90.61% Life in Vain: Jobless Reincarnation (Mushoku Tensei) / Chapter 191: The Accommodating Empress – III

章 191: The Accommodating Empress – III

Rudy's small home at the foot of the black tower in Arcadia. There, Eri, Sylphy, and Roxy were sitting there and relaxing for the evening while discussing the future.

Sipping on a cup of tea, Eri glanced in the direction of the palace and let out a sigh. "That poor woman."

Sylphy nodded, sipping on her own cup of tea. "For all her elegance and confidence... I don't think she understood what she was getting into with Rudy."

Roxy frowned, looking between Eri and Sylphy while holding her own cup of tea. "What do you mean?"

Sylphy looked at Eri.

Eri shook her head.

After a bit, Sylphy smiled and looked towards Roxy. "You'll find out, Roxy." She giggled and said, "It's the Master's responsibility to check the prowess of their disciple, right? Since Rudy's had a bit of practice now, you can grade him yourself."

Roxy froze, processing that statement. Then she turned a bright red and then said, "Y-You two are shameless!"

Eri shrugged and set down her cup of tea. "What's there to be ashamed of? It's natural. Besides, there's nothing to hide between us, right? We're all Rudy's wives."

Sylphy nodded. "Right! ...For better or worse."

Eri flinched and then her ears turned red. "I-I thought we got over that, Sylphy!"

Sylphy stuck her tongue out and said, "Just teasing, Eri." She giggled and then placed her hand over her stomach. "I couldn't get mad at someone who has Rudy's kids."

Eri subconsciously placed her hand over her stomach as well. But then she paused and then said, "Hey wait. Does that mean you'd get mad at me if I wasn't pregnant?"

"Who knows~?"

Eri blinked and then sighed. "...Crazy, all of you."

Sylphy giggled and said, "What's fun with being sane anyway?"

"...Anyway." Eri turned to Roxy and then said, "Since we're here, should we start talking about family planning?"

Roxy tilted her head. "Family planning?"

Sylphy's eyes lit up. "Oh! We should!"

Roxy frowned. "Does that matter?"

Eri gave Roxy a serious nod. "It does. Unlike Paul, when Rudy's serious about 'it,' there's going to be a kid."

Sylphy sighed, placing her hand against her cheek. "I wish he told me earlier he was using a contraceptive spell all those times before we married..."

Roxy raised her hand. "Hold on. Contraceptive spell? That's possible?"

Sylphy waved her hand. "It can only be casted by men and only works for men. Really, a selfish spell..."


Eri cleared her throat. "That's not important right now. What IS important is that there's going to be a lot of babies around soon." She leaned forward and said, "I'm having twins, Sylphy is pregnant with one child... We don't know how many Rika will end up with, but even if it's just one, that's already four kids."

Roxy's eyes widened. "I didn't consider that. Then..." She blushed and said, "I-If I have a child as well...?"

Sylphy smiled and said, "Then we're at five! A big happy family, right, Eri?"

Eri sighed. "That's the plan." She frowned and said, "Rudy's got a lot to think about, so we need to figure this out. Since Mama Zenny and Mama Lily will be around..." She paused and then looked at Sylphy. "And since your parents will be here too, I don't think we'll have trouble. But I don't want Rudy to feel pressured about spending time with all the children."

Roxy paused and then nodded her head. "Right... Rudy's a serious man, so he might do something ridiculous if we don't stop him."

Sylphy nodded. "That, and we'll probably all have our babies at the around same time."

Eri tilted her head. And then she groaned. "That's right..."

Sylphy giggled and said, "Don't tell me you forgot about that already, Eri?"

Eri's ears turned red and said, "I've been thinking about a lot too, okay?" She grabbed her tea and sipped on it. "But that's probably going to be a problem..."

Roxy frowned. "...And won't 'that person' act up as well? Judging from his reaction with Stella and Norn in the past, wouldn't he see Rudy's children as even more of a threat?"

