 3 years ago
    306. 392
      Trapping Herself 3 years ago
    307. 393
      Shocked 3 years ago
    308. 394
      Qia's Answers 3 years ago
    309. 395
      Not Going Back 3 years ago
    310. 396
      I Demand! 3 years ago
    311. 397
      The Shadow Reapers Test 3 years ago
    312. 398
      No child! 3 years ago
    313. 399
      Hagen 3 years ago
    314. 400
      Fake 3 years ago
    315. 401
      Now Shut Up! 3 years ago
    316. 402
      Wasn't Part of the Plan! 3 years ago
    317. 403
      Information 3 years ago
    318. 404
      Personal Spy 3 years ago
    319. 405
      Surpassing Expectations 3 years ago
    320. 406
      Let Me Hear 3 years ago
    321. 407
      Leaving With Tissan 3 years ago
    322. 408
      Avoiding 3 years ago
    323. 409
      Mutual Love 3 years ago
    324. 410
      Meeting the Parents 3 years ago
    325. 411
      Where is Nulian? 3 years ago
    326. 412
      Qia's Change 3 years ago
    327. 413
      Poor Rean 3 years ago
    328. 414
      Need Money 3 years ago
    329. 415
      Droman Had to Accept the Invitation 3 years ago
    330. 416
      Can He Resist? 3 years ago
    331. 417
      He's Good 3 years ago
    332. 418
      Formations Guild First Exam 3 years ago
    333. 419
      Medicinal Extraction 3 years ago
    334. 420
      Is That Valid? 3 years ago
    335. 421
      Sigh of Disappointment 3 years ago
    336. 422
      You Did Well 3 years ago
    337. 423
      Using the Worst Results 3 years ago
    338. 424
      More Rules 3 years ago
    339. 425
      Test and Results of Second Phase 3 years ago
    340. 426
      Mommy Orb 3 years ago
    341. 427
      Guilds' Competitions 3 years ago
    342. 428
      I Like That Boy 3 years ago
    343. 429
      What the hell?! 3 years ago
    344. 430
      Object 3 years ago
    345. 431
      Myriad Elemental Protection Formation 3 years ago
    346. 432
      Smelling Good 3 years ago
    347. 433
      Spiritual Copper Wire 3 years ago
    348. 434
      Bulkier 3 years ago
    349. 435
      Lightning Field First 3 years ago
    350. 436
      Private Talk 3 years ago
    351. 437
      Really 3 years ago
    352. 438
      Paying Attention 3 years ago
    353. 439
      Confidence! 3 years ago
    354. 440
      Original 3 years ago
    355. 441
      Practical 3 years ago
    356. 442
      Same Materials 3 years ago
    357. 443
      Working on Original Formations 3 years ago
    358. 444
      Cross-Realm Pills 3 years ago
    359. 445
      Rejection 3 years ago
    360. 446
      Behold! 3 years ago
    361. 447
      The Effect of Roan's Pills 3 years ago
    362. 448
      Havek and Rean's Formations 3 years ago
    363. 449
      One Hour for Results 3 years ago
    364. 450
      Not Guaranteed 3 years ago
    365. 451
      Unexpected 3 years ago
    366. 452
      End of Alchemist Exam 3 years ago
    367. 453
      Welcome 3 years ago
    368. 454
      Bring Your Brother 3 years ago
    369. 455
      What to talk about 3 years ago
    370. 456
      Meeting Huan 3 years ago
    371. 457
      Shock 3 years ago
    372. 458
      It's Your Job! 3 years ago
    373. 459
      Going Back 3 years ago
    374. 460
      Helping Out 3 years ago
    375. 461
      It Seems 3 years ago
    376. 462
      Hard 3 years ago
    377. 463
      Date of Marriage 3 years ago
    378. 464
      Called Over 3 years ago
    379. 465
      In The Future 3 years ago
    380. 466
      I've Decided! 3 years ago
    381. 467
      Far From Over 3 years ago
    382. 468
      Solid as a Rock 3 years ago
    383. 469
      I'm fucked! 3 years ago
    384. 470
      Proudly Pointing at the Skies! 3 years ago
    385. 471
      Bedsheet 3 years ago
    386. 472
      Preparing to Leave 3 years ago
    387. 473
      It Also Wanted Me 3 years ago
    388. 474
      Back in Dalamu Once Again 3 years ago

    卷 3 : Further Out

    1. 475
      Awful to Watch 3 years ago
    2. 476
      Havek Arrived 3 years ago
    3. 477
      Formation Maniacs 3 years ago
    4. 478
      Masput Vein 3 years ago
    5. 479
      We Are Moving Out 3 years ago
    6. 480
      Who Wants to Go First? 3 years ago
    7. 481
      Short Circuit 3 years ago
    8. 482
      We are going too 3 years ago
    9. 483
      Where are the Twins? 3 years ago
    10. 484
      Attack! 3 years ago
    11. 485
      You Are Kidding 3 years ago
    12. 486
      Change In The Natural Formation 3 years ago
    13. 487
      Safe For Now 3 years ago
    14. 488
      Last Moment Help 3 years ago
    15. 489
      Catch! 3 years ago
    16. 490
      Interesting 3 years ago
    17. 491
      Many Changes 3 years ago
    18. 492
      None other than Kentucky! 3 years ago
    19. 493
      Kentucky's Attack 3 years ago
    20. 494
      What do I do? 3 years ago
    21. 495
      Separation 3 years ago
    22. 496
      Seems Fair 3 years ago
    23. 497
      Finally Together 3 years ago
    24. 498
      Plans 3 years ago
    25. 499
      Wear Out 3 years ago
    26. 500
      Sana 3 years ago
    27. 501
      Going Out 3 years ago
    28. 502
      First Attack 3 years ago
    29. 503
      Incarnation 3 years ago
    30. 504
      Changing Targets 3 years ago
    31. 505
      Finally Over 3 years ago
    32. 506
      Natural Formation Core's Change 3 years ago
    33. 507
      What do you want? 3 years ago
    34. 508
      Shatter the Orb 3 years ago
    35. 509
      Doubts 3 years ago
    36. 510
      Reasons 3 years ago
    37. 511
      Your Hands 3 years ago
    38. 512
      Underground Poison 3 years ago
    39. 513
      Truth or Lies? 3 years ago
    40. 514
      Something Wrong With These Two 3 years ago
    41. 515
      Maybe Another Time 3 years ago
    42. 516
      Can't Dance 3 years ago
    43. 517
      Late Stage 3 years ago
    44. 518
      Not Staying Still 3 years ago
    45. 519
      Changing Minds 3 years ago
    46. 520
      Perhaps? 3 years ago
    47. 521
      Being Called to Help 3 years ago
    48. 522
      Negotiations 3 years ago
    49. 523
      One Condition 3 years ago
    50. 524
      Let's See What You Can Do 3 years ago
    51. 525
      Live Together 3 years ago
    52. 526
      Almost Crying 3 years ago
    53. 527
      It's fun time! 3 years ago
    54. 528
      The Truth Behind the Invasion 3 years ago
    55. 529
      Would You Let Me Leave? 3 years ago
    56. 530
      The Ninth Prince 3 years ago
    57. 531
      Marriage 3 years ago
    58. 532
      First day 3 years ago
    59. 533
      Let's Start! 3 years ago
    60. 534
      Kentucky's Success 3 years ago
    61. 535
      The Rule 3 years ago
    62. 536
      Talking with Laro 3 years ago
    63. 537
      How to get free 3 years ago
    64. 538
      Quick Action! 3 years ago
    65. 539
      That Hurts 3 years ago
    66. 540
      Didn't Give Up 3 years ago
    67. 541
      Peak of the Core Formation Realm 3 years ago
    68. 542
      Formation Down 3 years ago
    69. 543
      The Way Out 3 years ago
    70. 544
      You Can't Leave 3 years ago
    71. 545
      Back to Dalamu 3 years ago
    72. 546
      Take Everyone! 3 years ago
    73. 547
      Lord Eagon 3 years ago
    74. 548
      It's That Simple 3 years ago
    75. 549
      Not Infallible 3 years ago
    76. 550
      Is He Really Human? 3 years ago
    77. 551
      Frandin 3 years ago
    78. 552
      First Questions 3 years ago
    79. 553
      What do you think? 3 years ago
    80. 554
      Decadence Region 3 years ago
    81. 555
      Celestial Lands 3 years ago
    82. 556
      I Have Many Uses For You 3 years ago
    83. 557
      Romance Bullshit 3 years ago
    84. 558
      This World Isn't Too Bad! 3 years ago
    85. 559
      Can You Be More Shameless? 3 years ago
    86. 560
      Lumeria City 3 years ago
    87. 561
      Bloodline Mark's Ranks 3 years ago
    88. 562
      It Should Be Possible 3 years ago
    89. 563
      Forging 3 years ago
    90. 564
      Offer 3 years ago
    91. 565
      Frigid Clear Vine 3 years ago
    92. 566
      End of Auction 3 years ago
    93. 567
      Unbelievable 3 years ago
    94. 568
      Death Style Training 3 years ago
    95. 569
      Kastran 3 years ago
    96. 570
      No Talent 3 years ago
    97. 571
      Perhaps... 3 years ago
    98. 572
      Soul Power 3 years ago
    99. 573
      Bloodline Trial 3 years ago
    100. 574
      Everyone's Weapons 3 years ago
    101. 575
      It can't be helped 3 years ago
    102. 576
      Who Told You Can Touch? 3 years ago
    103. 577
      My Calina! 3 years ago
    104. 578
      Falling for the trap 3 years ago
    105. 579
      That's True 3 years ago
    106. 580
      Let's Leave 3 years ago
    107. 581
      Found Out 3 years ago
    108. 582
      Fun Time is Over 3 years ago
    109. 583
      Aftermath 3 years ago
    110. 584
      He couldn't answer 3 years ago
    111. 585
      Poor Sister Orb 3 years ago
    112. 586
      Breakthrough 3 years ago
    113. 587
      Fourth Form 3 years ago
    114. 588
      Banyou 3 years ago
    115. 589
      Changing Plans 3 years ago
    116. 590
      Pierce Thorugh 3 years ago
    117. 591
      Forget About Killing 3 years ago
    118. 592
      Outcome 3 years ago
    119. 593
      Soul Eater 3 years ago
    120. 594
      Arrival in Vanesi 3 years ago
    121. 595
      Imperial Auction House 3 years ago
    122. 596
      Frandin's Improvement 3 years ago
    123. 597
      Found it! 3 years ago
    124. 598
      Earned Ones 3 years ago
    125. 599
      Chick! 3 years ago
    126. 600
      Roan Doesn't Care 3 years ago
    127. 601
      Kentuck's Soul Power 3 years ago
    128. 602
      A Dream? 3 years ago
    129. 603
      Death Spirit 3 years ago
    130. 604
      Liza 3 years ago
    131. 605
      With Roan 3 years ago
    132. 606
      No Idea 3 years ago
    133. 607
      Habit 3 years ago
    134. 608
      Soul Purity 3 years ago
    135. 609
      Unveil 3 years ago
    136. 610
      Leaving the Chamber 3 years ago
    137. 611
      Not as Expected 3 years ago
    138. 612
      How did it happen? 3 years ago
    139. 613
      Way Out 3 years ago
    140. 614
      Does that mean... 3 years ago
    141. 615
      Do you really think so? 3 years ago
    142. 616
      You! You! 3 years ago
    143. 617
      It Doesn't Matter What You Wear 3 years ago
    144. 618
      Marau Portin 3 years ago
    145. 619
      Lack of Common Sense 3 years ago
    146. 620
      As far as possible 3 years ago
    147. 621
      Surprise 3 years ago
    148. 622
      Secret 3 years ago
    149. 623
      Soul Rulers 3 years ago
    150. 624
      Decisions 3 years ago
    151. 625
      Might Really Work 3 years ago
    152. 626
      As You Wish! 3 years ago
    153. 627
      Really Convenient 3 years ago
    154. 628
      Did you really care? 3 years ago
    155. 629
      Soul Stones Creation Method 3 years ago
    156. 630
      Was it that obvious?! 3 years ago
    157. 631
      The Final Decision 3 years ago
    158. 632
      Selection 3 years ago
    159. 633
      What Did He Mean By That? 3 years ago
    160. 634
      One Less! 3 years ago
    161. 635
      So be it! 3 years ago
    162. 636
      Stepping on Feelings 3 years ago
    163. 637
      Let's Talk 3 years ago
    164. 638
      Imperial Guardian 3 years ago
    165. 639
      Imperial Bloodline Drop 3 years ago
    166. 640
      Magma Flower 3 years ago
    167. 641
      It looks fishy 3 years ago
    168. 642
      Held Down 3 years ago
    169. 643
      Problems 3 years ago
    170. 644
      A Vacancy 3 years ago
    171. 645
      Give me the Pill 3 years ago
    172. 646
      How should he deal with that? 3 years ago
    173. 647
      I'm not Roan 3 years ago
    174. 648
      Give Up This Idea 3 years ago
    175. 649
      Don't Poke The Sleeping Dragon 3 years ago
    176. 650
      Questions 3 years ago
    177. 651
      Shameless King 3 years ago
    178. 652
      Let's Go There 3 years ago
    179. 653
      He Truly Does 3 years ago
    180. 654
      Does He Look Excited? 3 years ago
    181. 655
      Trying out the new technique 3 years ago
    182. 656
      Reunion 3 years ago
    183. 657
      What the hell?! 3 years ago
    184. 658
      Results 3 years ago
    185. 659
      Walton June 3 years ago
    186. 660
      It went easier than we thought 3 years ago
    187. 661
      Offer 3 years ago
    188. 662
      Separation 3 years ago
    189. 663
      Last Preparations 3 years ago
    190. 664
      Fend For Themselves 3 years ago
    191. 665
      I Can Hear You! 3 years ago
    192. 666
      Leaving 3 years ago
    193. 667
      Engine 3 years ago
    194. 668
      Luck or Not 3 years ago
    195. 669
      Rean was right 3 years ago
    196. 670
      Sister Orb's Help 3 years ago
    197. 671
      Two Paths 3 years ago
    198. 672
      Meeting 3 years ago
    199. 673
      He Will Have To Pay For It 3 years ago
    200. 674
      Letting Clad Out 3 years ago
    201. 675
      Arrival 3 years ago
    202. 676
      It's time! 3 years ago
    203. 677
      Ukay! 3 years ago
    204. 678
      Teasing 3 years ago
    205. 679
      More Complicated Situation 3 years ago
    206. 680
      How Long 3 years ago
    207. 681
      Time 3 years ago
    208. 682
      Plans and Cultivation 3 years ago
    209. 683
      Nascent Souls 3 years ago
    210. 684
      Clad's Decision 3 years ago
    211. 685
      We Can Start 3 years ago
    212. 686
      So Sharp 3 years ago
    213. 687
      Thanks to your Sister Orb 3 years ago
    214. 688
      Now! 3 years ago
    215. 689
      It's fireworks time! 3 years ago
    216. 690
      It Goes Like This 3 years ago
    217. 691
      I am not worthy 3 years ago
    218. 692
      Celis 3 years ago
    219. 693
      The Soul Gem Dimensional Realm Upgrade 3 years ago
    220. 694
      It's gone 3 years ago
    221. 695
      There we go 3 years ago
    222. 696
      More Questions 3 years ago
    223. 697
      The Breaking Point 3 years ago
    224. 698
      Release Your Energy 3 years ago
    225. 699
      Assault 3 years ago
    226. 700
      Stop Him! 3 years ago
    227. 701
      Transformation 3 years ago
    228. 702
      Koran Forest 3 years ago
    229. 703
      Around the World 3 years ago
    230. 704
      Try not to Annoy Him 3 years ago
    231. 705
      Outside 3 years ago
    232. 706
      Organizing 3 years ago
    233. 707
      Visit 3 years ago
    234. 708
      That's a Secret 3 years ago
    235. 709
      Selecting 3 years ago
    236. 710
      Capturing 3 years ago
    237. 711
      I'm Looking Forward to It 3 years ago
    238. 712
      Organizing 3 years ago
    239. 713
      We Understand 3 years ago
    240. 714
      Getting Better 3 years ago
    241. 715
      Demon Beast Alliance 3 years ago
    242. 716
      Test 3 years ago
    243. 717
      Folit Tribe 3 years ago
    244. 718
      Good Thing For Humans 3 years ago
    245. 719
      The Old Man 3 years ago
    246. 720
      The Tale 3 years ago
    247. 721
      Possible Conflict 3 years ago
    248. 722
      Special 3 years ago
    249. 723
      Better be Ready 3 years ago
    250. 724
      The Cave 3 years ago
    251. 725
      Certainly 3 years ago
    252. 726
      More Deals 3 years ago
    253. 727
      Stocking 3 years ago
    254. 728
      Black Star 3 years ago
    255. 729
