/ Fantasy / The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order オリジナル

The Epic Tale of Chaos vs Order

Fantasy 1,182 章 1.7M ビュー
作者: Redsunworld

4.53 (30 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


Thousands of years ago, humankind left the Old World. We enter a new age where science and magic are no longer opposing concepts.
With these new opportunities came danger in the form of the Dark Races and the ones that named themselves Gods.
However, if there was one thing humans were good at was their ability to destroy. Humankind fought and carved a bloody path into the new world.

Cain's luck had never been good, but his destiny changed forever once he decided to harden his heart and face the world without fear or hesitation.

--Godslayer Humankind's motto.--
We can comprehend the supernatural. We can dominate the supernatural. We can kill the supernatural - Adam, Emperor of Godslayer Humankind, The First Titan.

Current schedule: 21 chapters a week.

Bonus chapters:
Over 400 power stones: 3 extra chapters.
Over 800 power stones: 6 extra chapters.
Over 1200 power stones: 9 extra chapters.

Discord channel: https://discord.gg/R666sNEdrU

Parents Strongly Cautioned
  1. Vjeaxx
    Vjeaxx 貢献した 34764
  2. Zamir
    Zamir 貢献した 34108
  3. wilythecandyman
    wilythecandyman 貢献した 32940


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    Straight into my library. The novel is very good. World building : Although not much world background is shown, two prologue chapters, the origin of the system, and a little bit of information about Gaia, are sufficient to demonstrate that the author has sufficient background to write the story. Cain (MC): Mc can be defined as someone who is good to those who are good to him, bad to those who are bad to him or cross his moral line, and indifferent to the remaining ones. I especially like how he doesn't differentiate between male and female enemies and gets straight to kill. He is a reincarnator with sealed memories, but that isn't the main focus. He is resolute and smart and not naive and wimpy. System: No major help. It doesn't reward him with any experience or anything. No subspace. No shop, etc. Until now, the system has served as a guide rather than a spoon feeder. It can change because various modules of the system are still locked. Side characters: There are no major side characters till now except Levi, so I can't comment. Writing quality: English is my second language, so even if the quality is bad, I wouldn't know  Updating speed: 4 chapters/week is not enough for me. At least 1 chapter per day should be the goal. But that is entirely up to the author. Overall, a good novel with a great potentials. Kudos to the author.

    0 の返信を表示する

    Hello everybody. Here, the author. I would like for everybody to read my new book. Critics, as long as constructive, are always appreciated.

    12 の返信を表示する

    Does this book have romance or harem? Don't trust the author after reading a bit into abyssal lord and the romance and interactions between mc and Sofia ruining an already shaky novel. If there is gonna be romance at least don't waste ppl's time finding out and add the tag in.

    2 の返信を表示する

    One of the best stories I have read so far and I recommend you to try the author's other novel oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo9ooooooooi

    1 の返信を表示する

    I have read till chapter 110 and I gotta say i am not a fan of hero protagonist and I would have loved if the ego of red king and the cain would have fused to form someone neutral.if that happens and mc stops trying to sacrifices himself for other and is childish( which I get he is 14) but still . I would like if someone could spoil it form me

    0 の返信を表示する

    It’s a very solid novel, one of my favorites at the moment, and I think the author has done a great job improving on his writing. Compared to his other novel this one seems to have a more in depth world building and the power system is pretty incredible. My only complaints with this novel so far are: - Main character is extremely cunning, but many times his approach to fights or problems is just one of pure strenght with little strategy, which makes sense against equally powerful or weaker enemies, but he brute forces things even when against enemies or odds he shouldn’t be able to overcome with just power. - I believe there could be a bit more variation in the characters fighting styles and temperaments, most of Cain rivals so far just face him head on. - There are, if I’m not mistaken 6 races in aether, but we have barely seen any character that isn’t a juman be portrayed, not really something that is bad, but I’m curious to know a bit more about the other races.

    0 の返信を表示する

    It is a good novel but the romance ruined the story for me🤷🏻‍♀️

    0 の返信を表示する

    Amazing novel. Ruthless Mc, great fights and overall good plot/world building.

    1 の返信を表示する

    I have read about 500+ chapter so I feel I have enough qualifications to speak on this novel. and overall I'd say if you liked, red sun previous novel you will likely like this one. writing quality i don't take much notice of writing quality as my brain auto corrects most writing. but I haven't noticed any mistakes. some of the words are a bit confusing though. story development the story developed pretty well all things considered there is always something to draw your attention. the power scaling slowly gets a bit crazy and I'm still waiting on him to deliver the body but it's not boring so that's good. character design past Cain himself very few other characters are very intreresting. like the female lead is some nobody randomly added on to help Cain develop and we haven't seen his friends in a hot minute. so if you're here for good side character I'd probably leave but apex and Cain are enough entertainment. update stability it concerning how frequently this novel is updated. world background as always red sun has crafted a beautiful and unique world with an even more unique powers system.

    1 の返信を表示する

    I started reading this book around when it had 50 chapters, it’s been a long time since then and the book has developed a lot, so it’s time I make a review. Note: I’m probably biased due to having emotional attachment to the story at this point World Building: 4/5 The world is well crafted, scenes are described expertly and really draws you into the world as if you were there yourself. Characters: 3/5 Characters all feel like individuals, at least the ones that matter anyway, there are a few arrogant young masters at the start but I suspect that they will disappear more and more as the mc gets stronger and is meeting older people as the antagonists. Story: 3/5 For the most part the story is fairly standard at the start, mc is the weak underdog nobody expects anything from but develops to become a force to be reckoned with over the course of the story, though later on in the story the mc goes on a different than usual path compared to the usual heroics you might be used to. Writing Quality: 4/5 The writing is fairly good with few mistakes in spelling or grammar, but nobody is ever perfect especially when English isn’t their first language. Updating Stability: 4/5 There were some rougher patches previously but things have settled to usually be 2 chapters each day unless stated otherwise in the discord

    0 の返信を表示する

    Oh, how i wish to experience more of this challenge for chaos or order. Like the thoughts of a star, this book sits on the fence, contemplating to shine or go supernova. I love it. Also, not sure if anyone cares but I love the Red king more than Scarlet king. I love chaos, so with a thumbs up and a cheer, I say ; " Let there be Eternal Chapters . this story must not end!"

    1 の返信を表示する

    This is gonna be my first review after binge reading almost 400 chapters. The writing quality of the story is ok. You’ll find a couple of misspelled words every few chapters but it’s not enough to disrupt the reading. There is not a ton of world building in the beginning but you learn more about the world as the story goes on. There was never a time where it’s a problem. The MC is the only character worth, Cain, mentioning since no other character is really important is the only character that any significance everyone else show up for at most an arc then is no longer relevant. Which is my one knock real knock on the novel. Not really into novel where the MC is a loner who is destined to be alone. The had the romance tag which I was looking forward to but there’s no real romance in this story maybe only a glorified chapter. The MC is smart and doesn’t make any head scratching decisions so he is hard to like. There is no real character the development with all it is was developing stronger willpower. Final I can’t really speak on the update stability since I just started reading it.

    1 の返信を表示する

    Epic Tales of Chaos vs Order is a novel I came into with a lot of expectations cause of how much i loved the authors first novel, and it has to my joy met most of those expectations with it's exceptional world-building and compelling characters. The characters are well-developed, each with unique motivations that drive the plot forward in unexpected ways. The world is richly detailed, immersing readers in a universe that feels both vast and intimate. While a few chapters have minor pacing issues, the overall narrative is engaging and memorable plus all the powers the mc acquires are fun to imagine and the power system is one of the best I've seen join me and Cain our scarlet king on this amazing journey

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 4 Badge

    It's a good story especially the power system, although I wish that that we will see more concept, like the concept of Growth or the concept of heat or the concept of distance or even the concept Evolution or Mutation. Still great story good job, I have already read more than 700 chapters.

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 4 Badge

    High quality story from the first couple hundred chapters

    0 の返信を表示する

    Review after more than a year of reading. This story is great. One of my personal favourite things about this story is the world-building. From the start, you get introduced to various parts of society and the world as a whole, which gets further expanded upon as the novels continue. From different continents as a whole to the sectors within them and who rules them. Another great thing is the power systems. There are different ways to gain power in the series the main being essence and astral however there are many other ways as well. The 2 main paths are expanded upon nicely being true to warrior and mage archetypes whilst still being different. The professions in this as well are also unique and I haven't seen them done much before which is a breath of fresh air compared to general professions like smithing or rune making. The characters in this novel are also good. The main character is smart yet not someone who needs to use his mind to win every time which is nice as long scheming plots can sometimes drag the story down. The side characters are also great additions. They don't overshadow the main character by taking too much screen time however they add to the story without being a nuisance. The antagonists are varied and most of the time laid out nicely. Some times it feels a bit forced especially one in recent times but overall still good. Updates are fantastic with multiple chapters a day on average with good content in them and not pumping them out just to pad the count. Different to his last story in parts but still as great and expecting much more to come.

    0 の返信を表示する

    this is a great story , I'm really enjoying reading it , I hope the author continues updating the chapters everyday .

    0 の返信を表示する

    5 stars cuz I love Abyssal Lord of the magi world

    0 の返信を表示する

    Great novel with good character development and excellent world-building and fights looking forward to how it progresses more in the future.

    0 の返信を表示する

    It is a great story and I enjoyed reading it. But the updating stability needs to improve.

