14.46% Lost: To Be Found / Chapter 34: Want and need *

章 34: Want and need *


Hello, just a little author's note here. This chapter gets a little spicy and may as well be considered a lemon, or r18 chapter. It is technically r18? I'm not sure, but in the end, lewd is lewd. So for this chapter and any other lemons in the future, I plan to put an asterisk in the title as I did here.

Please note that the first half isn't lewd and can be read at your leisure. I've placed a little tilde (~) barrier where the lemon starts in case you're the kind of person that prefers to skip that kind of thing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter.


Although her excitement about the greenhouse and accompanying garden was still in full swing, Dahlia managed to calm down enough to properly enjoy the time she had with Valentina. Despite how the worst of the workload had already been taken care of, the Archduchess' time was still valuable and though she might be able to return by ten at night rather than one in the morning, this evening that they'd have together now was still incredibly precious.

Valentina had led Dahlia to the table prepared for them, and after a mumble of discontentment the girl reluctantly let go of her hand and sat down across from her. The sacrifice of that physical contact though allowed for something new to replace it. Immediately after sitting down, Dahlia looked across the table only to lock her gaze on Valentina's eyes.

Were they blurred? Yes. Much to her annoyance, those pretty flecks of silver in her eyes couldn't be made out, but the pools of crimson could be, along with that phoenix eye shape that seemed to look into her very soul. Time seemed to pass slowly as she became enraptured by them, but Valentina wasn't much different.

Similar to Dahlia, Valentina had come to find herself enamoured with her partner's eyes. They had seemed pretty back at the debutante, but ever since her eyes had been injured, seeing her eyes open again not only led her to feel attracted to them, but relieved that things hadn't been worse.

In the sunset light filtering through the glass and bouncing off the surrounding plants, Dahlia's hazel eyes seemed to shine mint green and it took Valentina's breath away. As Dahlia stared deep into her own eyes, the Archduchess found herself completely enveloped in the girl's unspoken love. It was almost overwhelming and made her want to squirm in her seat, but she resisted the urge.

If her love would look at her with such honest eyes, who was she to hide from that affection? Rather, it was only right that she took the lead. It was clear that Dahlia wasn't assertive, so the fact that she had taken the initiative as much as she had spoke volumes.

Without breaking their eye contact, Valentina was the first to break the silence. Flashing a teasing smile she reached out, opened a bottle, and poured herself some wine.

"So… what happened to all of that flirting you started the day with? Here I thought you wanted to drive me crazy in front of my employees, but the moment you started looking around you just forgot about it all. Honestly, I'm a little disappointed."

She had said it in good fun, and it did get a blush out of Dahlia, but after saying she was disappointed, suddenly the girl's expression cracked. It had been said in a teasing and flirty manner just like everything else, but that word alone was like she poured a bucket of cold water all over her. Seeing this her heart clenched and she sighed.

"Sweetheart, you know I'm not serious. I'm glad you had a good time; in fact I wouldn't have it any other way. Seeing your excitement throughout the afternoon was a joy for me."

Already Dahlia could be seen relaxing, but Valentina still felt a pain in her chest. Just knowing that she was so fragile that a small misplaced word could cause so much harm made her both anxious to say the wrong thing and also pissed off at her parents who made her this way. Trying to hold back the rage that suddenly started boiling up, she instead tried to lighten both their moods just a little more.

"I'll tell you what, if you're really concerned you might have disappointed me, you can make up for it tonight. What were you hoping to do earlier, drive me crazy? I'm sure you can think of something to accomplish that, don't you think?"

With that said, a blush rushed across Dahlia's until she went beat red but, even more importantly than that, a smile had broken out as well. The Archduchess took a swig of wine smiling at a job well done and then almost spat it out in surprise by what was mumbled across the table.

"Hmm… I might be able to get the same rise out of you if I cut a slit in the dress for you to access on our way back…"

Valentina was trying to recover from a coughing fit from the wine she inhaled as she rapidly made a waving gesture.

