40% Harry Potter and the Lightning Lord / Chapter 20: Chapter 20

章 20: Chapter 20

Harry and Daphne found themselves sitting in the family living room at Potter Castle, sipping hot chocolate. "Okay Daphne, I promised to reveal my secrets to you during the holidays, and I intend to keep my promise. Your Occlumency has developed quite well over the past year, but I still want you to practice every night because people like Albus Dumbledore can extract information from you by force if necessary. But I really doubt anyone is that stupid to try" said Harry.

Daphne nodded and motioned for him to continue.

Harry took a deep breath and continued. "You can say that I was born gifted. I started performing accidental magic when I was just a few months old, something which is very rare among babies, because kids usually start showing signs of active magic much later. From what I've read from my parents' journals, Dumbledore used to frequently visit me, and the frequent visits and the 'gleam in his eye' according to my mother, made her quite uneasy."

"You've read the article in the paper asking why Voldemort specifically targeted me. The reason why is because there was a prophecy made a few months before my birth" At this, Daphne gasped. Harry continued saying "The prophecy was made by Sybill Trelawney, the Divination teacher at Hogwarts, to Albus Dumbledore. It was during her recital that Severus Snape overheard part of the prophecy and relied it to Voldemort. The first half of the prophecy said that a boy would be born at the end of July to parents who had thrice defied the Dark Lord, and the said boy would have the power to vanquish the Dark Lord."

"Dumbledore in his infinite wisdom, had concluded that only two expecting mothers could be subject to the prophesy. Both women were members of Dumbledore's secret organisation 'The Order of the Phoenix', and both were pregnant and expected to deliver at the end of July. The two women were Lily Potter and Alice Longbottom" said Harry. Daphne went pale.

"Unfortunately, Voldemort had come to the same conclusion as well. A few months later, on the 30th of July, 1980, Neville Francis Longbottom was born. A few hours later, in the wee hours of the 31st of July, Hadrian James Potter was born. A spy was infiltrated into the ranks of the Order; Voldemort was now after the two infants. Both our fates were sealed."

"But what was against Voldemot was that both families were the heads of Most Ancient and Noble Houses; Frank and Alice Longbottom along with James Potter were Aurors and fierce duellists; Lily Potter was an Unspeakable and was well known for being highly gifted in magic; both Potter Manor and Longbottom Manor were heavily warded. Assassinating them wasn't going to be easy, even with a spy involved."

Harry took a sip of his drink and continued "They evaded Voldemort for more than a year. By then, the war had taken a toll for the worse. So many witches and wizards were dying, there was rash muggle killing, the International Statute of Secrecy was close to being shattered to pieces, and the Ministry had a tough job of keeping magic secret from the muggles. Had the muggles found out about magic, Voldemort would be the least of their problems, as it could have been the ignition of a war between magicals and muggles all over the world. The members of the Order were slowly getting killed off one by one. My parents were alone as well as my grandparents, Charlus and Dorea had been murdered by a group of twenty Death Eaters just a year back. Everyone knew there was a spy, but no one knew who it was."

"The Order was certainly very inefficient, Dumbledore saw to that. Even though Barty Crouch, the then Director of the DMLE authorised lethal force, Dumbledore was dead set against it. That was the major reason for us that set us on the path to losing the war; we can't win if we use stunning spells against Death Eaters who use dark magic of deadly power. Of course, not everyone followed his instructions; the Prewett twins, my parents, Sirius, the Longbottoms and Alastor Moody come to mind. The old man didn't even ask check if any of the members were Death Eaters! A magical vow would have been sufficient to flush out the spy! But he didn't do it."