    0 の返信を表示する

    卷 0 : Auxiliary Volume

    1. Glossary 3 days ago

    卷 1 : Book 1 - The hidden saga of the Red King

    1. 1
      Prologue (I) 2 years ago
    2. 2
      Prologue (II) 2 years ago
    3. 3
      Cain Laurifer (I) 2 years ago
    4. 4
      Cain Laurifer (II) 2 years ago
    5. 5
      Godslayer Humankind 2 years ago
    6. 6
      Fighting a Wave Warrior 2 years ago
    7. 7
      Absolute Life Form System 2 years ago
    8. 8
      Apex 2 years ago
    9. 9
      Genetic Coder Module 2 years ago
    10. 10
      Bloodline 2 years ago
    11. 11
      Lineage 2 years ago
    12. 12
      Astral Wave Warrior 2 years ago
    13. 13
      Abnormal 2 years ago
    14. 14
      Secret Trial 2 years ago
    15. 15
      Alone 2 years ago
    16. 16
      Earth Lion 2 years ago
    17. 17
      Fighting a Level 2 Wave Beast 2 years ago
    18. 18
      Abyssal Demon 2 years ago
    19. 19
      Killing Abyssal Demon 2 years ago
    20. 20
      Wave Artifact 2 years ago
    21. 21
      Hell Devil 2 years ago
    22. 22
      Overcoming burning rage 2 years ago
    23. 23
      Light Boots 2 years ago
    24. 24
      Atrox Immortus Race 2 years ago
    25. 25
      Level 2 2 years ago
    26. 26
      Atone for my sins 2 years ago
    27. 27
      Levi 2 years ago
    28. 28
      Silver orb 2 years ago
    29. 29
      Collapsing Lightning Military Academy Ranking 2 years ago
    30. 30
      Fiend Devourer 2 years ago
    31. 31
      Wave Cultivation 2 years ago
    32. 32
      I am sorry 2 years ago
    33. 33
      Wave Champion 2 years ago
    34. 34
      Four Wave Arts 2 years ago
    35. 35
      Wave Cloak 2 years ago
    36. 36
      1000% Wave Burst 2 years ago
    37. 37
      Wave Focus 2 years ago
    38. 38
      Wave Transmutation 2 years ago
    39. 39
      Beelze 2 years ago
    40. 40
      Razmun 2 years ago
    41. 41
      Nether Fiend 2 years ago
    42. 42
      New and familiar faces 2 years ago
    43. 43
      A bloody lesson 2 years ago
    44. 44
      First mission (I) 2 years ago
    45. 45
      First mission (II) 2 years ago
    46. 46
      I am Zamir Jarken 2 years ago
    47. 47
      Time to shine 2 years ago
    48. 48
      Fear and coldness 2 years ago
    49. 49
      Intelligence 2 years ago
    50. 50
      Two vs fifteen (I) 2 years ago
    51. 51
      Two vs fifteen (II) 2 years ago
    52. 52
      Two vs fifteen (III) 2 years ago
    53. 53
      Victory 2 years ago
    54. 54
      Bitter end 2 years ago
    55. 55
      How to deal with cancer 2 years ago
    56. 56
      Three types 2 years ago
    57. 57
      Legio Eldritch Race 2 years ago
    58. 58
      Deus Behemoth Race and Anima Mechanicus Race 2 years ago
    59. 59
      A great danger 2 years ago
    60. 60
      Forging his legend 2 years ago
    61. 61
      Level 5 2 years ago
    62. 62
      Killing a Level 4 Wave Warrior 2 years ago
    63. 63
      Obtaning a space ring 2 years ago
    64. 64
      Blood Refinement Art 2 years ago
    65. 65
      Problems arrived 2 years ago
    66. 66
      Stronger bond 1 years ago
    67. 67
      Answer 1 years ago
    68. 68
      Atrox's assassination 1 years ago
    69. 69
      Improvement 1 years ago
    70. 70
      Fighting a pack 1 years ago
    71. 71
      Immaturity 1 years ago
    72. 72
      Answer (I) 1 years ago
    73. 73
      Answer (II) 1 years ago
    74. 74
      Answer (III) 1 years ago
    75. 75
      Pillar of Mind (I) 1 years ago
    76. 76
      Pillar of Mind (II) 1 years ago
    77. 77
      Lord Zarak 1 years ago
    78. 78
      Ego Eternal Path of Power 1 years ago
    79. 79
      Dragon Blood Grass 1 years ago
    80. 80
      8% marrow washing 1 years ago
    81. 81
      Gaia's invasion 1 years ago
    82. 82
      Collapsing Lightning Duke 1 years ago
    83. 83
      Back to Korin City 1 years ago
    84. 84
      Reaching Korin City 1 years ago
    85. 85
      We are soldiers 1 years ago
    86. 86
      Sinar County 1 years ago
    87. 87
      First night 1 years ago
    88. 88
      Facing a Level 4 Wave Beast 1 years ago
    89. 89
      Killing during retreat 1 years ago
    90. 90
      Dangerous plan (I) 1 years ago
    91. 91
      Dangerous plan (II) 1 years ago
    92. 92
      Wave Beast Assassination (I) 1 years ago
    93. 93
      Wave Beast Assassination (II) 1 years ago
    94. 94
      Wave Beast Assassination (III) 1 years ago
    95. 95
      Am I strong? 1 years ago
    96. 96
      Change of plans 1 years ago
    97. 97
      True nature 1 years ago
    98. 98
      I am here now 1 years ago
    99. 99
      Fighting an Atrox Wave Champion (I) 1 years ago
    100. 100
      Fighting an Atrox Wave Champion (II) 1 years ago
    101. 101
      The Red King (I) 1 years ago
    102. 102
      The Red King (II) 1 years ago
    103. 103
      The Red King (III) 1 years ago
    104. 104
      The Red King (IV) 1 years ago
    105. 105
      Just in time 1 years ago
    106. 106
      It's over 1 years ago
    107. 107
      Soul Breaker Zarak 1 years ago

    卷 2 : Book 2 - The rise of the Blood Lightning Genius

    1. 108
      Hellblazer Family (I) 1 years ago
    2. 109
      Hellblazer Family (II) 1 years ago
    3. 110
      Hellblazer Family (III) 1 years ago
    4. 111
      Hellblazer Family (IV) 1 years ago
    5. 112
      Almost 1 point 1 years ago
    6. 113
      Visualization Technique 1 years ago
    7. 114
      The Red King's memories 1 years ago
    8. 115
      Duality 1 years ago
    9. 116
      Free Ego 1 years ago
    10. 117
      Back to the pillars 1 years ago
    11. 118
      Late Level 4 Strength 1 years ago
    12. 119
      Pillar of Resilience (I) 1 years ago
    13. 120
      Pillar of Resilience (II) 1 years ago
    14. 121
      Asura Form 1 years ago
    15. 122
      Late Level 5 1 years ago
    16. 123
      Old friends 1 years ago
    17. 124
      Genetic Coding 1 years ago
    18. 125
      Training new skills 1 years ago
    19. 126
      Clash of wills 1 years ago
    20. 127
      Killing a Level 5 Wave Warrior 1 years ago
    21. 128
      No mercy 1 years ago
    22. 129
      Low gains 1 years ago
    23. 130
      Basic Genetic Enhancement 1 years ago
    24. 131
      Inspiring others 1 years ago
    25. 132
      Breaking the illusion 1 years ago
    26. 133
      2-Star Elementary Hypnosis Master 1 years ago
    27. 134
      The red orb acts 1 years ago
    28. 135
      Obtaining a license 1 years ago
    29. 136
      Enrollment 1 years ago
    30. 137
      You two remain 1 years ago
    31. 138
      Void State 1 years ago
    32. 139
      Genius level comprehension 1 years ago
    33. 140
      Wave Viruses 1 years ago
    34. 141
      Genetic Sight 1 years ago
    35. 142
      Creating a Silver Vector 1 years ago
    36. 143
      Elementary Genetic Coder (I) 1 years ago
    37. 144
      Elementary Genetic Coder (II) 1 years ago
    38. 145
      Golden Vector 1 years ago
    39. 146
      Assassination (I) 1 years ago
    40. 147
      Assassination (II) 1 years ago
    41. 148
      Assassination (III) 1 years ago
    42. 149
      First in all 1 years ago
    43. 150
      Test the limits of battle power 1 years ago
    44. 151
      Dread-Lightning Lion 1 years ago
    45. 152
      Killing the Dread-Lightning Lion 1 years ago
    46. 153
      The right path 1 years ago
    47. 154
      Saharo City 1 years ago
    48. 155
      Into the belly of the beast (I) 1 years ago
    49. 156
      Into the belly of the beast (II) 1 years ago
    50. 157
      Level 8 Essence Wave Warrior 1 years ago
    51. 158
      Puppets 1 years ago
    52. 159
      Guinea pigs 1 years ago
    53. 160
      Holy Child 1 years ago
    54. 161
      New use for the module 1 years ago
    55. 162
      The reason is luck 1 years ago
    56. 163
      First death 1 years ago
    57. 164
      Into the cauldron 1 years ago
    58. 165
      Points of view 1 years ago
    59. 166
      Blood Energy (I) 1 years ago
    60. 167
      Blood Energy (II) 1 years ago
    61. 168
      Escape (I) 1 years ago
    62. 169
      Escape (II) 1 years ago
    63. 170
      Killing a Wave Champion 1 years ago
    64. 171
      Blood Lightning (I) 1 years ago
    65. 172
      Blood Lightning (II) 1 years ago
    66. 173
      Blood Lightning (III) 1 years ago
    67. 174
      The Organization 1 years ago
    68. 175
      Massive fortune 1 years ago
    69. 176
      Laws and marrow washing 1 years ago

