
CH 1: Meeting the Folks

Bright, that was all I could think of as I opened my eyes for the first time in this new world. Standing up I found myself under a tree on top of a small hill that the old me would relax under when the day's work was done. One thing that stood out right away was how clear everything was. It's truly hard to describe how good a Spartan's eyes are. I can literally see every individual ant scavenging a dead field mouse a good 30 feet away. I can see their mandibles moving to cut chunks off, and I can see when their legs tense to pull the meat off.

I ran a few miles to the edge of the island in only 3 mins, absolutely shattering the world record in my old world. I wasn't even sweaty afterwards either. Looking down at the vast ocean spread out beneath the island was a thing of true beauty. The water shimmered with an almost majestic azure glow. I used to never care much for the world around me, just floating through life, but this? I think I can learn to care after seeing this. 

After a while I heard a man's voice calling out my name. I look around and realize how low the sun has gotten. 

"Shit! I'm going to be late for dinner," I say as I start running towards the voice.

Coming to my usual lazing tree, I found my father Balcus Fou Bartfort waiting for me with an irritated expression. At 6 ft 2in (188 cm) and roughly 220 lbs (99.8 kgs) Balcus cuts a pretty imposing figure for sure. That being said, I'm only 14 and I'm already 6 ft 1in (185.4 cm) and 256 lbs (116 kgs), so I don't feel so intimidated by him.

"Leon you're late for dinner. Where were you this time?"

"Sorry old man. I just got lost on the path of life!" I say with a smirk.

He just shakes his head in disappointment. "Boy, one day that sarcasm of yours is going to bite you in the rear. Ya know that don't you?"

"When that day comes I'll just wear steel underpants!"

"Sometimes the things you say make me wonder about if that potion you drank didn't mess up your head too."

I just shrugged. "Maybe, but its fine isn't it?"

The old man just shook his head and sighed.

Apparently, the old Leon got attacked by a flying monster before I came into the picture. To save his life Balcus used a high-grade healing potion from the family treasury. The potion was supposed to just heal him, but instead my body grew immensely from it. I guess The Company really knows how to set the stage for their contractors.


As soon as we got inside the house I heard rapid footsteps before a small body slammed into me. Looking down I couldn't help, but smile at seeing my little brother Colin locked onto me like a leech. He looked up to me with big puppy dog eyes.

"Big Bro Leon where were you? I'm so hungry I could die!"

I couldn't help myself from patting him on his little head. 

"Sorry little man, I was just enjoying the feel of the ocean breeze."

"But now the foods getting cold!"

I chuckled. "Tell you what, I'll give you my slice of honey bread as an apology. Ok?"

I was completely dumbstruck by how fast his teary face turned into a big toothy smile.

"Yay! I love you big bro!"

He ran back to the dining room while bragging happily yelling about how happy he was to get to eat 2 slices of the sweet honey bread tonight.

When we walked into the dining room, I was called out by Colin's evil counterpart, Finley.

"What took you so long stupid older brother? And if you were not going to eat your sweets isn't it natural that you should give them to your precious little sister?" she said with an arrogant sneer.

I naturally acted like the verifiable adult that I am mentally and responded in a gentle and mature manner...just kidding! I ain't letting this little imp treat me how she likes! Instead I held my hand over my eyes like I was on a safari, then looked around the room like an old British explorer.

"Precious little sister, where, where? All I see is a wee little she-devil!"

That comment got me a slap from behind from dear old dad.

"Be nice to your sister. She's just as much a part of this family as you are."

"Yeah! You should listen to our father, then you might actually get a girl to look your way." She said while looking smug. 

"I appreciate the concern Finley, but I'd be more concerned with my own situation if I were you."

"What is that supposed to mean stupid older brother?" She said with a frown.

"Oh nothing, you might wanna listen to mom's advice to be kinder. You know, since at the academy you're going to be a little...outgunned." I say while obviously looking at her washing board chest.

She made a bird-like squawk and turned strawberry red, "how dare you, you, you degenerate! And I'll have you know that I'm still growing!"

I was about to rip into her a little more, but then a gentle yet firm older woman's voice cuts in.

"Leon that's enough. You shouldn't tease your sister so much. And you Finley, need to ask for things in a kinder manner, most men won't respond well to such an aggressive tone. Now let's eat the meal that Colin and I made."

I turned to my little brother with a raised eyebrow. "So you helped cook aye Colin?"

He puffed up his chest, and with a triumphant look said, "yep! I help make it the tastiest food in the whole world!"

"Well then, I'll be sure to enjoy it," I said with a chuckle before digging right in.


After dinner I decided to get the ball rolling on Operation: Homicidal AI Collection, and gain as much time as I could to prepare before the academy.

"Hey old man." 

"What is it Leon?" he asked in his usual gruff tone.

"Can we talk for a bit...alone?"

 He looked at me for a few seconds before nodding.

"Alright. Wait for me at the sparring grounds. I'll be there in a few minutes."

The sparring grounds are really just a small clearing in the woods near our house with a small rack holding some wooden practice weapons and couple of old wooden benches around the edges.

After mulling around for a few minutes the old man showed up.

"You said you wanted to talk to me. So tell me what's on your mind son?"

I talk a deep breathe. This is the point where we either soar, or crash and burn. If I can't convince him to help me out, then I'll have to attempt to climb the ranks of the imperial military like a certain Raven. (Mob? More Like Hidden Boss by SlugSLinger)

My old man doesn't like when my brothers and I beat around the bush, so I decide that the optimal choice would be to go for a straightforward approach.

"I need to leave the barony. The sooner the better."

He raised his right eyebrow.

"This is pretty sudden. Care to explain what brought this on?"

