


If you want to suport me, just subscribe in my Patreon to read more chapters



Atsuchi's POV

As I wake up in the morning, I quickly head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Even though I come from a modern universe with various recipes, I can't get used to eating only Japanese food. One fine day, I decided to make a glorious homemade pizza with the available ingredients at the time, and my parents fell in love at first sight. Since then, I have become the chef of the house.

It could be said that it's my fault that my parents are overweight, but I don't care. It's their fault for being careless, not mine. After all, my body is healthy and in shape. In the future, I plan to use my ability to help them lose weight eventually, anyway.

I quickly prepare the scrambled eggs and start plating them with bread when my parents finally wake up, sensing the delicious aroma lingering in the air. After plating the dishes, I grab some chopped scallions from a nearby container and imitate Salt Bae.

With radiant smiles, my parents shower me with compliments in every possible way, but they wait for me to speak. Joining my hands in prayer, I thank the God who gave me the incredible opportunity to be reincarnated quickly.

At first, my parents found my curious habit strange, but they understood after I explained that the universe and life are too complex for there not to be the hand of a God. Therefore, expressing gratitude for life wouldn't do us any harm.

After finishing the brief prayer, my parents attack the food with great enthusiasm, like children devouring chocolate. Speaking of chocolate, that would really be good, I think with a slight pang.

After the meal, I pretend to cough to get my parents' attention for an important matter. Even though I know the result of the ninja academy test, I have to show at least a bit of curiosity.

"Father, mother, we need to go to the academy. The results of the first call will be announced today!" I remind them.

"Of course, of course," they respond in unison, smiling, as we get ready to leave.

When we arrive at the Konoha ninja academy, we notice many families gathered in front of the board announcing the list of names of those accepted into the academy. Some children smile openly, while others don't seem as happy.

As we approach the board, I notice two young individuals wearing green jumpsuits with their faces glued to it. Carefully avoiding them, I locate my name on the list, forming a faint smile.

Since I am close to Guy and his father, who serves as his mount, I can overhear part of their conversation.

"My name isn't... my name really isn't on the list, Daddy," says Guy, with tears in his eyes.

"It can't be that all this effort goes unrecognized!" replies Dai, looking at his crying son.

"Keep looking, Guy! Tears are clouding your vision! Soon, you'll find your name!" encourages Dai.

Not that I don't care, in fact, I do care. But I know that Guy will eventually be accepted into the academy. I approach him to offer some words of consolation as he continues to frantically search for his name on the list.

Interrupting his search, I say, "Don't worry, Guy. There's no way you won't be accepted! Just don't give up and work hard to overcome your obstacles, just like I did." I try to comfort him with friendship.

Guy wipes away his tears and looks at me with shining eyes. Father and son make a synchronized gesture, smiling with their thumbs up.

"Thank you for your support!" they shout in unison, renewed in spirit. I smile as some children who witnessed our interaction show great interest and begin to whisper.

"Atsuchi, let's..." before Guy can challenge me, I express my frustration by rolling my eyes and swiftly run off, bidding him a quick farewell.

"Mom is calling me, see you later," I vanish from his sight, approaching my parents.

My parents, who were mere spectators, finally decide to tease me. "Look who has a peculiar taste in friends," my mother says, laughing.

I simply look at her and express my discontent. My mother seems to understand what I meant, expressing her discontent and giving me a light thump on the head. My father, witnessing the scene, just chuckles to himself.

As time goes by, the children who were eventually accepted were asked to complete their enrollment along with their legal guardians. Accompanied by a Chunin who was part of the academy's administration, we finally finished all the necessary paperwork.

Looking at my parents, the ninja asks them to step aside as he would help me unlock my chakra. My parents knew this would happen, so they start moving away. The ninja quickly approaches me and asks me to sit cross-legged while he places the palm of his hand on my back.

"Do you know the Chakra unlocking method?" the Chunin asks, and I simply nod.

"That saves me some explanations," the Chunin says.

"When I inject chakra into your body, I want you to guide this chakra through your tenketsu and reach your meridian, so you can produce your own chakra," the Chunin instructs. I nod again and close my eyes, focusing entirely on my mission.

Without hesitation, the ninja injects his chakra into my body, and I can clearly feel it. I had considered unlocking it on my own before, but I chose not to in order to avoid raising too many suspicions and painting a big target on my back.

Guiding the Chunin's chakra through my body via the tenketsu, I finally reach my meridians and begin to fuel it so that it starts generating chakra on its own.

In the next instant, I feel a snap running through my body. The ninja stops injecting chakra into me as my meridians start circulating the chakra throughout my body, igniting all my tenketsu with a vivid blue energy. In that moment, something seems to awaken.

A peculiar sensation takes hold of my mind. Using my chakra to stimulate this sensation, I realize that a great flow of information is being transmitted to my mind. I can't explain it, but it's as if my body is studying itself.

Ceasing to inject chakra into this sensation, I notice the flow of information subsiding. I turn my attention back to my surroundings.

"Now everything is done, see you tomorrow, kid," says the Chunin, stepping away.

"How do you feel?" my father curiously asks. I smile satisfied and give him a sharp look.

"POWERFUL!" I respond with a mischievous smile on my face. In the next moment, pain invades my consciousness as my mother thumps me on the head. I hold my head in pain and look at my mother, furrowing my brow.

"Doesn't seem so powerful now, does it?" she taunts me. In response, I express my frustration with a heavy sigh, while my father laughs, and we decide to leave.

When we arrive home, I ask my mother to prepare lunch as I would be spending most of my time preparing for the ninja academy classes the next day. She gladly agrees, noticing my enthusiasm, and I quickly head to my room.

Closing the door carefully, I begin to meditate on my newfound ability and realize that my mind is much clearer when I ponder biological questions. It feels as if I was born to be an incredible pioneer in this field of expertise.

Using the information I've gathered from the books of this era, I can comprehend various previously incomprehensible concepts and formulate some theses and speculations on how to apply the acquired knowledge.

Orochimaru would go crazy if he knew that such an ability exists in this universe. That disgusting snake would surely try to capture me.


If you want to suport me, just subscribe in my Patreon to read more chapters



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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


