60% Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord / Chapter 30: Chapter 30

章 30: Chapter 30

Lucius Malfoy threw his bottle of Firewhisky to the ground. The bottle shattered, as he angrily looked back to the mirror that stood suspended on the wall of his study. He didn't particularly like that new contraption because quite frankly it was something he couldn't control. That Magical Daily Press was the bane of his existence. Oh, how he wished he could get his hands on the new owners of the press. The move of someone taking over the Daily Prophet had almost given him a heart attack and he was very young by magical standards!

He didn't know what was up with him lately! He should have known better than to publicly threaten Potter, but honestly, what could a thirteen-year-old boy do? How dare that brat destroy the diary? Even thinking about his master's reaction should he return sent chills down Lucius's spine. How in Merlin's name had Black survived that attack? He scoffed at the mere thought that Potter could have performed all those feats of magic. The boy was merely thirteen years old; it was probably the media exaggerating again. But this report he had just watched was a big blow to him; his credibility would take a massive hit. He would have to do something to get it back. What to do? Damn that Potter brat!


Albus Dumbledore was pacing in his office, fuming. A large mirror was suspended in thin air on the other side of the office. Oh, how he wanted to destroy it! He had absolutely no control over it or the Magical Daily Press, and now he was being targeted by all. The people had started questioning whether it was time for him to step down from the post of headmaster. HIM! He was Albus Dumbledore! There was no way he was going to step down as Headmaster. This was his castle dammit! He and Minerva McGonagall had come under heavy fire after the incident of the chamber, and that was unacceptable!

That blasted Lucius Malfoy couldn't even get rid of Sirius Black properly! How that man was a Slytherin, he didn't know. Really, an assassination attempt in the middle of Diagon Alley was bound to attract attention. And Black didn't even have the decency to die; Harry had to have intervened.

His grand plan for Harry's second year had blown up in Albus's face. He had made progress by making the entire school and country turn against the boy, but after Harry killed that basilisk and explained about the true nature about parseltongue, he was once again the hero. Coupled with the fact that Lily Potter had managed to save her infant son and had defeated Voldemort in the process, and by giving her the Order of Merlin, the popularity of the Potter family was tremendous.

He had tried to stop Cornelius from giving the Order of Merlin, but alas! The man hadn't listened to him. Why didn't people understand that what he did was for the greater good? Harry had a destiny to die by Voldemort's hand. After Albus destroyed all of Voldemort's Horcruxes, he was sure the man would feel remorse for his actions, take back his name as Tom Riddle and become the next Leader of the Light. Again, Harry had been a thorn in his side. The brat had revealed Voldemort's real name and had thus exposed Tom for who he was.

Albus looked at the Elder wand in his hand. He had thought that the wand had switched masters after Harry had disarmed him but he was starting to wonder if that was indeed true. The wand had not disappeared, and Albus could still use it, just like before. Maybe he was still the master of the wand because he was far more powerful than Harry. He conjured a chess board.

"Oh, Harry" Albus whispered, looking at the chess pieces. "You have managed to one-up me. But you are still far too inexperienced compared to me. You will fall, I'm sure of it. I'm willing to wait; after all, patience is something I have in plenty. You cannot avoid your destiny forever, my boy"

Albus wouldn't realise until much later that his theory was wrong; and that even though he might slow Harry down, it wasn't possible for him to defeat Harry as karma was sure to bite Albus in the arse.


"You're hiding something." It wasn't a question.

It was after dinner at Black Manor. Harry, Sirius and Amelia were discussing what had happened in Diagon Alley. The DMLE had hit a road block in the case of the assassination attempt. Amelia knew that it was very difficult for Harry to have seen the curse being fired for him to react so quickly. She was incredibly grateful that her honorary nephew saved her fiancé, but she knew that there was something else.

Harry sighed. He knew that Amelia would figure it out. She didn't rise up to the Head of the DMLE due to political influence, no; she had done it through talent, intelligence and skill.