"Voldemort only knew the first half of the prophecy. After Snape told him, he verified that if it was indeed true with Augustus Rockwood, his informant within the Department of Mysteries, but he didn't listen to it in its entirety. So he didn't realise that there could be a danger by attacking me. But by this time, Dumbledore was getting impatient. My parents were just too good at eluding Voldemort and his Death Easter. I'm not sure if the old man deliberately painted a target on my family when he heard the prophecy, but he definitely did make sure that I was the target soon enough. In October 1981, Dumbledore somehow convinced my parents to move from Potter Manor to a small cottage in Godric's Hollow. I'm still not sure why my parents did it, because even if Potter Manor was vulnerable, there were several properties they could relocate to as we have homes all over the world. I'm not sure why they didn't consider moving into Potter Castle considering that this place is as old as Hogwarts and a stronghold of Ancient Magic and Potter family wards. That's why I suspect Dumbledore used mind altering spells or potions on them; because there is absolutely no way they would have moved into a small cottage with minimal wards."

Harry took a deep breath and said "Now is where things get murkier. Peter Pettigrew was the spy in the Order of the Phoenix, even though Dumbledore claims he didn't know it. Now Dumbledore is a master at Legilimency and there is no way a weak wizard like Peter Pettigrew had Occlumency shields. You know how much you have struggled to develop your mental shields; I commend you on the dedication you have shown over the past year Daphne, because most adult witches and wizards give up because of how difficult it is. In the last week of October 1981, the Fidelius Charm was set up by Dumbledore, with Peter Pettigrew as the Secret Keeper. They didn't tell anyone who the Secret Keeper was for obvious reasons, but the general consensus was that Sirius Black was chosen because he was my dad's cousin and best friend."

"So my parents went into hiding. Barely a week after setting up the charm, Voldemort attacked. Thanks to my natural talent with mind magic, I'm gifted with a perfect memory, something which even experienced Occlumens struggle with, so I remember what happened that night. My dad was playing with me in the living room when Voldemort entered the house. The wards alerted my parents that it wasn't someone authorized. They knew they had been betrayed. So when Voldemort blasted the door open, my dad screamed to my mother to get me to safety. He then started duelling with Voldemort. But he was killed just a minute into the duel."

"My mother rushed to my nursery, but Voldemort soon found her. She had tried to escape, but it seems in Dumbledore's infinite wisdom, there were anti-portkey wards and anti-apparition wards around the house to prevent anyone entrance to the house; my take is that he didn't want us to escape. Voldemort asked her to step aside because it seems Snape had asked him to spare my mother; apparently, he wanted her for himself. My mother was furious when she heard that and refused to move so he killed her. He then pointed his wand at my forehead and fired the killing curse at me. The curse struck my forehead, but instead of killing me as it should, it rebounded and hit Voldemort instead" said Harry with tears streaming down his face. Daphne got up, sat next to him and hugged him tightly. Harry wrapped his arms around her and continued in a flat voice.

"My parents were not stupid. They were prepared for such an eventuality. They had gone to Gringotts, updated their will and ensured that all the Potter accounts were on lockdown until I claimed them. Their will contained clear set instructions on who should be my guardian in case I was orphaned, but they didn't account for Dumbledore's position as Chief Warlock. Their trust in the man was their undoing. But that was not all. My mother devised a way to save me in case I was attacked. That was the reason I survived, not because I was something special" he said.

Daphne was stunned. "Your mother found a way to block the killing curse?" she asked astonished.

"Something like that" said Harry nodding. He then took a deep breath "What I'm about to tell you now is something no other soul alive apart from me knows, and I'd like to keep it that way, at least for now. Are you agreeable to that?" he asked her.

Daphne blinked her eyes at the bizarre question "Of course Harry. I already told you that I won't reveal your secrets to anyone. Please, trust me. I won't betray you" she said pleadingly.

Harry looked into her eyes and nodded. "My mother was a parselmouth" he said finally. "She dabbed into sacrificial magic to save my life. Such magic is very ancient and has not been seen for more than a thousand years. You remember the famous lightning shaped scar I was supposed to have on my forehead? Well, that scar actually existed. In fact, my entire body is covered with runes carved by my mother in her own blood. The sacrificial ritual had to be performed in advance, with parseltongue spells. As for what needed to be sacrificed, it was her life. She had to willingly give up her life so that she could save mine. That is the secret behind how I survived."