      You Are Naturals 3 years ago
    256. 730
      What to Choose? 3 years ago
    257. 731
      I Really Don't Like Him 3 years ago
    258. 732
      Pulling Each Other's Cultivation 3 years ago
    259. 733
      Training 3 years ago
    260. 734
      Cutting Through! 3 years ago
    261. 735
      Totem 3 years ago
    262. 736
      It is decided 3 years ago
    263. 737
      Breakthroughs 3 years ago
    264. 738
      Mission 3 years ago
    265. 739
      Surprise 3 years ago
    266. 740
      The Agreement 3 years ago
    267. 741
      Battle Start 3 years ago
    268. 742
      Identity 3 years ago
    269. 743
      On Going 3 years ago
    270. 744
      Sun and Moon 3 years ago
    271. 745
      Not Dead 3 years ago
    272. 746
      Let's Save The Points 3 years ago
    273. 747
      Should We Join? 3 years ago
    274. 748
      Convenience 3 years ago
    275. 749
      Divine Beasts Gathering 3 years ago
    276. 750
      Moving Out 3 years ago
    277. 751
      Buying 3 years ago
    278. 752
      Exchange 3 years ago
    279. 753
      Leaving 3 years ago
    280. 754
      Steal 3 years ago
    281. 755
      Wait For It 3 years ago
    282. 756
      Huge Headache 3 years ago
    283. 757
      Let's Continue 3 years ago
    284. 758
      Red Streak 3 years ago
    285. 759
      How Should I Know? 3 years ago
    286. 760
      Go To Hell! 3 years ago
    287. 761
      Details Your Ass! 3 years ago
    288. 762
      The First One 3 years ago
    289. 763
      Little by Little 3 years ago
    290. 764
      Just Bored 3 years ago
    291. 765
      Badges 3 years ago
    292. 766
      Poseidon 3 years ago
    293. 767
      Using 3 years ago
    294. 768
      Give It Back, Huh? 3 years ago
    295. 769
      Weird 3 years ago
    296. 770
      Only Choice! 3 years ago
    297. 771
      Let's See 3 years ago
    298. 772
      I Think I Have An Idea 3 years ago
    299. 773
      I'll Tell You Why 3 years ago
    300. 774
      You Better Keep Your Promise! 3 years ago
    301. 775
      Golden Streak! 3 years ago
    302. 776
      Almost Killed from Anger 3 years ago
    303. 777
      Outcome 3 years ago
    304. 778
      Another Question 3 years ago
    305. 779
      As I thought 3 years ago
    306. 780
      What Does That Mean? 3 years ago
    307. 781
      It's Time to Escalate 3 years ago
    308. 782
      Intervention 3 years ago
    309. 783
      Helping Darian 3 years ago
    310. 784
      I Prefer This Type of 'Take Care' 3 years ago
    311. 785
      The Duo 3 years ago
    312. 786
      Very Strict 3 years ago
    313. 787
      Go Help Him 3 years ago
    314. 788
      Special Mission 3 years ago
    315. 789
      Deep Thought 3 years ago
    316. 790
      We Need You To Win This War 3 years ago
    317. 791
      White Calamity 3 years ago
    318. 792
      So That's How It Is 3 years ago
    319. 793
      Deceased 3 years ago
    320. 794
      Only One Way 3 years ago
    321. 795
      I Must Be Tired 3 years ago
    322. 796
      Their Problem 3 years ago
    323. 797
      Straight 3 years ago
    324. 798
      Tell Them to Retreat 3 years ago
    325. 799
      Don't We Have You? 3 years ago
    326. 800
      Frin's Hope 3 years ago
    327. 801
      Disappeared Like a Ghost! 3 years ago
    328. 802
      How Far? 3 years ago
    329. 803
      We Are Leaving! 3 years ago
    330. 804
      So They Did 3 years ago
    331. 805
      New Device 3 years ago
    332. 806
      For Our Race 3 years ago
    333. 807
      Fight, Fight, Fight! 3 years ago
    334. 808
      First Day 3 years ago
    335. 809
      Night Time 3 years ago
    336. 810
      Pretending 3 years ago
    337. 811
      The Zasfins Main Problem 3 years ago
    338. 812
      Closer Attention 3 years ago
    339. 813
      Showdown 3 years ago
    340. 814
      Ten Waves Rush 3 years ago
    341. 815
      For Real 3 years ago
    342. 816
      Balance 3 years ago
    343. 817
      Good Nourishment! 3 years ago
    344. 818
      It's here! 3 years ago
    345. 819
      Who Would End On Top? 3 years ago
    346. 820
      Can You Blame Me? 3 years ago
    347. 821
      Too Bad! 3 years ago
    348. 822
      They Are At It Together! 3 years ago
    349. 823
      Conclusion 3 years ago
    350. 824
      Upside Down 3 years ago
    351. 825
      I'm Fikin's Best Friend 3 years ago
    352. 826
      Plan in Action 3 years ago
    353. 827
      The Next Leader 3 years ago
    354. 828
      The Demon Beasts' Path 3 years ago
    355. 829
      What Really Matters 3 years ago
    356. 830
      The Play Continues 3 years ago
    357. 831
      Then We Have An Agreement 3 years ago
    358. 832
      Nice to meet you all 3 years ago
    359. 833
      We Understand 3 years ago
    360. 834
      We Need Your Help 3 years ago
    361. 835
      We Will Protect Senior 3 years ago
    362. 836
      Red Stone 3 years ago
    363. 837
      Tears 3 years ago
    364. 838
      New Position 3 years ago
    365. 839
      Our Moments 3 years ago
    366. 840
      The Biggest Parasite 3 years ago
    367. 841
      Your Body, Your Decision 3 years ago
    368. 842
      Feel Weird 3 years ago
    369. 843
      Julia 3 years ago
    370. 844
      Permanent Home 3 years ago
    371. 845
      Many People 3 years ago
    372. 846
      Freedom Island 3 years ago
    373. 847
      What Should I Do? 3 years ago
    374. 848
      The Communication System is Back 3 years ago
    375. 849
      Freedom City's Problems 3 years ago
    376. 850
      City Demarcation Rules 3 years ago
    377. 851
      Job Assignment 3 years ago
    378. 852
      Can't Be Helped 3 years ago
    379. 853
      So Easy 3 years ago
    380. 854
      Breakers of Bounds 3 years ago
    381. 855
      What Will You Buy This Time? 3 years ago
    382. 856
      It Hurts... 3 years ago
    383. 857
      It's almost done 3 years ago
    384. 858
      Finally Ready 3 years ago
    385. 859
      Duties 3 years ago
    386. 860
      New Powers 3 years ago
    387. 861
      What Now? 3 years ago
    388. 862
      How Strong They Are? 3 years ago
    389. 863
      Negotiation 3 years ago
    390. 864
      Band Together 3 years ago
    391. 865
      Richer than Any Other Organization 3 years ago
    392. 866
      The Results 3 years ago
    393. 867
      We Accept the Offer 3 years ago
    394. 868
      Yellow Color It Is 3 years ago
    395. 869
      Preparations 3 years ago
    396. 870
      You May Start 3 years ago
    397. 871
      The Trick 3 years ago
    398. 872
      Second Test 3 years ago
    399. 873
      Meet Roan 3 years ago
    400. 874
      Roan Asks for Someone 3 years ago
    401. 875
      Zuo Fin 3 years ago
    402. 876
      Amazing Power 3 years ago
    403. 877
      Give Up the Demon King 3 years ago
    404. 878
      Roan's Pill 3 years ago
    405. 879
      Rean Needs Help 3 years ago
    406. 880
      Live Up to It's Name 3 years ago
    407. 881
      Development 3 years ago
    408. 882
      Zuo's Training 3 years ago
    409. 883
      Entertaining the Guests 3 years ago
    410. 884
      You Better Protect Very Well 3 years ago
    411. 885
      News 3 years ago
    412. 886
      Possible Second Path 3 years ago
    413. 887
      The Soul Power Issue 3 years ago
    414. 888
      The Plan 3 years ago
    415. 889
      First Contact 3 years ago
    416. 890
      Zasfins' Visit 3 years ago
    417. 891
      Main Issue 3 years ago
    418. 892
      Good Luck With That 3 years ago
    419. 893
      On the Rails 3 years ago
    420. 894
      We Understand 3 years ago
    421. 895
      Spreading 3 years ago
    422. 896
      Dream On 3 years ago
    423. 897
      Follow Me 3 years ago
    424. 898
      This is Just the Start 3 years ago
    425. 899
      The Age Is Over 2 years ago
    426. 900
      Announcement 2 years ago
    427. 901
      Green Light 2 years ago
    428. 902
      Freedom City's Branch 2 years ago
    429. 903
      Why Did You Come Here? 2 years ago
    430. 904
      Awkward 2 years ago
    431. 905
      Teach You a Secret 2 years ago
    432. 906
      I Won't Tell Anyone 2 years ago
    433. 907
      Bestial Sacred Ground 2 years ago
    434. 908
      First Time 2 years ago
    435. 909
      What is this place? 2 years ago
    436. 910
      Danger Everywhere 2 years ago
    437. 911
      Just Do What You Want 2 years ago
    438. 912
      Crimson Eyes 2 years ago
    439. 913
      Just Why? 2 years ago
    440. 914
      Shit! 2 years ago
    441. 915
      What Would Duran Do? 2 years ago
    442. 916
      Kinda Sleepy 2 years ago
    443. 917
      Let's Catch Up 2 years ago
    444. 918
      That Was Terrifying 2 years ago
    445. 919
      Killing Intent 2 years ago
    446. 920
      Coul It Be All Of Them Are After Us? 2 years ago
    447. 921
      Other Plans 2 years ago
    448. 922
      Rush 2 years ago
    449. 923
      Resume Everything 2 years ago
    450. 924
      How do you do that? 2 years ago
    451. 925
      Let's Go 2 years ago
    452. 926
      So Many Losses 2 years ago
    453. 927
      First Meeting 2 years ago
    454. 928
      Circle 2 years ago
    455. 929
      That's for Sure 2 years ago
    456. 930
      It's Not Only That 2 years ago
    457. 931
      Must Be Here 2 years ago
    458. 932
      The Island 2 years ago
    459. 933
      Extra Two 2 years ago
    460. 934
      Red, Are You Here? 2 years ago
    461. 935
      They Are Finally Here 2 years ago
    462. 936
      Meeting 2 years ago
    463. 937
      It Will Take Some Time 2 years ago
    464. 938
      Ahem... 2 years ago
    465. 939
      There Is Something We Can Do 2 years ago
    466. 940
      I'm Not Helping You 2 years ago
    467. 941
      Who's The Best? 2 years ago
    468. 942
      What Did They Do? 2 years ago
    469. 943
      Coming Out 2 years ago
    470. 944
      Overuse 2 years ago
    471. 945
      Blood Lake Stir 2 years ago
    472. 946
      Spatial Powers 2 years ago
    473. 947
      Enhancement! 2 years ago
    474. 948
      The Door 2 years ago
    475. 949
      Stronger Being 2 years ago
    476. 950
      It Has To Be, Right? 2 years ago
    477. 951
      Stay or Go 2 years ago
    478. 952
      Diary 2 years ago
    479. 953
      Take Part In It 2 years ago
    480. 954
      Decisions 2 years ago
    481. 955
      Up We Go 2 years ago
    482. 956
      Why Didn't You Tell? 2 years ago
    483. 957
      In the Realm of Gods 2 years ago
    484. 958
      The Lake 2 years ago
    485. 959
      Divine Stream Lake 2 years ago
    486. 960
      Talking Demon Beasts 2 years ago
    487. 961
      Breakthroughs 2 years ago
    488. 962
      Paths... 2 years ago
    489. 963
      Well, That's True 2 years ago
    490. 964
      News 2 years ago
    491. 965
      Alright 2 years ago
    492. 966
      What Did You Say? 2 years ago
    493. 967
      Questions and Answers 2 years ago
    494. 968
      Cynthia can't be serious 2 years ago
    495. 969
      Sight to Behold 2 years ago
    496. 970
      Divine Stones 2 years ago
    497. 971
      Acting Accordingly 2 years ago
    498. 972
      To Lukimira Sect 2 years ago
    499. 973
      Can We Join? 2 years ago
    500. 974
      Thank You 2 years ago
    501. 975
      We See Others Differently 2 years ago
    502. 976
      Exactly! 2 years ago
    503. 977
      Is That So? 2 years ago
    504. 978
      All Ears 2 years ago
    505. 979
      Setting Plans 2 years ago
    506. 980
      Why should we care? 2 years ago
    507. 981
      What Next? 2 years ago
    508. 982
      Integrated Runes 2 years ago
    509. 983
      Time to go 2 years ago
    510. 984
      What Is Happening Here? 2 years ago
    511. 985
      The Status Quo 2 years ago
    512. 986
      Easy To Deal With 2 years ago
    513. 987
      Let's Try That Formation 2 years ago
    514. 988
      Roan Isn't Very Confident 2 years ago
    515. 989
      Write Your Name 2 years ago
    516. 990
      A Few Rules 2 years ago
    517. 991
      First Competition 2 years ago
    518. 992
      Deactivate 2 years ago
    519. 993
      Shall We Take Part In This Test? 2 years ago
    520. 994
      Lukimira... Sect? 2 years ago
    521. 995
      Yes, Why? 2 years ago
    522. 996
      Same Score 2 years ago
    523. 997
      Flying! 2 years ago
    524. 998
      I'll Stay Out 2 years ago
    525. 999
      Yes, Senior Fabio 2 years ago
    526. 1000
      Soul Power Strength 2 years ago
    527. 1001
      Results of the First Test 2 years ago
    528. 1002
      Anti-Soul Power Plates 2 years ago
    529. 1003
      Easiest Targets 2 years ago
    530. 1004
      Not So Small 2 years ago
    531. 1005
      Playing! 2 years ago
    532. 1006
      It's good that you know 2 years ago
    533. 1007
      Second Test Over 2 years ago
    534. 1008
      Last Ones 2 years ago
    535. 1009
      Roan goes first 2 years ago
    536. 1010
      Display 2 years ago
    537. 1011
      Time For Battle 2 years ago
    538. 1012
      You Can Start 2 years ago
    539. 1013
      Settled 2 years ago
    540. 1014
      Rean's Performance 2 years ago
    541. 1015
      Praise! 2 years ago
    542. 1016
      Rean's Plan 2 years ago
    543. 1017
      Stealth Time 2 years ago
    544. 1018
      Definitely Despicable 2 years ago
    545. 1019
      A Monster 2 years ago
    546. 1020
      One ends, other starts 2 years ago
    547. 1021
      First Battle 2 years ago
    548. 1022
      First True Challenge 2 years ago
    549. 1023
      Successful Plan 2 years ago
    550. 1024
      But Of Course! 2 years ago
    551. 1025
      Worthy Opponent 2 years ago
    552. 1026
      Frantic 2 years ago
    553. 1027
      Chances 2 years ago
    554. 1028
      No, Wait! 2 years ago
    555. 1029
      Ludio's Luck 2 years ago
    556. 1030
      The Fairy and the Spirits 2 years ago
    557. 1031
      He Escaped Again! 2 years ago
    558. 1032
      Not The Only One 2 years ago
    559. 1033
      No Black Horses 2 years ago
    560. 1034
      Perfect Training Partners 2 years ago
    561. 1035
      Leveling the Playfield 2 years ago
    562. 1036
      Roan's Adaptation 2 years ago
    563. 1037
      Over 2 years ago
    564. 1038
      We Can't Stay 2 years ago
    565. 1039
      Soul Binding 2 years ago
    566. 1040
      Help 2 years ago
    567. 1041
      Visit 2 years ago
    568. 1042
      Now, Here We Are 2 years ago
    569. 1043
      White Karma Thread 2 years ago
    570. 1044
      Separation 2 years ago
    571. 1045
      Tame 2 years ago
    572. 1046
      Demon Bird 2 years ago
    573. 1047
      Beating Down 2 years ago
    574. 1048
      Investment 2 years ago
    575. 1049
      Newcomers 2 years ago
    576. 1050
      They are Lying 2 years ago
    577. 1051
      You Can't Answer 2 years ago
    578. 1052
      No Doubt 2 years ago
    579. 1053
      Underestimation 2 years ago
    580. 1054
      I Hope You Don't Mind Me Using Them 2 years ago
    581. 1055
      Roan Loves Sincerity 2 years ago
    582. 1056
      Langara 2 years ago
    583. 1057
      Analysis 2 years ago
    584. 1058
      Fairies? 2 years ago
    585. 1059
      Catalyst 2 years ago
    586. 1060
      Light Element Strikes Again 2 years ago
    587. 1061
      Ambush 2 years ago
    588. 1062
      Worst Possible Enemies 2 years ago
    589. 1063
      No Chance 2 years ago
