76.47% Game of Thrones: Orphan / Chapter 39: Grey Hidden Under Red

章 39: Grey Hidden Under Red

299 AC, Lannisport…

The moon hung high in the sky as Rody, Hunter, and several Greycloaks made their way along a desolate road. The tattered cloaks they wore marked them as weary travelers, refugees of the recent battle. One of the Greycloaks grumbled under his breath about their shabby attire, but Rody shot him a stern look.

"Keep your complaints to yourself," Rody admonished in a hushed voice. "This is necessary for our mission. We must blend in as survivors of the last battle if we are to infiltrate Lannisport unnoticed."

The Greycloak fell silent, realizing the importance of their disguise. Rody's mind drifted back to the morning when Robb had entrusted him with this clandestine operation. They were to slip into Lannisport under the guise of war-torn refugees, seeking shelter and aid. But their true purpose was far more treacherous.

Their objective was to sabotage the Lannister army's supply lines, cripple their logistics, and create chaos within the city. Furthermore, they were to find a way to open the gates for the approaching Northern forces, led by Robb himself. The success of their mission could be the turning point in the war.

As they walked, Rody couldn't help but feel a pang of uncertainty. He had no detailed plan for accomplishing their objectives; they would have to rely on their wits and improvise. The weight of the task pressed upon him, and he silently vowed to do whatever was necessary to see it through.

Hunter, walking beside Rody, noticed his furrowed brow and patted him on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Rody. We've faced countless challenges together, and we've always come out on top. This won't be any different. Remember the Stoney Sept, we survived that so we will survive this as well."

Rody managed a faint smile. He appreciated Hunter's reassurance, for his comrade's unwavering faith in their abilities provided a sliver of comfort amidst the uncertainty. With each step, Rody's mind raced, considering the possible paths they could take once they reached Lannisport. There were so many variables, so many unknowns. But he knew they had to be adaptable and resourceful to accomplish their mission.

The sound of Rody's boot scuffing against a small rock snapped him out of his thoughts. He kicked the pebble off the road, watching it tumble into the night. The uncertainty lingered, but so did his determination.

"We'll find a way," Rody said, his voice filled with quiet resolve. "No matter the challenges, we'll make it work. The fate of the North depends on it."

The small group continued their journey, their path illuminated only by the pale moonlight. Ahead lay Lannisport, a city teeming with Lannister power, their stronghold in the Westerlands. Rody's heart pounded with a mix of anticipation and apprehension as they moved closer to their destination.

Unknown to the inhabitants of Lannisport, shadows were on the move, slipping through the night. Rody and his companions were but whispers in the dark, ready to strike when least expected. Their mission was risky, the odds stacked against them, but they carried with them the indomitable spirit of House Stark.

As they ventured onward, the moonlight guiding their way, Rody's mind filled with a single thought: In the heart of Lannister territory, they would sow the seeds of chaos, weakening the lion's grip and paving the way for the North to rise.

Finally, after a long and treacherous journey, Rody and his companions arrived before the towering gates of Lannisport. The city lay quiet in the moonlit night, its streets empty and devoid of life. The gates loomed before them, formidable and impenetrable, a barrier between them and their mission.

Hunter, the only member of their group who possessed a convincing Southern accent, stepped forward and cleared his throat. "Hail, the gates!" he called out with a voice that seemed to belong to a local. "We are remnants from Ser Staffard Lannister's army. Please, grant us entry."

Silence hung in the air for a moment, and then the sound of shuffling feet echoed from above. Moments later, the captain of the guards appeared atop the gate, peering down at them with scrutinizing eyes.

"What business do you have in Lannisport at this hour?" the captain demanded, his voice laced with suspicion.

Hunter stepped forward, his tone filled with desperation. "The Northern Army ambushed us on our way to Golden Tooth, m'lord. We are the lucky ones to escape from those barbarians."

The captain studied them intently, assessing their worn-out appearances and the fatigue etched upon their faces. After a tense pause, he nodded and motioned for the gate to be opened.

"Very well," the captain replied, his voice softened by a hint of empathy. "You may enter and find rest within our walls. But come morning, I will expect a detailed account of your experiences. Until then, find solace in the barracks."

Relief washed over Rody and the others as the heavy gates creaked open, allowing them passage into the city. They filed through the entrance, their weary steps echoing on the cobblestones. The captain led them to a spartan barracks, where straw-stuffed mattresses were laid out on the floor.

"You will find a place to sleep here," the captain said, his tone more cordial now. "Rest well, for the morrow holds our conversation."