    卷 3 : Book 3 - Journey through the Blade Mountain

    1. 177
      Full power punch 1 years ago
    2. 178
      The Hunt 1 years ago
    3. 179
      Leadership (I) 1 years ago
    4. 180
      Leadership (II) 1 years ago
    5. 181
      N°1 Rising Roc 1 years ago
    6. 182
      Overwhelming might (I) 1 years ago
    7. 183
      Overwhelming might (II) 1 years ago
    8. 184
      Overwhelming might (III) 1 years ago
    9. 185
      Overwhelming might (IV) 1 years ago
    10. 186
      The life after high school (I) 1 years ago
    11. 187
      The life after high school (II) 1 years ago
    12. 188
      Cain Laurifer's background 1 years ago
    13. 189
      Enemies in all fronts 1 years ago
    14. 190
      First march 1 years ago
    15. 191
      Bloodless #4 1 years ago
    16. 192
      Fighting 30.000 meters above the ground 1 years ago
    17. 193
      Inferno Ape 1 years ago
    18. 194
      Blood Lightning Killer 1 years ago
    19. 195
      Path to New Beginning 1 years ago
    20. 196
      Hunt Leader 1 years ago
    21. 197
      Wave Champion in two months 1 years ago
    22. 198
      Lightning-Fall Mantis 1 years ago
    23. 199
      Defeat 1 years ago
    24. 200
      Blood Hand 1 years ago
    25. 201
      Blood Index 1 years ago
    26. 202
      Killing the Lightning-Fall Mantis (I) 1 years ago
    27. 203
      Killing the Lightning-Fall Mantis (II) 1 years ago
    28. 204
      Killing stroke (I) 1 years ago
    29. 205
      Killing stroke (II) 1 years ago
    30. 206
      Silent hypnosis 1 years ago
    31. 207
      Mark in military record 1 years ago
    32. 208
      New Wave Champion 1 years ago
    33. 209
      Level 6 1 years ago
    34. 210
      Three vs three (I) 1 years ago
    35. 211
      Three vs three (II) 1 years ago
    36. 212
      Three vs three (III) 1 years ago
    37. 213
      Going up 1 years ago
    38. 214
      Killing a Middle Wave Champion Beast (I) 1 years ago
    39. 215
      Killing a Middle Wave Champion Beast (II) 1 years ago
    40. 216
      Killing a Middle Wave Champion Beast (III) 1 years ago
    41. 217
      Victory over a Late Wave Champion Beast 1 years ago
    42. 218
      Clash with the student force 1 years ago
    43. 219
      Invitation 1 years ago
    44. 220
      Lightning Lupus' fight 1 years ago
    45. 221
      Blade Dimension (I) 1 years ago
    46. 222
      Blade Dimension (II) 1 years ago
    47. 223
      Blade Dimension (III) 1 years ago
    48. 224
      Sword Monster 1 years ago
    49. 225
      Developing swordplay 1 years ago
    50. 226
      Temporary alliance 1 years ago
    51. 227
      Fight with students 1 years ago
    52. 228
      Bloodshed 1 years ago
    53. 229
      Turning the tables 1 years ago
    54. 230
      Merciless (I) 1 years ago
    55. 231
      Merciless (II) 1 years ago
    56. 232
      Advance to Level 8 1 years ago
    57. 233
      To the second stage 1 years ago
    58. 234
      Severing Domain 1 years ago
    59. 235
      Star 1 years ago
    60. 236
      Betrayal 1 years ago
    61. 237
      Black castle 1 years ago
    62. 238
      Sword Avatar 1 years ago
    63. 239
      Second Gear 1 years ago
    64. 240
      A fight of resolve 1 years ago
    65. 241
      Flawless Marrow 1 years ago
    66. 242
      Leaving the dimension 1 years ago
    67. 243
      Middle Wave King's willpower 1 years ago
    68. 244
      True power 1 years ago
    69. 245
      Natural Holy Weapon 1 years ago
    70. 246
      Moving pieces 1 years ago
    71. 247
      Empyrean Sun 1 years ago

    卷 4 : Book 4 - A war that painted the sky red.

    1. 248
      Wave Champion's soul force 1 years ago
    2. 249
      Facing the Collapsing Lightning Duke 1 years ago
    3. 250
      Sky Rising Pill 1 years ago
    4. 251
      Gluttony Module 1 years ago
    5. 252
      New Lineage (I) 1 years ago
    6. 253
      New Lineage (II) 1 years ago
    7. 254
      Bloodless #1 1 years ago
    8. 255
      To Blood Sea 1 years ago
    9. 256
      Blood Runes and Blood Core 1 years ago
    10. 257
      Bloodflow Fury 1 years ago
    11. 258
      Blood Rebirth 1 years ago
    12. 259
      To the Blood Pagoda (I) 1 years ago
    13. 260
      To the Blood Pagoda (II) 1 years ago
    14. 261
      Purist Path 1 years ago
    15. 262
      Blood Maiden 1 years ago
    16. 263
      Assassination attempt on the first day 1 years ago
    17. 264
      Saint Void State Technique 1 years ago
    18. 265
      99% 1 years ago
    19. 266
      Futile chase 1 years ago
    20. 267
      Creating a Blood Rune 1 years ago
    21. 268
      White Heat Breath 1 years ago
    22. 269
      Into Ice Crown 1 years ago
    23. 270
      First assassination 1 years ago
    24. 271
      Reachign the geysers 1 years ago
    25. 272
      To the second trial 1 years ago
    26. 273
      Dodging lightning 1 years ago
    27. 274
      Splitting lightning 1 years ago
    28. 275
      Howling Forest 1 years ago
    29. 276
      Detecting a Wave King 1 years ago
    30. 277
      Plan to face the Wave King (I) 1 years ago
    31. 278
      Plan to face the Wave King (II) 1 years ago
    32. 279
      Plan to face the Wave King (III) 1 years ago
    33. 280
      Tornado vs volcano 1 years ago
    34. 281
      Running 1 years ago
    35. 282
      Fightning a Wave King (I) 1 years ago
    36. 283
      Fightning a Wave King (II) 1 years ago
    37. 284
      End of danger 1 years ago
    38. 285
      Void Marrow 1 years ago
    39. 286
      Blood Champion Final Tournament 1 years ago
    40. 287
      The price of underestimating your opponent(I) 1 years ago
    41. 288
      The price of understimating your oponent (II) 1 years ago
    42. 289
      Shameful behavior 1 years ago
    43. 290
      Nine victories 1 years ago
    44. 291
      All eyes in the battle 1 years ago
    45. 292
      Clash of Ego Waves 1 years ago
    46. 293
      Devastating onslaught 1 years ago
    47. 294
      Hypersonic Speed 1 years ago
    48. 295
      The Red King acts 1 years ago
    49. 296
      The Flow 1 years ago
    50. 297
      Titan's attack 1 years ago
    51. 298
      Civil War 1 years ago
    52. 299
      Stopping the fight 1 years ago
    53. 300
      Fighting a Wave King head-on 1 years ago
    54. 301
      The death of the High Blood Elder 1 years ago
    55. 302
      First Collapsing Lightning Pillar! 1 years ago
    56. 303
      Post-war mesuares 1 years ago
    57. 304
      You will never have my trust 1 years ago
    58. 305
      Killing Jason 1 years ago
    59. 306
      Century Ascendance of the Blood Moon 1 years ago
    60. 307
      Astral Blood Beast 1 years ago
    61. 308
      Rebirth 1 years ago
    62. 309
      Leaving the Blood Sea 1 years ago
    63. 310
      Clash of sun and ocean 1 years ago
    64. 311
      Concepts 1 years ago

    卷 5 : Book 5. The awakening of the new king.

    1. 312
      Biometal Herculean Technique 1 years ago
    2. 313
      Bandits 1 years ago
    3. 314
      Defeating the bandits 1 years ago
    4. 315
      A new assistant 1 years ago
    5. 316
      Reaching the Prometheus Sector 1 years ago
    6. 317
      Change of plan 1 years ago
    7. 318
      Into the forest 1 years ago
    8. 319
      Azure Royal Family 1 years ago
    9. 320
      Damian Sky-Flame 1 years ago
    10. 321
      Toward Eden 1 years ago
    11. 322
      The Silver City 1 years ago
    12. 323
      Fourth Prince 1 years ago
    13. 324
      Dream Journey (I) 1 years ago
    14. 325
      Dream Journey (II) 1 years ago
    15. 326
      Magnus 1 years ago
    16. 327
      Imperial Feast (I) 1 years ago
    17. 328
      Imperial Feast (II) 1 years ago
    18. 329
      Cain vs the Fourth Azure Prince 12 months ago
    19. 330
      Facing the Third Imperial Prince 12 months ago
    20. 331
      Godslayer Human vs Deus Behemoth(I) 12 months ago
    21. 332
      Godslayer Human vs Deus Behemoth(II) 12 months ago
    22. 333
      Third Gear 12 months ago
    23. 334
      Overcoming the illusion (I) 11 months ago
    24. 335
      Overcoming the illusion (II) 11 months ago
    25. 336
      Blood Wings 11 months ago
    26. 337
      Fixing Slaughter (I) 11 months ago
    27. 338
      Fixing Slaughter (II) 11 months ago
    28. 339
      To the Genetic Coder Association 11 months ago
    29. 340
      Genetic Trial (I) 11 months ago
    30. 341
      Genetic Trial (II) 11 months ago
    31. 342
      Genetic Trial (III) 11 months ago
    32. 343
      Unlocking a Lineage 11 months ago
    33. 344
      True Avernus Lineage (I) 11 months ago
    34. 345
      True Avernus Lineage (II) 11 months ago
    35. 346
      Change in the relationship 11 months ago
    36. 347
      Arcane Route (I) 11 months ago
    37. 348
      Arcane Route (II) 11 months ago
    38. 349
      Arcane Route (III) 11 months ago
    39. 350
      Three Towers of Adam 11 months ago
    40. 351
      Realm of Stellar Synthesis 11 months ago
    41. 352
      The Golden Emperor 11 months ago
    42. 353
      The Void King 11 months ago
    43. 354
      Emerging from the Tower of Stars 11 months ago
    44. 355
      Genetic Tournament (I) 11 months ago
    45. 356
      Genetic Tournament (II) 11 months ago
    46. 357
      Genetic Tournament (III) 11 months ago
    47. 358
      Genetic Tournament (IV) 11 months ago
    48. 359
      Genetic Tournament (V) 11 months ago
    49. 360
      Genetic Tournament (VI) 11 months ago
    50. 361
      Genetic Tournament (END) 10 months ago
    51. 362
      Third level of the Biometal Herculean Technique 10 months ago
    52. 363
      Blade and daggers 10 months ago
    53. 364
      Facing a Late King Beast 10 months ago
    54. 365
      Sundering Concept 10 months ago
    55. 366
      Walk to Heaven (I) 10 months ago
    56. 367
      Walk to Heaven (II) 10 months ago
    57. 368
      Metal Flame Roc 10 months ago
    58. 369
      Back to the Azure State 10 months ago
    59. 370
      Saint Hypnosis Master 10 months ago
    60. 371
      Infiltrating the Azure State 10 months ago
    61. 372
      Trap (I) 10 months ago
    62. 373
      Trap (II) 10 months ago
    63. 374
      Trap (III) 10 months ago
    64. 375
      Reaching the secret vault (I) 10 months ago
    65. 376
      Reaching the secret vault (II) 10 months ago
    66. 377
      Connecting the dots 10 months ago
    67. 378
      Alarm 10 months ago
    68. 379
      Existential threat to the Azure State 10 months ago
    69. 380
      Impossible choice (I) 10 months ago
    70. 381
      Impossibe choice (II) 10 months ago
    71. 382
      Mind Over Matter 10 months ago
    72. 383
      From energy to matter 10 months ago
    73. 384
      The power of the Laws 10 months ago
    74. 385
      The Flow's evolution 10 months ago
    75. 386
      An old enemy 10 months ago
    76. 387
      Countering The Flow 10 months ago
    77. 388
      Set your will ablaze (I) 10 months ago
    78. 389
      Set your will ablaze (II) 10 months ago
    79. 390
      Embracing Order (I) 10 months ago
    80. 391
      Embracing Order (II) 10 months ago
    81. 392
      Embracing Order (III) 10 months ago
    82. 393
      The Scarlet King 10 months ago
    83. 394
      9X9 Ego Destruction Tribulation 10 months ago