    590. 1064
      It seems like it worked 2 years ago
    591. 1065
      On the Way 2 years ago
    592. 1066
      Is That So? 2 years ago
    593. 1067
      Earth's Remnant 2 years ago
    594. 1068
      Bored 2 years ago
    595. 1069
      They Left 2 years ago
    596. 1070
      Let's Get Going 2 years ago
    597. 1071
      That's Correct 2 years ago
    598. 1072
      Talan Clan's Plans 2 years ago
    599. 1073
      The Barrier 2 years ago
    600. 1074
      In the Fairies' Territory 2 years ago
    601. 1075
      Larks 2 years ago
    602. 1076
      Shift in Time 2 years ago
    603. 1077
      Division 2 years ago
    604. 1078
      Huring Sacred Land 2 years ago
    605. 1079
      Will Become The Same 2 years ago
    606. 1080
      Merge... 2 years ago
    607. 1081
      We are Leaving 2 years ago
    608. 1082
      Advice 2 years ago
    609. 1083
      A Message 2 years ago
    610. 1084
      One More Reason 2 years ago
    611. 1085
      The Royal City 2 years ago
    612. 1086
      Introduction 2 years ago
    613. 1087
      Eyes 2 years ago
    614. 1088
      Rean's Treatment 2 years ago
    615. 1089
      Roan Lost 2 years ago
    616. 1090
      Give Me Face 2 years ago
    617. 1091
      Let's go with this one 2 years ago
    618. 1092
      Knowing More 2 years ago
    619. 1093
      Nowhere to Run 2 years ago
    620. 1094
      I'm Certain 2 years ago
    621. 1095
      Death Scythe! 2 years ago
    622. 1096
      No Challenge for Rean 2 years ago
    623. 1097
      The Day Arrived 2 years ago
    624. 1098
      To the Sacred Land 2 years ago
    625. 1099
      Arrivals 2 years ago
    626. 1100
      You are right 2 years ago
    627. 1101
      Don't Fall 2 years ago
    628. 1102
      Kicking 2 years ago
    629. 1103
      Follow My Lead 2 years ago
    630. 1104
      True Love 2 years ago
    631. 1105
      I Want Him 2 years ago
    632. 1106
      How Can You See That Far? 2 years ago
    633. 1107
      We Can Only Do That 2 years ago
    634. 1108
      Business Opportunity 2 years ago
    635. 1109
      Zone 2 years ago
    636. 1110
      The Soul Eater Sect 2 years ago
    637. 1111
      Yin Corpses 2 years ago
    638. 1112
      Exit 2 years ago
    639. 1113
      Somewhere Else 2 years ago
    640. 1114
      Blood Path Sect 2 years ago
    641. 1115
      This Is Perfect 2 years ago
    642. 1116
      That Doesn't Seem Right 2 years ago
    643. 1117
      Congratulations 2 years ago
    644. 1118
      Brought Back 2 years ago
    645. 1119
      No Need To Answer 2 years ago
    646. 1120
      Let's Proceed 2 years ago
    647. 1121
      You Didn't Notice 2 years ago
    648. 1122
      Hidden Surprise 2 years ago
    649. 1123
      Not so simple 2 years ago
    650. 1124
      The City Rules 2 years ago
    651. 1125
      Interesting! 2 years ago
    652. 1126
      Rivaldo 2 years ago
    653. 1127
      That's Convenient 2 years ago
    654. 1128
      I'm Going Out 2 years ago
    655. 1129
      Is this a trap? 2 years ago
    656. 1130
      More Competition in Sight 2 years ago
    657. 1131
      Basic Combat 2 years ago
    658. 1132
      Reunion 2 years ago
    659. 1133
      Week Off 2 years ago
    660. 1134
      What is she trying to do? 2 years ago
    661. 1135
      We Accept 2 years ago
    662. 1136
      Rivaldo's Intervention 2 years ago
    663. 1137
      Not a Single Shadow 2 years ago
    664. 1138
      Barrier Bead 2 years ago
    665. 1139
      Sealed Cultivations 2 years ago
    666. 1140
      Probably 2 years ago
    667. 1141
      Determine Your Future 2 years ago
    668. 1142
      The Matches Start! 2 years ago
    669. 1143
      Free Fall 2 years ago
    670. 1144
      Two vs. One 2 years ago
    671. 1145
      First Flag 2 years ago
    672. 1146
      Well, that's true 2 years ago
    673. 1147
      Rounds 2 years ago
    674. 1148
      Parvin Country 2 years ago
    675. 1149
      Defend! 2 years ago
    676. 1150
      Fighting Holang Country 2 years ago
    677. 1151
      Taking Control 2 years ago
    678. 1152
      21 Points 2 years ago
    679. 1153
      Thanks for the Meal 2 years ago
    680. 1154
      I need him at all costs 2 years ago
    681. 1155
      Ancestor Paulo 2 years ago
    682. 1156
      What is It? 2 years ago
    683. 1157
      Join Both 2 years ago
    684. 1158
      Separation 2 years ago
    685. 1159
      Reason 2 years ago
    686. 1160
      Transfer Bodies 2 years ago
    687. 1161
      Terrible 2 years ago
    688. 1162
      Sharing Information 2 years ago
    689. 1163
      Smashing 2 years ago
    690. 1164
      A Few Rules 2 years ago
    691. 1165
      Why Did You Call Us? 2 years ago
    692. 1166
      How did you know? 2 years ago
    693. 1167
      Smugglers 2 years ago
    694. 1168
      Demising Catacombs 2 years ago
    695. 1169
      Timoteo 2 years ago
    696. 1170
      Visiting Elder Tulipa 2 years ago
    697. 1171
      Glittering Crystal 2 years ago
    698. 1172
      A Nice Gift 2 years ago
    699. 1173
      I Don't Like You 2 years ago
    700. 1174
      Misunderstandings 2 years ago
    701. 1175
      Helper 2 years ago
    702. 1176
      Divine Demon Beasts 2 years ago
    703. 1177
      I'll take this job 2 years ago
    704. 1178
      Orphi's Request 2 years ago
    705. 1179
      Shall We Rework? 2 years ago
    706. 1180
      Change of Plans 2 years ago
    707. 1181
      Body Cultivation Techniques 2 years ago
    708. 1182
      Ghiraha Lan 2 years ago
    709. 1183
      Testing the Weapon 2 years ago
    710. 1184
      Finally Part of the Blacksmith Hall 2 years ago
    711. 1185
      Work 2 years ago
    712. 1186
      Richer 2 years ago
    713. 1187
      What's the Reason? 2 years ago
    714. 1188
      Triple Layer 2 years ago
    715. 1189
      Crystal 2 years ago
    716. 1190
      Sure 2 years ago
    717. 1191
      Depending on the Payment 2 years ago
    718. 1192
      A New Deal 2 years ago
    719. 1193
      Down to the Cave 2 years ago
    720. 1194
      Alive 2 years ago
    721. 1195
      How Long? 2 years ago
    722. 1196
      Very Likely 2 years ago
    723. 1197
      Coming Out 2 years ago
    724. 1198
      Starlight Technique 2 years ago
    725. 1199
      Transformation 2 years ago
    726. 1200
      Let's go Further Away 2 years ago
    727. 1201
      The Barrier 2 years ago
    728. 1202
      You Can't Be Serious 2 years ago
    729. 1203
      So it was you! 2 years ago
    730. 1204
      Awaken 2 years ago
    731. 1205
      The Truth 2 years ago
    732. 1206
      Give It a Try 2 years ago
    733. 1207
      Helping Kihin 2 years ago
    734. 1208
      Blown Out 2 years ago
    735. 1209
      I'll be waiting for all of you 2 years ago
    736. 1210
      Fetch Kentucky 2 years ago
    737. 1211
      Teach 2 years ago
    738. 1212
      I'll Keep That in Mind 2 years ago
    739. 1213
      Bring Kentucky 2 years ago
    740. 1214
      Roan's Love 2 years ago
    741. 1215
      Understanding the Catacombs 2 years ago
    742. 1216
      Absolute 2 years ago
    743. 1217
      Are you even asking? 2 years ago
    744. 1218
      Who else? 2 years ago
    745. 1219
      Where are we going? 2 years ago
    746. 1220
      You can have them 2 years ago
    747. 1221
      He Didn't Feel a Thing I 2 years ago
    748. 1222
      Did you find it? 2 years ago
    749. 1223
      First encounter 2 years ago
    750. 1224
      A Huge Waste 2 years ago
    751. 1225
      Truly Useful 2 years ago
    752. 1226
      Time to Test Our Cultivation 2 years ago
    753. 1227
      Explode! 2 years ago
    754. 1228
      Explode... again! 2 years ago
    755. 1229
      Looking For 2 years ago
    756. 1230
      Powerful 2 years ago
    757. 1231
      The Gathering 2 years ago
    758. 1232
      A Test 2 years ago
    759. 1233
      Better Be Good 2 years ago
    760. 1234
      The Danger Behind the Gate 2 years ago
    761. 1235
      Tenke Leaves 2 years ago
    762. 1236
      Well, Roan Could 2 years ago
    763. 1237
      No Need To Dodge 2 years ago
    764. 1238
      Free Gate 2 years ago
    765. 1239
      Power of the Underworld 2 years ago
    766. 1240
      Reokkeor 2 years ago
    767. 1241
      It was your fault 2 years ago
    768. 1242
      New Quest Available 2 years ago
    769. 1243
      Rimari 2 years ago
    770. 1244
      Roan Went All Out 2 years ago
    771. 1245
      Three Fronts 2 years ago
    772. 1246
      Quickly Fading 2 years ago
    773. 1247
      Tree Bark and Protection Treasure 2 years ago
    774. 1248
      What Happened 2 years ago
    775. 1249
      Who Killed Them? 2 years ago
    776. 1250
      Does It Have Any Use? 2 years ago
    777. 1251
      If you say so 2 years ago
    778. 1252
      Let's Check the Materials 2 years ago
    779. 1253
      The Items 2 years ago
    780. 1254
      Time to Challenge the Ranks 2 years ago
    781. 1255
      The Path 2 years ago
    782. 1256
      Great Favor 2 years ago
    783. 1257
      Waking Up the Guardian Beast 2 years ago
    784. 1258
      There is Nothing Else 2 years ago
    785. 1259
      Three Months 2 years ago
    786. 1260
      Star Body 2 years ago
    787. 1261
      Plans to stay a while longer 2 years ago
    788. 1262
      Molten Divine Rock Flower 2 years ago
    789. 1263
      Helping Kihin 2 years ago
    790. 1264
      Alright 2 years ago
    791. 1265
      Sale 2 years ago
    792. 1266
      The Sacred Land's Demand 2 years ago
    793. 1267
      Going Out 2 years ago
    794. 1268
      Passing By 2 years ago
    795. 1269
      Just in Case 2 years ago
    796. 1270
      Enjoy the journey 2 years ago
    797. 1271
      Together? 2 years ago
    798. 1272
      Danger 2 years ago
    799. 1273
      Counter! 2 years ago
    800. 1274
      Rescuing 2 years ago
    801. 1275
      This Is Quite Annoying 2 years ago
    802. 1276
      Try to Find Another Solution 2 years ago
    803. 1277
      War Points 2 years ago
    804. 1278
      No can do 2 years ago
    805. 1279
      Is this enough? 2 years ago
    806. 1280
      Assignment 2 years ago
    807. 1281
      Bring me over 2 years ago
    808. 1282
      Sixth Form 2 years ago
    809. 1283
      I only care about the War Points 2 years ago
    810. 1284
      Praise 2 years ago
    811. 1285
      How did they get there? 2 years ago
    812. 1286
      Wipe Your Ass 2 years ago
    813. 1287
      Better Not Be a Lie 2 years ago
    814. 1288
      More War Points 2 years ago
    815. 1289
      Darker than Usual 2 years ago
    816. 1290
      Follow Orders 2 years ago
    817. 1291
      Flying With You 2 years ago
    818. 1292
      Is there a problem? 2 years ago
    819. 1293
      Just our luck 2 years ago
    820. 1294
      Let's See 2 years ago
    821. 1295
      Lose At All Costs 2 years ago
    822. 1296
      Guess The Lottery 2 years ago
    823. 1297
      You have played long enough 2 years ago
    824. 1298
      It Can't Be 2 years ago
    825. 1299
      Happy Now? 2 years ago
    826. 1300
      A Ride 2 years ago
    827. 1301
      A Chill 2 years ago
    828. 1302
      Successful Negotiation 2 years ago
    829. 1303
      And a Half! 2 years ago
    830. 1304
      They are sick! 2 years ago
    831. 1305
      Looking For 2 years ago
    832. 1306
      Grinha City 2 years ago
    833. 1307
      Why? 2 years ago
    834. 1308
      Lost Star Realm 2 years ago
    835. 1309
      Divine Origin Energy 2 years ago
    836. 1310
      What More? 2 years ago
    837. 1311
      Very Well 2 years ago
    838. 1312
      Auction 2 years ago
    839. 1313
      Shield 2 years ago
    840. 1314
      Freezing Star Liquid 2 years ago
    841. 1315
      Years 2 years ago
    842. 1316
      Joined the Party 2 years ago
    843. 1317
      Dodge! 2 years ago
    844. 1318
      Quite Interesting 2 years ago
    845. 1319
      What is Happening? 2 years ago
    846. 1320
      Ancient Beasts 2 years ago
    847. 1321
      Ancient Beasts' Confront 2 years ago
    848. 1322
      I'll Go Too 2 years ago
    849. 1323
      Too Good 2 years ago
    850. 1324
      Eventually Find Out 2 years ago
    851. 1325
      Rainbow Pearl 2 years ago
    852. 1326
      No Problem 2 years ago
    853. 1327
      Ten Powers 2 years ago
    854. 1328
      The Ragdoll 2 years ago
    855. 1329
      More Complicated 2 years ago
    856. 1330
      After Effects 2 years ago
    857. 1331
      Lack of Information 2 years ago
    858. 1332
      Here's your sweetheart 2 years ago
    859. 1333
      Thank... you? 2 years ago
    860. 1334
      Escaping Plan 2 years ago
    861. 1335
      On to Something 2 years ago
    862. 1336
      We should go too 2 years ago
    863. 1337
      The Marks 2 years ago
    864. 1338
      Wait to See 2 years ago
    865. 1339
      The Dragon Mark 2 years ago
    866. 1340
      Lost Star Selection 2 years ago
    867. 1341
      Out of the first level 2 years ago
    868. 1342
      Saving Lives 2 years ago
    869. 1343
      Come Home With Me 2 years ago
    870. 1344
      Gone for Real 2 years ago
    871. 1345
      Aelrie 2 years ago
    872. 1346
      Checking 2 years ago
    873. 1347
      Going to Ask 2 years ago
    874. 1348
      Which One? 2 years ago
    875. 1349
      A Shadow 2 years ago
    876. 1350
      Easier to Catch 2 years ago
    877. 1351
      Help 2 years ago
    878. 1352
      Not Supposed to Happen 2 years ago
    879. 1353
      Rules Broken 2 years ago
    880. 1354
      Protect 2 years ago
    881. 1355
      Yes, Elder 2 years ago
    882. 1356
      They noticed it... 2 years ago
    883. 1357
      Fly Away 2 years ago
    884. 1358
      No reason to help 2 years ago
    885. 1359
      Decoration 2 years ago
    886. 1360
      Free Meal 2 years ago
    887. 1361
      Clones Limit 2 years ago
    888. 1362
      Bad Idea 2 years ago
    889. 1363
      Going Out 2 years ago
    890. 1364
      Quite a Lot of People 2 years ago
    891. 1365
      Fake Deal 2 years ago
    892. 1366
      The Contract 2 years ago
    893. 1367
      How Will We Do It? 2 years ago
    894. 1368
      Doubts in Mind 2 years ago
    895. 1369
      Whatever It Was 2 years ago
    896. 1370
      Gone 2 years ago
    897. 1371
      Good to See You Again 2 years ago
    898. 1372
      Resonance 2 years ago
    899. 1373
      Entering the Portal 2 years ago
    900. 1374
      What is this thing? 2 years ago
    901. 1375
      Divine Demon Bird 2 years ago
    902. 1376
      The Door 2 years ago
    903. 1377
      Breakthrough 2 years ago
    904. 1378
      Three-quarters of a day should be enough 2 years ago
    905. 1379
      What Does That Mean? 2 years ago
    906. 1380
      A Lot of Cultivation 2 years ago
    907. 1381
      Time to Leave 2 years ago
    908. 1382
      Time is Over 2 years ago
    909. 1383
      Fight or Cultivate? 2 years ago
    910. 1384
      Celis's Strength 2 years ago
    911. 1385
      Taking Sides 2 years ago
    912. 1386
      Heirloom 2 years ago
    913. 1387
      Explosions 2 years ago
    914. 1388
      Are You Part of My Race? 2 years ago
    915. 1389
      Angel and Devil Races 2 years ago
    916. 1390
      Time to Use the Fallen Light Star Fragments 2 years ago
    917. 1391
      Two Affinities 2 years ago
    918. 1392
      Considering the Idea 2 years ago
    919. 1393
