Finaday, otherwise known as Friday in my old World, was actually a free day for me.
For this day in particular, all the classes were focused on teaching basic knowledge skills like mathematics and language which were subjects I was already familiar with. Thus, as I did not sign up for any of these classes, I had no lessons today.
Odeta had surprisingly chosen to learn how to read and write so she still had classes however.
Since she had chosen to accompany me on her free day before, I of course returned the favour by following her to school as well.
I decided to use it to do some self study inside the special classroom, perhaps do some practice on my basic elements and hopefully I could bring them up to tier two by the end of the year.
After seeing Odeta off to her class, I went to the special classroom on my own.
Journal Entry:
I forgot... Incest isn't considered taboo here. Really puts quite a lot of things into perspective. I wonder how my life would be like if I had siblings? Unfortunately, that's something that wouldn't happen since Mother can't have children and I was already a special case. Then again... I suppose Odeta counts?