74.52% The Phoenix of Jujutsu Kaisen / Chapter 78: Is The Answer Sukuna?!

章 78: Is The Answer Sukuna?!

[Third Person's PoV]

Ash drags his sword through the floor as he made his way towards Jishin with a sadistic smile.

Jishin seeing Ash making his way towards him started sending out drills made out of the earth towards him, but Ash just cut them in half anytime the got too close.

Ash flash stepped and reappeared infront of Jishin cutting off his arms and legs causing him to scream out in pain


Ash just smiles at him and proceeded to stomp at him again and again and again, causing Jishin to cough up blood with each stomp.

While doing this Ash stopped and turned his towards Gojo's direction as he sense him disappear and reappear with Yuji and thought 'It's going exactly like how it happened, that's weird I thought my birth would have changed alot of things'

While Ash stopped, Jishin used this opportunity to heal himself, he started controlling the ground from underneath him and started reconstructing his limps and covering all of his injuries.

While this was happening Ash activated his TSTP 'Now that I think about it, almost everything has been the same with little to no changes. It's like someone is controlling it, making it happen this way. Is it fate? Is fate something important here, or is there a curse technique that can control fate.

I might sound crazy but, is it the will of the earth?, is it alive? This is making me remember stories where the will of the earth has a subconscious and makes things to heal itself...

Are the curses a way for the earth to heal itself, a way to kill of what it's killing it, humans... This is fascinating if it's true, my birth and by extension Gojo's birth brought forth more curses and strengthen them in order for curses to have a fighting chance

If the earth does have a subconscious, is it siding with the curses. This just brings so many more questions, does the principle of equivalent exchange play a part in this, in order for curse to be brought forth humans need the chance to awaken abilities or in other cases techniques in order for them to have a chance at survival.

So does when one side gets the overwhelming advantage does it need to balance itself out because of the principle of equivalent exchange. But then how does the "Earth" plan to win if both sides need to be equal.... is the answer Sukuna'

While Ash was thinking he said "Don't think that just because I'm pondering and deep into my thoughts I'm not paying attention to you, I can feel you healing yourself under my foot dumbass. But don't worry I'll let you do it afterall I still haven't had my fun with you"

Jishin gritted his teeth in anger, the ground and earth started to shake along with his anger, in his anger he slammed his fist on the ground causing the entire area to cave in destroying all the trees and cracking the ground.

Ash just looked down on him unimpressed and with a raised brow he asked "You done throwing your tampered tantrum?"

Which just enraged Jishin to the limit, he smashed his fist together and with crazed expression shouted "Domain Expansion: Earth's Core"

Ash was then enclosed in Jishin's Domain, when he looked around he just sighed in disappointment 'Seriously this is almost the same as Jogo's the only thing that's different is the bright blue crystal Stalactites on the ceiling.'

'The hell, why does he look dissapointed when he looked around? Does he think my Domain is unimpressive? Just how arrogant does one have to be to look down on me!' Jishin thought while looking at Ash just sigh regretfully again.

"Look dude if I wanted to fight the volcano dude I would have chosen him and not this cheap imitation... seriously the only reason I chose you to fight was cause I thought you were different.

If I wanted to have a dick measuring contest about how hot our flames are, I would have chosen him. Seriously the more I look at you the more dissapointed I get. It's making me want to sigh again" Ash sighed

Jishin at this point became emotionless all the anger he was feeling reach the point where it turned into a silent fury ready to be unleashed and he knew to who to unleashed it to

Jishin didn't even talk as he waved his hand causing all the Stalactites in the ceiling to start to vibrate at a terrifying frequency that even space itself was starting to shatter

Ash raised a brow at that and smirk "Now you have my interest"

The gravity around Ash then started getting heavier and heavier making it difficult to move. Ash was almost crouching when the gravity kept rising.

Key word almost. Ash's silhouette started taking a more firey look, looking as if he was catching on fire slightly... Ash was currently burning the gravity around him making sure it wasn't affecting him.

Jishin seeing this didn't say anything and just sent all of the Stalactites at Ash, at a speed Ash couldn't see at all. The Stalactites started impaling Ash all over his body, whether it was his head, neck, torso, heart, legs, arms. Ash's body wasn't even almost present anymore, there was more holes than body at this point, the only thing that was whole was his mouth

All Ash asked was "What?" Before falling down dying completely...


"Yup it's dead alright, deader than dead, I mean come on you did a number on him, just look at it, it looks like Swiss cheese, you really wanted him dead huh"

"Of course I wanted him dead did you see how ar...ro..gant" Jishin when he realized he was talking to someone, slowly turned his head with a look of disbelieve, cause he knew that voice, it was the voice of the person he just killed.

Ash who was standing shoulder to shoulder with Jishin completely fine and unscathed nodded his head with a hand on his chin "Yeah, I saw, you were right for a fire clone and illusion he was pretty arrogant. I mean come on he had no fighting power and was just made to look stupidly handsome, where does he get the right to act so arrogant"

Ash slapped Jishin's shoulder like they were old friends "Am I right buddy, it was pretty stupid of him"

Jishin tried to jump back and escape from Ash but Ash held him where he stood and leaned on his shoulder

Jishin just asked "How, how could you escape my sure hit technique, what you did was impossible, it just doesn't make sense no matter how I l much a think about it"

"What can I say I was created to make the impossible... well possible. Don't worry your little big head about it"

Ash then put a hand on Jishin's shoulder, when he did his face got serious "Listen I have something really important to tell you"

Jishin looked shocked not knowing what to do but Ash didn't pay attention to that he just continued what he was saying "The only reason you exist is cause i was born, which technically makes you my child by default"

Tears started coming out of Ash's eyes as he then covered his eye's with a hand and said "wait a moment, I'm getting emotional" Ash took a deep breath and continued where he left off

"And as my child, you turned into such a fucking disappointment... if i had raised you like I was supposed to maybe... just maybe you wouldn't have turned out into this weak, pathetic, emotional sack of shit that throws a tantrum when he's mad"

Ash then unexpectedly punched Jishin in the face and sent him crashing into his own domain breaking it on impact.

However before Ash could continue he looked up and saw that the clouds were black with lightning crackling between them.

A bolt of lightning flashed down and dropped on Jishin who was on the floor. When the flash of light disappeared Raiun appeared carrying Jishin on his shoulders

"The fuck did you do to my fucking brother, you fucking piece of shit"

Raiun at this point looks different instead of the white clouds that he normally has, they're now black with lightning flashing all over his body. When he goes into his lightning mode his personality completely changes, he becomes more violent and spouts out curses left and right compare to his white cloud mood where he turns into a chill dude....

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C78
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