      Another Time 2 years ago
    920. 1394
      Absolutely Not The Case 2 years ago
    921. 1395
      Feeling Like an Idiot 2 years ago
    922. 1396
      No Clothes 2 years ago
    923. 1397
      Small Help 2 years ago
    924. 1398
      The Oasis 2 years ago
    925. 1399
      Lucky Child 2 years ago
    926. 1400
      Roan the Hero 2 years ago
    927. 1401
      How about you guys come out? 2 years ago
    928. 1402
      Find the Dead Guy 2 years ago
    929. 1403
      Halt! 2 years ago
    930. 1404
      So be it 2 years ago
    931. 1405
      Monsters 2 years ago
    932. 1406
      Mixing of Bloodlines 2 years ago
    933. 1407
      A bath 2 years ago
    934. 1408
      Luan's Eye Abilities 2 years ago
    935. 1409
      Monsters 2 years ago
    936. 1410
      I must take more care from now on 2 years ago
    937. 1411
      Brother Gaius 2 years ago
    938. 1412
      Dry Sky City's Saviors 2 years ago
    939. 1413
      A Bit Bored 2 years ago
    940. 1414
      Traste 2 years ago
    941. 1415
      You can do that? 2 years ago
    942. 1416
      A choice 2 years ago
    943. 1417
      What Are You Talking About? 2 years ago
    944. 1418
      Lord Mou 2 years ago
    945. 1419
      The Entire List 2 years ago
    946. 1420
      Let's hope you are right 2 years ago
    947. 1421
      Lord Mou Arrived 2 years ago
    948. 1422
      Resultless Unknown Pursuit 2 years ago
    949. 1423
      Sleep 2 years ago
    950. 1424
      Sleeping Time 2 years ago
    951. 1425
      Th-That's not true 2 years ago
    952. 1426
      Luan's Affinity 2 years ago
    953. 1427
      Information About Pol Continent 2 years ago
    954. 1428
      A decision to take 2 years ago
    955. 1429
      Rafatia's Point of View 2 years ago
    956. 1430
      Searching Molten Divine Rock Flowers 2 years ago
    957. 1431
      Perhaps Another Day 2 years ago
    958. 1432
      More Flowers 2 years ago
    959. 1433
      What Did You Do To Her? 2 years ago
    960. 1434
      Roan Was Right 2 years ago
    961. 1435
      Just Die Already 2 years ago
    962. 1436
      Void Tempering Realm Enemy 2 years ago
    963. 1437
      How Many Flowers? 2 years ago
    964. 1438
      Roan Doesn't Care as Always 2 years ago
    965. 1439
      I'll Test It Myself 2 years ago
    966. 1440
      Back to Valantior 2 years ago
    967. 1441
      Teaching 2 years ago
    968. 1442
      Ertos City 2 years ago
    969. 1443
      Test 2 years ago
    970. 1444
      Only Elemental Transformation Realm Cultivators 2 years ago
    971. 1445
      The Weakest 2 years ago
    972. 1446
      Which Direction? 2 years ago
    973. 1447
      Impressive 2 years ago
    974. 1448
      Digging Point 2 years ago
    975. 1449
      A Great Asset 2 years ago
    976. 1450
      Counting on You 2 years ago
    977. 1451
      Blade Tail Sharks 2 years ago
    978. 1452
      Having Fun 2 years ago
    979. 1453
      Pummeling Technique 2 years ago
    980. 1454
      Kinda 2 years ago
    981. 1455
      Separation 2 years ago
    982. 1456
      Bird-Fish 2 years ago
    983. 1457
      Kibin Race 2 years ago
    984. 1458
      Do I really have to? 2 years ago
    985. 1459
      Feeding on Virtues 2 years ago
    986. 1460
      Look Forward 2 years ago
    987. 1461
      About to Get Even Worse 2 years ago
    988. 1462
      Born 2 years ago
    989. 1463
      Extra Points 2 years ago
    990. 1464
      Utari Island 2 years ago
    991. 1465
      Goign through the other side 2 years ago
    992. 1466
      Teleport Issues 2 years ago
    993. 1467
      Declaration 2 years ago
    994. 1468
      Not Gonna Happen 2 years ago
    995. 1469
      Yay! 2 years ago
    996. 1470
      Mercenary Guild 2 years ago
    997. 1471
      What Kind of Test? 2 years ago
    998. 1472
      Not a Bad Choice 2 years ago
    999. 1473
      Pudding 2 years ago
    1000. 1474
      Golden Peak-Level Formation Master 2 years ago
    1001. 1475
      I better tell Roan 2 years ago
    1002. 1476
      This is Good For Us 2 years ago
    1003. 1477
      Much Scarier 2 years ago
    1004. 1478
      Lessons 2 years ago
    1005. 1479
      Call Me Whatever You Like 2 years ago
    1006. 1480
      Now go! 2 years ago
    1007. 1481
      Hide and Seek 2 years ago
    1008. 1482
      Dragon Hippo 2 years ago
    1009. 1483
      Where Can I meet Him? 2 years ago
    1010. 1484
      Request 2 years ago
    1011. 1485
      Map 2 years ago
    1012. 1486
      Should be Very Fast 2 years ago
    1013. 1487
      Coming Right Up 2 years ago
    1014. 1488
      That's What I Think 2 years ago
    1015. 1489
      Give it a try 2 years ago
    1016. 1490
      Havek 2 years ago
    1017. 1491
      How Would I Know? 2 years ago
    1018. 1492
      Plans 2 years ago
    1019. 1493
      Very Beautiful 2 years ago
    1020. 1494
      Something Weird in the City 2 years ago
    1021. 1495
      White Powder 2 years ago
    1022. 1496
      Salt Statue 2 years ago
    1023. 1497
      Can We Leave? 2 years ago
    1024. 1498
      Thanks for the information 2 years ago
    1025. 1499
      Higher Rank Divine Stones 2 years ago
    1026. 1500
      I have an idea 2 years ago
    1027. 1501
      That's good then 2 years ago
    1028. 1502
      A Place For Kentucky 2 years ago
    1029. 1503
      One Year and Nine Months 2 years ago
    1030. 1504
      Third Grade Star Body 2 years ago
    1031. 1505
      Second Time 2 years ago
    1032. 1506
      Down we go 2 years ago
    1033. 1507
      White River 2 years ago
    1034. 1508
      White Powder Creatures 2 years ago
    1035. 1509
      Bad to Worse 2 years ago
    1036. 1510
      Burning Nascent Souls 2 years ago
    1037. 1511
      Let's try Sister Orb 2 years ago
    1038. 1512
      Someone or Something 2 years ago
    1039. 1513
      So you are awake 2 years ago
    1040. 1514
      Wait Again 2 years ago
    1041. 1515
      Upside Down 2 years ago
    1042. 1516
      Information Bearers 2 years ago
    1043. 1517
      Open System 2 years ago
    1044. 1518
      Questions from both sides 2 years ago
    1045. 1519
      Revival 2 years ago
    1046. 1520
      To the Lake 2 years ago
    1047. 1521
      Spreading Divine Stones 2 years ago
    1048. 1522
      Seems like it 2 years ago
    1049. 1523
      You are all dismissed 2 years ago
    1050. 1524
      The Tests 2 years ago
    1051. 1525
      Tea 2 years ago
    1052. 1526
      Checking Time 2 years ago
    1053. 1527
      Not coming out 2 years ago
    1054. 1528
      Blind Maze 2 years ago
    1055. 1529
      Simple but Effective 2 years ago
    1056. 1530
      A New Challenge 2 years ago
    1057. 1531
      Not Only That 2 years ago
    1058. 1532
      Evil Quest? 2 years ago
    1059. 1533
      Foundation 2 years ago
    1060. 1534
      Not the only reason 2 years ago
    1061. 1535
      No More Masks 2 years ago
    1062. 1536
      Separation 2 years ago
    1063. 1537
      The Hole 2 years ago
    1064. 1538
      Lively Tower 2 years ago
    1065. 1539
      Yeah, I know 2 years ago
    1066. 1540
      You Won't Believe It 2 years ago
    1067. 1541
      Unexpected 2 years ago
    1068. 1542
      Holy Shit! 2 years ago
    1069. 1543
      Too Late To Escape 2 years ago
    1070. 1544
      A Different Implication 2 years ago
    1071. 1545
      What's Going On 2 years ago
    1072. 1546
      Pay Attention To 2 years ago
    1073. 1547
      From Other Continent 2 years ago
    1074. 1548
      Glacial Reofik 2 years ago
    1075. 1549
      Knock Our Door 2 years ago
    1076. 1550
      Let's Wait For Rean 2 years ago
    1077. 1551
      Another One 2 years ago
    1078. 1552
      They have finished 2 years ago
    1079. 1553
      It didn't go anywhere 2 years ago
    1080. 1554
      It Blew Up 2 years ago
    1081. 1555
      Implosion 2 years ago
    1082. 1556
      Better than dying 2 years ago
    1083. 1557
      Familiarity 2 years ago
    1084. 1558
      I'll do the same 2 years ago
    1085. 1559
      Bringing Everyone 2 years ago
    1086. 1560
      Betting Everyone's Lives 2 years ago
    1087. 1561
      Touché 2 years ago
    1088. 1562
      Touching the Dome 2 years ago
    1089. 1563
      Try To Guess 2 years ago
    1090. 1564
      Complete 2 years ago
    1091. 1565
      Shall we talk? 2 years ago
    1092. 1566
      Same as Before 2 years ago
    1093. 1567
      First Upgrades 2 years ago
    1094. 1568
      Wouldn't it be bad? 2 years ago
    1095. 1569
      Bad Mood 2 years ago
    1096. 1570
      Going Out 2 years ago
    1097. 1571
      Looking for the same thing again 2 years ago
    1098. 1572
      Divine Stones 2 years ago
    1099. 1573
      Roan is tired 2 years ago
    1100. 1574
      Destiny Avoidance Mode 2 years ago
    1101. 1575
      Kibin's Name 2 years ago
    1102. 1576
      Transition Realm 2 years ago
    1103. 1577
      Glastocen 2 years ago
    1104. 1578
      Dimensional Realm Upgrade 2 years ago
    1105. 1579
      Introduction to DPUs 2 years ago
    1106. 1580
      The Upgrades 2 years ago
    1107. 1581
      Decisions 2 years ago
    1108. 1582
      It's that simple 2 years ago
    1109. 1583
      Fishy Offers 2 years ago
    1110. 1584
      What about you, Hage? 2 years ago
    1111. 1585
      Body Transformation 2 years ago
    1112. 1586
      Logu 2 years ago
    1113. 1587
      Alright, Show Me 2 years ago
    1114. 1588
      Logu's Achievement 2 years ago
    1115. 1589
      Logu's Story 2 years ago
    1116. 1590
      That will do! 2 years ago
    1117. 1591
      We were fooled! 2 years ago
    1118. 1592
      Ten Thousand 2 years ago
    1119. 1593
      Exchange Deal 2 years ago
    1120. 1594
      Taking Shape 2 years ago
    1121. 1595
      System Sect Future 2 years ago
    1122. 1596
      The Badges 2 years ago
    1123. 1597
      Keep That In Mind 2 years ago
    1124. 1598
      First tests 2 years ago
    1125. 1599
      Not Worth It 2 years ago
    1126. 1600
      It Seems a Lot More Interesting 2 years ago
    1127. 1601
      Hidden Talents 2 years ago
    1128. 1602
      Leonardo Abril 2 years ago
    1129. 1603
      To Aefer 2 years ago
    1130. 1604
      Great Distances 2 years ago
    1131. 1605
      Recruiting More 2 years ago
    1132. 1606
      Tinlin Forest 2 years ago
    1133. 1607
      Taking Notice 2 years ago
    1134. 1608
      Netako and Hariado 2 years ago
    1135. 1609
      Should Go Along? 2 years ago
    1136. 1610
      Amazing item 2 years ago
    1137. 1611
      Demon Beasts for All Levels 2 years ago
    1138. 1612
      The Sect is getting bigger 2 years ago
    1139. 1613
      Mobile Sect 2 years ago
    1140. 1614
      Moving the Sect 2 years ago
    1141. 1615
      Free Time 2 years ago
    1142. 1616
      Why More? 2 years ago
    1143. 1617
      Travel Alone 2 years ago
    1144. 1618
      Path 2 years ago
    1145. 1619
      New Style 2 years ago
    1146. 1620
      Sword Intent vs. Space Power 2 years ago
    1147. 1621
      Call Everyone 2 years ago
    1148. 1622
      Helping The Disciples 2 years ago
    1149. 1623
      Ouch 2 years ago
    1150. 1624
      Ophilia 2 years ago
    1151. 1625
      Others 2 years ago
    1152. 1626
      Their Options 2 years ago
    1153. 1627
      No Meddling 2 years ago
    1154. 1628
      Understanding More 2 years ago
    1155. 1629
      Can't Enter 2 years ago
    1156. 1630
      No Way Through 2 years ago
    1157. 1631
      Can't Rely On Them 2 years ago
    1158. 1632
      High Profile 2 years ago
    1159. 1633
      Can't Break 2 years ago
    1160. 1634
      Too Strong 2 years ago
    1161. 1635
      Unnecessary Question 2 years ago
    1162. 1636
      There is one way 2 years ago
    1163. 1637
      It Seems 2 years ago
    1164. 1638
      Travel Insurance 2 years ago
    1165. 1639
      Whatever 2 years ago
    1166. 1640
      Going their own ways 2 years ago
    1167. 1641
      Could Kill 2 years ago
    1168. 1642
      Destiny Brought Me to You 2 years ago
    1169. 1643
      Who Are You? 2 years ago
    1170. 1644
      Awaits 2 years ago
    1171. 1645
      So That's How It Is... 2 years ago
    1172. 1646
      Into the Deep Sea Test 2 years ago
    1173. 1647
      The Real Monster 2 years ago
    1174. 1648
      I have it covered 2 years ago
    1175. 1649
      What Really Mattered 2 years ago
    1176. 1650
      Checking the talents 2 years ago
    1177. 1651
      End of the First Test 2 years ago
    1178. 1652
      Soul Land 2 years ago
    1179. 1653
      The one and the same 2 years ago
    1180. 1654
      Everything Together! 2 years ago
    1181. 1655
      Message 2 years ago
    1182. 1656
      Make Sure You Avoid Them 2 years ago
    1183. 1657
      Let's see what I can do 2 years ago
    1184. 1658
      From Inside Out 2 years ago
    1185. 1659
      Come With Me 2 years ago
    1186. 1660
      Then what do you want? 2 years ago
    1187. 1661
      Deal! 2 years ago
    1188. 1662
      What Is It? 2 years ago
    1189. 1663
      Was There Any Difference 2 years ago
    1190. 1664
      Divine Sense Message 2 years ago
    1191. 1665
      Thank You, Celis, Kentucky 2 years ago
    1192. 1666
      I need something from you 2 years ago
    1193. 1667
      Clendes Sea Heart 2 years ago
    1194. 1668
      Awakening 2 years ago
    1195. 1669
      Is that so? 2 years ago
    1196. 1670
      Do Whatever You Want 2 years ago
    1197. 1671
      Pristine Blue Carp 2 years ago
    1198. 1672
      The events leading to that point 2 years ago
    1199. 1673
      What Should I Do? 2 years ago
    1200. 1674
      The Worst Elder and The Ideal Father 2 years ago
    1201. 1675
      Decisions 2 years ago
    1202. 1676
      The Outside Elders 2 years ago
    1203. 1677
      Bad luck, I guess? 2 years ago
    1204. 1678
      Black Hole Trap 2 years ago
    1205. 1679
      Null Senses 2 years ago
    1206. 1680
      Joining all groups 2 years ago
    1207. 1681
      Recovering Senses 2 years ago
    1208. 1682
      Counter 2 years ago
    1209. 1683
      Eliminating Enemies 2 years ago
    1210. 1684
      Deal With It Another Way 2 years ago
    1211. 1685
      Offer to Leave 2 years ago
    1212. 1686
      Payment 2 years ago
    1213. 1687
      Too Slow 2 years ago
    1214. 1688
      The Pretense 2 years ago
    1215. 1689
      Mirror Realm 2 years ago
    1216. 1690
      There is a Condition 2 years ago
    1217. 1691
      Which Army? 2 years ago
    1218. 1692
      Resist the Barrage 2 years ago
    1219. 1693
      No One Will 2 years ago
    1220. 1694
      Libraia's Power 2 years ago
    1221. 1695
      We Might Just Have What You Need 2 years ago
    1222. 1696
      Is He Not Coming With You? 2 years ago
    1223. 1697
      We will do that 2 years ago
    1224. 1698
      Jhiod Sect 2 years ago
    1225. 1699
      My Gold Mine 2 years ago
    1226. 1700
      Bet Placed 2 years ago
    1227. 1701
      Separation 2 years ago
    1228. 1702
      Consider it done! 2 years ago
    1229. 1703
      Keep The Secret 2 years ago
    1230. 1704
      Some Things To Explain 2 years ago
    1231. 1705
      How do you know that? 2 years ago
    1232. 1706
      It's a Warning 2 years ago
    1233. 1707
      Help To Conceal 2 years ago
    1234. 1708
      Now It Makes Sense 2 years ago
    1235. 1709
      Is such a thing really possible? 2 years ago