"You're right" said Harry, taking a sip of water. "My eyesight is very sharp, much sharper than any witch or wizard."

"How?" asked Sirius, intrigued.

This was the moment. Harry could either trust them, or withhold information. He then decided to tell them about this particular talent; let this be a test. If they passed, he would later reveal to them about the Horcruxes.

"Watch" said Harry. He stood up, and suddenly in his place was a large golden eagle. Amelia and Sirius were startled to find the eagle there. The eagle flew around the large room and landed in front of the couple. Sirius and Amelia looked closely, and they could see that the eagle's eyes were vivid green in colour; not the yellow you would see in case of any other golden eagle.

The bird hopped down, and eagle transformed back into Harry. "I'm an animagus" he replied. "That's how my eyesight is a lot more acute than any average witch or wizard."

"Wow!" exclaimed Sirius. "You're an animagus at thirteen, Harry! I'm so proud of you."

"Actually Sirius", said Harry with a small smile. "I've been an animagus since I was nine years old."

"How is that even possible?" asked Amelia, her eyes big. "I'm told that the process is very difficult, and the person needs to have grounding in human transfiguration. How could you as a nine-year-old child achieve it?"

"And what does your eyesight have to do with you being an animagus?" asked Sirius.

Harry took a deep breath and began. "I didn't use the common method of achieving the animagus transformation; instead of using the self-transfiguration method, I used Occlumency to connect with my inner animal. Each person has an inner animal; it's the manifestation of your soul in the form of an animal. If you can merge with it, you can become an animagus, and this also helps you in that you might gain some of the powers of your animal."

"As you know, no witch or wizard can transform into a magical animal or have multiple forms; its fundamental law of magic. In my case, my inner animal, my soul representation and hence my animagus form is that of a golden eagle. If you look at it, it makes a lot of sense. I do exhibit several traits of an eagle" said Harry.

"How so?" asked Amelia, leaning forward with interest.

Harry blushed a bit and said "Well, eagles are known to fly high and not interact with others much; I'm quite well known in school for that. Unlike others, I tend to have a long-term plan, while tweaking my short term goals and it is said that eagles have long distance vision. This is where I get my enhanced eyesight. I've read a lot about eagles, and golden eagles in particular and it is said that eagles love the storm. And trust me when I say I love to fly in such weather."

He took a deep breath and continued. "Eagles also tend to have trust issues, so they like to test others before accepting them, and I'm the same way. They love challenges, and I'm sure you already know that I do too." He smiled when he said "Eagles also mate for life, and this is definitely true in my case. Daphne is my one and only."

"Wow" said Sirius, finally. "How long does it usually take for the transformation?" he asked.

Harry shrugged. "It probably differs from one person to another. I took me over a year, but I was just eight years old then. Finding your form is one thing, but merging with it is something else. In my case, the eagle took more than six months just testing me if I was worthy until we finally bonded. In a sense, you're testing yourself to see if you're ready. It really is an amazing process. Daphne has already started working on it" he explained.

"This really is amazing" said Amelia. "It could revolutionize the way a person achieves the animagus transformation."

Harry spent the next few minutes explaining about the process, and how to use Occlumency to enter one's core to find his or her inner animal. Clearly, Amelia was interested in becoming an animagus as well.

"Alright" she said. "I assume you're not registered?"

Harry shook his head. "It's dangerous to register here at the Ministry as it is public record. Besides, I don't want the attention, nor do I want people to realise that I'm an animagus. In case of an attack, it's a useful talent to have."

"Have you tried registering with the ICW?" asked Amelia, with a small smirk.

Harry snorted. "That was my plan too. I know that any citizen of a member country of the International Confederation of Wizards can register there as well. In such a case I would be registered in all the member countries. But I don't have any contacts there, and people don't do it because of how expensive it is, and hence I stand out, which is bound to attract attention as I'm mentioned in nearly every book which mentions the killing curse all over the world. Besides, there was no way I was going to deal with the ICW when Dumbledore was still around" he said.

