58.57% Ace of Diamond: Return of the Pitcher / Chapter 361: Chapter 161: Game Set!

章 361: Chapter 161: Game Set!

Facing Shirakawa, who was extremely skilled in batting, Sawamura raised his right foot high and then fell down with strong momentum.

As the center of gravity shifted, the baseball in Sawamura's left hand was flying like a laser beam.

Right now, in the high-definition footage of the TV station, you will find that Sawamura's left-hand throws the ball, and the way he holds the ball is very strange.

His five fingers are all firmly grasped on the baseball, just like an amateur who has just learned baseball, using the whole palm to throw the ball!

Moving ball!

'Since Inashiro can guess the path of Sawamura's ball, and will swing with precision.'

'Then Let's throw a Breaking ball that even we don't know how it will break Let us see how you hit it?'

On the strike zone.

Shirakawa was also clearly aiming for the ball in the inner corner. When he saw Sawamura's ball coming over, the ball was in the inner corner.

He swung without hesitation!


Regardless of the young man's build, his swing speed is not slow at all.

He easily kept up with Sawamura's ball speed.

The bat swings, and it looks like it's about to hit the baseball.

The white ball suddenly Moved.


This moving is so obvious that even the people in the rest area can see it clearly.

In the strike zone, Shirakawa is naturally the same.

He noticed that Sawamura Ball's path had changed, but he was powerless.

In order not to hit the infield grounder, and be double-played. Shirakawa could only change to hold the bat with one hand, sink the bat, and forcibly knock the ball.


The small white ball flew high after being hit.

The ball flew high and slow, it was easy to catch and the speed was not fast.

'Yeah, like this!'

Pitcher's mound, Sawamura's face unconsciously showed a bit of a smile.

Such a ball, not to mention the defense of Seidou High School, even if it was a primary school student, it would be enough to take Shirakawa Out.

But it happened to be just like this, the high-flying ball in front of the third baseman fell straight to the ground.


When the baseball landed, Carlos rushed to the third base as fast as a small motor, and Shirakawa ran to the first base not to be outdone.

At the third baseman's position, Masuko Toru looked at his Mitt in disbelief and froze in place.

The situation is embarrassing…

Whether it was fans of Seidou High School or fans of Inajitsu, they all looked at everything that was happening on the field foolishly.

Heavens above.

Can anyone tell them what happened just now?

One Out, one at first and third.

Masuko, the third baseman, did not react in the face of flying high, causing Seidou to lose the chance to take down the opponent.

In the rest area of ​​Inajitsu, there is a calm look in the eyes of Coach Kunitomo.

Usually, after winning the jackpot, most people will be at a loss, and there is 99.9% that they will do something stupid.

In the face of the huge goal so close at hand, only a few players can stably exert their strength.

Without relevant experience, it is even a minority among the few who can stably exert their strength.

The players of Seidou are well trained, but after all, they are just ordinary young players who have no experience in Koshien and only regard Koshien as their lifelong pursuit.

They make mistakes, it's human nature.

"Experience is also a part of strength. The current Seidou is indeed very powerful, and it has surpassed us faintly. However, this does not mean that Seidou has no weaknesses and lacks of experience. Right now, this is Seidou's biggest Weakness. And this is Inashiro's opportunity!"

In the rest area of ​​Seidou, Coach Kataoka's brows furrowed.

'Should I make a replacement now?'

'Masuko he…'

"Coach Kataoka!"

Just when Kataoka wanted to do something, behind him, Ochiai said while pinching his goatee.

"If you choose to trust your own players, then right now, it is best not to replace the players on the field."


Kataoka looked back at Ochiai with a calm face in shock.

As a mentor, Kataoka also has a ruthless streak. If a player makes a mistake on the field, he will usually replace the player, but after the play.

But in the face of the close goal at hand, he was thinking of making the replacement now.

