89.47% Ultimate Adaptive Evolution System / Chapter 32: Into Darkness, Final Test Prep

章 32: Into Darkness, Final Test Prep

Dan's usual visualisation method wouldn't work here, and then it hit him. System, create the Adaptive Evolution Process for Omnisight & Enhanced Senses!


Adaptive Evolution: Enhanced Senses

Sight (Visual Sense): Omnisight:

Enhanced Visual Perception:

Step 1 - Neural Enhancement: Stimulate neural pathways to increase visual processing speed.

Step 2 - Retinal Augmentation: Develop retinas with enhanced resolution and light sensitivity.

Step 3 - Lens Adaptation: Modify lenses for variable focusing and energy visualization.

Eye Adaptation:

Eyes: Optic nerves develop increased connectivity for rapid data transmission.

Pupils: Enable rapid dilation/constriction for varied lighting conditions.

Retinas: Enhance resolution and facilitate regeneration for sustained clarity.

Hearing (Auditory Sense):

Enhanced Auditory Acuity:

Step 1 - Cochlear Amplification: Improve cochlear sensitivity to detect subtle sounds.

Step 2 - Frequency Discrimination: Enhance frequency range differentiation for precise hearing.

Step 3 - Distance Perception: Develop the ability to hear sounds from vast distances.

Ear Adaptation:

Ears: Increase sensitivity and refine directional hearing capabilities.

Auditory Nerves: Strengthen neural connections for rapid sound processing.

Middle Ear: Enhance sound transmission efficiency and protect against damage.

Smell (Olfactory Sense):

Enhanced Olfactory Detection:

Step 1 - Olfactory Receptor Proliferation: Increase receptor density for better scent detection.

Step 2 - Odour Differentiation: Enhance ability to discern complex odours and trace scents.

Step 3 - Chemical Analysis: Develop skills to identify chemical compositions through smell.

Nose Adaptation:

Nose: Heighten sensitivity and expand the range of detectable scents.

Olfactory Bulb: Optimize processing of olfactory information for accuracy.

Sinuses: Maintain moisture balance and protect olfactory receptors.

Taste (Gustatory Sense):

Expanded Taste Sensation:

Step 1 - Taste Bud Proliferation: Increase taste bud density for refined flavours.

Step 2 - Flavour Intensity Perception: Enhance ability to detect subtle taste nuances.

Step 3 - Ingredient Identification: Develop skills to identify ingredients based on taste.

Tongue Adaptation:

Tongue: Enhance taste bud distribution and sensitivity for diverse flavours.

Salivary Glands: Regulate saliva production to aid in taste perception.

Oral Cavity: Maintain optimal pH balance for accurate taste reception.

Touch (Tactile Sense):

Heightened Tactile Sensitivity:

Step 1 - Nerve Sensitisation: Increase nerve responsiveness for touch perception.

Step 2 - Texture Discrimination: Enhance ability to differentiate textures and pressures.

Step 3 - Temperature Sensitivity: Develop precise temperature detection capabilities.

Skin Adaptation:

Skin Receptors: Amplify touch receptors for enhanced tactile feedback.

Nerve Endings: Strengthen nerve connections for rapid tactile processing.

Epidermis: Maintain skin integrity and regulate sensory response thresholds.

Intuition (Sixth Sense):

Intuitive Insight:

Step 1 - Psychic Awareness: Heighten awareness of subtle energies and intentions.

Step 2 - Predictive Abilities: Develop precognition for anticipating future events.

Step 3 - Emotional Perception: Enhance empathy and emotional resonance sensing.

Mind Adaptation:

Brain: Strengthen neural pathways for intuition and psychic reception.

Pineal Gland: Activate the third eye for heightened spiritual awareness.

Heart: Connect intuition with emotional intelligence for holistic insight.

Balance (Seventh Sense): [LOCKED!]

Energy Perception (Eighth Sense): [LOCKED!]


I can already feel the changes in my body happening slowly. I guess I'll chance have to brute-force it for now until I can see properly. Then again, this process will probably take a lot longer to have any noticeable effects apart from the minor changes I'm feeling right now. Oh well, brute-force it is, my adaption speed is at 800x rather than 200x now anyways! Dan got to his feet, and as he did so, he suddenly felt something cutting through the air in front of him, and he dodged to the side.

He immediately swung his staff in the direction of whatever had passed him, and he heard a grunt. Dan swung once more, this time his staff met nothing but air, so he retreated slightly. Before he could advance once more, he suddenly felt numerous hits to his body, and instinctually blocked some of them. This continued on for a while, with Dan starting to block more hits. He also managed to get a few hits in himself, none yielding satisfactory results though.