    卷 6 : Book 6 - In the skin of the enemy

    1. 395
      Righteous wrath 10 months ago
    2. 396
      Kain 10 months ago
    3. 397
      Gluttony's Eye 10 months ago
    4. 398
      Kronos Continent 10 months ago
    5. 399
      Essence Evolution Path of Power (I) 10 months ago
    6. 400
      Essence Evolution Path of Power (II) 10 months ago
    7. 401
      Essence Evolution Path of Power (III) 10 months ago
    8. 402
      Facing Abyssal Wave Kings 10 months ago
    9. 403
      Killing Abyssal Wave Kings 10 months ago
    10. 404
      Stranger 10 months ago
    11. 405
      To the Atrox Immortus Race's capital (I) 10 months ago
    12. 406
      To the Atrox Immortus Race's capital (II) 10 months ago
    13. 407
      To the Atrox Immortus Race's capital (III) 10 months ago
    14. 408
      Mysterious Master 10 months ago
    15. 409
      Inferno Daemon's envoys 10 months ago
    16. 410
      Wave King's soul force 10 months ago
    17. 411
      Enhancement Module 10 months ago
    18. 412
      Improving the bloodline 10 months ago
    19. 413
      Back to the Dream World 10 months ago
    20. 414
      Gala (I) 10 months ago
    21. 415
      Gala (II) 10 months ago
    22. 416
      Slap 10 months ago
    23. 417
      Tribulation Enhancer 10 months ago
    24. 418
      Creating a Revolution Flame 10 months ago
    25. 419
      Forming a faction (I) 10 months ago
    26. 420
      Forming a faction (II) 10 months ago
    27. 421
      Forming a faction (III) 10 months ago
    28. 422
      Forming a faction (IV) 10 months ago
    29. 423
      Law Fragmentation (I) 9 months ago
    30. 424
      Law Fragmentation (II) 9 months ago
    31. 425
      Back to Evernight 9 months ago
    32. 426
      Massive improvement 9 months ago
    33. 427
      8 Revolution Flame 9 months ago
    34. 428
      A 9 Revolution Refinement (I) 9 months ago
    35. 429
      A 9 Revolution Refinement (II) 9 months ago
    36. 430
      A 9 Revolution Refinement (III) 9 months ago
    37. 431
      A 9 Revolution Refinement (IV) 9 months ago
    38. 432
      Killing a Grand King Beast 9 months ago
    39. 433
      Enhancing his forces 9 months ago
    40. 434
      Poisonous scheme (I) 9 months ago
    41. 435
      Poisonous scheme (II) 9 months ago
    42. 436
      Poisonous scheme (III) 9 months ago
    43. 437
      Killing Dark Mask (I) 9 months ago
    44. 438
      Killing Dark Mask (II) 9 months ago
    45. 439
      Killing Dark Mask (III) 9 months ago
    46. 440
      Reviving Dark Mask (I) 9 months ago
    47. 441
      Reviving Dark Mask (II) 9 months ago
    48. 442
      Horus (I) 9 months ago
    49. 443
      Horus (II) 9 months ago
    50. 444
      Saint Tribulation Enhancer (I) 9 months ago
    51. 445
      Saint Tribulation Enhancer (II) 9 months ago
    52. 446
      Saint Revolution Refinement (I) 9 months ago
    53. 447
      Saint Revolution Refinement (II) 9 months ago
    54. 448
      Late Wave Champion (I) 9 months ago
    55. 449
      Late Wave Champion (II) 9 months ago
    56. 450
      Pseudo Mercury Stage 9 months ago
    57. 451
      Back to an underground city 9 months ago
    58. 452
      Death Tide (I) 9 months ago
    59. 453
      Death Tide (II) 9 months ago
    60. 454
      Death Tide (III) 9 months ago
    61. 455
      Silent World's incursion 9 months ago
    62. 456
      Harnessing the power of the Concepts (I) 9 months ago
    63. 457
      Harnessign the power of the Concepts (II) 9 months ago
    64. 458
      Atrox Duke 9 months ago
    65. 459
      Dealing with an Atrox Duke (I) 9 months ago
    66. 460
      Dealing with an Atrox Duke (II) 9 months ago
    67. 461
      18 Revolution Flame 9 months ago
    68. 462
      17 Revolution Refinement 9 months ago
    69. 463
      Atomic Genetic Rewrite (I) 9 months ago
    70. 464
      Atomic Genetic Rewrite (II) 9 months ago
    71. 465
      Atomic Genetic Rewrite (III) 9 months ago
    72. 466
      Start of the incursion 9 months ago
    73. 467
      Endurance Concept 9 months ago
    74. 468
      Divine Ascension Masters' fight 9 months ago
    75. 469
      Sneak attack on a Divine Ascencion Master 9 months ago
    76. 470
      Carving a bloody path (I) 9 months ago
    77. 471
      Carving a bloody path (II) 9 months ago
    78. 472
      Carving a bloody path (III) 9 months ago
    79. 473
      Carving a bloody path (IV) 9 months ago
    80. 474
      Meeting again 9 months ago
    81. 475
      The Great Cataclysm (I) 9 months ago
    82. 476
      The Great Cataclysm (II) 9 months ago
    83. 477
      Sandwell 9 months ago
    84. 478
      Evacuation 9 months ago
    85. 479
      Gaining goodwill 9 months ago