Daphne had her mouth hanging in shock. Sacrificial magic? She had never even heard of such a thing! And if Lily Potter was a parselmouth, then –

"You're a parselmouth too, aren't you?" she asked.

Harry looked at her and nodded. "Then are you sure you aren't really the heir of Slytherin?" she asked hesitantly.

Harry burst out laughing, diffusing the situation. Daphne didn't know what was funny, so she started at her betrothed and waiting for him to continue. Harry grinned and said "I really doubt that is possible. As you know, my mother was a muggleborn. From what I've read the Gaunt family has always claimed that they were the descendants of Slytherin, so I don't know how I could be the heir. And trust me; the Potters are the very last family the Gaunts would intermarry with!"

When Harry mentioned the Gaunts, he was suddenly assaulted by a memory of an old, ragged looking man sitting on a chair, holding a dagger. But he was dragged out when he heard Daphne ask "Why is that? Are you saying that you really are, you know -"

" - the descendant of Godric Gryffindor? Yes" said Harry. "His only daughter married into the family. But this is also a Potter family secret, known only to the members. It's only because you're the confirmed future Lady Potter than I can even tell you about it. If you want, I can take you to Godric's grave sometime."

Daphne shook her head to clear her mind. "Wow" she whispered. To know that her future husband was actually the many times great grandson of one of the Founders of Hogwarts was astounding.

"Anyway, where was I?" said Harry. "Oh yes, after Voldemort was vanquished, Hagrid appeared on the scene on the orders of Albus Dumbledore to retrieve me. He took me outside and that's when Sirius came too. Sirius asked Hagrid to give me to him as he was my oath-sworn godfather, but Hagrid refused. I can't really blame the guy; Hagrid is, well, not very intelligent and would even lay down his life without a second thought for Dumbledore, so it was futile to argue with him. Sirius realised that as well, so he went to chase Pettigrew instead. Hagrid brought me to Private Drive where Dumbledore and McGonagall were waiting for him"

Harry's eye twitched when he remembered the memory. "I was asleep then, but with a lot of effort, I was able to listen to the memory of all those years ago. McGonagall noticed a scar on my forehead and asked Dumbledore if he could heal it; our amazing headmaster said that he wouldn't, as scars were meant to be seen! How wonderful! I had just survived the killing curse; the aura of the curse was probably all around me! Did he take me to a healer to get me checked out? No! Do you know that they had the gall to leave me on the fucking doorstep of the house like a milk bottle in the middle of the night, with only a letter for explaining to my aunt what had happened? A letter! He knew that Petunia hated magic, it was written in my parents' will. And yet he left me there, that too in the middle of the night! I could have died of pneumonia! What was worse was that he took my blood as well. I only found out about this much later. He took my blood, tied it to my aunt and the house and created an intent based ward. It was nothing spectacular, let me tell you. It was as useless as the Fidelius charmed house I had just come from. And he used the rest of the blood to power tracking and monitoring charms."

"But that's illegal!" shouted Daphne.

"I know, but who knew about that? Remus Lupin was long gone, Sirius was in Azkaban, Frank and Alice Longbottom were tortured into insanity, Amelia Bones was busy with the war effort and was later blocked at every turn, and people like Minerva McGonagall just didn't seem to care. It was perfect."

"But life at the Dursleys was anything but good, it was actually hell on earth. From the memories I later accessed, I found out that I had been crying for my parents and was having nightmares of my mother's death for several weeks after the incident. After the first night of me crying, the Dursleys couldn't take it anymore and they stuffed me in a boot cupboard under the stairs. The darkness and lack of ventilation only added to my suffering, but it's not like anyone cared. The rest of the wizarding world was celebrating while I was crying out of hunger and for my mother" said Harry bitterly.