    1236. 1710
      Good! 2 years ago
    1237. 1711
      About the Minokawa of the Past 2 years ago
    1238. 1712
      I only know this much 2 years ago
    1239. 1713
      Just you wait and see! 2 years ago
    1240. 1714
      She Is Doing Just Fine 2 years ago
    1241. 1715
      Back into the System Sect 2 years ago
    1242. 1716
      Come With Me 2 years ago
    1243. 1717
      Give Up 2 years ago
    1244. 1718
      The Second Spar 2 years ago
    1245. 1719
      Don't Die 2 years ago
    1246. 1720
      Start of Kentucky's Journey 2 years ago
    1247. 1721
      Kentucky's Arrival 2 years ago
    1248. 1722
      Looking for the Source 2 years ago
    1249. 1723
      What A Terrible Story 2 years ago
    1250. 1724
      Even More Sense 2 years ago
    1251. 1725
      Maybe Danger? 2 years ago
    1252. 1726
      Can't Last Long 2 years ago
    1253. 1727
      Not Again! 2 years ago
    1254. 1728
      Starting the Seal Breaking 2 years ago
    1255. 1729
      I Have An Idea 2 years ago
    1256. 1730
      Leave It To Me! 2 years ago
    1257. 1731
      Found Out 2 years ago
    1258. 1732
      No More Bickering 2 years ago
    1259. 1733
      Cultivation Limit 2 years ago
    1260. 1734
      After Kentucky 2 years ago
    1261. 1735
      Explain Things Better 2 years ago
    1262. 1736
      What Really Happened 2 years ago
    1263. 1737
      Why Now? 2 years ago
    1264. 1738
      Eavesdropping 2 years ago
    1265. 1739
      Unnexpected Change 2 years ago
    1266. 1740
      Caught 2 years ago
    1267. 1741
      Eye to Eye 2 years ago
    1268. 1742
      Long Time No see 2 years ago
    1269. 1743
      Old Friend 2 years ago
    1270. 1744
      Ramona's Race 2 years ago
    1271. 1745
      Got a Kid 2 years ago
    1272. 1746
      Luan's Outcome 2 years ago
    1273. 1747
      Offer to Luan 2 years ago
    1274. 1748
      Contacting Libraia 2 years ago
    1275. 1749
      New Element? 2 years ago
    1276. 1750
      I can finish it later 2 years ago
    1277. 1751
      First Stop 2 years ago
    1278. 1752
      Checking 2 years ago
    1279. 1753
      We Shall See 2 years ago
    1280. 1754
      Forget It 2 years ago
    1281. 1755
      I Believe I Do 2 years ago
    1282. 1756
      Raskran Continent 2 years ago
    1283. 1757
      Conquer Them All! 2 years ago
    1284. 1758
      Ask For The Centermost One 2 years ago
    1285. 1759
      I Want One Too 2 years ago
    1286. 1760
      Not Only That 2 years ago
    1287. 1761
      Let's do that then 2 years ago
    1288. 1762
      Thank You, Senior Hilanshi 2 years ago
    1289. 1763
      You can go wherever you want 2 years ago
    1290. 1764
      Go Ahead 2 years ago
    1291. 1765
      Working On 2 years ago
    1292. 1766
      Find Out Soon 2 years ago
    1293. 1767
      It Should Be Possible 2 years ago
    1294. 1768
      Jessica Tute 2 years ago
    1295. 1769
      Getting Better 2 years ago
    1296. 1770
      Receiving Communication Badges 2 years ago
    1297. 1771
      Badges Ready! 2 years ago
    1298. 1772
      Shaping the Army 2 years ago
    1299. 1773
      Can They Really Leave? 2 years ago
    1300. 1774
      Glutomak 2 years ago
    1301. 1775
      She's Even Smarter Than She Looks 2 years ago
    1302. 1776
      Time to Forge 2 years ago
    1303. 1777
      Should Be Enough 2 years ago
    1304. 1778
      Simple as That 2 years ago
    1305. 1779
      You better not underestimate me 2 years ago
    1306. 1780
      Underestimate Her Own Strength 2 years ago
    1307. 1781
      Escaped 2 years ago
    1308. 1782
      It Will Be Easy 2 years ago
    1309. 1783
      Luring Out 2 years ago
    1310. 1784
      The First Attack! 2 years ago
    1311. 1785
      Himisve comes out 2 years ago
    1312. 1786
      First Two Down 2 years ago
    1313. 1787
      Hidden Card 2 years ago
    1314. 1788
      Falling into Traps! 2 years ago
    1315. 1789
      Help that can't help 2 years ago
    1316. 1790
      Developments 2 years ago
    1317. 1791
      Taking Lanteo Down 2 years ago
    1318. 1792
      Jaxto's annexation 2 years ago
    1319. 1793
      To Our Advantage 2 years ago
    1320. 1794
      Brumel Down 2 years ago
    1321. 1795
      They Will Not Attack 2 years ago
    1322. 1796
      Let's Hope It Does Happen 2 years ago
    1323. 1797
      More than six months 2 years ago
    1324. 1798
      Take Down System Sect 2 years ago
    1325. 1799
      Activate! 2 years ago
    1326. 1800
      Picking Up One by One 2 years ago
    1327. 1801
      Shut Up 2 years ago
    1328. 1802
      The Only Chance to Send a Message 2 years ago
    1329. 1803
      Pay Your Respects 2 years ago
    1330. 1804
      War Game 2 years ago
    1331. 1805
      Rigged 2 years ago
    1332. 1806
      The Chasm 2 years ago
    1333. 1807
      Acceptance 2 years ago
    1334. 1808
      Let's hope you are right 2 years ago
    1335. 1809
      Glacial Reofik 2 years ago
    1336. 1810
      That's Not Good 2 years ago
    1337. 1811
      Just Fine 2 years ago
    1338. 1812
      Approaching 2 years ago
    1339. 1813
      I made sure they will 2 years ago
    1340. 1814
      The Seeds 2 years ago
    1341. 1815
      It Isn't Far Away 2 years ago
    1342. 1816
      Surrender to Walfure 2 years ago
    1343. 1817
      Reached Its Limit 2 years ago
    1344. 1818
      No One Escapes 2 years ago
    1345. 1819
      It's Your Turn 2 years ago
    1346. 1820
      Let's see how long they can last 2 years ago
    1347. 1821
      Should he? 2 years ago
    1348. 1822
      We Got Everyone 2 years ago
    1349. 1823
      Walfure Continues to Conquer 2 years ago
    1350. 1824
      Too Easy? 2 years ago
    1351. 1825
      50% 2 years ago
    1352. 1826
      Bring Everyone 2 years ago
    1353. 1827
      Decay 2 years ago
    1354. 1828
      Strong Wall 2 years ago
    1355. 1829
      Deriving 2 years ago
    1356. 1830
      Another One 2 years ago
    1357. 1831
      There is a much better thing to do with it 2 years ago
    1358. 1832
      I didn't say when 2 years ago
    1359. 1833
      Not The One 2 years ago
    1360. 1834
      Are You That Confident? 2 years ago
    1361. 1835
      Decades? 2 years ago
    1362. 1836
      Sun and Moon Obliteration 2 years ago
    1363. 1837
      Cocoon 2 years ago
    1364. 1838
      Fight! 2 years ago
    1365. 1839
      Sea Urchin 2 years ago
    1366. 1840
      It Can't Be 2 years ago
    1367. 1841
      Not Two Anymore 2 years ago
    1368. 1842
      Do We Know Him? 2 years ago
    1369. 1843
      Avatar 2 years ago
    1370. 1844
      Doesn't Make Sense 2 years ago
    1371. 1845
      I'll Keep It Safe 2 years ago
    1372. 1846
      Talk 2 years ago
    1373. 1847
      It's never easy 2 years ago
    1374. 1848
      The Fragments 2 years ago
    1375. 1849
      Until Next Time 2 years ago
    1376. 1850
      Taking Control 2 years ago
    1377. 1851
      A Breeze 2 years ago
    1378. 1852
      End of War 2 years ago
    1379. 1853
      Not That Many 2 years ago
    1380. 1854
      The Sect's Sizes 2 years ago
    1381. 1855
      Learning more about the new Dimensional Realm 2 years ago
    1382. 1856
      More Upgrades 2 years ago
    1383. 1857
      Planning to Leave 2 years ago
    1384. 1858
      She Came Anyway 2 years ago
    1385. 1859
      Settling things 2 years ago
    1386. 1860
      On the Other Side 2 years ago
    1387. 1861
      The Probable Barriers' Problem 2 years ago
    1388. 1862
      Send Everyone 2 years ago
    1389. 1863
      Found No One 2 years ago
    1390. 1864
      Give It a Try 2 years ago
    1391. 1865
      Jhiod Sect Visit 2 years ago
    1392. 1866
      Even More Now 2 years ago
    1393. 1867
      Telling the Truth 2 years ago
    1394. 1868
      That's It Then 2 years ago
    1395. 1869
      The Division 2 years ago
    1396. 1870
      That Might Really Happen Someday 2 years ago
    1397. 1871
      It is Worth the Risk 2 years ago
    1398. 1872
      Drugo Organization Territory 2 years ago
    1399. 1873
      I'm Still a Transition Realm Cultivator 2 years ago
    1400. 1874
      Impossible With These Crystals 2 years ago
    1401. 1875
      Seems Like We Have a Deal 2 years ago
    1402. 1876
      No One Has Ever Proved That 2 years ago
    1403. 1877
      Spirit Stream 2 years ago
    1404. 1878
      The Spirits' Nature 2 years ago
    1405. 1879
      Into the Stream 2 years ago
    1406. 1880
      Like Hell We Did! 2 years ago
    1407. 1881
      As Temperamental as Ever 2 years ago
    1408. 1882
      Golden Feather 2 years ago
    1409. 1883
      How Much Freedom 2 years ago
    1410. 1884
      Well Organized 2 years ago
    1411. 1885
      Something Else To Do 2 years ago
    1412. 1886
      I'll See That Arranged 2 years ago
    1413. 1887
      Third Option 2 years ago
    1414. 1888
      Try Our Luck 2 years ago
    1415. 1889
      Time to Breakthrough 2 years ago
    1416. 1890
      Merging 2 years ago
    1417. 1891
      Fuse Again! 2 years ago
    1418. 1892
      A Little Help From Outside 2 years ago
    1419. 1893
      Glimpse Race 2 years ago
    1420. 1894
      Seeing Even More 2 years ago
    1421. 1895
      Not Too Close 2 years ago
    1422. 1896
      We Know The Risks 2 years ago
    1423. 1897
      It won't be long 2 years ago
    1424. 1898
      The Transfer 2 years ago
    1425. 1899
      Didn't Make Much Sense 2 years ago
    1426. 1900
      Gone From The Mountain Range 2 years ago
    1427. 1901
      Real Reason 2 years ago
    1428. 1902
      Hard to Believe 2 years ago
    1429. 1903
      Ophilia and Leonardo's Advancement 2 years ago
    1430. 1904
      The Halls' Improvements 2 years ago
    1431. 1905
      Into the Demon Beasts Territory 2 years ago
    1432. 1906
      Looking For 2 years ago
    1433. 1907
      There is always a way 2 years ago
    1434. 1908
      The Arrival of the Experts 2 years ago
    1435. 1909
      Shall we all talk a little? 2 years ago
    1436. 1910
      We Can Leave Anytime 2 years ago
    1437. 1911
      You Should Seriously Consider Their Offer 2 years ago
    1438. 1912
      Sure 2 years ago
    1439. 1913
      Several Doubts 2 years ago
    1440. 1914
      Hidden Feelings 2 years ago
    1441. 1915
      I see... 2 years ago
    1442. 1916
      Just Why He Doesn't Notice It? 2 years ago
    1443. 1917
      You Have No Idea! 2 years ago
    1444. 1918
      Let's Pay Them a Visit 2 years ago
    1445. 1919
      Insistence 2 years ago
    1446. 1920
      Void Shattering Pill's Origin 2 years ago
    1447. 1921
      Why Send Red 2 years ago
    1448. 1922
      Rean Insisted 2 years ago
    1449. 1923
      Who Cares About Priorities? 2 years ago
    1450. 1924
      I Won't Discard That Possibility 2 years ago
    1451. 1925
      Different from what I have in mind 2 years ago
    1452. 1926
      Roan's Answer 2 years ago
    1453. 1927
      Who Else Could It Be? 2 years ago
    1454. 1928
      He Didn't Count 2 years ago
    1455. 1929
      Carry Eggs 2 years ago
    1456. 1930
      Convince Me? 2 years ago
    1457. 1931
      As For Your Parents 2 years ago
    1458. 1932
      The Name 2 years ago
    1459. 1933
      It is not the Time 2 years ago
    1460. 1934
      Well Known 2 years ago
    1461. 1935
      No Meaning 2 years ago
    1462. 1936
      Exactly What Happened 2 years ago
    1463. 1937
      We Can Definitely Get Rid Of Them 2 years ago
    1464. 1938
      Planning the Attack 2 years ago
    1465. 1939
      The Sixth Race 2 years ago
    1466. 1940
      Not Just One 2 years ago
    1467. 1941
      Essence Races 2 years ago
    1468. 1942
      Maybe 2 years ago
    1469. 1943
      Far, far away 2 years ago
    1470. 1944
      That's the only important point 2 years ago
    1471. 1945
      She Knew 2 years ago
    1472. 1946
      Getting Things Together 2 years ago
    1473. 1947
      New Looks 2 years ago
    1474. 1948
      Then That's Decided 2 years ago
    1475. 1949
      Time Together 2 years ago
    1476. 1950
      Removal 2 years ago
    1477. 1951
      Same Strategy 2 years ago
    1478. 1952
      Out Of Reach 2 years ago
    1479. 1953
      Fluki's Plan 2 years ago
    1480. 1954
      Slow and Fast 2 years ago
    1481. 1955
      Dark Side 2 years ago
    1482. 1956
      You Better Have Them Ready 2 years ago
    1483. 1957
      How Else Would I Notice You? 2 years ago
    1484. 1958
      Free Souls 2 years ago
    1485. 1959
      Where should we start? 2 years ago
    1486. 1960
      The Life in the Domes 2 years ago
    1487. 1961
      A Direction to Go 2 years ago
    1488. 1962
      Go Ahead 2 years ago
    1489. 1963
      Tell me more 2 years ago
    1490. 1964
      Lizard 2 years ago
    1491. 1965
      Stop That Formation 2 years ago
    1492. 1966
      Why Are They Happy With It? 2 years ago
    1493. 1967
      Not Bored 2 years ago
    1494. 1968
      I Was Wrong 2 years ago
    1495. 1969
      In An Instant! 2 years ago
    1496. 1970
      Into the Underworld 2 years ago
    1497. 1971
      Angels 2 years ago
    1498. 1972
      Contest 2 years ago
    1499. 1973
      The Soul Devil 2 years ago
    1500. 1974
      We can see that 1 years ago
    1501. 1975
      Beelzebub 1 years ago
    1502. 1976
      Contingency 1 years ago
    1503. 1977
      You Will Get Your Meal Soon 1 years ago
    1504. 1978
      No More Loopholes 1 years ago
    1505. 1979
      Can't Have Been Planned Ahead 1 years ago
    1506. 1980
      Importance 1 years ago
    1507. 1981
      Underworld Relic 1 years ago
    1508. 1982
      Need To Check First 1 years ago
    1509. 1983
      Distraction 1 years ago
    1510. 1984
      Into the Reincarnation Path Area 1 years ago
    1511. 1985
      Permanently Destroyed 1 years ago
    1512. 1986
      Too Many 1 years ago
    1513. 1987
      Poor Fleus 1 years ago
    1514. 1988
      I'll Give It a Try 1 years ago
    1515. 1989
      Freeing Beelzebub 1 years ago
    1516. 1990
      Not True 1 years ago
    1517. 1991
      There is no need 1 years ago
    1518. 1992
      Flapping Wings 1 years ago
    1519. 1993
      Escape! 1 years ago
    1520. 1994
      A Lot To Explain 1 years ago
    1521. 1995
      Trump Card 1 years ago
    1522. 1996
      I Know 1 years ago
    1523. 1997
      Error 1 years ago
    1524. 1998
      Wake Up! 1 years ago
    1525. 1999
      Part of the System 1 years ago
    1526. 2000
      Why Work? 1 years ago
    1527. 2001
      Preparing the Trap 1 years ago
    1528. 2002
      Knowing Dead Souls 1 years ago
    1529. 2003
      Why Three Days? 1 years ago
    1530. 2004
      Sharing Information 1 years ago
    1531. 2005
      Isolated 1 years ago
    1532. 2006
      Very Well 1 years ago
    1533. 2007
      Who Are You? 1 years ago
    1534. 2008
      The Swamp 1 years ago
    1535. 2009
      Frog 1 years ago
    1536. 2010
      Warp 1 years ago
    1537. 2011
      Concealment Idea 1 years ago
    1538. 2012
      Trying new coats 1 years ago
    1539. 2013
      Just How? 1 years ago
    1540. 2014
      Finally Enough 1 years ago
    1541. 2015
      Now go 1 years ago
    1542. 2016
      First Contact 1 years ago
    1543. 2017
      No Killing Intent 1 years ago
    1544. 2018
      Boy... Who are you? 1 years ago
    1545. 2019
      Deal! 1 years ago
    1546. 2020
      A Lakure Race Member 1 years ago
