He explained his situation to the creature who felt thrilled to come across a peculiar situation such as this, the creature was smart enough to understand the opportunity in front of it.
The creature made a request to the sun god asking to mate with him, the sun god easily agreed but now faced a new problem which is how the process would go.
The sun god humanoid form and the creature form makes it impossible for both to mate so the sun god took his primal form which is a huge flaming bird that resembles a peacock.
The form almost took the life of the creature, if the sun god didn't react fast enough and retain his aura and the flames around his body. The creature would have turned into ashes
Now they both have the same form, it was easy for them to mate and the creature got pregnant immediately after their first mating session but the creature also fell into a deep sleep after that.
Crepuscular now found a way to create life so he wanted to continue doing it, he found other female magical birds to mate with, but found out that none of them got pregnant.
He was confused for a while and thought that he was doing something wrong, so with his connection to the world he contacted Nana. Nana then told him that the first creature he got pregnant was being protected by her.
He is a divine being so for another creature whose life level isn't high enough to be easily impregnated by him should be impossible and even if he succeeds in impregnating a lower/weaker creature, the amount of energy needed for the successful birth of the child couldn't be provided by its mother.
The reason why the first creature got pregnant fast was because according to Nana the first sperm released by us gods into any fertile egg is extremely potent, but after that it becomes trial and effort.
Crepuscular then understood that the creature's deep sleep was a defense mechanism to preserve the new life inside it and at the same time giving its full life energy to make sure the child survives.
That means the creature will immediately die after giving birth.
After that crepuscular stopped talking and looked at me before saying " The aura you felt was my child and the first demigod of this world"
"From my observation, it takes 10 years before a demigod is born," Crepuscular said after that.
My first thought after hearing all that was "I am going to be a father" and from the looks of things the mother isn't going to be anything human.
The weird thing was the idea didn't feel or seem repulsive to me but being a human before, it came off a bit weird. My last world had stories about how gods are booty warriors, sleeping with everything that had a hole in it.
Never in my wildest dreams did I think i will be a warrior myself, the difference between us is that i won't be like them chasing after holes instead i am a warrior to fulfill an obligation.
The thought of finding a human female crossed my mind but was quickly thrown back because Nana made it clear that the humans aren't to be touched for now.
I don't want to find out what would happen if that instruction isn't obeyed, if the other gods haven't done anything yet, it shows that they don't want to find out either what happens to the person who didn't listen.
"Since we are on the topic of demigods, I have to inform you both that I went through the same process as crepuscular but the result was different from him" Jaus said.
"Two demigods were the result of my copulation, even Nana herself can't explain why it happened but we also understood that it came with a price"
"The mother of the two half gods turned to ash immediately after birth" our speculation was that the two half gods sucked away every energy their mother had, to the extent of not even leaving her a complete body.
Jaus paused for a while " The reason I wasn't in the division of land was because of my divinity which has to do with water, since there is no other god with such divinity. Most of the body of water in this world is mine"
" I have said my piece, Keles will say the rest" With that Jaus went silent and leaned back into his throne.
When Jaus mentioned Keles, Ikenga's attention turned to the goddess of death whose presence can be easily ignored if you aren't looking directly at her.
Keles saw everyone looking at her and a purple light couldn't help but shine in her eyes.
"Jaus situation on the division of land is similar to mine but it is not" Cold voice like whisper came from Keles"
"When i was born, a strange thing happened in this world known only by me and Nana, until i informed Jaus and Crepuscular about it"
"My birth gave birth to a different dimension different from the small realm we are born in"
"The dimension was a cold and gray place perfect for my divinity, the creation of the dimension caused my own realm to merge with it"
"The combination of both my realm and the dimension opened up an unknown gate, causing all the dead spirits or souls that hasn't vanished since Nana gained consciousness to rush into my new realm"
"When Nana gained consciousness, Mana became available to the world but the huge wave of Mana made the dead souls and spirits that was able to disappear after death stay in the world"
"Nana said she didn't know what to do with the souls but with the appearance of my new realm, the dead spirits seems to find a new home so they all flooded into it"
"I have a lot to deal with in my realm so getting a new land don't seem advantageous to me but the concept of creating new being ourselves caught my interest"
Keles went ahead to talk about her process of creation which was totally different from the other two gods.
She was a goddess and for her, there was no way to let a creature lower than her to defile her even if it was meant to fulfill Nana's request. But she also understood that Nana's request must be fulfilled one way or the other, so she got to thinking.
