79.25% Harry Potter: The Golden Viper / Chapter 508: 0507 The Banquet

章 508: 0507 The Banquet

The arrival of the Durmstrang delegation was just as spectacular and awe-inspiring as that of Beauxbatons, though in an entirely different way. The autumn evening air was crisp and clear, with a brilliant full moon casting its silvery light across the dark waters of the Black Lake.

"How on earth did that ship get here?" Neville exclaimed in utter amazement, as an enormous and magnificent ship emerged from the depths of the Black Lake. Illuminated by the moonlight, it appeared almost ethereal, like a ghost ship from maritime legends.

The polished wooden flanks gleamed wetly, while dozens of portholes cast warm, golden light across the rippling surface of the lake.

"The Black Lake isn't connected to any ocean! It's completely landlocked!"

Hermione stood beside him with her brow furrowed in deep concentration. Her fingers absently twirled a strand of her bushy brown hair as she contemplated.

"They surely didn't sail here through conventional means," She pondered thoughtfully, her eyes following the water still streaming from the ship's ropes. "I guess the ship must have some sort of dimensional compression charm, allowing it to change size at will, combined with a specialized form of magical transportation that allows it to materialize in any sufficient body of water within a particular distance."

"Cool!" Seamus exclaimed with unrestrained enthusiasm. He drew in a sharp breath of admiration as the ship's massive anchor splashed into the dark waters with a tremendous crash, sending ripples across the previously mirror-smooth surface of the lake.

The Durmstrang students began disembarking from their ship with military meticulousness. Through the softly glowing portholes, Harry and his fellow Hogwarts students could see their silhouettes moving around. As they emerged onto the deck, their body frames were imposing and somewhat intimidating.

Harry's initial impression was that they all had the same hulking build as Crabbe and Goyle, Malfoy's dumb bodyguards. However, as the delegation made their way across the sloping lawn, illuminated by the welcoming light spilling from Hogwarts' great oak doors, Harry realized their bulky frame was mostly due to their distinctive clothing.

Each Durmstrang student was wrapped in thick, heavy cloaks made of some kind of rough, matted fur that appeared both warm and somewhat wild in nature. The material looked rough and primitive compared to the sleek, silver furs worn by their headmaster, who led the group with confident steps toward the castle.

"Ah, Dumbledore!" The man called out with exaggerated warmth, his voice carrying clearly across the grounds. His accent was thick but accurate, each word carefully pronounced as he approached the steps where Dumbledore waited. "It's been far too long, hasn't it? I trust you're well?"?"

"Blooming, thank you, Professor Karkaroff," Dumbledore replied with genuine warmth, his bright blue eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles as he gave a welcoming smile.

Karkaroff's voice maintained its honeyed tone, though there was something artificial about his warmth that Harry couldn't help but notice.

Though he matched Dumbledore in height and slenderness, the similarities ended there. Where Dumbledore radiated genuine warmth and kindness, Karkaroff seemed to dress his facial features in a carefully constructed mask. As he gazed up at the towering silhouette of Hogwarts Castle, his thin lips curved into what appeared to be a pensive smile, but his eyes remained as cold and calculating as chips of ice, showing no real emotion.

As Karkaroff began to lower his head, to inquire if Beauxbatons had arrived even though the massive powder-blue carriage bearing the Beauxbatons crest and its magnificent twelve-winged Abraxan horses were clearly visible nearby.

As he looked away, he finally noticed a figure who had quietly emerged from behind Dumbledore. The man had been standing there all along, watching the proceedings with an inconspicuous smile, but Karkaroff had been too preoccupied with his grand entrance to notice this while climbing the slope.

"Ah, Professor Watson!" Karkaroff's face split into a wide grin that revealed his yellowing teeth. "I was just wondering why I hadn't caught sight of you!"

His voice carried a note of calculated pleasure, like a merchant discovering an unexpected opportunity as he asked, "How have you been?"

"Just idling away the time, Professor Karkaroff—" Bryan responded with characteristic modesty, his voice carrying a hint of amusement that showed he knew exactly what was coming next.

"You're still as modest and graceful as ever, Professor Watson—" Karkaroff strode forward with eagerness. His silver furs swished dramatically with each step as he turned back toward his students. "Even after accomplishing such remarkable feats. Oh, come look, Viktor, this is the Bryan Watson you've been talking about for months!"

Karkaroff gestured to the group of burly students behind him, then spun back to Bryan with the air of a proud father showing off his most promising son. "Ever since he witnessed your performance at the Quidditch match, this boy has been absolutely captivated. He speaks of little else! Your name comes up in nearly every conversation!"