"You leave that to me" said Amelia. "I'll make sure you're registered without any fuss and publicity. As the Director of British Magical Law Enforcement, I have international contacts. I can pull some strings. This way, if someone does find out about you being an animagus, they can't prosecute you."

Harry whistled. "Thanks, Aunt Amy" he said. "The distinctive feature of my animagus form, as you have seen, is my green eyes."

Amelia nodded. She couldn't wait to try the method Harry had suggested.

"There is something else we need to discuss" said Sirius. "The wedding. We've decided to get married during the Yule holidays. What do you think?"

Harry got up and hugged them both. "I think it's wonderful. You need any help, don't forget to ask me."

"Good" said Sirius smirking. "This is easier than I thought. You are my best man."

Amelia and Sirius laughed when Harry choked. "Me?" he spluttered. "I thought Lupin - "

"No" said Sirius immediately. "It's not the same anymore between Remus and I, Harry. He truly believes that Dumbledore made a mistake and that he deeply cares about us all. I even offered to get him a job with a person who didn't care about his problem, but he refused. I understand that Werewolves face a stigma in the society, but his condition isn't public, and I'm truly willing to help him, but he can't let go of his pride. But the same Remus Lupin has now accepted the post of Defence teacher at Hogwarts this year."

Harry straightened and looked at his godfather. "Is this -"

"-another attempt at Dumbledore to spy on you? Yes" said Sirius. "Last summer he also went and blabbed to Dumbledore that we were leaving for France and that pissed me off. Dumbledore kept hounding me for days telling me that it wasn't safe for you to leave the country". He snorted. "As if he had kept you safe when he left you with those filthy muggles" he sneered.

Well, well, well, it looks like dear Sirius is accepting his family ideals after all, thought Harry, with a small smile on his face.

"If that's what you want, Padfoot, that's what it will be. I'd be honoured to be your best man" said Harry.

"We still haven't decided on the venue" said Amelia, deep in thought. "We've thought of several places, but nothing seems right."

"What about holding it here, at Black Manor?" suggested Harry. Both adults looked at him with confusion on their faces.

"I know it hasn't been done recently" said Harry. "But it used to be quite the norm among the Ancient Houses before. We can have the ceremony in the grounds and the reception in the Grand Ballroom; after all, we need a place to dance. The formal dining room can be modified to accommodate all the guests for dinner. The ward scheme would have to be modified for the evening, but I'm pretty sure it has been done before by the Black family when they used to host parties. What do you think?"

"I think it's a wonderful idea" said Amelia, with a smile on her face.

"Who am I to disagree?" said Sirius, grinning. He ruffled Harry's hair affectionately and said "Good thinking, kiddo"


On the first of September, Harry packed his trunk, ushered a reluctant Tango, his Crup in his cage and went down to the Entrance Hall. He then shrank his trunk, put it in his pocket, picked up Tango's cage and stepped into the fireplace. "Platform Nine and Three-Quarters" he said in a calm voice.

The green flames enveloped him, and he immediately stepped out of the fireplace as he looked at the scarlet train in front of him. He stepped on board and found an empty compartment. He resized his trunk and removed Tango from his cage. The Crup barked happily and settled down next to Harry.

A few minutes later, Daphne and Astoria entered the compartment. "Nervous?" asked Harry to his future sister-in-law.

"Yeah, a little" replied Astoria, taking a seat opposite to Harry and Daphne.

"Which house do you think you'll be sorted into?" he asked.

Daphne and Astoria looked at each other and she said, "Well, I know there is no way I'll be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. I don't think I would fit well there. So it's either Ravenclaw or Slytherin."

Harry nodded. "Either way, you don't have to worry. You have Daphne to take care of you in Slytherin and you have me in Ravenclaw."