"Faced with the huge goal that is so close at hand, the players become somewhat strained. Blind substitutions right now will only increase the tension of their own defense and will not help. As long as you trust your own players, you might as well let them Adjust yourself." Ochiai said.

In fact, this statement has already been processed by Ochiai's euphemism.

What he really wants to say is that the substitution right now is likely to exaggerate the seriousness of the matter in the minds of the players.

'Trust your students!'

Kataoka hesitated, but in the end, did nothing.

After Masuko picked up the baseball, he personally delivered the ball to the mound.

It can be seen that this honest Senpai felt guilty.


He didn't justify anything for himself but frankly admitted his mistake with Sawamura.

"Although I want to say it's okay, but as the team's current Ace, I really can't do it. Can Masuko-senpai tell me what just happened?"

Facing Sawamura's question, Masuko was a little hesitant to answer.

Sawamura looked at him so frankly, without saying a word or urging him.

Right now, regardless of Masuko's answer, Sawamura is willing to believe that it is true.

The only thing he can't accept is that these third-year seniors who have been trained for a long time will play abnormally due to nervousness right now.

"I was looking at the man in white in the corner of the stands."

From the stadium, he saw someone in a white shirt in the crowd of people in the audience.

Sawamura looked in the direction where Masuko's eyes fell, forgive his clumsy eyes, he really didn't see with so many people.


Sawamura's answer was a bit automatic. Obviously, the explanation that Masuko gave him did not satisfy Sawamura.

Masuko hesitated, and finally told Sawamura the truth.

"I thought he was a scout!"

This answer resounded in Sawamura's mind like thunder.

'I see!'

"Although as a Kohai, I should not say this. But now is the final in West Tokyo. If we lose this game, we will have nothing. Only when we arrive at Koshien and have greater exposure, will we be able to The future can be said, isn't it?" Sawamura said calmly.

'He understands!' Masuko looked at Sawamura in shock.

He originally thought that Sawamura, a talented first-year player, would not understand his worries.

Unexpectedly, Sawamura not only understood but also pointed out the direction for him.

'Yeah, if they don't win this game, what future do they have to worry about?'

Masuko returned to third base, and after Miyuki called a timeout, he trotted up the mound.

"What happened?"


Sawamura shrugged and decided to keep Masuko-senpai a secret.

-In the dining hall the sound of crying filled the hall.-

-The Senpais were all crying, and the delicious and mouthwatering food prepared for victory was left untouched-

-And he, the Kohai, even with the feeling of frustration and sadness filling him, the only thing he can do to the Senpai is to not cry.-

Sawamura remembered these bitter memories but returned them to the back of his mind for now.

"Do you want to Strikeout him, or Shut him Out?"

Fortunately, the competition is so fierce now that Miyuki has no mind for extra gossip.

He was more concerned about the situation after that.


"Third Batter, third basemen, Yoshizawa-kun."

It was Inajitsu's third batter turn.

Without delay, Sawamura used his Wall-Making Form and added the Magic ball.

On the first ball, he pitched the Forkball.

Yoshizawa, almost not knowing where the ball was coming from or going to, swung his bat and of course, missed.



The second ball, Straight Fastball!



The third ball, the Forkball again.


Facing the cleaner of Inajitsu High School, Sawamura is also using full firepower.

Directly solving Yoshizawa on the strike zone.

Three balls, three Strikes!

After Shirakawa got a lucky hit, Sawamura used a powerful pitch to tell Inajitsu that they had no chance.

Two Outs in the second half of the ninth inning.

Runners at first and third base.

Seidou is in the lead by four points.

It's turn for Inajitsu's fourth Batter, Harada.

A home run can change the game.

In the stands.

The gathering place of Sankou High School.

Ace is really, somewhat unbelievable, looking at the situation on the field.

"I didn't expect Inajitsu to catch up to this level."

"In the competition for places in Koshien, none of the current players in Seidou are experienced. The mentality is the biggest problem for Seidou."

On the mound, Sawamura looked as if it was inviolable.

His aura is very strong, like a real Maou!