Eri nodded. "Right. So that's why we need to plan ahead of time so that nothing bad will happen."

Sylphy hummed and then said, "So it probably won't be good to have the babies in our house at Sharia, will it?"

Roxy tapped her chin and then said, "I have a special bunker I built that should be safe. And if we have Mister Orsted come to help, it should be fine, right?"

Eri frowned. "Maybe... but I have a feeling that's a bad idea."

Sylphy tilted her head. "Eh?" She frowned and said, "Why? I think that will work fine, won't it? And everyone is close by too."

"Yeah, but..." Eri shook her head. "Something feels wrong. Like something bad will happen if we stay in Sharia at that time."

Roxy lowered her hand and tapped the table. "...Well, a Sword God's instincts are usually spot on. At least, that's my experience with Paul these past few years."

Sylphy picked up her cup of tea and sipped on it, thinking. After a bit, she slowly nodded and said, "I suppose we can't know if there's something or someone hidden that could cause a problem."

Eri nodded. "Right."

Sylphy frowned. "But then what place is safe? 'That person' seems to be able to see and act anywhere, can't he?"

Roxy let out a bitter smile. "I believe so. The scale of our opponent is beyond common sense, after all. And considering how I haven't seen any of his mana in years, he is moving much subtler than in the past."

Eri nodded. "Mmhm. That's why I was thinking we stay in Arcadia for a bit."

"Eh?" Sylphy tilted her head. "Here?"

Roxy rubbed her chin. "I suppose that is a rational decision. After today, Rudy has control over the entire continent. Furthermore, the natural... or rather unnatural flow and density of mana here will make it hard for 'that person' to act or send agents."

Eri nodded. "Right. Plus... I doubt that Rika can be away from Arcadia at all."

Roxy nodded as well. "True..."

Sylphy raised her hand. "Oh! Speaking of Rika..." She frowned and then said, "How are we going to share Rudy? There's four of us, so there's not enough days in the week for it to be equal."


Roxy frowned. "...I suppose one of us will have to make a sacrifice every week?"

Eri frowned as well and said, "That isn't fair. It means one of us only gets a single day per week with Rudy."

More silence.

After a moment, Sylphy said, "Maybe we wait for Rika to ask her?"

Eri sighed. "I guess so. And we need to talk to Rudy about it too." She laughed and said, "Our lovely husband gets a bit extreme when he feels guilty."

Sylphy's eyes lit up and she said, "Ooh! Did he do 'that' for you too?"

Eri blushed and said, "W-Well, I said it hurt a bit, s-so..."


Roxy looked between Sylphy and Eri and said, "I feel like I'm missing some important context..."

Sylphy giggled and said, "You'll find out, Roxy."

"...That sounds ominous."

Eri waved her hand. "Don't worry about it. What you should be worrying about is your wedding." She smiled and said, "Is everything working out? Do you need any of us to help with your preparations?"

Roxy shook her head. "They're coming along fine." She smiled and said, "My teacher is helping arrange things with the academy to use it as for the ceremony, and my other disciple is helping with sculptures to help decorate the venue."

"Huh?" Eri blinked and said, "Other disciple?"

Roxy paused. "...Oh!" Her ears turned red and she said, "I suppose I forgot to introduce him to everyone with all that's been happening. His name is Zanoba, and he has great talent in breaking things. Too much really. It took a bit, but we managed to direct that energy into something constructive... especially after her showed talent in magic formations and barriers..."

The master bedroom in the Imperial Palace. Or more formally, the Emperor's chambers.

There, Rika lay sprawled and naked on the bed, panting with her eyes dazed and unfocused.

Seeing that, I coughed and averted my gaze.

Despite her current state, Rika noticed and said, "H-Husband."

"Y-Yes, Dear?"

Rika shifted her eyes, giving me a blank stare. After that, she said, "You are a monster."

I flinched.

"I almost would have rather been eaten by that bastard than what you did to 'devour' me."

I felt my face heat up and then scratched my cheek. "W-Was it really that bad?"