    卷 7 : Book 7 - A hero in a foreign land

    1. 480
      Colossus Imperial Fort 9 months ago
    2. 481
      Searching space rings 9 months ago
    3. 482
      Blood Gem Heart 9 months ago
    4. 483
      Duke Gigant 9 months ago
    5. 484
      Built trust 9 months ago
    6. 485
      Espionage and assassination 9 months ago
    7. 486
      Red Death (I) 9 months ago
    8. 487
      Red Death (II) 9 months ago
    9. 488
      Red Death (III) 9 months ago
    10. 489
      Facing the Dark Fanction's Leaders 9 months ago
    11. 490
      Facing a Bone Calamity Master 9 months ago
    12. 491
      Killing Damasko 9 months ago
    13. 492
      Back to the fort 9 months ago
    14. 493
      Natuo 9 months ago
    15. 494
      Leaving the Colossus Sector 9 months ago
    16. 495
      Warlock System 9 months ago
    17. 496
      Prince Kouto 9 months ago
    18. 497
      Zanginis Sacred Home 9 months ago
    19. 498
      Zuko Zanginis 9 months ago
    20. 499
      Good news and bad news (I) 9 months ago
    21. 500
      Good news and bad news (II) 9 months ago
    22. 501
      Zanginis Clan's nature 9 months ago
    23. 502
      Crimson Void Cultivation Technique 9 months ago
    24. 503
      Split a mountain in two 9 months ago
    25. 504
      Space Orbs 9 months ago
    26. 505
      Spatial Rift Grotto (I) 9 months ago
    27. 506
      Spatial Rift Grotto (II) 9 months ago
    28. 507
      Lord Kabuto 9 months ago
    29. 508
      Solis Clan 9 months ago
    30. 509
      The Flow's Second Level (I) 9 months ago
    31. 510
      The Flow's Second Level (II) 9 months ago
    32. 511
      Facing an oceanic horde (I) 9 months ago
    33. 512
      Facing an oceanic horde (II) 9 months ago
    34. 513
      Divine Beast 9 months ago
    35. 514
      Godslayer Human vs. Divine Beast 9 months ago
    36. 515
      Killing a Divine Beast 9 months ago
    37. 516
      Nearly a million 9 months ago
    38. 517
      The final trial 9 months ago
    39. 518
      Prophecy (I) 9 months ago
    40. 519
      Prophecy (II) 8 months ago
    41. 520
      Bloodline Heritage (I) 8 months ago
    42. 521
      Bloodline Heritage (II) 8 months ago
    43. 522
      Bloodline Heritage (III) 8 months ago
    44. 523
      Bloodline Heritage (IV) 8 months ago
    45. 524
      Revealing secrets and keeping others 8 months ago
    46. 525
      Becoming a Wave King (I) 8 months ago
    47. 526
      Becoming a Wave King (II) 8 months ago
    48. 527
      Becoming a Wave King (III) 8 months ago
    49. 528
      The Soul King 8 months ago
    50. 529
      War of Hell (I) 8 months ago
    51. 530
      War of Hell (II) 8 months ago
    52. 531
      The Soul King's plot 8 months ago
    53. 532
      Emerging from secluded cultivation 8 months ago
    54. 533
      Saga to the Hyperion Continent (I) 8 months ago
    55. 534
      Saga to the Hyperion Continent (II) 8 months ago
    56. 535
      Facing challenges (I) 8 months ago
    57. 536
      Facing challenges (II) 8 months ago
    58. 537
      Law Integration 8 months ago
    59. 538
      Exploring the Dream World (I) 8 months ago
    60. 539
      Exploring the Dream World (II) 8 months ago
    61. 540
      A power above the limits of Aether 8 months ago
    62. 541
      To the Deus Behemoth Empire's capital (I) 8 months ago
    63. 542
      To the Deus Behemoth Empire's capital (II) 8 months ago
    64. 543
      Eon 8 months ago
    65. 544
      One hundred vs one hundred thousand 8 months ago
    66. 545
      Taking the corpses 8 months ago
    67. 546
      Pool of Purity 8 months ago
    68. 547
      50% Astral Blood Saturation 8 months ago
    69. 548
      Breath of Cosmos Chamber 8 months ago
    70. 549
      Metting Norkuo 8 months ago
    71. 550
      Ready to kill 8 months ago
    72. 551
      Fight inside the Void Fire Cauldron (I) 8 months ago
    73. 552
      Fight inside the Void Fire Cauldron (II) 8 months ago
    74. 553
      Cain vs Jarkan 8 months ago
    75. 554
      Law Fragmentation of the Law of Space 8 months ago
    76. 555
      The Gravitas Clan 8 months ago
    77. 556
      Blood Monsters 7 months ago
    78. 557
      Astral Bloodline Chamber 7 months ago
    79. 558
      Radiance of Valor (I) 7 months ago
    80. 559
      Radiance of Valor (II) 7 months ago
    81. 560
      The power of dual cultivation (I) 7 months ago
    82. 561
      The power of dual cultivation (II) 7 months ago
    83. 562
      From bad to worse 7 months ago
    84. 563
      From worse to horrible 7 months ago
    85. 564
      The Mind Cosmos Chamber 7 months ago
    86. 565
      Primordial Race (I) 7 months ago
    87. 566
      Primordial Race (II) 7 months ago
    88. 567
      Primordial Race (III) 7 months ago
    89. 568
      Obtaining the Inheritance of Spirit 7 months ago
    90. 569
      Earth Attunement in just two days 7 months ago
    91. 570
      Less than forty days 7 months ago
    92. 571
      Elemental Resonance 7 months ago
    93. 572
      Leaving the dimension 7 months ago
    94. 573
      21 Revolution Refinement 7 months ago
    95. 574
      Killing the Umbra Clan 7 months ago
    96. 575
      Return of the Scarlet King 7 months ago
    97. 576
      Talon's death 7 months ago
    98. 577
      Robert's death (I) 7 months ago
    99. 578
      Robert's death (II) 7 months ago
    100. 579
      Defeating the Soul King 7 months ago
    101. 580
      Sealing the Soul King 7 months ago
    102. 581
      Crippling the Soul King (I) 7 months ago
    103. 582
      Crippling the Soul King (II) 7 months ago
    104. 583
      Gluttony Concept 7 months ago
    105. 584
      Back to the Mind Cosmos Chamber 7 months ago
    106. 585
      Using the Mind Destroyer Cyclone 7 months ago
    107. 586
      Back to Amazon 7 months ago
    108. 587
      Unveiling the truth (I) 7 months ago
    109. 588
      Unveiling the truth (II) 7 months ago
    110. 589
      Unveiling the truth (III) 7 months ago
    111. 590
      Facing a Peak Early Divine Ascension Master (I) 7 months ago
    112. 591
      Facing a Peak Early Divine Ascencion Master (II) 7 months ago
    113. 592
      A hybrid 7 months ago
    114. 593
      Establishing order (I) 7 months ago
    115. 594
      Establishing order (II) 7 months ago
    116. 595
      Auron Umbra 7 months ago
    117. 596
      Twisting history 7 months ago
    118. 597
      Deal (I) 7 months ago
    119. 598
      Deal (II) 7 months ago
    120. 599
      The Imperial Army's arrival 7 months ago
    121. 600
      Scarlet Inquisition Force (I) 7 months ago
    122. 601
      Scarlet Inquisition Force (II) 7 months ago
    123. 602
      Scarlet Inquisition Force (III) 7 months ago
    124. 603
      Scarlet Inquisition Force (IV) 7 months ago
    125. 604
      Duke Tazan 7 months ago
    126. 605
      Ocean Wrath 7 months ago
    127. 606
      The Scarlet King's summoning 7 months ago
    128. 607
      Eon and Wanton 7 months ago
    129. 608
      The Scarlet King the next Deus Behemoth Emperor!? 7 months ago
    130. 609
      The upper echelon of Ocean Wrath 7 months ago
    131. 610
      Flesh Calamity (I) 7 months ago
    132. 611
      Flesh Calamity (II) 7 months ago
    133. 612
      The end of Ocean Wrath 7 months ago
    134. 613
      Flesh Reconstruction 7 months ago
    135. 614
      Scarlet Inquisition and the Fenrir Clan (I) 7 months ago
    136. 615
      Scarlet Inquisition and the Fenrir Clan (II) 7 months ago
    137. 616
      Scarlet Inquisition and the Fenrir Clan (III) 7 months ago
    138. 617
      Cosmic Tyrant Framework 7 months ago
    139. 618
      Space Sword 7 months ago
    140. 619
      A skull 7 months ago
    141. 620
      The end of the underworld (I) 7 months ago
    142. 621
      The end of the underworld (II) 7 months ago
    143. 622
      Earth Fiend 7 months ago
    144. 623
      First Level of the Cosmic Tyrant Framework 7 months ago
    145. 624
      Second Level of the Cosmic Tyrant Framework. 7 months ago
    146. 625
      Akus Vulcano 7 months ago
    147. 626
      Taking care of Akus 7 months ago
    148. 627
      Devuring the Soul King's memories 7 months ago
    149. 628
      Wind Tribulation (I) 7 months ago
    150. 629
      Wind Tribulation (II) 7 months ago
    151. 630
      Medium Law Integration 7 months ago
    152. 631
      Exodus Formation 7 months ago
    153. 632
      Accessing the old man's starry gem 7 months ago
    154. 633
      The Nine Heavens Ego Destruction Tribulation 7 months ago
    155. 634
      Danger for speed 7 months ago
    156. 635
      Fighting a Titan (I) 7 months ago
    157. 636
      Fighting a Titan (II) 7 months ago
    158. 637
      Water Tribulation (I) 7 months ago
    159. 638
      Water Tribulation (II) 7 months ago
    160. 639
      Water Tribulation (III) 7 months ago
    161. 640
      Leaving the Deus Behemoth Empire (I) 7 months ago
    162. 641
      Leaving the Deus Behemoth Empire (II) 7 months ago

    卷 8 : Book 8. A shooting star across the blaze of war.