    1547. 2021
      Vruve Again 1 years ago
    1548. 2022
      Reason 1 years ago
    1549. 2023
      The Lakure Race History 1 years ago
    1550. 2024
      She is Quite Fast 1 years ago
    1551. 2025
      Dark Decaying Beads 1 years ago
    1552. 2026
      A Better Idea 1 years ago
    1553. 2027
      Careful Watch 1 years ago
    1554. 2028
      The Time Difference 1 years ago
    1555. 2029
      Dark Tide 1 years ago
    1556. 2030
      Divine Origin Energy 1 years ago
    1557. 2031
      Breakthrough into the Space Bending Realm 1 years ago
    1558. 2032
      New Divine Soul Power 1 years ago
    1559. 2033
      New Upgrades 1 years ago
    1560. 2034
      I Have Some 1 years ago
    1561. 2035
      How to Get Iridescent Tears 1 years ago
    1562. 2036
      New Option 1 years ago
    1563. 2037
      Sixth Grade Starlight Body 1 years ago
    1564. 2038
      Improvement 1 years ago
    1565. 2039
      Leaving 1 years ago
    1566. 2040
      Not So Sure 1 years ago
    1567. 2041
      A Way Around 1 years ago
    1568. 2042
      It's Beautiful 1 years ago
    1569. 2043
      Give a Try 1 years ago
    1570. 2044
      He Never Changes 1 years ago
    1571. 2045
      Sesame 1 years ago
    1572. 2046
      Another World 1 years ago
    1573. 2047
      Ask Away 1 years ago
    1574. 2048
      More About Gem 1 years ago
    1575. 2049
      Sentience 1 years ago
    1576. 2050
      The Details 1 years ago
    1577. 2051
      Came to Life 1 years ago
    1578. 2052
      What is That? 1 years ago
    1579. 2053
      As Useful As You Are 1 years ago
    1580. 2054
      No Help? 1 years ago
    1581. 2055
      Another Plane 1 years ago
    1582. 2056
      They Need That Fragment 1 years ago
    1583. 2057
      Until they appeared 1 years ago
    1584. 2058
      Crashed 1 years ago
    1585. 2059
      What About You? 1 years ago
    1586. 2060
      There! You! GO! 1 years ago
    1587. 2061
      Time Power! 1 years ago
    1588. 2062
      Joining Back Together 1 years ago
    1589. 2063
      Aftermath 1 years ago
    1590. 2064
      No Artifact? 1 years ago
    1591. 2065
      New Sword Material... or Maybe not 1 years ago
    1592. 2066
      Isn't That Obvious? 1 years ago
    1593. 2067
      No One Left 1 years ago
    1594. 2068
      Time to Leave 1 years ago
    1595. 2069
      Where to go? 1 years ago
    1596. 2070
      Too Small 1 years ago
    1597. 2071
      Shady City 1 years ago
    1598. 2072
      Accidental Rumor 1 years ago
    1599. 2073
      Developments 1 years ago
    1600. 2074
      Unexpected Location 1 years ago
    1601. 2075
      The Perfect Candidate! 1 years ago
    1602. 2076
      Paying a Favor 1 years ago
    1603. 2077
      Obligation 1 years ago
    1604. 2078
      How's that possible? 1 years ago
    1605. 2079
      Another Fragment 1 years ago
    1606. 2080
      We Need To Find Belial 1 years ago
    1607. 2081
      Unexpected Visit 1 years ago
    1608. 2082
      System back online... and back off again 1 years ago
    1609. 2083
      Upgrade Started 1 years ago
    1610. 2084
      Golden Light 1 years ago
    1611. 2085
      Definitely Fake 1 years ago
    1612. 2086
      New Essence 1 years ago
    1613. 2087
      A Real Domain 1 years ago
    1614. 2088
      Recording 1 years ago
    1615. 2089
      Sky Blue 1 years ago
    1616. 2090
      Everything According to the Plan 1 years ago
    1617. 2091
      Wondering the Reasons 1 years ago
    1618. 2092
      Why Here? 1 years ago
    1619. 2093
      Don't You Think? 1 years ago
    1620. 2094
      Don't Say I Didn't Warn You 1 years ago
    1621. 2095
      Heavens? 1 years ago
    1622. 2096
      Alternative Route 1 years ago
    1623. 2097
      I Know What To Do 1 years ago
    1624. 2098
      Just So You Know 1 years ago
    1625. 2099
      Gone 1 years ago
    1626. 2100
      The Plan 1 years ago
    1627. 2101
      Surprise Attack 1 years ago
    1628. 2102
      Running away 1 years ago
    1629. 2103
      Outcome 1 years ago
    1630. 2104
      Learning More About Heavens 1 years ago
    1631. 2105
      Fake and Forced 1 years ago
    1632. 2106
      Found? 1 years ago
    1633. 2107
      Tears 1 years ago
    1634. 2108
      Next Step 1 years ago
    1635. 2109
      More Beasts? 1 years ago
    1636. 2110
      Companion 1 years ago
    1637. 2111
      I Know 1 years ago
    1638. 2112
      Old... Friend? 1 years ago
    1639. 2113
      Ruins of the Stars 1 years ago
    1640. 2114
      Fine... 1 years ago
    1641. 2115
      One Month 1 years ago
    1642. 2116
      Sounds Like a Plan 1 years ago
    1643. 2117
      Don't Show Yourselves 1 years ago
    1644. 2118
      Facade 1 years ago
    1645. 2119
      Shall We Go Together? 1 years ago
    1646. 2120
      Spaceship 1 years ago
    1647. 2121
      It's Time 1 years ago
    1648. 2122
      Think Twice 1 years ago
    1649. 2123
      Chain Reaction 1 years ago
    1650. 2124
      Through The Barrier 1 years ago
    1651. 2125
      Rean was Right 1 years ago
    1652. 2126
      Very Lively 1 years ago
    1653. 2127
      Limitations 1 years ago
    1654. 2128
      Can't Let You Go 1 years ago
    1655. 2129
      Bracelets 1 years ago
    1656. 2130
      Invisible 1 years ago
    1657. 2131
      Hidden Away 1 years ago
    1658. 2132
      The Events Beforehand 1 years ago
    1659. 2133
      Getting Inside 1 years ago
    1660. 2134
      Information Spread 1 years ago
    1661. 2135
      Lack of Patience 1 years ago
    1662. 2136
      Easy and Risky 1 years ago
    1663. 2137
      Clearance Manager 1 years ago
    1664. 2138
      Lingan 1 years ago
    1665. 2139
      Many Questions 1 years ago
    1666. 2140
      The Spaceship 1 years ago
    1667. 2141
      Too Easy to be True 1 years ago
    1668. 2142
      What Sensors? 1 years ago
    1669. 2143
      This Won't Be Easy 1 years ago
    1670. 2144
      Moving Through Chaos 1 years ago
    1671. 2145
      Guardian 1 years ago
    1672. 2146
      Person? 1 years ago
    1673. 2147
      Dilemma 1 years ago
    1674. 2148
      Request Accepted 1 years ago
    1675. 2149
      Last Log 1 years ago
    1676. 2150
      Major 1 years ago
    1677. 2151
      A Connection 1 years ago
    1678. 2152
      Loophole 1 years ago
    1679. 2153
      Impossible 1 years ago
    1680. 2154
      Destroy 1 years ago
    1681. 2155
      Guests 1 years ago
    1682. 2156
      The Previous Events 1 years ago
    1683. 2157
      Request Accepted 1 years ago
    1684. 2158
      Explode! 1 years ago
    1685. 2159
      Opportunity 1 years ago
    1686. 2160
      Can't See Them 1 years ago
    1687. 2161
      Working Normally Again 1 years ago
    1688. 2162
      Realm Suppression 1 years ago
    1689. 2163
      Survivors 1 years ago
    1690. 2164
      Calm 1 years ago
    1691. 2165
      Sent Away 1 years ago
    1692. 2166
      Contact 1 years ago
    1693. 2167
      From Outside 1 years ago
    1694. 2168
      Alternative 1 years ago
    1695. 2169
      Tuanna 1 years ago
    1696. 2170
      Examination 1 years ago
    1697. 2171
      Continue 1 years ago
    1698. 2172
      Farewell 1 years ago
    1699. 2173
      Exit 1 years ago
    1700. 2174
      Back to the Realm of Gods 1 years ago
    1701. 2175
      I Hope You Can 1 years ago
    1702. 2176
      Changes in the Continental Barrier 1 years ago
    1703. 2177
      We Need a Spatial Gate 1 years ago
    1704. 2178
      No Energy 1 years ago
    1705. 2179
      More Divine Stones 1 years ago
    1706. 2180
      Well Said 1 years ago
    1707. 2181
      Optimal Example 1 years ago
    1708. 2182
      Universal Cultivation Enhancement 1 years ago
    1709. 2183
      No Use for Hostages 1 years ago
    1710. 2184
      Copies 1 years ago
    1711. 2185
      Our Limit 1 years ago
    1712. 2186
      A Problem 1 years ago
    1713. 2187
      Werin's Shock 1 years ago
    1714. 2188
      A Lie 1 years ago
    1715. 2189
      Extraction 1 years ago
    1716. 2190
      It's Ready 1 years ago
    1717. 2191
      Great! 1 years ago
    1718. 2192
      Accomplishments 1 years ago
    1719. 2193
      Far 1 years ago
    1720. 2194
      Retaliation Plan 1 years ago
    1721. 2195
      Twins' Side Effect 1 years ago
    1722. 2196
      Twist 1 years ago
    1723. 2197
      Get Rid of the Weed 1 years ago
    1724. 2198
      Heaven's Awakening 1 years ago
    1725. 2199
      Let's Start 1 years ago
    1726. 2200
      We Have a Winner! 1 years ago
    1727. 2201
      Back in Order 1 years ago
    1728. 2202
      Another Gap 1 years ago
    1729. 2203
      Bloodline Purification 1 years ago
    1730. 2204
      Another Idea 1 years ago
    1731. 2205
      Come Forth! 1 years ago
    1732. 2206
      An Idea That Can't be Executed 1 years ago
    1733. 2207
      Advantages of Sky Energy 1 years ago
    1734. 2208
      Time Power 1 years ago
    1735. 2209
      It's My Baby 1 years ago
    1736. 2210
      Worth Continuing 1 years ago
    1737. 2211
      Please, Do Tell! 1 years ago
    1738. 2212
      Helping Luan 1 years ago
    1739. 2213
      Releasing Kentucky 1 years ago
    1740. 2214
      La Mataia 1 years ago
    1741. 2215
      Getting Closer 1 years ago
    1742. 2216
      Peak Stage 1 years ago
    1743. 2217
      Narfura Race 1 years ago
    1744. 2218
      Quick Stay 1 years ago
    1745. 2219
      Checking Information 1 years ago
    1746. 2220
      You Know Why 1 years ago
    1747. 2221
      Long Awaited Talk 1 years ago
    1748. 2222
      Learning More 1 years ago
    1749. 2223
      It is a Long Story 1 years ago
    1750. 2224
      Don't Provoke the Minokawas 1 years ago
    1751. 2225
      Not the Best Arrival 1 years ago
    1752. 2226
      Meeting Again 1 years ago
    1753. 2227
      What Do You Want? 1 years ago
    1754. 2228
      Then That's Fine 1 years ago
    1755. 2229
      Same as Always 1 years ago
    1756. 2230
      What to do 1 years ago
    1757. 2231
      Worth the Risk 1 years ago
    1758. 2232
      Into the Central Area 1 years ago
    1759. 2233
      Increased Danger 1 years ago
    1760. 2234
      Cubic Barrier 1 years ago
    1761. 2235
      Give It a Try 1 years ago
    1762. 2236
      Divinity Level Clash 1 years ago
    1763. 2237
      To the Top! 1 years ago
    1764. 2238
      Fair Enough 1 years ago
    1765. 2239
      I'm Going 1 years ago
    1766. 2240
      Simply Explode 1 years ago
    1767. 2241
      Too Complicated 1 years ago
    1768. 2242
      Explode 1 years ago
    1769. 2243
      Long Time No See 1 years ago
    1770. 2244
      Why? 1 years ago
    1771. 2245
      Revelations 1 years ago
    1772. 2246
      Lack of Answers 1 years ago
    1773. 2247
      Take Down 1 years ago
    1774. 2248
      Not an Option 1 years ago
    1775. 2249
      So Am I 1 years ago
    1776. 2250
      Using the Formations 1 years ago
    1777. 2251
      Do what you must 1 years ago
    1778. 2252
      Open a Passage 1 years ago
    1779. 2253
      Connection to the Land 1 years ago
    1780. 2254
      Where to Next? 1 years ago
    1781. 2255
      Want to Check 1 years ago
    1782. 2256
      The Aftermath 1 years ago
    1783. 2257
      Helping Hand 1 years ago
    1784. 2258
      Jikli Clan 1 years ago
    1785. 2259
      Divine Stones Matter 1 years ago
    1786. 2260
      Guests 1 years ago
    1787. 2261
      Ancestor 1 years ago
    1788. 2262
      Serious Talk 1 years ago
    1789. 2263
      What Do You Need? 1 years ago
    1790. 2264
      Old Worm 1 years ago
    1791. 2265
      Attract Trouble 1 years ago
    1792. 2266
      Tell More 1 years ago
    1793. 2267
      Two Weeks 1 years ago
    1794. 2268
      Postpone Investigation 1 years ago
    1795. 2269
      Fluki's Father 1 years ago
    1796. 2270
      Looking For a New Home 1 years ago
    1797. 2271
      Teaching About the Real World 1 years ago
    1798. 2272
      Back to Jikli Clan 1 years ago
    1799. 2273
      Bako Hudrido 1 years ago
    1800. 2274
      Come With Me 1 years ago
    1801. 2275
      Try It Out 1 years ago
    1802. 2276
      Attachment 1 years ago
    1803. 2277
      I Think So 1 years ago
    1804. 2278
      Crystalized World Essence 1 years ago
    1805. 2279
      Going Down 1 years ago
    1806. 2280
      A lot of talk 1 years ago
    1807. 2281
      How? 1 years ago
    1808. 2282
      Fooled 1 years ago
    1809. 2283
      My bad... 1 years ago
    1810. 2284
      So That's Why 1 years ago
    1811. 2285
      We Can Only Try 1 years ago
    1812. 2286
      Wrong Guys 1 years ago
    1813. 2287
      We Owe Him 1 years ago
    1814. 2288
      You Know What Happened 1 years ago
    1815. 2289
      Pulling Force 1 years ago
    1816. 2290
      Visiting Rean's Master 1 years ago
    1817. 2291
      Dalamu Sect 1 years ago
    1818. 2292
      Then It Is Decided 1 years ago
    1819. 2293
      Alright 1 years ago
    1820. 2294
      Freedom 1 years ago
    1821. 2295
      Come Out Now 1 years ago
    1822. 2296
      They Know Too Much 1 years ago
    1823. 2297
      Even Field 1 years ago
    1824. 2298
      Against the Plan 1 years ago
    1825. 2299
      I'll Make Sure He Talks 1 years ago
    1826. 2300
      Saved Lives 1 years ago
    1827. 2301
      Cryan's Last Request 1 years ago
    1828. 2302
      Real Turen 1 years ago
    1829. 2303
      Crying Time 1 years ago
    1830. 2304
      And After Leaving? 12 months ago
    1831. 2305
      Different Dimension 12 months ago
    1832. 2306
      Varen Tribe 12 months ago
    1833. 2307
      All Powers Together 12 months ago
    1834. 2308
      That's a Good Plan 12 months ago
    1835. 2309
      Ancestor 12 months ago
    1836. 2310
      Visiting the Graves 12 months ago
    1837. 2311
      New Ideas 12 months ago
    1838. 2312
      Descendant 12 months ago
    1839. 2313
      Finally! 12 months ago
    1840. 2314
      Meeting Everyone 11 months ago
    1841. 2315
      That Will Be For The Best 11 months ago
    1842. 2316
      The Real Ancestors 11 months ago
    1843. 2317
      Time to Return 11 months ago
    1844. 2318
      We Warned You 11 months ago
    1845. 2319
      How to do it? 11 months ago
    1846. 2320
      Transfering 11 months ago
    1847. 2321
      Down We Go 11 months ago
    1848. 2322
      Down the Crack 11 months ago
    1849. 2323
      That was Close 11 months ago
    1850. 2324
      Flexible 11 months ago
    1851. 2325
      Leave it to Me 11 months ago
    1852. 2326
      Less Energy is the Way 11 months ago
    1853. 2327
      Hold On! 11 months ago
    1854. 2328
      Reaching the Bottom 11 months ago
    1855. 2329
      What To Do? 11 months ago
    1856. 2330
      Hyeonmu 11 months ago
    1857. 2331
      Back To The Surface 11 months ago
    1858. 2332
      Information About Hyeonmu and the Fragments 11 months ago
    1859. 2333
      Next Steps 11 months ago
    1860. 2334
      Prepared 11 months ago
    1861. 2335
      Market 11 months ago
    1862. 2336
      Unbalance Domain 11 months ago
    1863. 2337
      Serene Gold Filament 11 months ago
    1864. 2338
      Requests 11 months ago
    1865. 2339
      Luina Too 11 months ago
    1866. 2340
      Back to Jhiod 11 months ago
    1867. 2341
      Meeting Gean Again 11 months ago
    1868. 2342
      Let's Stay Quiet 11 months ago
    1869. 2343
      Locket 11 months ago
