/ Games / I Have A Game Clone

I Have A Game Clone

I Have A Game Clone

Games 完了 409 章 2.2M ビュー

作者: This Fisherman


3.91 (102 レビュー結果)

詳細 目次


# afk
Ning Shi, a man from Saturn, accidentally downloaded a game on his phone called the Age of All.
“Beep! Clone successfully created!”
Ning Shi received a clone in the game. Whenever his clone got stronger, his real self would get stronger as well.
“Your clone has trained in the training room for 12 hours. Vitality +1, Mentality +1.”
“Your clone has slain the Earth-Dragon. You have received the Earth-Dragon Bloodline.”
“Your clone has consumed the Charm Fruit. Beauty +10.”
His clone started to conquer the game, created his own faction, and left a legacy.
“Your clone has successfully won the heart of Alice the Rose Duchess. Alice will be arriving in your world shortly. Please be mindful of your surroundings.”

  1. ShadowWind
    ShadowWind 貢献した 10223
  2. petey_waple
    petey_waple 貢献した 9681
  3. AbyssalGuardian
    AbyssalGuardian 貢献した 9333


ギフト -- 贈り物 が届きました


    Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
    Stone -- 推薦 チケット




    • 翻訳品質
    • アップデートの安定性
    • ストーリー展開
    • キャラクターデザイン
    • 世界の背景



    I checked out the Raws and a little too much nationalism for my liking. A few sprinkles here and there I don’t mind but when it’s a supposed fantasy world but throw in real life countries and then basically glorify your country every second sentence ruins the novel. Basically only limited interesting stuff to read when he was using the gaming clone smh That’s my 2 cents on the novel

    17 の返信を表示する

    Easily the best out of this week's trial reads. Truly a breath of fresh air.

    9 の返信を表示する

    read up to chapter 50 raws and the nationalism gets real bad. Every country except for China is barbaric and exploits its citizens while China is perfect and the government cares only about the health of the people.

    12 の返信を表示する

    Good beginning, but horrible end. Yes, this series is finished at 249 chapters and got a very rushed ending. Up to you whether to read or not.

    4 の返信を表示する

    Not so original and a lot of nationalism If you want to read same type of world setting with less nationallism and better quality go for '' Let Me game in Peace'' with 1800+ chapters

    4 の返信を表示する

    I want to read it so much /////////////////////-/-/-//-/-//-/-/-/@__@_@_@_^×^×^×_×__×_×_×_×_×_×_÷__÷_÷_÷_÷__÷_÷_÷_÷__÷_÷_÷_÷_÷_÷__÷_÷_÷^÷^#_€÷^÷^@₹*÷;#₹

    5 の返信を表示する
    LV 10 Badge

    I just finished the raws the story was rushed and the ending felt bland. the Mc created a cast system with his nation as first class citizens and some other nations that don't like Chinese as third class citizens super heavy racism beyond the limit of nationalism

    1 の返信を表示する
    LV 11 Badge

    china number one is the perfect phrase to describe 40+ chapters of this novel, they tricked me with the first 40 chapters they hooked me in and now i feel betrayed. Why is rare to find a chinese novel that doesn't make CHINA NUMBER ONE.

    2 の返信を表示する

    It starts off great but once you get past the free chapters it's all China is the best and the rest of the world is racist.

    0 の返信を表示する

    It was really good for the first 40 chapters, but literally chapter 41 the Nationalism skyrocketed and become solely about how China can handle anything while other countries will fall. It literally says that Mein Country (America) is the strongest country in the world, but is struggling to hold the enemies back. All while China could easily handle 3 times more than them, all because they have a longer history. You can't claim one country to be the strongest, then suddenly claim another country could easily have 3 times more than even the strongest country.

    0 の返信を表示する

    such a great start but after chap 40 the nationalism and racism start to grow ends up with china being the best and everyone else is pretty much second tier citizen's

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 10 Badge

    trash with a heavy nationalism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

    1 の返信を表示する

    The nationalism in this novel is extremely irritating, every chapter the author has to praise his country once or twice The nationalism in this novel is extremely irritating, every chapter the author has to praise his country once or twice

    1 の返信を表示する

    It's alright not really that good but i liked it

    0 の返信を表示する

    raw? ixgixigyotzyzoxtxgioggo go otoggixoh gitoogxotxottxhöhoxittxtoxohtoxtixotxgo,gig,figi,if,gi,fi,fi,if,gilt,ig,ytiyfifiyti,ftityi

    5 の返信を表示する

    I was really enjoying the story until I got to chapter 40 if you read it you will understand .

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 12 Badge

    It seemed interesting then I looked it up on mtl sources to check how long this actually went or if it was dropped by the main author... anyways this entire novel is 251 chapters long and is completed. I'd like to end this review with 251 characters

    2 の返信を表示する

    worth every star I gave glad it wasn't stuck on hiatus. looking forward to more and more. got to stay tuned for sure. hope beyond hope this one is choosen for keeps.

    0 の返信を表示する
    LV 15 Badge

    It is one of the interesting but slightly too stupid novels. It indulges deeply in clichés and turns ever more nationalistic. This got ever worse until it can just not be stomached anymore, specially directly promoting Chinese tyranny going much further than just downplaying it as many novels do or have to do.

    0 の返信を表示する

    作者 This Fisherman