    1. 642
      Marching back to the battlefield (I) 7 months ago
    2. 643
      Marching back to the battlefield (II) 7 months ago
    3. 644
      Final strech (I) 7 months ago
    4. 645
      Final strech (II) 7 months ago
    5. 646
      Arrival 7 months ago
    6. 647
      81 Deus Behemoth Heaven Suppression Formation 7 months ago
    7. 648
      Cain vs the Blood King 7 months ago
    8. 649
      Overwhelming the Void King 7 months ago
    9. 650
      A new 21 Revolution Refinement (I) 7 months ago
    10. 651
      A new 21 Revolution Refinement (II) 7 months ago
    11. 652
      A seat at the table 7 months ago
    12. 653
      Discussing the battlefield 7 months ago
    13. 654
      Spies in the Collapsing Lightning Alliance 7 months ago
    14. 655
      Preparing an ambush 7 months ago
    15. 656
      Taking care of friends 6 months ago
    16. 657
      Enhancing great generals (I) 6 months ago
    17. 658
      Enhancing great generals (II) 6 months ago
    18. 659
      Enhancing great generals (III) 6 months ago
    19. 660
      Enhancing great generals (IV) 6 months ago
    20. 661
      Beelze's true identity 6 months ago
    21. 662
      Beelze and the Dream World 6 months ago
    22. 663
      The Blood Duke's fate 6 months ago
    23. 664
      Elemental Manifestation (I) 6 months ago
    24. 665
      Elemental Manifestation (II) 6 months ago
    25. 666
      Commanding the Blood Duke 6 months ago
    26. 667
      The Void King's plight (I) 6 months ago
    27. 668
      The Void King's plight (II) 6 months ago
    28. 669
      Assassination (I) 6 months ago
    29. 670
      Assassination (II) 6 months ago
    30. 671
      Shattering the Collapsing Lightning Duke's skull 6 months ago
    31. 672
      Facing the Void King head-on 6 months ago
    32. 673
      Ready to kill the Void King 6 months ago
    33. 674
      New threat 6 months ago
    34. 675
      Hesitation is failure 6 months ago
    35. 676
      The plight of the Gods (I) 6 months ago
    36. 677
      The plight of the Gods (II) 6 months ago
    37. 678
      Negative teleportation 6 months ago
    38. 679
      Bone Calamity (I) 6 months ago
    39. 680
      Bone Calamity (II) 6 months ago
    40. 681
      The truth of The Organization 6 months ago
    41. 682
      A Master of Reincarnation 6 months ago
    42. 683
      A race born of corrupted emotions 6 months ago
    43. 684
      Back to the Zafiro Sector (I) 6 months ago
    44. 685
      Back to the Zafiro Sector (II) 6 months ago
    45. 686
      Death Valley 6 months ago
    46. 687
      The Depravita of Blood (I) 6 months ago
    47. 688
      The Depravita of Blood (II) 6 months ago
    48. 689
      The Depravita of Blood (III) 6 months ago
    49. 690
      A golden light that burn fear 6 months ago
    50. 691
      Master of Order vs Depravita (I) 6 months ago
    51. 692
      Master of Order vs Depravita (II) 6 months ago
    52. 693
      Dark Blood Rain 6 months ago
    53. 694
      Ten minutes (I) 6 months ago
    54. 695
      Ten minute (II) 6 months ago
    55. 696
      Ten minutes (III) 6 months ago
    56. 697
      Ten minutes (IV) 6 months ago
    57. 698
      25 Revolution Refinement (I) 6 months ago
    58. 699
      25 Revolution Refinement (II) 6 months ago
    59. 700
      Wrathful even in death 6 months ago
    60. 701
      Consuming the Depravita 6 months ago
    61. 702
      I fight to protect my home 6 months ago
    62. 703
      Earth Tribulation (I) 6 months ago
    63. 704
      Earth Tribulation (II) 6 months ago
    64. 705
      Earth Tribulation (III) 6 months ago
    65. 706
      Horus' goal (I) 6 months ago
    66. 707
      Horus' goal (II) 6 months ago
    67. 708
      Infiltrating Atlas 6 months ago
    68. 709
      Pondering about the Astral Sea 6 months ago
    69. 710
      Samsara Arsenal Module (I) 6 months ago
    70. 711
      Samsara Arsenal Module (II) 6 months ago
    71. 712
      Death Forest 6 months ago
    72. 713
      Taking care of the Dark Kings (I) 6 months ago
    73. 714
      Taking care of the Dark Kings (II) 6 months ago
    74. 715
      Taking care of Dark Kings (III) 6 months ago
    75. 716
      The hero and the villain 6 months ago
    76. 717
      Tier I Rebirth Mark 6 months ago
    77. 718
      Space-Time Eye 6 months ago
    78. 719
      Cowardly Titans 6 months ago
    79. 720
      Golden Emperor Incarnation 6 months ago
    80. 721
      Levi's revenge (I) 6 months ago
    81. 722
      Levi's revenge (II) 6 months ago
    82. 723
      Scarlet Alliance 6 months ago
    83. 724
      Hellblazer Duke 6 months ago

    卷 9 : Book 9. The Rise of the Dark Sky

    1. 725
      Nine Void Suns 6 months ago
    2. 726
      Caleb Hellblazer 6 months ago
    3. 727
      Caleb's death 6 months ago
    4. 728
      Risking it all 6 months ago
    5. 729
      Handing over a Dark King 6 months ago
    6. 730
      Unbreakable King 6 months ago
    7. 731
      Facing the Chimera King and Unbreakable King (I) 6 months ago
    8. 732
      Facing the Chimera King and Unbreakable King (II) 6 months ago
    9. 733
      Alchemy Sword Royal Family 6 months ago
    10. 734
      Splitting the storm 6 months ago
    11. 735
      Defeating the Alchemy Sword King 6 months ago
    12. 736
      Eliminating the Azure Bloodline (I) 6 months ago
    13. 737
      Eliminating the Azure Bloodline (II) 6 months ago
    14. 738
      Eliminating the Azure Bloodline (III) 6 months ago
    15. 739
      Victory is not the end (I) 6 months ago
    16. 740
      Victory is not the end (II) 6 months ago
    17. 741
      Back to the Samsara Sacrifical Ground 6 months ago
    18. 742
      A new Tier I Rebirth Mark 6 months ago
    19. 743
      Gravity Fall Armor 6 months ago
    20. 744
      Becoming a Divine Genetic Coder (I) 6 months ago
    21. 745
      Becoming a Divine Genetic Coder (II) 6 months ago
    22. 746
      Purest Azure Bloodline 6 months ago
    23. 747
      Chimera Bloodline Path (I) 6 months ago
    24. 748
      Chimera Bloodline Path (II) 6 months ago
    25. 749
      Diamond Saint Duke 6 months ago
    26. 750
      Bloodshed Ambassador 6 months ago
    27. 751
      Nothing can hide from the Scarlet King 6 months ago
    28. 752
      Who will be the new Emperor? 6 months ago
    29. 753
      Convergence in the Azure State 6 months ago
    30. 754
      Fire Tribulation (I) 6 months ago
    31. 755
      Fire Tribulation (II) 6 months ago
    32. 756
      Fire Tribulation (III) 6 months ago
    33. 757
      Fire Tribulation (IV) 6 months ago
    34. 758
      Fire Tribulation (V) 6 months ago
    35. 759
      Prime Minister Minxet 6 months ago
    36. 760
      Eternal Mountain King and Sky-Flame King 6 months ago
    37. 761
      Why take them out? 6 months ago
    38. 762
      Peak 4 Stars Divine Genetic Coder! 6 months ago
    39. 763
      Elemental Fury Blade Dance (I) 6 months ago
    40. 764
      Elemental Fury Blade Dance (II) 6 months ago
    41. 765
      Chimera Bloodlines (I) 5 months ago
    42. 766
      Chimera Bloodlines (II) 5 months ago
    43. 767
      Abyssal Frost Falchion (I) 5 months ago
    44. 768
      Abyssal Frost Falchion (II) 5 months ago
    45. 769
      Ascension Stage 5 months ago
    46. 770
      The new Prime Minister 5 months ago
    47. 771
      Breaking into the Silver City (I) 5 months ago
    48. 772
      Breaking into the Silver City (II) 5 months ago
    49. 773
      Facing the Silver City 5 months ago
    50. 774
      Facing the Golden King (I) 5 months ago
    51. 775
      Facing the Golden King (II) 5 months ago
    52. 776
      Depravitas and the Laws 5 months ago
    53. 777
      Depravita weapon 5 months ago
    54. 778
      Decisive attack 5 months ago
    55. 779
      Black hole (I) 5 months ago
    56. 780
      Black Hole (II) 5 months ago
    57. 781
      Black hole (III) 5 months ago
    58. 782
      Speaking with the Golden Emperor 5 months ago
    59. 783
      The tale of a father and son 5 months ago
    60. 784
      The death of the Golden Emperor (I) 5 months ago
    61. 785
      The death of the Golden Emperor (II) 5 months ago
    62. 786
      Scarlet Emblem 5 months ago
    63. 787
      Humanity Scarlet Shield and Sword 5 months ago
    64. 788
      Devouring willpowers (I) 5 months ago
    65. 789
      Devouring willpowers (II) 5 months ago
    66. 790
      Concept of Power 5 months ago
    67. 791
      Concept of Life 5 months ago
    68. 792
      Handleless blade 5 months ago
    69. 793
      Time Laws 5 months ago
    70. 794
      Doppelganger King 5 months ago
    71. 795
      The new Godslayer Humankind Emperor (I) 5 months ago
    72. 796
      The new Godslayer Humankind Emperor (II) 5 months ago
    73. 797
      Collapsing Lightning Emperor 5 months ago
    74. 798
      Rewards 5 months ago
    75. 799
      Punishment 5 months ago
    76. 800
      Marching into the Astral Sea (I) 5 months ago
    77. 801
      Marching into the Astral Sea (II) 5 months ago
    78. 802
      Samsara Flame's will 5 months ago
    79. 803
      Codex of Infinite Pathways (I) 5 months ago
    80. 804
      Codex of Infinite Pathways (II) 5 months ago
    81. 805
      Codex of Infinite Pathways (III) 5 months ago
    82. 806
      Hidden Calamity (I) 5 months ago
    83. 807
      Hidden Calamity (II) 5 months ago
    84. 808
      Hidden Calamity (III) 5 months ago
    85. 809
      New framework: Neo-Demon 5 months ago
    86. 810
      Dark Sky 5 months ago