Viktor Krum's presence sent an electric current of excitement through the gathered Hogwarts students.

"Oh my God, can you believe it, Harry!" Ron practically squealed, clutching at Harry's arm. "It's him, it's actually Krum! We met him at the World Cup - remember when he called for Dad to help during the chaos? This is incredible - he's actually going to be Durmstrang's representative!"

Harry didn't need Ron's insistent reminder; he had already spotted the famous Quidditch player among the Durmstrang delegation. Krum was impossible to miss with his distinctive features - that prominent hooked nose and those thick, dark eyebrows that seemed to always furrow in concentration. He carried himself with the same powerful presence he had shown on the Quidditch pitch, though here, among his classmates, there was something more approachable about him.

Just like how the Beauxbatons students had looked at Professor Watson with a mixture of awe, curiosity, and admiration, many of the young Hogwarts wizards fell into a similar state upon hearing Krum's name.

A wave of excitement rippled through the crowd as young wizards pushed and shoved for a better view, craning their necks to catch a glimpse of the international Quidditch star who was now respectfully speaking with Professor Watson.

Harry, observing the commotion, noticed something curious. Hermione, usually so easily annoyed by what she considered "Quidditch worship," seemed unusually calm, apparently not at all surprised to see a world-class Quidditch star among the Durmstrang delegation. This caught Harry's attention enough to voice his confusion.

"Don't you remember?" Hermione replied with her typical matter-of-fact tone, though there was a hint of satisfaction in her voice at having known this detail. "That night, before we parted ways with Krum, he mentioned to Professor Watson that he was a Durmstrang student. Given his competitive nature, it seemed obvious he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to represent his school as champion."

Harry's brow furrowed as he tried to recall the specific moment Hermione referenced. But the events of that particular night had been so chaotic, so filled with tension and fear, that the details had become somewhat muddled in his memory. Unlike Hermione, whose mind seemed to catalog every detail with perfect clarity, Harry couldn't quite reconstruct that particular conversation.

The great migration into the Great Hall proceeded with controlled chaos as the heads of houses shepherded their students inside, following the Durmstrang delegation.

The Beauxbatons students had already claimed their territory at the Ravenclaw table, their powder-blue uniforms creating a striking contrast against the sea of black Hogwarts robes. After much shuffling, whispering, and strategic maneuvering for optimal viewing positions, everyone finally settled into their places.

Many young wizards, Ron included, found themselves in a constant state of distraction, their attention bouncing between two magnetic poles - Viktor Krum, who was already surrounded by an admiring crowd at the Slytherin table, and the breathtakingly beautiful Beauxbatons student who seemed to radiate an otherworldly allure.

"That girl must be part Veela!" Ron said hoarsely to Harry, as he stared dreamily at the Beauxbatons girl. His eyes had taken on a slightly glazed look that Harry recognized from the Quidditch World Cup. "How do you think Professor Watson knows her?"

"I don't know!" Hermione snapped; her voice sharp enough to cut glass. Her response came before Harry could even form a reply, and there was no missing the irritation in her tone. "Perhaps he caught her attention by standing there gawking like a mindless troll - much like you're doing right now!"

Ron appeared not to have heard a single word of Hermione's sarcastic reply; he remained mesmerized by Fleur, who was casting frequent, active glances toward Professor Watson at the staff table, her silvery hair was catching the light of the floating candles with every movement.

Dumbledore's voice suddenly filled the Great Hall, carrying easily to every corner despite its gentle tone.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ghosts and - most particularly - our distinguished guests," he announced, his face beaming with genuine pleasure as he surveyed the assembled crowd, paying special attention to the visiting students. "I have great pleasure in welcoming you all to Hogwarts. I hope and trust that your stay here will be both comfortable and enjoyable."

Fleur, having temporarily shifted her attention from the handsome professor, was now examining the Great Hall with an expression of barely concealed disdain. Her facial features arranged themselves into a look of sophisticated criticism as she released an unmistakably sarcastic laugh.

"Nobody's forcing you to stay!" Hermione muttered darkly, her patience clearly wearing thin with the French student's apparent superiority complex.

The feast that appeared before them today was truly extraordinary. The house-elves had outdone themselves, preparing an international meal that showcased not only traditional British wizarding palate but also French cuisine and Eastern European dishes.

Golden platters creaked under the weight of exotic delicacies and familiar comfort foods, while crystal goblets filled themselves with various beverages ranging from pumpkin juice to fine French wines (for the staff only, of course).