I... might have gotten a bit carried away since Rika kept challenging me. And since she looked like a haughty demon lord who needed to get knocked down a peg or two. And since seeing her-


Rika slowly raised her right arm and gestured over her body. "I have no feeling in my lower half or my legs. I have been soaked in your essence for the past three days and four nights and doubt I can get rid of your scent even with a year's worth of bathing. And I have been defiled in ways that I could never have even imagined, even taking into account the countless atrocities that I have died to in the past while possessing a defenseless child's body."

I coughed. "O-Okay. Maybe I was a bit too enthusiastic..."

"Enthusiastic?" Rika slowly sat up, using the pillows behind her to prop her body. After that, she glared at me and said, "You were a monster. Incorrigible. Vile. Lust incarnate." She turned up her nose and said, "You are a bane to women everywhere. Not even 99 virgins would satisfy your needs."

"H-Hey!" I crossed my arms and said, "You insisted it!"

Rika paused and then let out a sigh. "...I suppose I cannot absolve my guilt in this. I was a fool to think I could challenge a monster like yourself. Stamina, technique, length-"

I coughed, feeling my face heat up.

"That silver tongue that so sweetly coaxed even my proud self into such obscene acts." Rika glared at me and said, "The fact that those women could accompany you and still be fine is a testament to how monstrous you all are." She paused and then let out a deep sigh. "...And to think that I even agreed to let you continue even after I fainted from the exhaustion and pleasure..."

"H-Hey, don't lie. You definitely didn't pass out."

Rika glared at me. "That is because a certain monster continued plundering my very being and melting my mind with pleasure that gouged me from the inside and out."

I coughed. "...I-I'll restrain myself next time."

"Ugh." Rika grimaced and said, "I understand why the Empresses in the past allowed consorts. This sort of pleasure is dangerous..." She looked down at her legs and bare lower torso and then frowned. "To think I lost myself so much that I cannot even move to bathe myself."


Rika glared at me.

I ignored her stinging gaze and then walked over to pick her up.

Seeing that, she said, "What are you doing now, you monster of a husband? Are you going to devour me again now that I can hardly resist?"


Rika trembled. "H-Husband?"

There was a genuine hint of fear in her voice.

Hearing that, I shook my head. "Of course not. I'm not a cruel bastard like that."

Even if...

No. Bad.

Horny thoughts begone!

Even if bullying a harsh demon lord and making her lose her mind with-

No, no. Stop that train of thoughts RIGHT NOW.

You will NOT submit to the innate Greyrat lust.


...Prime numbers. Right. That should calm things down.

1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 15-


Rika stared into my eyes and then said, "...How terrible. To think I attempted to change you from that Magic God monster and created Lust Incarnate..." She sighed and said, "Well, do as you wish, Husband. As I said, I have devoted everything to you. And at this point-"

"Look, Rika. Could you stop trying to paint me as the worst villain alive? I know I'm a demon lord, but even then I have standards, you know?"

Rika snorted. "Standards... Says the man who so sweetly convinced me to taste-"

"ANYWAY!" I walked over to the open stone bath in the corner of our room and began filling it with water. "Since you're exhausted and can't clean yourself, you won't mind if I do it for you, do you?"

Rika rolled her eyes and then waved her hand. "Go ahead. There is no part of my body you have not seen, felt, marked, or tasted at this point."

I ignored the heat on my face and filled the bath with clean warm water.

Rika let out a deep sigh and said, "What a blunder. To think taunting my husband would awaken such a monster..." She paused and then gave me a sly smile. "Or perhaps my beauty was that enchanting that it made you lose your mind, Husband?"

I blushed and averted my gaze.

Rika laughed and then leaned up to kiss my cheek. "So you can be cute as well."

The water was nice and warm now, so I set Rika along the edge of the bath.

The moment I did, she moaned.

Oi! Calm down! The Greyrat genes do not control you, you control them!