"But that's when the trouble started. I started performing accidental magic again. Uncle Vernon didn't like that, he didn't like that at all. He then decided to beat the freakishness out of me, a two year old boy. Unfortunately, the more I was in danger, the more magic I used to perform to save myself. So naturally, the beatings increased. They told me that my parents were drunken bums and that my useless father and my whore of a mother died in a car crash" said Harry angrily. Daphne tightened her grip around him.

"I still marvel at the fact that I didn't die in those attempts of curing me of my magic. Really, muggles don't know anything about trying to raise a magical child! They think they're the children of the devil or whatever. Like so many of the muggleborns around the world, I too was tortured beyond belief. But after my sixth birthday, I had finally unravelled enough memories to find out that I was a wizard; I could do magic. So I had discreetly started practicing magic, and keeping it away from the Dursleys. So far, it was the same. But about a month before my seventh birthday, everything changed"

Harry took a sip of water and continued "Uncle Vernon was hosting dinner for his new client or boss or whatever; I didn't particularly care. I had been locked in my cupboard for more than a week without food and I was starving, not to mention angry. So I extended my senses, and wandlessly cast the bowel loosening hex at the three of them and that was enough to clear his guests. Vernon was furious, so he dragged me out and started beating the crap out of me. I used the banishing charm to get him away from me. But that only made him angrier, so he took the kitchen knife next to him and stabbed me in the stomach"

"The blood loss made me unconscious. It was going to be a slow death, but I was definitely going to die. But that's when he came to save me; my best friend; my brother; one of the most important people in my life who I deeply care about" he said smiling.

"Who?" asked Daphne.

Instead of answering, Harry got up and pulled Daphne up with him. "Come with me" he said. He took her hand and took her out to the castle's expansive grounds.

Daphne watched as Harry closed his eyes for a few seconds. Then suddenly, the clouds darkened, claps of thunder could be heard and flashes of lightning could be seen as well. "Look there" said Harry, pointing at a distance.

Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning and an enormous bird appeared out of thin air. Daphne screamed and latched onto Harry, but he didn't pull away. "He's not going to hurt you" he whispered in her ear.

The majestic bird flew over the grounds and finally landed gracefully in front of them. Daphne looked at the enormous bird in front of her with trepidation. She looked back at Harry who went forward and hugged the bird which frankly looked like an enormous eagle.

"Missed you, buddy" she heard him say to the bird. The creature nuzzled his beak on Harry's body as well.

"Daphne, meet Aquila, the one I said is like a brother to me. He's a thunderbird" said Harry.

"A thunderbird?" asked Daphne in awe.

"Brother? Oh Harry, I'm touched" said an amused Aquila in Harry's mind.

"I also told her that you're one of the most important people in my life" he replied.

"Of course I am!" said Aquila sounding smug. "Can you tell that to a bunch of females of my species? I'm looking for a mate, and any help is most appreciated"

Harry burst out laughing. "Who wants to mate with you? No female is demented enough to do that!"

"Oh well" said Aquila "I guess I'll have to settle for Hedwig. Where's that cute little owl? I have a mate to find!"

Harry gaped and spluttered "Aquila!" he said out loud. "You can't, I mean, Hedwig is, is, she is too small for you! It's not right!" he said his eyes wide.

"You mess with me, I'll mess with you, little one" said the thunderbird.

"You both can communicate with each other?" asked a shocked Daphne. She was still trying to comprehend the fact that Harry had a thunderbird familiar.

"Oh, it's so nice to finally meet Harry's mate. Greetings to you, little one"

"Hey! I thought 'little one' was reserved for me!" said Harry indignantly.

"Then what do I call her?" asked Aquila amused.

"I don't know! But that is reserved for me and only me!" said Harry as he pouted.