With those words, the captain turned and left them, disappearing into the night. Rody and his companions settled into their makeshift beds, their bodies craving the respite that sleep would bring.

As Rody lay down, exhaustion engulfed him, mingling with the anticipation of the challenges that awaited them on the morrow. Thoughts of their mission swirled in his mind, and he silently vowed to make the most of this opportunity to infiltrate the heart of Lannister power.

Gradually, the weariness of their long journey took hold, and Rody drifted into a restless slumber. Dreams of shadows and whispers danced through his mind, images of triumph and uncertainty intertwining.

The night passed, and as dawn broke, Rody and his companions would awaken, ready to face the day and the task that lay before them. The fate of the North hinged on their success, and they were prepared to do whatever it took to accomplish their mission and strike a blow against the lion's pride.

As the first light of day began to seep through the windows of the barracks, Rody's eyes fluttered open, still heavy with fatigue. He rose from his makeshift bed and stretched his limbs, feeling the stiffness of the previous day's journey recede. The anticipation of their meeting with the captain of the guards coursed through him, sharpening his senses and invigorating his resolve.

Gathering their wits, Rody and his companions made their way out of the barracks and were met by a guard, who had come to escort them to the captain's quarters. Without uttering a word, the guard motioned for them to follow him.

They traversed the city streets, weaving through the early morning bustle as Lannisport began to awaken. The guard led them through a labyrinth of corridors until they arrived at a set of ornate double doors. With a nod, the guard announced their arrival and left them to enter.

Rody pushed open the heavy doors and stepped inside, his eyes widening at the opulence that greeted him. The room was adorned with fine tapestries, polished wooden furniture, and shelves lined with books. It resembled a lord's solar rather than the quarters of a captain of the guards.

Seated behind a grand table, meticulously writing on a parchment with a quill, was the guard captain himself. His blonde hair and piercing green eyes marked him as someone who shared the Lannister lineage. Rody couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension at the thought of interacting with a member of the house they sought to undermine.

The guard captain looked up from his work, his gaze locking onto Rody's. There was a shrewdness in his eyes, a keenness that hinted at his ability to discern truth from lies.

"Welcome," the guard captain said, his voice smooth yet tinged with authority. "I am Captain Martyn Lannett. I trust you had a restful night?"

Rody's mind raced as he considered how best to navigate this encounter. He knew that any misstep could jeopardize their mission and put them at risk. Hunter, recognizing the importance of their Southern disguise, stepped forward and took the lead in their conversation, his voice once again carrying a convincing accent.

"We thank you for your hospitality, Captain Lannett," Hunter replied, his tone tinged with gratitude. "We've seen the horrors of war, m'lord. The Northern rebels descended upon our forces near Golden Tooth, overwhelming us. Many of our comrades fell, and we barely managed to escape the clutches of the Stark cavalry."

Captain Lannett leaned back in his chair, studying Hunter intently. Rody watched for any signs of doubt or suspicion, but the guard captain's countenance remained impassive.

"The Stark rebels," Captain Lannett mused, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and disdain. "They are a persistent thorn in the side of House Lannister. I suppose you were fortunate to escape their clutches."

Hunter nodded solemnly. "Indeed, m'lord. We were lucky to make it out alive. But we are determined to help however we can, we lost many friends to those barbarians."

The guard captain's eyes flickered across the group, his gaze lingering on Rody for a moment longer than the others. Rody's heart quickened, but he maintained a stoic expression, unwilling to reveal the doubts and fears that churned within him.

"Your resilience is commendable," Captain Lannett remarked, his tone neutral. "Since you will not be able to leave the city in due time, you can join our efforts against Starks. You are not the only ones who survived the horrors of those barbarians, there are many who joined our ranks against their coming atrocities."

Both Rody and his companions felt a surge of hope and renewed determination at Captain Lannett's unexpected offer. This turn of events presented an opportunity to strike a blow against the city and further their mission to undermine House Lannister from within.

Hunter stepped forward once again, his voice filled with gratitude and loyalty. "We are honored by your trust, Captain Lannett. We pledge our swords and our lives to the cause. We shall fight alongside you to defend the city at any cost."

Captain Lannett nodded, his expression betraying a flicker of satisfaction. "Very well, then. You shall be armed and equipped as proper Lannister guards. Follow me."

With a sense of anticipation, Rody and his companions trailed behind Captain Lannett as he led them to an armory within the city. The guard captain meticulously selected gleaming suits of armor for each of them, ensuring they were outfitted in the colors of House Lannister. Red cloaks were fastened around their shoulders, and helmets with lion motifs were placed upon their heads.