    卷 10 : Book 10. The War Against Dark Sky

    1. 811
      The plight of the Inferno Daemon Empire (I) 5 months ago
    2. 812
      The plight of the Inferno Daemon Empire (II) 5 months ago
    3. 813
      Facing a Humanoid of Dark Sky (I) 5 months ago
    4. 814
      Facing a Humanoid of Dark Sky (II) 5 months ago
    5. 815
      Facing a Humanoid of Dark Sky (III) 5 months ago
    6. 816
      Escaping from the Humanoids of Dark Sky (I) 5 months ago
    7. 817
      Escaping from the Humanoids of Dark Sky (II) 5 months ago
    8. 818
      Zero (I) 5 months ago
    9. 819
      Zero (II) 5 months ago
    10. 820
      Space Tribulation (I) 5 months ago
    11. 821
      Space Tribulation (II) 5 months ago
    12. 822
      Space Tribulation (III) 5 months ago
    13. 823
      Space Tribulation (IV) 5 months ago
    14. 824
      The Scarlet King vs the Humanoids of Dark Sky (I) 5 months ago
    15. 825
      The Scarlet King vs the Humanoids of Dark Sky (II) 5 months ago
    16. 826
      The Scarlet King vs the Humanoids of Dark Sky (III) 5 months ago
    17. 827
      The Scarlet King vs the Humanoids of Dark Sky (IV) 5 months ago
    18. 828
      The Scarlet King vs the Humanoids of Dark Sky (V) 5 months ago
    19. 829
      The Scarlet King vs the Humanoids of Dark Sky (VI) 5 months ago
    20. 830
      Divided, we will be slaughtered 5 months ago
    21. 831
      Ouroboros Protocol 5 months ago
    22. 832
      Conditions and demands 5 months ago
    23. 833
      Infinite Horizon 5 months ago
    24. 834
      Horus and Dark Sky (I) 5 months ago
    25. 835
      Horus and Dark Sky (II) 5 months ago
    26. 836
      Deathbringer (I) 5 months ago
    27. 837
      Deathbringer (II) 5 months ago
    28. 838
      Tier III Rebirth Mark (I) 5 months ago
    29. 839
      Tier III Rebirth Mark (II) 5 months ago
    30. 840
      Back to the Dark Fog 5 months ago
    31. 841
      Analyzing the Dark Fog 5 months ago
    32. 842
      Ouroboros System (I) 5 months ago
    33. 843
      Ouroboros System (II) 5 months ago
    34. 844
      The Scarlet King is manipulating us? 5 months ago
    35. 845
      Dark Fog Immunity (I) 5 months ago
    36. 846
      Dark Fog Immunity (II) 5 months ago
    37. 847
      World Treasures 5 months ago
    38. 848
      Aiming for a Pseudo Immortal Body 5 months ago
    39. 849
      Cold fire and Deathbringer 5 months ago
    40. 850
      Grandmaster Aurelius and Grandmaster Artimes 5 months ago
    41. 851
      Activating the Bridge of Hope 5 months ago
    42. 852
      50% the speed of light 5 months ago
    43. 853
      Atrox Immortus Emperor 4 months ago
    44. 854
      The Scarlet King vs the Ten Swords (I) 4 months ago
    45. 855
      The Scarlet King vs the Ten Swords (II) 4 months ago
    46. 856
      The Scarlet King vs the Ten Swords (III) 4 months ago
    47. 857
      The Darkness (I) 4 months ago
    48. 858
      The Darkness (II) 4 months ago
    49. 859
      What if we refuse to fight? 4 months ago
    50. 860
      The Deus Behemoth Empire's decision (I) 4 months ago
    51. 861
      The Deus Behemoth Empire's decision (II) 4 months ago
    52. 862
      Cosmic Tyrant Framework's Fourth Level (I) 4 months ago
    53. 863
      Cosmic Tyrant Framework's Fourth Level (II) 4 months ago
    54. 864
      Cosmic Tyrant Framework's Fourth Level (III) 4 months ago
    55. 865
      New World Treasures (I) 4 months ago
    56. 866
      New World Treasures (II) 4 months ago
    57. 867
      New World Treasures (III) 4 months ago
    58. 868
      Public safety 4 months ago
    59. 869
      Back to Kronos 4 months ago
    60. 870
      Silent World (I) 4 months ago
    61. 871
      Silent World (II) 4 months ago
    62. 872
      Cleaning Kronos (I) 4 months ago
    63. 873
      Cleaning Kronos (II) 4 months ago
    64. 874
      Cleaning Kronos (III) 4 months ago
    65. 875
      Danger in Kronos 4 months ago
    66. 876
      The Depravita Race in Kronos! 4 months ago
    67. 877
      Nightmarish underwater city 4 months ago
    68. 878
      Blood God's fate 4 months ago
    69. 879
      Fighting Depravitas (I) 4 months ago
    70. 880
      Fightning Depravitas (II) 4 months ago
    71. 881
      Fightning Depravitas (III) 4 months ago
    72. 882
      Using the trump card 4 months ago
    73. 883
      Time Tribulation (I) 4 months ago
    74. 884
      Time Tribulation (II) 4 months ago
    75. 885
      Time Tribulation (III) 4 months ago
    76. 886
      Time Tribulation (IV) 4 months ago
    77. 887
      90% 4 months ago
    78. 888
      Invitation 4 months ago
    79. 889
      Astrid's talent 4 months ago
    80. 890
      Chaos Primers 4 months ago
    81. 891
      Darkmist Force 4 months ago
    82. 892
      Back to Infinite Horizon (I) 4 months ago
    83. 893
      Back to Infinite Horizon (II) 4 months ago
    84. 894
      Three vs three (I) 4 months ago
    85. 895
      Three vs three (II) 4 months ago
    86. 896
      Three vs three (III) 4 months ago
    87. 897
      The end of the Defense Humanoid 4 months ago
    88. 898
      Dark Sky and the Depravita Race (I) 4 months ago
    89. 899
      Dark Sky and the Depravita Race (II) 4 months ago
    90. 900
      Fourth Level 4 months ago
    91. 901
      Dark meeting (I) 4 months ago
    92. 902
      Dark meeting (II) 4 months ago
    93. 903
      Improvement in all fronts (I) 4 months ago
    94. 904
      Improvement in all fronts (II) 4 months ago
    95. 905
      Diamond Saint Duke's World Treasure (I) 4 months ago
    96. 906
      Diamond Saint Duke's World Treasure (II) 4 months ago
    97. 907
      Change to the Ouroboros Ranking 4 months ago
    98. 908
      Astral Supremacy Stars 4 months ago
    99. 909
      Heart of the Phoenix and Stellar Essence Orb 4 months ago
    100. 910
      Anima Mechanicus Emperor and Legio Eldritch Emperor (I) 4 months ago
    101. 911
      Anima Mechanicus Emperor and Legio Eldritch Emperor (II) 4 months ago
    102. 912
      Anima Mechanicus Emperor and Legio Eldritch Emperor (III) 4 months ago
    103. 913
      Breaking the Depravita of Wrath's soul 4 months ago
    104. 914
      Lovecraft City and the Ancient Key 4 months ago
    105. 915
      Fallen Archangel Battle Set (I) 4 months ago
    106. 916
      Fallen Archangel Battle Set (II) 4 months ago
    107. 917
      The four towers (I) 4 months ago
    108. 918
      The four towers (II) 4 months ago
    109. 919
      The four towers (III) 4 months ago
    110. 920
      The four towers (IV) 4 months ago
    111. 921
      The four towers (V) 4 months ago
    112. 922
      A fleeting victory 4 months ago
    113. 923
      Mind Severing Ritual (I) 4 months ago
    114. 924
      Mind Severing Ritual (II) 4 months ago
    115. 925
      Eternal sleep 4 months ago
    116. 926
      What have we awakened? 4 months ago
    117. 927
      The Red King's Power of Order 4 months ago
    118. 928
      Order of Gluttony: Lord of the Flies 4 months ago
    119. 929
      You are challenging my authority? 4 months ago
    120. 930
      The stars are my birthright! 4 months ago
    121. 931
      The Red King vs Dark Sky (I) 3 months ago
    122. 932
      The Red King vs Dark Sky (II) 3 months ago
    123. 933
      The Red King vs Dark Sky (III) 3 months ago
    124. 934
      The Red King vs Dark Sky (IV) 3 months ago
    125. 935
      The Red King vs Dark Sky (V) 3 months ago
    126. 936
      The Red King vs Dark Sky (VI) 3 months ago
    127. 937
      The Red King vs Dark Sky (VII) 3 months ago
    128. 938
      The Red King and the old man 3 months ago
    129. 939
      The Red King and Apex 3 months ago
    130. 940
      The Scarlet King's Power of Chaos 3 months ago
    131. 941
      Cleansing Atlas 3 months ago
    132. 942
      Cain's awakens 3 months ago
    133. 943
      Time to end this war 3 months ago
    134. 944
      Burn their city to the ground 3 months ago
    135. 945
      Marching into the Lovecraft City 3 months ago
    136. 946
      The Final Battle / Flames through Atlas' sky 3 months ago
    137. 947
      The Final Battle / Stars of Doomsday 3 months ago
    138. 948
      The Final Battle / All-Out Showdown 3 months ago
    139. 949
      The Final Battle / Decisive move 3 months ago
    140. 950
      The Final Battle / Broodmother 3 months ago
    141. 951
      The Final Fight / 4 billions of Destiny Force 3 months ago
    142. 952
      The Final Fight / Horus' fall 3 months ago
    143. 953
      The Final Fight / The end of the grand Depravitas 3 months ago
    144. 954
      The Final Fight / The End 3 months ago
    145. 955
      Facing the Ego Destruction Tribulation 3 months ago
    146. 956
      Surpassing the Ego Destruction Tribulation (I) 3 months ago
    147. 957
      Surpassing the Ego Destruction Tribulation (II) 3 months ago
    148. 958
      Surpassing the Ego Destruction Tribulation (III) 3 months ago
    149. 959
      Surpassing the Ego Destruction Tribulation (IV) 3 months ago
    150. 960
      Surpassing the Ego Destruction Tribulation (V) 3 months ago
    151. 961
      Surpassing the Ego Destruction Tribulation (VI) 3 months ago
    152. 962
      Ao 3 months ago
    153. 963
      Everything was a dream 3 months ago
    154. 964
      World King Avatar 3 months ago
    155. 965
      The Dream World and the Nine Empyrean Suns Universe 3 months ago
    156. 966
      Reaching the Soul Realm (I) 3 months ago
    157. 967
      Reaching the Soul Realm (II) 3 months ago
    158. 968
      Radiant Solaris 3 months ago
    159. 969
      Blazing Celestial 3 months ago
    160. 970
      Sun Seed's evolution (I) 3 months ago
    161. 971
      Sun Seed's evolution (II) 3 months ago
    162. 972
      Alter Ego's weaponization 3 months ago
    163. 973
      Rise, Leviathan! 3 months ago
    164. 974
      The Tower 3 months ago
    165. 975
      Babel Tower's throne room 3 months ago
    166. 976
      Six Chief Counselors of the Scarlet Alliance 3 months ago
    167. 977
      Scarlet Tournament 3 months ago
    168. 978
      Revealing the truth 3 months ago
    169. 979
      Kill and devour 3 months ago
    170. 980
      Descendants 3 months ago
    171. 981
      Wedding 3 months ago
    172. 982
      Fusing the Ten Great Bloodlines (I) 3 months ago
    173. 983
      Fusing the Ten Great Bloodlines (II) 3 months ago
    174. 984
      Fusing the Ten Great Bloodlines (III) 3 months ago
    175. 985
      A ocean of Fortune 3 months ago
    176. 986
      The time for dreams has come! 3 months ago
    177. 987
      Into the Dream World 3 months ago