    1870. 2344
      Hamarlia's Family 11 months ago
    1871. 2345
      Why So Smart? 11 months ago
    1872. 2346
      Priority 11 months ago
    1873. 2347
      To the Devils' Territory 11 months ago
    1874. 2348
      Tormalek 11 months ago
    1875. 2349
      Finally Here 11 months ago
    1876. 2350
      Formation Core Attack 11 months ago
    1877. 2351
      Leaving The Credits for Others 11 months ago
    1878. 2352
      Good Work 11 months ago
    1879. 2353
      Gardo Pays a Visit 11 months ago
    1880. 2354
      Trapped Demon Beasts 11 months ago
    1881. 2355
      Probably Worse 11 months ago
    1882. 2356
      Can't Stop It 11 months ago
    1883. 2357
      Comes and Gones 11 months ago
    1884. 2358
      Placake's Gaze 11 months ago
    1885. 2359
      Let's Go Together 11 months ago
    1886. 2360
      Zandolf's Not Home 11 months ago
    1887. 2361
      Zandolf's Clues 11 months ago
    1888. 2362
      Total Advantage 11 months ago
    1889. 2363
      Turn Around 11 months ago
    1890. 2364
      The Underground 11 months ago
    1891. 2365
      Residential Area 11 months ago
    1892. 2366
      Meeting Zandolf 11 months ago
    1893. 2367
      Kentucky Will Stay 11 months ago
    1894. 2368
      Maintenance 11 months ago
    1895. 2369
      Unnexpected Movement 11 months ago
    1896. 2370
      Opening 11 months ago
    1897. 2371
      Square Space 11 months ago
    1898. 2372
      Essence Race Leader 11 months ago
    1899. 2373
      Huban and Kafan 11 months ago
    1900. 2374
      Why Are They Hiding? 10 months ago
    1901. 2375
      The Hidden Experts 10 months ago
    1902. 2376
      Sudden Chance 10 months ago
    1903. 2377
      Too Convenient 10 months ago
    1904. 2378
      How to Talk to Kafan 10 months ago
    1905. 2379
      Do Something For Me 10 months ago
    1906. 2380
      I Will Take Your Word For It 10 months ago
    1907. 2381
      Why? 10 months ago
    1908. 2382
      It's My Pleasure 10 months ago
    1909. 2383
      Teaching 10 months ago
    1910. 2384
      Extinction Sphere 10 months ago
    1911. 2385
      Dilemma of the New Fragment 10 months ago
    1912. 2386
      Refinement 10 months ago
    1913. 2387
      No Proof 10 months ago
    1914. 2388
      Late For It 10 months ago
    1915. 2389
      Our Part in the Plan 10 months ago
    1916. 2390
      Divergence 10 months ago
    1917. 2391
      Other Approach 10 months ago
    1918. 2392
      Time to Act 10 months ago
    1919. 2393
      It's Really Them 10 months ago
    1920. 2394
      Failure? 10 months ago
    1921. 2395
      Who Is This Guy? 10 months ago
    1922. 2396
      More Work 10 months ago
    1923. 2397
      Another Path... 10 months ago
    1924. 2398
      Nolui's Importance 10 months ago
    1925. 2399
      Zrufalin 10 months ago
    1926. 2400
      Found you 10 months ago
    1927. 2401
      The Sudden Turn 10 months ago
    1928. 2402
      Even More Surprises 10 months ago
    1929. 2403
      The Battle Continues 10 months ago
    1930. 2404
      Monsters 10 months ago
    1931. 2405
      Painful 10 months ago
    1932. 2406
      Pushing Too Far 10 months ago
    1933. 2407
      Tracker? 10 months ago
    1934. 2408
      Going Through 10 months ago
    1935. 2409
      Reconnection 10 months ago
    1936. 2410
      Let's Pay a Visit 10 months ago
    1937. 2411
      Considerations 10 months ago
    1938. 2412
      Let's Check First 10 months ago
    1939. 2413
      Differences 10 months ago
    1940. 2414
      Rean Stayed Behind 10 months ago
    1941. 2415
      Correct? 10 months ago
    1942. 2416
      I'm Getting There 10 months ago
    1943. 2417
      A Little Help 10 months ago
    1944. 2418
      New Souls From Zero 10 months ago
    1945. 2419
      That's Basically It 10 months ago
    1946. 2420
      Copies 10 months ago
    1947. 2421
      The past on the other side 10 months ago
    1948. 2422
      They continued 10 months ago
    1949. 2423
      The Outcome 10 months ago
    1950. 2424
      Becoming the Main Enemy 10 months ago
    1951. 2425
      There is One 10 months ago
    1952. 2426
      Eternally Vagrant 10 months ago
    1953. 2427
      Locked Memories 10 months ago
    1954. 2428
      Whatever 10 months ago
    1955. 2429
      Death Doors 10 months ago
    1956. 2430
      Not Enough 10 months ago
    1957. 2431
      Not That Simple 10 months ago
    1958. 2432
      What Do You Know? 10 months ago
    1959. 2433
      Little Pebble 10 months ago
    1960. 2434
      Leave It At That 9 months ago
    1961. 2435
      I Knew Him 9 months ago
    1962. 2436
      Romario and Kafan 9 months ago
    1963. 2437
      Seems Fun 9 months ago
    1964. 2438
      Still Waiting 9 months ago
    1965. 2439
      Go With The Flow 9 months ago
    1966. 2440
      Last Chance 9 months ago
    1967. 2441
      Teaching a Lesson 9 months ago
    1968. 2442
      After So Many Years 9 months ago
    1969. 2443
      New Additions 9 months ago
    1970. 2444
      Do Something 9 months ago
    1971. 2445
      Affirmative 9 months ago
    1972. 2446
      Failed Equipment 9 months ago
    1973. 2447
      Another Three 9 months ago
    1974. 2448
      You Dare! 9 months ago
    1975. 2449
      Nonsense 9 months ago
    1976. 2450
      Who Are They? 9 months ago
    1977. 2451
      Actual Age 9 months ago
    1978. 2452
      Romario Zingan 9 months ago
    1979. 2453
      After All These Years 9 months ago
    1980. 2454
      Stop Talking 9 months ago
    1981. 2455
      Tamires Wants to Leave 9 months ago
    1982. 2456
      Bring Me To Her 9 months ago
    1983. 2457
      An Offer 9 months ago
    1984. 2458
      Little Tour 9 months ago
    1985. 2459
      Yes or No 9 months ago
    1986. 2460
      The Repercussion 9 months ago
    1987. 2461
      No Need 9 months ago
    1988. 2462
      Back 9 months ago
    1989. 2463
      I Still Don't Care 9 months ago
    1990. 2464
      Change in Situation 9 months ago
    1991. 2465
      A Message 9 months ago
    1992. 2466
      Exactly 9 months ago
    1993. 2467
      Time To Buy 9 months ago
    1994. 2468
      Something Happened 9 months ago
    1995. 2469
      Standby 9 months ago
    1996. 2470
      A New Soul Devil 9 months ago
    1997. 2471
      Nope! 9 months ago
    1998. 2472
      Follow Roan's Plan 9 months ago
    1999. 2473
      Not bad at all 9 months ago
    2000. 2474
      Flower 9 months ago
    2001. 2475
      Time to Practice 9 months ago
    2002. 2476
      Good News 9 months ago
    2003. 2477
      Different Direction 9 months ago
    2004. 2478
      Price 9 months ago
    2005. 2479
      Surprise 9 months ago
    2006. 2480
      Aren't You Smart? 9 months ago
    2007. 2481
      Not a Wasted Trip 9 months ago
    2008. 2482
      Better In One Thing 9 months ago
    2009. 2483
      Hyeoumu? 9 months ago
    2010. 2484
      It Better Be Zero 9 months ago
    2011. 2485
      Celis's Predicament 9 months ago
    2012. 2486
      The New Realm and Celis 9 months ago
    2013. 2487
      There... is? 9 months ago
    2014. 2488
      We Can Only Give It a Try 9 months ago
    2015. 2489
      I Do Know Someone 9 months ago
    2016. 2490
      Sanstin Continent 9 months ago
    2017. 2491
      Only the Start 9 months ago
    2018. 2492
      Genetic 9 months ago
    2019. 2493
      Would You Risk It Now? 9 months ago
    2020. 2494
      Second Hand Product 8 months ago
    2021. 2495
      Interesting 8 months ago
    2022. 2496
      Through the Temporal Path 8 months ago
    2023. 2497
      Visiting the Holamenor Clan Again 8 months ago
    2024. 2498
      We Can Do Something About It 8 months ago
    2025. 2499
      No Reason To Refuse 8 months ago
    2026. 2500
      Azum Dimensional Realm 8 months ago
    2027. 2501
      If I Try 8 months ago
    2028. 2502
      Not Coming Back 8 months ago
    2029. 2503
      Kids Playing 8 months ago
    2030. 2504
      I'll Better Check 8 months ago
    2031. 2505
      What Is That? 8 months ago
    2032. 2506
      Dizzy 8 months ago
    2033. 2507
      Illusion? 8 months ago
    2034. 2508
      Monolith 8 months ago
    2035. 2509
      Kentucky is Kentucky 8 months ago
    2036. 2510
      As If I Would Tell You 8 months ago
    2037. 2511
      Who's Good? 8 months ago
    2038. 2512
      Not The Same 8 months ago
    2039. 2513
      Fake Memories 8 months ago
    2040. 2514
      An Idea 8 months ago
    2041. 2515
      Perhaps We Should Leave 8 months ago
    2042. 2516
      Turning Back 8 months ago
    2043. 2517
      Something Wasn't Right 8 months ago
    2044. 2518
      Not Just a Dimensional Realm 8 months ago
    2045. 2519
      I'll Come Later 8 months ago
    2046. 2520
      Newcomers 8 months ago
    2047. 2521
      Weakening 8 months ago
    2048. 2522
      This Is It... 8 months ago
    2049. 2523
      Red Dot 8 months ago
    2050. 2524
      Shower 8 months ago
    2051. 2525
      Not Weak 8 months ago
    2052. 2526
      Not Downwards 8 months ago
    2053. 2527
      City Wall 8 months ago
    2054. 2528
      And... 8 months ago
    2055. 2529
      We Need Her 8 months ago
    2056. 2530
      Sealed Bloodline 8 months ago
    2057. 2531
      If I Die, So Be It 8 months ago
    2058. 2532
      Unexpected Visits 8 months ago
    2059. 2533
      My Own Bloodline 8 months ago
    2060. 2534
      Bloodline Traces 8 months ago
    2061. 2535
      We Do 8 months ago
    2062. 2536
      I Very Much Want It 8 months ago
    2063. 2537
      The Holamenor Clan's Bloodline 8 months ago
    2064. 2538
      The Attack Started 8 months ago
    2065. 2539
      Hybrids 8 months ago
    2066. 2540
      Sentience 8 months ago
    2067. 2541
      Source of Energy 8 months ago
    2068. 2542
      Cube 8 months ago
    2069. 2543
      The Device 8 months ago
    2070. 2544
      Golden Blood 8 months ago
    2071. 2545
      Tasty 8 months ago
    2072. 2546
      Let's Return 8 months ago
    2073. 2547
      A New Vessel 8 months ago
    2074. 2548
      That's Also Correct 8 months ago
    2075. 2549
      Ally? 8 months ago
    2076. 2550
      Puppet? 8 months ago
    2077. 2551
      Give Me Your Answer Later 8 months ago
    2078. 2552
      You Need Each Other 8 months ago
    2079. 2553
      Not a Problem 8 months ago
    2080. 2554
      Free Time 7 months ago
    2081. 2555
      Complete 7 months ago
    2082. 2556
      Leaving Behind 7 months ago
    2083. 2557
      The Pills 7 months ago
    2084. 2558
      Anthing that works 7 months ago
    2085. 2559
      Karma 7 months ago
    2086. 2560
      Beloved Puppet 7 months ago
    2087. 2561
      No One Knows 7 months ago
    2088. 2562
      Pull 7 months ago
    2089. 2563
      Gone 7 months ago
    2090. 2564
      Let's Keep Going 7 months ago
    2091. 2565
      Our Stars 7 months ago
    2092. 2566
      The Pieces 7 months ago
    2093. 2567
      Hehe! 7 months ago
    2094. 2568
      Kentucky's Sorrow 7 months ago
    2095. 2569
      More Green 7 months ago
    2096. 2570
      Taking Back 7 months ago
    2097. 2571
      Sacred Eyes 7 months ago
    2098. 2572
      Bad At Lies 7 months ago
    2099. 2573
      A Way To Find It 7 months ago
    2100. 2574
      Anywhere 7 months ago
    2101. 2575
      A Very Good One 7 months ago
    2102. 2576
      The Living Soul Devil 7 months ago
    2103. 2577
      Chaos Laws 7 months ago
    2104. 2578
      Back to the Essence Race 7 months ago
    2105. 2579
      Black Crystal 7 months ago
    2106. 2580
      OHHH! 7 months ago
    2107. 2581
      Separation 7 months ago
    2108. 2582
      Pretend I Didn't Say Anything 7 months ago
    2109. 2583
      Seal It Forever 7 months ago
    2110. 2584
      Hex 7 months ago
    2111. 2585
      Warn Them 7 months ago
    2112. 2586
      What Do You Need? 7 months ago
    2113. 2587
      Unexpected Message 7 months ago
    2114. 2588
      A Big Problem 7 months ago
    2115. 2589
      Decisions 7 months ago
    2116. 2590
      Hard to Say... 7 months ago
    2117. 2591
      Hehe! 7 months ago
    2118. 2592
      Thank You For the Compliment 7 months ago
    2119. 2593
      Going With The Flow 7 months ago
    2120. 2594
      Ghost 7 months ago
    2121. 2595
      System Problem? 7 months ago
    2122. 2596
      Soul Gem's Revival 7 months ago
    2123. 2597
      Impossible! 7 months ago
    2124. 2598
      What To Do? 7 months ago
    2125. 2599
      An Idea 7 months ago
    2126. 2600
      To The Bottom 7 months ago
    2127. 2601
      Silence 7 months ago
    2128. 2602
      Valid Option 7 months ago
    2129. 2603
      Turen's Time 7 months ago
    2130. 2604
      Signature 7 months ago
    2131. 2605
      Underworld Relic 7 months ago
    2132. 2606
      Talk 7 months ago
    2133. 2607
      Quest Completed 7 months ago
    2134. 2608
      Dustral 7 months ago
    2135. 2609
      Spread The System 7 months ago
    2136. 2610
      Turen Wasn't Lying 7 months ago
    2137. 2611
      Release or Not? 7 months ago
    2138. 2612
      Decisions 7 months ago
    2139. 2613
      The First One 7 months ago
    2140. 2614
      System Armor 6 months ago
    2141. 2615
      Your Fault 6 months ago
    2142. 2616
      Not Bad At All 6 months ago
    2143. 2617
      Repair Capability 6 months ago
    2144. 2618
      Two Options 6 months ago
    2145. 2619
      Hidden Realm 6 months ago
    2146. 2620
      Let's Pay a Visit 6 months ago
    2147. 2621
      Kafan's Arrival 6 months ago
    2148. 2622
      Welcome Party 6 months ago
    2149. 2623
      Stay Behind 6 months ago
    2150. 2624
      More Experts 6 months ago
    2151. 2625
      Passing Time 6 months ago
    2152. 2626
      Hidden Realm Gathering 6 months ago
    2153. 2627
      Frasco's Accusations 6 months ago
    2154. 2628
      Old Friend 6 months ago
    2155. 2629
      Old Memories 6 months ago
    2156. 2630
      Disciple For Way Longer 6 months ago
    2157. 2631
      Danger to Cultivation 6 months ago
    2158. 2632
      Scent 6 months ago
    2159. 2633
      Okay 6 months ago
    2160. 2634
      No Control 6 months ago
    2161. 2635
      Obstacle 6 months ago
    2162. 2636
      No Doubt 6 months ago
    2163. 2637
      Since you say so 6 months ago
    2164. 2638
      Sweat 6 months ago
    2165. 2639
      Permission 6 months ago
    2166. 2640
      The Well 6 months ago
    2167. 2641
      Alignment 6 months ago
    2168. 2642
      Don't Underestimate the Loporrits 6 months ago
    2169. 2643
      Oppression 6 months ago
    2170. 2644
      Merging 6 months ago
    2171. 2645
      Anything Else? 6 months ago
    2172. 2646
      Purple Gem 6 months ago
    2173. 2647
      Seventh Grade 6 months ago
    2174. 2648
      Sophia and Gragatou 6 months ago
    2175. 2649
      Not Late 6 months ago
    2176. 2650
      Merging 6 months ago
    2177. 2651
      Ruins 6 months ago
    2178. 2652
      Excuse 6 months ago
    2179. 2653
      The Lafanda City 6 months ago
    2180. 2654
      No City 6 months ago
    2181. 2655
      Millions of Years 6 months ago
    2182. 2656
      A Clue 6 months ago
    2183. 2657
      Kafan and Lolio 6 months ago
    2184. 2658
      Laweia 6 months ago
    2185. 2659
      Water and Fire 6 months ago
    2186. 2660
      Different From Demon Beasts 6 months ago
    2187. 2661
      Which Side? 6 months ago
    2188. 2662