However, few students could truly focus on the delicious food. Most of their attention was on the visiting students from the two schools, while those like Cedric Diggory, who aspired to become Hogwarts champion, were eagerly anticipating the announcement of the champion selection process.

The appearance of the Ministry representatives halfway through the feast created yet another ripple of interest through the Hall.


Ludo Bagman arrived looking somewhat disheveled, his round face flushed from apparent fatigue. After exchanging hurried greetings with Madame Maxime and Professor Karkaroff, he leaned in close to Dumbledore, speaking in what he probably thought was a discreet whisper.

"Barty expressed some concerns," Ludo explained between heavy breaths, "so he's personally accompanying the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures on their inspection."

"Sounds exactly like Barty—" Bryan commented with a knowing chuckle, his eyes meeting Bagman's for a brief moment. Ludo quickly averted his gaze, showing an almost painful reluctance to maintain eye contact with Bryan.

The sharp pain that suddenly shot through Ron's shin finally managed to break the spell that had held him captive. "Ouch!" he yelped, shooting an angry glare at Hermione while rubbing his injured leg. "Have you gone completely mental again?"

"When you finally manage to tear your eyes away from her—" Hermione replied without a shred of sympathy, "Perhaps you'll notice who's just arrived!"

"What?" Ron's irritation gave way to confusion, but Harry's subtle head nod toward the staff table finally directed his attention to where Ludo Bagman sat, his robes were slightly crooked but his smile was as bright as ever.

"Oh, it's Bagman!" Ron's entire demeanor transformed instantly from annoyed to excited. He turned to Harry with renewed vigor, his previous grievances forgotten. "It's Bagman, Harry! We should go ask to him about the situation!"

To be honest, Harry didn't want to spend more energy on this matter, but he knew how much it meant to Ron, and he understood the significance of several hundred Galleons to him. As Harry hesitated, Ron looked troubled again. His gaze returned to Bagman, who was now toasting with others at the staff table, and said hesitantly,

"Maybe this isn't the best moment, Harry, I mean, Bagman's here for the Triwizard Tournament opening ceremony. We should probably wait for a more appropriate time."

Before Harry could respond, Hermione's exasperated sigh cut through the air. Ron, seemingly eager to avoid another confrontation with her, quickly turned his attention to his brothers, Fred and George, who had been watching the discussion with unusual intensity.

"What about you two? Are you planning to confront Bagman about it? You lost quite a bit of money too!"

"Just let us catch him alone," Fred said with grim determination.

"We're definitely not letting him wriggle out of this one!" George added with equal resolve, completing his twin's thought as they often did.


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章 509: 0508 Announcement

Ron's face lit up with renewed hope at Fred and George's determined declarations. He leaned forward eagerly across the ancient wooden table, his freckled face looking earnest in the warm candlelight of the Great Hall.

"Could you also ask him about that night?" Ron's voice carried a mixture of hope and desperation. "You know, whether he made a mistake and paid us with leprechaun gold instead of real Galleons?"

"Handle your own affairs, silly brother—" George's refusal, though kindly meant, was firm and decisive and he turned his attention back to the spectacular display of dishes before them.

Ron's face darkened with anger, his mouth opening to release what would undoubtedly have been a tirade at his brothers, when an unexpected voice cut through the tension.

"Excuse me, are you finished with zis bouillabaisse?"

The voice, melodious yet husky, with an unmistakable French accent, startled Harry from his observations. He turned, surprised to find that the Beauxbatons girl had somehow approached their table without making a sound.

To describe this girl as merely "pretty" would be like calling a diamond merely "shiny". The reactions of the boys nearby told the real story - Seamus had frozen with his fork halfway to his mouth, Neville had knocked over his pumpkin juice without noticing, Dean was staring blatantly, and Ron... Ron looked as though he'd been hit by a Confundus Charm.

Fleur Delacour stood there like a vision from a dream. She leaned forward slightly, causing her silvery-blonde hair to cascade over one shoulder like liquid moonlight, revealing a graceful collarbone that seemed sculpted from the finest marble.

Her skin possessed an almost luminous quality, seeming to glow like moonlight on fresh snow. Every feature of her face seemed precisely crafted by nature itself - from her high, elegant cheekbones to her perfectly curved lips and striking blue eyes that sparkled with intelligence and something else... something almost otherworldly.

She appeared more mature than the sixth and seventh-year Hogwarts students, both in appearance and physique. She was like a magnificent flower in full bloom, making everything around her seem somehow duller in comparison.

