
Chapter 4

When I woke up the next morning I ate breakfast and then proceeded to head to the gym in the hotel to get my daily work out in. I usually spent about two to three hours in the morning and two to three hours in the evening. I usually get up at four-thirty in the morning and then finish up by seven to seven thirty. And in the evening I would get in the gym at about two and get done by four or so. And in between those times is when I spend time working or just relax. Then at night I spend time with those who I care about.

But after I got done working out I took a break before getting dressed and heading out to explore Tokyo and maybe visit a few places like the fighting ring before coming back and getting prepared for the Royal tomorrow in which I'll be going against the world class fighters from the ages of sixteen to twenty years old.

But let's get going, I'll be walking for the most part and if I need something I'll just call the chauffeur to bring me it. And so I started walking down the road and looking at the shops and stores I passed on my way. Everywhere I looked I saw idols and people on billboards but I did get one thing from all of that. Ai had just started her career a year ago and is just a small idol that has a couple thousand people who follows her. Right now she has around two thousand and thirty eight fans that follow her.

Which in the next three years will explode into a few million. But that hasn't happened yet so there's no need to worry about it. But now that I'm thinking about it, isn't Strawberry Productions around here? Let's ask around and see if I can find it.

" Hello Sir, do you know if Strawberry Productions is around here or not?" I asked an older gentleman with a mustache. " Hello to you too and yes Strawberry Productions is about three blocks east of here." The older gentleman answered. After that I started walking in the direction he told me.

And after about a five minute walk I arrived in front of Strawberry Productions. When I was walking I thought about it and decided to give the Director and his team tickets to my match. I bought them from Mr. Akashi on the way and will have them sent to the Production team members. But there is a limit on who can come to the front row seats. Only three people can come to the front seats; the rest will have seats on the fourth row. Now as for a excuse for doing so I'll be use the fact that my dad and him were friends before his passing and since he was here I would like him to come to my first match.

Hmm whats this, a black limo. As far as I know Strawberry Productions doesn't own a limo, while I'm thinking this I see a bodyguard of some sorts standing in front of the limo. So I walked up to him and asked " Why is there a limo parked here?". " My boss is talking to someone inside." Was his very short reply. But this guy didn't look good, he had tattoos everywhere. So I figured a gang or something had come to get something off of Ichigo or something. But considering I'm going to talk to them this can wait.

POV change to receptionist

Why is the most dangerous Mafia Boss in Tokyo talking to my President? I don't know what is going on but I know it's not good. While I'm thinking this the door opens and someone walks in. I looked over to see who it was and saw a young man wearing a white shirt with white pants and light tan shoes, he had a white hat on and was wearing a diamond plated necklace, he had pink hair with brownish reddish highlights on the base of his hair. Before I could ask him what he wanted he asked me where the President's office was. I was confused but I pointed to an elevator and told him to go to the top floor and take a right. I don't know why I told him that man here.

POV change Ichigo

"And I want you to give me your business or I'll kill everyone here and take your wife as my own." Said the mysterious man. 'What am I going to do? I can't go against this guy, he has the whole Tokyo underworld on his side. And he has high connections in the police and I can't touch him because of that. And what am I going to do if he sees Ai? She's too beautiful for her age and he will do something to her if he sees her.'

POV change

While Ichigo is having a mental breakdown the door opens and in comes a young man. He looks around and then walks right up to the mysterious man and starts whispering in his ear.

"What gives you the right to walk in here like you're the boss?" I asked. " Because I'm the most influential person in the Tokyo underworld and I can't be touched so why can't I act tough and take whatever I want if I have the ability to do so." Was his reply. " Is that so, if that's the case then I'll have to kill you for threatening someone related to me. After all, I'm the richest person in the world so can't I do that since I have the ability to wipe you out with just a single call?" Was my reply to him. After I said that his eyes widened and he looked at me in shot. " If you're the richest person in the world, why do you care about a small business like this?"

"Well it just so happened that my dad and the President of this company were friends and I don't let anyone bully my friends around. So I'll give you two options now. One you leave and never bother me or anyone in this company again or Two I make a phone call and your whole group is eliminated from this planet." I replied. " I'll choose option one!" After he said that he ran off with his tail between his legs.

Know that's over I looked at Mr. Ichigo and he was just staring off into space and looked confused on what just happened. " Well then I believe this is the first time we're meeting Mr. Ichigo. My name is Senshi Shiro and you and my dad were pretty good friends, correct?" I asked. And that seemed to snap him out of his head and then he looked at me and replied. " Oh so you're his kid I never got to meet you before he passed."

" Yes I'm his kid and what I originally was coming here to do was give you some tickets to my debut fight coming up tomorrow and I was going to give you and your team tickets, only three of them are front row though so you and your wife then one." Was my reply. He looked confused on what was going on but he kept his composure which is pretty shocking considering what just conspired. " Alright you can leave them on my desk, do you need anything else or is that it?" He said. " No that will be all, thank you for your time and have a wonderful rest of your day Mr. Ichigo."

And like that I was on my way home to get prepared for my matches tomorrow.

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C4
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