"No! *cough* No no no! *cough cough* There's no way you can do that! What would you do if someone saw? And besides, are you trying to kill me? If you did that and we couldn't follow up after I could really go insane, you know? Please have some respect for my sanity!"

Seeing the reaction she was able to get, Dahlia began giggling to herself and finally started to dish up her dinner plate. There was far too much food for the two of them but, because Valentina had no idea what Dahlia liked most, she ordered an excessive amount. Could she have just asked? Yes, but then where would the surprise be?

All that effort was somewhat wasted as Dahlia happened to have a near insatiable appetite and was something of a gourmand. She wasn't picky and simply loved the taste of good food, which she so rarely had previously. Having so many dishes in front of her left her feeling like a kid in a candy store and she excitedly started to treat herself to the feast.

"You really didn't need to get us so much food, but thank you, I really appreciate it. Gods know that between my new combat training starting as well as having a potentially restless night with you, I imagine I'll need as much energy as I can get."

The vampiress smirked at that, getting her own food (which primarily consisted of a massive steak) before shaking her head.

"You have a pretty active imagination. Who ever said we'd have a restless night? The moment we get back, I'm going to go to sleep like the responsible archduchess I am, thank you very much."

This actually dragged a snort of derision out of the girl who had only just started to drink some cider but was already developing a faint pink haze to her cheeks.

"If you're such a 'responsible archduchess', then tell me why I noticed you booked off your morning until ten? Is this workaholic of mine truly showing up to work four hours late due to responsibility? If I weren't so trusting I'd say you were trying to lure me into a false sense of security."

On and on they went, the dinner lasting through the duration of the sunset and not ending until well later under a starlit sky that shone through the glass ceiling. They talked about how the last days have been as well as what the future looked like for Dahlia's combat and magic training, but in the end every conversation led to quips, flirting, and just a little teasing.

By the end of it all, both women had a generous flush to their cheeks and felt a little buzzed from the alcohol, but more than anything else they were drunk on eachother. Alone together and surrounded by the lush plants in the greenhouse, they found themselves in an intimate atmosphere in which it felt as though they were the only two alive.

Though it wasn't exactly needed, the combination of the ambiance along with the liquid courage they drank earlier had left them completely engrossed with each other. With each passing moment, the way their eyes trailed over the other and the ways their flirts and taunts seemed to only escalate led them both to be eager and short of breath.

Dahlia had been doing her best to hold herself back. She was practically shaking in anticipation and want, but she tried to restrain herself so as not to make a move that the Archduchess may take poorly. Valentina however, lacked those anxieties. As the night dragged on, the food was long gone, and she couldn't take it any longer, Valentina suddenly got out of her seat and without any explanation dragged Dahlia away with her.

Counter to what the girl expected however was that instead of being dragged off back the way they came, they instead went in the opposite direction. A corner of the greenhouse was directly adjacent to a section of the main building and after passing through an adjoining door they found themselves in what looked like a gorgeous suite.

The entire place seemed isolated from the rest of the castle and similar to the balcony outside, there were windows that overlooked the lush courtyard garden below. The entire set of rooms appeared as though they were recently refurbished and something told Dahlia that that wasn't coincidence.

Sure enough, even as Valentina tossed Dahlia onto a plush sofa and climbed on top, laying impatient kisses everywhere as often as she could, she managed to pull herself away long enough to explain.

"Well, I guess the tour isn't over until now? I hope you like the suite because it's yours. Along with the greenhouse and gardens, this was made just for you. I don't have any desire to send you away from where we rest together, but it's very safe and protected by wards, and if you ever just need a quiet place away from the rest of the castle, you'll always have this. Think of it as a private haven, just for you."

Dahlia truly didn't know how to respond. First and foremost, she felt like she didn't deserve this. It was incredibly luxurious and it felt like she simply wasn't worth the amount that the Archduchess valued her at. But after getting past that concern, she really did appreciate it.