Astoria snorted. "I don't need either of you to take care of me! I'm a big girl" she said indignantly.

"Sure you are" chorused Harry and Daphne, earning a smirk from the other.

"Remember what I told you" said Daphne. "Be careful with the older boys, especially one poncey git named Draco Malfoy. He might lure you into a trap just to get back at us."

Soon, the rest of their friends arrived as well. They started talking to each other, and Harry consciously made it a point to join into the conversation as well; he couldn't remain buried behind a book for the rest of his life. An hour later, he got up to go to the bathroom. On his way back, he found an eccentric looking girl searching for a compartment. He frowned as he realised that she was Luna Lovegood.

"Miss Lovegood" he said. "Don't you have any place to sit?"

She turned to face him, her eyes unfocused. "Hadrian Potter" she said in a dreamy voice. "No one wants me in their compartment as they call me loony, so I was searching for another place to sit" she explained.

Anger bubbled in Harry's gut as his eyes flashed bright green. Never the less, he smiled at the younger girl and said, "Well then Miss Lovegood, why don't you come join us in our compartment? I'm sure there's room." Harry decided then that he would keep an eye on Luna when they reached Hogwarts. If he discovered any bullying, the school was going to pay.

On the way, he smiled and waved at Fred and George Weasley, who were probably plotting something again to prank the school. While he didn't like Percy because of his authority worship and kissing people's ass, and Ron Weasley for, well, being Ron Weasley, and Ginny Wealsey because of Dumbledore (though he had decided to stop avoiding her, he didn't know if she was in on the plot; she was a kid after all), he genuinely liked the Weasley twins. They were among the few who had very vocally disputed the claim of him opening the Chamber of Secrets last year. He had also collaborated with them to prank the staff, which turned out to be a great success.

He also smiled and nodded to Cedric Diggory as well as he entered the compartment. The older boy had also not believed that Harry had opened the Chamber, something which he was quick to point out to his fellow Hufflepuffs later on. This had led to Cedric now being considered as the epitome of what Hufflepuff stood for, and now had great influence in the House. Harry had spoken to the boy a few times last year, asking if he was alright after the Lockhart incident. It turned out that Cedric did go to a mind healer, but had slowly come to accept what had happened.

"Hey guys, do you mind if Luna Lovegood joins us? She doesn't have a place to sit and has been searching for over an hour" he asked.

"Sure" said Neville, making room. Luna sat down next to Hannah and smiled. "I'm Luna Lovegood" she said in a dreamy voice. "Nice to meet you all; it seems there are no Nargles infesting this place like the rest of the compartments."

The rest of them in the compartment blinked. Harry was the first to recover. "Well, that's a good thing then isn't it?" he asked. "Miss Lovegood, meet Daphne and Astoria Greengrass, Neville Longbottom, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott and Tracy Davis."

Luna nodded at them all, took out a magazine and started reading it upside down. The rest of them in the compartment turned to look at Harry with their eyebrows raised, but Harry just shook his head. They all went back to what they were doing.

Several hours later, when they were half an hour away from Hogsmeade, the train started slowing down. "What's going on?" asked Astoria.

"No idea" replied Daphne. "We can't be there yet"

Harry opened the compartment door and stuck his head out. He could see many others doing the same as well. Suddenly, the train gave a violent jerk and Harry was thrown back in his seat. The lights flickered and went off. It suddenly became very cold. Tango howled, and put his face under his paws.

"There's something moving out there" said Hannah, in a scared voice.

Harry and Daphne looked at each other with wide eyes. "No!" said Harry.

"They can't do this" said Daphne, horrified. "There are no teachers to protect the students."

"What are you talking ab -" said Susan, when the train gave another violent jerk. Shadows were moving outside their compartment. Harry and Daphne flicked their wands out of their holster.

The Dementor opened the door and stuck its head inside. "Peter Pettigrew isn't here" said Harry in a clear voice. "Leave".

