21.87% Douluo: Twin Martial Spirits / Chapter 7: Titled Douluo?!!

章 7: Titled Douluo?!!

"Even Spirit Hall?" Ye Xiu asked, and a moment later, Matthew shook his head.

"At the end, you are Innate Level 7, and just a Spirit Grandmaster. There are many like you in Spirit City. Your only advantage is the original spirit and the fact that you have surpassed the age of normal spirit rings. Your report has been sent to the Spirit City and you have the attention of many."

"If you cross the age again, then you will be taken away by Spirit Hall. So, before that, wouldn't it be better to just join?" Matthew said, and Ye Xiu rubbed his chin at the words.

"Why are you so honest with me?" Ye Xiu asked and Matthew laughed at the words.

"If you join the Spirit Hall, we will get benefits, and if you don't, we will be out of watch. It's a win-win for us, and it doesn't really matter to us. So, I am being honest with you. Also, I want to see if it really is possible to break the optimum years of spirit ring, and I am hopeful about you."

Ye Xiu nodded as he heard the words, and he said, "I guess I will directly go to the Spirit Hall. But before this, can you send a letter to the Pope in my name, and make sure that only the Pope reads the letter?"

Matthew looked at Ye Xiu for a moment, and he shook his head.

"I don't have enough authority in this matter."

Ye Xiu nodded at his words and said, "Then, I will just go to Spirit City directly."

"Do you want one of us to come with you?"

"No, it's okay. I will look around for some time, and it will take a month or two to reach the Spirit City." Ye Xiu said and Matthew gave a deep look and then nodded.

Seeing that they had nothing to say, Ye Xiu took his leave with a heavy heart, and outside, he sighed and muttered, "That was a wrong move."

Shaking his head, he moved around the Nuoding City, and after buying the necessary things for the journey, he left the Nuoding City after taking a map.

Walking on the road, Ye Xiu had lots of thoughts in his mind. After talking with Matthew, he understood that he didn't have any Titled Douluo for protection, and if he wanted to live, he needed to have some backing.

Not only this, but he also understood that because of taking a decision on impulse, he is now under watch, and with Spirit Hall Branches everywhere, if he registered somewhere, his location would be revealed anytime.

He could try not to register, but then when he is found, he would be on the catch list, and he is sure that he can't escape Spirit Hall's pursuit.

"Fuck," Ye Xiu cursed as he understood that he has no choice other than to join any Sect, Spirit Hall or Empire.

'Will Bibi Dong accept me as a disciple if I show her twin spirits?' Ye Xiu thought in his mind and he rubbed his head. Just thinking of everything made his head hurt, but he was sure that if he showed the full power of Truth-Seeking Ball, Bibi Dong would accept him as her disciple.

'Then, I will be under watch if I leave Spirit Hall anytime, and I don't know how to explain about Ah Yin, The 100,000-year-old bone, and Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Well.'

'With Spirit Hall's resources, it's possible for me to reach level 40 by the time I am 14 and at that time, I can try to obtain the 100,000-year-old bone, and even take over the Ice and Fire Yin-Yang Well. As for how I will be able to think of a method, and with me being Bibi Dong's apprentice, I will be able to have Ju Douluo's books and knowledge about Immortal Herbs.'

Thinking of this, Ye Xiu felt that joining and becoming Bibi Dong's apprentice had quite a lot of advantages, and even if he couldn't become her disciple, he would become some Titled Douluo's disciple.

"Hmm, I guess I will become her disciple. So, there is no point in roaming around, and I should directly go there." Ye Xiu muttered and looking in the direction of Spirit Hall, he released his Martial Soul, and standing on the circular platform, he sped up and flew away.

One week later, Spirit City.

Looking at the lustrous city, Ye Xiu was amazed, and he had to say that this city was much more prosperous than what he had expected. The city screamed of being the capital city and it showed that something high class existed in the city.

Ye Xiu walked inside after showing the certificate and he looked around. He didn't know how to meet Bibi Dong, so he decided to go to the lower-level Spirit Hall branch, and from there, he would try to look for a way to go to Pope's Palace.

While walking, Ye Xiu smelled a heavenly fragrance, and he looked in the direction. There, he saw an inconspicuous shop, and even though a pleasant smell came from the place, no one bothered to look or go to the place.

"Little Brother, do you want to enter that shop?"

Ye Xiu heard a feminine voice and he instinctively said, "Yes,"

His expression changed as he said this, and before he knew it, he found himself in a room and sitting on a table.