She hadn't looked around yet, but the view was gorgeous and there seemed to be a private library that she glimpsed while walking in as well as multiple other rooms with closed doors. Adding on that it was magically protected, and it felt like a perfect space for Dahlia to lose herself in her interests, hobbies, training, and more.

As beautiful as she felt it was though, looking around would come later. For now there was a vampiress above her who had been looking at her with expectant needy eyes. The corners of her lips twitched as she had to hold off laughing at the expression. The woman who was usually so stoic currently had an expression that betrayed her desire for affirmation.

She reached up a hand and stroked Valentina's face, all while shifting and getting more comfortable.

"I love it. All of it. The tour, the dinner, the greenhouse, and this. You've already given me far more than I need, but right now I just want you. So please, don't make me wait any longer."


Certainly not needing any more motivation, Valentina no longer held herself back. The few doubts she had were already dashed away and now all she wanted was to enjoy this moment. Likewise, Dahlia immediately gave in. Without even hesitating, the vampiress leaned forward and bit her neck and they both felt that wonderful rush they had experienced before.

It was addicting, heightening both their senses to the extreme, but unlike before where Valentina had drunk until she had her fill, leaving both of them languid and relaxed, this time she released herself after only a few moments. Rather than sedating them, it had only raised both of their desires and, feeling this effect, a savage look took over the Archduchess' face.

Dahlia shuddered as the woman leaned over her, nipping her with her sharp canines again and again as she climbed up her neck and finally arrived at her ear. There was one last sharp bite before she heard a shuddering breath and hoarse whisper.

"Sweetheart, I'm going to make you writhe and pant for me like a bitch in heat, do you understand?"

That sudden harshness caught Dahlia off guard but something about it made her feel weak. Glancing up to the vampiress' eyes she was met with a look so heated it could melt iron. She could already feel a need welling up deep inside her but as she went to agree and say she understood, a gasp was all that escaped her lips.

Much earlier her dress had already been worked up and just as she went to speak a leg was firmly pressed against her centre. At that moment, if she hadn't already lost basically all impulse control, now it was definitely long gone.

Looking down at her like a piece of prey, Valentina began to slowly unbutton her shirt until a taunting window was left directly before Dahlia. The girl bit her lip as she watched the display, and much to the vampiress' enjoyment, she had already given up all resistance as she grinded against her leg.

Dahlia saw that tantalising view before her and a hand shakily approached that toned stomach. She wanted to feel her. To kiss and lick her. She wanted to bite her and be bitten. There was so much need and desire running through her that she couldn't think, but before her hand even touched that smooth pale skin, Valentina had grabbed her wrist and pinned it above her head.

Soon her other wrist joined it, both pinned under only a single hand as the Archduchess' other hand was free to roam her body. Feeling the girl's frustration, Valentina smirked and pressed her leg slightly firmer between Dahlia's legs and the whimper that came after was divine.

"Now now love, I don't want you touching today. It might distract you~ I want all your focus on what I'm doing to you, is that clear?"

No words even escaped Dahlia, she was panting, breathless, and so overwhelmed that any sounds she tried to make simply came out as mumbles and moans. As she tried to form some kind of reply, but the vampiress once again interrupted her and sealed her lips with a deep and passionate kiss.

It was like Valentina was watching her and taking joy out of interrupting every single action she chose to take. At this point she wasn't just teasing her body but her mind as well but Dahlia couldn't care less. Her pussy was soaked and waves of pleasure washed over her again and again, and all she was doing was grinding.

The fact that this is how pleasure felt when with someone else and under the effects of being bitten quickly led her to understand that she'd never be satisfied by herself from then on. That didn't concern or deter her though, rather there wasn't a single part of her that ever wanted to go back to pleasing herself alone. Her vampire was far better than anything she could ever ask for.

As Dahlia melted as both sets of lips were receiving their own attention, she shivered as a new sensation met her. Something thin and sharp softly ran across her skin beginning at her throat, running across her breast and then going down her side. Though the sensation on her skin was soft and likely left only a faint line, the same could not be said for her clothes.