During her time contemplating on finding a way out of her situation, she came across two unique souls in her new realm and this encounter brought about an absurd idea to her.
The idea was her last card since nothing she thought of made sense and if this didn't work, she would have to find a lower creature to mate with and kill the creature after it fulfills its purpose.
With a new conviction, she grabbed the two souls, turning them into two liquid drops. She then looked for two human bodies that had died for about an hour.
She extracted every essence from both bodies now mummifying them. Now she has everything she needs. Keles sat on the throne in her realm and infront of her hovering, are the four liquid drops needed for her plan.
Her idea was to incubate the two souls she found but souls are immaterial and there is no way it will stay in the womb but the two blood essence she extracted is the catalyst needed for the souls to stay in her womb.
Keles went ahead and merged the liquids together,during the combination she dropped her own golden blood in it and that helped bring her the result she wanted.
The liquids now turned into two red crystals with a bit of golden light in the middle. Keles sat on her throne and admired her creation, the admiration didn't go on for a long time though because she swallowed the two crystals. Now they rest in her womb.
Ikenga stared blankly at the god of death who was explaining her process of creation, the absurdity of what she did was a bit much for him to understand, he understood the concept but it can be as easy as she makes it to be.
"Has anyone else tried creation the way Keles does? Ikenga asked.
"When she told us about what she did, me and crepuscular wanted to replicate it," Jaus replied.
"How did it go" this time Mahu asked
"Nothing worked, we lost thousands of souls trying to find a way to replicate it" Crepuscular sighed while replying.
Keles then took over and said " The experimentation led us to believe that my divinity was the reason why the process succeeded, None of you guys have an understanding of things that pertains death like me"
Hearing that made me a bit disappointed since I thought that this method is much more acceptable than the other. At the same time I looked at Mahu who was also dissatisfied with the answer she got, I am guessing the creature picked by her won't live to talk about it.
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Creation is hard, cheer me up!
Keles then proceeds to show a projection of the two creatures she created, one of the creatures was a beautiful woman but with a large and eerie mouth filled with teeth, and the long, protruding tongue bore a resemblance to the legendary beings known for their haunting wails " A banshee"
The other creature in the projection is a pale looking male with with teeth that sticks out and ears that look like an elf, a vampire? Looking at one of the most popular undead creatures in my old life, I can't help but wonder how different this one will be with a god's blood flowing in it, how different and unique its traits and abilities would be. The divine essence flowing within it could potentially amplify its powers and grant it extraordinary capabilities beyond what is traditionally associated with vampires.
" I will be taking my leave first since this meeting is nearing its ending" Keles said with a dark swirly portal opening behind her, not waiting for anyone to say anything she disappeared with the portal closing too.
" Just as she said this meeting is nearing its ending, Nana is in a deep sleep and no one has any idea when she will awaken. I implore you to start immediately with your development" Crepuscular said standing up from his seat.
"One last thing Nana wanted to inform both of you is, Mating between gods is not prohibited but the time it takes for a new god to be born, isn't the most profitable compared to the advancement that would have been made when waiting for the birth"
A flaming portal opened in front of him, " The next gathering will be when Nana awakens, Take care till then brothers and sister" he stepped into the portal after saying that.
"There is no need for me to be here still with everyone leaving, Jaus also stood up ready to leave but he then stopped and looked at me "There may be matters of mine that will require your assistance soon brother, I will contact you when the time comes"
Wanting to ask what the matter was, he disappeared with the water like portal closing behind him.
Looking at Mahu who was also confused by what happened, I shook my head with a smile on my face, standing up from my seat " I will also be taking my leave sister, we both have a lot to think of and do at the same time"
With a slight concentration, a portal connecting to my domain opened in front of me. I was about to step into it when I heard Mahu say " Can I take a little bit of your time, twin?
Looking back in confusion and seeing her serious face, I thought for a bit before closing the portal and going back to my seat.
" You have my full attention"
" What do you think of our siblings" she asked
I subconsciously wanted to say that there was nothing to think about them since this is the first time we are all meeting but she should know this too and still asked this question.
" Powerful and there is a power that connects to them that makes them get a bit stronger every second" I said to her after thinking for a while.