The reaction from the female students was equally telling, though obviously different. Hermione, Ginny, and other girls watched her with expressions ranging from wariness to outright hostility, like cats encountering an unfamiliar presence in their territory. Their discomfort was tangible, creating an almost visible tension in the air.

Harry wrinkled his nose slightly as her presence had brought with it a wave of perfume scent that he found overwhelming.

"Sure," He managed to say, pushing the dish towards her. "You can take it."

"You 'ave finished?" She inquired again.

"Yes!" Ron practically leaped to his feet, nearly knocking over several goblets in his haste. He grabbed the dish with slightly trembling hands, lifting it toward her as if presenting a precious offering. "We're done. It was excellent, really excellent."

The girl took the dish with elegance. She seemed to look straight through Ron as if he were made of glass, but after taking a few slow steps, she paused and turned back, her gaze settling on Harry with thoughtful curiosity.

"Which 'ouse are you in?" She asked, her voice carrying genuine interest. "I 'ave 'eard zat 'Ogwarts 'as four 'ouses."

"Gryffindor," Harry replied, gesturing toward the magnificent banner suspended from the enchanted ceiling, where a majestic golden lion stood against a field of deep crimson.

"Oh," Fleur's said with slight disappointment, her silvery voice maintaining its husky quality as she continued with her distinctive accent, "I 'ave 'eard zat Bryan Watson is from Slytherin 'Ouse?"

"What about it?" Hermione's voice came, her eyebrows drawing together in a deep furrow.

"Is Slytherin ze best 'ouse at 'Ogwarts?" Fleur's question came with an enthusiasm, her blue eyes sparkling with barely concealed interest.

This was truly an absurd question. Harry knew with absolute certainty that if this inquiry had come from anyone else - anyone who wasn't both a distinguished guest and possessing such otherworldly beauty - the reaction from the Gryffindor table would have been instant and potentially explosive. The Question or Suggestion that Slytherin might be superior to Gryffindor was practically blasphemous in this corner of the Great Hall.

"The best house at Hogwarts is Gryffindor!" Hermione's retort came with an uncharacteristic sharpness.

Hearing this response, Fleur looked at Hermione with slight surprise. She hadn't noticed this bushy-haired girl with slightly oversized front teeth before. But there was a flash of recognition in her eyes - not of Hermione personally, but of the hostility she detected there. It was a reaction she had encountered many times before.

A small, indifferent smile appeared across her perfect lips as she continued to ask curiously,

"So, what does Mr. Watson teach at 'Ogwarts? And... if I may ask, where might one find 'is office?"

Harry answered truthfully, despite the weird signals he was beginning to receive from his female classmates.

"Professor Watson used to teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts. Now he's teaching a... well, a Physical Education class." He paused, gathering his thoughts before continuing with precise directions. "His office is on the third floor. From the entrance hall, you take the main staircase up three flights, turn left at the landing, follow the corridor until you reach two turns, take both, walk a few more steps, and you'll see a door marked 'Student Safety Office.'"

"Physical Education," Fleur repeated the words, her interest visibly piqued as she turned and walked back toward the Ravenclaw table.

"Whew," Ron expelled a long breath, as if he'd been holding it the entire time. His face was flushed, and his eyes remained slightly blank. "If she's not a Veela, I'll eat Hagrid's Blast-Ended Skrewts raw - every last one of them!"

"Shut up, Weasley!" The simultaneous snap from both Ginny and Hermione carried enough venom to poison a basilisk. Their faces had darkened considerably, and Hermione whirled on Harry with the intensity of a charging hippogriff. "Why did you tell her all that, Harry!"

Harry's expression was a perfect picture of bewildered innocence, like a first-year caught in the wrong corridor. "She's a guest... isn't she?" His voice grew increasingly uncertain as he spoke. "Besides, what I told her wasn't exactly a secret. Anyone could have answered..."

His words trailed off as he became aware of the growing number of disapproving females faces turned in his direction. Not just Hermione and Ginny, but Lavender Brown, Parvati Patil, and the entire female population of the Gryffindor Quidditch team - Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, and Katie Bell - along with several seventh-year girls were all fixing him with looks that could have curdled milk.

"Did I say something wrong?" Harry's anxiety was beginning to rise as he found himself the target of this unexpected female group displeasure.

"You betrayed Professor Watson!" Parvati's accusation burst forth with the force of a hex, her dark eyes flashing with indignation. "That girl has ill intentions towards Professor Watson!"

