/ Movies / MCU: I am 05-1

MCU: I am 05-1 オリジナル

MCU: I am 05-1

Movies 28 章 1.0M ビュー
作者: The_Noobulas

4.54 (23 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次 Reviews


a man gets sucked into the MCU during a multiverse collapse and told that he has become the new 05 for the SCP Foundation, the only thing... it doesn't exist yet. so the question is, is he up for the task?

Parental Guidance Suggested
  1. The_Noobulas
    The_Noobulas 貢献した 256
  2. TrAInslator
    TrAInslator 貢献した 165
  3. blood_ravens
    blood_ravens 貢献した 51


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット




  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景


LV 3 Badge


3 の返信を表示する

Finally a SCP fanfic, I have been searching for SCP fanfic for a long time but only found some Chinese novels. I hope you will not drop it

8 の返信を表示する

i want more bro it good best scp stoy i read so far. It good It good It good It good It good It good It good It good It good It good It good It good It good It good It good It good

1 の返信を表示する

It's a nice piece of work but not without its drawbacks. .Writing Quality: 5/5, It's great. The author doubts his writing style at times but to be honest I don't see much problem with it. For sure it could be improved. There's always room for improvement afterall. But in my opinion the blurry picture that he draws is kinda interesting and fits the vibe of this fic, at least in this beginning phase where generating mystery is the main factor. He could work on the dialogues a bit to make it sound less robotic. .Story Development: 4/5, Quite decent story progression as of chapter 25. At least if we consider the MC's personal front. He started from scratch and made decent enough progress given his adversaries. As much as I want to see him curb stomping everyone in marvel with SCP powers, that would not make a proper SCP foundation story. Nor will it have much character depth. Hence I approve of what the author has done so far. A bit slow for my taste but still a decent progress. .Character Design: 4/5, needless to say I quite like the characters here. Not the marvel ones, they're a bit 1d for my taste. But they haven't had much screen time till now anyways. Hence that's okay. I like the main character. He's flawed. He's not good at this. Even with a system he's behind. But he's not some miserable no life MC that y'all sadistic readers love on this app. He has a good head on his shoulders. He makes use of it. and he makes human mistakes. he's hard working. His mistakes cost him dearly and he learns from them and does not repeat it. He's not 1d focused on a single goal. That is a good character imo. But idk if it will cater to this app's audience who prefer weak miserable MCs, and start complaining with single spark of power. Other characters in the foundation are quite fine too. Even though system generated they aren't mere puppets. And they act like good subordinates that help their leader. Being harsh at times if need be. I quite like that. .Updating Stability: 2/5, Not gonna lie it's quite bad. Like for real. Don't expect regular updates coz it doesn't have any schedule. I'd give the author the benefit of doubt that he'll complete this story someday as he promised, because I myself want it completed but I'll only believe it when I see it. .World Background: 4/5, So far it's been interesting. It's an unmapped territory and there's still way too many things to explore. We haven't even moved from the initial phases in the story so I can't rate it higher. Still I like what have seen so far. ..Overall it's a good start. Quality chapter takes time to generate. This fic certainly has quality. I won't complain much about updates so long the releases are good quality.

2 の返信を表示する

This novel was an interesting read and a good surprise to me to find and the four point eight stars rating on this is mostly based on me wanting the novel writer to write more chapters and that it is better than most novel and this could be interesting if done better than similar novels

1 の返信を表示する

it is okay to read, a lot of plot inconsistencies, feels like a fragmented story, common sense is not common here, the mc is arrogant and ignorant, the system is almost useless and somehow it is more stupid than mc, system should have been a guide and provide basic guideline for foundation and for mc, character growth should have been in the starting chapters not at the later chapters (chapters 20), and author you seem to lack knowledge of what 05 scp foundation are, what is mc unique character trait? from what I'm seeing he is lacking most basic knowledge, discipline, leadership, wisdom.last but not least, pov changes which have marks like ** or --- even, scenes change are too abrupt.

1 の返信を表示する

brilliant, idea. I'll change this reveiw if my feelings change, but if this is still the same as when I posted then it's to say that I'm still enjoying it.

0 の返信を表示する

Fantastic there is only a minor issue sometimes the story become a bit clump and hard to dissect for me a non english speaker overall good job author hope to see a new update soon

0 の返信を表示する

It could be better without unnecessary parts such as the system saying “ummmm yes” which as the system is an ai it shouldn't be able to stutter or need to think. The idea is there and its good but the quality of writing can be better. Not many grammar mistakes.

0 の返信を表示する

I hope you keep this because there aren't many SCP fanfics, so please try to keep it up. I know it may be hard to continue writing, so take some breaks, and then please continue because it's a great story!!!!

11 の返信を表示する

I will be honest, at first it was interesting, and as it still interest me (chapter 16) and are waiting for updates some thing are for me incomprehensible. First when in chapter 13 after employing dr Bright and we time skipped several months idk how many lets say 3-5, idk why he still need to go on missions to capture SCP himself, while his points might not be abundant but i think that with daily missions (100 points in chapter 10 for daily mission [ i dont know how points he will get i will go with 100 because thats the only thing i know]) and with dr Bright employment(1000 points per week in chapter 13) it would be sufficient to create a small team. I may be wrong as i dont know how much points is for monthly upkeep of base. Flaws: - i dont see why after time skip (chapter 13) he still dont have a force to capture scp and need to do it himself - is it so easy to track O5?(even when not fully developed) before time skip he upgraded his hacker ability once, i think that after that at least he would upgrade it once especially since he still got discovered. I think that collecting intelligence and keeping secrecy/safety is something you should be concerned about ( HYDRA/SHIELD/HAND/etc.) Pros: - good development - It is interesting, especially the story of dr Bright. I hope for more thing like that when foreing forces ( not SCP foundation) try to capture SCP will be shown. - hope more SCP will appear End: First flaw idk how to eliminate it tbh, it doesnt make sense for me. Second flaw is not a flaw tbh because we can still argue that hydra still have some level of technology, so yeah he could still be found(technology from aliens in captain marvel movie). Ps. I hope you will update and keep it up, sorry if i offended you or something in my review is inconsistent i just want to let you see how it looks from my perspective. While it is long i hope it will help you as i enjoy reading it. My review may be bad when more chapters are revealed.

3 の返信を表示する

It's a fine novel but the weird (not significant in any way, just weird) grammar, the pretty clueless MC and the horrendous update schedule leaves a lot to be desired. Author said he won't drop it but repeatedly takes months between updates so I have no hope that it will be finished ever... you make good content author, but the lack of updates and the underwhelming MC makes me want to skip this. If the updates were more frequent I'd keep reading but I get life is more important. Good luck with the rest of the story.

0 の返信を表示する

Best SCP fan fic I've read, hoping for more chapters, keep it up author.

0 の返信を表示する

simply the best scp foundation story I've seen on the platform in my opinion

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0 の返信を表示する

Good concept, good writing. "kingdom building" in a sense, I like the fact the mc makes actual mistakes that affect him instead of doing everything perfectly like a machine. Looking forward to this continuing

0 の返信を表示する

Awesome fic.Been searching for an SCP fic like forever.

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0 の返信を表示する

This is one of my favorite fanfic's I have been able to read.

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作者 The_Noobulas