Dan swung his staff with both hands in an arc, and he felt it connect with his opponent, who grunted in pain once more and Dan hear the sound of his opponent hitting the floor. He didn't hear much after that but he continued to receive and parry strikes with his staff. He realised that he was starting to make out vague shapes in the darkness. He could see the outline of his hands, and the staff itself. 

His sense of hearing seemed to be improving too, and he was beginning to hear the other man's breathing, which helped him to determine how close his opponent was. The sound of quiet footsteps to his left made him swing the staff as hard as he could in that direction. The grunt was louder this time, and he heard the sound of his opponent hitting the wall next to them and falling to the ground.

Dan instinctively kicked out, and he felt his boot meet something soft, and then he heard several curses, followed by what sounded like moaning. Did I just kick him in the balls? Judging from the sounds he's making and him cursing in another language, I think I did. Wait, he's getting up now, he's probably a little angry at me. Dan kicked out in front of him this time, and he felt the same soft feeling. I just did it again, I should just use my staff from now on.

The man fell to the ground again, the cursing was a lot more audible now. Dan's senses were sharpening and he could feel it, and now he could smell the other man's sweat. Dan suddenly swung his staff, this time his staff his something a little harder, and he heard a cracking sound. Then he heard what sounded like the man hitting his head on the ground. All sounds in the room stopped then. "You win, F*CK YOU! ARE YOU AN ANIMAL? HOW DID YOU KNOW WHERE I WAS?"

I expected that, I just kicked him in the balls twice in a row. "Did you forget my adaption speed? I've also begun to adjust to the darkness a little bit."

It was true, he could now vaguely make out the other man staring at him with a mixture of anger and shock. "So that was it, well, it won't be so easy when it comes to our leader, he's a super soldier after all. He's not as strong as Captain America was, maybe around half that. Did you have to kick me in the balls twice?"

"About that, that was an accident, I can't exactly see anything in here after all."

Dan was lying of course, his vision was becoming more clear by the minute now. "Anyways, you'll have a compulsory 1 day break between now and the ground floor test."

"Alright, by the way, would you happen to know how far Andrei's progressed?"

"He's currently on the 21st floor, he's been very motivated after hearing about your record-setting completion speed."

The both of them said their goodbyes, and then the light turned on, the door was then unlocked and Dan opened it and closed it behind him. "HEY! WHY DID YOU CLOSE IT AGAIN?"

Dan realised that he'd locked the man in there again with the light turned off again, and he hurried off, "good luck getting out I guess."


He was already beating me up in pitch blackness, who knows how capable he is when it's not dark. I haven't checked my stats in a while, let's see how much they've increased.



Vigour: 84

Sapience: 72

Deftness: 81

Constitution: 83

Luck: 41


They've increased by a lot, System, what would Captain America's physical stats happen to be? And what about Yauheni's?


Steve Roger's Physical Stats:

Vigour: 105

Deftness: 92

Constitution: 115



Yauheni Ivanov's Physical Stats:

Vigour: 94

Deftness: 82

Constitution: 101


I see now, so I'm pretty outmatched then, I guess I'll have to start planning then. Dan headed down to the kitchen and found Yauheni waiting there, he seemed to be laughing too, an unusual sight. "Welcome Mr. Nutcracker, what can I do for you today?"

Dan understood then, "very funny, by the way, I kind of locked him in there by himself, I had a feeling he might try to take revenge for cracking his eggs in half."

"I saw that too, let's let him cool off for a bit, so, are you ready to fight me?"

"Nope, not at all honestly, you might be the first road-block honestly."

"Well, don't worry, unlike the other tests, this one has unlimited retries."

Dan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that, he had a feeling that he just wouldn't be able to hurt the other man very much. After chatting for a while, Dan headed to his room, showered and sat down on his bed. It was time to start visualising an opponent who was much stronger than him. Yauheni was a tiny bit faster, but that wouldn't last too long. Dan had found that his stats seemed to increase faster when he was fighting with someone stronger than him.

Instead of visualising for less than a minute like he had during his time with Andrei, he spent several hours doing this instead. After around 3 hours, he finally had a few solutions to work with.

I hope that you all enjoyed reading these 5 chapters, the writing quality is pretty inconsistent. I did have a lot of trouble with writing this chapter for some reason. Today's sponsor is AKISU, the grammar checker that actually gets things done!

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C32
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