    卷 11 : Book 11 - A Journey Through the Dream World

    1. 988
      Incredible cultivation speed 3 months ago
    2. 989
      Arshop Dukedom 3 months ago
    3. 990
      Legend 2 months ago
    4. 991
      Crimson World 2 months ago
    5. 992
      True Name 2 months ago
    6. 993
      Stormfire Adept (I) 2 months ago
    7. 994
      Stormfire Adept (II) 2 months ago
    8. 995
      The Dark Brotherhood 2 months ago
    9. 996
      New ability 2 months ago
    10. 997
      The Dark Brotherhood's plan 2 months ago
    11. 998
      High Council Chamber 2 months ago
    12. 999
      Dealing with the High Council 2 months ago
    13. 1000
      Plots and schemes 2 months ago
    14. 1001
      The key to rising to the Legendary Realm? 2 months ago
    15. 1002
      Three Innate Abilities 2 months ago
    16. 1003
      Attack on Bravos 2 months ago
    17. 1004
      Ambush 2 months ago
    18. 1005
      Learning how to obtain a True Name (I) 2 months ago
    19. 1006
      Learning how to obtain a True Name (II) 2 months ago
    20. 1007
      Soul Devourer (I) 2 months ago
    21. 1008
      Soul Devourer (II) 2 months ago
    22. 1009
      Bravos' evolution (I) 2 months ago
    23. 1010
      Bravos' evolution (II) 2 months ago
    24. 1011
      Devouring the Dark Brotherhood (I) 2 months ago
    25. 1012
      Devouring the Dark Brotherhood (II) 2 months ago
    26. 1013
      Devouring the Dark Brotherhood (III) 2 months ago
    27. 1014
      Sky Breaker 2 months ago
    28. 1015
      15% in less than two days 2 months ago
    29. 1016
      Fighting a Legend (I) 2 months ago
    30. 1017
      Fighting a Legend (II) 2 months ago
    31. 1018
      Legendary Lich 2 months ago
    32. 1019
      Caught in hellfire 2 months ago
    33. 1020
      Defeating the Lich 2 months ago
    34. 1021
      Legendary Armor 2 months ago
    35. 1022
      First clash (I) 2 months ago
    36. 1023
      First clash (II) 2 months ago
    37. 1024
      The naval battle (I) 2 months ago
    38. 1025
      The naval battle (II) 2 months ago
    39. 1026
      Sky Battle (I) 2 months ago
    40. 1027
      Sky Battle (II) 2 months ago
    41. 1028
      Legendary battlefield (I) 2 months ago
    42. 1029
      Legendary battlefield (II) 2 months ago
    43. 1030
      Seven vs one 2 months ago
    44. 1031
      Legend dragonborn 2 months ago
    45. 1032
      Legendary Innate Ability (I) 2 months ago
    46. 1033
      Legendary Innate Ability (II) 2 months ago
    47. 1034
      Leaving the battlefield 2 months ago
    48. 1035
      70% 2 months ago
    49. 1036
      Consuming Lamerto 2 months ago
    50. 1037
      Star Brain 2 months ago
    51. 1038
      Coastal battle (I) 1 months ago
    52. 1039
      Coastal battle (II) 1 months ago
    53. 1040
      One vs twenty 1 months ago
    54. 1041
      Lynch Kingdom's tower (I) 1 months ago
    55. 1042
      Lynch Kingdom's tower (II) 1 months ago
    56. 1043
      Mummified spellcaster 1 months ago
    57. 1044
      Soul Combustion! 1 months ago
    58. 1045
      No man's land 1 months ago
    59. 1046
      First defeat 1 months ago
    60. 1047
      Victories at a heavy costs 1 months ago
    61. 1048
      The city is lost! 1 months ago
    62. 1049
      A traitor! 1 months ago
    63. 1050
      Legendary Soul Devourer (I) 1 months ago
    64. 1051
      Legendary Soul Devourer (II) 1 months ago
    65. 1052
      Reaper Vorax Imperator! 1 months ago
    66. 1053
      Cain vs Morkon (I) 1 months ago
    67. 1054
      Cain vs Morkon (II) 1 months ago
    68. 1055
      Cain vs Morkon (III) 1 months ago
    69. 1056
      Cain vs Morkon (IV) 1 months ago
    70. 1057
      Cain vs Morkon (V) 1 months ago
    71. 1058
      No mercy 1 months ago
    72. 1059
      The end of the war 1 months ago
    73. 1060
      Leaving Trinity Island (I) 1 months ago
    74. 1061
      Leaving Trinity Island (II) 1 months ago
    75. 1062
      Journey through the Sea of Wonders (I) 1 months ago
    76. 1063
      Journey through the Sea of Wonders (II) 1 months ago
    77. 1064
      The South Coast of the central continent 1 months ago
    78. 1065
      South Coast Alliance 1 months ago
    79. 1066
      Golden Bazaar 1 months ago
    80. 1067
      Sun Church 1 months ago
    81. 1068
      Helix Continent's dangers 1 months ago
    82. 1069
      Millennium Auction House 1 months ago
    83. 1070
      Decennial Gate Auction (I) 1 months ago
    84. 1071
      Decennial Gate Auction (II) 1 months ago
    85. 1072
      Decennial Gate Auction (III) 1 months ago
    86. 1073
      Dragon's Heart Core 1 months ago
    87. 1074
      Abyssal Core 1 months ago
    88. 1075
      Bid for the Abyssal Core (I) 1 months ago
    89. 1076
      Bid for the Abyssal Core (II) 1 months ago
    90. 1077
      Wings of the Draconic Tempest 1 months ago
    91. 1078
      Dragon Battle Style (I) 1 months ago
    92. 1079
      Dragon Battle Style (II) 1 months ago
    93. 1080
      Dragon Battle Style (III) 1 months ago
    94. 1081
      Legendary Ambush (I) 1 months ago
    95. 1082
      Legendary Ambush (II) 1 months ago
    96. 1083
      Legendary Ambush (III) 1 months ago
    97. 1084
      Legendary Ambush (IV) 1 months ago
    98. 1085
      Scarlet Dragon vs Mountain Giant (I) 1 months ago
    99. 1086
      Scarlet Dragon vs Mountain Giant (II) 1 months ago
    100. 1087
      Scarlet Dragon vs Mountain Giant (III) 1 months ago
    101. 1088
      Scarlet Dragon vs Mountain Giant (IV) 1 months ago
    102. 1089
      The Abyssal Core acts 1 months ago
    103. 1090
      Aurelius Arken 1 months ago
    104. 1091
      Golden Eyes 1 months ago
    105. 1092
      Yin-Yang Dragon Breath (I) 1 months ago
    106. 1093
      Yin-Yang Dragon Breath (II) 1 months ago
    107. 1094
      Scarlet Dragon of Gluttony, Abaddon 1 months ago

    卷 12 : Book 12 - A Tale of Dragons and Lords

    1. 1095
      Dragons vs Suns 1 months ago
    2. 1096
      Clash with the Sun Church (I) 28 days ago
    3. 1097
      Clash with the Sun Church (II) 28 days ago
    4. 1098
      Clash with the Sun Church (III) 27 days ago
    5. 1099
      White flame (I) 26 days ago
    6. 1100
      White flame (II) 26 days ago
    7. 1101
      Six wings 26 days ago
    8. 1102
      Eldrick 26 days ago
    9. 1103
      The Tiamat Sect (I) 25 days ago
    10. 1104
      The Tiamat Sect (II) 24 days ago
    11. 1105
      Tiamat Sect (III) 24 days ago
    12. 1106
      The Tiamat Sect (IV) 24 days ago
    13. 1107
      Zalgrim 23 days ago
    14. 1108
      Scarlet Dragon vs Ice Dragon (I) 23 days ago
    15. 1109
      Scarlet Dragon vs Ice Dragon (II) 23 days ago
    16. 1110
      Scarlet Dragon vs Ice Dragon (III) 22 days ago
    17. 1111
      Void Eclipse Dragons 22 days ago
    18. 1112
      Joining the Tiamat Dragon Sect 22 days ago
    19. 1113
      Zero Bloodline (I) 21 days ago
    20. 1114
      Zero Bloodline (II) 21 days ago
    21. 1115
      Zero Bloodline (III) 21 days ago
    22. 1116
      Tiamat Dragon Path (I) 20 days ago
    23. 1117
      Tiamat Dragon Path (II) 20 days ago
    24. 1118
      Tiamat Dragon Path (III) 20 days ago
    25. 1119
      Tiamat Dragon Path (IV) 19 days ago
    26. 1120
      Tiamat Dragon Path (V) 19 days ago
    27. 1121
      Tiamat Dragon Path (VI) 19 days ago
    28. 1122
      Tiamat Dragon Path (VII) 18 days ago
    29. 1123
      Oniric Truth of Gluttony (I) 18 days ago
    30. 1124
      Oniric Truth of Gluttony (II) 18 days ago
    31. 1125
      Primeval World 17 days ago
    32. 1126
      Ancient Dragon of Lightning and Fire (I) 17 days ago
    33. 1127
      Ancient Dragon of Lightning and Fire (II) 17 days ago
    34. 1128
      Ancient Dragon of Lightning and Fire (III) 17 days ago
    35. 1129
      Devouring the Lightning Snake King 16 days ago
    36. 1130
      Moon Cult (I) 16 days ago
    37. 1131
      Moon Cult (II) 16 days ago



    作者 Redsunworld