15.62% Douluo: Twin Martial Spirits / Chapter 5: Multitasking!

章 5: Multitasking!

Training Ground, Nuoding Academy.

All the students in the Academy had gathered for the weekly matches that Ye Xiu introduced.

Every week, all the students of the same level would fight each other, and when no one was at the level, the lower ones would start to fight the ones at a higher level until two were left.

The end winners would be under Xiao Chenyu and Wang Sheng, and a hierarchy would be decided with this.

Ye Xiu introduced this to train others and make things harder for Tang San and Xiao Wu in the future.

He even introduced a strict training regime for everyone, and because of this, a few days ago, Xiao Chenyu got his yellow spirit ring instead of a white one.

Even though it was only from a 150-year-old wolf, it was much better than a white one, and with the ring, his spirit power increased to level 12 instead of level 11.

As for Ye Xiu, it's been three months since he got his spirit ring, and in these three months, he mostly focused on multitasking. He divided the realms into Two Objects, Four Objects, Six Objects, Eight Objects, and Ten Objects.

Maybe because of his high Spiritual Power (Mental Power), he achieved two objects in a month, and four objects in two months.

Besides this, every day he would cultivate and spend most of the time in a blue silver grass garden that he made by transplanting all Blue Silver Grass in the area and giving organic fertilizer every day.

There, he also practiced his throwing skills, and basic spear moves, and tried to control his Spirit Power by following Control Techniques from Naruto. His end goal was to be able to form a Spirit Bomb (Rasengan) and use it to attack others.

One thing that happened with Ye Xiu in the past months was that Yu Xiaogang also got to know about his situation, and he asked him to visit him. But Ye Xiu ignored his words and didn't visit him as he didn't care about Yu Xiaogang, and he wasn't obliged to listen to him.

That itself caused some ruckus, and in the end, Yu Xiaogang was beaten by the little brothers (students), and only when the teacher arrived, did he was able to escape.

Now, looking at the students fighting each other, Ye Xiu had a smile on his face and beside him stood Dean Xie, who also watched the matches.

"You did a good thing," The Dean said as he looked at the motivated students, and he himself was amazed by the control Ye Xiu had over students.

"Dean, why don't you add a reward for the tournament?" Ye Xiu said as he looked at the Dean, who raised his brows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Why don't you promise that the winner will get the best spirit ring for his Martial Spirit when he reaches level 10? With this, students will be more motivated to practice, and you can use me or Chenyu as an example."

"After all, you can easily hunt a 100-year-old beast, and even if any one of them practices hard, they can at most get a 150-year-old ring." Ye Xiu said, and Dean had a thoughtful look on his face.

"As for which ring would be suitable, don't we have 'Master' in the Academy? He only..."

"Oh! Shush! I understand." Dean said before Ye Xiu could speak more, and he decided to add the condition. After all, it wouldn't really harm, and it's not like he has to go around every week.

Ye Xiu smiled, and he closed his mouth. He knew that even if he helped others, it wouldn't really matter as their innate talent was quite less, and unless he developed a cultivation technique, not much would happen.

But he had no plans for now, as he didn't have much information about the meridians, dantian and other aspects required for the technique.

'Even though I have gained internal vision, it only shows the places where my energy flows, not the ones that are blocked. The only way for me to develop is by having a lot of theoretical materials, Healing Spirit Master, and guinea pigs.'

'After all, if a meridian bursts in the process, the person will die, and for now, I don't have much interest in it.'

Ye Xiu thought in his mind, and he watched the game while he practiced the Multitasking. Looking at the balls moving around in random directions, Dean had an amazed look on his face, as even though he knew the principle behind the process, he couldn't do it, and let's not talk about Ye Xiu who did it in three months.

When the fight ended, Dean walked to the center, and he looked at the winners of the matches.

"From now on, whoever wins the match, will have a chance to get the best spirit ring for their Martial Spirit, even if it is a 100-year-old spirit ring," Dean said, and everyone was stunned by his words.

Then, they cheered for the dean and seeing this, the Dean smiled and looked in the direction of Ye Xiu, but he didn't see anyone.

Shaking his head, he walked away, and he decided to ask 'payment' from the 'Master' that have been eating and drinking in the Academy for years.

Arriving back at his garden, Ye Xiu released his martial spirit and planted it on the ground.

Sitting with his legs crossed, he released the truth-Seeking balls, and they transformed into Shuriken.

 His range of control had increased from 100m to 200m, and he threw one in the air, and it started to float.

As for the second one, he aimed at the first, and controlling both of them with a separate mind, he tried to attack the first one from second and defend second from first.

After practicing for fifteen minutes, he stopped the process, and the two shuriken appeared beside him and transformed into a spear and a shield.

He attacked using a Spear and defended using the shield, and gradually, in his vision, two figures appeared behind the spear and shield, and they started to fight each other.

It was virtual image training and finally, he had been successful in being able to imagine the figures with spear and shield.


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レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C5
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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