He was doing his best to ignore the memories that were cropping up in his mind.

"Lily! It's him! Take Harry and run! I'll hold him off"

"No! Please! Have mercy!"

"Avada Kedavra"

"You'll pay for this you freak! Your father was a drunk and your mother was a whore"

"You'll learn your lesson freak! You're nothing but a useless waste of space. It's time you learned your place boy!"

"Hadrian Potter, such a beautiful boy"

"Daphne Greengrass was only targeted because of her connection to you"

"AQUILA! I'm so sorry buddy"

The dementor was itching closer and closer. The memories were flooding his mind, and the dementor was getting closer.

"Expecto Patronum"

The incantation was the trigger. Harry saw Daphne's wand light up, just as silver mist appeared. "Expecto Patronum" he said, pointing his wand at the dementor.

Both silver shields weren't enough. Harry and Daphne looked at each other for support. Suddenly, there was a Thunderbird's screech and a Nundu's roar. The head of both Patroni formed which then drove the dementor away from the compartment. Harry and Daphne walked out of the compartment and pointed their Patroni at opposite directions of the train, just as a wolf Patronus joined them. Together, they chased the remaining dementors away.

Slowly, the lights came back, and the train started moving. Harry and Daphne fell back in their seats. Daphne curled up and buried her face in Harry's chest. All of them in the compartment were shaking badly. Just then, Remus Lupin entered.

"Is everyone okay here?" he asked, looking at Harry.

"We're fine, Professor" Harry replied curtly. "Everyone, this is Remus Lupin, our new Defence against the Dark Arts teacher" he said to the group.

Everyone murmured, but no one was in a state to care. Lupin looked at them, broke a piece of chocolate and handed it to them. "Eat" he said. "You'll feel better. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to speak with the driver."

"So that's a dementor" said Tracy, after he left.

"It's a lot scarier than what was described to me. What did you both do to drive it away?" murmured Neville.

"Patronus Charm" replied Harry. "It took us a month to get it right, but as you could see, we still need to practice."

"Tanny" said Daphne suddenly. The elf appeared in front of her. "What can Tanny do for Miss Daphne?" asked the elf.

"Tanny can you please get my entire stash of chocolates? It's urgent" she said in a flat voice.

The House-elf nodded, disappeared and appeared a few seconds later with a bag of chocolates. She thanked the elf and it disappeared.

"The first years?" asked Harry, understanding what his fiancée was up to.

"And others who are traumatised" she replied in the same flat voice.

Harry nodded and left with Daphne, after giving the group chocolates as well. Harry entered the next compartment, which he knew was occupied by first years.

"Hey" he said to them. "You lot alright?"

The first years were all shivering, doing their best to keep from crying. One girl had already broken down and was sobbing her heart out.

Harry went over to the girl and hugged her. "Shh" he whispered. "It's okay. The dementor is gone now. It won't harm you anymore."

Daphne smiled and gave them all chocolates. "It's chocolate" she explained. "Eat it. Trust me it'll help."

"Who are you?" hiccuped the girl.

"I'm Hadrian Potter, and this is Daphne Greengrass" he said in calm, soothing voice.

"You're the Boy Who Lived" she said, her eyes big and wide. The rest of the first years gaped at him.

Harry chuckled. "You can say that. Make sure all of you eat plenty of chocolate at dessert tonight at the feast as well. If you need anything, we'll be right next door."

With that, Harry and Daphne exited the compartment and went over to the next. Fifteen minutes later, they both had a huge fan following and an empty bag of chocolates.

After they got back to their compartment, Daphne again curled up against Harry and buried her face in his chest.

"I'm so proud of you" whispered Harry in her ear. "You'll make a great mother someday."

"And you'll make a great father" replied Daphne, smiling into his chest. "Don't think I didn't notice how you handled the hysterical kids. You were amazing."

Harry blushed, but didn't say anything more.

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