The statement sent an uncomfortable tingle across Harry's scalp, but as his mind processed the accusation, confusion overtook his initial alarm. After all, Fleur was just a student, wasn't she? The idea that she could pose any real threat to Professor Watson seemed almost laughable.

The tension was broken by the sudden disappearance of the golden plates, leaving the tables gleaming as if they had never been used. Dumbledore and Professor Watson rose in perfect synchronization, their movements drawing all eyes in the Great Hall.

Bryan separated from the staff table, striding towards a shadowy corner of the Great hall where, as many now noticed for the first time, Filch had been lurking like a particularly suspicious gargoyle. His hands clutched a massive wooden chest that sparkled with jeweled inlays in the candlelight.

Dumbledore began the explanation everyone had been anticipating for the past two months: the champion selection process for the Triwizard Tournament and a general overview of what those chosen few might face as tasks. This portion clearly belonged to the Headmaster, while Professor Watson positioned himself to present the legendary artifact Dumbledore had referenced - the instrument of choosing champions.

The Goblet of Fire emerged from its container, its appearance breathtaking. The goblet itself was roughly hewn from ancient wood, showing the marks of countless years of service. What made it extraordinary was not its crude craftsmanship but the dancing blue-white flames that filled it. The flames moved with an almost hypnotic rhythm, as if performing an ancient and mysterious dance.

Every eye in the Great Hall was fixed on the magical artifact, its flames reflecting in hundreds of wide eyes and creating an almost dreamlike atmosphere throughout the vast space.

"For the next twenty-four hours, until the conclusion of tomorrow's Halloween feast, this goblet will take on the sacred task of selecting the three students it deems most worthy to represent their respective schools,"

Bryan's deep, resonant voice filled the hall. "Tonight, we will place the Goblet of Fire in the entrance hall, where any eligible student wishing to participate may submit their name. However, there are two crucial matters that require clarification—"

His voice took on an even more serious tone as he continued, "What sets this Triwizard Tournament apart from its historical predecessors is the unprecedented scope of its audience. We have implemented revolutionary magical technology that will allow the champions' trials to be witnessed in real-time across multiple locations. This means that while you compete here at Hogwarts, witches and wizards in Diagon Alley, magical communities throughout France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and numerous other locations will observe your achievements as they unfold. I trust you understand the implications - selection as a champion will result in instant, international recognition—"


The Great Hall erupted into barely controlled chaos. The announcement hit the assembled students like a tsunami, sending waves of excitement rippling through the crowd. Not only the Hogwarts students but also the visiting delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang (with the notable exception of Viktor Krum, who maintained his stoic demeanor) wore expressions of stunned disbelief mixed with burning ambition.

"Is zis true, Dumbledore?" Madame Maxime's tall frame seemed to grow even larger as she turned to the Hogwarts headmaster in surprise. "Why was I not informed of zis development beforehand?"

"Oh, I suppose—" Karkaroff's smooth voice carried an undertone of wariness, his dark eyes calculating as he spoke, "Perhaps Hogwarts, as our gracious host, didn't deem it necessary to trouble us with such a minor detail."

"Bryan believed it essential to demonstrate our significant advances in magical communication and cooperation," Dumbledore explained, his eyes twinkling. "However, this particular project has faced numerous challenges. We weren't entirely certain of its successful completion until quite recently, but now, it seems, Bryan's confidence has been justified."

"SILENCE!" Bryan's commanding voice cut through the growing tumult. "Following from what I've just revealed, the champions will receive recognition proportionate with this expanded audience. This means rewards beyond mere honor. Not only the ultimate victor but each student selected as a champion by the Goblet of Fire will receive a substantial monetary prize upon the tournament's conclusion."

"How much are we talking about, Professor Watson?" George's voice carried clearly across the hall, voicing the question on everyone's mind.

"The exact amount remains to be determined—" Bryan's smile held a hint of mischief, "But we're looking at several hundred Galleons, at minimum."


At least dozens of students leaped onto their benches, sending cups and plates clattering as they cheered with unrestrained enthusiasm. The prospect of both fame and fortune had ignited a fire of ambition in many young hearts.

"AND FINALLY, THIS MUST BE SAID!" Bryan's voice rose above the noise, his usual calm demeanor gradually drawing the excited young wizards back to order. "Do not let the allure of honor and wealth cloud your judgment. Consider your choice with the utmost care and seriousness. Once the Goblet of Fire selects you as champion, you enter into a binding magical contract of the most serious nature. You will be constantly monitored, and you will have no choice but to participate until the tournament's conclusion!"


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