Rika sighed and leaned back against the bath, closing her eyes. "To think a day would come when I cherish such a simple thing as a bath this much..."

I conjured some shampoo, soap, and then a bath bomb.

Plopping the last into the bath, I poured a bit of shampoo into my hands and then started washing Rika's hair, lightly massaging her scalp as I did.

Rika let out a deep content sigh and said, "If only you were this gentle before..."

"Okay." I frowned and said, "Did Eri and Sylphy tell you I was weak to guilt trips or something?"

Rika laughed and then said, "Perhaps?" She cracked an eye open and let out a sly smile. "But does it make a difference if they did or not? You have indeed committed acts worthy of guilt against This One."

I washed out the shampoo with some water and then conjured a sponge, lathering it with soap.

At that time, the bath bomb finally finished dissolving, filling the air with a faint scent of vanilla and lilac.

Rika waited until I finished washing her hair, and then she opened her eyes. Staring at the violet bubbles spreading across the bath, she smiled and said, "At least you know to compensate for your mistakes."

I started wiping Rika down with the sponge, pointedly ignoring just how much... stuff had caked her body in certain parts.

Rika noticed me hesitating and then laughed. "Well. Love aside, I suppose I can be certain that our bodies are perfectly compatible." After that, she placed her hands over her stomach.

I subconsciously glanced towards it as well and then saw three identical flames flickering there.

Triplets... though boys or girls I didn't know.

...I also didn't know how that was possible considering that it was definitely too early for triplets to be forming like that.

But maybe Demon biology was different?

Rika looked up at me and smiled. "Congratulations on securing the Imperial lineage, Husband."

I washed the soap off her body and then began massaging her legs. "No, Rika. I should be thanking you."

Rika nodded. "As you should." She let out a content sigh as I worked out the kinks in her legs and said, "Of your many wives, I doubt one would allow themselves to be treated as a toy to be used by you like I did." She paused and then looked at me. "Or perhaps I should say that of your wives, I am the only one you desire to use like that so much?"

I coughed. "W-Well..." I lowered Rika's leg and started massaging the other one. "...I guess I didn't realize I had that as a fetish until now...?"

All my wives were beautiful, but Rika was also elegant and 'noble' in a way Eri, Sylphy, and Roxy weren't.

Not to mention that Rika definitely gave off a true Demon Empress vibe when she wasn't overrun with worth or messing with me.

And while Eri and Sylphy were definitely up for anything, with Rika.



I guess I had a thing for breaking haughty women and making them beg?

...It was probably a good thing that I met Eri when she was calmer...

Time passed while I gently washed Rika. Although we were intimate, considering how close I was and where I had to wash, it wasn't sensual at all.

...Though that was probably because I was doing the washing and we weren't in there together.

Smart move, me.

I'd read enough h*ntai to know where else this could lead if I wasn't careful.


"Yes, Rika?"

She held out her hand while closing her eyes, relaxing in the warmth of the bath and my touch. "A glass of juice if you would."

I paused and set the sponge down before conjuring a glass of grape juice for her.

Rika grabbed it from me and then sipped on it, letting out a content sigh. But after a bit, she suddenly spoke up. "Riru, Kadi, Usri."

I paused. "What? Are you trying to curse me now?"

Rika cracked an eye open and said, "Don't be silly. I'm speaking of our children's names."

I finished washing Rika's body and then gently massaged her scalp. As I did, I frowned and said, "...Do all women think about names as soon as they get pregnant?"

"The fact that you do not is telling, dear husband."

I coughed. "W-Well..."

Rika laughed. After that, she finished her juice and set the glass on the side of the bath. Then she looked up at me and said, "Riru, meaning beautiful lapis lazuli. Kadi, meaning pure. And Usri meaning morning light." She smiled and said, "Those will be good names for our daughters, no?"

I nodded. "They're a bit strange, but I like them- Wait, daughters?"

Rika rolled her eyes. "After what you did, do you truly believe the world will not punish you with beautiful princesses?"