Expertly, Valentina had run her razor sharp nail along her body leaving only the faintest mark on her all while cutting away the restraining dress. Not a second after, the Archduchess pulled the fabric aside and exposed Dahlia's body to her own whims.

Valentina leaned down, pressing skin against skin and letting them both savour the feeling of each other's soft skin and warmth, but that closeness was far from enough. Still giving Dahlia's body all the attention she could manage, her free hand reached out stroking the side of her body until she finally arrived at her soft and beautiful breasts.

While Dahlia may not see the appeal of her own body, much preferring something like the Archduchess', Valentina didn't share that sentiment. She loved her softness and her curves. Even with scars covering her body, the woman found herself loving every inch and every detail of her partner. Regardless of the hated origin, each and every scar was a part of Dahlia and she treated them with the love and care the girl deserved.

Even in her primal fervour, the Archduchess tried to weigh Dahlia's response as she began to let her hand roam, caress, and grope her. The first actions began soft and much to her delight the reception was positive. As time passed, she became more and more eager. The growl in her throat became more pronounced as she bit at Dahlia's lips and explored deeper with her tongue.

All the while she kneaded her breasts and enjoyed each and every whimper and moan the girl made. She could already tell that Dahlia's body was incredibly sensitive, and her breasts if anything were particularly erogenous. She had been basically edging the girl with her breasts alone, along with some very ineffective grinding.

Hearing the pure desperation and need within her moans left Valentina at war with herself. Did she drive the girl crazy for longer, or did she play the role of a loving partner and grant her wishes. Much to Dahlia's delight, the Archduchess had chosen both. With a fair share of sadistic glee, Valentina finally pushed Dahlia over the edge as she pinched the girl's already overly sensitive nipples and immediately Dahlia's body trembled underneath her.

Her back arched and beautiful moans escaped her as she came, but Valentina wasn't satisfied. Not by a long shot.

"Did that feel good love? Do you like feeling that pleasure? Well, because you're such a good girl I think I'll treat you right. Let's see just how much pleasure I can drag out of you~"

With that, she once again leaned down near Dahlia's neck and immediately bit her again. The sensation from before hit both of them all over again like a brand new wave of pleasure, and while Valentina loved the sensation, what she loved even more was how this single bite was enough to send Dahlia over the edge again, even while she was still struggling to overcome her previous orgasm.

Relishing the image of the girl as her eyes rolled back in ecstasy, the vampiress licked at the wound she caused and savoured the delightful taste of her partner. There was a scent coming from elsewhere that had been tempting her for quite some time, but she had resisted so far and she had determined that she wouldn't go to that step, not without a proper discussion.

So as much as she wished to send her head lower and make Dahlia writhe for her even more, she settled for running her lips and tongue across the small wounds she had caused. Once she had finally come down from her climax, she had also enthusiastically began licking up the tears of pleasure on Dahlia's face as well. There was something about her dominance and total control in this situation that just made her entire body shiver, and looking at Dahlia's face laced with overwhelming and unfettered lust, Valentina knew that she wouldn't be able to stop herself until well into the night.

"Sweetheart, I hope you're still enjoying yourself because I plan to push you much further than this. Why don't we try to see just how much you can take, hmm?"

Dahlia couldn't respond. Her brain was addled and she was still coming down from her previous high. Nonetheless, some part of her heard what the vampiress said and she smiled with unrestrained excitement and nodded with enthusiasm.

'Yes, let's see just how far she can take me before I break!'

AngelAsphodel AngelAsphodel

That took me *ages* to write, but hey, first lemon is done! The lewd will just remain at this half chapter for now, but for those who read it, I hope you enjoyed. Considering this was another first for me, I only hope to get better moving forward.

Also, today's my birthday! So in a weird way I ended up posting something horny as a birthday present to myself I guess.

Anyways, as always, I hope you're having a wonderful day~

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ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット








    レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C34
    • テキストの品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景

    合計スコア 0.0

    レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
    Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
    Stone -- 推薦チケット
    error ヒント