Daphne couldn't believe that Harry was actually acting his age. She had never seen him so carefree before. But she could also sense amusement that she was sure wasn't from her. She looked at the thunderbird. The creature also looked at her. They started deep into each other's eyes.

"Harry, you've got a special one here. She is definitely different from the others of your species. She is definitely meant for you. I can feel a small bond with her as well. It's not like ours; I can't talk to her, but it's there. I have been feeling something different for the past year. This is the answer, your mate's bond with me" explained Aquila.

"But how is that possible? You said I have a certain gift that no other witch or wizard has; that's why I can communicate with your species. Then how can Daphne sense you?" asked Harry confused.

"That I'm not sure"

Harry looked at Daphne and said "You seemed to have formed a minor bond with him. I'm not sure how, but it seemed to have started a year ago. What happened a year ago that caused this?"

Daphne shook her head. She extended her hand, and slowly moved towards the massive bird to touch him. She came closer and touched his neck and rubbed his feathers.

Aquila mentioned something to him and Harry grinned and nodded. He took out his wand and suddenly Daphne found herself being levitated by Harry. "Harry what are you doing?" she shouted.

"Aquila wants to take you on a ride around the grounds. I promise I'll be fun. Hold on tight" he said as he levitated her to the thunderbird's back.

"But - " she said, but was cut off as Aquila took off from the ground. She screamed in fright, but the bird didn't stop. After reaching a certain height, Aquila gently flew over the castle grounds. Daphne slowly opened her eyes and gasped. The view of the castle and grounds from above was breathtakingly beautiful. She heard an eagle's cry and turned left to spot a golden eagle flying parallel to them. The eagle looked at her and Daphne's eyes went wide as she saw the eagle's eyes were a very familiar shade of green. But before she could think about that, Aquila dived. Daphne screamed, but Aquila slowly and gracefully landed on the ground. Daphne got down, and tentatively gave the large thunderbird a hug as well. Aquila was pleased.

She turned around to spot the golden eagle land in front of her as well, and to her shock, the eagle changed into Harry who was grinned at her. "How was it?" he asked her.

"You're an animagus?" she asked shocked at this revelation. It looked like Harry wasn't kidding when he said his secrets were many and important.

"Yup. But I'll tell you about that later. Aquila has to go look for a 'mate'. We don't want to stand in his way. As it is he won't have much luck anyway" he told her.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Harry" said Aquila sarcastically.

Harry laughed and hugged him again. "If you do find a mate, you better introduce me to her. I want to meet any potential sister-in-law" he told the bird fondly.

"Will do. And remember what I said little one. The danger is still present. If you ever find yourself in danger, call me at once."

"I will" said Harry, reassuring his friend.

Aquila nodded to Daphne and took off into the sky. After some distance, there was a flash of lightning, and the large thunderbird was gone.

After a minute of silence, Daphne said "That was the most incredible experience of my life."

Harry pulled her into a hug and whispered "I can think of an experience which can rival that."

Daphne smiled. It looked like meeting his familiar had put Harry in a very good mood. "And what is that Lord Potter?" she asked coyly.

"This" replied Harry as he leaned down and kissed her. They kissed for a few seconds and broke apart. They stood there silent for several minutes until finally, Daphne asked, "Are there any more secrets you have that you want to share?"

"Hmm, only two more important ones I think" he said.

Daphne looked at him and her eyes widened when she saw Harry change his hair colour to deep red and his eyes to hazel. He then morphed his face to look like Sirius Black.

"You're a metamorphmagus?" she asked aghast. How talented was he?

"A partial one" replied Harry. "I can only change the features of my face and hair while my cousin Nymphadora Tonks can change almost every part of her body"

"Still, that's an amazing trait to have. You can go to public places disguised so that no one will recognise you, and considering who you are that's a major advantage. You wouldn't have to use glamour charms" said Daphne.