As they donned their new armor, Rody couldn't help but marvel at the craftsmanship and the weight of the metal that encased him. It was a stark contrast to the worn and battered equipment they had worn throughout their journey. With their new attire, they looked every bit the part of guards sworn to House Lannister.

Captain Lannett surveyed them with a nod of approval. "Now, it is time to put your training to use. You shall join the city guards in their patrols."

With that, the guard captain led them out of the castle and into the bustling streets of Lannisport. The city was alive with activity, merchants setting up stalls, townsfolk going about their daily routines, and soldiers patrolling the streets. Yet, beneath the surface, there was an undercurrent of tension. Whispers and wary glances exchanged between individuals hinted at the precariousness of the current situation.

Rody found himself both fascinated and unnerved by the orderly nature of Lannisport. The streets were clean, devoid of beggars and the destitute that he had grown accustomed to in war-torn regions. The presence of Lannister guards on every corner further enforced a sense of control and authority.

For several hours, Rody and his companions patrolled the streets, their eyes vigilant for any signs of trouble. They were accompanied by a seasoned guard who shared stories of the city's history and its struggles. The guard spoke with a mixture of bitterness and determination, sharing tales of resistance and the resolve to protect their homeland.

As the sun began its descent, casting long shadows over the city, the guard they were patrolling with suggested a respite. "Enough of the patrols for now," he said with a hint of weariness. "Come, let's find an inn and have a drink together. You've earned it."

Rody and the others exchanged glances, the fatigue of their long journey catching up with them. The prospect of a momentary reprieve was a welcomed respite from the weight of their mission.

"Lead the way," Rody said, his voice laced with gratitude.

Together, they made their way to a nearby inn, the sounds of merry laughter and clinking mugs growing louder with each step. As they entered the establishment, Rody couldn't help but feel a mix of trepidation and excitement. This would be a chance to gain further insight into the inner workings of Lannisport and the mindset of its people.

The group settled around a wooden table, their armor clanking softly as they took their seats. The inn's waitress approached, a warm smile on her face as she placed tankards of ale before each of them.

"Enjoy your drinks," she said cheerfully before bustling off to attend to other patrons.

Rody took a sip of the ale, savoring its bitter taste as he glanced at the guard who had accompanied them. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Rody leaned towards the guard and addressed him in the local dialect.

"Tell me, my friend," Rody began, adopting the accent and tone of a curious Lannister guard. "Why are there so many guards patrolling the streets? It seems there's one or two men on every corner."

The guard chuckled, clearly pleased by the question. "Ah, it's because of the war, you see. We're recruiting more members each day to bolster our ranks. With tensions rising, the city needs every able-bodied man to maintain order and ensure the safety of our citizens."

Rody nodded, feigning interest as he took another sip of his ale. The guard's response confirmed their suspicions—Lannisport was preparing for a confrontation with House Stark.

"And why is the city so remarkably neat?" Rody continued, his tone casual. "I've seen no beggars or destitute souls as we patrolled."

The guard leaned back in his chair, a hint of pride in his voice. "Lannisters take pride in our city, my friend. We strive for order and cleanliness. The streets are kept free of beggars, and those who do not contribute to society are swiftly dealt with. We are the beacon of prosperity and strength in these troubled times."

Rody fought back a snicker, inwardly amused by the guard's words. It was clear that the guard believed the propaganda and fervently supported House Lannister's cause.

As the conversation continued, Rody and the guard discussed various topics, from the ongoing war to the Lannisters' plans to eradicate House Stark and secure their dominance. Rody listened intently, gathering valuable information while maintaining the guise of a loyal guard.

Finally, Rody decided to pose a more probing question. "I couldn't help but notice, my friend, that while we patrol the streets tirelessly, there are guards sitting idly in the gatehouse. What purpose do they serve?"

The guard's expression turned serious, and he leaned closer, lowering his voice. "Ah, those are the senior guards, my friend. They've served for years, and no fresh guards ever put a foot into the gatehouse. They are trusted with the security of our city's entrance, ensuring that no enemy infiltrates our defenses."

Rody exchanged glances with his companions, the gravity of the situation sinking in. Their mission to undermine House Lannister and protect House Stark would be a daunting task indeed, with senior guards closely guarding the gatehouse.

With newfound determination, Rody raised his tankard in a toast, his voice filled with resolve. "To Lannisport, to House Lannister, and to our duty as loyal guards."

His companions echoed the sentiment, their eyes meeting with a shared understanding. The road ahead would be treacherous, but they were prepared to face it, united in their mission to protect House Stark and prepare the way for the Northern army.

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Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C39
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

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Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
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