"...Fair. But what if we have sons?" I conjured a towel and started drying Rika's hair.

Rika shook her head. "I would wager my name that they are not. But in that case, it will be your responsibility, dear husband."


After drying Rika's hair, I lifted her from the bath and conjured a small bench with a towel across it.

I set her down and then carefully began drying her body with another towel.

Rika watched me and then said, "Did you do this for your other wives as well after you devoured them heart and soul?"

I wanted to argue that 'devour heart and soul' part... but I really couldn't with what I did.

So instead, I focused on the first part of her question. And as to that...

"I wanted to. But they were fine and took a bath by themselves afterwards."

Rika clicked her tongue. "Monsters. The lot of you. To think this Great Demon Empress would lose out to mere mortals..."

I laughed and continued wiping her down. "Well, you're a mere mortal now too, aren't you?"

Rika gave me a blank look.

I paused. "What?"

"You knew that and yet you treated me this harshly?" Rika pursed her lips and said, "Every fiber of Rika's poor body is aching, and Rika was already finished after the first night, but you kept coaxing me to continue after that?"

"...I'm sorry."

Rika sighed and leaned against me. "...It's fine. Better I sacrifice myself than you forcing yourself upon some poor maiden."

"Okay, we're snipping that in the bud." I frowned and said, "I am not about to get a reputation as a Demon Lord who goes around plucking young maidens due to his insatiable lust, alright? That's not me. I can definitely control myself. It's just..." I coughed and said, "...You were unexpectedly my type, okay? I'll do better next time."

Rika sighed. "Save your apologies. Treat your next wife better."

"...That sounds like you're asking for a divorce?"

Rika gave a serious nod and said, "If I could manage one without your other wives killing me for betrayal, I would. But alas..."

"...You are such a drama queen, Rika."

Rika laughed. "Well. It's fair compensation for the troubles you've put me through, dear husband. But in any case." She looked at me with a serious expression and said, "Unlike the rest of us, this will be Roxy's first time. Remember to be gentle, even if your primal lust gnaws at you to devour her whole."

"Wait. Roxy's a-" I paused, remembering a childhood memory that I had purposefully tried to forget.

One of Roxy sitting in front of a door and staring at a certain scene while I pretended to not see anything heading to the bathroom.

"You know what? That makes sense."

"...You do know that most women would never forgive you for speaking of them in such a way?"

I kissed Rika on the forehead and said, "And that's why my lovely Empress will keep that secret to herself, right?"

Rika rolled her eyes. "By the day, you take more and more advantage of me, Husband. How cruel."

I finished drying Rika down and then conjured a fluffy violet bathrobe to slip her in. As I dressed her, I said, "Well, considering how my beloved Empress possesses such cunning and ruinous beauty, I should keep her in check somehow, no?"

"That. Right there." Rika frowned and said, "That is the monster that would ruin women across the world. Keep it in check, dear husband."

"Of course." I nodded and said, "I'm not going to let history repeat itself."

Rika gave a serious nod. "Yes. It would be terrible if a Lust God Laplace was born..."


I ignored Rika's comment and helped her into the bathrobe.

After that, Rika stood up on shaky legs.

I frowned and said, "Are you sure you should be standing so soon?"

Rika waved her hand and said, "I am no invalid." She blushed and said, "B-Besides, if I lounge around I may lose myself and..." She looked at me, shifting her gaze down, and then she coughed.

I coughed as well and looked away.

Rika spun around and waved. "Leave me be and tend to your other duties, Husband. I will be fine on my own."

"...If you say so." I walked over to her and then grabbed her left hand, giving her a gentle kiss. "Then I'll be back later."

Rika looked at me and frowned.

I noticed and said, "What's wrong?"

Rika stared at my left hand and frowned. After that, she said, "I need to give you a ring as well."

I followed her gaze and saw that she was staring at my bare left ring finger.

For the record, during my weddings and intimate times with one of my wives, I put the rings of the others away.