" It seems you also felt it, my instinct tells me that it has something to do with their creation"
" yea , i also came to the conclusion but that has nothing to do with you wanting to talk to me"
"It does actually, I want to form some kind of alliance between us both"
Not waiting for me to say anything she continued " They have given us a considerable distance brother, and the distance can only be shortened with a cooperation between us both"
Hearing her mention an alliance, I was happy hearing it because it has always been on the back of my mind how to breach the gap between my three older siblings.
The year gap they have on us both made them a lot stronger than us but what can she offer that can make this alliance stronger. I know well enough that I have nothing to offer her.
" I am in line with the alliance, but what can we both offer each other that will keep this alliance strong"
She looked happy with me accepting the offer " I am not sure yet but i have a feeling that my divinity for motherhood will help us both a lot"
" Motherhood? I asked in confusion yet at the same time something I was unable to grasp at the moment crossed my mind.
" Yes and if it works the way I think, then your divinity for nature will be a great combination" Mahu said, seemingly confident the more she talked.
" It sounds good but all this has to be tested to be proved true, we both need some time alone to get used to our divinities and have an understanding on how it works before seeing how it can both help us"
With that said, I stood up and walked into the portal connecting to my realm.
Back in my domain, the animals that were evolving had already awakened and were experimenting with their newfound abilities.
Two particular creatures caught my attention. The first was a bird surrounded by a vibrant green glow, darting back and forth with incredible speed. Its agility and swiftness were mesmerizing to watch.
The second creature was a green-scaled snake with wings, seemingly perplexed by its newfound appendages. It twisted and turned, trying to catch a glimpse of what was behind it, as if still adjusting to its own transformation
Walking to the center of the domain where my altar is, I took a seat on the step and motioned for the two creatures to approach me. As they drew near I could feel their panic and confusion, probably because they didn't understand why they were being pulled towards a giant uncontrollably.
With the two animals now closer, I could now take a closer look at them but the snake is quite feisty because it spat out a stream of purple colored light from its mouth. Intrigued by this display, I decided to let the light hit me, curious to witness its effect.
When the light touched my skin, I could feel it trying to affect me but to no effort. However, in that process, I gained a deeper understanding of its properties. The light had a unique affinity for vitality, seeking to draw out and harness the life force within its area of effect.
I let the snake go after understanding its new abilities, now my attention is back to the snow white bird. I don't know much about bird species to identify which one it is but it looks good.
Concentrating on the green glow that occasionally flashes on its feathers,it became apparent that its abilities were tied to the element of wind. The occasional flashes of green indicated a connection to the air and its properties. It seemed that the bird's evolution had granted it special powers and heightened control over the wind.
Now down observing the two creatures, I focused my attention on my domain. I couldn't help but appreciate the harmonious balance that permeated the vibrant landscape.
The expanse, slightly larger than a football field, was teeming with life. Towering trees stretched their branches towards the sky, forming a lush canopy that provided shelter to the creatures below. The air was filled with the melodious chirping of birds, and the gentle rustling of leaves created a soothing symphony of nature.
There is a pristine source of water nourishing the vegetation and serving as a lifeline for the creatures that called this place home. One notable aspect of my domain was the least amount of predatory animals allowing a diverse array of non predatory animals to thrive without the constant threat of predation. This created an atmosphere of tranquillity and allowed for a unique balance within the ecosystem.
Within the serene expanse of my domain, a diverse array of creatures found their place in the harmonious ecosystem. Among them, I noticed a dog-sized hare gracefully hopping across the grassy meadows, its soft fur blending with the earthy tones of its surroundings. It moved with agility and speed.
Gazelles with shiny furs dotted the landscape, their elegant forms bounding across the open spaces. Their slender bodies and long, nimble legs allowed them to traverse the terrain effortlessly.
A mountain goat perched upon a rocky outcrop, it's sure-footed nature allowing it to navigate even the steepest cliffs with ease.
Slithering through the undergrowth, snakes of various sizes and patterns moved with sinuous grace. Their streamlined bodies allowed them to traverse the domain silently, while their forked tongues tasted the air, sensing the world around them. They played an integral role in maintaining the delicate balance of the ecosystem, keeping populations of smaller creatures in check.
Birds of different species filled the air with their enchanting melodies and colorful plumage. They soared through the sky, their wings carrying them effortlessly from tree branch to tree branch.
Amidst the natural wonders,a few luminescent flies danced in the air, their delicate wings glimmering with a soft, ethereal light. They served as gentle beacons in the twilight hours, casting a subtle glow that added a touch of magic to the surroundings.
Creation is hard, cheer me up!
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