"Yeah, it is. As for the last secret I have, well, as I said, after Vernon stabbed me, Aquila rescued me and brought me here to Potter Castle. My elves immediately used their brand of magic to heal me. But while doing that, it seems there was something in my scar, some dark magic relating to Voldemort. I'm not really sure what it was because the elves said something in their native tongue and I couldn't understand it. Suffice it say, after that abomination was destroyed, I somehow gained Voldemort's memories which got transferred into my subconscious mind."

"You have all of his memories? You can recall very part of his life?" she asked incredulously.

"Oh no" replied Harry. "I didn't gain any active memories, but passive ones. Whenever I see or hear something of Voldemort I get flashes of memories. It also helps me in spell work, because along with my own talent and power, his memories give me a slight edge because I know where to look for what, not to mention subconscious reflexes in some cases, thought the latter is very rare. I can perform spells just after learning them once, because subconsciously I've already learnt them, or at least Voldemort has" he explained.

Daphne snorted and said "Better make sure Granger never finds out. She'll surely call you out for cheating"

Harry shook his head. "I don't care what she thinks anyway. But no one should ever find out about this, least of all, Albus Dumbledore and the Ministry of Magic. Can you imagine if someone gets word that I possess Voldemort's memories?"

Daphne's face went white as a sheet. "They would lock you up. They would call you a dark lord and use legilimency on you until you are nothing more than a gibbering mess just to find out his secrets. You're right" she said scared.

Harry took her hand in his and said "Don't worry Daphne. I won't let that happen"

Daphne mutely nodded. She suddenly looked up and asked "How did you become an animagus anyway? Human Transfiguration is highly advanced, and I've heard that the process takes years!"

"Well, I did it using a different method, something I'm sure was how witches and wizards in the ancient times became animagi. I connected with my inner animal" he replied.

"Inner animal?" asked Daphne incredulously. "What in Merlin's name is that?"

"No witch or wizard can have more than one animal form" explained Harry. "And they cannot transform into a magical animal either. It's a fundamental law of magic, which cannot be broken. That being said, I used Occlumency to connect to my magical core. That, in turn, showed me an animal which my soul represents; in my case, a golden eagle. This method is safer than the human transfiguration method, not to mention it gives you enhanced senses. My eyesight is more acute than any witch or wizard, just like werewolves have an enhanced sense of smell. I can teach you if you'd like" he said smiling at her.

"Yes, please. I would love to be an animagus!" said Daphne grinning.

"Alright then. But remember that in this method, it's not about talent. It's about how well you can connect with your inner animal and how skilled you are at Occlumency. But even after finding your inner animal, it might take some time, as you and the animal have to merge together. I took me more than a year to transform, but it's definitely worth it."

They sat there for a few minutes, looking at the sunset when Daphne asked "Harry, do you think Dumbledore suspects you being a parselmouth? Is that why he thinks he can pin the blame on you for the chamber attacks?"

Harry started into the distance for a minute before replying "I'm not sure. My mother never told anyone that she was a parselmouth, not even my dad. I only found out after reading her journal, and trust me, that book was guarded with ridiculous wards. Only a parselmouth could open it. But you're right; Dumbledore may suspect it because of whatever was there in my scar. He did search for that scar on my forehead a lot whenever we have met. I wonder what he was looking for" he said, his voice trailing away.

"If he manages to leak his suspicions to the Hogwarts rumour mill, then we're in trouble" said Daphne.

Harry took a deep breath. "That is probably what is going to happen. We can't do anything about it because we don't know when he's going to strike. And I can't even deny it, that's his advantage. He spreads the rumour, and if I don't deny it, he finds out that I really am a parselmouth and the school will turn against me again. Win-win"

Daphne took his hand and said "Whatever happens, we'll face it together"

After that, Harry escorted Daphne back to Greengrass Manor. When he went to bed that night, he couldn't help but feel lighter than usual, now knowing that he had come clean with Daphne and that she would always be by his side. He went to sleep with a small smile on his face.

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