That meant right now I wasn't wearing my ring from Eri or from Sylphy.

That'd be rude, after all.

I wasn't a harem protagonist of an anime or something who treated women like accessories. I genuinely cared about my wives and their feelings.

...Even if Rika would disagree because of the past few days.


Rika rubbed my left ring finger, examining it for a bit. And then she nodded and said, "I'll make a ring worthy of my beloved Emperor."

Hearing the change in title, I nodded and said, "Then I will await my dear Empress's gift."

Rika rolled her eyes and then began shoving me towards the door. "Just leave already and prepare for your last wedding, Husband."

I laughed and said, "Love you too, Rika."

"...Hmph. If marking me was enough to earn your love, I worry for the future."

I let out a nervous laugh and then said, "I'm off then."

"Just leave already."

I gave her one last kiss on the cheeks and then warped away.

Time to give those students of mine another pop quiz...


Rika stood there, alone in the room and slowly scanned it.

A luxurious and spacious room. Ornate decor, a fancy bath, bed...

It was a place fit for an Emperor and Empress.

But the moment Rudy left, it felt empty and gray.

Was it because she had clung to him for so long these past few days?

Even though he just left, Rika felt hollow on the inside. She raised her left hand and held it over her chest while fiddling with her wedding ring. Looking down at it, she muttered, "This isn't good."

A red spider lily. It was a flower that symbolized death and reincarnation, but also love and passion.

Rika didn't think it was intentional. Knowing Rudy, he probably just picked the design based off what he felt suited her the most.

Even so, there was a fitting message behind his choice.

Let 'Kishirika Kishirisu' die and be reborn. And then in return, accept this love and passion.

Rika sighed and went to clear the bath. Afterwards, she started walking around to clean the bedroom.

Sheets, curtains, even the mattress...

As she looked with her Demon Eyes, she saw marks of their 'passion.'

It wasn't visible to the average person, but to her, it was clear as day.

And seeing that made Rika embarrassed.

Pulling off the sheets, she blushed and said, "To think I would end up like this... How foolish."

Though she teased Rudy and tried to make him feel guilty, Rika knew the truth.

Although part of it was indeed due to Rudy's sweet words, Rika chose to indulge in them. Forgetting everything else and accepting everything he gave her...

Rika felt her face heat up and then tossed the sheets aside. "Argh! Begone, thoughts!"

She was no pure maiden in love. And she was no blushing virgin before she was married.

So why were her thoughts and emotions spinning around and around thinking about her husband and how-

A knock echoed on the door.

Rika paused and then turned to look. When she did, she froze.

Eri and Sylphy were standing there, as if they were waiting for the moment Rudy left.

Rika panicked, looking around the room.

It wasn't clean. There was even still a faint musk in the air. If those two walked in now-

"Sorry to intrude." Eri spoke up and said, "But we noticed that Rudy left and wanted to have a private chat with us wives."

Sylphy spoke up as well and said, "It's nothing bad, promise!"

"W-Wait a moment!" Rika threw the sheets aside and then started tracing magic formations in the air.

Come on. What did the formations for Purification looked like again...?!

But despite Rika's plea, the door opened.

Rika froze.

Eri walked in and then paused, taking a look around.

Sylphy walked in next, pausing as she stared at the sheets. And a few bloodstains on it.

Eri followed Sylphy's gaze and then coughed. "Uh. Wow."

Sylphy giggled and said, "You really had the full 'Lewd' experience, didn't you, Rika?"

Rika covered her face in her hands and let out a deep sigh.

Load failed, please RETRY


Rank -- 推薦 ランキング
Stone -- 推薦 チケット








レビューを書く 読み取りステータス: C191
  • テキストの品質
  • アップデートの安定性
  • ストーリー展開
  • キャラクターデザイン
  • 世界の背景

合計スコア 0.0

レビューが正常に投稿されました! レビューをもっと読む
Rank NO.-- パワーランキング
Stone -- 推薦チケット
error ヒント