"Yeah, I can do that. Ya see the last couple times when the New Horizons merchant group came around, Mathias kept warning me to be careful of Zola. He said she was part of a group called The Forest of Ladies. And that I am in danger if I stick around."

Balcus narrowed his eyes.

"And what about this Forest of Ladies makes them such a danger to you?"

"They are a group of low-ranked noblewomen who forcibly marry third and fourth sons for houses like ours, send them off to the imperial military, where they 'tragically' die in the service of the country."

His eyes widened in realization.

"Leaving the widows to collect a healthy pension."

"Yeah, that. And I'm the third son of a rural baron, born from a mistress so..."

"You are the perfect target." He said with a grim look.

"So you want to leave before that happens?"

"Yes. If I leave before Zola can arrange an engagement for me..."

"Then all the blame would fall on Zola who arranged an engagement with a son who already left the family."

"Exactly! At that point I would just have to lay low for a couple of years, or Garner some impressive achievements and get a noble title of my own."

He seemed to mull it over for a few minutes before his gaze returned to me.

"It could work, but from what you said about achievements that means your either thinking of going mercenary, or becoming an adventurer. So which one is it?"

"Adventurer. They gain more recognition from the country, and the bitch would be criticized by other nobles if she tried to get me to quit."

"You need to watch that mouth of yours Leon, it'll get you into some serious trouble some day, especially if Zola were to hear it."

"Didn't you already say that earlier?"

"And I'll say it until you actually start to take it seriously instead of laughing it off."

He's wasn't wrong, but trouble just means opportunity.

"Fair enough, I'll try to hold back on the insults. Don't expect miracles."

"That's all I ask. Now what do you need for this plan of yours?"

"A pair of decent swords, a hatchet, camping equipment, provisions for a couple of weeks, and a small airship with an engine."

He frowns at the mention of the airship.

"Why the airship? Wouldn't a ticket on the public service airship work?"

I shook my head in denial.

"Negative, Zola could have someone track me down far too quick for me to disappear, and if she tracks me down before I do anything notable..."

"She can bring you back without any backlash."

"Exactly! Which is why I need a small airship, it's discreet and nearly impossible to track down without someone who can use scrying magic, which she couldn't afford to hire."

"Hmmm." He spent the next few minutes mulling it over, before walking over to the weapon rack. He picked up 2 enchanted wooden training swords, and threw one to me.

"Alright Leon, I'll get you what you need; HOWEVER, being a solo adventurer is more dangerous than you realize. Remember monsters aren't all you have to worry about. So, I am going to make you as strong as I can while I quietly gather up the supplies for you. Do you understand?"

I broke into such a big smile and mentally cheered myself on. Then I took a slightly hunched stance with my left arm and leg in front, and my blade in my right.

"Loud and clear old man."

The old man narrowed his eyes at me. Then he rushed towards me faster than a damn cobra and swung his sword down in a classic overhead strike. I swung my sword with all the force I could muster. Our clashing swords sounded like thunder, and the wind pressure was enough to ruffle our clothes.

I swung my sword with a back hand strike hoping to catch him while he was recovering, but instead he jumped back and readied for a horizontal strike. Despite his large body, he managed to slip past my blade strike the back of my knee. I dropped down to one leg, and brought up my sword, but his sword was already at my throat.

"Looks like this old man still has some tricks to teach you, aye Leon?" He said with a smirk.

"Haha. Yeah, you're pretty good old man."

"Your reactions aren't too bad, and you hit like a bear, but your fighting style is off. Your stance left you open to a lot of different attacks. Work on it."

"Yes sir. Wanna go another round?"


We would spar until the sun disappeared beyond the horizon. We had 17 bouts, and I didn't get my ass kicked for all of them...yep, I definitely won some. Ok I lost all 17, but I almost won the last couple! The old man is almost as strong as me with his reinforcement magic, he's a bit faster, and he definitely has the skills of a top tier knight. Then again, he did hold of the Black Knight for a while on his own with an outdated armor in the Marie Route, so I really shouldn't be that surprised. The only reason I was able to hold my own during the last couple rounds was my Spartan reflexes, and martial talent working overtime to bridge the gap in skill.

"Not bad Leon, not bad. You're a quick learner, it's a shame you're usually so lazy. If you'd been willing to work like this before, you'd already be well on your way to become a member of the Royal Guard."

"You mean stand around with a stick up my ass, while having to interact with high nobles! Ha, you're funny!"

"That's fair I suppose, though it would solve your current issue. Well let's call it a night. Your mother is probably starting to get worried about us."

"Fair enough. Bye the way," he turned towards me, "thanks for always looking out for me."

"Your my son, of course I'll look out for you, now come on. We still have work tomorrow."

"Ugh. You're such a slave driver! My life is filled with such woe!" I said while dramatically clutching my chest.

The old man just shook his head. "Why are you like this?"

"Because life is too damn short to be serious all the time."

He just sighed, then walked back towards the house.


AN: So there is the official chapter 1! I apologize for the delay, but that the way it goes. 

So I ended taking a decent amount of inspiration from the original chapter, since I thought it was my best written chapter by far. That being said, I was trying to also line things up with the start of the original Mobuseka, which is why Finley is the same as in the novel. The potion backstory was the way for Leon to get his spartan enhancements from his Master Chief template. 

Finally, some of you might have realized that the MC seems a bit different than the prologue, and that would be my attempt at showing how MC is different thanks to personality blending with Leon's.

Anyway, I am hoping to get another chapter released this month, but we'll have to wait and see what happens. Y'all know my track record by now. 

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次の章はもうすぐ掲載する レビューを書く


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C2
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