In the rest area of ​​Inajitsu, the eyes of Coach Kunitomo are extremely sharp.

For him, the opportunity of Inajitsu has come.

"Sawamura's pitching rhythm has completely changed, and now he should have a hard time believing the defense behind him. Then he must be thinking on relying on strikeouts to get Outs."

Magic ball, Straight Fastball, Change-up, Moving-up, Forkball.

Of these five, at least three of them will appear.

"Aim for one and attack, Harada!"

On the strike zone, the bat in Harada Masatoshi's hand was raised high.

Sawamura looked at Harada, ready to throw, while memories of the no longer future replayed in his mind.

-At the back of the bus, the amazing, the always inspiring, the always confident Tetsu-san, who didn't even cry at the loss when all the other Senpais were crying.-

-There, at the back of the bus, sitting alone where no one could see him, crying in bitterness, sadness, and frustration at his loss.-

-He wanted to win.-

'You will win!'

Sawamura raised his leg high.

-He wanted to go there.-

'I will get you there!'

'At that place!'

Eijun slashed with his leg down making his stride.

"Get him!"

"Let's end it here!"

"Do it, Ace!"

-"If you want to know, then go and see it with your own eyes, you bastard!"-

'You too!'

'I will let you see it too!'

'let's go there!'

'With Everyone!'

The Ace of Seidou pitched the ball with his everything!


The white ball, before the Pitch, Harada Masatoshi was keenly aware that the foot that Sawamura stepped out was a little bit toward the first base.

This is a very obvious standard. The next thing Sawamura is going to Pitch is his stunt, which makes people visually dislocated.

Magic ball!

'Smash it out!'

Harada's hand which is holding his bat, totally exerted his force. The biceps on Harada's arms were all strained.

In the face of the flying baseball, he was extremely calm, and only when the ball was completely at hand did he swing the bat decisively.


At the Huge force, the bat makes a low whistling sound.

Harada, who was swinging with all his might, felt like he was going to hit the whole planet.


The bat hit the baseball, and Harada's eyes were full of astonishment.

The rebound from the bat let him know that he wasn't hitting the center of the ball.

There was no visual dislocation of the flying ball. He literally stayed on the Straight ball.

The sitting Catcher, Miyuki had a playful look on his face.

'There's nothing wrong with Sawamura throwing the Magic ball and having his foot biased toward the first base.'

But that doesn't mean that if Sawamura puts his foot on first base, he's bound to throw a Magic ball.

After the baseball is hit, it flies behind the pitcher, halfway between the second baseman and the shortstop.

Although not able to play long hits, the position of the ball landing is still good.

If the ball can get through, Harada should be able to get to first base. And Carlos, who is on third base, can run back to home plate with his extraordinary speed.

However, this result did not appear.

The ball landed behind Sawamura, bounced off the ground, and was about to bounce back to the outfield.

Right now, someone suddenly rushed out and took the ball.

After receiving the ball, a person also appeared on the opposite side of him.


Kominato Ryosuke, who fell down, passed the ball to Kuramochi, who was responding to him without stopping.


Kuramochi stepped on second base and passed the ball to first base!



"Double play!!!!"


"YEAAHHH!!!!" Sawamura roared on the mound!

He knew in his mind that a new history was being made!

"In the West Tokyo final, Seidou High School played against Inashiro Industrial High School, and the final score was 4:0. Seidou High School won, and Seidou High School won the opportunity to represent West Tokyo and participate in the summer Koshien."

T/N: And now the Game Finally Ended!

We have reached this point at last, so many words are on my mind now, and I don't know what to say :D

The next few chapters will be about the post-game stuff and preparations for the big stage.

As always, you can check my Patre0n for extra Chapters.


There are +90 Chapters there.

Thank you all for reading and your support!!

Have a nice day!

Cold_Colt Cold_Colt

T/N: Do you like the story? Comment it and let me know.

And don't forget to vote with Powerstones!!!!!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C361
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