      Too Much 6 months ago
    2189. 2663
      Purple Light 6 months ago
    2190. 2664
      Bloodline 6 months ago
    2191. 2665
      Make Good Use 6 months ago
    2192. 2666
      That's Basically It 6 months ago
    2193. 2667
      Gift 6 months ago
    2194. 2668
      Might Be Worth It 6 months ago
    2195. 2669
      A Chance 6 months ago
    2196. 2670
      First Sublaws 6 months ago
    2197. 2671
      Build Something 6 months ago
    2198. 2672
      I Don't Remember 6 months ago
    2199. 2673
      Into Place 6 months ago
    2200. 2674
      Never Again 5 months ago
    2201. 2675
      Full Circle 5 months ago
    2202. 2676
      No Answer 5 months ago
    2203. 2677
      First Wave 5 months ago
    2204. 2678
      Helping 5 months ago
    2205. 2679
      Pincer 5 months ago
    2206. 2680
      Domains! 5 months ago
    2207. 2681
      Controlling? 5 months ago
    2208. 2682
      Catch the Fish 5 months ago
    2209. 2683
      The Fish is Out 5 months ago
    2210. 2684
      Intervention 5 months ago
    2211. 2685
      Disappeared 5 months ago
    2212. 2686
      Get There 5 months ago
    2213. 2687
      Lament 5 months ago
    2214. 2688
      Armor Discussion 5 months ago
    2215. 2689
      Negotiations 5 months ago
    2216. 2690
      Seems Like It 5 months ago
    2217. 2691
      The Last One 5 months ago
    2218. 2692
      Luan's Contribution 5 months ago
    2219. 2693
      Holes 5 months ago
    2220. 2694
      Unexpected Improvement 5 months ago
    2221. 2695
      Not There Yet 5 months ago
    2222. 2696
      Destroy! 5 months ago
    2223. 2697
      Alarm 5 months ago
    2224. 2698
      Water and Oil 5 months ago
    2225. 2699
      Message Through Laws 5 months ago
    2226. 2700
      At My Mercy 5 months ago
    2227. 2701
      Same Answer 5 months ago
    2228. 2702
      Bring It Down! 5 months ago
    2229. 2703
      Still Alive? 5 months ago
    2230. 2704
      Don't Bother Them 5 months ago
    2231. 2705
      Speechless 5 months ago
    2232. 2706
      I have a plan 5 months ago
    2233. 2707
      Acquisition 5 months ago
    2234. 2708
      The Hidden Plan 5 months ago
    2235. 2709
      Motion 5 months ago
    2236. 2710
      Out 5 months ago
    2237. 2711
      No Idiotic Moves 5 months ago
    2238. 2712
      We Are All For It! 5 months ago
    2239. 2713
      Many Things 5 months ago
    2240. 2714
      Refreshing 5 months ago
    2241. 2715
      Awakening 5 months ago
    2242. 2716
      We Shall Leave 5 months ago
    2243. 2717
      Quest? 5 months ago
    2244. 2718
      Absorption Time 5 months ago
    2245. 2719
      Decisions 5 months ago
    2246. 2720
      Upgrade Commencing 5 months ago
    2247. 2721
      Integration 5 months ago
    2248. 2722
      Once Again to Hustis Continent 5 months ago
    2249. 2723
      Messing Up Meetings 5 months ago
    2250. 2724
      Payment for Information 5 months ago
    2251. 2725
      Interesting Bloodline 5 months ago
    2252. 2726
      To the Mirror Sea 5 months ago
    2253. 2727
      Exchanging Ring 5 months ago
    2254. 2728
      Can't be moved 5 months ago
    2255. 2729
      Levi Tribe 5 months ago
    2256. 2730
      Southwest it is 5 months ago
    2257. 2731
      Similar Flow 5 months ago
    2258. 2732
      Let's See What Happens 5 months ago
    2259. 2733
      Opening 5 months ago
    2260. 2734
      Collision 4 months ago
    2261. 2735
      Really Dead? 4 months ago
    2262. 2736
      Make Everyone Happy 4 months ago
    2263. 2737
      What Do You Think? 4 months ago
    2264. 2738
      Trying to Prevent Exactly That 4 months ago
    2265. 2739
      Truly Dead 4 months ago
    2266. 2740
      Leviathan World 4 months ago
    2267. 2741
      Easily Recognizable 4 months ago
    2268. 2742
      That's What You Deserve! 4 months ago
    2269. 2743
      Out! 4 months ago
    2270. 2744
      Humans Took Over 4 months ago
    2271. 2745
      Pain 4 months ago
    2272. 2746
      This Voice... 4 months ago
    2273. 2747
      I Wanna Help! 4 months ago
    2274. 2748
      The Truth Again 4 months ago
    2275. 2749
      Need to Destroy 4 months ago
    2276. 2750
      Truly a Lot 4 months ago
    2277. 2751
      We Can Only Try 4 months ago
    2278. 2752
      Three Groups 4 months ago
    2279. 2753
      Floquei 4 months ago
    2280. 2754
      The Council 4 months ago
    2281. 2755
      No Rejection 4 months ago
    2282. 2756
      Sonzei vs. Jokios 4 months ago
    2283. 2757
      Savage 4 months ago
    2284. 2758
      Even Uglier 4 months ago
    2285. 2759
      We Want It 4 months ago
    2286. 2760
      We Will See 4 months ago
    2287. 2761
      Deadly Feeling 4 months ago
    2288. 2762
      Very Wrong 4 months ago
    2289. 2763
      What? 4 months ago
    2290. 2764
      The Fruit 4 months ago
    2291. 2765
      Grape Vortex 4 months ago
    2292. 2766
      Strength To Do Something 4 months ago
    2293. 2767
      Doomed 4 months ago
    2294. 2768
      True One 4 months ago
    2295. 2769
      Not That Simple 4 months ago
    2296. 2770
      Look, look! 4 months ago
    2297. 2771
      WHAT WILL YOU DO?! 4 months ago
    2298. 2772
      Great Kentucky 4 months ago
    2299. 2773
      The Blade 4 months ago
    2300. 2774
      We Can't Leave Him Like That, Right? 4 months ago
    2301. 2775
      Back To Work 4 months ago
    2302. 2776
      A Single Button 4 months ago
    2303. 2777
      Weakened State 4 months ago
    2304. 2778
      Busy 4 months ago
    2305. 2779
      What Is Wrong? 4 months ago
    2306. 2780
      Only That 4 months ago
    2307. 2781
      The Start 4 months ago
    2308. 2782
      The Several Fronts 4 months ago
    2309. 2783
      Choose Carefully 4 months ago
    2310. 2784
      Negotiation Table 4 months ago
    2311. 2785
      It Is Here 4 months ago
    2312. 2786
      Havek's Help 4 months ago
    2313. 2787
      Heavy Resistance 4 months ago
    2314. 2788
      Star Ray 4 months ago
    2315. 2789
      Thing 4 months ago
    2316. 2790
      Hungry... 4 months ago
    2317. 2791
      Taking the Chance 4 months ago
    2318. 2792
      The Living Soul Devil 4 months ago
    2319. 2793
      Oshalf 4 months ago
    2320. 2794
      Oshalf's True Power 3 months ago
    2321. 2795
      Extinguished 3 months ago
    2322. 2796
      Horrible Taste 3 months ago
    2323. 2797
      I've Heard Before 3 months ago
    2324. 2798
      Worth a Try 3 months ago
    2325. 2799
      Vruves Dimensional Realm 3 months ago
    2326. 2800
      Good and Bad News 3 months ago
    2327. 2801
      Werdlem 3 months ago
    2328. 2802
      The Legends 3 months ago
    2329. 2803
      It Fits 3 months ago
    2330. 2804
      The Crucial Moment 3 months ago
    2331. 2805
      The Trials 3 months ago
    2332. 2806
      The Swap and the Clothes... 3 months ago
    2333. 2807
      A Small Passage 3 months ago
    2334. 2808
      The Sound 3 months ago
    2335. 2809
      Catching a Leviathan 3 months ago
    2336. 2810
      Problem Solved 3 months ago
    2337. 2811
      Jump Inside 3 months ago
    2338. 2812
      Unbalance Domain 3 months ago
    2339. 2813
      Where to Now? 3 months ago
    2340. 2814
      Replica 3 months ago
    2341. 2815
      Start the Negotiations 3 months ago
    2342. 2816
      Don't you think? 3 months ago
    2343. 2817
      Part of the System 3 months ago
    2344. 2818
      Little Fly 3 months ago
    2345. 2819
      Copy 3 months ago
    2346. 2820
      Long Time No See 3 months ago
    2347. 2821
      A Deal With the Little Fly 3 months ago
    2348. 2822
      Stop Calling Me That 3 months ago
    2349. 2823
      That's Fine By Us 3 months ago
    2350. 2824
      The Answer Was Obvious 3 months ago
    2351. 2825
      Not What He Expected 3 months ago
    2352. 2826
      On The Stick 3 months ago
    2353. 2827
      Beelzebub's Contributions 3 months ago
    2354. 2828
      Before 3 months ago
    2355. 2829
      I'm Going In 3 months ago
    2356. 2830
      Well Done 3 months ago
    2357. 2831
      You Don't Want To Know 3 months ago
    2358. 2832
      Treasure 3 months ago
    2359. 2833
      Over 3 months ago
    2360. 2834
      Where Did It Come From? 3 months ago
    2361. 2835
      Speaking for Beelzebub 3 months ago
    2362. 2836
      Can't Escape 3 months ago
    2363. 2837
      End of the Tests 3 months ago
    2364. 2838
      Just... You? 3 months ago
    2365. 2839
      Let The System Talk 3 months ago
    2366. 2840
      Not In A Million Years 3 months ago
    2367. 2841
      A New Name 3 months ago
    2368. 2842
      No Victor 3 months ago
    2369. 2843
      Celis's Desires 3 months ago
    2370. 2844
      Smash It! 3 months ago
    2371. 2845
      Foreign Energy 3 months ago
    2372. 2846
      Incoming 3 months ago
    2373. 2847
      Silence 3 months ago
    2374. 2848
      No Way Back 3 months ago
    2375. 2849
      Just a Glimpse 3 months ago
    2376. 2850
      From Outside 3 months ago
    2377. 2851
      No Denial 3 months ago
    2378. 2852
      Theorizing 3 months ago
    2379. 2853
      Useless 3 months ago
    2380. 2854
      So Many Laws 2 months ago
    2381. 2855
      Let's Talk 2 months ago
    2382. 2856
      Easy Task 2 months ago
    2383. 2857
      Only Then 2 months ago
    2384. 2858
      Disagreement 2 months ago
    2385. 2859
      Repair 2 months ago
    2386. 2860
      Using Points 2 months ago
    2387. 2861
      It Has To Be Them 2 months ago
    2388. 2862
      Balance 2 months ago
    2389. 2863
      Title Acquired 2 months ago
    2390. 2864
      Restoration 2 months ago
    2391. 2865
      Good News 2 months ago
    2392. 2866
      Kafan's Plans 2 months ago
    2393. 2867
      Welcome To My Team 2 months ago
    2394. 2868
      Let's Save Our Friends 2 months ago
    2395. 2869
      Another Try 2 months ago
    2396. 2870
      Cultivation Sacred Land 2 months ago
    2397. 2871
      Too Much 2 months ago
    2398. 2872
      Hidden Under The Nose 2 months ago
    2399. 2873
      Lineage 2 months ago
    2400. 2874
      Armors Ready 2 months ago
    2401. 2875
      More Allies 2 months ago
    2402. 2876
      Reinforcements and Another One 2 months ago
    2403. 2877
      And It Starts 2 months ago
    2404. 2878
      Oh! 2 months ago
    2405. 2879
      Wanna See It? 2 months ago
    2406. 2880
      Can't Use It 2 months ago
    2407. 2881
      Getting Ready 2 months ago
    2408. 2882
      Unexpected Target 2 months ago
    2409. 2883
      Let's Smash Them 2 months ago
    2410. 2884
      They Disappeared! 2 months ago
    2411. 2885
      Activated 2 months ago
    2412. 2886
      Pursuit! 2 months ago
    2413. 2887
      Hesitation 2 months ago
    2414. 2888
      Only The First One 2 months ago
    2415. 2889
      Statue 2 months ago
    2416. 2890
      Don't Back Off! 2 months ago
    2417. 2891
      A Few More Seconds 2 months ago
    2418. 2892
      Talk 2 months ago
    2419. 2893
      Transformation 2 months ago
    2420. 2894
      Familiar Feel 2 months ago
    2421. 2895
      Welcome 2 months ago
    2422. 2896
      Language Barrier 2 months ago
    2423. 2897
      That's How It Is 2 months ago
    2424. 2898
      If You Say So... 2 months ago
    2425. 2899
      Stepping In 2 months ago
    2426. 2900
      Excitement 2 months ago
    2427. 2901
      Distribution 2 months ago
    2428. 2902
      Wise 2 months ago
    2429. 2903
      Offer 2 months ago
    2430. 2904
      Pay The Bill 2 months ago
    2431. 2905
      No Low Level 2 months ago
    2432. 2906
      Unidentified 2 months ago
    2433. 2907
      Caught... or maybe not 2 months ago
    2434. 2908
      Bad People 2 months ago
    2435. 2909
      More Pills 2 months ago
    2436. 2910
      Be My Guest 2 months ago
    2437. 2911
      Starting from Below 2 months ago
    2438. 2912
      It is Here 2 months ago
    2439. 2913
      Decide for Yourself 2 months ago
    2440. 2914
      Disciple? Perhaps Not 1 months ago
    2441. 2915
      That's Enough For Us 1 months ago
    2442. 2916
      Little Boy 1 months ago
    2443. 2917
      Suzumaki's Backing 1 months ago
    2444. 2918
      Great Deals 1 months ago
    2445. 2919
      He Couldn't Help Himself 1 months ago
    2446. 2920
      Fourth Level in a Mortal World 1 months ago
    2447. 2921
      The Whale 1 months ago
    2448. 2922
      Just Take It 1 months ago
    2449. 2923
      Annoying 1 months ago
    2450. 2924
      Fast and Easy 1 months ago
    2451. 2925
      Have You Seen Enough? 1 months ago
    2452. 2926
      Another Pill Deal 1 months ago
    2453. 2927
      The Gloom Star Spirits 1 months ago
    2454. 2928
      Shouldn't Take Long 1 months ago
    2455. 2929
      Do You? 1 months ago
    2456. 2930
      Not Bad At All 1 months ago
    2457. 2931
      Tiger Head 1 months ago
    2458. 2932
      Somewhere Else 1 months ago
    2459. 2933
      Aligned Interests 1 months ago
    2460. 2934
      I'll pay 1 months ago
    2461. 2935
      The Trials 1 months ago
    2462. 2936
      Peeking 1 months ago
    2463. 2937
      Accept It 1 months ago
    2464. 2938
      Why Now? 1 months ago
    2465. 2939
      Getting Closer 1 months ago
    2466. 2940
      Grand Arrival 1 months ago
    2467. 2941
      Destiny Attraction 1 months ago
    2468. 2942
      Categories 1 months ago
    2469. 2943
      A Long Way To Go 1 months ago
    2470. 2944
      Let's play 1 months ago
    2471. 2945
      A Great Day 1 months ago
    2472. 2946
      Let's Start 1 months ago
    2473. 2947
      I Finally Found One 1 months ago
    2474. 2948
      Last Hours 1 months ago
    2475. 2949
      Suit Yourself 1 months ago
    2476. 2950
      Simple, Fast, and Convenient 1 months ago
    2477. 2951
      Give it a Try 1 months ago
    2478. 2952
      Pride 1 months ago
    2479. 2953
      Serious Question 1 months ago
    2480. 2954
      So Be It 1 months ago
    2481. 2955
      The Great Separation 1 months ago
    2482. 2956
      She Agrees 1 months ago
    2483. 2957
      About to Start 1 months ago
    2484. 2958
      Interesting Item 1 months ago
    2485. 2959
      Bidding War 1 months ago
    2486. 2960
      Invitation 1 months ago
    2487. 2961
      Fragment Deal 1 months ago
    2488. 2962
      Another Offer 1 months ago
    2489. 2963
      Do You Understand Me? 1 months ago
    2490. 2964
      She Should Be Back Soon 1 months ago
    2491. 2965
      Back to Business 1 months ago
    2492. 2966
      Request 1 months ago
    2493. 2967
      Mommy 1 months ago
    2494. 2968
      The Next Sect Master 1 months ago
    2495. 2969
      Pretty Much Anything 1 months ago
    2496. 2970
      Out 1 months ago
    2497. 2971
      Doomed Both Ways 1 months ago
    2498. 2972
      The Gathering 1 months ago
    2499. 2973
      The Visitors 1 months ago
    2500. 2974
      Exceptions 1 months ago
    2501. 2975
      A Small Window 29 days ago
    2502. 2976
      Unexpected Chance 29 days ago
    2503. 2977
      Leaving the Area 28 days ago
    2504. 2978
      Wing 28 days ago
    2505. 2979
      Profit 27 days ago
    2506. 2980
      Gofel 27 days ago
    2507. 2981
      Why So Hard to Acquire? 26 days ago
    2508. 2982
      Up 26 days ago
    2509. 2983
      Could Be Of Use 25 days ago
    2510. 2984
      What An Idiot 25 days ago



    作者 Suiyan