71.42% MCU: I am 05-1 / Chapter 18: Chapter 18

章 18: Chapter 18

as soon as the elevator door closed, I slumped over, being caught by the Overseer. "You're in bad condition, sir. we saw the attack on camera, but we couldn't respond as we had no one available." he stated grimly, "do I have permission to speak freely, sir?" he asked, I nodded quietly.

"You suck at this," he said simply as the elevator doors opened, and he began helping me to my office.

I sat in my chair. There was no medbay of any kind, so a simple roll of gauze was all I had to wrap my wounds. Hopefully, anything internal isn't too broken. I looked at the regeneration ability in the shop longingly, knowing that I didn't have enough points for it right now. Base renovations were costly.

[or you could use the computer in your office to do a debrief and claim mission points, which are just you know... points]

wait, I could get points from more than just containment and daily missions.

[ummm, yes, I am the SCP Foundation Overseer System. I am not the Wierd Warden System. thus you can gain or lose points from any action that relates to overseeing the foundation and anything that goes with that, from dailies to task force mobilization, even how you and your subordinates react to attacks from any Group of Interest that may attack such as Shield or Hydra, any activity that you perform that has a significant impact to how the foundation operates, performs, or how it is viewed can generate points, however anything that does not directly involve you or involves the public eye must be debreifed at the 05 terminal located in the 05 office, the only things pushed through to the system are achievements, major milestones, personal upgrades and skills and Containment options upon the capture of a new SCP, as well as the shop and points counter.]

but why wouldn't it be more convenient for it all to be in the system. this just seems like a bit... much

[it is to reduce your reliance on the system so that you can function without interference of the Outer Ones]

the Outer Ones? why would I be worried about them?




owning a system puts strain on a user's soul, overuse can cause issues that can lead to the user being denied an afterlife, while it will not physically harm the user, after death thier soul may be driven insane, damaged beyond repair, removed from the cycle, left to wander for eternity in the Space Between, or cease to exist entirely]

I couldn't be bothered to figure out what any of that meant, I had enough on my plate. Turning to the computer there were a few notifications, most of them were expirament reports on 272 and behavioral reports for 053, but there were a few pending debrief files for our failed attempts to find Cain, I noticed that there wasn't any report for the missions for 272 and 053 though.

[these were solo expeditions by the host and did not involve foundation rescorses such as an MTF or personnel]

oh, so only missions involving a mobile task force would...

"Are you listening, sir?" i heard as the very annoyed voice of the Overseer pierced my thoughts. I forgot he was talking honestly, "Yes, Overseer, did you say something?" I asked, I could see him grit his teeth

"I was just asking what the protocol was if your guests come back with a force strong enough to breach our defense? What do we do when we need to fall back? what do we do when we need to reinforce an area or help one of our own when the most available task forces we've had is one? where do I move our men if we lose a fight? how do i treat our injuries? how have you prepared nothing? you have failed as an 05, I know we are never supposed to question the Council but we're running blind, we have no contingency, no plan, no task force, we don't have a medbay or medical supplies, much less medical personnel or even a place to keep our injured. for the love of 343, we still have basic security personnel manning the monitoring room when they still have no idea how to read a spreadsheet. we have no leader because he continues to throw himself into danger with no backup plan if he fails to communicate, or 343 forbid gets killed in action. what would the foundation have done if the attack had succeeded, we have NO fallback plans for ANYTHING that might happen, not one. so I'm asking when we're gunna to get a leader and lose an undertrained, uncontrollable Mobile Task Force Agent wannabe." the Overseer ranted, his voice going up in volume slowly over the course of his rant as his face began doing its best cosplay of a tomato.

I was stunned, and I thought system staff were completely loyal and unfeeling, I knew they started developing personalities and eventually feelings as they leveled but I didn't know it was to this extent, I felt like a schoolchild sitting in front of a pissed off principle.

[it makes sense, the Overseer is created to ensure the security and safety of all personnel under their care as well as the continuous operation of their site, his loyalty is still to you but he still has a mind]

"The loss of life is unfortunate, but it wasn't my fault that.." I began

"NOT YOUR FAULT!! You are the boss. You make the protocol, so what protocol did you have for anti-survailence? What protocol dictated the same route back to the base every time? you make the protocol, your responsibility." the Overseer seethed. "I'm gunna to get our guests settled in holding cell two as per your orders. Good day 05" he said before leaving the room, I just stared at the door in shocked silence

--3rd person POV--

a man sat in the dark, the cold walls of his holding cell seeming to press in around him as he stared through the bars at the men across the hallway. Various injuries could be seen on his body, some fresh, others festering. the sound of footsteps pierced the silent air as Alexander Pierce stopped before the cell and began to speak, "Those look painful, I could make it all stop, you know. we could get them disinfected and stitch you back up. all you have to do is tell us about your organization, that's all I ask. it's a reasonable request, I could even give you a high position in Hydra. You could be a Commander, free to do as you please, within reason, of course." the Hydra Head offered, already knowing he would get, this wasn't the first time he was here, and yet the man hadn't moved or spoken since arriving, not even a scream through the beatings, he just stared, as if calculating, as if waiting for his perfect opportunity


I'm a little unsure as to the Overseers outburst, I know that he's a System 'NPC' so to speak, but I want them to have a little more depth than 'random background characters' at least the important ones I have plans for, so lemme know what you think on that since I'm on the fence

Thank yall for reading, we made number 71 on the leaderboards, which if you'd have told me when I started this I would've laughed at you, but here we are

thanks again for reading, have a wonderful day/night/time idk when your reading this

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Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C18
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