"So fast," Ye Xiu muttered as he sensed his position, and in that instant, he released his Martial Spirit, and covered himself in a spherical barrier.

"Oh?" Ye Xiu heard the voice, and making a small hole, he looked at the person who brought him there.

Looking at the woman, who looked at the shield with a look of interest in her eyes, Ye Xiu shuddered as he felt danger from her, even though he could feel that she didn't have any ill intentions toward him.

"Little Brother, you are really courageous! I brought you here for food and now you are hiding and peeking out."

"Hehe, Sister, I was just scared because of what happened and I reflexly released my Martial Spirit." Ye Xiu spoke wryly but he didn't remove his martial spirit.

"Aha? Reflexively? Then why don't you come out; Sister wouldn't harm you. Besides, you are in Spirit City, who dares to cause trouble here?"

"Ehehe, Sister brought me here, but no one came to check anything. How dare I come out. I will eat food like this, what do you think, sister?" Ye Xiu said, and he inwardly felt scared. After all, he disappeared from the middle of the road, but no one checked anything. This showed that the woman in front of him had some high position, and she should be at least more than level 50 in terms of cultivation.

"Little brother, you really have some insight." The woman said while looking at the small hole and she didn't expect this little boy to think like that.

'He is just 8 years old, but his insight is much better than others. Not only this, but his body is also strong, and his cultivation has reached Spirit Grandmaster. His martial spirit, I haven't seen before but judging from his tone, he feels confident in the defense.

"I am an Elder at Spirit Hall, this should give you some confidence, right? You can come out now, or do you want me to break your defense? It will cause a backlash and you will have to stay in bed for months." The woman said and a shocked expression appeared on Ye Xiu's face.

'Titled Douluo! Fuck!' Ye Xiu cursed in his mind, and he hadn't expected that he would meet a Titled Douluo on his first day.

'This can be considered as an opportunity.' Ye Xiu thought, and he removed the shield, and it transformed into three rings in his hand. The woman looked at the scene with raised brows and then she took a good look at Ye Xiu.

"I have met the Elder," Ye Xiu said Elder instead of Your Majesty or Your Holiness, showing that he had joined Spirit Hall, and the woman smirked at his words.

"Elder, Huh! So you are also a member of Spirit Hall, whose disciple, are you?" The woman said while sitting down, and Ye Xiu looked at her. She motioned him to sit down, and only then did Ye Xiu sit down in front of her.

"Uh, I don't have a teacher yet, but I want to become someone's disciple." Ye Xiu said, and the woman raised her brows and asked, "Who?"

"Her Majesty the Pope," Ye Xiu said these words, and for a moment, the place became. Then, the woman burst into laughter and said, "Everyone wants to become Her Holiness's disciple, but not anyone can become her disciple. Even if you are talented, it doesn't mean that you become her disciple."

"Or do you have something that gives you confidence?" The woman said as she looked at no change in Ye Xiu's expression, and Ye Xiu gave a nod.

"Oh? What is it? If it can impress me, then I will take you to Pope and vouch for you." Lingyuan (Spirit Kite) Douluo said with a look of interest in her eyes, and Ye Xiu rubbed his cheek and asked, "Sister, are you sure that you will take me to Her Majesty the Pope, and not ask me to become your disciple?"

Lingyuan Douluo's mouth twitched at Ye Xiu's words, and she laughed and said, "Hehe, Little guy, if what you have didn't impress me, then, Hehe."

Ye Xiu shuddered as he heard her laugh, and he took out two books. He gave the two books to her and said, "This is the first thing."

"First Thing?" Elder Ling muttered as she took the books and she read the titles of the books.

"Ways to Develop Self-Created Soul Skills and Importance of Control."

"The way to increase the years of the optimum year of Spirit rings, and theory about the evolution of Martial Spirits."

Elder Ling narrowed her eyes as she read the title and she heard Ye Xiu speak.

"Sister, please see this first." Ye Xiu said while releasing his Spirit rings, and she looked at the second ring that had a slight purple colour in it. Only rings above 800 years had a purple colour besides yellow, and from her experience, Elder Ling could see that the spirit ring came from a beast with the age of 900 years.

"Also, this," Ye Xiu said while raising his hand, and in his hand, a rotating sphere made of Spirit power appeared in his hand, and Elder Ling looked at it with an astonished look on her face.

"I am the proof of what I have written, now, sister you can read." Ye Xiu said with a grin on his face, and Elder Ling gave him a deep look and then she nodded and read everything.


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